Be spontaneous. Are you weak? Training for non-standard actions

...Eleventh grade. The two of us enter the ENT office. The young doctor says: “Let one sit on the sofa and watch Playboy, and the second one should come to me for an examination.” We left the office in a great mood, and we remembered the doctor (by the way, an excellent specialist!) for the rest of our lives. Anna Perevoznik

Fresh emotions from unusual actions and overcoming oneself and circumstances are emotions of victory.

Unusual behavior falls into three main categories:

vJust unusual ones that build new neural connections in the brain.

vAssociated with giving up something, giving a feeling of lightness.

vPhysically safe non-standard actions, which give a feeling of victory.

In ordinary life, non-standard actions are quite rare (at most, break loose and go somewhere). The mind is a rather lazy thing; it wants stability and a minimum of inclusions, for which it forms standard templates for many, many actions. Crazy actions make very unusual adjustments to the vividness of the sense of reality.

Goals for performing non-standard actions :
1. Detachment from external control and dependence on outside assessments (“oh, what will they think”).
2. Managing yourself in non-standard situations (after you have been able to - it seems that everything is possible and any task is within your reach).
3. Studying human psychology in general (it turns out that people themselves are embarrassed when you perform non-standard actions - but they don’t care about you).
4. Training in different roles, including ones that are not typical for you (in other words, acting skills).
5. Improving the mood of yourself and even sometimes those around you (the energy just rushes, tested).

Hints andtechniquesecurity:

vIf you are scared, it is better to do non-standard actions first in the company.

vTogether - fun! And it's not so scary anymore...

vYou should not practice non-standard actions, because of which you may have any everyday troubles.

1. Sing songs in public (in the subway, on the street, at a bus stop - in general, where it is usually not customary to sing).

2. Dancing (just like singing - where and when it is not customary).

3. Take a pacifier in your mouth and travel on public transport.

4. Say hello loudly to everyone you meet.

5 . Dress strangely, eccentrically, and feel like a queen.

6. At one o'clock in the morning, ring your neighbors' doorbell and congratulate them on "Neighbor's Day."

7. Announcing stops in a subway car :) It’s funny and everyone smiles!

8. Dress as a homeless person and walk down the street, roll in the mud, ask for food or money.

Very strong impressions! Especially when meeting with real homeless people or the police :)

9. Standing in a subway passage on one leg is like “flying,” maintaining your balance.

10. Take a ruler (tape tape) and measure everything that catches your eye in the subway/shops.

11. Approach 5 strangers and ask: “Tell me, what do you think about me now?”

12. Imagine yourself as an airplane and fly with full voice acting, leaning in different directions.

13. Draw hopscotch on the asphalt with chalk and jump.

14. Run in circles, waving your arms and shouting “I’m aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

15. Walk with binoculars and looking from time to time no into it on others.

16. While walking down the street, say hello to 20 strangers. With a smile!

1 7. For girls: “Young man. Please give me a compliment. Thank you, you are very gallant!”

1 8. For girls - approach the policeman. “Comrade, policeman! Please check my registration. I had never had it before and I was very afraid. Now I do, but I'm still afraid. Check, please!".

19. Take those 24 packs of condoms and discreetly place them those on cartsother buyers.
0 . In the home goods section stiall alarm clocks so that they
they called every 5 minutes.

21 . Move the sign “Caution - wet floor! "to the place where the floor
covered with carpet.

22 . When looking at a set of kitchen knives, ask tfrom the saleswoman: “Where is it?”
Can I buy some calming pills?”

The main advantage of non-standard actions is that they allow you to experience the fullness and brightness of life.

Under unusual circumstances, our ability to perceive information increases hundreds of times! This is confirmed by Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov in the book “The Experience of a Fool, or the Key to Insight”:

“Get on a bus or any other vehicle that has automatic doors. Go inside and wait. When they start to close, immediately stick your head out so that your neck gets pinched. So you will need to go through a whole stop. Question: Will you ever forget this trip? No! Because the case is extraordinary, out of the ordinary! And everyone who wanted to help you, their compliments addressed to you for your stupidity, the smell of fumes emanating from some of them, every car passing by, in a word, you will remember all the details of the trip clearly and forever.”

Heightened perception in non-standard situations helps to develop new skills and abilities and release hidden human reserves. In a new role, you will get to know yourself better and can discover new talents!

