Biography of Hertz. Great German Scientists

(German: Heinrich Rudolf Hertz) - German physicist, one of the founders of electrodynamics. He experimentally proved the existence of electromagnetic waves and established the identity of the basic properties of electromagnetic and light waves. Gave Maxwell's equations a symmetrical form. Discovered the external photoelectric effect. He built a mechanics free from the concept of force. Hertz's experiments played a significant role in the development of modern electrodynamics.

Hertz confirmed the conclusions of Maxwell's theory that the speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves in the air is equal to the speed of light, and established the identity of the basic properties of electromagnetic and light waves. Hertz also studied the propagation of magnetic waves in a conductor and indicated a method for measuring the speed of their propagation.

Hertz's work on electrodynamics played a huge role in the development of science and technology. His works led to the emergence of wireless telegraphy, radio and television.

In 1888, Heinrich Hertz carried out experiments on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, which provided experimental confirmation of the electromagnetic theory of light created by Faraday and Maxwell. According to this theory, electromagnetic waves are essentially completely homogeneous to light rays; they obey the same laws of reflection, refraction, etc., as light waves, and differ from the latter only in their length (or the number of vibrations per second). Hertz's experiments were the seed from which the wireless telegraph subsequently grew.

There are not many discoveries in the history of science that we come into contact with every day. But without what Heinrich Hertz did, it is no longer possible to imagine modern life, since radio and television are a necessary part of our life, and he made a discovery precisely in this area.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was born on February 22, 1857 in the family of a lawyer. The boy was weak and sickly, but he successfully overcame the unusually difficult first years of his life, and, to the joy of his parents, he straightened out, became healthy and cheerful.

Everyone believed that he would follow in his father's footsteps. And indeed, Heinrich entered the Hamburg Real School and was going to study jurisprudence. However, after physics classes began at their school, his interests changed dramatically.

Fortunately, the parents did not stop the boy from looking for his calling and allowed him to go to the gymnasium, after graduating from which he received the right to enter the university. Having received a matriculation certificate. Hertz went to Dresden in 1875 and entered a higher technical school. At first he liked it there, but gradually the young man realized that a career as an engineer was not for him.

On November 1, 1877, he sent a letter to his parents, which included the following words: “I used to often tell myself that being a mediocre engineer was preferable to me than being a mediocre scientist. And now I think that Schiller is right when he said: “Whoever is cowardly to risk his life is will not succeed in it." And this excessive caution on my part would be madness on my part."

Therefore, Hertz left the school and went to Munich, where he was accepted immediately into the second year of the university. The years spent in Munich showed that university knowledge is not enough; for independent scientific studies, it was necessary to find a scientist who would agree to become his scientific supervisor. That is why, after graduating from university, Hertz went to Berlin, where he got a job as an assistant in the laboratory of the greatest German physicist of that time, Hermann Helmholtz.

Helmholtz soon noticed the talented young man, and a good relationship was established between them, which later turned into close friendship and at the same time into scientific cooperation. Under the guidance of Helmholtz, Hertz defended his dissertation and became a recognized expert in his field.

The aspiring scientist was completely engrossed in his work on the doctoral dissertation required for university graduates, which he wanted to complete as soon as possible. On February 5, 1880, Heinrich Hertz was crowned with the degree of Doctor of Science with a rare predicate in the history of the University of Berlin, and even among such strict professors as Kirchhoff and Helmholtz - with honors. His diploma work “On induction in a rotating ball” was theoretical, and he continued to engage in theoretical research at the physics institute at the university.

On the recommendation of his teacher, Hertz received an assistant professor position in Kiel in 1883, and six years later became a professor of physics at the Technical High School in Karlsruhe. Here Hertz had his own experimental laboratory, which provided him with creative freedom, the opportunity to do what he felt interested in and recognized for.

Hertz realized that more than anything in the world he was interested in electricity, fast electrical oscillations, which he worked on studying during his student years. It was in Karlsruhe that the most fruitful period of his scientific activity began, which, unfortunately, did not last long.

