Be a Sith who knows that if I am not an obstacle to bad, then it is not bad for me.

With the rubber band or rubber band method, there is no bleeding, no wound, and therefore sepsis cannot occur. The blood supply to the tail is simply interrupted and after two or three days the bandaged tip shrivels and dies. The puppies don’t seem to be very bothered by this, nor does the mother, who seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that anything wrong is happening.

Cupping by cutting

Another way to shorten the tail is to cut it off in the right place with special docking scissors. The operation is performed by two people - one holds the puppy, the other docks the tail. The tail should be held as tightly as possible with the thumb and forefinger in the right place and cut off. The cut site should be held clamped for one to two minutes, and then sprinkled with some kind of powdered antiseptic.

The disadvantage of this method is that if the tail is cut too short, it cannot be restored. There is also a risk of bleeding and a wound remains through which infection can enter. Some dog breeders prefer to sew up the wound. But, if cutting off the puppy hardly bothers you, then suturing the wound is very painful if local anesthesia is not used, but this can only be done by a veterinarian.

After tail docking, the puppy should be monitored for several hours to ensure there is no bleeding. Usually the tail stump heals quickly, but the scab disappears in 3-4 weeks.

Maybe tail docking doesn’t bother the puppies too much; in any case, they scream less than when the bitch steps on them. And yet, I think it is wrong to mutilate a puppy for a reason that does not benefit the dog. Tail docking is, of course, the result of the bad properties of human nature, when a dog’s wonderful tail is mutilated for reasons such as the requirements for dogs at a show. It's appalling how many dog ​​owners are so brainwashed that they allow themselves to be convinced, and try to convince others, that docking does not harm the dog, and that a dog with a normal tail will look unbalanced and misshapen.

Eye care

A puppy's eyes usually open between the tenth and thirteenth day. True, it happens that puppies are born with their eyes already open, but they never survive.

The eyes begin to open from the inner corner and the gap gradually widens until the entire eye opens. Sometimes one eye opens before the other. During this time, puppies should not be kept in bright light. At first, puppies distinguish only between light and darkness, and vague outlines of objects. It is usually only between the fourth and fifth weeks that puppies begin to see well.

Surprisingly, as soon as the puppy opens his eyes, for some reason he learns to crawl backwards. I always think it might be a delayed reaction to him seeing his owner for the first time!

The ears, which are closed at birth, begin to open around the tenth day. In some long-haired breeds, hair begins to grow in the ear canal already at this age. If you don’t take care of this, then the so-called “wax” accumulates in the ear canal, sticks together the hair growing there and the passage can thus be completely closed with a dense plug. To prevent this from happening, the hair from the ears must be gradually removed, pulling out a few hairs at a time.

Weight gain

Puppies grow quickly and should gain weight evenly. The only reliable way to determine whether puppies are developing well is to weigh them every two days for the first two weeks, and once a week after that time. If the puppies are gaining weight, sleeping contentedly after sucking or eating, and actively seeking food, then they are normal healthy puppies.

See also

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Motivation to achieve success and avoid failure
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- Do you want me to give you the definition of falsity? You love definitions so much. False is what claims to be the ultimate truth.

Then it turns out that everything we receive is false.

- Yes, if we consider this as the only option.

What if we do not consider the acquired knowledge as the only truth?

- But are you able not to consider the knowledge you have acquired as the only truth?

— Now for some reason it occurred to me that I read about a method associated not with the analysis of the structure of a word, but with the assumption that the pause that exists between phrases also has a very great semantic meaning. In other words, the space between phrases and words is just as important as the words themselves.

It's more important. What is a word? A word is a thought form, energy, charge. We send these charges to the person or group of people to whom we say something. They explode like bombs and cause a certain fireworks display in a person’s inner world. It is these fireworks that are the most important. What's interesting to me is something that evokes a lot of resonances in me, my own resonances. But this is precisely what is systematically suppressed in the education system adopted in our reality. The student is forced to cram what someone has said. The entire system of control of knowledge that is given there is built in exactly this way. This is the murder of one's own creativity. Therefore, completely meaningless, monotonous, dry, boring texts are produced.

Only that which resonates is creative. Co-creation. I encourage you to co-create. What I say is simply an opportunity for something to resonate in the person to whom it is said and cause a desire to create something of their own. This is how co-creators of realities communicate. Each of us is the king of our own world. I send you my gifts that you can use for your creativity in your world. Having created something beautiful, you will share its fruits with me, and I will share it with you again, etc. It is for such co-creation that the Great One Creator created the universe. He awarded His messengers - the Creators - the ability to create, so that they would return to Him the fruits of their creativity. People were created as Creators, but they have forgotten this. They forgot because this reality is such that its guardians monitor so that the Creators are not here. They don't need Creators, they need slaves. And for slaves there is a special education system. For slaves there is a special frequency control of consciousness. We go against this, we want to go beyond restrictions and control. We want to remember ourselves as a multidimensional being. A creative being. A being located in many realities, with different structures of time and space.

