What is the Bay of Pigs famous for, and why is it so named? American shame in the Bay of Pigs. Playa Giron - a memorable symbol of Cuban independence Invasion of American troops in Cuba

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Operation Bay of Pigs, landing at the Bay of Cochinos, Operation Zapata- a military operation, since 1960, prepared by the US government with the aim of overthrowing the government Fidel Castro on Cuba.


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Evolution of the nature of the operation

(a) the creation of a united Cuban opposition; (b) deployment of a radio station for “gray” broadcasting to Cuba on short and long waves; (c) continued creation of an intelligence and subversive network in Cuba; (d) continued preparations for the creation of a paramilitary force outside Cuba.

In essence, at this stage a combination of guerrilla actions and psychological warfare. The CIA immediately began training 300 guerrillas, first in the United States and Panama Canal Zone, and then in Guatemala. Radio station on Bolshoi Island Sisne began operating on May 17 using equipment left on the island after it was used for radio propaganda as part of PBSUCCESS operations. In June, the CIA managed to form from the fragmented Cuban opposition (184 groups according to the CIA’s own calculations) Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front(CDRF).

In the fall of 1960, the CIA realized that guerrilla warfare might not reach the critical mass needed to revolt against Castro, and the nature of the operation began to change from guerrilla warfare to amphibious landings. In September, a military adviser appeared in the WH/4 group involved in preparing the operation - Marine Colonel J. Hawkins (English)Russian . In CIA correspondence on October 31, 1960, it was indicated that, according to the not yet approved plan, the sabotage group would be no more than 60 people, and at least 1,500 people would participate in the landing operation, consisting of several battalions, and possibly US special forces.

After the failure of landing and resupplying guerrilla groups in October 1960, at a White House meeting on November 29, the CIA proposed a new plan for approval by the President, who was clearly irritated by the persistence of Castro's power in Cuba. None of those present objected to the new approach; Eisenhower still demanded that "the hand of America be kept out of sight." The decision to use an amphibious landing, like many others, was not written down on paper; as in other cases, the President did not become involved in the details of covert operations, which was necessary to preserve his ability to plausible deniability.

On January 4, 1961, the CIA presented a new plan, according to historian P. Gleichesis (English)Russian , "the most realistic" and much more thoughtful than the subsequent Trinidad and Zapata plans. The plan included the following sequence of actions:

  • A landing party of 750 people seizes a small bridgehead on Cuban territory. The goal of the landing will be to survive and maintain a bridgehead in conditions of complete air superiority. The document clearly stated that the operation should not be carried out unless tactical air support was available and suggested the use of airfields during Florida, making the illusion of American non-intervention impossible;
  • The CIA expected that within weeks of the landings a general uprising against Castro would begin and would be successful within a few more weeks. Before such an uprising begins, the landing force should not attempt to expand the bridgehead;
  • if the uprising does not start, then a provisional government will be planted on the bridgehead, which will be recognized by the United States and, possibly, other Latin American countries and request help. This assistance will come in the form of direct US military intervention.

Under Eisenhower, the US military was used solely for support and was not used in planning; although representatives Chiefs of Staff Committee and attended all key meetings and did not object, they were never asked to evaluate the CIA's plans or the quality of the paratroopers' training. Kennedy immediately involved the military in discussing the plans, revealing significant differences in positions at a meeting on January 28, 1961. Plans reported to the President changed at this point: Richard M. Bissell (English)Russian The planner for the operation, in a February 8 memorandum to Kennedy, spoke of CIA and Defense Department optimism about the invasion: “at worst, the landing force will be able to make its way into the mountains, and at best, there will be a large-scale civil war in which we can openly support Castro’s opponents.” " At the same time, diplomat T. Mann (English)Russian believed that there was no chance of a quick uprising against Castro, and the United States would essentially have to choose between the loss of troops, the difficulties of supplying guerrillas in the mountains, and direct intervention.

Plan Trinidad, recommended by the CIA on March 11, 1961, involved seizing and maintaining a bridgehead near the city Trinidad, repelling Cuban militia attacks and creating the conditions for a large-scale uprising. In case of failure, the paratroopers were to withdraw to the nearby mountains and switch to guerrilla warfare. The plan was silent on how the paratroopers - after defeat at the beachhead - would fight their way to the mountains through encirclement, but noted that "the provisional government should be landed immediately after the capture of the beachhead." If the operation was successful, the government was supposed to recognize it and thereby create conditions for at least non-state material support. Kennedy rejected the plan, demanding that it be changed to a less ambitious one that could more plausibly look like a purely Cuban operation.

  • a smaller version of the Trinidad, with a night landing without airborne assault and air support;
  • landing on the northeastern coast of Cuba;
  • landing at the Bay of Pigs, which by March 16 became Plan Zapata.

US domestic political considerations

Shortly after Eisenhower approved the amphibious assault plan, a change of administration occurred in the United States, and President Kennedy. By the time the new president arrived, the practical details had not been clarified, and after the disaster, Eisenhower justified that under him only a small number of Cubans were being trained, “despite a lot of talk, there were no plans yet with a specific number, landing location or support.”

Kennedy was notified of the preparation of the operation during the election campaign. After his election victory, in November 1960, Dulles and Bissell briefed the future president on the details of the operation, Kennedy made no objections, and preparations continued. However, key members of the incoming administration were not informed, and Kennedy did not request additional information. The result, according to T. Mann, who unsuccessfully tried to arrange the transfer of affairs between administrations, was “stupidity - as if it [the operation] would disappear if it was not dealt with. Kennedy tried to ignore it when he still had many months to think."

The aforementioned CIA plan of January 4, 1961, explicitly mentioned the need to obtain the new president's consent for air support for the landing.

Kennedy's hands were tied by his position of confrontation with Castro during the election campaign. During the campaign, he attacked Eisenhower for allowing the possibility of a Communist threat "90 miles from the United States." This position attracted voters to him, but, once in power, made reversing the operation almost impossible; according to Robert Kennedy, “everyone would say he chickened out... it was Eisenhower's plan; Eisenhower's people were confident of success."

Kennedy himself preferred the strategy of gradually increasing guerrilla warfare and expressed this on several occasions, but the CIA assessed such actions as impossible, including due to the position of Cuban emigrants trained for the landing, who believed that an open attack had a greater chance of direct military action. US support. Unconvinced by the CIA's assessments, Kennedy hesitated, but preparations for the operation were moving forward, and the delay brought the president closer to approving the landing.

Kennedy continued to have doubts about the chosen plan of operation. Thus, on April 4, he again reported that he would prefer to see an invasion force of 200-250 people; The CIA again responded that this was impossible.

"Second phase"

In February 1961, discussion of what would happen after the landing and capture of the beachhead (the so-called “Phase 2”) was virtually abandoned, despite disagreements between Bissell and Mann. Bissell subsequently argued that planning for subsequent phases in covert operations is usually incomplete, since the outcome of the first phase is usually difficult to predict: "we had no agreement on what to do once the beachhead had been established."

Disagreements over Phase 2 occurred not only between the CIA and the State Department, but also within the CIA. Bissell and the people around him in the CIA believed that if the landing force could hold out for a few days, then it would be able to hold out for a month, and, in the meantime, while Castro could not recapture the bridgehead, the rebel air force controlled the skies, bombing without interruption and with increasing efficiency - something will happen. However, at the same time, Hawkins believed that the brigade would attract young people, strengthen itself and go to Havana, and Bissell himself thought that the more likely options were recognition of the provisional government and direct support for it either from the United States or OAS. Mann's disbelief in the possibility of any success in Phase 2 did not go beyond the memorandum: finding himself essentially alone, at the decisive moment he did not object to the landing - but was eager to cease his participation in the planning of the operation and left Washington before the landing; at the time of the disaster, Mann was ambassador to Mexico.

In fact, there was a fundamental divergence between the President and the CIA in their assessment of what would happen if the landing did not proceed according to the optimistic scenario: Dulles and Bissell believed that, given the choice between failure of the operation and direct US military intervention, the President would choose open invasion of Cuba. Kennedy made it clear several times during the planning process that he would not give such an order, but Bissell in particular suggested that, when confronted with the possibility of failure, Kennedy would change his mind. According to P. Gleichesis, Kennedy and the CIA at that moment resembled ships diverging at night on different courses, but not understanding it. To get the plan approved by the President, the CIA continued to describe the possibility of the landing force turning to guerrilla warfare and thus the impossibility of complete failure, although in fact it did not even plan for this option (singing a "lullaby" for the President in Gleichesis' assessment).

Preparing for the invasion

The preparations took place in complete secrecy, in the words of Eisenhower himself, “everyone had to be ready to swear that he had not heard anything about it.” Planning for the operation was carried out similar to PBSUCCESS, a special unit within the Directorate of Plans (English)Russian , with virtually no participation from the Intelligence Directorate.

General management of the operation (codenamed operation " Pluto » ) was carried out by CIA Director Allen Dulles. Responsible for the development and implementation of the operation was General Richard M. Bissell, who served as the CIA Deputy Director for Planning (English)Russian . At the same time, Dulles gave Bissell wide freedom of action in operational matters. The State Department's efforts to prepare for the invasion were coordinated by US Assistant Secretary of State Whiting Willauer. The project manager (group WH/4) within the CIA was J. Esterline (English)Russian .

At the same time, significant efforts were made to consolidate Castro's political opponents (who had already created about 60 associations and groups). As a result, the Democratic Revolutionary Front was created (" Frente"), which included five groups, and Manuel A. Verona became its leader.

In November 1960, under the pretext of “protecting Nicaragua and Guatemala from a possible attack from Cuba,” the United States sent a group of US Navy warships to the coast of Cuba, which was the next stage of preparation for the landing operation in the Bay of Pigs.

The preparation for the operation did not go unnoticed. Individual references to the military training of Cuban emigrants appeared in the open press. December 31 1960 at the session meeting UN General Assembly And January 4 1961 at the meeting UN Security Council Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Castro Roa made a statement about the preparation by American intelligence services of an armed invasion of Cuba.

After taking office as president J.F. Kennedy , January 20 1961 A. Dulles and R. Bissell acquainted him with the plan for the landing operation (“ Operation Trinidad"), and the President expressed the wish that the plan be further studied by Pentagon experts. January 26 A meeting was held, as a result of which a slightly modified version of the operation plan was approved, which provided for increasing the number of paratroopers from 800-1000 to 1443 people, providing them with bulldozers and tools for preparing a field airfield, as well as additional weapons.

On April 8, 1961, a radio appeal was broadcast to the Cuban people and the governments of Latin American countries with a call to begin an armed struggle against Castro.


Sabotage and sabotage

Before the start of the operation in Cuba, the “ fifth column"opponents of the Cuban revolution (who received the contemptuous nickname among revolutionaries " gusanos », Spanish gusanos- lit. "worms")

Events April 14-16

April 14, 1961 American reconnaissance aircraft U-2 took photographs of Cuban airfields, as a result of which the location of 15 of the 24 aircraft of the Cuban aviation was established.

As a result of anti-aircraft fire from the Cubans, two B-26s were damaged - one of them crashed into the sea 50 km north of Cuba (the crew of two people died), the second damaged aircraft landed at an air base in Key West, but did not take part in the operation later.

The third B-26 landed at the international Miami airport. The pilot of this plane made a statement that he and his companions were deserters from the Cuban Air Force, after which he turned to the US authorities with a request for political asylum. However, the disinformation mechanism did not work, as the invited journalists noticed the differences between the landed version of the B-26 and those that were in service with the Cuban Air Force, and drew attention to the fact that, contrary to the pilots’ story, the bomber’s machine guns were not used (the barrels were clean). The incident caused significant international resonance.

The repeated raid on Cuba was canceled by order of President J.F. Kennedy.

The fleet of the “Cuban Expeditionary Forces” consisted of two landing ships (LCI “ Blagar" and LCI " Barbara J") and five cargo ships - "Houston" (code designation " Aguja"), "Rio Escondido" (coded " Ballena"), "Karibe" (coded " Sardina"), "Atlantico" (coded " Tiburon") and "Lake Charles". Radars and anti-aircraft machine guns were installed on landing ships, and anti-aircraft guns on transport ships.

