Read online “Dianetics - the modern science of mental health. Dianetics the modern science of the mind Ron Hubbard

For thousands of years, man continued to conquer the physical universe with great difficulty, but he knew almost nothing about his most important weapon, about his most valuable asset - the human mind. Despite the fact that there was an obstacle in the form of ignorance, man made progress, but this ignorance led to him suffering from madness and disease and, most importantly, he was in danger of destroying everything he had created if a new one broke out. war.

Dianetics is the science of thinking. The word "Dianetics" comes from the Greek word dianous (from dia - through and nous - "mind" or "soul"). Dianetics includes all reliable data related to thinking. The workings of the human mind and knowledge as such (much simpler subjects than previously thought by man) are presented in Dianetics as a system of knowledge that can be used by any person with some mental ability.

No civilization can move forward on the path to stable, long-term survival without a firm and confident mastery of the knowledge found in Dianetics. This is true because Dianetics, when used skillfully, delivers exactly what it promises. In man, it can prevent or reduce mental illness, neuroses, compulsions and obsessions, and give him physical health, eliminating the underlying cause of about seventy percent of human illnesses. In the family sphere, greater harmony and agreement can be achieved with the help of Dianetics. In the case of nations or smaller groups, such as in industry, Dianetics is able to improve management so much that all those sadly flawed ideologies for which people fight and die with such frightening zeal can be cast aside because we have actual technology. .

Dianetics extends its influence to everything. At the heart of any human undertaking lies human behavior and human thinking. Once one has the answer to these basic mysteries, there is little left that is not eventually solved.

However, for some, Dianetics is something strange and frightening. It penetrates into so many fields and activities, bringing enlightenment there, that it cannot help but find and expose those who profit from ignorance and suppression and whose exclusive importance is based only on the ability to control other people. What will happen to the leader of a revolutionary movement who, by sowing the seeds of hatred and prejudice, overthrows the government, when his troops suddenly realize that the ideology he preaches is outdated and not suitable for today? What will become of an organization that existed to treat people (but did not cure them) from some terrible disease that Dianetics can easily cure? Where will this organization get funds then? What about the practitioner who has spent twelve long years studying to become an expert in exorcising demons from the insane, and who suddenly learns that after a few weeks of studying Dianetics, any smart person can get much better results without causing as much harm, how is he?

Dianetics, suddenly appearing in the midst of contradictory, ignorant theories about madness, disease, hatred and war, throws those who profit from conflict situations into sheer panic. After every war, a huge number of generals find themselves among the unemployed. It can be said that Dianetics is the beginning of the end of the war which man conducts with darkness and ignorance in matters related to his own mind - and many "generals" see their stars begin to dim.

What happens to a field of activity whose starting material is purely unsystematic observation, when it is introduced into it by natural laws which can be demonstrated to be exact and unchangeable? You can't argue with natural laws. The scientist who studies inanimate nature (tamed several centuries ago, unlike his colleagues in the humanities), has at least learned to recognize the evidence obtained through the senses. But the “scientist”—the humanist—was never taught logic, mathematics, or even scientific methodology. He is a pretender who has settled on the margins of the sciences of inanimate nature, hoping to bask in the rays of the glory that Newton stood at the origins of.

Because of this, Dianetics is besieged on all sides by many disreputable pretenders with their "Indian swamp root oil." They made a profit from the sale of this oil, and a fabulous profit, and those who sold it for them are also in no way going to quietly close their trays.

Perhaps the current generation is too ignorant to understand the new science. If this were the case, it would be very unfortunate, since atomic bombs can cause enormous damage to people, destroy cities and even destroy entire cultures. Perhaps the sellers of crazy ideologies and destructive therapies are too rich, too powerful and too selfish, and they will not allow a ray of hope to fall on the dark stage on which our generation stands. Perhaps Dianetics will not be widely used until tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow.

In 1950, Dianetics had to prove its worth, and it did. Thus, greater tolerance was shown for such demands, since the validity of none of the existing “ologies” related to the human mind has ever been confirmed or demanded of them.

To put it bluntly, established therapies don't work. Their results are almost no different from those that would have been obtained if no therapy had been carried out at all. What kind of society do we live in if pretense is accepted as something effective, despite all the facts that contradict it!

Dianetics works. No one who has spent any time at the Dianetics Center has the slightest doubt about this. It works even when used by relatively inexperienced people. She works miracles every day. And this is not so strange, because Dianetics is the fundamental knowledge of human activity.

