Close in spirit. Spiritual lineage and meetings of kindred souls on earth

Have you ever felt like you've known someone for a thousand years, when in fact you're seeing them for the first time in your life? This phenomenon occurs quite often today. The feeling in which you feel comfortable and calm with a person, as if he is you yourself, only in a different person, means that two kindred spirits have met. However, skeptics do not believe in their existence. Proving them otherwise is our main task.

Soulmate theory

What does the concept of “soul mates” mean? There is an assumption that in this life each of us is looking for those with whom we have already seen in another world. Our previous incarnations find each other because they could have some unfinished joint business or they were one family. However, not all scientists and experts admit that soul mates exist. The most common statement is that attraction, a sudden flash of a feeling of love and comfort next to a person, is nothing more than an analogy made by the memory of those who have already met in life. The memory function and pictures that were once embedded in the past are triggered in the brain. That is why a complete stranger seems like an old acquaintance, and we understand that this is a kindred spirit.

On the other hand, no one can explain how the meeting of two like-minded people occurs. Some people meet them by chance, as if fate itself bumps into them, while others never manage to meet a loved one until the end of their lives. How do you still meet your soul mate? And is it really possible to do this?

Scientists say that attempts to find a like-minded person often end in failure. And this is mainly due to some common misconceptions:

Let's summarize how to recognize a soul mate among a crowd of old and new acquaintances. It should be remembered that we are all originally brothers and sisters to each other. We are all one before God. Let our openness not always be useful, and many of those around us can cause us mental trauma. But on the other hand, it allows us to learn about those who surround us much more than it seems from the outside. Don't close yourself off from people, be sincere with those around you, and then you will find that kindred spirits are all around you.

I can't find a common language with people. Perhaps the reason is that I can’t find like-minded people. Nowadays everyone is obsessed with money, appearance, and success. Perhaps this is another reason. I don’t own any of what I listed. I have been avoiding people for more than five years. There is no desire to communicate. Because people who are attractive in appearance are those who also have some kind of talent. Or they sing, dance, or draw. They can attract someone. But I don't have it. Nothing. Sometimes I wonder? Why am I living? For what? be like a hermit all your life. Outcast. I don’t know what to do with this(

Answers from psychologists

Hello, Katya. Thank God that you are exaggerating, because you are not a hermit or an outcast. But just a girl with an unfavorable childhood, during which you did not have time to learn from your parents that you are a princess, adored and loved by them. Therefore, today you are not loved by yourself. And with such a ratio of pros and cons, if a girl denies her uniqueness and interest in herself, she denies the interest in herself of other young people and girls. Thus, the fantasies in your head depict a hermit and an outcast, instead princesses, queens and Madonnas. Therefore, once you choose the image of a Madonna, people will be drawn to you. But such a process is long-term, and is called the growth of its value. Such work is effective with a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst, in joint coursework. The effect of such work is forever. YOU will overcome all the traumas of childhood and become the mistress of your brilliant destiny. Whether you follow this path or work on yourself on your own is a matter of your choice.

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Katya, good afternoon.


Nowadays everyone is obsessed with money, appearance, and success. Perhaps this is another reason. I don’t own any of the things I listed.

Well, everyone has some kind of appearance.


Because people who are attractive in appearance are those who also have some kind of talent. Or they sing, dance, draw

Talent is not “distributed” by appearance. Paganini was talented, but almost ugly. Krachkovskaya and Akhedzhakova have talent, but their appearance does not fit into the canons of beauty. The list can be endless. Moreover, innate abilities alone are not enough; they require work and patience. By and large, the skills you listed can be mastered with regular practice. And appearance is not everything. There is also “internal content”. Kindness, the ability to listen, friendship, attentiveness, wit, again, the list could take a long time. The only question is where your attention is - inside or outside. Give yourself the trouble to figure out what you have. If you can’t handle it yourself, contact me and I’ll help.

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There are a large number of forums and interest clubs where you can find friends with a similar worldview. Write a list of your interests and Google such groups of people. They meet in real life and often become friends. If your goal is to change your own attitude towards yourself and the opinions of others, you can successfully work with a psychologist on this.

Sincerely, social psychologist Angelina Blokhina (Gorshkova).

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Lizyaev Pyotr Yurievich

Psychologist Moscow Was on the site: Today

Answers on the site: Conducts training: psychologist-psychotherapist
Face-to-face consultations/psychotherapy in Moscow - individually and in a group, as well as via Skype.