Landing operation and battle at Playa Giron

A fragment of a US combat aircraft shot down by Cuban air defense during the fighting against the landing of Cuban counter-revolutionaries in the Bay of Cochinos. Cuba, April 1961. State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia

At about 07:30, six military transport aircraft (five C-46 and one C-54) in accordance with the “Falcon” plan, they dropped the 1st airborne battalion of “Brigade 2506” (177 people) in the San Blas area.

By 11 o'clock, the two remaining transports of "brigade 2506" retreated to the open sea.

On the evening of April 17, more than 2 thousand 122-mm shells were fired at the landing force, but the artillery shelling of the long and narrow front turned out to be ineffective, since the paratroopers had already managed to dig in.

The bombers were supposed to escort US jet fighters from the USS Wessex, but the planes missed each other, and two B-26s with crews of US citizens (pilots of the Alabama National Guard) were shot down by the Cuban Air Force.

At the same time, the Nicaraguan dictator Somoza proposed using six fighters for air support P-51 Mustang The Nicaraguan Air Force (whose insignia began to be painted over), but this decision was rejected.

On the same day, Cuban T-34-85 tanks destroyed two tanks of the “2506 brigade”.

In the afternoon, two American destroyers, USS Eaton (code Santiago) and USS Murray (codename Tampico) approached the coast of the Bay of Pigs in order to evacuate the personnel of the invasion forces, but after several shots were fired at them from tank guns, the ships went into the open sea.

Cuban air force and air defense shot down 12 planes B-26 "Invader" , C-46 and other types that provided cover for the landing, including several with crews of US citizens. Of these, 7 B-26s and 1 C-46 were shot down by Cuban fighters, who suffered no losses.

The Cuban government estimated the damage caused to the country by the invasion at $53 million. In April 1962, the Gusano prisoners from Brigade 2506 were tried, and in December 1962 they were handed over to the United States in exchange for a shipment of medicines and food worth $53 million, which were provided by the US government, but contributed on behalf of charitable foundation Tractors for Freedom Committee .

Subsequent events

The failure of the operation caused significant resonance in the United States and internationally. IN Cairo , Jakarta , Rio de Janeiro And Lima Demonstrators attempted to storm US diplomatic missions.

At a UN meeting, representatives of 40 countries condemned the US aggression against Cuba.

The USSR government condemned the armed invasion and sent a note of protest to the United States calling on it to take measures to stop the aggression against Cuba.

In 1986, representatives of the US scientific community (American historians Howard Zinn, William Appleman Williams (English)Russian , Gabriel Kolko (English)Russian , Lloyd Gardner (English)Russian , David Horowitz etc.) recognized that the US operation in 1961 was US interference in the internal affairs of Cuba, an act of US aggression against Cuba and a direct violation of Article 18 of the Charter of the Organization of American States, to which the US signed in 1948, prohibiting anyone there was no need to interfere in the internal affairs of any country. The text of the expert report was published in full in The Nation magazine.

Review by General Maxwell Taylor

On April 22, 1961, President Kennedy requested that General Maxwell Taylor, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Admiral Arleigh Burke, and CIA Director Allen Dulles form a Cuba Study Group to study the reasons for the failure of the operation. On July 13, General Taylor sent the report of the commission of inquiry to President Kennedy. The reasons for the defeat, according to the authors of the report, were related to the lack of speedy deployment, the inability to achieve success by secret means, insufficient air support (insufficient number of pilots involved and air strikes carried out), insufficient amount of weapons and ammunition provided to the “2506 brigade”, sinking of the brigade’s ships .

Declassified US government documents indicate that after the failure of the Bay of Pigs operation, the US continued to consider and prepare a direct military invasion of Cuba.

According to the report of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff ( Operation Northwoods) On March 13, 1962, a number of provocations were supposed to be used as a reason for direct military intervention in Cuba, in particular:

  • 1. Sabotage in and around the American military base at Guantanamo Bay (the following examples were considered: the arson of an airplane and the sinking of a ship; at the same time, it was necessary to publish a list of non-existent “dead” in the media).
  • 2. The sinking of a ship with Cuban refugees.
  • 3. Organize terrorist attacks in Miami, other cities in Florida and in Washington, aimed at Cuban refugees. Arrest “Cuban agents” and publish fake “documents.”
  • 4. Conduct an air raid on the territory of states adjacent to Cuba.
  • 5. Simulate attacks on passenger planes and shoot down an unmanned American plane or blow up a radio-controlled ship. To simulate attacks, use an F-86 Saber fighter repainted to look like a Cuban MIG. It was also planned to publish in newspapers a list of those killed in a downed plane or blown up ship.
  • 6. Simulate the shooting down of a US military aircraft by a Cuban MiG.

Each of the incidents was supposed to be blamed on the Cuban government.


Declassification of documents


Entrance to the Operation Museum

Later, a museum of the operation was opened in Playa Giron, at the entrance of which one of the Cuban Air Force aircraft is installed (“ Sea Fury"), who participated in the operation. Along the entire road along which Cuban troops marched to Playa Giron, in the places where soldiers died during the bombing, memorials were erected obelisks. The victory is celebrated annually on April 19; to commemorate it, Air Force and Air Defense Day is established on April 17, and Tankman Day is established on April 18. In July 1961, the Council of Ministers of the country established Order of Playa Giron- one of the highest state awards of Cuba.

Reflection in literature, art and journalism

A number of literary and artistic works, films, and paintings are devoted to the operation in the Bay of Pigs.

Original taken from m2kozhemyakin in Landing on Playa Giron 04/17/1961 in the illustrated magazine "Life" and photographs.

The bearded, eternal and legendary Fidel Castro is not without reason known as one of the most eloquent speakers of the twentieth century, therefore, for a detailed, although somewhat lengthy (Fidel and brevity are incompatible concepts;)) characteristics of these events, we will give the first word to the leader of the Cuban revolution.
At the following links you will find "Reflections of Comrade Fidel Castro: The Battle of Playa Giron", recorded on April 14 and May 25, 2011, in two parts:

A detailed history of the preparations for the landing on Playa Giron and the fighting in English, which also contains interesting illustrations: http://www.combatreform.org/airbornebayofpigs.htm

And here is the Russian-language history of the operation in the Bay of Pigs (this sonorous Spanish name is so tritely translated) on April 14-19: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_in_the_Bay_of_Pigs

It will also feature illustrations made by the famous American poster artist and illustrator Sandy Kossin for the popular Life magazine, published on May 10, 1963, hot on the heels of the events.

"Bay of Pigs: The Raw Untold Truth from the Men Who Fought," reads the catchy headline.

As they say, as many soldiers as there are, so many views on the battle. This also leaves out the inevitable ideology and propaganda...
Therefore, in contrast to Caussin’s drawings, which reflect the views of the American public and anti-communist Cuban emigrants, it would be appropriate to include photographs taken directly at the site of the fighting, with appropriate explanations.

So, illustrations by Sandy Caussin were prepared based on the stories of the few surviving members of the Cuban emigrant formation, prepared and dropped on Playa Giron with the participation of intelligence services and, to a lesser extent, the US armed forces - the so-called “assault brigade 2506” (Brigada de Asalto 2506).

Brigade 2506.
1. It was a sabotage and assault unit that began to be formed in May 1960, as stated, “from volunteers who were opponents of the Fidel Castro regime.” Simply put, from Cuban emigrants who ended up in the United States. The brigade was trained with the participation of the US CIA and American instructors (the so-called CIA contractors, not necessarily full-time employees, but working under a contract with the CIA). Training and formation were carried out at several bases located in different countries of Latin America: “Camp Trax” and the airfield “Rayo Base” in Guatemala, “Camp Tide” (known among cadets as “Valley of Happiness”) in Nicaragua, as well as on the island of Vieques ( Puerto Rico).
2. The brigade got its name from the personal number of cadet Carlos Rodriguez, a 25-year-old former student from Havana who died during training.

Portrait of this same cadet Rodriguez from Sandy Caussin (in the margins are photographs of brigade officers):

3. On paper, the brigade looked like an impressive force: at least 2,680 Cubans were undergoing military training, of which, after repeated structural and organizational changes, as of the beginning of April 1961, 5 infantry battalions (one motorized), 1 parachute battalion, artillery a mortar division, an armored detachment (actually a tank company) and some other units. Additionally, an impressive air contingent was created to bomb Cuba under the guise of its own air force supposedly rebelling against the revolutionary government, and a flotilla of armed transport and landing ships was created to deliver the brigade to the Cuban coast and land it as the vanguard of the “revolution against the revolutionaries.”
Then, according to CIA calculations, at best the dissatisfied Cuban population should have fit in, at worst - the US Marine Corps, and optimally - both.
“Brigade 2506” was commanded by a gallant officer of the former army of the former Cuban dictator Batista, Captain Jose Alfredo Perez San Roman; a brigade banner and field chaplains were installed, inspiring the personnel to “liberate beautiful Catholic Cuba from the godless power of the vile Fidelists.”

The brigade banner, which has now become a museum exhibit in the USA

A propaganda picture with corresponding content (a destroyed Fidelist tank is depicted symbolically and most closely resembles the Ferdinand self-propelled gun):

From the generosity of the US government (which, of course, knew nothing) the brigade was given:
"- 32 B-26 bombers, nine of them - B-26B for participation in the air raid on Cuban airfields (Operation Puma) were repainted and carried the insignia of the Cuban Air Force; another 20 received from the US Air Force reserve and previously stored in mothballed condition, were repaired and modernized - additional fuel tanks and missile launchers were installed on them;
- five M41 tanks;
- ten M8 armored personnel carriers;
- three 75-mm M-20 anti-tank recoilless artillery guns;
- 18 pcs. 57 mm M18 recoilless rifles;
- 6 pcs. 106.7 mm mortars; 36 pcs. 60 mm mortars;
- 75 pcs. 88.9 mm M20 Bazooka anti-tank grenade launchers;
- 8 pcs. flamethrowers;
- 44 pcs. large-caliber 12.7-mm Browning M2HB machine guns;
- 3 heavy and 30 light machine guns “Browning” M1919 chambered for 7.62x63 mm;
- 108 pcs. light 7.62 mm Browning M1918 machine guns;
- small arms (485 M-1 Garand rifles, 150 carbines, 470 submachine guns and 465 pistols);
- hand grenades;
- a significant amount of ammunition;
30 thousand gallons of aviation fuel for refueling aircraft."
Source: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigada_2506
4. Despite the rich experience of secret operations and “gunboat diplomacy”, in the history of US secret wars it is difficult to find an operation conceived in greater isolation from reality and prepared more carelessly than the landing on Playa Giron.
In his speech on April 19, 1963, in honor of the second anniversary of the victory over the interventionists, Fidel Castro called those who developed this adventure “ignorant people in social and political, but not in military matters”... He clearly flattered both them and himself: It is always more honorable to defeat a strong enemy!
There were no fewer mistakes in the military component of the preparation for the “counter-revolutionary revolution” than in all the others.
The most important of them is simply enchanting delitantism.
Among the notorious CIA contractors were predominantly former US military personnel from World War II and the Korean War. However, the experience of some of them is hopelessly outdated, while others have not smelled gunpowder at all - not all of the multimillion-strong US armed forces of the second half of the 1940s - early 50s. "saw action" (literally: saw military action) even from afar.
The main problem of “Brigade 2506” was its very “uneven” personnel. Undoubtedly, staunch opponents of Fidel Castro's regime or people who suffered cruelly from it were also there. However, a huge layer was made up of “poor fellows who were shipwrecked on the seas of life,” as one of the former officers of the brigade, D. Mosca, later described them. The allowance of 400 US dollars, paid monthly to each cadet, plus 175 dollars for the maintenance of a wife and 50-25 dollars for a child, attracted many needy Cuban emigrants to the ranks of the future “interventionists” (even if “in that life” they were people wealthy - the more severe were the disasters of exile for them).
As a result, there was a significant turnover of personnel in the brigade: having “earned extra” a couple of monthly fees, many cadets fled back to “civilian life”, often showing genuine courage and ingenuity to do this - no one let them go voluntarily. These are the “irreconcilable fighters against the fidelist regime.”
As a result, a little more than 1,500 brigade soldiers were able to take part in the operation itself - 1,334 paratroopers and sailors of landing ships, 177 paratroopers and several dozen pilots and auxiliary aviation personnel.

