A person invents his own problems. How a person creates problems for himself


If you don't take an active position in life yourself, you will never have what you want. Almost every problem that hangs like a sword of Damocles over time does not pose much difficulty in solving at an early stage. This applies to all areas of life - financial, personal, family, and so on. Every morning there are hundreds of tasks that need to be done consistently, and not put off until some point. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the need to resolve them will arise at one point. Such rush jobs undermine mental and physical strength. Dale Carnegie in his book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” gave very practical advice: “solve the most unpleasant issues in the morning.”

In an effort to avoid problems, some people take the position of a wise minnow. This “my house is on the edge” attitude works for the time being. Sooner or later, what is happening around you will take you into a whirlpool, and you will not even know how to cope with everything and what to take on. Just as a person who grew up in sterile conditions can die from a simple cold, so someone who has spent his entire life hiding behind the backs of others will not be able to cope with basic problems on his own.

A large block of problems that perplex many and can even lead to the darkest thoughts is financial. To avoid creating money traps for yourself, always plan your expenses. Learn financial literacy: be sure to make investments, do not invest all your savings in one bank or package of securities. Before taking out a loan, think about whether you can pay a certain amount every month, even if you lose your job? Even if you have a stable income, look for alternative sources of income, including passive ones, which will not depend on your performance.

Be truthful in your relationships with people. Sometimes it's better to say nothing than to lie. Don’t get involved with fists if you can resolve the conflict with words. Always be responsible for your actions and do not waste your words. Learn to say “no” when you really need to. But if you see that the person close to you cannot solve the problem on his own, and you know that it is within your power, help him. Surely the experience you gain will be useful to you, and you will also gain an ally.

Don't focus on the past or constantly daydream. Hold tight to the ground, but keep your eyes on the future. You must understand that right now you are laying the foundations of your well-being. If you feel that your chosen professional path brings you not only good money, but also a lot of disappointment, you live in constant tension because you hate the type of work you do, change your life now, because it will only get worse. And if you accept this, you will lose yourself.

How does a person create problems for himself?

Often a person creates problems for himself.

Exists several directions why this happens:

First direction, consists of uncontrollably ordering for ourselves an event that we do not need at all. How does this happen? Yes, very simple.

We We constantly repeat thoughts in which we actually “order” ourselves something - the future, which we are not at all happy with. And then we get it.
Remember your thoughts. Do you have thoughts like: “What if I don’t succeed?”, “No one will give it to me,” “Nothing depends on me,” “Nothing can be changed,” “Everything is useless” and similar? If yes, then you are ordering yourself trouble and suffering! Your fears and doubts breed passivity and expectation of failure. And what we wait for, we get sooner or later.

If you want to change the situation, you first need to change your thoughts! This is the first and seemingly simplest step. But how few people decide to do it, even if there have been cases in their lives when, following good thoughts, good events happened to them. People are afraid of change and cling with all their might to what they have today. No matter how terrible or sad it may be. And they don’t take, at least as a test, very simple steps to change their characteristic thoughts that give rise to troubles. But the desired goals and luck are so close to them!

Make negative thoughts leave you and then you will stop causing trouble for yourself. You need to make friends with your fears.

Second direction, consists in the opposite of your true and declared goals. That is, for example, you declare out loud that you need money (job, position, business). But in fact, you want something completely different, so the stated goal has not been achieved.

How can this happen? Yes, very simple. For example, a person complains. That he cannot increase his income in any way. Moreover, the ways to increase income are more or less clear to him (another position, another place of work, increasing the size of his business or opening a new project), but he just can’t implement them. Why? One of the possible answers is obvious - after the order is implemented, he will have many uncomfortable situations that he does not have today. For example, what could happen if you suddenly stress out and increase your income?

It turns out that the following can happen:

1. Your friends will envy you.
2. You will have to spend more time working.
3. You will have less time for family or hobbies.
4. You will have to start communicating with other people.
5. You will become attractive to criminals or regulatory authorities, and so on.

With such a set of future troubles, what normal person would change anything? Such things happen, but rarely. Most people unconsciously choose the bird in the hand, rather than changing the current situation with a bunch of resulting troubles and non-guaranteed advantages from achieving the goal. That is, the hidden benefits of maintaining the existing situation exceed the expected result, and you subconsciously avoid it by any means. And until you realize this situation, your goal will be nothing more than a fantasy.