Do you feel that life is going on a well-established rut and nothing is changing? This means there is a reason to commit an unconventional act. Express your feelings vigorously if you are usually secretive; go hiking instead of your annual holiday at a boarding house; take up something new for yourself; take part in a charity project. And if your action, in addition to the thrill, brings benefit to someone, it is doubly worth doing.

When you do something unusual, you very clearly realize that the choice of what to do is yours alone. And neither public opinion nor circumstances can do it for you. And you automatically take responsibility for the dullness and routine in your life. And from here it’s a stone’s throw to correcting the situation!

When When you push your boundaries, a huge amount of positive energy is released, which can and should be directed towards achieving unattainable goals!

Go for it!

Seventeen moments of success: leadership strategies Nikolay Ivanovich Kozlov

Break free from patterns: practice unconventional actions

Yes. Just the three of us: Runge, you and me. We will save the world a great physicist. Here I saved him, and you organized the escape. A? And keep in mind: you are under the hood, not me. Do you know what it means to be under Mueller’s hood? Well? I'm waiting for an answer.

Would you like some more cognac?

Stirlitz stood up, slowly approached Holtof, he held out a glass, and at that moment Stirlitz hit him on the head with a faceted bottle as hard as he could. The bottle shattered, dark cognac pouring down Holtoff's face.

Individual training “non-standard actions” consists of doing things that are unusual for yourself and non-standard for those around you. Things that are not harmful to anyone, often kind and useful, but - but I have never done that! It's kind of scary! Scary!

Although WHAT, actually, is scary is impossible to really explain.

It will be even more difficult if these things and actions go against not only your habits, but also the expectations of others. If these actions are not according to the template -

unexpected, strange, incomprehensible.

Those that “NORMAL” (that is, those who fit into norms, frameworks, standards!) people do not commit.

“Normal people” are slaves to habits, patterns, standards. And the leader is above the standard! Not-like-people.

An ordinary person lives within the framework of the zero position of perception. A leader has the power to throw off these boundaries.

Naturally, the leader is not a show-off, every minute attracting attention to himself with stupid oddities, and not a hooligan, intent on screwing up public order. A leader is a person with the feeling “I am the master!”, and the one who feels like a master behaves as he should, and not as others expect from him.

Leader - above standard!

However, it is necessary not only to understand this with your head, but to feel it with your whole body, and the training “Non-standard actions” makes you feel this to the fullest.

Instead of detailed instructions, it is more convenient to provide documentary reports from those who completed this training.

Notes from the battlefield: E.M., currently deputy. head of the department, a most promising specialist, it seems - the hope of Russia

1. I sat on the handrail in the subway (although there were many empty seats).

2. From the subway to the house I walked backwards.

3. Sang a delightfully passionate Spanish love song on the subway (thanks to Mr. Almado-vere).

5. Bited my lip. It didn't last long.

6. On the subway, I put a pen in my mouth and pretended to be a woodpecker.

7. Poems to the crowd. After the first line out loud - a wave of ecstasy! And upon completion - a moral orgasm. Especially when they started applauding me.

8. I fell into childhood, in the rose garden, lying on my belly, drawing all sorts of beautiful things with crayons on the asphalt...

9. Friends encouraged anyone to declare their love. Please! At any time. If you mean by the words “I love you!” the fact that at that very moment I just wanted to say these exact words (and there are so many deep meanings behind this!).

10. I was afraid of catching cars. But I overcame it (myself) twice. Next, I will deliberately catch them, refuse to agree to the price and release them. Until you get tired of being afraid.

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We don't know what causes our actions or the actions of others - we can only simulate our minds. Everyone has a different idea of ​​how a thermostat works. Some people think that if you set it to 30 degrees, the batteries will get hotter,

An excellent exercise to remove “Evaluative dependence”, i.e. dependence on the opinions of others, and the fear of being judged,

a harmful thing that the vast majority of people have and prevents us from living freely, creating and expressing ourselves.

Actions can be absolutely anything, provided that it does not interfere with others and is non-standard for you. Options: Walk on all fours, read poetry on the bus, dance in a store, walk with a bucket on your head, walk around the city with a baby pacifier in your mouth, for men - walk around the city with brightly painted lips, for women - march, for overly educated and sophisticated ladies don’t care about the asphalt and swear, for not very well-mannered and rude men – politeness, gallantry and restraint, there are an endless number of options.

Behavior and communication style can also be non-standard.

