Notebook of wishes as examples of filling. Why do you think? Wedding book of wishes

About six years ago I had a huge wish map hanging on my wall. And she tormented me. Seriously! Every time someone came to visit, I had to explain what it was, why an octagon was used for its shape, what kind of wish fulfillment training I was undergoing. And besides everything else, there were desires that I wanted to keep secret.

It was time to change the map and start searching. The Internet suggested trying the Samsara wheel, success diary, Bagua square, but this was not what I was looking for. And then a friend told me that she had a book of wishes. What? A whole book? And then I realized that a solution had been found!

Let's figure out what a Wish Diary is and why it is needed. To put it very simply, it’s a notebook in which all desires and dreams are written down, marked in different colors and the necessary photographs are pasted in. I can say with confidence that the diary is very convenient. It is hidden from prying eyes, which means that, unlike a card, some of your desires will remain a secret to other people. You can also devote as much space as you want to each wish, you can even draw a whole tree of wishes. Well, you can always take your diary with you wherever you go.

If you still don’t feel the need to express your desires on paper, then here are 7 reasons to do it:

  1. An indisputable fact proven by scientists is that if your desires are written down, then the chances of their fulfillment are much higher than those who keep everything in their heads.

2. When all your desires are written down, you get the feeling that you have “let go” of them. Your brain no longer wastes time trying to remember everything you want. Now he can spend time solving assigned tasks.

3. By writing down a desire and devoting time to it, you are most likely to make it more specific. Those. Instead of mentally “becoming happier,” you will describe it and divide the non-specific desire into a clear plan: smile more, improve relationships with loved ones, change your wardrobe. Perhaps you will even draw the Wheel of Life. After all, you can write whatever you want in a diary! And starting with big desires, we begin to write small ones.

4. I advise you to devote a page to each desire and write it down in detail, paste pictures and identify the most important points. For example, if you want to “spend more time for yourself,” you will need to write down what you will do: take a bubble bath 2 times a week, read books for an hour every day, finally watch that wonderful movie and make a face mask! Do you see the difference? In fact, what you write down will already look like a plan. See how they can be accurately executed using the example of buying an apartment.

5. Constant browsing. Make yourself a ritual - look at this diary every day, or even better, add this ritual to yours. Our brain and subconscious mind work well together, so you don’t have to remember all your desires (by the way, it has been proven that most of the desires that we keep in our heads last only 1-2 weeks). So constant reviewing prevents you from forgetting what you really want and prevents you from falling headlong into a routine.

6. No fear of failure. Let's face it - often we don't even believe in the fulfillment of desires. Everything is simpler with a wish diary. By writing down a desire and reviewing it regularly, you kind of “train” your brain. Our brains respond well to constant influence, so the more often you repeat what you want, the more your brain will search for a solution to how to achieve it.

7. Thanks to the correct wording, you will not have questions about how to make a wish correctly. We all know that wishes must be made in the constituent form, in the present tense, etc. In fact, every coach and psychologist constantly brings more and more new ideas on how a desire must be spoken (so that it becomes like a spell, obviously). Let me give you an example: let’s say you want to get a new apartment.Most likely, it was formed in the brain as: “I want my own apartment.” Then you begin to correctly formulate your desire: I have a two-room apartment in the city center on the top floor. The apartment has a separate bathroom, a dressing room, and a balcony more than 2 meters wide. And on and on, depending on your needs. Agree, it’s not convenient to keep all these correct formulations in your head. And then they wrote it and corrected it if something was wrong. And a vision journal becomes a great place where you can experiment with goal setting.

These are the basic principles that motivate me to keep a wish diary all the time! And you know what, they really come true! Even the most unusual ones!

This year I'm testing a new format for wish diaries - . So far I really like it, because I can quickly add any pictures for visualization to my closed board.

And in order to quickly fulfill your financial desires, read the article. It contains several simple steps to achieve your financial goals.