But in Sandy Caussin's picture they certainly look like epic heroes:

Military training was conducted by American instructors, also essentially random people, with insufficient responsibility, and the cadets, at the first opportunity, organized a fiesta in a bright Latin American style instead.
“We, of course, have ceased to be civilians, but we cannot say that we have become military in the full sense of the word,” the same D. Mosca described the level of training of the “brigadists.”
A total of 135 fighters of “Brigade 2506” were former soldiers of Batista’s army who had experience in counter-guerrilla warfare against the Fidelists, and, probably, few other than them could be considered real warriors. Of course, there were brave, convinced people in the brigade, not without them. Fidel’s supporters also had plenty of courage and ideological preparation.
In short, the landing of “Brigade 2506” (although it was required to hold out for only a few days until the US Marine Corps cavalry arrived) could only succeed under the following circumstances:
- if the Cuban population had rebelled against the Fidelists (and the Cubans at that time supported them with an absolute majority);
- if in place of the well-armed (including Warsaw Pact countries) and inspired by the ideas of the “Olive Revolution” (at that time it had not yet fully become “red”) the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba would have stood the classic underpaid and poorly equipped Latin American army of the 1960s- x years;
- if “Brigade 2506” had not landed in Cuba;)
The CIA strategists did not take Cuba into account.

Fights in Playa Giron.
However, after agonizing delays, on April 15, 1961, B-26 bombers (painted to look like FAR aircraft - Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Cuba- with visually identifiable shoals) struck Cuban airfields, and on the night of April 17, the landing of sea and parachute landings of the “2506 brigade” began.

Landing on Playa Giron through the eyes of Sandy Caussin:

"At midnight on April 16, 1961, Cuban patriots landed on a remote beach in their homeland... This remarkable story - often heroic, always chaotic and chilling in the end - begins with this drawing of the first attack..." reads the journalistically catchy caption .

Paratroopers with fierce faces rush forward uncontrollably, shooting straight from the surf, the ships support them with fire, something is already impressively exploding on the shore... Just some kind of “Omaha Beach” in Normandy 1944!

In fact, the Cuban armed forces, misled the day before by a demonstration off the coast of Oriente province (perhaps the only success of the American intelligence services in this operation), slept through the landing in Playa Giron.
Resistance to the emigrant paratroopers was provided only by a patrol of the 339th reserve battalion of five (!!!) people guarding the coast, armed only with Czech M52 rifles (the same Mauser magazines). But he also managed to hold out for almost 40 minutes and calmed down only when three of the five soldiers were wounded and one died (in the picture above, this poor fellow is probably lying under the feet of the paratroopers).

At this time, the paratroopers of “Brigade 2506” stubbornly climbed out of the swamp into which they “splashed down” in the San Blas area.

Sandy Caussin portrayed this unpleasant moment honestly:

Soon, oncoming battles with detachments of the people's militia broke out (Milicias Nacionales Revolucionarias), promptly thrown by the Cuban revolutionary command into the landing area. Butin the first hours of hostilitiesthe more numerous and better armed "brigadistas" really pushed back the "milisianos". In addition, the emigrants managed to set up several successful fire ambushes, in which the “irregular” fidelists suffered significant losses.

The “teammen” who are holed up along the road shoot at a truck literally full of “milisianos”:

Well, it seems very true, especially considering that the Cuban self-defense units actually went to war like this:

The same scene of an ambush, no longer looking so triumphant against the backdrop of the “return” shown on the spread, which the landing group of “Brigade 2506” began to receive from the first Cuban regular contingent that reached the battlefield - the combat aircraft of the Revolutionary Air Force (FAR).
The landing ship Houston, destroyed by Cuban planes, is sinking, and the entire infantry battalion riding on it jumps into the water and swims to “land lightly” - without weapons:

The quite recognizable T-33 Shooting Star FAR fighter proudly flies over the dying ship.
In the upper part of the picture, an unidentified plane crashes into the water (most similar to the Messerschmidt Bf-109, which certainly did not exist in the Bay of Pigs), shot down by fire from landing ships. An obvious fantasy of the artist or storytellers: both (according to other sources - three) aircraft lost in those days by the Cuban FAR were burned at airfields by air strikes.

Here's what the sinking of the Houston looks like in photographs:

However, the aviation crews of “Brigade 2506”, staffed by Cuban emigrant pilots and American mercenary pilots, are predominantly of “Latin” origin , April 17 also quite actively supported their ground units.

A joint surprise strike by the “brigadists” and B-26 bombers on the advancing column of fidelists:

A reliable fact: the bombers covered the 123rd battalion of the people's militia, which was moving towards the front in marching order. However, on the road, Milisianos vehicles mixed with civilian vehicles, and the airstrike hit both. Most of the Cuban civilians who died these days were killed then.

Photos of the destroyed column taken by Cuban photo reporters:

One of the B-26 bombers with Cuban markings used by the CIA in the Playa Giron operation:

Frozen moments of battle: the crew of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba fires at the “enemy” B-26 from a quadruple 12.7-mm DShKM installation of Czechoslovak production (part of the “disinterested” military assistance of the Warsaw Pact):

...The main law of propaganda: “If you mess up yourself, turn the arrows on the enemy” is in action. That is why, it turns out, the CIA bomb trucks emptied the bomb bays on civilians: the “vile fidelists” are all hiding behind a car with Red Cross signs:

With the entry into hostilities of the first Cuban regular ground units (11th and 12th infantry battalions, reinforced with tanks, self-propelled guns and artillery) under the command of former Batistian career officers and former partisan commanders of Fidel, the short period of success of the “2506 brigade” came to an abrupt end. By the end of the day on April 18, 1961, the initiative had irrevocably passed into the hands of the Fidelists.

On the map of military operations, Sandy Kossin records how, with inevitable inevitability, day after day, the bridgehead held by the “brigadists” was reduced and the tragic end for them was approaching:

Cuban troops with visible pleasure “test” T-34-85 tanks, SU-100 self-propelled guns, and 152-mm howitzers in battles:

Comandante The Prime Minister of Cuba, Major Fidel Castro, personally directs the fighting, in his inimitable style, never missing an opportunity to pose for photojournalists on the armor of the formidable equipment received “from friends from the Warsaw Pact”:

This is where the “moment of truth” came for “Brigade 2506”. The cruel logic of defeat itself separated those who consciously came to Cuba to overthrow Fidel from those who were more interested in 400 bucks a month plus another 175 for their spouse.
And while the former fought fiercely, the latter indulged in despair or robbery.

A tragic-comic picture from Sandy Kossin: just a group of marauding “crewmen” had razed a pig farm (the Bay of Pigs!) and were about to have a “barbecue” of piglets, when the Cuban “Shooting Star” appeared and ruined all their fun:

The revolutionary Cuban Air Force in the battles of Playa Giron is not even a poem, it is a legend!
By the time of the landing of “Brigade 2506,” Cuba had only FIVE (according to other sources, seven) pilots for 24 aircraft.
And, nevertheless, riding the most combat-ready vehicles, this handful of desperate brave men supported their ground forces, sank landing ships (the already mentioned Houston and the Rio Escondido transport, with which the lion's share of the interventionists' ammunition took off, as well as two landing barges), shot down enemy aircraft (seven aerial victories in total: six B-26 bombers and one C-46 transport).

One of the most successful Cuban pilots in Playa Giron, Lieutenant D. Del-Pino with his fighterT-33"Shooting Star":

This is the lieutenant, middle-aged, but brave, one of Batista’s former Air Force pilots, who managed to serve time in prison under him for sympathizing with revolutionaries...

Fighter T-33 "Shooting Star" of the Cuban Revolutionary Air Force:

The results of the work of Cuban fighter pilots at Playa Giron: wreckage of enemy aircraft, half-sunken landing barges:

A “miliciano”, armed with a Czech SA-25 submachine gun, poses near the wreckage of the B-26:

And Fidel himself!

We must pay tribute to “Brigade 2506” - it withstood at least two days of fierce battles with a superior enemy - from the evening of April 17 to the evening of the 19th.

Night battle of the brigadiers with Fidel's tanks:

A realistic depiction of Soviet T-34-85 tanks is clearly not one of Sandy Cossick's strengths as a war artist (it seems that his “model” was the heavy IS-2 tanks, which were not available in Cuba). But it is extremely picturesquely depicted how a tank crushed a man and how the ill-fated fidelist was blown in half by a burst from a Browning heavy machine gun.

"Night horror - the Reds crush their own wounded" (Sic!) That's a rare scum! ;)
Although, it is likely that several wounded "milisianos" or soldiers lying on the battlefield were actually crushed by the tank crews during the night attack. Inhuman and random grimaces of war...

The only Cuban T-34-85, reliably destroyed by the “brigadists” on Playa Giron with three bazooka shots:

Another one, overturned into a ditch (the poster by the road gives rise to associations with the site of the ambush from one of the first pictures by Sandy Caussin):

There is a version that it happened like this:

In turn, Fidel Castro's tank crews reported the destruction of at least two M41 Walker Bulldog tanks - both in battles on April 19, 1961.

Shot down and captured armored "Bulldog" of "Brigade 2506":

On April 19, the agony of “Brigade 2506” began, pressed to the sea on a tiny patch of bridgehead at the Bay of Pigs, shot by Fidelist artillery, abandoned to the mercy of fate by the US government, which hastened to disown its role in this bloody adventure. After all, there was not enough time to deploy a nominal “revolutionary counter-revolutionary” government in Cuba that would call on American troops for help! And after assessing the strength of the resistance of the Cuban armed forces, the Committee of Chiefs of Staff decided that it would be too risky to land the marines.

There is nowhere to retreat further,
Behind is the Caribbean Sea,
Cuba ends here
Seniors - and us!

Stanley Kossin managed to convey the despair of the tired, demoralized “brigadists” who had lost faith in salvation and in themselves!

At 17.30 on April 19, 1961, units of “Brigade 2506” stopped organized resistance and began to surrender to the victorious Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba.
The brave souls, who did not want to capitulate, dressed in civilian clothes and tried to infiltrate the fighting formations of the Fidelists... “To look again at her, victorious, / albeit incomprehensible, even if she has not forgiven, / her beloved land...”
Others, in boats and improvised means, sailed to the sea, hoping to hide from a raid on the coastal reefs or be picked up by the US fleet, “grazing” off the Cuban coast.
It is believed that approximately 20-30 “teammen” managed to escape by sea.
It is not known exactly how many managed to escape the pursuit of the Fidelists on land, who spent five days combing the area in the battle area.
Several wounded were airlifted by the only C-46 transport plane that landed on the coastal strip on the night of April 18.

Captured soldiers of "Brigade 2506", some already in civilian clothes:

Captured weapons of the interventionists displayed in Havana:

The “bloody losses” of “Brigade 2506” turned out to be surprisingly small compared to the number of those who surrendered: 114 killed versus 1,202 captured (including 360 wounded, nine of whom died during the not particularly careful transport by the Fidelists to Havana).
In the battles on Playa Giron, five US citizens were killed: one CIA contractor (former army paratrooper) - in ground battles, and in the air - three pilots of the US Air National Guard, who replaced the Cuban emigrant pilots in the planes at the final stage of the battles. The latter refused to “fly to the slaughter,” which is quite reasonable, because The CIA did not plan for onboard gunners in the B-26 crews in order to save money, and when meeting with Cuban fighters, one could only rely on maneuver and the Providence of the Lord.

The Fidelists also suffered serious losses, estimates of which still differ among different sources. Their total number is even estimated at several thousand people, although this is hard to believe: after all, the troops of revolutionary Cuba showed their complete superiority over the enemy at Playa Giron and won a relatively easy victory! It is reliably known that in the ranks of the Revolutionary Armed Forces alone there were 176 killed and more than 500 wounded. There are no exact data on the people's militia.

