Poet's library. Urgently!!! people please!! analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “a difficult year - illness broke me” or “she suffered a heavy cross”

analysis of Nekrasov's poem "A difficult year - an illness broke me"
This poem is extremely dynamic: it is a nervous pulsation of feelings from one’s own grief and pity, caused by the tragic situation of the object of love (“tormented, embittered by the struggle,” “sufferer”), and, finally, to a desperate attempt to justify oneself (“It was not I who doomed your youth to life without happiness and freedom”, “I am not your destroyer”). This is precisely the paradoxical state of the soul, which is characteristic of the entire cycle.The experiences of the lyrical hero are completely adequate to the form of their expression. Of the 80 words that make up this poem, more than half indicate feelings and emotions (trouble, happiness, embittered, crazy, reproaches, tormented, etc.), as well as descriptions of emotional states (“you stand before me as a beautiful ghost with crazy eyes,” “fell shoulder-length hair, lips are burning, cheeks are flushed, and unbridled speech merges into terrible reproaches").The hero’s passionate confession is, in fact, a combination of several nervous cries that take the form of five rhetorical exclamations (“And even you did not spare /”, “Sufferer!”, “Wait!”, “I am a friend, not your destroyer! ", etc.) and two omissions (“Cruel, wrong...”, “But you don’t listen...”).

The poem ˝A heavy cross fell to her lot...˝ has “She suffered a heavy cross…” – the beginning of the poem. Here, in the first line, this is still just an abstract designation of hardships, a barely updated everyday phrase (“to bear the cross”). But it does not remain in this capacity, it finds a continuation, materializes before our eyes, directly evokes the image of a grave cross, receives, so to speak, support in visibility, developing in a gloomy refrain repeated in four consecutive stanzas: “My grave is near... My grave is close... The cold darkness of the grave... My grave is close...". The words of the last stanza: “Like a statue, beautiful and pale, She is silent...” - are located among the same associations. What began as an almost everyday colloquial expression ended in a sculptural image, a monument to her and her suffering. How deep in its intractability is the conflict of the heroes and the recognition of the rightness of each of them!

It's been a hard year - my illness has broken me,
Trouble overtook, happiness changed,
And neither enemy nor friend spares me,
And even you didn’t spare!
Tormented, embittered by the struggle,
With your blood enemies!
Sufferer! you're standing in front of me
A beautiful ghost with crazy eyes!
My hair fell to my shoulders,
The lips are burning, the cheeks are blushing,
And unbridled speech
Merges into terrible reproaches,
Cruel, wrong. Wait!
It was not I who doomed your youth
To a life without happiness and freedom,
I am a friend, I am not your destroyer!
But you don't listen. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1 Published according to Article 1879, vol. I, p. 240.
First published and included in collected works; Article 1861, part 1, p. 172–173, with the subtitle: “(From Larra).” With this subtitle it was reprinted in the 1st part of all subsequent lifetime editions of “Poems”. It was filmed only in St. 1879.
Belova's autograph with the subtitle: “(From L**)” - GBL (Hall, notebook No. 2, l. 44).

In Art 1879 it is dated: “1856”, with reference to the author’s indication. According to the content and position of the autograph in Zap. tetr. No. 2 must be dated to 1855 or 1856.
With the help of the subtitle, the poet wanted to hide the details of his personal life from the curiosity of strangers. Apparently, that’s why he didn’t publish the poem for a long time. It was inspired by a disagreement with A. Ya. Panaeva; Wed us. 341 present, volumes commentary on the poem “Farewell”.

the poem HARD YEAR - ILLNESS BROKE ME... there are no audio recordings yet...

Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “She suffered a heavy cross”

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Nikolai Nekrasov - A difficult year - my illness broke me

Tyazhely god - broke menya nedug,
Beda nastigla, schastye izmenilo,
I ne shchadit menya ni enemy, ni drug,
I dazhe ty ne poshchadila!
Isterzana, ozloblena borboy,
S svoimi krovnymi vragami!
Stradalitsa! stoish ty predo mnoy
Prekrasnym prizrakom s bezumnymi glazami!
Upali hair do shoulder,
Usta goryat, rumyantsem rdeyut shcheki,
I neobuzdannaya speech
Slivayetsya v uzhasnye upreki,
Zhestokiye, nepravye. Wait!
Ne ya obrek tvoi mladye gody
Na zhizn bez schastya i svobody,
Ya drug, ya ne destroyel tvoy!
No ty ne slushayesh.

Nz;tksq ujl - ckjvbk vtyz ytleu,
,tlf yfcnbukf, cxfcnmt bpvtybkj,
B yt oflbn vtyz yb dhfu, yb lheu,
B lf;t ns yt gjoflbkf!
Bcnthpfyf, jpkj,ktyf,jhm,jq,
C cdjbvb rhjdysvb dhfufvb!
Cnhflfkbwf! cnjbim ns ghtlj vyjq
Ghtrhfcysv ghbphfrjv c ,tpevysvb ukfpfvb!
Egfkb djkjcs lj gktx,
Ecnf ujhzn, hevzywtv hlt/n otrb,
B ytj,eplfyyfz htxm
Ckbdftncz d e;fcyst eghtrb,
;tcnjrbt, ytghfdst /// Gjcnjq!
Yt z j,htr ndjb vkflst ujls
Yf ;bpym ,tp cxfcnmz b cdj,jls,
Z lheu, z yt ue,bntkm ndjq!
Yj ns yt ckeiftim///

“She suffered a heavy cross…” N. Nekrasov

“She suffered a heavy cross…” Nikolai Nekrasov

She suffered a heavy cross:
Suffer, be silent, pretend and don’t cry;
Who has passion, youth, and will -
She gave everything - he became her executioner!

She hasn't met anyone for a long time;
Depressed, fearful and sad,
Crazy, sarcastic speeches
Must listen without complaint:

“Don’t say that youth ruined
You, tormented by my jealousy;
Don't talk. my grave is near,
And you are a fresh spring flower!

The day you fell in love with me
And she heard from me: I love -
Don't curse! my grave is near:
I will set everything right, I will atone for everything by death!

Don't say your days are sad
Don’t call a sick person a jailer:
Before me is the cold darkness of the grave,
Before you is the embrace of love!

I know: you fell in love with someone else,
You are tired of showing mercy and waiting...
Oh wait! my grave is near -
Let fate begin and finish. »

Horrible, murderous sounds.
Like a statue beautiful and pale,
She is silent, wringing her hands...
And what could she say to him?

Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “She suffered a heavy cross…”

Nikolai Nekrasov’s childhood and youth can hardly be called happy, since the future poet grew up in a family ruled by a cruel and willful father. He not only abused the serfs, but also terrorized his household. It was especially hard on the poet’s mother, Elena Andreevna, who passed away quite early. 14 years after her death, in 1855, Nikolai Nekrasov published a dedication poem “She suffered a heavy cross...”. In it, the author not only sympathizes with the mother, but also condemns his father, who actually deprived his son of his inheritance. Nekrasov notes that he “became her executioner,” although this educated and noble woman gave him “passion, youth, and will.”

The author can only guess about what Elena Andreevna was like before her marriage. However, he clearly remembers what she is like thanks to family life. The image of a timid, helpless and devoid of her own opinion woman who “must listen to crazy, caustic speeches without complaint” depresses the poet. Only now does he realize that his mother’s life was very much like hell, but he can no longer correct what happened. And in his youth, while the person closest and dearest to Nekrasov was alive, he did not dare to openly confront his father. Years later, the poet regrets this, although he understands that it is not for him to judge his parents, whose relationship was far from simple.

