There will be imagination. How to develop imagination in adults: seven effective ways

Imagination is a great gift of nature that every person can use, starting from a very young age. This is the ability of inner vision, which is associated with many aspects of our lives. This quality is intended to serve the benefit of a person and help him in real life to achieve what he could see inside himself, in his thoughts and dreams.

Why is it worth developing your imagination?

As a rule, adults rarely think about developing their creativity and imagination. It just so happens that you are taught to be realistic, not to “have your head in the clouds”, not to build illusions and castles in the air. But by neglecting the development of imagination, we can deprive ourselves of many benefits. Let's look at some reasons why it's worth developing your imagination.

    Firstly, developed imagination promotes mental flexibility and makes a person’s thinking more productive. So, it would seem, just the ability to dream, but in fact it turns out that fantasy is closely related to the level of intelligence. That is, by developing your imagination, you become smarter!

    Secondly, imagination is not a useless function that is needed only for preschoolers to make their childhood more fun. No! Imagination helps us extract from the depths of our subconscious what we were unaware of. For years, our imagination accumulates the energy that is given to every person along with his dreams. At the moment when a person is completely ready to realize what his fantasy has drawn, the accumulated energy is released and gives a powerful push, which allows him to get closer to the goal faster. If you need strength to live a successful life, you cannot neglect the development of your imagination.

    Thirdly, thanks to your imagination, you can achieve great heights in your professional activities or business. The modern world is developing at a crazy pace, and every year so many new things appear that creative ideas come in handy. Therefore, a person with a good imagination, capable of coming up with fresh ideas and solutions, will always have a good position and income.

    And of course, the power of imagination is your inner strength, which opens up many possibilities for you. Your imagination is where all your success begins. Everything that is created by man today was once born exactly there, in a small part of the brain, which generated and allowed man to see the finished result with his inner vision.

How can you develop your imagination?

Child psychologists now talk a lot about this topic. They are concerned that today's children do not have the same developed imagination as children from previous generations. Of course, everything is blamed on the effects of television and various gadgets. In fact, a TV, smartphone, computer, tablet are useful devices. But they can be harmful to a growing and developing brain.

Why? The reason is the way the information is presented! The simpler and clearer the information presented, the less the brain needs to strain. The imagination is practically not involved when watching a cartoon. But, if a child reads a book or listens to a fairy tale, the areas of the brain associated with creativity and fantasy are immediately activated, because the baby needs to activate inner vision in order to visualize the information received.

The same problem also affects adults. It’s not for nothing that you can often hear that watching TV makes people less inventive, active and experience difficulties even in the simplest thought processes. Simply put, their brains become less flexible. Therefore, first of all, it is better to refuse or minimize receiving information from TV and computer screens. Yes, of course, it’s easier to watch a video rather than read a book, but if you care about your mind and consciousness, and strive to achieve heights in life, you need to sacrifice something. This is the only thing that can interfere with the harmonious development and activation of fantasy.

Let's consider another list of tips that, on the contrary, will contribute to the development of imagination.

    There is one simple and yet effective exercise for developing the parts of the brain responsible for creativity. The simplicity is that it can be practiced anywhere, anytime. The point is this. Try to simulate various life situations in your imagination. Scroll through the plot, improvise, draw the smallest details in your head. For example, imagine how in the evening you and a friend met in a cafe over a cup of tea. Try to hear this light music, smell it, and see the interior details.

    Another very popular way to develop imagination is reading books. The more often you allow yourself to enjoy a book, the more your brain is loaded, and specifically the part responsible for the power of imagination. The brain is like a muscle; the stronger and more often you strain it, the more productive it will work.

    Start writing your thoughts, impressions, emotions. Keep a diary, or just do it periodically when you have a free minute and inspiration. Every time you write down something you've experienced, or just your thoughts, you experience it in a new way and your imagination is used again.

    An effective and efficient way to develop fantasy is to communicate with people who have already managed to develop this quality well. Such people are full of energy and ideas; they have many plans and dreams that they would like to realize in their lives. No matter how strange it may sound, this energy is transmitted. Allow yourself to be “infected” by this, plunge into the atmosphere of creation and creativity, and be saturated with this energy.

    And of course, don’t forget about other creative activities and hobbies. Perhaps you have an old dream - to learn to draw or crochet. Make up your mind and start doing some creative activities that activate your brain, forcing your imagination to develop.

Remember that by reaching heights in the development of imagination, you can break through in many areas of life. Don't stop and don't let any circumstances get in your way, and then you will have great success!

