Gratitude to the art teacher for graduation. Poems for the last call to university teachers - congratulations from graduate students

With the onset of spring, schoolchildren begin to prepare for the most long-awaited holiday - the Last Bell. According to tradition, in the last days of May, ceremonial assemblies dedicated to this significant event will be held in all secondary schools. Graduates of the 9th and 11th grades are awaiting the last bell with special trepidation and impatience - these children will very soon have to say goodbye forever to the walls of their native school. Smart girls with white bows, boys in dark suits, and a sea of ​​flowers - bright spring bouquets in the hands of their favorite teachers... Poems for the Last Call are heard from graduates to parents, the class teacher, as well as to all subject teachers. In our poetry selection you will find many beautiful poems that you can learn for the Last Bell holiday and dedicate to school teachers. Such poetic lines, touching to tears, will soften the solemn “severity” of the event, giving a special atmosphere of sincerity and warmth.

Poems touching to tears for the Last Bell 2017 from graduates to the class teacher

School years are a long and sometimes difficult road, which is so easy for “inexperienced” travelers to get lost. However, the class teacher will always come to the aid of the students, who takes complete parental care of each of his charges. Therefore, on the Last Bell, graduates pay special attention to their “cool mom,” dedicating poems that are touching to tears to her. As a token of gratitude, we offer to prepare several beautiful poems for the class teacher - the best lines that touch to the depths of the soul. Such poems can be read at a school assembly dedicated to the Last Bell, and at the end you can present your favorite teacher with a beautiful bouquet of roses.

A selection of poems touching to tears for the Last Bell - for the class teacher from graduates:

Today we are already graduates,

This time flew by so quickly.

We are the best students for you,

After all, we tried, we wanted this!

Thank you for your knowledge, good

Which radiated all the time,

For teaching us everything,

Because we were never bored!

We will remember our school years

And you as a dear teacher.

And may luck be kind to you,

And a new road has been opened for us!

You are a second mother for us,

Our mentor and teacher!

Loved everyone, understood

Our great leader!

We want to wish you happiness

And say “thank you” to you

For your care and participation,

For the pursuit of dreams!

We say to you: “Goodbye!”

On the day of the last call,

And we make all the promises:

Never forget you!

Thank you for your care and patience,

For teaching us goodness.

You have placed inspiration in our hearts,

A love of learning, of the schoolyard.

May you be lucky with your students:

The time has come for us to step over the threshold.

You remember us from time to time -

Let our last bell ring.

Beautiful poems to bring tears to tears for the Last Bell 2017 - from graduates to subject teachers

Many school teachers consider their subject to be the most important in the curriculum, trying to put as much knowledge as possible into the heads of their students. As a rule, by the time they graduate, they have already decided on their future profession; based on this, they choose certain subjects to take the “great and terrible” Unified State Exam. However, every subject teacher will be pleased to hear words of gratitude and recognition from graduates for their painstaking daily work. So, for the Last Bell it is better to choose beautiful poems “by subject” in order to make a pleasant surprise for all teachers. We are sure that such a gesture of attention in poetry will not leave anyone indifferent - both parents and teachers will be moved to tears as they see off their beloved children and students into adulthood.

Options for beautiful poems for the Last Call for subject teachers - graduates dedicate:

That mathematics is a very precise science,

We found out immediately as soon as we arrived in class.

Theorems and axioms are firmly lodged in our heads,

Mathematics is not difficult for us.

We solve equations like nuts,

Let the X's be angry - we will still decide!

Long live the math teacher!

We thank you for science!

All Russian writers, poets

And the critics, straining their talent,

Wrote a text for your subject -

So that we can then write a dictation;

And even though writing poetry is not fashionable now,

But we are in no hurry to succumb to fashion:

After all, we want to congratulate you today

Not from dictation - only from the heart!

History teacher, congratulations

Happy last bell of the year!

We wish you to relax your soul in the summer,

You are entitled to rest from your students...

And we promise to use it one day

All the knowledge that you gave us.