However, Dianetics is not psychotherapy or medicine that deals with psychosomatic diseases. Those who need this kind of thing find that Dianetics works quickly and effectively in these areas, so they think it is psychotherapy. Those into whose sphere Dianetics has invaded would like to see it outlawed before their wonderful "swamp root oil" is discredited.

In the long term, Preventive Dianetics is of greater importance to humanity than Dianetic processing. Group dianetics is more important to our war-torn society than all the arthritis remedies combined.

Dianetics is a science that studies the basics of human thinking. It examines human activity and brings previously scattered knowledge into a system.

Dianetics has a fundamental goal, a worthy goal that cannot be discounted or brushed aside because some charlatan will be left without a source of income or some revolutionary will not be able to carry out his crazy idea. The goal of Dianetics is a mentally healthy world, free from madness, crime and war. If our generation lives to see the time when it can begin to describe history, then with a painful feeling let it devote one page to those who, in this chaotic and dark age, sought, out of self-interest and hatred, to strangle truly humanistic science.

The goal of Dianetics is mental health; only madmen can interfere with it.

What is the cause of self-doubt, negative emotions and irrational behavior? Painful experiences from our past clearly influence our current behavior. But to what extent and why? What causes the mind to deviate from rational thinking or behavior? All these are topics of Dianetics. What is it? Let's figure it out.

Dianetics - what is it?

Do you know someone who has never fully recovered from a major loss in their life? Is there a place in your daily life for doubts, sad thoughts, unreasonable fears, and mental disorders? Every moment of your life is recorded by your mind. This is everything that happens to you: sights, sounds, tastes, smells, pain, joy, emotions, touches and so on. Thus, a whole sequence of positive and negative experiences gradually accumulates.

Dianetics - what is it? All this information is used by the mind to make decisions, cope with problems, and overcome difficulties that are associated with survival and existence in general. The predominant part of this data is kept safe by the analytical mind, or rather the part of it that is responsible for thinking, remembering and calculating.

However, there is data that is not stored in the analytical memory bank. This is the field of study of Dianetics, the science of the reactive mind, which records all painful experiences and makes an irrational attempt to get you to avoid repeating what once caused a lot of pain and suffering.

Dianetics - the modern science of the mind

Let's say you once had severe food poisoning due to spoiled food or a certain product. If in the future you see or smell, or perhaps even just imagine the ill-fated dish, you may experience a sudden attack of nausea. Logically speaking, all these mental associations cannot cause physical harm to the body, but the feeling experienced earlier can be experienced again.

Dianetics, the modern science of the mind, studies that secret area of ​​consciousness that is responsible for the reliving of past experiences and reacts exclusively when exposed to certain stimuli. Painful experiences that are hidden in the reactive mind are the cause of fears, insecurities, negative thoughts, unwanted emotions and irrational behavior.

The Purpose of Dianetics

To make life comfortable and enjoyable, you need to learn to think and behave rationally, make the best possible decisions, and make the most of your imagination and creativity. The goal of Dianetics is to clarify the mind so that the individual becomes more confident, intelligent, productive, and happy. And absolutely everyone can achieve this.

A little about the founder and philosopher of Dianetics

Dianetics - what is it? Is it a new modern science or is it something else? Translated from Greek, dia means through, nous means mind or soul. The founder of this field of study is Ron Hubbard. Dianetics is a methodology that helps mitigate negative feelings and emotions, minimize irrational fears and get rid of psychosomatic diseases. This is the interaction of the soul with the body through the mind.

Before 1950, the human mind was the brain with all its cells and neurons, nothing more. The Scientologist scientist was someone who wanted to look deeper and see what was yet to be known. This is how L. Ron Hubbard's dianetics appeared, the science of the mind as a connecting link between body and soul, and the modern doctrine of mental health. Its publication in 1950 marks a turning point in the history of man's search for a true understanding of himself.

The Science of Mental Health

The book that Hubbard wrote, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, has remained a bestseller for over 60 years. In fact, more than 20 million copies were published. It has been translated into 50 languages ​​and is the most widely read and influential book ever written about the human mind. Ron Hubbard's book "Dianetics" managed to inspire a worldwide movement that spans more than 160 countries and has a multimillion-strong army of followers.

You can feel the global scale of the ideas that are presented there by the example of the fact that at present there are various foundations and centers of Dianetics. There are large organizations and smaller groups in Asia, Africa, Europe and throughout the Americas.