Providence Fidel Castro showed unexpected mercy to the captured “brigadistas”. After the completion of the first trial in the Intervetn case, on September 8, 1961, only three were sentenced to death, convicted (it is not entirely clear whether it was justified or not) of torturing Cuban prisoners and killing the wounded. All the rest, despite standard sentences of 30 years in prison, were returned to the United States alive and relatively healthy during 1962 in exchange for a large shipment of “humanitarian aid”, and in fact - as an act of generosity of the victors. Moreover, almost a thousand members of their families were allowed to leave the country with them.
Fidel Castro, as they would say now, has always been a master of “white PR”!

And the “olive” Cuban revolution after Playa Giron finally “blushed” - in a confrontation with a close and powerful enemy who never missed twice in a row, Cuba needed no less powerful allies!
________________________________________ _____________________________________Mikh ail Kozhemyakin

In 1959, revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro overthrew Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. After the socialists came to power, the “Island of Freedom” abruptly changed its foreign policy course and left the sphere of influence of the United States. America failed to quickly solve the “Cuban problem” with economic sanctions and political pressure, and the task of overthrowing the Castro regime was assigned to the security forces. What could the newly formed self-defense forces of the young Cuban Republic oppose to the American invasion? However, the mercenary landing on the Cuban beaches of Playa Giron failed in two days. Forty years later, details of the planning and execution of the landing on Playa Giron became known from declassified US archives.

Considering that under dictator Batista, American capital controlled about seventy percent of the Cuban economy, it can be understood that businessmen from the mainland could not simply abandon the extremely profitable business. Castro would later say: “They [the United States] cannot forgive us for the fact that we are under their nose, and that we carried out a socialist revolution under the nose of the United States.” Thus, the return of control over Cuba was motivated by both political and economic interests for the United States. US President Dwight Eisenhower assigned this task to the CIA and the Pentagon.

By order of March 17, 1960, CIA Director Allen Dulles was appointed responsible for the armed overthrow of the Cuban government, and his deputy for planning, General Richard Bissell, took over the development of the invasion. From the Pentagon, a sabotage specialist, Colonel Elcott, was involved. On the government side, Assistant Secretary of State Whiting Willauer oversaw the operation, for which the White House allocated $13 million.

The operation was called Operation Pluto, and at first its headquarters in Miami consisted of only a dozen specialists. With the coming to power of the new President John Kennedy, after a meeting with the participation of senior military officials and the political establishment, at which the time of invasion was determined for the spring of 1961, Pluto moved into the operational planning phase.

It was decided to attack Cuba with the forces of emigrant mercenaries. It was assumed that the landing force would seize part of the coastal territory and create a provisional government, which in turn would seek military assistance from the United States. In advance, the CIA began sending small groups of saboteurs to Cuba with the task of preparing military actions within the country for the landing day: blowing up communication lines, bridges and warehouses. To provide political cover for the operation, the Democratic Revolutionary Front was created under the leadership of Manuel Verona; the leaders of the “front” were supposed to form a new government of Cuba.

After John Kennedy criticized the CIA for the insufficient scale of the upcoming action, mercenary training camps were created in Nicaragua, Guatemala and the southern United States. The invasion group was named “Brigade 2506” and the number of fighters in it was doubled, to almost one and a half thousand people. They were given heavy equipment and bulldozers to organize a fortified defense and a temporary airfield. The fighters of the brigade were assigned a personal number, but the numbering began from 2000 to create the appearance of a large unit. In total, the invasion force consisted of four infantry, one artillery, parachute and motorized battalions and a company of M41 light tanks. San Roman, a former captain in the army of dictator Batista, was assigned to lead the brigade.

The Pentagon has concentrated sea and air support teams in the Nicaraguan port of Puerto Cabezas. Two World War II-era US Navy landing ships (Blagar and Barbara Jane), several hastily armed vessels from a former private Cuban shipping company, and seven tank landing craft to offload equipment at the landing area. From the air, the operation was to be covered by 14 military transport aircraft (C-46 Commando and C-54 Skymaster) and 24 B-26 tactical bombers transferred from the US Air Force.

Before the invasion, the Pentagon planned to carry out several bomb attacks on Cuban airfields, but just before the landing, the American command was afraid that a series of large-scale air raids would cause other states to accuse the United States of aggression against Cuba. As a result, a compromise was made, and as it turned out, an erroneous decision: to limit ourselves to eight sorties.

Despite the regime of total secrecy with which the CIA surrounded Operation Pluto, several months before it began, speculation about an impending landing appeared in the world press. And at the beginning of 1961, at a meeting of the UN Security Council, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba directly accused the US authorities of preparing an invasion. To hide its participation in the armed aggression, the United States postponed the landing to the night and changed the location - the choice fell on the deserted Bay of Cochinos (literally translated as “Bay of Pigs”). The operation to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro became known as “Zapata”.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Operation Bay of Pigs


Before going into the details of the Bay of Pigs operation, it is necessary to describe the situation in Cuba and the United States at that time and the reasons for the invasion. So, in the late 50s, Cuba was under the rule of this man named Batista. He was a dictator supported by the United States. To make it clear what kind of person he was, I will quote from a speech by John Kennedy that took place in 1963, that is, after the Bay of Pigs Incident and the Cuban Missile Crisis had already occurred. Kennedy was not a big fan of Fidel Castro. But what he said “in hindsight,” and this was what he, John Kennedy, said, is a fairly objective assessment of Batista as a Cuban dictator. So this is what Kennedy said: “I believe there is no country in the world, including every single country under colonial rule, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, and this was due in part to the policies of my country during the Batista's regime... To a certain extent, Batista was like the embodiment of sins on the part of the United States. Now we must pay for these sins." Therefore, even Kennedy said after the fact that Batista was far from the best person, and it was not a good idea for the United States to support such a corrupt Cuban dictator for so many years. You can see Batista in the photo. Here he is with American generals at a parade during one of his visits to Washington. Therefore, it is clear that he was not very loved as a ruler in Cuba, and in 1959 a revolution occurred, as a result of which he was overthrown. 1959 - revolution. It was led by this man - Fidel Castro. His “right hands” were Raul Castro and Che Guevara - here they are in the photograph. So, they seized power in Cuba. They were participants in this revolutionary nationalist movement. And that's what they did. They were left-wing politicians from the very beginning, and people thought that these rulers were perhaps communists or almost communists. From the very beginning, as soon as they came to power, they began to confiscate land that was privately owned. Some of it was Cuban private property, some was American property. Their argument was this - this wealth, this private property was acquired by dishonest means, and it was acquired during Batista's time. These people carried out large-scale confiscation of large areas of land and private property, and the people began to think: “This is not only a nationalist revolution, this is also a communist revolution.” And we must understand that after Castro seized power, large-scale emigration of Cubans to the United States began, and first of all, representatives of the middle class, bourgeoisie, educated Cubans, who were really afraid of the confiscation of private property and land, emigrated. As a result, a community of fugitive Cubans began to form. They settled in Florida, mainly in Miami, and they still live there. They really did not like Fidel Castro (here he is in the photo). And now we fast forward to 1961. John Kennedy became president. He was elected in early 1961, in April. John Kennedy has only been in office for a couple of months. But you can imagine how many Cuban emigrants there were, and how different they were - representatives of the bourgeoisie, the intelligentsia, the middle class, and they all hated Fidel Castro. He confiscated their lands, which were now abandoned. And all this happened against the backdrop of the Cold War, and the United States was wary of countries leaning towards communism. It looked like Fidel Castro was a communist, so the US decided that since there were so many Cuban exiles who wanted to overthrow Castro, the US itself wanted to overthrow him just because he was a communist, and they were afraid that he would want to stand up on the side of the Soviet Union. And in connection with this and with such a large number of Cuban emigrants, the CIA (here on the right in the photo is the director of the CIA during the Kennedy administration, or at least at the beginning of this administration, Allen Dulles, his brother - John Foster Dulles, after whom named after the airport in Washington and who was the Secretary of State of the United States). So, the CIA decided to overthrow Fidel Castro, but to do it so that no one knew that America was carrying out the invasion. The states planned the invasion with the help of Cuban emigrants. They found 1,400 Cuban exiles who agreed to join a CIA- and US government-backed group that landed in Cuba and overthrew the regime of Fidel Castro. This whole plan was based on assumptions (you can imagine - this happened during the Iraq war) when the CIA, the American president surrounded themselves with people who offered them very optimistic, hopeful scenarios, who said: “We have a good understanding of what the Cuban people want." They said that if we just started the revolution, Fidel Castro would be overthrown. But the reality, at least at that time, was different. In the early 60s, Fidel Castro was very popular among Cubans, especially among the poor people who did not own land, and suddenly they got such a leader, I don’t know how popular he is now, but then he was certainly much more popular than the fugitive Cubans. And the CIA convinced Kennedy otherwise, so they got permission to plan the operation. Kennedy said, “If we can get rid of Castro, we will reduce the risk of a communist state emerging off the coast of Florida.” So they were planning the landing, but you understand that they did it in complete secrecy because they didn't want it to look like an American invasion, they wanted it to look like a purely Cuban counter-revolution. And to some extent, everything got mixed up there and looked really suspicious, because they were doing something that was not entirely clear. But by April 15 everything was prepared for the operation. Here you need to talk about its details. 1,400 emigrants were supposed to participate in it. They had several ships and planes that had their markings removed so they wouldn't look American. Or they may have been affixed with false Cuban Air Force insignia. So it was quite possible to confuse them. And so, on April 15, 1961, we remember, just a few months into the Kennedy administration, they began launching air strikes. The planes took off from airfields in Nicaragua. The purpose of the air strikes was to weaken the Cuban Air Force before the landing of 1,400 fugitive Cubans. They had eight planes, eight bombers. Departing from Nicaragua, they bombed airfields located in Havana and near the current base in Guantanamo Bay. The purpose of the bombing was to destroy the Cuban air force. And it turned out that they failed to do this. By putting Cuban Air Force markings on American bombers, they wanted to create confusion. So, 8 planes took off and carried out bombing attacks, one of them was shot down. The ninth plane took off from Nicaragua, with bullet holes pre-made to make it appear as if it had been fired upon by anti-aircraft guns, and the plane flew to Florida. I think the idea here was to make it look like a Cuban pilot took off in Cuba, or somehow escaped from Cuba in a Cuban plane with these markings, tried to destroy a lot of Cuban planes, and then escaped to the United States. This is exactly the impression they wanted to create, and it is unclear whether the Cubans fell for it. When this happened in 1961, almost everyone understood that the attack was organized by the Americans. Now we move to the night of April 16 (let's write "April 16"), when everyone expected an American attack. And this is one of the reasons that led to the attack being a series of poorly organized operations. It turned out that some of these emigrants talked too much about the impending operation, and Soviet intelligence found out about it, so the Cubans knew about the impending operation. So on April 16th, a hoax attack began at Bahia Honda located here, it used mock ships with loudspeakers that broadcast the sounds of gunfire to confuse the Cubans, and Castro mistakenly thought for a while that the operation began there because the Cubans were in a state on high alert, expecting an imminent attack, but it was a false attack. So, this happened on the evening of April 16th. And the real attack began on the morning of April 17. 1,400 Cuban exiles, backed by the CIA and the US Army (all of which were kept secret), launched an attack on the Bay of Pigs. In short, it was not a very successful operation. It was thwarted as a result of poor planning and incompetence at some stages. If the operation continued from April 17 (this was its first day), then by the 19th the invasion force (they are also counter-revolutionaries), consisting of 1,400 Cuban emigrants, were thrown back onto the beaches, while more than 100 people were killed and more than 1,000 - captured. More than 1000 were captured. And in the same year, Fidel Castro... Some were executed immediately after being captured. Well, that same year, Fidel Castro made a deal with the United States in which he handed over prisoners to the United States in exchange for $58 million in aid and supplies. And from a military point of view, as well as from the point of view of the United States, it was a complete defeat. And you understand that after everything that happened, the people of the United States began to look for those to blame. The CIA and the Cuban exiles blamed the Kennedy administration, they said, "Look, he didn't want to do what it took to have a successful operation, he didn't want to provide quality air support when the operation started, he didn't want to commit more American troops when the operation started." , and the situation was not in favor of the emigrants.” Kennedy, for his part, blamed the CIA. He said: “Listen, everything was done and planned incompetently.” He said that “you gave me the wrong information, you told me that when the operation began, the people would rise up in revolt against Fidel Castro, but this did not happen.” Here is a quote from John Kennedy's statement after the Bay of Pigs operation. “The first piece of advice I want to give to my successor is to control the generals, because they are military men, and because of this, their opinions on military matters are damnable.” John Kennedy said this after the Bay of Pigs operation. You can “dig” deeper and find out more precisely how he spoke and what he did. But the most important thing here is that the failure had very negative consequences for the United States. After that, Fidel Castro's power in Cuba... America simply could not do anything better. This was a huge embarrassment for them, for the United States, which allowed Fidel Castro to concentrate all power in his hands and led to the fact that he openly took communist positions, as well as ... Although before the Bay of Pigs operation he made some attempts to improve relations with the United States. But America didn’t like him because he confiscated private property and had clearly leftist beliefs. After the Bay of Pigs operation, he definitely began to move closer to the Soviet Union. He began to openly talk about how Cuba was a Marxist-Leninist, communist state, and because he feared another American invasion, he allowed the Soviet Union to station nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles in Cuba, next to US territory, which led to to the Caribbean Crisis. That is, all these events caused exceptional harm to the United States. Subtitles by the Amara.org community


Evolution of the nature of the operation

(a) the creation of a united Cuban opposition; (b) deployment of a radio station for “gray” broadcasting to Cuba on short and long waves; (c) continued creation of an intelligence and subversive network in Cuba; (d) continued preparations for the creation of a paramilitary force outside Cuba.