And every lesson was useful and important,

And with what? - Let everyone think for themselves!

Heartfelt poems for the Last Call from 11th grade graduates to beloved parents

The ceremonial assembly in honor of the Last Bell traditionally becomes a “meeting place” for teachers, as well as schoolchildren with their parents and other relatives. On such a wonderful spring day, graduates say the most heartfelt words of gratitude to their parents, who were there throughout their school years - supporting and caring, guiding and empathizing. For beloved mothers and fathers, it is better to perform heartfelt poems at the Last Call, expressing your boundless love and gratitude with lines of poetry. On our pages you will find the most heartfelt poems for the Last Call to Parents - from 11th grade graduates.

Examples of heartfelt poems for Last Bell 2017 – 11th grade graduates thank their parents:

We thank our beloved parents

For their nerves, wasted by us,

What we didn’t always understand right away

We ourselves admit that they were not obeyed.

We thank our parents for their faith,

For believing in us that we are strong,

And we ourselves believed in ourselves,

We were able to cope with our studies!

We thank our beloved parents,

That they didn’t regret anything

And we give you a low bow.

After all, there is a reason!

We thank our parents for everything,

We want to say kind words

For your care and attention,

For love and understanding always!

That your patience is limitless,

And control over everything all year round,

That they loved us and did not scold us,

And they accepted anyone at home!

For heartfelt words, smiles,

That children's mistakes were forgiven,

We were greeted joyfully from school,

And they hugged you soulfully and tenderly!

I know that you have always been with us

And they often rushed to help skillfully.

Yes, school is not forever...

School is over, we leave hesitantly.

Thank you very much, moms and dads.

Grandparents also say “Hurray!”

We know that sometimes we can be ridiculous,

Still, believe me, we are loving it.

And we would like your health

It was always as strong as your words.

Well, that's it, our congratulations are over and victorious.

Farewell to our school, now it's time for us to go.

Cool poems for subject teachers on Last Bell - from 9th grade students

After finishing 9th grade, some students decide to leave school in order to obtain a specialty at a technical school, college or other secondary educational institution. For the Last Bell, 9th grade graduates prepare not only heartfelt poems that are touching to tears, but also cool funny rhymed lines - let this day be filled with joy and fun! We are sure that with the help of such cool poems the mood of your favorite subject teachers, as well as everyone present at the Last Bell holiday, will be lifted for a long time.

Texts with poems for the Last Bell - from 9th grade students for teachers in the subjects:

Thank you, teachers,

Because the Earth is round,

For Troy and for Carthage,

For benzochloropropylene,

For ZHI and SHI, for twice two,

For your kind words,

Those that we now keep within ourselves -

We THANK YOU for everything!

For yours, for the work of the teacher

Part tamer

class leader

We say thank you!

Thanks for your participation

Verbs and participles

For Pushkin and Chekhov

We thank you!

Thanks for the botany

Valence and organics,

For current and for mechanics

Thanks again!

We hope you forgive

For taking the Bastille

Much easier than investing

Any knowledge is within us!

Secrets of history, properties of substances,

Prefixes, prepositions, declensions,

Volcanoes, animals, mixed forest,

Examples, cubes, equations!

We know all this and much more,

What you can't say in words.

Thank you for this: for your knowledge, for your work -

All this was told by you!

Poems for the last call to university teachers - congratulations from graduate students

With the end of the academic year, many universities hold the Last Bell, at which the most sincere words of gratitude from graduating students are addressed to teachers. Thus, having received the “cherished” diplomas, young people leave the walls of their native alma mater and enter a new stage of life. With the help of beautiful congratulation poems, you can express your warmest feelings of gratitude to your favorite teachers - for their invaluable work, support and emotional sensitivity.

The best texts of poems for the Last Bell - for university teachers:

Thank you for your kindness,

For the knowledge that you were able to present.

Thank you for your understanding and warmth...

And for the tests that warmed our souls.