Third direction, is that you don't really value. More precisely, with your mind you understand what you need, even making efforts to get results, but in your heart you don’t care about him. You are passionate about something else, something you don’t mind wasting your time on, something that is of real value to you. As a result, you get what you unconsciously consider worthy of attention and effort. And you don’t get what is not important to you.
If money ranks low in your value system, then most likely you will not have much of it. And not because it’s a pity to spend your life on money for you. You simply won’t take them yourself, you will choose something else. How will this happen? Very simple.

For example, you are looking for a job and are considering several options. What will you choose in the end? The place that pays more? Or where the work is interesting? Or where there is an opportunity to go on business trips. Or where do your friends work? Or where will you always be provided with work, despite all economic crises? In the end, you will choose, and it’s not a fact that you can earn a lot there. But you will find many explanations for yourself why you made this particular choice and not another. It’s closer to home, or there’s an opportunity to do what you love, or something else. That is, you chose either comfort (the opportunity to spend more time with your family), or relationships between people, or security, or something else. You chose this over money because money has a lower ranking in your value system. You made a choice, and then began to moan that you are not paid enough, you do not have enough money for a normal life, and so on. Why moan? You made this choice yourselfbecause money is not important to you.

The same thing happens with health, relationships and other areas of your life. You moan that you want to be healthy, but you don’t want to change anything in your lifestyle, where there is no place for proper nutrition, exercise, or a normal work schedule. For you, work is much more important than health, so you don’t have time to have a normal lunch or rest, not to mention sports. You are trying to buy health at the pharmacy, but it is not there. And until you realize that health is a real value and you need to devote part of your time and effort to it, nothing will change.

Fourth direction consists in the fact that we declare one thing, but in our hearts we are sure that we are not worthy to receive what we seem to be striving for.

For example, a girl sincerely strives to meet a handsome prince and become his wife. But when a man appears in her life, who can conventionally be classified as a “prince,” and she gets lost, becomes constrained, forgets about everything and tries to go into the shadows. She is not a princess, she does not feel equal to the “prince”. Her self-esteem is much lower, she still feels like Cinderella. Therefore, even if Life presents her with a chance to meet the one she dreams of, she will not be able to take advantage of this opportunity. Until she feels like a princess herself. What is needed for this? Prince? No, I need to work on myself to increase my self-esteem. And when this work is completed, the prince will appear as if by himself. Now she is surrounded by those whom she subconsciously considers equal to herself (that is, herself - equal to them), and these are far from princes. That is, all the problems are not in the absence of princes, but in how she positions herself in the world. If self-esteem changes, reality will change.

Fifth directionconsists in the fact that out of all the diversity of the world you concentrate your attention on misfortunes and problems. Thus, from the whole variety of events, you choose only that there is a lot of loneliness, unemployment, deception, theft, poverty, disease, poor ecology and other troubles around. And Life is forced to confirm this opinion of yours, creating just such a reality for you.

How to understand what kind of reality you are creating for yourself? Very simple. Do you remember what is the main topic of your conversations with family and friends? That everything is bad, that no one is getting paid, that there is only unemployment around and how many people live on starvation wages? Or something more positive?

If you are sure that everything around is bad. There is no money and there never will be, then in your own Universe everything will happen exactly like this. Although very close by (in the next apartment, in the next house, on the next street) people can live in a completely different universe, where there is a lot of money, work, health and other benefits. But you are not interested. How and why everything is going well for them. You are focused on your problems, so you will receive them again and again.

What needs to be done to move to a safe and secure Universe? Everything that we have already talked about more than once. Stop focusing on negative events. Stop watching trash and crime TV shows. Stop discussing various troubles and troubles with friends. Remove words from your vocabulary “problem”, “trouble”, “illness”, “misfortune”, “no money”, “no luck”, “bad”, “failure”"and the like. Find new acquaintances who are looking forward and looking for ways to increase their success. Try to behave the same way. Start smiling, even if at first through force, overcoming your internal aversion to smiling.

And then you will gradually move to where you should be in reality. Where miraculous transformations take place in your life, and your goals are realized on the wave of good luck.