In essence, at this stage a combination of guerrilla warfare and psychological warfare was proposed. The CIA immediately began training 300 guerrillas, first in the United States and the Panama Canal Zone, and then in Guatemala. The radio station on the island of Bolshoy Cisne began operating on May 17, using equipment left on the island after it was used for radio propaganda as part of Operation PBSUCCESS. In June, the CIA managed to form the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front (CDRF) from the fragmented Cuban opposition (184 groups according to the CIA itself).

In the fall of 1960, the CIA realized that guerrilla warfare might not reach the critical mass needed to revolt against Castro, and the nature of the operation began to change from guerrilla warfare to amphibious landings. In September, a military adviser appeared in the WH/4 group involved in preparing the operation - Marine Colonel J. Hawkins (English) Russian. In CIA correspondence on October 31, 1960, it was indicated that, according to the not yet approved plan, the sabotage group would be no more than 60 people, and at least 1,500 people would participate in the landing operation, consisting of several battalions, and possibly US special forces.

After the failure of landing and resupplying guerrilla groups in October 1960, at a White House meeting on November 29, the CIA proposed a new plan for approval by the President, who was clearly irritated by the persistence of Castro's power in Cuba. None of those present objected to the new approach; Eisenhower still demanded that "the hand of America be kept out of sight." The decision to use an amphibious landing, like many others, was not written down on paper; As in other cases, the President did not become involved in the details of covert operations, which was necessary to preserve his possibility of plausible deniability.

On January 4, 1961, the CIA presented a new plan, according to historian P. Gleichesis (English) Russian, "the most realistic" and much more thoughtful than the subsequent Trinidad and Zapata plans. The plan included the following sequence of actions:

  • A landing party of 750 people seizes a small bridgehead on Cuban territory. The goal of the landing will be to survive and maintain a bridgehead in conditions of complete air superiority. The document explicitly said that the operation should not proceed unless tactical air support was available and suggested the use of airfields in Florida, making the illusion of American non-intervention impossible;
  • The CIA expected that within weeks of the landings a general uprising against Castro would begin and would be successful within a few more weeks. Before such an uprising begins, the landing force should not attempt to expand the bridgehead;
  • if the uprising does not start, then a provisional government will be planted on the bridgehead, which will be recognized by the United States and, possibly, other Latin American countries and request help. This assistance will come in the form of direct US military intervention.

Under Eisenhower, the US military was used solely for support and was not used in planning; Although representatives of the Joint Chiefs of Staff attended all key meetings and voiced no objections, they were never asked to evaluate the CIA's plans or the quality of paratrooper training. Kennedy immediately involved the military in discussing the plans, revealing significant differences in positions at a meeting on January 28, 1961. Plans reported to the President changed at this point: Richard M. Bissell (English) Russian The planner for the operation, in a February 8 memorandum to Kennedy, spoke of CIA and Defense Department optimism about the invasion: “at worst, the landing force will be able to make its way into the mountains, and at best, there will be a large-scale civil war in which we can openly support Castro’s opponents.” " At the same time, diplomat T. Mann (English) Russian believed that there was no chance of a quick uprising against Castro, and the United States would essentially have to choose between the loss of troops, the difficulties of supplying guerrillas in the mountains, and direct intervention.

Plan Trinidad, recommended by the CIA on March 11, 1961, involved seizing and holding a beachhead near the city of Trinidad, repelling Cuban militia attacks, and creating the conditions for a large-scale insurrection. In case of failure, the paratroopers were to withdraw to the nearby mountains and switch to guerrilla warfare. The plan was silent on how the paratroopers - after defeat at the beachhead - would fight their way to the mountains through encirclement, but noted that "the provisional government should be landed immediately after the capture of the beachhead." If the operation was successful, the government was supposed to recognize it and thereby create conditions for at least non-state material support. Kennedy rejected the plan, demanding that it be changed to a less ambitious one that could more plausibly look like a purely Cuban operation.

  • a smaller version of the Trinidad, with a night landing without airborne assault and air support;
  • landing on the northeastern coast of Cuba;
  • landing at the Bay of Pigs, which by March 16 became Plan Zapata.

US domestic political considerations

Shortly after Eisenhower approved the amphibious assault plan, a change of administration occurred in the United States, and Kennedy became president. By the time the new president arrived, the practical details had not been clarified, and after the disaster, Eisenhower justified that under him only a small number of Cubans were being trained, “despite a lot of talk, there were no plans yet with a specific number, landing location or support.”

Kennedy was notified of the preparation of the operation during the election campaign. After his election victory, in October 1960, Dulles and Bissell briefed the future president on the details of the operation, Kennedy made no objections, and preparations continued. However, key members of the incoming administration were not informed, and Kennedy did not request additional information. The result, according to T. Mann, who unsuccessfully tried to arrange the transfer of affairs between administrations, was “stupidity - as if it [the operation] would disappear if it was not dealt with. Kennedy tried to ignore it when he still had many months to think."

The aforementioned CIA plan of January 4, 1961, explicitly mentioned the need to obtain the new president's consent for air support for the landing.

Kennedy's hands were tied by his position of confrontation with Castro during the election campaign. During the campaign, he attacked Eisenhower for allowing the possibility of a Communist threat "90 miles from the United States." This position attracted voters to him, but, once in power, made reversing the operation almost impossible; according to Robert Kennedy, “everyone would say he chickened out... it was Eisenhower's plan; Eisenhower's people were confident of success."

Kennedy himself preferred the strategy of gradually increasing guerrilla warfare and expressed this on several occasions, but the CIA assessed such actions as impossible, including due to the position of Cuban emigrants trained for the landing, who believed that an open attack had a greater chance of direct military action. US support. Unconvinced by the CIA's assessments, Kennedy hesitated, but preparations for the operation were moving forward, and the delay brought the president closer to approving the landing.

Kennedy continued to have doubts about the chosen plan of operation. Thus, on April 4, he again reported that he would prefer to see an invasion force of 200-250 people; The CIA again responded that this was impossible.

"Second phase"

In February 1961, discussion of what would happen after the landing and capture of the beachhead (the so-called “Phase 2”) was virtually abandoned, despite disagreements between Bissell and Mann. Bissell subsequently argued that planning for subsequent phases in covert operations is usually incomplete, since the outcome of the first phase is usually difficult to predict: "we had no agreement on what to do once the beachhead had been established."

Disagreements over Phase 2 occurred not only between the CIA and the State Department, but also within the CIA. Bissell and the people around him in the CIA believed that if the landing force could hold out for a few days, then it would be able to hold out for a month, and, in the meantime, while Castro could not recapture the bridgehead, the rebel air force controlled the skies, bombing without interruption and with increasing efficiency - something will happen. However, at the same time, Hawkins believed that the brigade would attract young people, strengthen itself and go to Havana, and Bissell himself thought that the more likely options were recognition of the provisional government and direct support for it either from the United States or the OAS. Mann's disbelief in the possibility of any success in Phase 2 did not go beyond the memorandum: finding himself essentially alone, at the decisive moment he did not object to the landing - but was eager to cease his participation in the planning of the operation and left Washington before the landing; at the time of the disaster, Mann was ambassador to Mexico.

In fact, there was a fundamental divergence between the President and the CIA in their assessment of what would happen if the landing did not proceed according to the optimistic scenario: Dulles and Bissell believed that, given the choice between failure of the operation and direct US military intervention, the President would choose open invasion of Cuba. Kennedy made it clear several times during the planning process that he would not give such an order, but Bissell in particular suggested that, when confronted with the possibility of failure, Kennedy would change his mind. According to P. Gleichesis, Kennedy and the CIA at that moment resembled ships diverging at night on different courses, but not understanding it. To get the plan approved by the President, the CIA continued to describe the possibility of the landing force turning to guerrilla warfare and thus the impossibility of complete failure, although in fact it did not even plan for this option (singing a "lullaby" for the President in Gleichesis' assessment).

Preparing for the invasion

The preparations took place in complete secrecy, in the words of Eisenhower himself, “everyone had to be ready to swear that he had not heard anything about it.” Planning for the operation was carried out similar to PBSUCCESS, a special unit within the Directorate of Plans (English) Russian, with virtually no participation from the Intelligence Directorate.

General management of the operation (codenamed Operation Pluto) was carried out by CIA Director Allen Dulles. Responsible for the development and implementation of the operation was General Richard M. Bissell, who served as the CIA's Deputy Director for Planning. (English) Russian). At the same time, Dulles gave Bissell wide freedom of action in operational matters. The State Department's efforts to prepare for the invasion were coordinated by US Assistant Secretary of State Whiting Willauer. The project manager (group WH/4) within the CIA was J. Esterline (English) Russian.

At the same time, significant efforts were made to consolidate Castro's political opponents (who had already created about 60 associations and groups). As a result, the Democratic Revolutionary Front was created (" Frente"), which included five groups, and Manuel A. Verona became its leader.

In November 1960, under the pretext of “protecting Nicaragua and Guatemala from a possible attack from Cuba,” the United States sent a group of US Navy warships to the coast of Cuba, which was the next stage of preparation for the landing operation in the Bay of Pigs.

The preparation for the operation did not go unnoticed. Individual references to the military training of Cuban emigrants appeared in the open press. On December 31, 1960, at a session of the UN General Assembly and on January 4, 1961, at a meeting of the UN Security Council, Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Castro Roa made a statement about the preparation of an armed invasion of Cuba by American intelligence services.

After President J. F. Kennedy took office, on January 20, 1961, A. Dulles and R. Bissell briefed him on the landing operation plan (“ Operation Trinidad"), and the President expressed the wish that the plan be further studied by Pentagon experts. On January 26, a meeting was held, as a result of which a slightly modified version of the operation plan was approved, which included increasing the number of paratroopers from 800-1000 to 1443 people, providing them with bulldozers and tools for preparing a field airfield, as well as additional weapons.

On April 8, 1961, a radio appeal was broadcast to the Cuban people and the governments of Latin American countries with a call to begin an armed struggle against Castro.

As a result of anti-aircraft fire from the Cubans, two B-26s were damaged - one of them crashed into the sea 50 km north of Cuba (the crew of two people died), the second damaged aircraft landed at an air base in Key West, but later in did not take part in the operation.

The third B-26 landed at Miami International Airport. The pilot of this plane made a statement that he and his comrades were deserters from the Cuban Air Force, after which he turned to the US authorities with a request for political asylum. However, the disinformation mechanism did not work, as the invited journalists noticed the differences between the landed version of the B-26 and those that were in service with the Cuban Air Force, and drew attention to the fact that, contrary to the pilots’ story, the bomber’s machine guns were not used (the barrels were clean). The incident caused significant international resonance.

The repeated raid on Cuba was canceled by order of President J.F. Kennedy.