And to always feel the support of like-minded people, subscribe to my Instagram or telegram channel Do and Dream. There, among other things, I tell and show how I achieve my goals with the help of a Personal Financial Plan and crazy motivation. And you join our Success Club and know that you will succeed!

Good luck in making your wishes come true :)

Imagine that all your wishes suddenly began to come true, as if by magic! One after another, your cherished dreams suddenly began to turn into breathtaking reality!

Great? But this is exactly what can happen if you have Magic Book of Wishes.

Friends, I am pleased to present to your attention another magical tool in technology - Book of Wishes.

You probably already know that in order for your dreams and aspirations to come true as soon as possible, they must be written down.

Why do you think?

Firstly, Since ancient times, people have known the rule: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.” And our ancestors knew well what they were talking about.

Secondly, By writing down our desires, we thereby declare to the Universe the seriousness of our intentions. Their strength increases many times over!

Thirdly, By creating a record of what we want, we concentrate most fully on our goal, thereby forming in the depths of our subconscious a powerful attitude towards its implementation.

Thus, describing your cherished desire on paper allows you to simultaneously connect several directions and channels through which our aspirations will strive to be realized.

This is why the Book of Desires was invented - a magical mechanism for translating your plans and hopes into reality.

Read also:

How to make a Book of Wishes yourself

This is done quite simply.

Go to the nearest stationery store and buy the most beautiful and best, in your opinion, notebook or notebook. Choose the really best one!

Remember that you are choosing not just a notebook or notepad, but a place of residence, a home for your desires, in which they should feel comfortable, warm and spacious, in which they will feel your love and care.

Therefore, do not be modest, spare no expense and buy something that will lift your spirits just by looking at it.

Basic conditions:

  • Hardcover
  • Tear-off pages
  • Large size

On the front cover of the cover, write in capital letters in beautiful handwriting: "Magic Book of Wishes". You can cut out letters from colored paper and stick them on. It is advisable to embellish the cover - with monograms, New Year's tinsel, in general, use your imagination and make a real masterpiece!

On the first page in the upper right corner we write the epigraph: "Dedicated to the Universe"

And in the center we make a large capital inscription: "Book of Desires"

And at the very bottom we write: “Heavenly Office. Department of Wish Fulfillment"

That's it, the preparatory work is done, now it's time to populate the book with dreams dear to your heart. As you understand, this cannot be done in a hurry and hastily.

Filling out a magic notebook is a secret matter and requires time, attention and the right mood. It must be like a magical ritual!

Therefore, you need to prepare for it accordingly - dress nicely, light a few candles, turn on some pleasant music. Create an atmosphere of celebration and magic!

So, think a little and formulate your desire.

Follow the rules: it must be in the present tense, without the word “want” and not contain negation (any “not”, “no”, “never”, “none”). That is, “My back doesn’t hurt!” is the wrong wording, but “My back is healthy!” - correct.

Now write down your cherished goal in beautiful and large letters at the top center. It is advisable for the entry to be approximately one-fourth of the total space on the page.

And fill the remaining space below with images of your dreams. These can be photographs, clippings from glossy magazines, or simply a drawing made by hand with colored pencils.

  • Try to do everything beautifully and carefully so that you get a small work of art and just looking at the page gives you a surge of pleasant feelings and joyful emotions!
  • For each desire in the book, allocate a separate page, or better yet two, so that when you turn it, only one of your dreams is visible.
  • Don't fill out too many pages at once. In one “session” it is advisable to focus on a couple of desires, no more. You must create notes with great energy of intention and not feel tired.
  • Write down in the book both large, large goals and your small, as well as medium-sized aspirations. Those that should be fulfilled in the shortest possible time, as well as those that you expect to be realized in a few years. Absolutely everything that your Soul strives for and what your Heart asks for should be in the Book of Desires!
  • Before you make an entry, be sure to check your dreams for truth. Read more about this here:
  • Because very often it happens that in reality our goals turn out to be not ours at all, but imposed from the outside - by advertising, fashion, public opinion, etc.
  • Nothing can be corrected, added or rewritten from the book, so as not to confuse the Universe and the Higher Powers. Therefore, initially everything needs to be done correctly and all the nuances taken into account.
  • If your goal has been achieved and your dream has already come true, just tear out the corresponding pages. For this you need a notebook with tear-off sheets.
  • A magic book should always be at hand - it cannot be thrown away. You should use it as often as possible - ideally every day before bed - the time when our Subconscious mind opens as much as possible. Take the book into your hands more often, consider your desires, imagine them ALREADY fulfilled and be filled with joyful emotions from their fulfillment.

