Biography of Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev.  Kursk Regional Scientific Library named after


Nikolai Aseev was born on June 28 (July 10), 1889 in Lgov, Kursk province. The son of an insurance agent (according to other sources, an agronomist). He graduated from the Kursk Real School (1907), studied at the Moscow Commercial Institute (1908−1910), and was a volunteer student at Moscow University (faculty of history and philology). Since 1908, he regularly published in the magazines “Spring”, “Testaments”, “Protalinka”, the almanac “Primrose” and other publications; For some time he worked as a secretary at the Russian Archive magazine.

He began as a symbolist, in Moscow he became close to V. Ya. Bryusov, Vyach. I. Ivanov, and the writer, critic, translator and artist S. P. Bobrov; in 1913 he joined the literary group “Lyrics”, which he organized, becoming one of the founders of the publishing house of the same name, from which in 1914 a group of poets with a distinctly futuristic orientation “Centrifuge” emerged (Aseev, Bobrov, B.L. Pasternak). In the same year, in Kharkov, Aseev was one of the organizers of the literary group “Liren”, which proclaimed the national-archaic tradition of Russian futurism of the “Khlebnikov” type, with its passion for primitivism and word creation. He became close to V.V. Khlebnikov, D.D. Burliuk and especially V.V. Mayakovsky (for some time the poets lived in the same apartment). After conscription (1915) for military service and work in the Far East, on Aseev’s initiative, the literary and artistic society “Balaganchik” was created in Vladivostok, which became the basis of the futuristic group “Creativity” that emerged in 1920, which included, among others, Burliuk and S. M. Tretyakov. From 1922 he lived permanently in Moscow; in 1923 he joined LEF.

Symbolist sophistication and futuristic shockingness (the first book Night Flute, 1914), interest in Russian folk speech (collection Zor, 1914), which grew into the cult of sound writing (the book Letorey, 1915, together with G. Petnikov; later assessed by Aseev himself as “pointless innovation"), the decisive influence - in poetics and anti-bourgeois worldview - of Mayakovsky, who highly valued Aseev ("This one can, he has my grip" - in the poem Yubileiny) and co-wrote many propaganda poems with him, manifested themselves in Aseev's collections Oy konidan okein (I love your eyes), 1915; Oksana, 1916; the severity of social problems, the enthusiastic optimism of revolutionary romantic hopes and the tragedy of their failure to meet the expected - in the collections Bomba, 1921 (the circulation published in Vladivostok was almost completely destroyed), Steel Nightingale, 1922; Council of the Winds, 1923; Frost, 1927, including the famous poem The Blue Hussars; Let's start singing!, 1930; Flame of Victory, 1946; Raznoletye, 1950; Thoughts, 1955; Lad, 1961, Lenin Prize, 1962; My very poems, 1962, - together created an impressively bright, stylistically diverse world of Aseev’s lyrics, organically combining civic pathos and intimate intimacy, innovative audacity and fidelity to traditions, “industrialized” neologisms and vernacular - and, in the main vector of its development, the ongoing from complicated imagery to the transparent clarity of verse (which was also reflected in the poems of Aseev Budyonny, 1923; Lyrical digression, Electriad, Twenty-six, dedicated to the executed Baku commissars, all 1924; Sverdlovsk storm, 1925; Semyon Proskakov, 1928; Mayakovsky begins, 1936−1939 , department ed. 1970, USSR State Prize, 1941; additional chapters - 1950).

An interestingly passionate conversation about the fate of the poet in the revolution was continued by Aseev in articles about literature (the books A Poet's Diary, Work on a Verse, both 1929; The Poet's Prose, 1930; Why and Who Needs Poetry, 1961), in memoirs and travel notes (The Unmade Beauty, 1928 ). Aseev is also the author of poems for children, translations, articles on the history of Russian verse, etc.

Nikolai Aseev was born in Lgov, Kursk province on June 28, 1889. He was the son of an insurance agent. In 1907 he graduated from the Kursk School, from 1908 to 1910 he studied at the Moscow Commercial Institute and at Moscow University at the Faculty of History and Philology. Since 1908 he begins to regularly publish his works; works as a secretary for some period of time.