Intelligence and Survival

Ron Hubbard's book Dianetics states that the purpose of the mind is to solve problems related to survival. The mind guides the individual in his desire to survive based on the information that he receives in the process of human existence. This data is called imagery - three-dimensional images with color, sound and smell, as well as other perceptions, including tactile and sensory. Thoughts, conclusions and conclusions are also recorded here.

Memories - images of mental images

The mind creates mental images instantly and does so constantly. This can be seen in the example of memories. To do this, you just need to imagine what happened before: what you ate for breakfast, what happened last week, and so on.

Memories are images of mental images that are actually made of energy. They have mass, they exist in space and have a very interesting ability: they appear when someone thinks about something.

The Reactive Mind Solution

Having discovered the existence of the reactive mind, Hubbard offered his solutions, which were documented in many case histories over more than half a century of using cleansing practices. The goal of Dianetics is to achieve a new state of mind - clarity, in which any side effects of the reactive mind are eliminated. A person becomes free from his emotions. He can think for himself. He can experience a life free from inhibitions.

Artistry, personal power and individual character all remain in the core personality of a person and not in his reactive mind. This is a highly desirable state for everyone. A purified personality has the following characteristics:

  • able to free yourself from active or potential psychosomatic illness;
  • acts at his own discretion;
  • energetic and persistent;
  • not depressed;
  • is able to perceive, remember, imagine, create and compute at a level above normal;
  • mentally stable;
  • free from emotions;
  • able to fully enjoy life;
  • can reason, think and react quickly.

Dianetics is a technology

L. Ron Hubbard discovered the single source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, all kinds of disorders, insecurities and psychosomatic illnesses. This is the reactive mind. In his book, he described this concept in detail and outlined a simple, practical, easily applied technology for overcoming negativity and achieving a state of clarity.

Dianetics is a technology that determines what the soul does to the body. When the mind negatively affects the body, a psychosomatic condition occurs. “Psycho-” refers to the “mind or soul,” and “somatic” refers to the “body.” Thus, psychosomatic illnesses are physical illnesses caused by the soul.

Dianetics and Scientology

Is there a difference between Scientology and Dianetics? The doctrine of the mind reveals the source of unreasonable fears, frustration and uncertainty, inexplicable pain, sensations and emotions (psychosomatic diseases) and establishes effective manipulations for these conditions. The use of the Dianetics procedure made it obvious that the source of these conditions is not cells or cellular memory, but the very existence of man, his “being”, which defies time.

The discovery of past lives was accompanied by phenomena of exteriorization - the conscious removal of one’s spirit from the body. With this discovery and the inevitable conclusion that man is a spiritual being, the religion of Scientology was born. It is defined as the study and dealing with the spirit in relation to oneself, the universe and other life.

Through the practice of Scientology one can increase one's spiritual awareness and ability to realize one's own immortality. Dianetics, although it may not have realized in its early publication that it was dealing with the human spirit, is a precursor and a kind of fraud of Scientology.

Dianetics in Russia

On this occasion, an expert opinion of a comprehensive commission was created, which is set out in the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 1996, No. 254 “On the abolition of methodological recommendations “Detoxification Program”. It says that the use of methodological recommendations that are used at the Hubbard Humanitarian Center and the Church of Scientology in Moscow is not safe and can cause harm to health.

The assertion that Scientologists have the key to salvation and are the best representatives of humanity inevitably leads to conflicts with those who do not accept this teaching, to the destruction of previous interpersonal relationships, and can also greatly traumatize the psyche. Dianetics also calls for mass isolation of adherents of the Church of Scientology from society.

A fad called Dianetics

In 1950, a phenomenon called Dianetics hit America like a hurricane, attracting hundreds of thousands of people, especially on the West Coast, and promising to cure them of all problems without subjecting them to tedious hours of psychoanalysis. All you had to do was read a book written by a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard.

But above all else, this book had something to offer those people who always secretly wanted to be doctors and dreamed of treating others. The information presented allowed them to do this without all the tedious years of preparation required. All they had to do was also read Hubbard's book.

Her influence was incredible. Clubs of Dianetics appeared all around. People have referred to Hubbard's book as the Bible. Thousands of people rushed to join Dianetics parties and experienced their rebirth there (in accordance with the philosophy of Dianetics, which stated that man's prenatal experiences were the cause of many problems today).