Sixth direction – this is a long-term struggle for one’s ideals in any area of ​​life. Someone is fighting for their ideals in politics. But the majority are absorbed in the struggle with their neighbors - husband and wife, parents, children, boss and subordinates, and other people in their immediate environment. Or they are passionate about fighting with themselves (I don’t weigh as much as I should, etc.) Life is constantly trying to reason with these fighters for their personal “truth,” but who hears it? Everyone fights for their ideals to the end, sparing no effort, health, many years of wasted life and everything else. It is clear that there is no time for joy or self-knowledge. When you can't prove it. That only you are right, and everyone else is deeply mistaken.

Every person has enormous freedom of choice. But people use this freedom absolutely unreasonably - they try with all their might to remake the world around them. You can only change yourself, but who will agree with this? It is much more common to condemn everyone around you and rush into battle for their improvement.
The seventh direction is that we do not clearly understand what we are striving for, we do not know what we want in life, we do not have a formulated goal. If you don't mutter clearly about your life goals and just kind of go with the flow, then it is obvious that you either will not get anything in life, or what you get is not at all what you are striving for.

As you can see, there can be many such directions, I just focused on the main ones. Analyzing them we can conclude that If a person constructs his thoughts correctly and does not create problems for himself, and has a clear idea of ​​what he needs to strive for, then he goes through life on a wave of success, achieving what he wants.

Happiness, health, success!

Smile before it's too late! Sviyash Alexander Grigorievich

3. How not to create new problems for yourself?

Therefore, our book is about changing yourself and your life. Please note: about changing yourself...

Agree, when we are not satisfied with something, first of all we want to change our environment: parents, children, boss, job, education, husband or wife, friends, the country in which we were born... In general, everything except ourselves.

Our experience of working with people led us to one conclusion: The only effective way to change our own lives is to change ourselves, or rather, that part of ourselves that led us to a difficult situation. That is why most of our book is devoted to a journey within ourselves and our relationship to the world And even If you feel like you know everything (or almost everything) about yourself while working with our book, be prepared to see things in yourself that weren’t obvious to you before!

We are used to explaining everything that happens to us in life by external reasons. For example, a lack of money is explained by an unsuccessful education, place of work or economic situation in the country. The collapse of family or personal life is explained, as a rule, by the behavior of a partner (or his relatives), etc. Agree, it’s not at all difficult to find an external explanation! And, unfortunately, it is just as ineffective. Our book will propose a different approach. Studying our daily life, we will focus on the internal, largely hidden reasons that make our life the way we have. In other words, we will look carefully at what exactly inside us served to create this or that situation.

Let's not wait for Monday!

How many times have you decided: I’m starting a new life... from Monday Yes, exactly from Monday Because now there is no time, I’m overcome by fatigue, it’s impossible to concentrate, etc. That’s it! From Monday I... - I’ll start running in the morning - I’ll go to the gym - I’ll go on a diet - I’ll look for a new job - I won’t argue with anyone anymore - I’ll start learning English - fill in your own version:


Clever idea The desire to start a new life is not from a good life B Krutier Unfortunately, usually this significant Monday never came or was postponed until better times.

Together with our book, we invite you to take a step into a “new life” without waiting for Monday. Because reading it will require you not only time, but also active actions. However, they are not so complex as to break your usual way of life and tear you away from pressing matters We are ready to give a lot to solve our problems: time, money, etc. But not our own efforts and habitual thinking patterns. This is very reminiscent of the situation when a person suffering from overeating, instead of eating properly, eats pills that make it easier to digest heavy food. We offer you a path that is a little more labor-intensive, but much more interesting and effective.

Try it before you sigh in disappointment: nothing will help me...!!! Clever idea: Nothing is given to us as cheaply as we want.

How to work with this book?

What you are holding in your hands is not, in essence, a book and it is not constructed in a very ordinary way. Therefore, the last thing we would like is for you to read it like an ordinary book, then put it on a shelf or give it to friends.

We can say that this is not a book to read. This is a Diary for independent work or a Workbook for changing yourself. Treat her that way.

Almost every person at some point in his life has dreamed of keeping a diary. After all, there are so many interesting things in life - why not write it down? Now you have a similar opportunity. Only this is not an ordinary diary. It will need to be conducted according to certain rules. This may seem difficult at times, but in our book you will find all the necessary explanations and tips.

You need to work with a pen or pencil. Set aside special time for this, even if it is not much, but it should be only yours. Let no one and nothing distract you. After all, you so rarely set aside time to take care of yourself!