He began his creative career as a symbolist, became friends with V.Ya. Bryusov, V.I. Ivanov, S.P. Bobrov.

In 1913 he created the literary group “Lyrics”, together with Bobrov and Pasternak he was the organizer of the publishing house, from which in 1914 the group of writers “Centrifuge” was born, professing futurism. In 1914, Aseev organized the literary group “Liren” in Kharkov. Was friends with V.V. Khlebnikov, D.D. Burlyukomi. For some period of time, Aseev lived with V.V. Mayakovsky in the same apartment.

In 1915 he was drafted into the army, and during the war he ended up in the Far East. He founded the literary society “Balaganchik” in Vladivostok, which, in fact, became the foundation for the “Creativity” group, which Aseev organized with Tretyakov in 1920. Since 1922, Aseev has lived in Moscow; and in 1923 he joined the Left Front of the Arts.

Aseev's first book - "Night Flute" - 1914 - is a symbol of sophistication and shockingness, in the collection "Zor" - 1914 - interest in Russian speech is clearly expressed, and in the book "Letorey" - 1915, it generally turns into cult of sound recording. Creative friendship with Mayakovsky completely shaped Nikolai Aseev’s talent. The revolutionary motive intensifies in his work. Together with Mayakovsky, many propaganda poems were written, which appeared in Aseev’s collections “I Love Your Eyes” - 1915, “Oksana” - 1916; The collection "Bomb" - 1921, in which the severity of the social problem is clearly expressed, the entire circulation was burned by the interventionists. The poems “Budyonny” - 1923 are imbued with revolutionary pathos; “Lyrical Digression”, “Twenty Six” - which Aseev dedicated to the executed Baku commissars - 1924. Aseev also wrote for children, did translations and articles.

Aseev Vladimir Grigorievich – Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School.

Born November 17, 1931 in. In 1950 he graduated from high school, and in 1955 from Irkutsk State University with a degree in Logic and Psychology, receiving the qualification “Secondary school teacher, teacher of logic, psychology, Russian language and literature.” In 1955–1957 worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Tulun College of Agricultural Mechanization.

In 1957, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (Moscow), where he studied and carried out scientific work under the guidance of Professor D.A. Oshanin is a specialist in the field of labor psychology and engineering psychology. After postgraduate studies in 1960, Vladimir Grigorievich returned to Irkutsk and went to work at the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute (now the East Siberian State Academy of Education). Here he worked his way up from assistant at the department of pedagogy to vice-rector for scientific work.

In 1963 V.G. Aseev defended his candidate's dissertation and, in 1974, his doctoral dissertation. In 1970, he created the Department of Psychology, opened a graduate school, and also organized the East Siberian branch of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR (now the Irkutsk branch of the Russian Psychological Society). In 1975 he was awarded the title of professor. With his direct participation, the Faculty of Psychology was created, which he headed for the first time, serving as the dean of the faculty.

V.G. Aseev initiated a visiting session of the Central Council of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR in 1979 at the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute. Many leading domestic psychologists took part in the session: B.F. Lomov, A.A. Bodalev, E.V. Shorokhova, Yu.M. Zabrodin, A.A. Krylov and others. This event led to a significant intensification of psychological research and the development of psychological education in Eastern Siberia.

Based on the results of his research, Vladimir Grigorievich repeatedly spoke at various conferences and seminars, at all-Union and all-Russian congresses of the Society of Psychologists. In 1980, at the XXII International Congress of Psychology (Leipzig, GDR), he presented a summary report on the results of his many years of scientific activity. He published about 100 scientific papers, and the monograph “Overcoming the monotony of work in industry” (1974) became the basis of a new scientific direction in the field of labor psychology. Based on the scientific direction being developed by V.G. Aseev created his own scientific school. His graduate students and students defended 8 doctoral and about 40 candidate dissertations.