Question 46. Definition, types, functions of imagination. The role of imagination in solving cognitive and personality problems. Development of imagination. Imagination and creativity.

Imagination- this is the mental process of creating new images, ideas and thoughts based on existing experience, by restructuring a person’s ideas.

Imagination is closely connected with all other cognitive processes and occupies a special place in human cognitive activity. Thanks to this process, a person can anticipate the course of events, foresee the results of his actions and actions. It allows you to create behavior programs in situations characterized by uncertainty.

From a physiological point of view, imagination is the process of formation of new systems of temporary connections as a result of complex analytical and synthetic activity of the brain.

In the process of imagination, systems of temporary nerve connections seem to disintegrate and unite into new complexes, groups of nerve cells are connected in a new way.

The physiological mechanisms of imagination are located in the cortex and deeper parts of the brain.

Imagination - this is the process of mental transformation of reality, the ability to construct new holistic images of reality by processing the content of existing practical, sensory, intellectual and emotional-semantic experience.

Types of imagination

By subject – emotional, figurative, verbal-logical

By mode of activity - active and passive, intentional and unintentional

By the nature of the images - abstract and concrete

According to the results - recreating (mental reproduction of existing images of objects) and creative (creating images of objects that do not currently exist).

Types of imagination:

- active - when a person, through an effort of will, evokes appropriate images in himself. Active imagination is a creative, recreating phenomenon. Creative active imagination arises as a result of work, independently creates images that are expressed in original and valuable products of activity. This is the basis of any creativity;

- passive - when images arise by themselves, do not depend on desires and will and are not brought to life.

Passive imagination is:

- involuntary imagination . The simplest form of imagination is those images that arise without special intention or effort on our part (floating clouds, reading an interesting book). Any interesting, exciting teaching usually evokes a vivid involuntary imagination. One type of involuntary imagination is dreams . N.M. Sechenov believed that dreams are an unprecedented combination of experienced impressions.

- arbitrary imagination manifests itself in cases where new images or ideas arise as a result of a person’s special intention to imagine something specific, concrete.

Among the various types and forms of voluntary imagination we can distinguish recreating imagination, creative imagination and dream. Recreating imagination manifests itself when a person needs to recreate a representation of an object that matches its description as fully as possible. For example, when reading books, we imagine heroes, events, etc. Creative imagination is characterized by the fact that a person transforms ideas and creates new ones not according to an existing model, but by independently outlining the contours of the created image and choosing the necessary materials for it. Creative imagination, like recreating, is closely related to memory, since in all cases of its manifestation a person uses his previous experience. A dream is a type of imagination that involves the independent creation of new images. At the same time, a dream has a number of differences from creative imagination. 1) in a dream a person always recreates the image of what he wants, but not always in creativity; 2) a dream is a process of imagination that is not included in creative activity, i.e. not immediately and directly providing an objective product in the form of a work of art, a scientific discovery, etc. 3) a dream is always aimed at future activities, i.e. A dream is an imagination aimed at a desired future.

Functions of the imagination.

In human life, imagination performs a number of specific functions. First one of them is to represent reality in images and be able to use them when solving problems. This function of imagination is connected with thinking and is organically included in it. Second the function of imagination is to regulate emotional states. With the help of his imagination, a person is able to at least partially satisfy many needs and relieve the tension they generate. This vital function is especially emphasized and developed in psychoanalysis. Third the function of imagination is associated with its participation in the voluntary regulation of cognitive processes and human states, in particular perception, attention, memory, speech, emotions. With the help of skillfully evoked images, a person can pay attention to the necessary events. Through images, he gains the opportunity to control perceptions, memories, and statements. Fourth the function of imagination is to form an internal plan of action - the ability to carry them out in the mind, manipulating images. Finally, fifth function is planning and programming activities, drawing up such programs, assessing their correctness, and the implementation process. With the help of imagination, we can control many psychophysiological states of the body and tune it to upcoming activities. There are also known facts indicating that with the help of imagination, purely by will, a person can influence organic processes: change the rhythm of breathing, pulse rate, blood pressure, body temperature.

Imagination carries the following functions (as defined by R. S. Nemov):

- representation of reality in images;

- emotional regulation states;

Voluntary regulation of cognitive processes and human states:

- formation of internal action plan;

- planning and programming activities;

- psychophysiological management state of the body.

The role of imagination in solving cognitive and personality problems.