You may have to write down very personal things in this Diary and you do not want anyone to read them. Then make sure in advance that this Diary is accessible only to you. Find a place where your friends or family cannot read it. The main thing is that you find it yourself later. While keeping the Diary, constantly return to what you have written and read. The book is structured in such a way that you can work in parallel with several sections and paragraphs. We will only be glad if As a result of this work, the entire book will be covered by you and read “to the holes.” Write in tablets, empty columns, in specially designated places. Write between the lines, in the margins. EVERYTHING is possible here! Let the book become your friend and interlocutor. Pitfall. One, but a big one. We warn you right away: our method has one serious drawback. Namely: just reading the book will not change you or your life!

In order for this book not to fly past you like an autumn leaf blown by the wind, you need to at least complete the exercises and tasks given in each section. And do not forget that in all tasks it is advisable not to deceive yourself. Otherwise, we, the authors, are immediately ready to throw out the white flag. So arm yourself with a pen or pencil - and go!

And one more small addition If you are not familiar with the books of Alexander Sviyash, we recommend reading, for example, the following books: “What to do when everything is not the way you want”, “The Reasonable World How to live without unnecessary worries” In the first three chapters we briefly We are retelling the main ideas of the Smart Way method, but to become fully familiar with it, it is a good idea to have one of these books at home if you want to work with the Diary. However, even without first reading the books mentioned, you will find everything you need here.

Have a happy, and, of course, smart journey! (Note that one does not contradict the other)

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Why doesn’t she love me, Sasha worries. Because I'm so good. Well, yes, I broke her balcony door. But that’s just me being nervous. I was very worried. This is because she is important to me! Because I am everything to her! He punched that goat in the face who asked her for the time. Defended her honor! Well, yes, then she bought me from the cops. But it was all for her sake! Doesn't she understand what's in my heart?

Why doesn’t she love me, Dasha is dissatisfied. I’ve been going to her for massages for three years now, every week. Well, yes, it’s not always possible to come. I’ll oversleep, then I’ll forget. But I'm tired! Sometimes there is no strength to do anything at all, not even to call to warn. Well, yes, she comes to the salon for me and waits for an hour in vain. But I’m not going to another master! I appreciate her! What am I missing, my schedule is crazy, my head is literally spinning, doesn’t she really understand?

Why doesn't she love me

Why doesn’t she love me, Pasha suffers. I am the most active at her seminars. Either I’ll tell a joke, or I’ll make a pun. I try to make it more fun for her. Well, yes, I’m interrupting, distracting. I detain them for an hour, everyone has already left, and I ask all the questions. But I want her to see that I care. That I love her subject. Doesn't she understand that I'm trying?

Why doesn’t she love me, Glasha is sad. Well, yes, I forgot my passport last time, we didn’t get on the flight. But I didn’t do it on purpose. This can happen to anyone. And when I got the time wrong, it was because I was just nervous before the train. I love traveling with her so much, it’s so interesting with her. I don't want to go with anyone else! When I lost my wallet, she immediately figured out where to go to apply and how to quickly get money from home, it only took a day, that’s how great she is! Doesn't she understand that I am her most faithful friend?

If Sasha was just a fool, maybe they would have loved him. But there is no time to love Sasha. You need to insert glass - call a technician, take time off from work to wait for this technician, pay him money. Pick out the fragments from the carpet. Spending the night without glass again, in December. I don’t even want to remember the story with the police - take a taxi home to get money, but until you persuade them, and the dog is not walked at home. There is no time to love Sasha, problems need to be solved.

If Dasha were just a chicken, they would love her too. Everyone loves regular customers, even if these customers are of little intelligence. But the masseuse has no time to love Dasha. She needs to move other clients, shake up the entire appointment in order to see Dasha, then arrive an hour earlier due to traffic jams. So that Dasha won’t wait, won’t get a penny, everyone will be moved again as it was, and so on every second time. There's no time for love here.

Pasha is not the dumbest student, and why not love him. If Pasha hadn’t interfered with nonsense, didn’t interfere with work and didn’t steal time. And Glasha is not a bad girl, but she disrupts plans and creates force majeure. When to love her if you need to help her out all the time?

A person who creates problems should not be surprised that he himself is considered a problem. If the one you need has one more problem thanks to you, he will not admire your inner world, he will simply start to stay away from you.

Or you will have to compensate for this problem with something.