Are you ready to become aware of yourself as a multidimensional consciousness? Otherwise, all conversations and ideas about the multidimensionality of consciousness will remain just conversations. We are working on practical implementation. We don't use ideas just for the sake of ideas. We will implement them. The realization of the idea of ​​multidimensionality of consciousness is impossible without liberating one’s consciousness from the conditioning of a limited mind. Therefore, our work in this direction is the main one. Awareness of your multidimensionality occurs through the opening of your higher energy centers. They are the ones who connect us with other realities. If we are ready to treat the information that comes through them impartially, without judgment, with love, it will definitely come to us - sooner or later. Your Love and acceptance are the main condition for it to come. Without this, you can endlessly try many different techniques, but nothing will happen.

Unconditional Love is the most important key for us now. Unconditional Love is the acceptance of everything that is, as it is - people, your own experience, other realities, unearthly civilizations, new ideas, changing situations in politics and economics. Love is not just something that would be nice to have. Love is a necessary attribute for receiving information from expanded consciousness; a necessary attribute for realizing oneself as a multidimensional being. And one more thing. Light is information. You can receive new information by calling on the Light, but will you be able to understand it and assimilate it? A very important question. Imagine that a large amount of new information begins to be entered into your apparatus - the body-mind - like into a computer. It can make a person crazy if he has a lot of conditionings, old beliefs and beliefs, because the given information will not correspond to them. It will come into conflict with the conditioning contained in the mind. And what will this lead to? Yes, besides what they say here: “the roof has gone crazy.”

If... then


Syntactic constructions with the conjunction “if” are distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas. A comma is always placed before the correlative word “that”.

And if you delve into it, then there was nothing to be ashamed of. B. Vasiliev, Don’t shoot white swans.If I haven't been to the city for a long time, That , so I was sick or something had happened to me, and they were both very worried. A. Chekhov, About love. Listen... because if this is true, then , so both of them... V. Korolenko, At night.

The conjunction “if... then” in a complex sentence may be preceded by another conjunction. There is no punctuation mark between the two conjunctions, since the correlative word “that” implies the impossibility of eliminating or rearranging the subordinate clause.

It was warm in the cabin, and one could forget that under the apparatus there was a mile and a half of empty space, what if you fall, then a crow cannot collect bones, that everyone’s life lies in the art of the pilot and the proper functioning of the engines. B. Zhitkov, Above the water. And I also thought that if daddy wants to make fun of me so bad, That , please, I can leave home straight to the virgin lands. V. Dragunsky, Deniska's stories.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “if... then” is in other dictionaries:

    if only- if...

    if- if... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    If- If …

    if- (b) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    if only- if (b) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    IF- 1. union. Expresses the condition for the occurrence or existence of something. E. you ask, I'll go. E. you can, come. 2. particle. The same as unless (in 2 digits). I have no time to come in. E. for a minute (for a minute e.). A shovel doesn’t take, a crowbar does. If 1) a union... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    IF- IF, union. 1. at the beginning of a conditional clause. sentences, from ch. in the present vr. or bud. vr. In the case when... (in the main sentence the conjunction this or that may correspond). “If life deceives you, don’t be sad, don’t be angry.” Pushkin. If demand... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    If- If, if, when, if, if, if soon; Isn't it? If only, if only. If you tell the truth, then... No matter who asks, then tell me... If I die, otherwise I will. Praise my lip, otherwise (if not, otherwise, otherwise) I’ll tear it apart... even if... . Dictionary … Dictionary of synonyms

    if- when, if only, if only, if only, if only beans would grow in your mouth, if only if only mushrooms would grow in your mouth Dictionary of Russian synonyms. if ever; if only (beans would grow in the mouth or mushrooms would grow in the mouth) (colloquial joke); if only... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    If- IF, in case if, in case if, if and... then, if only, if... then, in case if, in case if, provided that, provided that, provided if, provided that, perhaps, is outdated. if, outdated if only...... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    IF- Rapprochement with other languages, their influence accelerated and intensified those development trends that had emerged even earlier in the Russian language itself. Both in the field of vocabulary and grammar, under the influence of foreign languages, it is rapidly spreading and... ... History of words


  • If it weren't for you! , Vyacheslav Viktorovich Marchenkov. Only sincere love makes a person purer. Raises him above the abyss of existence, lies and hypocrisy. Only sincere love gives us the strength to survive in this crazy...