Imagination is closely related to thinking:

Like thinking, it allows you to foresee the future;

Imagination and thinking arise in a problem situation;

Imagination and thinking are motivated by the needs of the individual;

In the process of activity, imagination appears in unity with thinking;

The basis of imagination is the ability to choose an image; the basis of thinking is the possibility of a new combination of concepts.

The main purpose of fantasy is to present an alternative to reality. As such, fantasy serves two main purposes:

It stimulates creativity, allowing you to create something that does not exist (yet), and

It acts as a balancing mechanism for the soul, offering the individual a means of self-help to achieve emotional balance (self-healing). Fantasy is also used for clinical purposes; the results of projective psychological tests and techniques are based on fantasy projections (as is the case in the TAT). In addition, in various psychotherapeutic approaches, fantasy is assigned the role of an exploratory or therapeutic tool.

Development of imagination

It is very difficult to determine any specific age limits that characterize the dynamics of imagination development. There are examples of extremely early development of imagination. For example, Mozart began composing music at the age of four, Repin and Serov could draw well at the age of six. On the other hand, the late development of imagination does not mean that this process will be at a low level in more mature years. History knows of cases where great people, for example Einstein, were not distinguished by a developed imagination in childhood, but over time they began to be talked about as geniuses.

Despite the difficulty of determining the stages of development of imagination in humans, certain patterns in its formation can be identified. Thus, the first manifestations of imagination are closely related to the process of perception. For example, children aged one and a half years are not yet able to listen to even the simplest stories or fairy tales; they are constantly distracted or fall asleep, but listen with pleasure to stories about what they themselves have experienced. This phenomenon clearly shows the connection between imagination and perception. A child listens to a story about his experiences because he clearly imagines what is being said. The connection between perception and imagination continues at the next stage of development, when the child begins to process received impressions in his games, modifying previously perceived objects in his imagination. The chair turns into a cave or an airplane, the box into a car. However, it should be noted that the first images of a child’s imagination are always associated with activity. The child does not dream, but embodies the processed image in his activities, even though this activity is a game.

An important stage in the development of imagination is associated with the age when a child masters speech. Speech allows the child to include in the imagination not only specific images, but also more abstract ideas and concepts. Moreover, speech allows the child to move from expressing images of imagination in activity to their direct expression in speech.

The stage of mastering speech is accompanied by an increase in practical experience and the development of attention, which allows the child to more easily identify individual parts of an object, which he already perceives as independent and with which he increasingly operates in his imagination. However, the synthesis occurs with significant distortions of reality. Due to the lack of sufficient experience and insufficient critical thinking, the child cannot create an image that is close to reality. The main feature of this stage is the involuntary nature of the emergence of imagination. Most often, images of imagination are formed in a child of this age involuntarily, in accordance with with the situation he is in.

The next stage in the development of imagination is associated with the emergence of its active forms. At this stage, the process of imagination becomes voluntary. The emergence of active forms of imagination is initially associated with stimulating initiative on the part of an adult. For example, when an adult asks a child to do something (draw a tree, build a house out of cubes, etc.), he activates the imagination process. In order to fulfill the request of an adult, the child must first create, or recreate, a certain image in his imagination. Moreover, this process of imagination, by its nature, is already voluntary, since the child tries to control it. Later, the child begins to use his own imagination without any adult participation. This leap in the development of imagination is reflected, first of all, in the nature of the child’s games. They become focused and story-driven. The things surrounding the child become not just stimuli for the development of objective activity, but act as material for the embodiment of images of his imagination. A child at the age of four or five begins to draw, build, sculpt, rearrange things and combine them in accordance with his plan.

Another major shift in imagination occurs during school age. The need to understand educational material determines the activation of the process of recreating imagination. In order to assimilate the knowledge that is given at school, the child actively uses his imagination, which causes the progressive development of the ability to process images of perception into images of imagination.

Another reason for the rapid development of imagination during school years is that during the learning process the child actively acquires new and diverse ideas about objects and phenomena of the real world. These ideas serve as a necessary basis for imagination and stimulate the student’s creative activity.

The degree of development of imagination is characterized by the vividness of images and the depth with which the data of past experience is processed, as well as the novelty and meaningfulness of the results of this processing. The strength and vividness of imagination is easily assessed when the product of imagination is implausible and bizarre images, for example, among the authors of fairy tales. Poor development of imagination is expressed in a low level of processing of ideas. Weak imagination entails difficulties in solving mental problems that require the ability to visualize a specific situation. With an insufficient level of imagination development, a rich and emotionally diverse life is impossible.