No, not love. A puppy who has pooped on the carpet only needs to wag his tail to make up for this misunderstanding. If you are not a puppy, then if you shit on someone else's carpet, you are obligated to at least bring a new carpet. Or better yet, two. Then you will not be the person who ruined the carpet, but the one who added more carpets to the house. And because you come to visit again, you won’t become one, alas. Love does not make carpets. It doesn't even remove stains.

If you're hoping to get attention this way, it's a bad idea. I knew a man who hoped to intrigue his sweetheart by regularly scratching her car with a nail. After a couple of months, the sweetheart really became interested in who this nit was, and the sweetheart’s roommate lay in wait for the applicant literally at the moment of his next confession.

I also knew a young man who struggled with his parents’ indifference, feigning acute psychosis. The parents didn’t understand at first, but then they became concerned and called a special team on the topic of hospitalization. Or, for example, one Internet user was worried that no one was visiting his page. Therefore, he commented on other people’s posts literally without knowing any fatigue, spewed nonsense everywhere, prevented people from having intelligent conversations, and was soon banned everywhere, including the “Kids” community. People don't like problems. They, as it happens, try to minimize them. If you don't want to be minimized, don't be a problem. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

How easy it is to say, the world is bad, and I’m good for nothing... Just say it and that’s it! And do nothing about it... If you look at what is happening and the people around you, you will notice that we think about what is, what happens and bad things happen, but we don’t even think about what is exactly the same good things happen. Looking at a person in trouble, we think: oh! How terrible this world is. He's so dangerous and unpredictable. Sound familiar!? True, these thoughts slip through as habitually as unconsciously.

What happens to a person when everything is not going his way? He gets upset, he gets angry, he despairs and lets everything take its course. These are three natural stages. But the feeling is not the only thing that this generates; all this is reflected in what a person does in relation to the world around him. This breeds weakness or cruelty, but it also breeds selfishness. It would seem that if you were better and kinder to people, show your love, and make this world a better place! But this is impossible if you are in any of these stages. But we influence, influence everything around us every day. Sometimes we can lose the forest for the trees. And this will happen if we focus purely on selfishness.

What is ill health? This is when something interferes, something draws forces onto itself and the natural state is distorted. The same applies to other things that imply happiness and well-being. A person lives in several interconnected planes. And we have the ability to diagnose our plans:

  • - emotional
  • - mental
  • - energy
  • - physical

And we can not only diagnose what is happening, but also influence it. First of all, I wanted to express precisely this very essence, this very meaning within the framework of which we develop our activity.

Working with different plans implies that initially we have everything, it’s just that at some level something is preventing it from happening naturally, and this in turn makes us unhappy. This amazing discovery that I made for myself allows me to see life much more accurately. A simple example: if you take on some business with a gloomy mood, a negative attitude, then it is unlikely to be successful for you, or you are unlikely to be able to appreciate your victorious moment. Life itself and the many situations in it are diverse and ambiguous in their existing potential. To put it simply, it is not immediately possible to determine what is more in a given situation: evil or good. And we live like this every day, communicating with the world through our actions. However, life itself and the possibility of happiness occurs only in the present... That is, there is what is happening, different and changing, and we are among this, which means the possibility of the state of our well-being or ill-being at one time or another.

Think about this idea. There is a situation, and there are our ideas about it (views, habits, scales, angles of view, approaches to the situation and ways to interact with it). That’s why people are sick or sad, because nothing else came to their mind. Life is a constant action. A person is looking for himself... looking... for himself.. or his own... But he already exists, potentially he is already good... and something is just stopping him...

Philosophical question: what comes first, matter or consciousness?! Consciousness is primary, and then, in accordance with this, external factors interact and various relationships are built. And at the same time, we build our psyche, we create it in ourselves and what happens every day.

What fate is is certain events and circumstances that we will meet along the way. But where is the man himself in this? How about free will!? It is precisely this feature that allows us to change and change a lot through ourselves. Let's say someone makes a prediction and reads information, but does it in relation to who you are now, reflects a certain ratio of factors and gives you the resulting result. Therefore... if we change, the result under the same circumstances may be completely different. Pay attention to your automatisms and addictions, bad habits and inclinations. Here is a short cheat sheet for those who are interested in such things.