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Many people, at least once in their lives, when communicating with a person, felt as if they had known him for a long time. In such a situation, you feel very comfortable and calm, as if you have a kindred spirit next to you. On this issue, people are divided into those who believe in its existence and skeptics.

What is a soulmate?

There is a theory that every person throughout his life is looking for those whom he has already seen in another world. Perhaps the souls have some unfinished business or Scientists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that the feeling of love and attraction is an analogy that arises in the memory of a person you once saw. In simple terms, pictures appear in memory that reflect the past. It is because of this that the person you meet along the way seems like an old acquaintance, and you think that this is your soulmate.

In general, we can give a definition to this expression, which more or less describes the essence of this concept. A soul mate is a person who may not have a blood connection with you, but is very close in spirit and you share common interests and habits. Such people can tolerate any shortcomings and character traits of each other that are unacceptable to others. They can communicate almost without words, and there is a feeling of absolute mutual understanding between them. Over time, such partners may notice that they begin to do the same things, for example, starting sentences with the same words and literally guessing each other’s thoughts.

Soul mate - who is she?

Everyone deserves to meet a like-minded person, but for some reason fate gives this opportunity to some and not to others. This is mainly due to a large number of misconceptions that affect the psyche:

  1. People who believe that meeting a soul mate is very easy, and that in general she will come into their life, are deeply mistaken. You need to do everything possible to bring the meeting date closer. You should not start searching among acquaintances and even strangers; first you need to study yourself. If you are not at peace with yourself and your inner self, then the chance of finding someone like yourself is reduced to a minimum.
  2. Another serious mistake is the belief that the found soul mate will not go anywhere and you will always be together. As you know, all relationships are subject to various tests, and over time they can deteriorate significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that even with a soul mate you need to constantly strengthen and maintain contact.
  3. Many people believe that it is impossible to maintain trusting and strong relationships with a large number of people. Therefore, they deliberately shorten it, but this is completely wrong. In fact, it is contact with a large number of different people that helps you fully open up and find like-minded people.

Most often, people discover that their soul mate is a person who was not even part of their circle of acquaintances and potential candidates for the given position.

Understanding that this is the right person in front of you happens literally on an intuitive level. We create a certain mental image for ourselves, and upon meeting, almost instantaneous recognition occurs. Women are mainly capable of this, since their intuition is better developed.

Long-awaited meeting

Oddly enough, such fateful meetings occur at the most unexpected moment. How do you know if this is your soulmate? With such a person there is a feeling of amazing closeness that you have never felt with anyone else. It is very important not to confuse a soul mate and the desire for a romantic or love relationship; these are completely different concepts that have nothing in common with each other. Sometimes such close people do not come into life forever, but only to fulfill a certain mission, for example, to calm you down, help you believe in a miracle, change, etc.

How to avoid making a mistake?

In this case, you need to completely trust your heart and inner feelings, since brain impulses can distort reality, and you can lose your person. You will certainly feel that in front of you is exactly the person with whom you need to go in the same direction. A soul mate is not necessarily a person of the opposite sex, for whom you have warm feelings, it could be a friend, sister, etc. If expressed in the language of physics, then such people have the same energy, which, entering into resonance, increases the potential of everyone, while the return increases during general work.

Description of soulmates

The famous writer Doreen Virtue compares such people to companions. She says that one should always remember that man originates not on earth, but in heaven. It is there that souls acquire strong connections and form certain groups and pairs. They differ in number and can be located in different dimensions. It all depends on what specifically connects them to each other. The writer says that the partnership that arises between kindred souls has a specific reason. When people achieve what they want, the connections between them weaken significantly, and they part to begin the search again. The writer says that between such people there remains forever a feeling of love and gratitude for the happy moments of life.

Illustrative examples

Very often you can notice that people who consider themselves soul mates speak and gesture the same way, many people suspect that they are brothers and sisters. Quite often you can hear the opinion that people who have been married for a long time become similar to each other. Some experiments show that even their heart rate is synchronized. Such people live in complete understanding with each other; it is this feeling that can be called true happiness.

One can also give an example from the world classics - the main characters M.A. “The Master and Margarita”. After communicating with the girl, the man realized that he had loved her all his life. This is a clear example of soul mates.

The other side of the coin

Lately, for many people, attracting a soul mate is practically the main meaning of life. They are simply confident that their other half should love and understand them without changes, not contradict them in anything, and love them no matter what. In addition, the other half is simply obliged to do extraordinary things and do everything possible and impossible for the happiness of their partner. This is precisely what is a huge obstacle for many people to meet a loved one and find harmony in life.

Why does a person look for a soul mate?