By the beginning of Hertz's research, electrical vibrations had been studied both theoretically and experimentally. Hertz, with his keen attention to this issue, found in the physics room a pair of induction coils intended for lecture demonstrations. “I was amazed,” he wrote, “that to obtain sparks in one winding there was no need to discharge large batteries through another and, moreover, that small Leyden jars and even discharges from a small induction apparatus were sufficient for this, if only the discharge penetrated the spark gap.” . While experimenting with these coils, Hertz came up with the idea for his first experiment.

Hertz designed a generator and receiver of electrical oscillations by studying the inductive effect of the oscillating circuit of the generator on the oscillating circuit of the receiver at a maximum distance between them of three meters.

The scientist continued research in the wave zone of his vibrator, the field of which he later calculated theoretically. In a number of subsequent works, he irrefutably proved the existence of electromagnetic waves propagating at a finite speed. “The results of the experiments I carried out on fast electrical oscillations,” Hertz wrote in his eighth article in 1888, “showed me that Maxwell’s theory has an advantage over all other theories of electrodynamics.”

Thus. In the process of his research, Hertz finally and unconditionally switched to Maxwell’s point of view, gave a convenient form to his equations, and supplemented Maxwell’s theory with the theory of electromagnetic radiation. Hertz experimentally obtained the electromagnetic waves predicted by Maxwell's theory and showed their identity with the waves of light.

In 1889, at the 62nd Congress of German Naturalists and Doctors, Hertz read a report “On the relationship between light and electricity.” Here he sums up his experiments in the following words: “All these experiments are very simple in principle, but, nevertheless, they entail the most important consequences. They destroy any theory that believes that electrical forces jump over space instantly. They mean brilliant victory of Maxwell’s theory... How unlikely her view of the essence of light previously seemed, it is now so difficult not to share this view.” Hertz's experiments caused a huge resonance. The experiments described in the work “On the Rays of Electric Force” attracted particular attention.

In the last years of his life, Hertz moved to Bonn, where he also headed the department of physics at the local university. There he made another major discovery. In his work “On the influence of ultraviolet light on electric discharge,” submitted to the “Proceedings of the Berlin Academy of Sciences” on June 9, 1887, Hertz describes an important phenomenon that he discovered and was later called the photoelectric effect.

Heinrich Hertz did not have time to study this phenomenon in detail, since he died suddenly on January 1, 1894. Until the last days of his life, the scientist worked on the book “Principles of Mechanics Set forth in a New Connection.” In it, he sought to comprehend his own discoveries and outline further ways to study electrical phenomena.

After the untimely death of the scientist, this work was completed and prepared for publication by Hermann Helmholtz. In the preface to the book, he called Hertz the most talented of his students and predicted that his discoveries would determine the development of science for many decades to come.

As SI unit Hertz (Hz) was established in his honor by the International Electrotechnical Commission in 1930 for a frequency corresponding to one oscillation period per second.

Heinrich Hertz Medal(German: Heinrich Hertz IEEE) was established in 1987 “for outstanding achievements in the field of theory or experiment obtained using any waves” and is awarded annually. A crater located on the far side of the Moon was named after Hertz.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz(German Heinrich Rudolf Hertz; February 22, 1857, Hamburg - January 1, 1894, Bonn) - German physicist. He graduated from the University of Berlin, where his teachers were Hermann von Helmholtz and Gustav Kirchhoff. From 1885 to 1889 he was professor of physics at the University of Karlsruhe. Since 1889 - professor of physics at the University of Bonn.

The main achievement is the experimental confirmation of James Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light. Hertz proved the existence of electromagnetic waves. He studied in detail the reflection, interference, diffraction and polarization of electromagnetic waves, proved that the speed of their propagation coincides with the speed of propagation of light, and that light is nothing more than a type of electromagnetic waves. He constructed the electrodynamics of moving bodies based on the hypothesis that the ether is carried away by moving bodies. However, his theory of electrodynamics was not confirmed by experiments and later gave way to the electronic theory of Hendrik Lorentz. The results obtained by Hertz formed the basis for the creation of radio.