People differ most clearly in the degree of vividness of their imagination. If we assume that there is a corresponding scale, then at one pole there will be people with extremely high levels of vividness of the images of the imagination, which they experience as visions, and at the other pole there will be people with extremely pale ideas. As a rule, we find a high level of development of imagination among people engaged in creative work - writers, artists, musicians, scientists.

Significant differences between people are revealed regarding the nature of the dominant type of imagination. Most often there are people with a predominance of visual, auditory or motor images of the imagination. But there are people who have a high development of all or most types of imagination. These people can be classified as the so-called mixed type. Belonging to one or another type of imagination very significantly affects the individual psychological characteristics of a person. For example, people of the auditory or motor type very often dramatize the situation in their thoughts, imagining a non-existent opponent.

The development of imagination in the human race, considered historically, follows the same path as that of the individual. Vico, whose name is well worth mentioning here because he was the first to see how myths can be used for the study of the imagination, divided the historical path of mankind into three successive periods: divine or theocratic, heroic or fabulous, human or historical in the proper sense; and after one such cycle has passed, a new one begins

- vigorous activity (D. in general) stimulates the development of imagination

Development of various types of creative activities and scientific activities

The use of special techniques for creating new products of imagination as solutions to problems - agglutination, typification, hyperbolization, schematypization

- agglutination (from lat. agglutinatio - gluing) - combining individual parts or different objects into one image;

- emphasis, sharpening - emphasizing some detail in the created image, highlighting a part;

- hyperbolization - displacement of an object, change in the number of its parts, reduction or increase in its size;

- schematization - highlighting the characteristic that is repeated in homogeneous phenomena and reflecting it in a specific image.

- typing - highlighting the similarities of objects, smoothing out their differences;

Active connection of feelings and emotions.

Imagination and creativity.

The leading connection is the dependence of imagination on creativity: imagination is formed in the process of creative activity. The imagination, necessary for the transformation of reality and creative activity, was formed in the process of this creative activity. The development of imagination occurred as more and more perfect products of imagination were created.

Imagination plays a particularly important role in scientific and artistic creativity. Creativity without the active participation of imagination is generally impossible. Imagination allows a scientist to build hypotheses, mentally imagine and perform scientific experiments, search for and find non-trivial solutions to problems. Imagination plays an important role in the early stages of solving a scientific problem and often leads to remarkable insights.

The study of the role of imagination in the processes of scientific and technical creativity is carried out by specialists in the psychology of scientific creativity.

Creativity is closely related to all mental processes, including imagination. The degree of development of imagination and its characteristics are no less important for creativity than, say, the degree of development of thinking. The psychology of creativity manifests itself in all its specific types: inventive, scientific, literary, artistic, etc. What factors determine the possibility of human creativity? 1) human knowledge, which is supported by appropriate abilities, and is stimulated by determination; 2) the presence of certain experiences that create the emotional tone of creative activity.

The English scientist G. Wallace made an attempt to study the creative process. As a result, he was able to identify 4 stages of the creative process: 1. Preparation (the birth of an idea). 2. Maturation (concentration, “contraction” of knowledge, directly and indirectly). 3. Insight (intuitive grasp of the desired result). 4. Check.

Thus, the creative transformation of reality in the imagination is subject to its own laws and is carried out in certain ways. New ideas arise on the basis of what was already in consciousness, thanks to the operations of synthesis and analysis. Ultimately, the processes of imagination consist in the mental decomposition of initial ideas into their component parts (analysis) and their subsequent combination in new combinations (synthesis), i.e. are analytical and synthetic in nature. Consequently, the creative process relies on the same mechanisms that are involved in the formation of ordinary images of the imagination.

Our imagination can help us improve our lives and achieve our goals. With the help of special techniques, it can be developed and used for your own well-being.

Everyone can use imagination. This exceptional ability is directly related to many aspects of life. With the help of imagination, each person will be able to turn their fantasies into reality, sending an impulse to the brain for active action.

Why is imagination needed?

Using the principle of realism, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to fantasize, thereby closing the paths of development in many areas. There are several reasons that will help you realize the need to develop your imagination.

1. The development of imagination helps train the brain, develop mental flexibility and makes thinking more productive. By developing your imagination, you become smarter, build logical chains faster and solve multi-step problems.