Of course, it is much easier to fight a hypothetical enemy than to understand your shortcomings. Moreover, it’s even better to find an opponent who is not so easy to defeat. Sometimes it is very difficult for a person to admit his participation, that he himself is largely to blame for his troubles. It is much more convenient for him to believe that other people are to blame for his misfortunes. It’s easier to blame everything on the enemy, to think that it is some enemy who is plotting against him out of envy or self-interest.

If we want the best, if we want to become cleaner, stronger, luckier, healthier in our lives and before God, we should be very careful about what we teach ourselves to do every day. And to comprehend and work through all this. Nothing passes without a trace and nothing happens for nothing. And the most important thing is that we can do it ourselves, and the result is worth it. It’s just that such things happen naturally for some, for others, comprehension and disappointment in negative things comes through suffering and “feeling what they call the hard way,” and you can also do it like I described.

We can be aware of our desires and needs and realize them more consciously, improving this process. Experience, skills, habits appear. The constant absorption of low-quality information that is of little use in life, the lack of self-awareness, the lack of even the simplest skills to process it into something necessary and useful (the ability to manage the situation, the various resources that we have, to our benefit) makes a person inadequate and passive, which means unhappy.

Oh well, if sin were a purely abstract concept and there was no further reasoning. Among the many forms of existence, there are those that, by virtue of their nature, always strive to lead a person astray in order to feed. We are not alone in this world. The first task of evil spirits is to impose on you certain inclinations and predilections, ideas about yourself as a dirty and immoral being. From a psychological point of view, this is to distort the image of self-perception.

Of course, you will somehow justify all this, find reasons, say, well, this is just me! However, the very essence and how it arises and is formed will pass by. That's the deception! This happens very subtly and almost imperceptibly.

Then, there is the task of “making your karma heavier”, and after that,... here you are, dear and beloved - our person! Product ready!
You become accessible to everything bad from those who have at least some power and methods of influence in the subtle world. In a word, thus, an unfree and well-controlled person arises. At the same time, each time, without realizing exactly what and how it happened, a person will find excuses in himself... Surprisingly, it may be offensive, but this is so.

Yes, yes! This is exactly how it happens, first you need to be made accessible, and then influence. That is, I want to say that having some purity, a person himself, without even realizing it, is under the strong protection of God, regardless of how much of a believer or an atheist he is. But when he loses this protection, usually various energy problems rain down on him as if from a cornucopia. There is an intention, and there are more favorable, more complete and less favorable ways of achieving what you want. Our task is to define certain intentions, and then, intentionally, in other words, purposefully and consciously implement them.

“When something happens, there are some reasons why it happened, what contributed to it. But our manifestation of weakness is that we usually do not understand it, so much of the unfolding action happens unconsciously.” When we don’t know about something and the fact that it is not conscious, it can have an impact on its own. We cannot do anything about it due to its unconsciousness. But when we find out the source and its nature, we become able to choose appropriate solutions or ways to influence the cause or effect, we can take note of them, transform, remove or mitigate them.

We have our desires and needs in the present and there are different ways to realize them. Before you come up with something and then implement it, FEEL IT FROM THE VERY BEGINNING TO THE END, UNTIL ITS COMPLETE IMPLEMENTATION. Feel the upcoming result as fully and deeply as possible within yourself even before you do it and you will be surprised how much you can understand about it in advance. IT'S LIKE CHOOSING WHAT YOU WOULD EAT. YOU WANT SOMETHING, BUT WHAT EXACTLY IS NOT YET CLEAR, BUT IF YOU EAT ANYTHING, THE RESULT WILL BE SOME DISAPPOINTMENT AND DISCOMFORT. WE CAN CREATE, SEE AND FEEL SEVERAL DIFFERENT ALTERNATIVES IN OUR IMAGINATION AND CHOOSE THE ONE OR WITH THOSE FEATURES THAT SUIT US MOST.

How to remove unwanted things? This is to understand what you want and what you don’t want and, with this useful information, think about how to deal with it. Comprehend what is happening now and work out why you don’t like any action or situation? What exactly do you not like about it? Think about the reasons: what could this be connected with (in us, in other people, in what is happening)? What and how can you change? Look wider, more fully... We always have alternatives. We can vary some elements, change them... We can change the directions of activity and attention, but if we simply feel them, but are not aware of them, nothing can be done about it.