In 1886-87, Hertz first observed and described the external photoelectric effect. Hertz developed the theory of a resonant circuit, studied the properties of cathode rays, and investigated the effect of ultraviolet rays on electric discharge. In a number of works on mechanics, he gave the theory of impact of elastic balls, calculated the time of impact, etc. In the book “Principles of Mechanics” (1894), he deduced the general theorems of mechanics and its mathematical apparatus, based on a single principle (Hertz’s principle).

Since 1933, the frequency unit hertz, which is included in the international metric system of units SI, has been named after Hertz.

Early years

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was born on February 22, 1857 in Hamburg. His father, lawyer and in 1887-1904 senator Gustav Ferdinand Hertz (1827-1914), was born David Gustav Hertz into a very wealthy Jewish family, he was a prosperous merchant and member of the Hamburg city council in 1860-1862; his mother, Betty Augusta Oppenheim (1802-1872), was the daughter of a major banker Solomon Oppenheim (1772-1828) from Cologne, founder of the current bank Sal. Oppenheim. Both the grandfather and father of Heinrich Hertz accepted Lutheranism.

Heinrich Hertz's mother, née Anna Elisabeth Pfefferkorn (1835-1910), was the daughter of an army doctor from Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Pfefferkorn (1793-1850) and Susanna Hadreuther (1797-1872). Henry had three younger brothers and a sister.

While studying at the gymnasium at the University of Hamburg, Heinrich Hertz showed aptitude for science, as well as languages, having studied Arabic and Sanskrit. He studied science and technology in Dresden, Munich and Berlin, where he was a student of Kirchhoff and Helmholtz. In 1880, Hertz received his PhD from the University of Berlin, and remained for postdoctoral training under Helmholtz. In 1883, he became a lecturer in theoretical physics at the University of Kiel, and in 1885, Hertz became a full professor at the University of Karlsruhe, where he made his scientific discovery about the existence of electromagnetic waves.


Hertz always had a deep interest in meteorology, probably acquired as a result of his contacts with Wilhelm von Betzold (he was Hertz's laboratory professor at the Munich Polytechnic in the summer of 1878). Hertz, however, made little contribution to the field, with the exception of some early papers as Helmholtz's assistant in Berlin. This includes the study of the evaporation of liquids, the development of a new type of hygrometer, as well as the development of graphical tools for determining the properties of moist air subjected to adiabatic changes

Mechanics of contact interaction

In 1881-1882, Hertz published two articles on the subject, which later became known as the mechanics of contact interaction. Although Hertz is famous for his contributions to electrodynamics, these two papers also did not go unnoticed. They have become the source of important ideas, and most papers that discuss the fundamental nature of contact refer to them. Joseph Boussinesq made several important criticisms of Hertz's work, while recognizing its great importance.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894) - German physicist, one of the founders of electrodynamics. He experimentally proved (1886-89) the existence of electromagnetic waves (using a Hertz vibrator) and established the identity of the basic properties of electromagnetic and light waves. Gave James Maxwell's equations a symmetrical form. Discovered the external photoelectric effect (1887). He built a mechanics free from the concept of force.

Hertzian oscillations when choosing a path

Heinrich Hertz was born on February 22, 1857 in Hamburg, the son of a lawyer who later became a senator of the city of Hamburg. The boy was born weak, so there were even, fortunately, unfounded fears for his life. He grew up obedient, diligent and inquisitive, he had an excellent memory, which, in particular, allowed him to easily learn foreign languages ​​(including even Arabic). Henry's favorite authors were Homer and A. Dante. And one more thing: from his numerous letters to his parents it is clear what kind of spiritual closeness connected him with them.

In addition to the secondary school, young Henry also attended the school of arts and crafts on Sundays. There they studied drawing, as well as carpentry and plumbing. When Heinrich Hertz had already become a famous scientist, his former turning teacher said: “It’s a pity, he would have made an excellent turner.” All this was later very useful to Hertz when he created his experimental setups. His first attempts to construct physical devices date back to his school years.