We have grown up, our journey is long - the last bell has rung.
Thank you, teachers, your efforts were not in vain.
Thank you to each of you, you covered us more than once,
You gnawed the granite of science together with us and coped with honor.
In ten years we will come, we will bring our children to you,
So that you also educate them and give them a start in life.
I bow to you to the ground for what you were able to give us,
For justice, for patience, for wonderful childhood moments.

Our invaluable teachers,
Giving us knowledge and your experience,
You taught me to strive for my dreams,
Go towards the goal and be on top!

May honor and gifts await you
For loyalty to the profession, strength, work,
May this evening be beautiful
Everyone's path is bright, kind, happy!

We are worried now:
Everyone congratulates us
We will no longer enter the classroom,
My heart skips a beat...
With teachers now
We part, knowing
What, having closed this door,
We will lose our childhood.

Thank you, teachers,
For strong nerves, patience.
Because our heads are crazy
You were able to convey the teaching.

For being like a tracker,
You understood the strange handwriting,
And in every daring mischief
A special talent was revealed.

Words of gratitude to teachers from 11th grade graduates in prose

Mentors, our “second parents”, please accept these sincere and warm words from all graduates! You gave us the basics of knowledge, you helped everyone find their own path, you taught us humanity, friendship and community. Thank you, our dear assistants, for all the years of busy and interesting school life. Thanks to you, we have accumulated priceless luggage that we will proudly carry throughout life! All the best to you, desired achievements, bright, joyful and unforgettable moments! Thank you!

Well, our school years are behind us - they were the best, we know that for sure! Thanks to the teachers for their wisdom and ability to sensitively guide their students who strived to master science. I'm sorry if we caused you a lot of trouble and sometimes upset you with our negligence. I would like to express my boundless gratitude to you and wish you health for a hundred years to come!

Our dear teachers, it is so sad to say goodbye to you. After all, each of you has long become a friend, assistant, and family member. Thank you for your invaluable, everyday work, thank you for us as we have become. Sorry for the frayed nerves, disrupted lessons, scribbled textbooks and broken windows. We will always remember your wise advice and miss our friendly school family.

Words of gratitude to subject teachers from graduates on the last bell, graduation


Mix acid with water, don’t blow anyone up,
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Carry out all the experiments, don’t destroy anything,
And don’t harm yourself, even more so.
This is a chemistry lesson: there is a sense in it and there is a use in it,
We are grateful for this knowledge.
Calculate everything as a percentage to become successful in life
Your edifications will help us.


We all learned a little something and somehow,
Well, you have opened a bright path for us to our native literature.
We are grateful to you for this, and we say thank you to you all.
We quote poets at full speed and radiate creativity.
A bouquet of mimosa or the oil that Annushka spilled...
Everything is priceless, any phrase that comes to mind.
We can support small talk always and everywhere,
This means that we will only remember you with kind words throughout our lives.

How not to love literature -
Subject of soul development?
She instilled in us a culture
We are used to reading in silence...
And we are grateful for that
To the teacher whose long work
And the most fruitful method
They will go down in history for us.


You told us about the secrets of the Earth,
You gave us the knowledge we needed,
And all the countries of the world are now interesting,
Any routes have become known to us!

Teacher, our graduation is so grateful to you!
May your path always be radiant,
Good, positive and bright events,
Have a busy life and new discoveries!

We loved geography:
She revealed a lot to us.
And we look at the photo
The teacher and I were touched.
We will continue to live and remember how
We sorted out the world map,
How to spin a globe in your hands
With boundless distances.

Physical training

Physical education raised our tone,
Helped muscles develop
Improved blood circulation
Allowed you to make quick decisions!

And thank you very much to the teacher,
Now we look decent and beautiful!
We wish you good luck and achievements,
The joy of victories and bright sensations!


We can keep score cleverly,
We will not be lost in life,
Happiness - we will only increase it,
Let's break down troubles into fractions.

Learned to see in numbers
Charm and romance
After all, the teacher is first-class
Taught us math.


Hammer a nail, make a birdhouse
Every graduate can do it.
File it down? Good deed!
Trudovik taught us.