Friends, Book of Wishes– this is a very powerful tool and a clearly working mechanism for bringing what you want to life! Be sure to make it your “handbook” and your life will change for the better!

May all your dreams come true!

Alena Golovina


A couple of weeks ago, an amazing coincidence happened to me - not a coincidence, I don’t even know how to describe it. You can call it a sign from above, whatever you want.

Several times during the same day I ended up on different sites with similar information. I emphasize that I was not specifically looking for anything like this. In short, this is not the case when you ask “how to remove a tea stain from a carpet” and a selection of necessary links comes up. There is nothing surprising in this.

How I found out about the wish notebook

First in the morning I checked my email. Then I decided to check the weather. I remembered a movie I saw three years ago and wanted to watch it again. Because of him, I switched to some women's forum. While I was looking for the place in the discussions that concerns the film, I saw the girls talking about the notebook of wishes.

I must say, when I saw a similar note on another forum while searching for the necessary information on my work computer, it made me smile))) I thought that there are funny coincidences!

But that's not all. In the evening, back at home, I go to the page on the social network and see my friend has the same post!!! To be honest, I felt scared for a minute. The thought flashed through my mind that this information was simply haunting me. Only this time I decided to read everything from beginning to end.

How to keep a wish notebook

Any notebook, be it 12 or 96 pages, can become a wish notebook. The only requirement for her: you must like her!!!

If it has margins, you don't have to do anything. If not, then draw a three-centimeter column on the right.

You need to write down your desires in the wide left column. On the right date when they were fulfilled.

You need to write down your wishes in a special way. You can’t write “I want to buy a cool camera.” You should write: “I want to have a cool camera.” Or even just: “Cool camera.” Because “buy” narrows the options. Perhaps they will give it to you! Or you will win it in the lottery)))

You need to write at least a hundred wishes. Or better yet, 500 or a thousand!!! You can write anything, even what seems unreal or, on the contrary, small. In short, everything: a new set of blush, a glossy magazine, a Land Cruiser, a trip to the Bahamas. Everything in a row!!!

You also need to re-read your wishes once a week. Place the date opposite those that are fulfilled.

I'm ready)))

To be honest, as soon as I read all the details, I took out a blank notebook and penciled in the margins on several pages. I started writing my wishes.

I thought that I would “scoop up” this hundred very quickly. After the first 15-16, I became thoughtful. After 60 I reached a dead end))) I was able to finish up to a hundred only in the next two days. Now I have even more of them.


As far as I understand the meaning of this idea, a wish notebook can become a real motivator. It helps us understand what we really want. After all, we really don’t always know this))) Formulate your thought. And psychologists say that a clearly formulated goal is much easier to achieve.

As for me, TJ (notebook of wishes) helps us to dream!!! I experienced this myself. My mood instantly lifted when I began to write down my desires one after another and imagine them in my imagination. I wanted to achieve them quickly. In short, a motivator. The real one!

When the wish comes true, we set a date. We are happy that it came true. Then, when we re-read all the wishes again, we will remember this and again experience that joy. In short, only positive emotions!!!


But not everyone thinks so. A few days later, I told my work colleague about TJ. At first she listened carefully, and then said that this was a waste of time.

A few minutes later, after thinking a little more, she generally said that this was a demotivator!!! It seems to her that if she dreams, it’s harder to “fall.” That you will write down your wishes, and then you will sit over this list, realizing how much you want and how much you don’t have. In general, she believes that this is a real path to depression!!!