2. Imagination helps to extract knowledge from the subconscious. With the help of fantasies, a person accumulates his own energy, directing an impulse to the brain to realize creative ideas and ideas. Imagination builds the power for a successful and productive life with the help of extraordinary solutions to the problems assigned to you.

3. With the help of imagination, you can achieve much greater heights in your career, because thinking capable of generating ideas gives you an advantage in developing your own business and demonstrating creative inclinations. A person with a good imagination is capable of creative, fresh solutions and ideas that help quality work.

How to develop your imagination

Psychologists are seriously concerned that modern children have virtually no imagination and poorly developed imagination. In many ways, they blame television programs and gadgets that do not provide the opportunity to develop mental flexibility. The method of presenting simple information does not provide food for thought, and this leads to an impoverishment of knowledge, preventing the opportunity to use those parts of the brain that are responsible for creativity. The same problems are observed in adults who, in favor of modern videos, have stopped using literature and straining their memory and brain to solve problems on their own.

In order to activate brain activity, follow simple rules, and soon you will notice positive changes that will improve your memory and intellectual capabilities.

1. One of the daily rules is mental simulation of life situations. Imagine the plots in all the smallest details, add new details. For example, imagine being in some place. Add in your imagination quiet musical accompaniment, aromas of dishes, the noise of the city or the sounds of nature. Such exercises will allow you to easily reproduce in your imagination many options for the development of events.

2. Don't forget to read. Reading develops your imagination and enriches your vocabulary. Frequently encountered literary devices that provoke you to read between the lines load the brain, allowing it to analyze the proposed text, see the characters of the work, and imagine them in the proposed situation. The brain is a muscle, and the more you use it, the more productive your life becomes.

3. Keep yourself a diary in which you will write down your thoughts, emotions and experiences. Thoughts expressed on paper make your brain work twice as hard, searching for the right words to describe what happened to you. This method will also help you increase your vocabulary and teach you how to express thoughts correctly.

4. Communicate with people who are literally bursting with ideas. Their rich imagination and energy will be transmitted to you. Having plunged into the world of fantasy and new ideas, you simply cannot refuse this exciting activity.

Imagination can be used in various situations. You can, for example, use it to solve a problem or open up your creativity for a project. You can also use your imagination to take a mini-vacation in your mind, which will help you relax in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


Use your imagination to solve a problem

    Think of a scenario where there is no failure. That is, when you think about a problem or situation, imagine that failure simply cannot happen. Think about options that you wouldn't normally consider because they seem too risky. Think about what resources you would use if you could use anything, including human resources. How would you solve this problem if you had all the options available to you?

    • This experience will open you to a wide variety of solutions. You may not be able to implement the exact option you came up with, but maybe a good replacement will come to mind that you hadn't thought of before.
  1. Challenge assumptions. Sometimes the best way to use your imagination is to come up with a creative solution to challenge the assumptions you have about a problem. But first you need to make a list of these very assumptions.

    Spend some time alone with yourself. You may be tempted to immediately bring the problem up for discussion, but sometimes it is better to spend some time thinking about the problem on your own. Turn off all distractions, such as the TV and the Internet. Focus solely on the problem.

    Stop criticizing. You're probably your own worst critic, which means you may stop yourself before you find a solution. When an idea pops into your head, don’t immediately write it off as stupid. Take some time to think about it. You may be able to refine it into a better option that will ultimately be the perfect solution to your problem.

    Think carefully about your idea. Brainstorming will help you open up your imagination so you can see different solutions. You can brainstorm as a group or think about it alone - either option will help you increase the number of ideas you come up with.

    Try something new. If you constantly do the same thing, you fall into a rut. But in order to unleash your creative potential, you just need to try some new techniques or look at something from a different point of view. Sometimes this requires simply literally moving around, for example, looking at your project from the floor or vice versa, placing it on the floor. In other cases, to stimulate the imagination, you need to take a different approach, for example, learning a new drawing technique or a different way of embroidering.

    Focus on the process. That is, instead of banging your head against the wall to achieve a predetermined finished product, let the process itself determine what your project becomes. It is in the process that you can explore new ideas and try new routes. If you give in to this process, you may come up with something else that is better than you expected. Another way to express this idea is: “Don’t be afraid to deviate from your plan.”

    • Plus, even if you decide you don't like the end result, you can use what you learned on your next project.
  2. Let go of perfectionism. If you're a perfectionist, then you know that sometimes you can be so focused on not making a mistake that you end up not finishing what you start. You may always be unhappy with how things turned out. Perfectionism is a form of self-criticism, and therefore can prevent you from moving forward with a project or trying something new. Therefore, you need to try to calm your inner perfectionist.