The effect is enormous, from a significant increase in self-confidence and the acquisition of amazing inner freedom, to the development of strong leadership and powerful leadership qualities. I recommend it to everyone.


Consists of 2 steps.

The first is that you simply remain silent, taking an active part in surrounding events with the help of gestures and gaze.

The second is a very deep exercise, when you remain only an observer of life and completely switch off from the processes happening around you, so that even those around you soon stop noticing you. The exercise is especially recommended for active people, although it can be useful for everyone. Attention! It can give rise to deep philosophical feelings and very interesting conclusions. "Let the world exist without you."


Home meeting exercise. It’s simple: during a home meeting, a person turns off his vision using a blindfold. There are more than enough impressions. Usually a lot of internal discoveries and new understandings. You can do it at home, following safety precautions.

If I loved...

Love for yourself, for people, for pieces of furniture, motherly love (all-forgiving), fatherly love (“I’ll make a man out of you!”). To begin, choose 1 type of love that you will constantly radiate throughout the week or during a home meeting. You can assign a specific time for each type of love. We choose a person we don’t really like and begin to behave towards him as if you loved him.


You behave like the blonde from the jokes. I especially recommend it to men.

I want- start any action or request with these words.

Please help– ask complete strangers to help you, although you can also ask your acquaintances...

You can take background tasks for a home meeting (to quickly receive high-quality feedback) and for a week, for the most effective and quick practice of the exercise.

It is recommended to take exercises according to the principle: “This is the hardest thing for me to do than anything else, but in life, oh, how useful it will be.” Those. If you are a darling and kind person in life, and giving negative feedback and scolding unlucky colleagues is a difficult and rather unpleasant thing for you, then the “Swearer” exercise is exactly what you need. Or if you are used to thinking that the world is cruel and unfair, and the glass is, of course, half empty, then the best option for you is, of course, the “Okay” exercise.

We practice and use it in communication.

GDP technique



When communicating with a person, it is important to provide him with GDP.

Attention - give compliments. A smart compliment comes from the outside in. We note the quality or attribute of the interlocutor that we like and draw conclusions about what internal property is characteristic of him.

For example: “Your suit is so beautiful, it shows that you have good taste.”

Power - identify a quality or something that the interlocutor can do very well or better than others, sincerely admire it, say that you would like to be able to do that too.

For example: “You speak so easily without preparation, I would like to learn how to do this”

Support is a promise of help. Help can be personal or help in finding information.

For example: “By the way, I have a manicurist friend, if you need it, contact me, I’ll give you the phone number.”

“I-speaking” technique

In any situation of good or bad behavior of someone, talk not about the person’s offense or action, but about how this action makes you feel.

For example: “I’m so glad that I don’t have to wash the dishes today and can relax right away” (the child washed the dishes by the time you returned).

Or: “What a pity that now I have to spend time washing dishes instead of relaxing after work” (they came and found a mountain of dishes in the sink).

All examples are exaggerated, because are educational.

5 Exercises to Develop Creativity

1. Two accidents

Take a dictionary and choose two random concepts at random. Just point your finger at any page. Compare them, try to find something in common between them. Come up with a crazy story and put a connection into it. This exercise is great for training your brain.

2. Crazy geneticist

Take a blank sheet of paper and a marker. It’s very good if you don’t know how to draw, because beauty and results are absolutely not important here. The main thing, as I said above, is the process. Now draw something that combines as many features as possible of all the animals you know. You will get, for example, a fox with fish scales, or a long-necked hare with hooves. The purpose of the exercise is to kill any vestiges of logic and common sense, focusing on creativity.

3. Mad Architect

Let's move on from animals to architecture, let's draw a house. But before we start this activity, choose any 10 words. Imagine that you, as an architect, have been commissioned to design a house. But the customer set 10 mandatory requirements. These are the chosen words. Anything could happen here. For example, “orange” - and the roof of your house should be orange, “plate” - make round windows in the bathroom, etc. While drawing on paper, at the same time imagine what it might look like in real life.

Choose any word, it must be a noun. Now write 5 adjectives that you think suit him best. For example, “socks” - black, warm, woolen, winter, clean. Did you do it? Now try writing 5 more adjectives that don't fit at all. This is where everything stalled. It turns out that this is very difficult to do. Delve into various spheres of perception and find the right words.

5. Title

Try to come up with a name for it every time a subject interests you. It can be short and biting, or long and unfolded. The purpose of the exercise is that you will definitely like the name.