Many people spend a lot of time searching for their soulmate, but the result remains zero. In this case, you need to ask yourself the question for what purpose are you looking for such a person? There may be several reasons:

  1. You feel inadequate. Most often this can be a consequence, etc.
  2. You think that your soul mate will help solve all your problems and make you a happy person.
  3. Unsuccessful experiences from the past constantly remind us of the wrong choice of partner. Because of this, you want to meet exactly the right person.


We hope that now you no longer have any doubts about whether soul mates exist, or whether this is still a far-fetched myth. It is very important to believe that such a person will certainly meet along the way, and you will be happy with him, no matter what. Remember that your soulmate will appear nearby at the most unexpected moment, because this is a real gift of fate.

October 23rd, 2016

Every person in the Cosmos has eternal companions that accompany him throughout the endless time of evolution. These are spiritual relatives. The inner circle of each individual includes, first of all, his Spiritual parent, who gave the person a reflection of his mind and thinking; Next, according to the degree of kinship, come spiritual brothers and sisters - children of the same Father-Mother (the Spirit has no gender and potentially carries both Principles - male and female).

If a person’s soul is ancient enough, its close relatives will also be spiritual children - those consciousnesses that, in the process of higher creativity, were gifted with a reflection of the mind of this person. Together, this group of related beings constitutes a Single Individuality, or Spiritual Kin.

The higher mind of man, the 5th subtle body, is a similarity to the higher mind of his Spiritual parent. In other words, when the time of human creation comes, the Spiritual parent gives the being that is to become a man an impulse of energy, which subsequently recreates in the individual the body of the higher mind in the parental image. This is how higher beings multiply spiritually, bestowing their individual vibration on young consciousnesses ready for incarnation. This is the cosmic law of procreation, thanks to which there is intelligent evolution in the Universe. This law applies in all worlds of the Cosmos.

People who are close in Spirit have similar vibrations, they enjoy being together, they have a lot in common, and at the first meeting such people say to each other “It’s like I’ve known you for a hundred years.”

Kindred souls have a strong karmic connection and are parts of a Single Individuality, which can be called a small hierarchy or a small Spiritual clan. Such a hierarchy may include tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of individual minds, each of which is a continuation and addition of the other.
Sparks emanating from a single Parent Soul are also capable of exchanging life experiences at a distance - through their common Higher Self. When one of the spiritual brothers or sisters, after the death of the physical body, returns to Heaven and transfers the experience of incarnation to their Spiritual family, this knowledge becomes available to of all related consciousnesses.

Several small Spiritual genera form a large Hierarchy, which in turn is a continuation and daughter entity of a higher group and so on ad infinitum. Hierarchy is like a tree with many branches and a common root - the Absolute, from which every thing in the Universe comes and returns. All large and small Individuals, taken together, make up the Collective Cosmic Mind - the integral Self of the Cosmos, multiple and united at the same time.

In order to join this cosmic Unity, it is important for people to find their closest spiritual relatives, which is what a person unconsciously strives for every life. Meeting with brothers in Spirit is necessary to maintain the vibrations of your own Grain and in order to find your true place in this world and in the Universe. The spiritual parents of people live in another, higher evolutionary niche, but one can turn to Them mentally in prayer, for each ancestor invisibly leads his child. Very rarely, due to a coincidence of karmic circumstances, a person can meet his teacher on Earth and only when the teacher needs to complete an important evolutionary task in the world of matter.

Meeting your soul mate is a karmic event planned in preparation for the current incarnation, so if you feel lonely even among close blood relatives, it is temporary. It is extremely rare for relatives in the Spirit to clothe physical bodies in the same family, in the same clan. Your spiritual relatives will definitely be drawn to you, or you to them, and the meeting will take place. You just need to be able to wait. You can meet your soulmate even on the other side of the Earth, in a foreign country, but you will always recognize each other by the heartfelt attraction that will arise between you as soon as you see each other. Don’t push people away from you, learn to be friends with those you like, even if they don’t always understand you, be lenient.

Not all incarnated aliens awaken at the same time; someone has already awakened before you and he can provide you with help and assistance on your spiritual path. But someone’s soul is still completely asleep and does not react to the impulses of the Spiritual world. Everyone has their own wake-up time and their own “alarm clock”, which will wake them up when needed - strictly according to their individual plan. It is impossible to disturb such souls; this negatively affects their karma, as well as the karma of those who try to spiritualize them ahead of schedule.

Daria Sibirskaya "The Flame of Orion" and "Earth's path to Space. Realize your mission."

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or curl into a ball, but it will never break.. (Ancient Chinese belief)

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