It was clear from everything that the boy was drawn to science. But it seemed to him that it required some exceptional data from a person, and he doubted that he had sufficient abilities for scientific work. Therefore, having received a matriculation certificate, Hertz, who was also attracted by technology, decided to choose the path of an engineer. Having first gone to Dresden and then to Munich, he entered the polytechnic school there, after graduating from which he even took part in the construction of a bridge.

But this choice was not final. The craving for science became stronger and stronger and conquered all hesitations. In November 1877, Heinrich Hertz wrote to his parents: “I used to often tell myself that being a mediocre engineer was preferable to me than a mediocre scientist. But now I think that Schiller is right when he said: “whoever is afraid to risk his life will not know success in it,” and that excessive caution would be madness on my part.” His parents understood and supported his decision, and in the spring of 1878 Heinrich came to Berlin and entered the university there.

In Berlin

In Berlin, Heinrich Hertz met with a remarkable scientist and person, an outstanding naturalist of the time, the scientist Hermann Helmholtz.

Helmholtz, under whose leadership Hertz began working at the workshop, later recalled: “Even from acquaintance with his elementary works, I was convinced that I was dealing with a person gifted with truly outstanding abilities. At the end of the summer, I had to propose a topic for a research paper to students. I settled on the field of electrodynamics, since I was sure that Hertz would be interested in this topic, and his work would be fruitful. Reality justified my assumption.” Later, Helmholtz even called Hertz “the favorite of the gods.”

At that time, a clear understanding of the physical nature of electric and magnetic fields had not yet been formed. There was a widespread opinion that there were certain “fluids” associated with them, which, like all known media, possessed mass, and, therefore, inertia. If an electric current either arises or ceases in a conductor, this inertia would be detected, and Hertz aimed to investigate this experimentally.

Now that we know that the electric current in conductors is due to the drift of electrons, it becomes clear that the experiments of Heinrich Hertz could not detect the desired effect of inertia. Despite the fact that the results of the experiments were, in fact, negative, the work was appreciated very highly and was awarded a university prize in 1879. Soon a new series of experiments began, which can be considered a continuation of the previous ones - but only now an attempt was made to detect “electrical inertia” in rotating conducting balls.

This work (surprisingly, it was carried out with such intensity that it took only about two months!) also received high praise, and on February 5, 1889, 23-year-old Hertz defended his doctoral dissertation on its basis (“with honors,” as it was specially noted). The dissertation was largely theoretical - the author demonstrated brilliant mastery of the mathematical apparatus. Heinrich Hertz was not only a brilliant experimenter, but also a theorist and mathematician of the highest class. Therefore, it is not very surprising that he switched to a new topic - the theory of elasticity. If we are surprised, then perhaps it is only because the excellent technical equipment of the laboratories at the University of Berlin, which initially delighted Hertz so much, was almost not used by him. Perhaps this was due to overwork and some dissatisfaction with the work, which was devoted to the study of residual electric polarization in liquid dielectrics, as well as discharges in gases. For the latter, Hertz worked for almost two months to create an electric battery of 1000 elements, which, after working for a very short time, failed.

Soon, in the same 1882, he unexpectedly, as it might seem, switched to solving problems in the field of elasticity theory. Among them is the deflection of an elastic plate loaded in various ways (this problem may have interested Hertz when he observed the ice drift). The technical working conditions in Kiel were significantly worse than in Berlin, but here he was offered the position of privatdozent.

Three years later, at the beginning of 1885, Heinrich Hertz became a professor at the Technical High School in Karlsruhe. Six months after moving there, he married Elizabeth Doll, and perhaps this was one of the important reasons for the end of the depression period.

Maxwell's theory and Hertz's experiments.

The year 1873 occupies a special, exceptional place in the history of physics. This year, Maxwell's brilliant Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism appeared. Then only a few realized that a new era had arrived in the science of electricity and magnetism, and, probably, in all of physics.