The Anti-Corruption Foundation published an investigation into Medvedev’s “secret empire” in early March; a month later, the Prime Minister commented on it for the first time, calling the publication “nonsense” and “compote.” One of the authors of the investigation, an employee of the investigation department of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Georgy Alburov, commented on Medvedev’s response to Dozhd.

Dmitry Medvedev:

Moreover, everything is done according to the “compote” principle: they take all sorts of different dregs, all sorts of nonsense, and collect them: if it concerns me, then about people I know, about people whom I have never heard of, about some places where I have been, about some places that I have never heard of either. They collect some pieces of paper, photographs, clothes and then create such a product and present it.

Georgy Alburov:

This is very funny. Every time, after investigations, we play this game with someone against whom we conducted such an investigation: when we say some facts, they answer us with some insults and some completely inadequate statements, to which we also respond with facts.

But every time it is quite difficult to respond with facts to what Medvedev or someone else said, because well, they called our investigation “compote”, “nonsense” and “papers” - well, what can you say about that? Apparently, this is intended for those who have not read our investigation, because it consists of hundreds and hundreds of documents, screenshots, certificates, videos, photographs, maps, everything in the world. And all this is interconnected and all this proves that Medvedev owns an entire corruption empire, into which 70 billion rubles have been pumped in by the oligarchs and state banks.

It’s difficult to argue with Medvedev when he doesn’t respond in form, when he doesn’t answer in substance, because he, apparently, simply has nothing to answer. He cannot present our certificates with his own certificates, which would refute all this. He needs to answer something, he can’t remain silent all the time.

Dmitry Medvedev:

And if you pay well for this (investigation - Rain.), then the product turns out to be quite good.

Georgy Alburov:

We talked about how much this investigation cost—about 400 thousand rubles. This is money for business trips, for filming, for buying the song American Boy - for some such things, there were no other expenses. The Anti-Corruption Foundation is a non-profit organization. We exist on donations, people are paid salaries and we simply don’t need a lot of money to release this investigation. We do everything on a fairly budgetary and economical basis, because we live on people’s money.

Dmitry Medvedev:

What do people achieve with these materials? They naturally try to show that the authorities behave badly, and they are better than everyone else. In other words, these are all the stories that are being filmed, and, by the way, they are filming for a lot of money, and this money is collected, of course, not from the people, but there are private sponsors who are behind it all, they are aimed at achieving a very specific political result.

Georgy Alburov:

As for private investors, yes, indeed, we exist on the money of private investors. These are people who invest in their future and the future of their children, 100 rubles a month, 500 rubles a month - tens of thousands of these people donate to the Anti-Corruption Foundation so that we can film such investigations.

If our Prime Minister spent a month figuring out that the investigation into his billions was political, then he has some kind of problem with his cognitive abilities. Because yes, of course, if the corruption of the prime minister is being investigated, when he takes bribes from oligarchs, of course, this has both a political and criminal nature. Apparently they believe that if something is political, then it is immediately untrue and can be stigmatized.

No, of course, the investigation is related to politics - it would be stupid to say that we are investigating some abstract Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, and not a specific prime minister and former president.

On March 26, the police detained all employees of the office of Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation. Police came to the organization's office, saying they intended to conduct a search "due to a report of a bomb threat." At that moment, the foundation’s employees were broadcasting the rally on Tverskaya online. After the arrest of FBK employees at the foundation’s office, searches were continued, and the police removed all the equipment.

He who does not attach importance to spiritual love may develop frantic sexual activity, but he will not experience pleasure.

You should know that for those who have spiritual love in the first place, sexual contacts are rare, but they bring much more pleasure.

Ask for forgiveness from your accumulated discontent for not releasing it earlier; ask the communication chakra for forgiveness for your mistake, especially its dorsal part - the neck and shoulder, and also ask the head for forgiveness for thereby blocking the flow of love from the heart to the head, and therefore the head had to suffer. Your migraine or other ailment indicates your inability to look for the cause of the ailment in the proper place. The head will tell you the proper place - it is in the head that the brain is located, from which incorrect thinking begins. When dissatisfaction with yourself is freed, then you stop exhausting yourself with work and no longer say in despair: “I don’t want anything, I don’t want to live!”

Forgiveness frees the body from negativity step by step. Each new liberation introduces a change in your usual life that you need to get used to. Take your time, be persistent, and you will be able to experience joy. Whoever is in a hurry will face a crisis due to haste.

In the future, learn to pass through your dissatisfaction with yourself so that nothing lingers in you that could cause pain. This way you will gradually become smarter, but without suffering. But if you, without suspecting anything, accumulate discontent, then soon you will demand that someone correct your life. And even if this happens, you will still not be satisfied, as people who improve their lives themselves are satisfied, because what is truly good is what a person creates himself, correcting the bad. Each personal achievement is a lesson learned and eternal wisdom of the spirit, a source of satisfaction and happiness.