But then, when everyone was so joyfully welcoming the new philosophy, advanced critics came and ruined everything. Dianetics has been discredited by medical professionals and organizations. However, she later calmly experienced rebirth. First, people could no longer become "doctors" simply by buying Hubbard's book. Instead, they had to pay for courses at their institutions before they could receive "professional" status. Secondly, Hubbard changed the "science" of Dianetics to a "religion", which was called "Scientology".

Scientologists did accept the idea of ​​God, but believed that He existed in every person as a "thetan", which is roughly comparable to a spirit or soul. One thing is for sure - Scientology is expanding and its influence has probably tripled or quadrupled over the past few years.

What is the future of Scientology?

Will adherents revive Dianetics, as they are now doing in America and England, if they encounter great difficulties? Will they repeat their claims that their teaching is science, or will they claim that it is religion? In a letter entitled "Scientology 1970," Hubbard wrote that it would be planned on a religious basis throughout the world. The letter said: “This will in no way disrupt the normal operations of any organization. This is a question for accountants and lawyers."

Hubbard demonstrated hypnosis on stage in 1948. Soon after, he wrote to his literary agent that he had invented a new project that, in many ways, could become a hot commodity. By creating a hybrid of hypnosis techniques with Freud's old methods, which he quickly abandoned, Hubbard "gave birth" to Dianetics. Having modified the technique of hypnosis without any additional “research,” he published the book “Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.”

Book " Dianetics"is a mixture written in the so-called Newspeak. At the same time, Hubbard's blatant incompetence in medicine in general and in psychiatry in particular is immediately striking. In fact, Hubbard needs all Newspeak and pseudoscientific terminology only to cover up his ignorance and present like great discoveries, ideas and theories that have long been known or have already been scrapped. The same purpose is served by the fact that the book is written in an extremely authoritarian tone and with great pomp.

In a lecture given in 1909, Freud described a method he had invented for identifying traumatic memories. Patients were asked to recall earlier and earlier chained incidents in their lives until they released the emotional charge. Hubbard not only borrowed this idea, but was even too lazy to change a number of Freud's terms. Freud subsequently abandoned this method: it turned out to be too labor-intensive and, moreover, could not identify the main traumatic memories. Indeed, even if Dianetics sometimes brings some relief at first, more often than not it leads to the dangerous belief that imaginary events are the truth. Hubbard took Freud's method, added a few ideas from Korzybski's then very popular book General Semantics, and based the entire system on the assertion that the initial traumatic events occur in the womb. Hubbard borrowed the last idea from the books of Otto Rank, Nandor Fodor and J. Seger. Hubbard also claimed that a person can remember his experiences in his mother's womb right up to the moment of conception (the so-called "sperm dreams"). This was also borrowed from Fodor, who wrote about “prenatal memory.”

Hubbard redefined the already existing term "engram" as a traumatic incident occurring to an unconscious person. The book "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health" states that by "erasing" these engrams, a person is freed from self-compulsion, obsessions, neuroses and diseases such as heart failure, poor eyesight, asthma, color blindness, allergies, stuttering, deafness, sinusitis, hypertension, dermatitis, migraine, various ulcers, arthritis, nausea and vomiting of pregnant women in the morning, colds, conjunctivitis, alcoholism and tuberculosis. Hubbard soon announced that his system could cure cancer and leukemia. Of course, Hubbard never provided any scientific evidence to support his incredible claims.

The method he invented for getting rid of engrams was called auditing (or, in the illiterate transliteration of our Scientologists, “auditing”). At first, the book was a huge success: in the 50s, psychoanalysis was in fashion, and every rich person had his own psychoanalyst to whom he talked out his problems. But it was a very expensive pleasure, Dianetics became psychoanalysis for the poor - everyone began to audit each other. For the first time in his life, Hubbard, as they say, “hit the vein.”

When the very first engram (or “base-basic” - in Hubbard’s basic-basic) is finally found and erased, the person is supposedly made “purified” (or “pure” - “clear”), that is, free from all shortcomings, and possessing extremely high mental abilities. A clear can completely control those around him, who do whatever he wants.

There are many similar cases described in Dianetics: Mr. K. did this and became such-and-such, and Mrs. N. did such-and-such (for more details, see the section on “success stories”). Hubbard was asked to show these people, and he brought a young lady, a physicist by profession, who, out of embarrassment, could not remember a single formula, although she should have had a perfect memory. Hubbard was asked to turn his back to her and asked what color his tie was. She didn't remember that either. All in all, this was a complete failure of Dianetics.