The poet's father was 13 years older than his mother and constantly reproached his wife for not loving him. Jealousy reached its climax by the time young Nekrasov already understood what was really happening. However, he saw that he had no right to interfere in the relationship between his parents, although he secretly did not understand why his mother endured bullying and did not fight back a person who was teetering on the brink of insanity. He remembered his mother as beautiful and pale, like a statue that “is silent, wringing its hands.” This woman bore all the reproaches with amazing dignity, although it was not difficult to guess what was going on in her soul. As a result, the head of the family, who reproached his wife for driving him to his grave, outlived Elena Andreevna by 21 years. And in this Nekrasov sees not the providence of the Almighty, but the cruelty and heartlessness of his father, who was known as a despot and tyrant.

It is no secret that his cruelty determined the subsequent worldview of the poet, who until the end of his life helped disadvantaged and humiliated people. It was they who became the main characters of his works, in which the author revealed the most serious vices of society. However, the image of the mother, which is present not only in many of Nekrasov’s poems, but also in his prose works, is shrouded not only in an aura of martyrdom, but is also filled with the inner light of humility before one’s fate, which is characteristic of the entire Russian people.

What new have we discovered for ourselves in Nekrasov’s poetry?

N. A. Nekrasov opened a new era in Russian poetry - this was already clear to his contemporaries. And he is primarily known for this: as a poet and citizen, who with all the strength of his talent spoke out against the oppression of man by man, against violence and evil.

But very little is known about the work of Nekrasov the lyricist. It turns out that the poet has feelings in the poem that are amazing in depth and strength. This is Nekrasov’s new world for me - his intimate lyrics. Most of these poems by Nekrasov were written from 1347 to 1855. These are poems of the so-called “Panaean cycle”. All of them are dedicated to one woman - Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, to whom Nekrasov was sincerely attached.

The poems in this cycle are a confession of a deeply loving heart, an inspired dialogue with a loved one. It has everything: an awakening feeling, tenderness for a beloved being: but the main thing is the unity of the feelings and thoughts of the poet and his beloved.

Nekrasov has something that many loving hearts lack - deep respect for the dignity of his chosen one, a willingness to defend her honor and his love. Maybe this is what makes his love so bright and harmonious.

But, unfortunately, life with everyday little things, with all its sorrows and contradictions, invades this bright world. The harmony of two hearts is broken - and this is reflected in Nekrasov’s poems:

...You and I are stupid people:

In just a minute, the flash is ready!

Relief for a troubled chest

An unreasonable, harsh word...

Even these four lines show how painfully the poet perceived the breakup with his beloved.

And if in earlier poems Nekrasov still hopes for the preservation of love, then in the last verses of this cycle the note of hope is no longer heard:

It's been a hard year - my illness has broken me,

Trouble struck, happiness changed, -

And neither enemy nor friend spares me,

And even you didn’t spare me!

“I am your friend, not your destroyer. But you don’t listen...” Melancholy and hopelessness are heard in these words. And there is nothing that can help a person in this trouble...

However, the theme of female fidelity, love that managed to overcome obstacles and distances, the theme of human courage continues to be heard in N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women” (1872). This is a story about Russian noblewomen who, of their own free will, lost everything: their position in the world, the affection of their acquaintances, the love of their relatives, even their children, in order to follow their Decembrist husbands, exiled to Siberia, to be their moral support in hard labor and in link. They were called “Decembrists” and always with a shade of respect for their feat...

The personal in Nekrasov’s lyrics is inseparable from the public. Perhaps this is a consequence of the poet’s deep emotional experiences, perhaps this is how his political views were reflected. But still, this is precisely what makes Nekrasov’s “poetry of the heart” so irresistibly attractive. And, having read at least one of his lyrical works, you already see before you not the “exemplary” leader of Russian democrats, but a man with all the suffering and joys inherent only to the human soul.

And the famous Nekrasov’s is perceived in a completely different way:

Go into the fire for the honor of your fatherland,

For beliefs, for love...

And the sadness, inspired by the hopelessness of the poet’s last poems, disappears somewhere... And I want to believe in all the best, the brightest...

Listen to Nekrasov’s poem “Hard Year”

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