    Give yourself enough time. Working under a deadline can be incredibly invigorating, which stimulates the imagination. However, when deadlines are tight, it can make you feel stressed, and stress can stifle your creativity. You need to know how much time you personally need to work on a particular task and give yourself enough time to complete it. Set aside how much time you need so you can focus only on the project.

”, and a little earlier, they raised questions about what “ ” and “ ” are. Today I want to continue the topic and tell you where ideas come from, which can later develop into a goal, as a result, and what FAITH is needed for.

Today we are talking about Imagination.


What is Imagination? This is the mother of all ideas.

Everything that has ever been created by man first appeared in his imagination.

I really want to convey this information to you in a more understandable form, so that today we can together use this tool to its fullest.

Remember what happens in your brain when you read an interesting fiction book? Suddenly you begin to see, as if in reality, everything that the author describes. Together with the main character, you cross the ocean, go into space to distant stars, and get into various troubles. This is what imagination is, i.e. This is our brain's ability to draw colorful pictures.

Imagine a boy who sits in front of a blank sheet of paper and begins to draw something with paints. Many children do so-so, but some become artists. Out of nothing, out of a blank sheet of paper, a picture appears.

Have you seen how artists paint? If not, then watch the video at the end of the article, I will select a good illustration of this example for you.

We all think a lot. We can say that thoughts are spinning in swarms in our heads. But for the most part, these are chaotic thoughts and images that appear from information received, most often from TV, or from a conversation with a casual acquaintance. But imagination is a tool that can and should be turned on when necessary.

Why use your imagination?

Let me give you a couple more examples. A chess player thinks through his moves and the moves of his opponent. He imagines what his opponent will do in this or that case.

A young guy wants to meet a girl and imagines what she will say if he tries to talk to her. He even thinks about what will happen after their conversation. Perhaps in his thoughts he is already buying her flowers and rejoicing from the first kiss. In fact, he hasn't even spoken to her yet. It was all born in his imagination.

You want to create a business and start drawing pictures in your mind. But what kind of pictures are these? Rainbow, bright, juicy and beautiful, or do you imagine a tax audit, a masquerade with machine guns and severe bankruptcy?

Your life is a blank sheet of paper on which pictures appear, born in your imagination. Yes, only what is in your brain is important. Only this will put into action unknown levers that will ultimately give a really tangible result.

What we imagine becomes reality. And we don’t just imagine, but also imbue it with our Faith.

Imagination can be learned. Or better yet, you can remember how it worked in childhood, because children have no problems with imagination.

For example, I remember myself with a samurai sword, defeating crowds of assassins - black ninjas. Only now, these were not ninjas, but potato bushes, and in my hands I had not a sword, but a simple stick.

A modern child looks at a tractor and sees a transforming robot. And this is relatively good, since his imagination works.

With age comes vanity and the imagination greatly atrophies. It exists, but it’s only enough to think about the plots of TV series.

We have completely forgotten how to use this greatest tool that nature has given us. Units are able to turn it on when necessary.

How to turn on your imagination?

Just as a champion has not only the winner’s podium, but also the real burden of daily training, so we can not only receive ready-made ideas, but can also develop our imagination.

By the way, I explained this method in detail in the video training “Money”, and now I will briefly tell you.

Look in any direction right now and say out loud what you see.

Now think about what you don’t see here. Just imagine what could be here, but isn't.

Now think about it, if you were God, what would you change? Be bolder. Just start imagining.

It's not difficult. You just need to start.

By the way, these simple exercises can be done at any time when you have a free minute.

Imagine what you would do right now if you had $1 million in cash. What if it’s 10 or 100 billion? What would you do? You never have to think about how to make money again, so what would you do then?

Imagine that you suddenly learned to fly. How would this affect you and your everyday life?

Imagine that Mikhail Brin invited you to visit and sent his personal plane to pick you up. What would change and why?

Now that you remember how to dream, try drawing your life. And be bolder. The truth is that whatever you dare to do will become reality. But for this you need to learn to believe. How to learn to believe.

By the way, read the article “” and I am sure that your imagination will definitely help in this matter.

In the meantime, that’s all, and please, do not forget to believe in the dreams concerning your life. Ideas become reality. Both what you have now and who you have become now is the result of your present imagination. After all, when it came to becoming an astronaut, you didn’t have much faith, but to become... (insert your own), there was plenty of faith for that.

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