Thank you for your knowledge,
We know how to hold a jigsaw.
You are the basics of a man's work
They were able to show us everything.

The very last bell for 11th grade students is approaching. It will ring, and they will never hear it again as students at the school. And to make this event memorable forever, we invite you to tell your subject teachers beautiful and funny, funny and humorous, touching and simply interesting poems for the last bell in the 11th grade. We have collected a selection of poems for teachers for you, and you can tell them at your last call.

The first poem, of course, is for the class teacher. It was he who always helped you in everything. Therefore, be sure to tell the poems to your beloved and caring class teacher.

Next on our list are poems for teachers of Russian language and literature. And if you are going to recite poetry to him, then let it be done by a student who can recite poetry beautifully and with expression. After all, a literature teacher will immediately understand where the hack is and where the beauty is!

It is impossible to ignore the physical education teacher on this day. We also prepared humorous and funny poems for him.

Who in your class is the best at mixing chemical elements and conducting experiments? So give him the honor of telling poetry to the chemistry teacher. Let him recite poetry, and if he wants, show him a couple of experiments.

It's no secret that only a few people in the class like physics. But, nevertheless, it is impossible to live without physics in the modern world. Therefore, the following verses are for the last bell for a physics teacher.

Who told you about pistils and stamens? That's right - a biology teacher. The following verses are just for him. And the poems are about pistils, stamens, and much more. The biology teacher will love it.

Are you going to go on vacation at the seaside in the summer? Do you know which sea is warm and where it is beautiful? Thank your geography teacher for your knowledge. And tell him the following verses on the very last call.

Who said and did something, when and why? History knows the answer! Below are some interesting poems for a history teacher for the last bell.

Are you being deceived in stores? This means you are good at math. And for this many thanks to the mathematics teacher. See below for beautiful and funny poems for a math teacher.
I would like to sincerely say words of gratitude to the teacher! Thank you for the lessons and knowledge that lead us into adulthood. For help and care, attention and guidance, for criticism and discussions, for support and complicity. You are a wonderful teacher! Be happy!
Thank you, wonderful and kind teacher, for your work and your efforts, for your understanding and kindness of soul, for your correct knowledge and perseverance, for your warm words and wise advice, for your wonderful mood and support. Be truly happy and healthy.

Your paintings, your portraits
Let masterpieces roam the world forever,
And we are just students,
So far from your genius.
Congratulating you, let's just draw
We don’t yearn for a real canvas.
We wish you free creativity
And I still want to wish you happiness!

They taught us not only to draw,
But see the world with open eyes.
We were taught to understand beauty,
And show it in one or two strokes.

Brushes and pencils serve you,
Wizard, drawing teacher.

Who thinks that drawing
Not an important subject
He's not worthy of attention at all -

Surprising everyone with his talent!
Let the rainbow shine in the sky -
We sincerely congratulate you!

We will all try our best
So that we can succeed
Quickly master the science of drawing
And drawing is top class!
Thank you for helping us,
Why are you teaching us?
Let everything you wish for yourself
It will come true right away for you.

Highlight of shadows, shades, colors
We will notice the overflow,
With full precision from the light
Depicting reflections.
How to draw objects
You cleverly taught us
Into the world of landscape and portrait
You have opened the gates for us.

Dear Teacher! Thank you for the difficult everyday life, when day after day you filled our heads with knowledge and invaluable practice. You are a master of your craft. Well, we, your students, will try to carry the fire of knowledge further in life and will always remember you with gratitude!

We say thank you
Because we love painting.
We all want to congratulate you
And wish you success and health.

Just a few years ago
We didn’t know how to hold a brush in our hands.
But today we know perfectly
And now we can draw beautiful things.

We received all this knowledge only from you.
Please accept our gratitude.
And also sincere congratulations
In honor of the holiday that we are celebrating now.

Stick, stick, cucumber -
So the little man came out.
Little man goes to school
Learns to read and write.
It’s only very important in life,
only very necessary in life,
So that this little man
learned to draw.

You raised the soul -
You need to say thank you!