How to distinguish what is needed from what is not needed? How to distinguish what we need to do in relation to this or that information coming from outside? How to distinguish one information from another? By what awakens, what responds and what is triggered in your living system. What do you begin to strive for after this (movement towards destruction, movement towards nowhere, movement towards the better). The necessary information awakens a person, leads him to the opportunity and desire to change, to take steps towards upward experience. All of these things perform very powerful cleaning. Knowledge opens up a new level. A person in this world is not just an observer, he is an active creator, he creates himself... We can rise above our imperfections and turn them into a series of vital perfections. But this does not mean that you need to force yourself for days, but it means that you need to carry out work when it is necessary, where it is necessary. We need to learn to feel it, and we have this sign: what awakens, what responds and what is triggered in your living system.? This is an active tool for our creation - the development of creativity (Level of the Creator). In this way we develop our Divine nature.

When we do something, we can think about what we like and what we don't like, but it is better to "think about what is already good about it and understand what could be improved." This kind of thinking leads somewhere. The unfamiliar may not seem pleasant, but in reality, this does not mean that it is not pleasant to create, it means that we imagined everything like that. “Presented” is both action (comprehension and implementation) and influence and result. It’s one thing when you sit, dream about something, think, without linking your thoughts with the real world, some thoughts may be pleasant to you, but due to their incompleteness and isolation, such things usually lead to disappointment.
It can be seen as if we are preparing a delicious dish, but the ingredients are elements of reality. It is only important to make them aware.

When something unpleasant happens, the first thing we experience in ourselves is resistance and may be indignation, indignation. But if the situation remains unresolved, it remains, as it were, suspended. And if we don’t accept the situation as it is and therefore don’t try to figure it out, we either suppress ourselves or try to self-soothe. In any case, there is a struggle and we cannot improve anything. Worry never turns into anything more. We are glitchy and resist, keeping it all within ourselves, somewhere in the margins of our attention, and at the same time contributing to exactly this in what is happening. After all, we never began to resolve it, so we left it unresolved. Our reality has an undesirable result, the result of our actions.

Something about problems. Life through various signs and situations gives us useful information that would be useful to understand, but to understand correctly - so that it is for your benefit. What could be considered truly valuable? The easiest way is to decide that this is material security and health like a bull. Strange as it may seem, this often does not bring any benefit; on the contrary, it complicates and confuses everything. People often confuse cause and effect, so they turn their attention to the wrong place. Popular wisdom says: “give a fool a billion, he will spend it on whatever he wants.” As you can understand, it is not a billion or even good health that improves our life, all this is a consequence of completely different things, but if we think about a billion and remarkable health, we will get nothing but sadness and disappointment where we live. And we live in Russia.

And if you figure out what you need in life, and on the other hand, figure out how much will be required of you so that you finally achieve the coveted figure, will you really need this billion?! We are not aware of such decisions, but the belief that it is the billion that is at the forefront will play a cruel joke on a person. Where did this come from? Why billion? Here is another source of suffering. When talking about happiness, people are accustomed to turning their gaze outside and complaining about all sorts of material limitations, while life itself happens in them and around them day after day. I'm not even talking about the fact that when you achieve some benefits, you often forget about it very quickly, and sometimes you even feel sincere disappointment. How many people have ruined their destiny in pursuit of purely external attributes.

In life itself, happiness is brought by: the things we do, the communication we build day after day, our ability to understand ourselves and what is happening. It is in this fleetingness that what is born or not born is what makes our life itself fuller or more deprived. We live here and now, and life is an ever-changing present. One thing you can notice about yourself is that people often do not have an elementary point of support. To be a person is to be a person, to be.. Not to always prove anything to anyone, but to simply be and feel like who you want to feel like. Be and make yourself a person internally worthy of yourself... and live with it. As for matters and undertakings, nothing prevents you from figuring out what will be best for you.. Those who are always proving something to someone will never find themselves, happiness and the fullness of their lives. Fashion, concepts, rules without a deep understanding of the essence of these things... these are just “marked limits of the fence” along which “organized herds are driven away”... Someone Lives, and someone eternally imitates... I hope that you will understand correctly the comparison with herds. You can be a person, or you can be part of a crowd. These are fundamentally different states.

Everything that happens first happens in our minds... If first you see it in your head, you will start working with it.. If you find nothing there, only empty and fussy thoughts, it is unlikely that your actions will be successful. If a person cannot rely on himself, find a foothold, then how can he rely on others? How can they help him like that? What? There are things that a person himself needs to do, and only then seek some kind of support and understanding. If you yourself don’t know what you need, then how can you explain it all? How can they help you?