The fleet of the “Cuban Expeditionary Forces” consisted of two landing ships (LCI “ Blagar" and LCI " Barbara J") and five cargo ships - "Houston" (code designation " Aguja"), "Rio Escondido" (coded " Ballena"), "Karibe" (coded " Sardina"), "Atlantico" (coded " Tiburon") and "Lake Charles". Radars and anti-aircraft machine guns were installed on landing ships, and anti-aircraft guns on transport ships.

Landing operation and the Battle of Playa Giron

At about 07:30, six military transport aircraft (five C-46s and one C-54), in accordance with the Falcon plan, dropped the 1st airborne battalion of Brigade 2506 (177 people) in the San Blas area .

By 11 o'clock, the two remaining transports of "brigade 2506" retreated to the open sea.

On the evening of April 17, more than 2 thousand 122-mm shells were fired at the landing force, but the artillery shelling of the long and narrow front turned out to be ineffective, since the paratroopers had already managed to dig in.

The bombers were supposed to escort US jet fighters from the USS Wessex, but the planes missed each other, and two B-26s with crews of US citizens (pilots of the Alabama National Guard) were shot down by the Cuban Air Force.

At the same time, the Nicaraguan dictator Somoza proposed using six P-51 Mustang fighters from the Nicaraguan Air Force (on which identification marks had begun to be painted over) for air support, but this decision was rejected.

On the same day, Cuban T-34-85 tanks destroyed two tanks of the “2506 brigade”.

In the afternoon, two American destroyers, USS Eaton (code Santiago) and USS Murray (codename Tampico) approached the coast of the Bay of Pigs in order to evacuate the personnel of the invasion forces, but after several shots were fired at them from tank guns, the ships went into the open sea.

The Cuban air force and air defense shot down 12 B-26 Invader, C-46 and other types of aircraft covering the landing force, including several with crews from the United States. Of these, 7 B-26s and 1 C-46 were shot down by Cuban fighters, who suffered no losses.

The Cuban government estimated the damage caused to the country by the invasion at $53 million. In April 1962, the Gusano prisoners from Brigade 2506 were tried, and in December 1962 they were handed over to the United States in exchange for a shipment of medicines and food worth $53 million, which were provided by the US government, but contributed on behalf of charitable foundation Tractors for Freedom Committee .

Subsequent events

The failure of the operation caused significant resonance in the United States and internationally. In Cairo, Jakarta, Rio de Janeiro and Lima, demonstrators attempted to storm US diplomatic missions.

At a UN meeting, representatives of 40 countries condemned the US aggression against Cuba.

The USSR government condemned the armed invasion and sent a note of protest to the United States calling on it to take measures to stop the aggression against Cuba.

In 1986, representatives of the US scientific community (American historians G. Zinn, V. E. Williams, G. Kolko, L. Gardner, D. Horowitz, etc.) admitted that the US operation in 1961 was US interference in the internal affairs of Cuba , an act of US aggression against Cuba and a direct violation of Article 15 of the Charter of the Organization of American States, to which the United States signed in 1948, prohibiting anyone from interfering in the internal affairs of any country. The text of the expert report was published in full in The Nation magazine.

Review by General Maxwell Taylor

On April 22, 1961, President Kennedy requested that General Maxwell Taylor, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Admiral Arleigh Burke, and CIA Director Allen Dulles form a Cuba Study Group to study the reasons for the failure of the operation. On July 13, General Taylor sent the report of the commission of inquiry to President Kennedy. The reasons for the defeat, according to the authors of the report, were related to the lack of speedy deployment, the inability to achieve success by secret means, insufficient air support (insufficient number of pilots involved and air strikes carried out), insufficient amount of weapons and ammunition provided to the “2506 brigade”, sinking of the brigade’s ships .

Declassified US government documents indicate that after the failure of the Bay of Pigs operation, the US continued to consider and prepare a direct military invasion of Cuba.

According to the report of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff (Operation Northwoods) on March 13, 1962, a number of provocations were supposed to be used as a reason for direct military intervention in Cuba, in particular:

  • 1. Sabotage in and around the American military base at Guantanamo Bay (the following examples were considered: the arson of an airplane and the sinking of a ship; at the same time, it was necessary to publish a list of non-existent “dead” in the media).
  • 2. The sinking of a ship with Cuban refugees.
  • 3. Organize terrorist attacks in Miami, other cities in Florida and in Washington, aimed at Cuban refugees. Arrest “Cuban agents” and publish fake “documents.”
  • 4. Conduct an air raid on the territory of states adjacent to Cuba.
  • 5. Simulate attacks on passenger planes and shoot down an unmanned American plane or blow up a radio-controlled ship. To simulate attacks, use an F-86 Saber fighter repainted to look like a Cuban MIG. It was also planned to publish in newspapers a list of those killed in a downed plane or blown up ship.
  • 6. Simulate the shooting down of a US military aircraft by a Cuban MiG.

Each of the incidents was supposed to be blamed on the Cuban government.


Additional information


Later, a museum of the operation was opened in Playa Giron, at the entrance to which one of the Cuban Air Force aircraft (Sea Fury) that participated in the operation is installed. Along the entire road along which Cuban troops marched to Playa Giron, memorial obelisks were erected at the places where soldiers died during bombing. The victory is celebrated annually on April 19; to commemorate it, Air Force and Air Defense Day is established on April 17, and Tankman Day is established on April 18. In July 1961, the Council of Ministers of the country established the Order of Playa Giron, one of the highest state awards in Cuba.

Cuba. 1961 The young Republic and the young Revolution immediately became disliked by their huge and not kind neighbor. Losing a familiar vacation spot, losing a pan-Caribbean brothel, this was unacceptable for America. So these incomprehensible barbudos gained the impudence and swung at the private property of American citizens. And trouble began to approach the flourishing island.

The then US President John Kennedy was a good and honest guy. A typical BAP (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant), from a wealthy clan, commanded a torpedo boat during the war, was seriously wounded and twice decorated for bravery. John truly believed in America, Democracy and Capitalism. But the CIA, the Pentagon, Vice President Johnson and the fugitives from Cuba, clouded his brains with the fact that Cuba is groaning under the yoke of the Castro gang and all Cubans cannot wait for the liberators who sailed from Miami. And the President gave the go-ahead for funding Operation Pluto. If John had known that the Cubans call refugees in Miami “gusanos” (worms), he would have thought about it, but the CIA did not burden the president with unnecessary information.

Mercenaries were trained in secret CIA camps: in Guatemala (Rotaluleo and San Jose), in Nicaragua (Puerto Cabezas) and in the United States (New Orleans, Fort Myer and Miami). About 1,500 people were recruited. Each mercenary was assigned a number; for greater importance, the numbering began with No. 2000, and this entire formation was named “Brigade 2506.” It was a full-blooded, reinforced brigade. It included: four infantry, one motorized and one parachute battalion, a company of tanks, an armored detachment and an artillery division. “Brigade 2506” was commanded by former Batista army captain San Roman.

In the port of Puerto Cabezas, a “special CIA maritime tactical group” was formed, which included 5 armed ships confiscated from the Cuban shipping company Garcia Line Corporation (Houston, Lake Charles, Rio Escandido, Caribe and "Atlantic"), 2 infantry landing blocks ("Barbara Jane" and "Blagar") and 7 tank landing ships from the US Navy.

Eight C-46 and six C-54 military transport aircraft were allocated from the US Air Force. The combat component of the Gusano Air Force was represented by 24 B-26 bombers. All this was based at the Puerto Cabezas airfield.

The concept of Operation Pluto envisaged a sudden landing on the southern coast of Cuba, where the creation of a provisional government was quickly announced, which would ask for recognition and help from the United States, and immediately everyone would be happy. According to Washington's plan, immediately after the counter-revolutionaries asked for help, the American Marines landed in Cuba and, for legitimacy, also a military contingent from the countries of the Organization of American States, numbering up to 15 thousand people. The OAS was then under complete US control and this decision could be considered made in advance. The main thing is that the Gusanos capture at least the regional center and hold out for at least three days. The CIA understood that there would be absolutely no mass uprisings against Fidel and therefore groups of saboteurs and provocateurs were sent to Cuba. On the day the mercenaries landed, a series of sabotage was to begin, which included explosions of railway lines, bridges, transformer stations, fuel storage facilities, etc.

It must be said that John Kennedy all the time continued to doubt the success of the operation, and in order to force him to stop hesitating, the CIA inspired an ultimatum from the brother of the Guatemalan ambassador to the United States, who was the owner of a coffee plantation, on the territory of which there was a training center for Cuban mercenaries. The planter demanded that the Cubans leave his possessions by the end of April 1961. In this case, as Dulles explained to the president, the mercenaries would have to be transported to the United States, where they would scatter like cockroaches and it would be impossible to reassemble them again, and information about the invasion would definitely get out. The CIA, knowing Kennedy, was confident that John, a supporter of democratic values, would not order the neutralization of the diplomat’s family, which was getting in the way of their adult uncles, and so it happened.
Convinced by these arguments, Kennedy authorized the operation to begin. However, on April 12, 1961, on the eve of its start, he called a press conference at which he declared that: “Under no circumstances will the Armed Forces of the United States of America begin an intervention in Cuba.”

The amphibious landing was to be preceded by bombing strikes on the main military airfields of Cuba. Eight bombers, piloted by American pilots, were supposed to carry out an air strike at dawn on April 15 on three airfields, where, according to the CIA, all the small Cuban military aircraft were concentrated.

The Bay of Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) was chosen for the amphibious landing. There was no anti-landing defense here, there was an area on the shore that could be used as an airfield, 10 km from the coastline there was a swampy area through which only one road led into the interior of the island. This contributed to the successful defense of the captured bridgehead in order to accumulate a sufficient number of troops on it. Well, the sandy beaches were very convenient for landing troops. The Bay of Cochinos was divided into three landing areas: the “blue” and “green” beaches in the Playa Giron area, and the “red” beach in the Playa Larga area.

It was also planned to drop parachute troops in order to block the only road through the swamps along which Cuban troops could approach.

Only 4 people from among the leadership of the Cuban emigrants knew in detail about the plan for Operation Pluto, but as Pope Muller said, what three people know, a pig knows.

The ships and husano vessels moved to the landing area under the flag of Liberia. In order to divert the attention of Cuban intelligence, American ships maneuvered along the entire coast of Cuba, repeatedly invading the country's territorial waters.

The landing date was set for the night of April 17. The Cubans were aware of the preparations for the invasion. The headquarters of the revolutionary armed forces took a number of measures to prepare to repel the landing of numerous groups in different parts of the country. But there were too many dangerous landing areas on Liberty Island, and the fortified areas being created everywhere attracted many soldiers from the already small Cuban army. Yes, there was little equipment and weapons. A good help was the arrival of two steamships a few months ago, with Czech small arms and a small number of Soviet tanks, self-propelled guns and artillery. There were very few of our advisers, but they helped as much as they could.

The aggression against Cuba began exactly according to the plan developed by the CIA. On April 14, an American U-2 reconnaissance aircraft photographed the entire territory of Cuba. Photo reconnaissance confirmed the presence of up to 15 aircraft at the airfields. The next day, 8 B-26 bombers, cynically bearing the insignia of the Cuban Air Force, struck the airfields of San Antonio le Los Banos, Campo Colombia and Santiago de Cuba. CIA leaders recognized these bombings as successful, considering most of the Cuban aircraft destroyed...

Now! We ran away! On the eve of the treacherous raid, on “someone’s” wise advice, the Cubans removed the planes from their usual parking areas and replaced them with dummies. So out of 24 Cuban Air Force aircraft, the Americans managed to destroy only 2 aircraft...

And with this raid, the Americans only made it worse for themselves politically. By this time, Fidel had not yet fully determined the path of Cuba's development, and this raid finally confirmed him as to who were Cuba's friends and who were his enemies.

At the mourning ceremony for the seven Cubans killed on April 16 by American bombs, Fidel Castro gave a fiery speech, calling the revolution he and his comrades carried out socialist and thereby confirming that Cuba is choosing the path of Socialism. And air raids and sabotage only united the Cubans even more and many doubters already clearly knew where the enemy was.