The formation of modern classical electrodynamics, which began with the works of Michael Faraday, about whom Maxwell said: “Faraday saw with his mind's eye the lines of force permeating all space, was completed. Where mathematicians saw centers of tension of long-range forces, Faraday saw an intermediate agent. Where they saw nothing but distance, content with finding the law of distribution of forces acting on electrical fluids, Faraday sought the essence of real phenomena occurring in the medium.”

These words are the core of what distinguishes the concept of short-range action, i.e., interaction through a field, from the previously dominant (in the spirit of the tradition laid down by Newton's law of universal gravitation) ideas about long-range action - instantaneous direct action at a distance.

Maxwell wrote that he only gave Faraday's ideas a mathematical form. In reality, of course, Maxwell's contribution was much more significant, but this was not immediately appreciated. And one of the important points was the question of electromagnetic waves.

From Maxwell's theory it followed that the electromagnetic field propagates at a finite speed. This in itself led to the conclusion that it could “break away” from the sources generating it - charges and currents, i.e., radiate, scatter in the form of waves. It is remarkable that back in 1832 Faraday transmitted a sealed letter to the Royal Society of London, read only 100 years later, in which the following words were written: “I have come to the conclusion that the propagation of magnetic interaction requires time, which, obviously, will be very insignificant. I also believe that electrical induction travels in the same way. I believe that the propagation of magnetic forces from the magnetic pole is similar to vibrations on a disturbed water surface...”

Maxwell had a brilliant guess that light also has an electromagnetic nature, that this is a special case of electromagnetic waves. And in 1886-88 Heinrich Hertz carried out his experiments that proved the reality of electromagnetic waves.

The equipment that Hertz used may now seem more than simple, but the results he obtained are all the more remarkable. His sources of electromagnetic radiation were sparks in spark gaps. Electromagnetic waves from the spark gaps caused spark discharges between the balls in “receivers” located several meters away in circuits tuned to resonance. Hertz managed not only to detect waves, including standing ones, but also to study the speed of their propagation, reflection, refraction and even polarization. All this was very reminiscent of optics, with the only (very significant!) difference being that the wavelengths were almost a billion times greater.

Hertz's experiments played a significant role in the development of modern electrodynamics. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “There is nothing more practical than a good theory!” It would be unnecessary to repeat today, when electromagnetic waves literally permeate everything, that Hertz’s works had a colossal influence on the entire life of mankind, but these works received high marks from his contemporaries. In 1889, the Italian Society of Sciences in Naples awarded him the Matteuci Medal, the Paris Academy of Sciences the Lacaze Prize, and the Imperial Academy of Vienna the Baumgartner Prize. A year later, the Royal Society of London awarded Heinrich Hertz the Rumford Medal, and in 1861 the Royal Academy in Turin awarded the Bress Prize.

The Prussian government awarded him the Order of the Crown; the Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Rome, Göttingen and other academies elected him as their corresponding member. The unit of frequency is named in his honor - Hertz.

Heinrich Hertz confirmed the conclusions of Maxwell's theory that the speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves in the air is equal to the speed of light, and established the identity of the basic properties of electromagnetic and light waves. Hertz also studied the propagation of magnetic waves in a conductor and indicated a method for measuring the speed of their propagation.

The memory of Heinrich Hertz remains not only as a great experimenter, but also as a profound theoretician. In development of Maxwell's theory, Hertz gave the equations of electrodynamics a symmetrical form, which shows the relationship between electrical and magnetic phenomena. Hertz's work on electrodynamics played a huge role in the development of science and technology. His works led to the emergence of wireless telegraphy, radio and television.

The last years of Hertz's life

In 1886-87, Heinrich Hertz first observed and described the external photoelectric effect. The scientist developed the theory of a resonator circuit, studied the properties of cathode rays, and investigated the effect of ultraviolet rays on electric discharge. The last four years of his life were devoted to an experiment with gas discharge and work on the book "Principles of Mechanics Expounded in a New Connection", which sets out an original approach to this science. Here Hertz deduced the general theorems of mechanics and its mathematical apparatus, based on a single principle (Hertz’s principle or the principle of least curvature, one of the variational principles of mechanics).