We all manage the PRESENT very differently... “The end of everything!”, “I’m a loser” - this is what a person thinks about himself, and then, against the background of this, he does in what is happening... For something to happen, before All you need to do is believe in it, both for the good and vice versa. How do we look at things, in relation to what? What is this period, scale, needs? Are we looking for obstacles or opportunities? Do you consider yourself a failure because you didn't become a billionaire, or because you think in a way that only leads to disappointment?

We have such powers and capabilities that we don’t even suspect about and all this, in many ways, comes down to the level of such boring and banal things. This is amazing! The kind of framework a person puts himself into when he thinks all sorts of nonsense. The simple fact is that most people are unhappy in their lives, and they think they are unhappy because their external conditions do not meet their expectations of life. Therefore, they are convinced that they cannot be happy until the external situation changes. They think that if only certain conditions changed, then they would... Yes, yes! You can complain about your miserable fate, about how many different types of misfortunes there are in it, and so, in this way of thinking and acting, your whole life can pass. But you can change for the better...

“Everyone is bad” or something like that.. This is simply full of a person’s thoughts. In any case, it is our weaknesses that make our opponents strong... I already wrote about this once, that for one it’s a problem, for another it’s seeds... So the point is not to look for “shoals”, but to decide how to live with it so that everything is as good as possible... The only thing we can start from in order to improve something is the present. This is the only real basis on which something can be improved.

But as I already said, when something unpleasant happens, the first thing we experience in ourselves is resistance. Life through various signs and situations gives us useful information that would be useful to understand, but to understand correctly - so that it is for your benefit. And if we don’t accept the situation as it is and therefore don’t try to figure it out, we either suppress ourselves or try to self-soothe. In any case, there is a struggle and self-deception, and so we cannot improve anything. At work there may be a bad boss, grumpy relatives, selfish friends who are traitors, a loved one who is in a hurry to get rid of you at your first weakness, etc. A lot of things... He who does nothing makes no mistakes, but along with mistakes there is a chance to achieve much more. However, life goes on and we live in the present, which means our state in it is decisive.

We always face the need, as well as the opportunity for our own development. And we always have a choice: to develop or leave everything as it is. The main thing is not to stop... There is a passive role of the victim. Victims of people and all kinds of circumstances. The position in which a person puts himself in what is happening, with his mood, understanding, actions... And there are other internal positions that we are able to implement. So, what interferes with the fullness and joy of existence? Various obstacles, which are primarily located within ourselves. What makes a person’s thought useful, complete and fulfilling, and what is the opposite? What turns into full-fledged action, and what leads us into illusions and often prevents us from living?

Possible options:

  • Self-rejection
  • Rejection of reality
  • Refusal of the desire and ability to perceive everything as it is
  • Passivity and a passive position in what is happening.
  • Obsessing over one aspect or side of a matter/situation
  • Tendency to generalize (both from the point of view of time: past, present, future - always or forever, and the features and patterns of the situation - this is always the case, this is the only way it happens, everything is conditional and relative). Incl. globalization, exaggeration.
  • Tendency to automatism (habits instead of comprehension and comprehension)
  • Tendency to imitate instead of understand.
  • Ego instead of personality (false and superficial values ​​and aspirations in what is happening)
  • Lack of understanding that there may be a difference between “what I think and what is.”
  • Lack of understanding that there are facts, and then there is interpretation... and in general, many possible interpretations.
  • Lack of positive experience.
  • Fears, complexes.
  • Feelings of guilt, instead of understanding the reasons and looking for an opportunity to somehow understand and resolve the current situation or at least its consequences. (those who achieve this for the purpose of manipulation insist on guilt)
  • Not distinguishing between what is my responsibility and what is other people's responsibility.
  • Completeness and incompleteness of thought (whether you managed to bring your comprehension to a useful state or not)
  • Lack of clarity of goals and their components (there is always something that would be better or worse for you)
  • Inability to identify and highlight the main and secondary things in a situation
  • Poor physical, emotional and energetic state.
  • Lack of understanding, vision and feeling of the difference between what is yours and what is someone else’s in terms of energy and mood.
  • Lack of connection with a higher Power (protection and patronage, intuition)
  • The realization that we have the Spark of God in us, that true happiness is not selfishness.

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