Late in the evening of April 14, a flotilla of interventionists left the Puerto Cabezas base. She carried on board 2.5 thousand tons of weapons and ammunition, 5 M41 Sherman tanks, 10 armored personnel carriers, 18 anti-tank guns, 30 mortars, 70 bazooka anti-tank rifles. On the evening of April 16, the Americans delivered tank landing ships to the landing area. The American aircraft carriers Essex and Shangri La, as well as the landing helicopter carrier Boxer with marines on board, were also brought there.

On the night of April 17, the Gusano ships entered the Bay of Cochinos. At 1:15 from Swan Island, a prearranged signal was transmitted to CIA agents and the counter-revolutionary underground in Cuba that an armed invasion had begun, and that it was time to begin sabotage and rebellion, but mass uprisings did not happen on the ground; Cuban counterintelligence kept spies and traitors under cap and on the night of the landing, the spider nests were mostly crushed by a series of lightning operations.

At 3:00 the landing of the first echelon began. At dawn, a parachute landing was dropped on the road leading from the depths of the island to the shore. But the border guards and a detachment of the Cuban people's militia (milisianos) located in the landing area entered into battle with the mercenaries. The enemy outnumbered them by more than 10 times, but the Milisians grabbed the ground with their teeth and delayed the advance of the mercenaries.

Having received a message about the landing, the headquarters of the interventionists urgently disseminated a military report from the “Cuban Revolutionary Council”, which noted that “... the rebel forces have begun the invasion of Cuba and hundreds of people have already landed on the coast and the whole of Cuba is seething, preparing to meet their liberators... " And the whole of Cuba was really seething, militias hurried to the collection points, in cities they carried boxes with Czech machine guns and carbines right into the streets, and volunteers of all ages, arming themselves as they went, went towards the cannonade. The national impulse was so massive that there simply wasn’t enough weapons for the volunteers.

By this time, the Cuban leadership had understood the current situation and urgently sent sufficient forces to the area of ​​the actual landing of the troops to repel it (quite by accident, a few Soviet self-propelled guns and thirty-fours, as well as heavy 122 and 152 mm artillery, were not very far from "Bay of Pigs")

The landing Gusano troops began an offensive simultaneously in three directions: three battalions to Playa Giron, one to Playa Larga and a battalion of paratroopers to San Blas. Part of the forces was allocated to capture the airfield in the Playa Giron area and prepare it to receive their aircraft.

The main command of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba decided to stop the advance of the interventionists into the interior of the country, disrupt the landing of troops on the coast with air strikes, and then block the landing forces from sea and land and defeat them.

To solve this problem, 7 infantry battalions, 20 T-34 tanks, 10 self-propelled guns-100, 14 artillery and mortar batteries and patrol ships were allocated.

But these forces still had to be pulled up to the place of fighting, and the Milisianos, in the area of ​​​​the advance of enemy troops, held out with all their might. And when the cartridges were already running out, the roar of tank diesel engines was heard from behind. The enemy was hit by two thirty-fours and an SAU-100, on the armor there was a landing party of boy cadets of the people's militia school from the city of Matanzas, this was the last reserve that was found in this area, but in the commander's hatch of the first tank, the militias saw the figure of Fidel, and it was worth divisions. Young Cuban tank crews had not yet mastered Soviet equipment very well, and there were accidents, and there were mistakes, and not all of the equipment reached the battlefield. But they still managed to get three combat vehicles made of Ural steel and decided the fate of the battle. And then the main parts arrived.

At dawn, Cuban troops took up their starting positions. To the great surprise of the CIA, the resurrected Cuban air force struck the landing forces. The first thing that was sent to the bottom was the landing transport "Houston", on which the shock battalion was in full force, and the ship "Rio Escandido", which transported most of the ammunition and heavy weapons; on the second call, two more ships were sunk. 5 American planes were shot down in air battles. By mid-day, in all directions, Cuban troops stopped the enemy’s advance and then began to push him towards the coast.

On the evening of April 18, it became obvious that the aggression against Cuba had failed. US President Kennedy. held an emergency meeting at which it was decided to use aircraft from the Essex aircraft carrier. They were supposed to, together with CIA B-25 bombers, strike the Cuban troops who were tightening the ring around the Gusanos. But by a strange coincidence, at the Puerto Cabezas airbase and on the Essex aircraft carrier, the difference in standard time was not taken into account, which is why the bombers and fighters did not meet at the specified point. The joint strike did not work out. Bomber aviation pilots did not dare to fly to the combat area without fighter escort.

And the Cuban troops on the morning of April 19, after a 30-minute artillery preparation, went on the offensive and finally broke the opposition of the enemy, who capitulated on the same day.

It took 72 hours to defeat the mercenaries who landed in the Bay of Cochinos.

Gusano losses amounted to 82 people killed and 1,200 prisoners. Cuban pilots and anti-aircraft gunners shot down 12 aircraft. 4 enemy ships were destroyed from the air. Trophies included 5 M41 tanks, 10 armored personnel carriers, mortars, guns and almost all small arms. In addition, the CIA lost ten of its full-time employees on Playa Giron. Well, the CIA residencies were still unable to recover for a long time after the defeat of the counterintelligence Barbudos inflicted by them.

To its credit, President Kennedy rejected the demands of Dulles and some of the generals for an open invasion of the island by US military forces, and Dulles was forced to resign.

The captives were then exchanged with the Americans for baby food and medicine. This is precisely what was lacking in Cuba at that time due to the American blockade. For some reason I remembered how Alexander Nevsky exchanged captured dog knights for soap.

And here’s what else I’ll tell you, dear readers. You can blame me for unhealthy romanticism, but I look at the faces of the companions in old photos. I watch how civilians of different ages, without hesitation, take up weapons and go into battle. And what beautiful and spiritual faces they still have. VIVA CUBA!

The United States suffered serious political damage, finding itself completely isolated in the international arena, and Cuba finally chose the socialist path of development.

Aviation in the Bay of Pigs

The Cuban government of dictator Batista, to fight the rebels, in the mid-50s purchased a batch of military equipment from England: 18 Sea Fury piston fighters, 12 Beaver communications aircraft, several Whirlwind helicopters, negotiations were held on jet fighters Hawker Hunter Concerned about competition, the US government agreed to sell a batch of jet aircraft to Cuba.

A group of Cuban pilots and technicians were trained in the United States on T-33A and F-84G aircraft, and in 1955 the first 8 T-ZZA arrived in Cuba. The former US Air Force base in San Antonio de Los Banos was restored especially for them. The rest of the ground aviation was located at the Columbia base near Havana, and the naval aviation was located at the Mariel base, 70 miles from Havana; there was also a large air base and training ground in San Julian on the western tip of the island.

After the overthrow of the Batista regime at the end of 1959, all military equipment remaining in service became part of the revolutionary armed forces of the Republic of Cuba. The air force was called FAR, which stood for "Fuerza Aereas Revolutionary" - Revolutionary Air Force. Many specialists emigrated, but there were a sufficient number of pilots and technicians to operate the remaining equipment: only four T-33A, 12 Sea Fury, several B-26, transport, communications and helicopters could fly. The aircraft fleet was extremely worn out, so the new government resumed attempts to purchase 15 Hunter fighters from England. Negotiations were held on arms supplies with some other countries. This became known to the United States, which put pressure on arms supplying countries and actually achieved an embargo on the supply of military equipment to Cuba. And the ship with a batch of Belgian ammunition was simply blown up by CIA agents in the port of Havana. Against this unfavorable background, in 1960, Cuba signed the first agreements on the supply of weapons and military equipment with the USSR and Czechoslovakia. Soon, the first batches of armored vehicles (approximately 30 T-34 and SU-100), anti-aircraft artillery and small arms, produced in Czechoslovakia under Soviet licenses, were sent to Cuba through Romanian and Bulgarian ports.

But no matter how the Cubans rushed, Soviet aviation technology was late for the start of serious hostilities. This became obvious when opponents of the Castro regime began to carry out air raids to bomb cities and sugar cane plantations, Cuba's only strategic raw material, and deliver weapons to groups of counter-revolutionaries. These raids used several B-25s and converted civilian aircraft based at various airfields in the US state of Florida, in particular Pampana Beach, 35 km from Miami.

A Piper Comanche 250 that took part in one of the raids crashed on February 18, 1960. Another plane of this type, trying to take the leader of one of the gangs out of Cuba, was shot down by an army patrol.

One C-46, delivering weapons to counter-revolutionaries, was captured at the landing site by security personnel, and a C-54 (DC-4), damaged by anti-aircraft fire, made an emergency landing in the Bahamas.

FAR could do nothing to prevent the raiders - there were no full-fledged fighters, radar installations, or communications equipment. The engine life of the last aircraft remaining in service was preserved to repel large-scale aggression, the preparation of which was reported by intelligence. Rumors that a small but experienced invasion force was being trained at the CIA's Traque base in Guatemala appeared in the press as early as the end of 1960.

Their flight crew included several dozen Cuban emigrants, former military and civilian pilots, who had 16 B-26 bombers and 10 C-46 transports. But there weren’t enough people for the Air Force, and in January 1961 the CIA stepped up the recruitment of pilots who had experience flying the B-26.
By April 1961 "Brigade 2506" was finally formed, which included four infantry, one motorized and one parachute battalions, a tank company and a heavy weapons battalion - a total of about 1.5 thousand people. On April 13, 1961, the amphibious assault force of “Brigade 2506” boarded 7 large Liberty-class transport ships and moved towards Cuba.

Liberty-class transport ship

On April 16, 45 miles from the island, they were joined by two tank landing ships and landing barges, on board which were the brigade’s military equipment. The goal of the amphibious assault was to land on two (originally planned on three) beachheads in the Bay of Cochinos: two battalions on the coast of Playa Larga, the rest of the forces at Playa Giron (Bay of Pigs).

At the same time, a parachute landing was supposed to land near the village of San Bale. The goal of the operation was to capture a section of the coast and a small airstrip in Girona in order to relocate its air force there and deliver reinforcements. The air force of "Brigade 2506" entered the battle two days before the main landing. After midnight on April 15, 1961, 9 B-26 bombers took off from the Puerto Cubesas airfield in Nicaragua. Eight of them struck the main FAR bases, and the ninth headed for Miami, where its pilot tried to assure reporters that a mutiny had begun in Cuban aviation.

The crews of the attack aircraft returned to the base without losses, although somewhat battered by anti-aircraft fire, and reported a major success: 8-10 aircraft were disabled at the San Antonio airbase, 8 in Ciudad Libertad (formerly Colombia), and Santiago de Cuba - 12, trucks with ammunition were blown up, airfield buildings were destroyed. But where could such loss figures come from, in total exceeding everything that FAR had at the time?

Probably, the point here is not the excessive boasting of the raid participants. Most likely, the blow fell on decommissioned aircraft stationed at airfields, which from the air could not be distinguished from serviceable ones. In fact, as a result of the raid, 1-2 B-26s, 2-3 Sea Furies and 1-2 transport and training aircraft were damaged, i.e. about half a dozen cars, some of which were later repaired.

Cuban Sea Fury

Repair work began at a feverish pace immediately after the end of the raid. All aircraft capable of “fly and shoot” were immediately relocated closer to the area where the invasion forces were supposed to land – to the San Antonio de Los Baños airbase. Only FAR aircraft could stop the counter-revolutionaries. The engines of most of them gave only half the power, the lights did not close, and for some the landing gear did not even retract. The pilots themselves nicknamed them “Motherland or Death” type aircraft - and they were really ready to win or die! This was the fate that befell the pilot Acosta, who took off on a reconnaissance flight over the sea on the night of April 14-15 in his T-33A. During landing, the landing gear failed to extend, and then the plane caught fire and fell into the sea. The dozen pilots FAR had were mostly young guys, among whom 39-year-old captain Enrique Carreras Rojas seemed like a “grandfather.” Most of them had no combat experience, although some began to fly in the partisan air force, and Lieutenant Alvaro Prendes Quintana was a career pilot of the Batista air force, who managed to undergo jet flying training in the United States and was imprisoned in 1957 for refusing bomb the rebels. At dawn on April 17, FAR pilots received orders to strike the invading ships. Of the eight aircraft that were in San Antonio, three were prepared for the first flight - a pair of Sea Furies and one B-26. Around noon, the strike troika took off. The group was led by Captain Rojas in a fighter, accompanied by Lieutenant Gustavo Bourzak in a second fighter and Captain Luis Silva in a bomber. In fact, Captain Jaquez Lagas Morrero was assigned to the B-26 for the first flight, but Silva voluntarily took a seat in the cockpit and went on a mission.