Heinrich Hertz died on January 1, 1894 in Bonn, having lived only 37 years. His death from general blood poisoning was a heavy blow not only for his parents, wife and two daughters, but also for all his colleagues and students and for all of physics.

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Heinrich Hertz a brief biography of the German physicist, the founder of electrodynamics, is presented in this article.

Heinrich Hertz short biography

Heinrich was born on February 22, 1857 into a Jewish family of a lawyer who later became a senator. The guy studied well, loved all subjects and wrote poetry.

In 1875 he graduated from high school and entered the Dresden and then the Munich Technical High School. But having decided to follow the path of exact sciences, he enters the University of Berlin. In this educational institution, he spent days and nights in physics laboratories. After the summer holidays, he returned to the university in 1879 and worked on the work “On induction in rotating bodies,” which was his doctoral dissertation. Hertz completed the research fairly quickly, despite the fact that the work was expected to last at least three months. Having successfully defended his thesis, he received his doctorate.

Hertz headed the department of theoretical physics in Kiel from 1883 to 1885. Since there was no laboratory here, he dealt with theoretical issues. The scientist corrected the Neumann electrodynamics equation system.

In 1885, Heinrich Hertz received an invitation from the technical school in Karlsruhe. Having accepted it, he conducts famous experiments here, studying the propagation of electrical force. In the physics classroom, having discovered several induction coils, he conducted lecture demonstrations with them. It was then that Hertz discovered that fast electrical oscillations could be obtained using coils. As a result, he created a high-frequency generator - a source of high-frequency oscillations and a resistor that received these oscillations.

Continuing to conduct numerous experiments, Heinrich comes to the conclusion that there are electromagnetic waves that propagate at a finite speed. Research in this area is outlined in his work “On the Rays of Electric Force” in 1888. Thus, he was the first to discover electromagnetic waves.

He loved all subjects, loved to write poetry and work on a lathe. Unfortunately, Hertz was hampered by poor health throughout his life.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894) was born on February 22 in Hamburg, in the family of a lawyer who later became a senator. Hertz studied well and was an unsurpassed student in intelligence. He loved all subjects, loved to write poetry and work on a lathe. Unfortunately, all his life Hertz was hampered by a weak


In 1875, after graduating from high school, Hertz entered the Dresden and then the Munich Higher Technical School. Things went on as long as subjects of a general nature were studied. But as soon as specialization began, Hertz changed his mind. He no longer wants to be a narrow specialist

m, he is eager for scientific work and enters the University of Berlin. Hertz was lucky: Helmholtz turned out to be his immediate mentor. Although the famous physicist was an adherent of the theory of long-range action, as a true scientist he unconditionally recognized that the ideas of Faraday - Maxwell about short-range action and fi

ical field give excellent agreement with experiment.

Once at the University of Berlin, Hertz was eager to study in physics laboratories. But only those students who were engaged in solving competitive problems were allowed to work in laboratories. Helmholtz proposed the problem to Hertz

from the field of electrodynamics: does current have kinetic energy? Helmholtz wanted to direct Hertz's forces to the field of electrodynamics, considering it the most confusing.

Hertz sets about solving the task, which is expected to take 9 months. He makes the instruments himself and debugs them. When working

The first problem immediately revealed the characteristics of a researcher inherent in Hertz: perseverance, rare diligence and the art of an experimenter. The problem was solved in 3 months. The result, as expected, was negative (It is now clear to us that the electric current, which represents a directed movement

electric charges (electrons, protons), has kinetic energy. In order for Hertz to discover this, it was necessary to increase the accuracy of his experiment thousands of times.). The result obtained coincided with Helmholtz’s point of view, although erroneous, but he was not mistaken in the abilities of young Hertz.

“I saw that I was dealing with a student of completely unusual talent,” he later noted. Hertz's work was awarded a prize.