Motivator or demotivator?

To be honest, I was so amazed that one and the same thing can be looked at so differently that I still feel uneasy. I began to doubt that TJ is a motivator. That I actually need her. It was under the influence of that conversation.

I think it all depends on the person. If he is an optimist, he will try to see the good. If a pessimist, then bad. Everyone can see something different in the wish notebook.

Girls, what do you think, is such a notebook a motivator or a demotivator?

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We will talk about one of the methods that enhances energy for the fulfillment of desires . Speaking frankly esoterically, using any such techniques (visualization, “map of desires”, Simoron rituals, etc.) we make a request to the Universe, ask for help from the Unified Energy, send it our signs, make it clear that we are focused on our desire. And if we have enough awareness, pure energy, we do not give in to pendulums and negative emotions - magic begins to happen.

In this way we give information to our subconscious. When we focus on our dreams, we focus our attention on them - all this triggers the mechanism of the palaces of the mind. The scheme is simple - such mental concentration leads to the translation (fulfillment) of desire by the subconscious into reality. It affects our consciousness, and for conscious people it is always “consciousness determines being” . This is the essence of all “magic methods”.

There are a large number of esoteric methods and practices for working with the subconscious and changes in your life, but in this article I want to consider a creative, interesting, very easy and most importantly effective technique (noted even by the most ardent materialists) - the so-called “Notebook of Desires”.

First you need to buy a notepad. Let it be special for you: an unusual cover that is close only to you, color, size, texture. Let it be beautiful and pleasant to the touch. Don't take the first checkered office notebook you come across! Choose with your soul and let SHE make her choice. You are essentially buying a tool to change your life. Can you make a notepad with your own hands? Amazing! The more energy you put in, the better!

Give your notebook a name: “Book of Life, Book of Desires, My Assistant” - whatever you like. You can sign your name. From now on it is a special thing in your home and in your life.

About the filling rules

Write in a notebook carefully, in beautiful handwriting. Let you have a special pen for him, a kind of magic wand. Start recording only in a good mood, you only need positive energy! Keep the book away from prying eyes; I hope you won’t have to explain why.

Make filling your notebook a weekly or monthly ritual. Create an atmosphere: turn on your favorite calming music, light candles, aroma lamps or incense. Think about what warms your soul!

There are no specific rules for filling out the notebook. You can divide it into sectors corresponding to different areas of life (as in the “Wish Card” technique), you can simply write in a list, you can draw, paste in images. The only thing that is true here is what you like and what will work towards your dreams.

I’ll tell you from personal experience: my friend keeps a “wish diary” like a regular work diary ( bullet journal) and writes down your dreams, big and small, as “tasks” or “goals” for each week, month. And almost everything comes true!

Based on this, I would like to recommend that your first desire is to write down what is easily and quickly achievable in the near future. Walk the dog, go shopping, water the flowers. This will start the “mechanism” of the notepad. Energy will pick up “fulfilled” desires and direct them in the right direction. By the way, this method is the basis of one of the NLP practices “FLOWLIST”. In order for a person to become more effective, he should include in his standard to-do list only basic things (about 30 items) that he will definitely do: wake up, brush his teeth, put on his shoes, eat, etc. After a while, it should be supplemented with standard work or personal tasks. As a result, new items on the list are completed by a person as if by inertia, easily and quickly, no matter the importance and complexity of the task. These are the jokes of the subconscious and people need to be able to work with it!

Returning to our notebook, I would like to note that the formulation of desires is very important. It is better to write in the present tense, with gratitude. We will talk about gratitude later separately.

It is very important to avoid the particle “NOT”! This is one of the key rules. How often do people formulate their desires according to the principle “I don’t want to be sick, I don’t want poverty”! Our subconscious simply does not perceive such a request, and for many it happens just the opposite, the opposite of their real desire.

Desires should be directed exclusively at you, and not concern other people, even loved ones. You can't wish for a good husband for your sister. But if you really want to, then formulate your wish like this: “For my joy, I accept my sister’s good husband.” This will be more effective.