People realized that all the statistics cited by Hubbard were pure fiction. Subsequently, his son from his first marriage said that Hubbard composed most of his works while intoxicated, although Hubbard himself told his friends that his hand was guided by the “Empress” and he wrote “Dianetics” using “automatic writing” in a few days.

Scientists conducted a rigorous scientific test of the method proposed by Hubbard, as a result of which it was revealed that it was completely scientifically untenable. Since then, Hubbard has harbored a great grudge against psychiatrists, psychologists, journalists, and, in fact, the entire world that did not accept his teachings.

Income began to decrease, fans dispersed, and Hubbard's second marriage to Sarah was collapsing. His wife accused him of beating her, torturing her and much more, and Hubbard responded in his own style: he took their young daughter to Cuba and hid there. From there he wrote denunciations to the FBI that his wife was a communist. To get the child, the wife eventually withdrew the statement of claim from the court.

L. Ron Hubbard's book "Children's Dianetics" is dedicated to ways and means of raising a happy, healthy child and establishing peace and understanding in the family by eliminating the causes of conflict and disease. Dianetics is a psychotherapeutic technique that does not use drugs or hypnosis. Its core is attentive listening to the patient, who is fully aware of what, why and why he is doing and saying during the session. Those who wish will be able to master this technique to a significant extent by reading "Children's Dianetics."

The Dianetic method of spiritual (spiritual) healing is the best school for human consciousness. Dianetics means “through the soul” (from dia - through and noos - soul). Dianetic technique is a way of controlling the energy of life in order to improve both the human body and his spiritual life.


As you read this book, be careful and do not skip words that you do not fully understand.

The only reason why a person gives up studying a subject or feels unable to master it is because words are missed by misunderstood people.

Confusion, an inability to grasp the essence of what was read or to learn something appears AFTER a word that the reader could not define and did not understand.

Have you ever read to the end of a page and realized that you don't know what you just read? This means that somewhere earlier on this page you missed a word for which you could not find an explanation or understood it incorrectly.

Here's an example. “We found that with crepuscular lighting, children are calm, and when such lighting is not the phrase escaped your understanding just because of one word that you could not explain - “crepuscular,” which means twilight, dim.

It happens that not only new and unusual words have to be looked for in a reference book. Words whose everyday meaning is well known to you may have a different meaning in a scientific text and, if defined incorrectly by you, will give rise to misunderstanding.

This rule - not to skip obscure words of uncertain meaning - is the most important when studying any subject. Any science that you took up and then abandoned contained concepts for which you were unable to find definitions.

Thus, while studying this book, constantly check yourself to see if you have missed a word without fully understanding it. If the material begins to confuse you and you seem to have stopped grasping the meaning, it means that somewhere earlier in the text there was a word that you did not understand. No need to wade further, go back to where everything was clear, find that word and choose a definition for it

To help readers, words that would likely remain misunderstood without explanation are defined in footnotes when such a word appears for the first time in the text. Some words have multiple meanings. The footnotes explain the sense in which such an ambiguous word is used in this context. You can find the remaining meanings in a regular explanatory dictionary.

All definitions given in footnotes are collected in a terminological dictionary at the end of the book. This dictionary, however, is not intended to replace regular dictionaries.

"Dianetic and Scientology Technical Dictionary" and "Definitions from Modern Management Technology" are an invaluable resource for students. You can obtain them from your nearest Church of Scientology or Mission, or directly from the publisher.

With the exception of the introduction, this book was prepared and written collectively, which of course took time. Meanwhile, Dianetics made significant progress. The theory of interaction between the Spirit (or Life) and the physical universe, the technique of conscious advancement, the technique of deep advancement and other advances create new possibilities for children's Dianetics. The book is therefore published not because it is the last word in Dianetics, but because society demands it.

The main difficulty in working with children is not in what methods to subject them to Dianetic processing in order to restore their health, but in ensuring that they live a normal, human life. The stumbling block here is not the child, but the adult. For adults there is "The Science of Survival" and "Self-Analysis". Adults have a certain power, although modern adults prefer not to use it, and children are not afraid of this power. For a child, the best remedy for all evils is kind, tolerant and loving adults.

How to teach a child without breaking him? This is the most difficult problem in parenting. According to the Jesuit system, it seemed to be somehow solved, but the solution disappeared along with the Jesuits. And now the American Medical Association, an organization dedicated to the management of medical practices, recently came out with a little book, a masterpiece of nonsense, called "How to Manage Your Child." Well, how is this possible! After all, your goal is to raise a child to be independent, so that he does not need to “manage”, so that he can always manage himself. His life, his mental and physical health depend on it.