Bad becomes bad when it encounters resistance or an obstacle on its way. Thus, fighting against the bad increases the bad, and loving the bad reduces the bad. The more I love the bad, the better the bad becomes. Bad is the absence of love, and I am the very person who compensates for the absence of love. If you are capable of this, you will stop feeling dissatisfied with yourself and the world.

Everything that exists has two poles.

Excessive self-satisfaction leads a person to narcissism. He does not see or hear the bad things that came to teach him a lesson. He doesn't look at his feet - he doesn’t need it, because everything is fine with him. However, bad things arose his ways. Why?

A person who, out of joy for his good life, becomes blind and deaf, does not learn to think. Are his life lessons still unlearned? Usually not. His arrogant indifference sooner or later turns into indiscretion, and the day will come when he will receive everything in full. If he didn't understand what it was like others because of his indifference, now he will experience on yourself someone else's indifference to their troubles. Whether this happens at home, at work or in a medical facility, it will not pass without a trace. Does the person realize my a mistake or will become angry with others, but his spirit will gain wisdom through the experience acquired by his body. Before a severe test, a person concentrates visible only to others arrogant arrogance towards everyone, the habit of getting everything he wants, and if this does not happen, then taking revenge on the one who did not satisfy his thirst for profit. Denying your negativity only makes things worse.

If you have met such a person who looks down on others, then he is your lesson. All the emotions that have stirred up in you are your stresses that are waiting to be released.

We believe that we know what danger is. And if there is a protest in your soul: "Don't want!" – is this a danger? Yes, this is a big danger. "Don't want!" is malice.

A person gets everything he wants. But if he thinks incorrectly, then he gets exactly the opposite of what he intended, because:

– fear inhibits the will;

– anger destroys will.

At the back of the body is the energy of will. It moves up and down along the main energy channel located in the spine.

The main destroyers of will energy are:

– reluctance(located at lumbar level);

– forced position(located in the area of ​​the lower thoracic vertebrae);

– exactingness(located in the area of ​​the upper thoracic vertebrae);

- discontent(located in the neck area);

- desire to be better than others(located in the area of ​​the upper cervical vertebrae).

Being in a state of balance, these stresses give meaning and movement to life, and when they increase excessively, they are destroyed if a person does not learn a lesson.

The figure shows the location and sphere of influence of will energy destroyers. Each of them contains much more than a quick reading might suggest. Search and you will find them in your body. Think and you will understand what they want to teach.

The forced situation and discontent were discussed in detail above (in the chapter “On the Purifying Fire” and in this chapter).

Reluctance comes to teach a person to do with pleasure what he previously did without desire. It says: “Dear man! The path of life is full of obstacles. Instead of reluctance, learn to overcome them with pleasure, and you will understand what they teach. Then your legs will stop being stubborn from reluctance, or even refuse to move at all.”

Demandingness wants to teach a person to be undemanding. She says: “He who knows how to rejoice in little things attracts great joy to himself. And whoever immediately strives for big things will be left without little, because he doesn’t know how to value and cherish happiness.”

The desire to be better than others is such a natural need that it is considered a negative trait. On the contrary, every person should be better than others - this is what children are taught. Life proves the opposite. Why?

We are used to running in a herd, being the same. If someone wants to be better than others, then he must get ahead. To do this, he has to crush others under him or push them aside. In any case, both parties experience pain. This is how envy arises.

The one who rushes ahead gets tired of other people's envy, and sooner or later anger flares up in him towards the envious. This is where his death begins. His strength runs out, his running slows down, and the herd tramples him. This is how development occurs on a horizontal level.

A person who frees the desire to be better than others begins to develop on a vertical level. Gradually, he outgrows himself and rises to a new level of consciousness, where there is no petty comparison and evaluation. There he is not bothered by the life struggles of others.

This is the blessed highest level of peace of mind in life. We are on our way to it.

In conclusion

Thought controls life. A good thought creates good, a bad thought creates bad.

The problem of civilization is a woman, but everyone has their own, personal thoughts. With the help of thoughts, we are connected to our previous lives, where we were either men or women. A person should take care of correcting his own way of thinking, and not look for faults in others.

If a physical illness is artificially eliminated by resorting to drugs or surgery, then the body is deprived of the opportunity to teach its lesson. Your trouble breaks through into your psyche. Your inability to heed the edification of thought has led to the fact that mental anguish has turned into a physical illness, which in turn is fraught with mental disorders if you continue to not heed the instructions of the body. Your body is the bridge connecting your soul and spirit. The strength of this bridge is determined by your prudence, which is given eternally from God and which develops towards the future.

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