Teacher! We sincerely thank you for the knowledge and experience shared, for your sensitive attitude towards us and individual approach to everyone, for your warmth and understanding.

Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Creator of strokes and lines, ruler
Brushes and pencils serve you,
Wizard, drawing teacher.

Here's an album and a pencil,
And our teacher is with us.
He is an art teacher
He, the artist, his knowledge

He's trying to instill in us.
We can't be Van Goghs.
Congratulations to you today,
We wish you bright colors.

You always have a great feeling
Very expressive
We were instilled in the arts
To all the fine
Developing our tastes
The thrill is amazing;
Not even a shadow touched
Your aspiration;
Well, accept this day
Our congratulations!

Who thinks that drawing
Not an important subject
He is not worthy of attention at all -
Even a cartoon, let alone a portrait!
Continue to make our world happy,
Surprising everyone with his talent!
Let the rainbow shine in the sky -
We sincerely congratulate you!

Thank you, teacher, for the fact that every time wise advice and a kind word, faithful support and brave parting words, your exactingness and praise awaited me. I will try to live up to all your expectations, I will achieve a lot in life and prove that your efforts and efforts were not wasted. Thank you!

A world of fine lines, bright colors
You opened it for us.
Pencil or gouache
Adding to your story.
We wish you inspiration,
Be patient with us, kindness.
May every day be wonderful
And dreams are always sunny.

Use a pencil and brush
You tried to teach us.
Instill a love of landscape, still life,
To distinguish Van Gogh from Gauguin.
Please accept our congratulations,
We wish you a bright and colorful life.
May you be lucky with your students,
Vivat, gouache, and a simple pencil!

You told us how beautiful the world is,
About all the artists in the world,
Taught to see beauty
In everything on our little planet!
We congratulate you and wish you success,
Let inspiration never leave you.
Wonderful beauty lessons -
The best school moments.

I want to say thank you very much, kind and best teacher. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your brave patience and sensitivity of soul, for your sincere understanding and necessary help, for your correct knowledge and great parting words, for your wonderful advice and your support.

We wanted to present you with a portrait for the holiday,
Which we decided not to write with paint,
And with the best words of love and respect,
We wish you health, good luck and patience!

Once again, teacher,
You hear speech addressed to you,
That you need to worry less
That the heart should be protected.

That illnesses will not pass by
When suddenly it gets tired,
That everything in the world is replaceable,
But you have one heart.

But your heart is like a bird
Strives for children here and there,
To those hidden in chests
To the same beating hearts!

How quickly children grow up.
Having grown stronger, in spite of all the winds,
They will leave, forever preserving
Your warmth!

You are our first teacher for centuries,
And we will never forget you!
How tenderly they taught us to write,
Read, count mushrooms and apples.
Thank you for giving kindness and warmth,
That they found their own language and their own approach to us!
Days, weeks and years fly by inexorably,
We will definitely never forget your work!

Our gratitude is immeasurable! After all, there is no measure of the goodness, love and wisdom that you have given us.

The golden autumn will come again, you will again open the door to the wonderful world of knowledge for timid first-graders, and your spring will repeat itself again! May there be more joyful and happy days in your life, smart and talented students, and fewer sorrows and sleepless nights. Thank you, teacher!

Once upon a time, many years ago, I refused to become a teacher, afraid of this colossal responsibility for children's souls. Now I have my own children and I perfectly understand our teachers, each of whom, in addition to his own family, also has a school family - his many students.

In conclusion, I would like to read Andrei Dementyev’s poems dedicated to teachers. These words may seem a little harsh to you guys, but they make you think about our attitude towards the teacher, towards his hard work, please listen to them:

A child, reading poetry, involuntarily becomes imbued with their meaning, and perhaps it is at this moment that he suddenly feels most acutely that another important step has been passed in his life, and the unknown lies ahead again.

How difficult it is to say goodbye to you,
My first teacher!
Can't be expressed in words
The sadness that I feel!

I'll never forget
Your wise, kind look,
I will remember our lessons -
They can't be brought back.

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