My dear ex-barbers, children are not your dogs. And they cannot be trained like dogs are trained. These are not objects to be managed. Children, mind you, these are men and women. A child is not an animal, in no way similar to people. A child is a non-adult man or woman.

Any law that regulates the lives of men and women applies exactly the same to children.

How will you like it if they pull you, pull you back, order you around and forbid you to do what you want? You will be outraged. The child is “not indignant” just because he is small. Yes, you would kill on the spot someone who would order you, an adult, object at every step and treat you as unceremoniously as a child is usually treated. The child cannot repay the favor because he does not yet have enough strength. Instead, it stains the floor, prevents you from playing solitaire, and disrupts the peace in your home. If he had equal rights with you, he would not need such “revenge”. This “revenge” is the behavior of an ordinary child.

The child has the right to self-determination. You will say that if he is not stopped from dropping things on himself, running into the road, etc., etc., trouble will happen to him. What good are you as a teacher if your child finds himself among objects that are dangerous to him or where trouble can happen to him? If the environment is dangerous for him, it is not his fault, but yours.

A child can be loving, sweet and affectionate as long as he has the opportunity to exercise his self-determination. To the extent that we curtail his independence, we limit and constrain his life in general.

There are only two reasons why a child's right to decide for himself can be violated - if he could seriously harm others, or if he and you are in danger. Regardless of your good intentions, you should not burden him with tasks intended for you.

There are two directions in solving the problem of child self-determination. Provide your child with an environment where he cannot break anything, is safe for him and, if possible, gives him room for activity. Also, you can remove your own aberrations, at least enough so that your tolerance outweighs his inability to please you.

When you give something to a child, it is already his. It's not yours anymore. Clothes, toys, space in the house and whatever else, once given, should remain at his complete disposal. Even if he tears his shirt, shakes the crib, or ruins an expensive toy. It's none of your business. How would you like it if someone gave you a Christmas gift, then proceeded to tell you day after day what to do with it, and even punished you if you did not manage to treat it the way the giver saw fit? You will show your kindness and gift! And you know this very well. So the child begins to get on your nerves when they do this to him. This is revenge. He's crying. It whines above my ear. He ruins your things. He "accidentally" spills milk. And he spoils property on purpose, precisely because he was “warned so many times.” Why? He fights for his independence, for the right to let others feel his influence. Pseudo-gifts, “his” property, which is not managed by him, are in fact another string by which he is pulled like a doll, and the child enters into a struggle with both “his” property and the “puppeteer”.

Date: 2014-03-26

Dianetics is now a new and modern science of the mind, allowing one to fully restore its potential and understand that man himself is not his body or mind, which in fact manifests as a spiritual being.

Every science has its own goal. And the main goal of Dianetics is to help a person achieve a state of Clear. Clear, translated from English means "clean, clear". This is a state when all the negative programs received earlier lose their power over a person. In other words, they are erased from a person’s subconscious.

A person comes into this world in a state of Clear. That is, initially he is not stupid, sick, or incompetent. He becomes such as a result of the painful influence of the environment. Any impact is first recorded by consciousness, and only then has the ability to negatively affect both the mind and body of a person. Such situations create chains, and earlier situations on the chain empower later ones, which in turn empower earlier ones. The earliest situations may be located in the deep past of a person’s life.

Dianetics helps a person find such life situations and deprive them of their power over him. This is done through communication. A person receiving a Dianetic procedure is not put into a state such as trance, hypnosis, shock, anesthesia or anything of the like. Ordinary abilities of consciousness are used, for example the ability to remember.

The end result is an increase in intelligence, the disappearance of all diseases, depression, energy, excellent memory, awareness and the ability to achieve much more and significant things in life than an ordinary person can imagine, an excessively high level of ability to withstand any pressure from the outside, and simply happy, harmonious and successful life. The Clear state can hardly be called a “normal” state due to the fact that the real level of a normal person compared to Clear is the level of a bitten apple compared to a large orchard. The Clear state is the original state of a person with his enormous potential, which is always available to him and can always be used.

Dianetics is used by a specially trained human auditor who, with the help of clear questions and the right commands, helps a person find, reveal and deprive the power of those forces that create a person’s life as it is for the majority: with illnesses, fears, doubts, problems, and so on. . What is erased no longer appears again and does not bother a person. You can download the book


Dianetics the modern science of the mind Ron Hubbard read online