On his initiative, the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia opened in 1994 at the Irkutsk Pedagogical University the first specialized Council in Siberia and the Far East for the defense of candidate dissertations in pedagogical and psychological scientific specialties. In 2002, this council was transformed into a doctoral council. Permanently fulfilling the duties of the chairman of the dissertation council, V.G. Aseev makes a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel for the regions of Siberia and the Far East. He is an honorary professor at Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, an honorary member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences.

For successful and multifaceted scientific, scientific-methodological and pedagogical work V.G. Aseev was repeatedly awarded certificates of honor from the Pedagogical University, the Irkutsk Regional Executive Committee, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, and was awarded a Certificate of Honor and the Prize of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region. In 1981, the Ministry of Education of the USSR awarded him the honorary badge “Excellence in Higher Education of the USSR.”

PSYCHOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2015, volume 36, no. 3, p. 141-142


On September 30, 2014, at the age of 76, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Vladimir Georgievich Aseev, a famous domestic psychologist, specialist in the field of studying the motivation of individual behavior, died. His scientific destiny is most closely connected with the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

V.G. Aseev was born on December 28, 1938 in the town of Lyubertsy near Moscow in the family of a railway engineer. His father died early, when Volodya was not yet two years old. Accustomed to work since childhood, he showed great ability to study. In 1956 V.G. Aseev entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, graduated from it in 1961 with a degree in psychology and was retained at the Department of Psychology of the faculty as a senior laboratory assistant.

In 1962, Vladimir Georgievich began working at the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, first as a senior scientific and technical employee, and from 1965 as a junior researcher in the Sector of Philosophical Problems of Psychology. With the staff of this Sector, led at that time by E.V. Shorokhova, he moved in 1972 to the newly formed Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now IP RAS). Since 1995 V.G. Aseev, continuing to collaborate with the IP RAS, also began working at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 1971 V.G. Aseev became a candidate of philosophical sciences, and in 1995 - a doctor of psychological sciences. Full member of the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences; awarded the Silver Medal of VDNKh, the medal named after. B.G. Ananyev, medal "Veteran of Labor".

In 1976, the Mysl publishing house published his monograph, “Motivation of Behavior and Personality Formation,” and in 1993, the Publishing House of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences published a monograph, “Personality and the Significance of Motives.” V.G. Aseev proposed the idea of ​​a zonal structure of personal motivation, developed a model of theoretically possible zones positively and

negatively significant events in the probabilistic aspect and the provision on the dynamics of changes in probabilistic zones depending on changes in the significance of events. His books and numerous scientific articles reveal the principle of unity and relative independence of the dynamic and substantive sides of motivation. V.G. Aseev described the motivational mechanisms of the chosen behavior strategy, including the construction of behavior in time - in the unity of the past, present and future. His creative heritage also includes works devoted to the problems of sports psychology and motivational regulation of morally significant behavior.

Vladimir Georgievich successfully combined scientific work with scientific and pedagogical activities. He trained dozens of students, including candidates and doctors of science. In 2005, he was confirmed with the rank of professor.

Recent years V.G. Aseev was a professor at the Department of Acmeology and Psychology of Professional Activities at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, as well as a chief researcher at the IP RAS. Grateful memory


colleagues is also associated with his performance as scientific secretary of the dissertation council on psychological and pedagogical sciences at the Academy of Civil Service. He was a member of the dissertation councils of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Vladimir Georgievich was distinguished by high professionalism, hard work and responsibility

combined with such a rare quality as modesty. His place and roles in science have yet to be assessed by his colleagues and students.

The editorial board and editors of the "Psychological Journal" express condolences to the family and friends of Vladimir Georgievich. Eternal memory to him.

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  3. Abulkhanova K.A., Aseev V.G., Bodalev A.A., Semenov I.N. General and applied acmeology. – M.: RAGS, 2001. – Part 2. – 279 p.
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  19. Development of social-perceptual competence of the individual / K.A. Abulkhanova, V.G. Aseev, I.N. Semenov et al. - M.: RAGS, 1998. - 248 p.
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