B-26B Invader/FAR 933. D.L. Marrero flew this aircraft during the 8th battle on Playa Giron. The downed B-26 with tail number FAR 903 looked similar. The “Invaders” “gusanos” looked the same, but their side numbers are unknown

“We were over the target in 20 minutes. From two thousand meters, 7-8 large ships standing off the coast of Playa Giron, a mass of landing barges and boats scurrying between them and the shore were clearly visible,” Rojas recalled. Having dived to a height of 300 meters, he fired a missile salvo at the Houston ship. The helmsman from the Houston later described it this way: “On the morning of April 17, we had already unloaded the 2nd battalion and began unloading the 5th. Then three planes appeared over the bay. We did not pay attention to them - there were many planes circling over the bay, but they were ours. We were generally told that Cuba did not have aviation. And then one plane from this trio, a small single-engine fighter, descended and began to attack the ship from the deck, but it did not turn away and fired 4 missiles at us. Two of them hit the side near the stern. A fire started on the deck, and water began to flow into the hold through the holes...”

Two other aircraft also attacked targets without missing a beat, almost all of the missiles hit enemy ships. The trio returned to base, where by this time two more aircraft had been prepared. In addition to the previous crews, the second flight included Lieutenant Ulsa on the Sea Fury and the crew of Captain Lagas Morrero on the B-26. This time, Captain Rojas ordered eight missiles hung under the wing of his Sea Fury - and all of them hit the middle part of the Rio Escandio ship, loaded with fuel and ammunition. It also served as a headquarters ship and, having taken off, took with it the main communications equipment of “Brigade 2506”. Other FAR pilots, breaking through the barrage of anti-aircraft fire, delivered sensitive blows to landing ships and boats.

Captain Morrero, in his B-26, attacked a tank landing ship: “I attacked one of the ships south of Playa Giron. They were unloading tanks and other equipment onto barges. I fired a rocket that hit a fuel tank on the upper deck... Everything below shattered to pieces!"

By this time, fighting was in full swing below. Fierce battles also broke out in the air. The pilots of the anti-Castro aviation, confident of the defeat of the FAR, prepared only for relatively safe attacks on scattered units of government troops. But even with this task they coped unsatisfactorily, often wasting ammunition on secondary targets and civilian objects. A meeting with Republican aviation in the air was not included in their calculations. At first, they mistook the FAR planes for their own. It cost them dearly. Having completed one of the attacks on the ships, Rojas discovered a B-26 bomber in the air next to him. “At first I thought it was L. Silva’s plane, but then I determined by the tail number that it was an enemy plane. I went into its tail and opened fire.” Shot by bursts from the Sea Fury, the B-26 caught fire and fell into the sea not far from one of the ships. This was FAR's first aerial victory. Following Rojas that day, Morrero, Silva and Ulsa each shot down one B-26, and in total on April 17, the Husanos lost five aircraft.

FAR also suffered significant losses. Two B-26s pinned K. Ulsa's fighter in the air and shot him at point-blank range with machine guns, killing the pilot. And L. Silva’s “Invader” with a crew of four exploded in the air from a direct hit by an anti-aircraft shell on the gas tank. There is information about serious damage to another Sea Fury. The tiny revolutionary air force lost a third of its aircraft and half of its flight personnel within 24 hours.

But the main goal was achieved. Half of the invasion ships were sunk, and a large amount of heavy weapons and ammunition went to the bottom with them. The command of the invasion forces, stunned by unexpected losses, was forced to withdraw the remaining ships 30-40 miles into the open sea, under the cover of the American fleet. Thus, the landing units not only lost a significant part of their reinforcements, but were also left without fire support from naval artillery (the transport ships had 1-2 127 mm guns and 5-10 anti-aircraft guns for this purpose). From the second day, the supply of “Brigade 2506” had to be carried out only from the air - by parachute.

However, the Air Force operational report of the invasion force on the morning of April 18 sounded cheerful: “On April 17, a B-26 FAR ("903") was shot down and one Sea Fury was so damaged that it would not be usable for a week." Pilot Fallier reported about the destruction of a truck with 20-30 people, 18 of whom were killed. Infantry units destroyed one Sea Fury and knocked out the second. Now the enemy probably has two T-33A jets, two Sea Furies, 1 or 2 B. -26. Today, from 3:30 a.m. to 4 a.m., our Air Force is guarding the landing zone, and six aircraft will try to destroy the remnants of the Castro Air Force.”

For its part, the FAR command assigned lieutenants Quintana, Diaz and Molet the task of destroying in the air the aircraft of the “2506 brigade” that were over Cuban territory. Thus, April 18 became the decisive day in the struggle for air superiority.

Quintana and Diaz, who had only brought their T-ZZA jets from Havana the evening before and had not yet had time to take part in hostilities, flew ahead, Mole in the Sea Fury was a little behind due to lower speed. This is how Quintana himself described this flight: “We are going in formation. On the right is Del Pino’s car, at a distance is Douglas’ plane. The altitude is 7 thousand feet and we are in a hurry to intercept the mercenary bombers.

- The plane is below right! – Del Pino Diaz’s voice is heard in the headphones. I see two B-26s, which, having dropped bombs, go towards the sea.
I order my wingmen by radio to attack the wingman of the enemy pair, and I myself attack the leader.

Here I made my first mistake - I forgot about the B-26 bow machine gun battery and attacked the enemy head-on. From a dive I went head-on to the B-26, which was lower than me. The enemy turned the car and we are rushing head-on to each other.

We open fire almost simultaneously, the B-26 pilot shoots inaccurately - the tracks fly over the canopy of my cockpit. I missed too. I turn to the right, the B-26 flashes to the left below me. I make a sharp combat turn and, in afterburner, attack him in the tail. There is a battle going on all around, excited voices are screaming in the headphones. The B-26 begins to maneuver energetically. I press the trigger, the tracks pass above the target. I attack again - and miss again. In despair, I no longer notice that the oxygen mask has moved to the side, I am preparing for a new attack. The B-26 leaves over the sea towards Honduras, apparently I am sure that I have run out of ammunition or fuel. I catch up with the target again at an angle of 80 degrees and catch it in the sight frame. The track pierces the B-26 from nose to tail, but it does not fall.

I turn away sharply. I pass so close to him that I can see the rivets and faces of the pilots.

New surprise: this B-26 has gunners - they shoot back! Fortunately, the tracks pass by. I make a turn and climb for a new attack. B-26 leaves. Eh, I wish I had eight machine guns! Alas, our T-33A are just training aircraft used as combat vehicles...

T-33A Snooting Star/FAR/01 – one of two that fought on Playa Giron. The second T-33A at Playa Giron looked similar, but without a number and with yellow fuel tanks. It was flown by A. Huintana. In addition to him, Del Pino Diaz, AFernandez and E. Guzrrero alternately flew on both T-33As.

On the radio I hear the voices of Del Pino and Douglas - they are attacking the enemy in vain. Their B-26 is running away; they were unable to shoot it down. I'm catching up with my B-26. To shoot him down, I am now ready to do anything... I catch the enemy in my sights, shoot all the remaining ammunition from a minimum distance and turn away, almost crashing into the tail of the B-26. On the bomber, from my hits, the left engine flares up and the gunner's cockpit canopy shatters.
I have no cartridges, zero fuel; I don’t know if I’ll make it to San Antonio. The B-26 is on fire, its left wing is on fire, and a long plume of smoke trails behind the plane. On the right side of the fuselage, the B-26 co-pilot falls out through the emergency hatch, and a parachute opens above him...

The B-26 finally crashes into the waves of the Bay of Cochinos. In the headphones I hear Del Pino’s joyful voice: You knocked him down, you knocked him down!

He and Douglas continue to pursue the second B-26. I'm leaving for the base. The fight exhausted all my strength. I only have enough fuel for a few minutes..."
On April 18, T-33As intercepted several more B-26s and C-46s, while Sea Furies and B-26s of the revolutionary air force bombed the positions of the 2506 brigade.

The anti-aircraft gunners also distinguished themselves: using quadruple 12.7-mm DShK machine-gun mounts delivered overnight, they shot down two B-26s of the invasion force, reliably covering their ground troops. The superiority of government troops by this time was so great that the Gusanos defended themselves without any enthusiasm. The mercenary air forces could no longer help their ground forces. By the evening of April 18, they had lost two-thirds of their aircraft and half of their personnel. Based on these disappointing results, the commander of the anti-Castro Air Force, Luis Cosme, said: “We have had enough losses. In my opinion, the operation was a failure and I see no point in continuing the flights. Not a single plane with Cubans on board will fly again!” There is information that on the evening of April 18, US Air Force and Navy aircraft attacked the positions of Cuban troops, but this is unlikely - the decision to participate in the hostilities of American aviation was made only on the night of April 18-19.

President John Kennedy authorized the use of fighters from the aircraft carrier Essex (but without insignia) to cover the evacuation of the remnants of Brigade 2506 from the bridgehead on the morning of April 19.

F-8A Crusader carrier-based fighters from the US Navy aircraft carrier Essex were supposed to provide air cover.

They were supposed to establish control over the airspace and destroy FAR aircraft, and a special group of B-26 bombers with American crews was intended to attack ground targets, since only one Cuban pilot agreed to take the risk for an additional fee.

At about three o'clock in the morning on April 19, four B-26s took off from the Puerto Cabezas airfield for the “last parade.” They were supposed to appear over the Bay of Cochinos at 6.30 in the morning, when the escort fighters had already arrived in the battle area. But when planning the operation, another hiccup occurred: the big bosses from the CIA and the Navy headquarters forgot about the difference in time zones. As a result, the last flight of the bombers took place two hours earlier than the fighters, and ended in complete defeat. The B-26s simply did not have time to provide any assistance to “Brigade 2506” - both T-33As of the revolutionary Air Force attacked them.

Two B-26s were shot down instantly, the third broke away from the pursuit and poured bombs on the premises of the Australia sugar factory, where the brigade headquarters was located, but was shot down by anti-aircraft gunners. The fourth bomber was damaged in an air battle, dropped bombs into the bay, but still did not reach the base and fell into the sea. During the battle, one of the American pilots shouted on the radio: “We are being attacked by MIGs! MIGs are attacking!” Subsequently, this information gave rise to the legend about the participation of Soviet aircraft in repelling aggression. Fidel Castro commented on these rumors: “On the day our territory was bombed by B-26 planes based in Nicaragua, the counter-revolutionaries said that we were bombed by our own planes, claiming that our air force consisted of planes that the Americans supplied to Batista. When will we, with the help of these old worn-out aircraft, they began to destroy their aircraft, they declared that our Air Force was armed with MIGs, but we did not have MIGs...

The adventure in the Bay of Cochinos ended in great disgrace for the United States and Cuban counter-revolutionaries. “Brigade 2506” lost 458 people as prisoners alone (out of one and a half thousand intended for landing!), and left half of its watercraft and all its weapons on the coast. The invasion force lost up to 12 B-26 aircraft and at least 4 C-46 transports.

FAR losses amounted to two aircraft. In addition, almost every Cuban pilot had sunk ships and landing craft (large transports were sunk by Morrero, Rojas and Silva).

The command of the revolutionary armed forces drew the appropriate conclusions from the experience of the battles on Playa Giron, and the first of them was the need to re-equip all branches of the military and primarily aviation with modern equipment (of course, Soviet-made). Already in 1962, during the May Day parade, three squadrons of MiG-15 and MiG-19 passed over Havana.

And by the beginning of the Caribbean crisis in August 1962, the FAR had several well-trained squadrons equipped with MiG-15, MiG-17F, MiG-19PF and MiG-19S. Fortunately, the “war of nerves” in the fall of 1962 did not develop into a real war, and these planes took to the air only for training and patrol flights.

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