Repeat the exercises several times every day and you will definitely become a creative person.

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Without non-standard actions, life would be gray and dull. In addition, a person gets to know himself better and sometimes even discovers hidden talents. But we are all different, and it is easy for some to do such things, not so much for others.

Turns out, it all depends on self-esteem and understanding of yourself as an individual. If a person knows and accepts himself, then he stops playing roles and putting on masks. It is more important for him to realize himself in all areas, and he does not retreat if something does not work out. Just looking for other approaches. Insecure people, when faced with obstacles, think first of all that they are unsuccessful. If it didn’t work out, then there’s no point in trying. As a rule, such individuals were not given the opportunity to self-actualize in childhood.

We all come from childhood
It all starts in early childhood. At first, the baby gets to know the world through his mother, and from about two years old he begins to explore the world on his own. If at this time the parents forbid the child a lot, then they begin to form an insecure personality. And even as an adult, a person will always look back at the opinions of others. It is difficult for such people to show themselves and express themselves.

Therefore, it is important that parents help the child become independent as early as possible, gradually transferring responsibility into his hands. Often parents take care of the child, solve problems for him, thereby doing him a disservice: such a person will have a difficult time in life. A simple example: parents teach homework instead of their children, so as not to call their child stupid. But in fact, even a C earned by a child’s efforts will bring him more benefit. After all, this develops skills that will help him make his way in life.

Unleash your talents!
Insecure people need to understand themselves. They are missing out on a lot. In addition, often, even if they have some qualities, they may never demonstrate them. This is the worst thing when a person, having lived his life, does not even suspect what he is capable of. People who have managed to realize themselves understand what it means to be happy. You can even be a janitor, but do your job with pleasure and feel harmonious.

But there is a way out even for people who are unsure of themselves, when they desperately want to do something unusual, to prove themselves. Perhaps, thanks to them, such a phenomenon as a flash mob arose (flash - “flash”, mob - “crowd”), when, with the help of ICQ, an nth number of people instantly appear in a certain place and act according to a certain scenario. Moreover, people do not know each other, and the script does not have a specific goal. Every time it’s something new and original: a lot of people sit with fishing rods by the fountain, do exercises, stand in line for a bagel.

The flash mob lasts no more than 5 minutes. But it brings a lot of emotions and positivity. After all, not everyone is able to do this alone. And the crowd effect, on the one hand, increases the significance of the action, on the other hand, it removes responsibility. Mostly teenagers participate in the flash mob: it is important for them to realize their own identity and understand what they are capable of.

By the way, young people do unusual things more often. Age leaves its mark. Negative experiences arise when people are faced with their lack of success in life. In addition, with age, the psyche becomes more rigid (rigid - inflexible, stubborn, unyielding, etc. - ed.). Young people's psyche is still developing. They explore the world, gain experience and are therefore more open. Although even among young people not everyone can behave spontaneously. It all depends on how a person developed, on his self-esteem and knowledge of himself as an individual. If there are any problems with this, then, of course, there will be many internal restrictions that will not give him the opportunity to open up.

Do unconventional things!
But remember: action is different from action. It's one thing if we simply don't look at the opinions of others. But most often, unconventional actions are performed in order to shock society.

For example, Salvador Dali, a brilliant man, a universally recognized artist, constantly fueled his self-esteem by doing unusual things, and people began to talk about him. He wore incredible suits and a wig that looked like a broom, decorated his hat with a rotten herring, appeared at one lecture dressed in a space suit, poured a mountain of cauliflower into his Rolls-Royce, walked around Paris with an anteater on a gold chain, kept his suite in a luxurious Parisian goat hotel, signed his books at a New York presentation, dressed as Santa Claus, and staged erotic performances. Once in a restaurant, he threw a plate of soup at the customers sitting next to him; they rushed to him for autographs.
Such self-demonstrations are associated with doubt. Those who are confident in their capabilities do not need any other confirmation. Therefore, it is important to understand what psychological meaning is behind the action and why it is done.

To act outside the box, you don't have to do something out of the ordinary. Sometimes, instead of the usual rest, you should occupy yourself with something else, change the course of your life, overcome the routine. And if your action, in addition to the thrill, brings benefit to someone, it is doubly worth doing.
Non-standard actions are harmful only in one case - if they cause harm to someone, infringe on rights, or hurt feelings. And so... do such things for your health, fill your life with new sensations. And remember: life is striped, but we have a palette!

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