Returning after the summer holidays in 1879, Hertz obtained permission to work on another topic: “On induction in rotating bodies,” taken as a doctoral dissertation

tations. He proposed to complete it in 2 - 3 months, defend it and quickly receive the title of doctor, although the university had not yet been completed. Working with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, Hertz quickly completed the study. The defense was successful, and he was awarded a doctorate with “honours” - the phenomenon will be excluded

extremely rare, especially for a student.

From 1883 to 1885, Hertz headed the department of theoretical physics in the provincial town of Kiel, where there was no physical laboratory at all. Hertz decided to deal with theoretical issues here. He corrects the electrodynamic equation system of one of the brightest

representatives of Neumann's long-range action. As a result of this work, Hertz wrote his own system of equations, from which Maxwell’s equation was easily obtained. Hertz is disappointed, because he tried to prove the universality of the electrodynamic theory of representatives of long-range action, and not Maxwell’s theory. “ Given

In 1855, Hertz accepted an invitation from the technical school in Karlsruhe, where his remarkable experiments on the propagation of electric force would be carried out.

Back in 1879, the Berlin Academy of Sciences set the task: “To demonstrate experimentally the presence of any connection between electrodynamic forces and the dielectric polarization of dielectrics.” Hertz's preliminary calculations showed that the expected effect would be very small even under the most favorable conditions.

x conditions. Therefore, apparently, he abandoned this work in the fall of 1879. However, he did not stop thinking about possible ways to solve it and came to the conclusion that this requires high-frequency electrical oscillations.

Hertz carefully studied everything that was known by this time about electrical engineering.

their fluctuations both theoretically and experimentally. Having found a pair of induction coils in the physics room of a technical school, and conducting lecture demonstrations with them, Hertz discovered that with their help it was possible to obtain fast electrical oscillations with a period of 10-8 s. As a result, the expert

Items Hertz created not only a high-frequency generator (a source of high-frequency oscillations), but also a resonator - a receiver of these oscillations.

The Hertz generator consisted of an induction coil and wires connected to it, forming a discharge gap, a resonator made of a rectangular wire, etc.

There are two balls at its ends, which also form a discharge gap. As a result of his experiments, Hertz discovered that if high-frequency oscillations occur in the generator (a spark jumps in its discharge gap), then in the discharge gap of the resonator, even 3

meters, small sparks will also jump. Thus, a spark occurred in the second circuit without any direct contact with the first circuit. What is the mechanism of its transmission? Or is it electrical induction, according to Maxwell's theory? In 1887, Hertz still did not say anything about electric

waves, although I have already noticed that the phenomenon of the generator on the receiver is especially strong in the case of resonance (the oscillation frequency of the generator coincides with the natural frequency of the resonator).

After conducting numerous experiments at various relative positions of the generator and receiver, Hertz came to the conclusion about the existence of

the aniya of electromagnetic waves propagating at a finite speed. Will it behave like light? And Hertz conducts a thorough test of this assumption. After studying the laws of reflection and refraction, after establishing polarization and measuring the speed of electromagnetic waves, he proved their gender

a clear analogy with light. All this was set out in the work “On the Rays of Electric Force,” published in December 1888. This year is considered the year of the discovery of electromagnetic waves and experimental confirmation of Maxwell's theory. In 1889, speaking at a congress of German naturalists, Hertz

said: “All these experiments are very simple in principle, nevertheless they entail the most important research. They destroy every theory that believes that electrical forces jump over space instantly. They signify a brilliant victory for Maxwell's theory. How unlikely it seemed before

view of the essence of light, it is so difficult now not to share this view.”

Hertz's hard work did not go unpunished for his already poor health. First my eyes failed, then my ears, teeth and nose started to hurt. Soon, general blood poisoning began, from which the famous man died.

already at the age of 37, the scientist Heinrich Hertz.

Hertz completed the enormous work begun by Faraday. If Maxwell formed Faraday's ideas into mathematical images, then Hertz turned these images into visible and audible electromagnetic waves, which became his eternal monument. We remember G. Hertz when we listen

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