Before you write down your wish, think very carefully. Ask yourself a few questions. Is this really YOUR desire? Do you really want this YOURSELF? This luxurious apartment in a skyscraper, a lot of money, an expensive sports car... The modern world aggressively imposes its goals on us and it is very important in the era of consumerism to simply listen to ourselves and figure it out. Perhaps you want a country house, silence and your own household? Write like that. Ask yourself if you don’t want this because of some complexes, feelings of guilt, sense of duty, or maybe a loved one is demanding this from you? The Universe will not fulfill such desires and may even cause minor harm in order to direct you on the right path. Watch your soul in search of your desires, it will tell you what is truly yours.

Try to formulate your desires more specifically, indicate deadlines if this is important for the fulfillment of your desire. There are thousands of funny stories when the “ordered” wish was fulfilled, but a little “clumsily”, not as originally wanted.

Want what you are really ready for. It often happens that we are afraid of our desires. You might not notice this at first glance, but if you dig deeper... New position? The birth of a child? Large sums of money? Moving to another country? Fears of these desires can put a powerful block on their fulfillment.

And the last very important point- the secret of the technology’s operation lies in your exceptional faith in what is happening and in what should happen. If you suddenly have doubts- and they will definitely arise - just ignore them. Don't try to confront them or fight them.

And in conclusion, I would like to say about the most important part in technology. About Gratitude. In esotericism, gratitude is a separate large practice. Through it comes true transformation of the soul. The ability to give thanks is the highest ability to notice and celebrate all the good things that exist around a person. A grateful person is a happy person. When the wish from your notebook comes true, thank the Universe, Peace, Energy, Heaven, God... Call it what you want. Give thanks that everything is going well!

I wish you good luck with this technique! We create our own destiny, we mold our own reality. The main thing is to believe and be grateful for everything that is and for everything that is not yet. According to our faith, may it be done to us!

Let's create a magical Scroll of Wishes! I have been using this simple ritual to fulfill material desires for many years, and it has never failed.

You will need:

  1. A notebook, notepad, or perhaps a real scroll that you need to buy at the store. You can't haggle with this =)
  2. Pen, felt-tip pen and anything else you could use to write with.

Initialization time:

  • any or favorable


  • any

Probability of wish fulfillment:

  • material - 90%
  • intangible -70%


  • from a week to 2 years

Description of the ritual and how to make a Scroll of Wishes

Buy a notebook or notebook from the store, one that you like. On the first page, draw the Om sign, and if you believe in any religion, draw any other auspicious sign.

Om sign

Initiate your Scroll of Wishes

Write your first test wish on the next page. It should be easy to perform on your own and talk about a material thing. For example, about chocolate.

The text should be like this:

“I accept with gratitude from the Universe<собственно желание, в нашем случае — вкусную молочную шоколадку сегодня вечером>for the benefit of me and others"

After that, buy yourself a delicious milk chocolate bar in the store. The wish came true. Now you need to cross it out from your scroll of Wishes, and be sure to write gratitude:

“I thank the Universe for fulfilling my wish! Everything is going well for me!”

Then enter two new wishes using the same formula.That's it, your Scroll of Wishes is ready and already working. Now use it in the same style. If your wish comes true, cross it out, thank it, and add 2 new ones.

My review

  • The Scroll of Desires works well on material desires - things, places, etc.
  • The Scroll of Wishes does not work on other people. You can only wish for yourself. Moreover, such a desire can spoil your Scroll and it will work worse in the future.
  • Don't forget to thank and cross out wishes that come true. I have often encountered the fact that desires ceased to come true if a lot of uncrossed out and, accordingly, ungrateful wishes accumulated.
  • If you change your mind and no longer need a wish fulfilled, cross it out and thank the Universe for “fulfilling wishes” (plural)
  • As always, remember that all desires must be written in the present tense, in a positive way without particles not.
  • It’s better not to set time limits unless it’s critical for you.

That's all.

With uv. Melani

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