What does a master's education provide? What does a master's degree provide? The essence of magistracy, its correlation with other forms of education in the Russian Federation

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. After a short break, when there was only news on the site, it was finally time to write an article. The article will be about master's programs for bachelors who are finishing or have long since completed their studies. Although the article may also be useful for specialists. And in order to understand, it is necessary to consider several questions, including why a master’s degree is needed, whether a master’s degree is needed after a bachelor’s degree, and whether a master’s degree is needed after a specialist’s degree.

After such a rather long introduction, let's get down to business.

Is a master's degree necessary after a bachelor's degree?

Happiness knows no bounds, school is over

In the issue under consideration, it would be nice to talk a little about what a master’s and bachelor’s degree is, and then draw a conclusion about whether a master’s degree is needed after a bachelor’s degree.

So, a bachelor's degree is the first stage of higher education, that is, during your bachelor's degree you should be given such an amount of knowledge and skills that will help you find a job and work there without any problems. As you understand, this is something incredible and you will still have to learn at work, if not from scratch, then you will still have to learn and learn a lot.

What can a master's degree program offer? A master's degree will give you some more knowledge in your profession, but it is far from a fact that this knowledge will help you at work. But after a master's degree, you can enroll in graduate school and continue to engage in scientific activities, if this is interesting to you. Perhaps a master's degree will help you build a career, but this is far from a fact; it all depends on the organization in which you will work.

Thus, if you answer the question from the subtitle, that is, is a master’s degree needed after a bachelor’s degree, then we can only say one thing - God knows how life will turn out. But in any case, the reserve doesn’t stretch your pocket, so if you have the opportunity to study for a master’s degree, then you can do it, it won’t hurt in life.

Is a master's degree necessary after a specialty?

Here everything is not so clear. The specialty, like the master's degree, is a higher education of the second level. And this means that a master’s degree will not be able to provide any special advantages.

But there is an opportunity to get a second higher education in a completely different specialty in 2–2.5 years. But after receiving a technical education, you shouldn’t go into the humanities. This will be very difficult for you and you will spend a lot of nerves.

Free digression from the topic. They say that nerve cells do not regenerate. This is not entirely true, they are recovering, just very slowly.

So, to summarize the point, we can say that the need to obtain a master's degree after a specialty is very, very small. After a bachelor's degree, it makes sense to get a master's degree, but after a specialty, if only for the sake of obtaining another specialty.

Why do you need a master's degree?

Now this is a much more interesting point, for everyone, both bachelors and specialists. I’ll answer right away why a master’s degree is needed, it is needed in order to hold various government positions.

For example, only a master of law or a specialist can be a judge. But with judges in general, everything is complicated; if you are not a specialist in jurisprudence and really want to become a judge, then a master’s degree alone will not help you. A judge must have both a bachelor's and a master's degree in jurisprudence.

Just a judge. With bachelor's and master's degrees

But what am I all about? For the civil service, a document entitled “Methodological tools for establishing qualification requirements for applicants for positions in the state civil service and state civil servants” (Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, 2015) establishes the following hiring rules:

There seems to be nothing to comment on here, and it’s clear why a master’s degree is needed. Therefore, we move on to the final paragraph of the article.

Is a master's degree necessary?

If you have read all the points of the article, then you should have formed an opinion whether a master’s degree is needed for you personally or not. And I no longer know what to write in this paragraph, since everything has already been written.

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If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible, or just let’s chat.

What is a master's degree and why is it needed?

Until recently, getting a higher education in our country meant studying for 5 years at a university and receiving a diploma with the qualification “specialist”. A specialist could look for a suitable job or enroll in graduate school and then receive a PhD degree.

Now higher education in Russia consists of two levels: bachelor's and master's degrees.

Bachelor's studies last for 4 years, the student receives general knowledge and skills in the chosen field of study and a diploma of higher education with the academic degree “Bachelor”.

If you have successfully completed your bachelor's degree and want to continue further education in order to have a solid scientific base and methodology of scientific work and to be aware of modern information technologies and methods of obtaining and processing scientific information, then there is only one path for you - to a master's degree.

The main objective of the master's program is to prepare professionals for a successful career in international and Russian companies, as well as analytical, consulting and research activities.

Who is a Master?

Turning to history, let us explain that the word “master” comes from the Latin “Magistr”, which means “mentor”, “teacher”, “leader”, “master of his craft”. In other words, in the modern understanding, a master’s degree is a widely erudite specialist, prepared for research, consulting, and analytical activities, mastering the methodology of scientific creativity and modern information technologies. Even more precisely: a master’s degree is a generalist, ready for research and analytical activities, who is proficient in modern methods and technologies of scientific knowledge.

What is a master's degree?

This is the second level of a two-level higher education system created in the process of reforming the Russian educational system, according to the Bologna process (the Bologna process is the process of rapprochement and harmonization of the education systems of European countries with the aim of creating a single European space of higher education). Graduates of bachelor's programs and certified specialists continue their studies in the master's program.

In modern Russia, master's programs began to be created approximately 15 years ago. This was a reflection of the global trend aimed at unifying higher education programs and diplomas. Ministers of education from 31 countries who gathered in Bologna in 1999 signed a declaration recognizing a two-level system of higher education: bachelor - master. By implementing the principles of the Bologna Declaration, European countries, including Russia, Germany, Sweden, Finland and others, began the process of reforming their higher education systems.

The master's degree is the final stage of higher professional education. In the structure of modern higher education, a master's degree follows the bachelor's degree in scientific level and precedes the candidate of science degree. A master's degree graduate is a person who masters the methodology of scientific creativity, modern information technologies, and is prepared for research, consulting and analytical activities. Highly qualified personnel with a master's level of education are required not only in universities as teachers or in research organizations, but also in real business, in companies and organizations of various fields of activity and forms of ownership. A master's degree is the path to positions that require the ability to analyze and find optimal decisions under conditions of uncertainty, select and summarize the information necessary to achieve set goals.

What problems does a master's degree help solve?

Gaining in-depth knowledge in a specific area. A master's student can focus his attention on highly specialized issues and study in more detail the areas necessary for future professional activity, especially in the field of innovation.

Receiving additional education. The profile of a master's program does not necessarily have to coincide with the profile of education received at previous levels of higher education (bachelor's, specialist's). A university graduate can choose a direction of training that will complement basic education with knowledge from related industries and make him unique and versatile in the eyes of the employer, and therefore a more sought-after specialist. For example, those graduates who have two diplomas simultaneously have good prospects in the labor market. The Master's program is an alternative to the second higher education program.

Awarding a master's degree. In the context of accelerating globalization and the development of international relations, the requirements for education are changing. Europeans are accustomed to assessing the qualifications of graduates in the “bachelor” - “master” gradation; they equate our “specialist” with a bachelor; in the global education system, you will have to constantly prove your preparation, instead of using it and improving it. The same applies to the business sector; for example, if you plan to look for work in joint ventures or in representative offices of foreign companies in Russia, a master's degree will be more understandable to a foreign employer.

Preparing for a scientific career. Studying in a master's program provides the first experience of scientific work, helps to master the methods and skills of research. A master has the opportunity, while receiving higher education, to try himself as a researcher and then consciously decide on the need to continue his studies in graduate school.

Mastering teaching methods. Such skills are relevant not only for those who connect their future careers with science and teaching at a university. Not everyone, even the most highly qualified specialist in their field, knows how to present their knowledge to others; this also needs to be learned.

What are the features of studying in the master's program at the Faculty of Psychology at Irkutsk State University?

Master's studies are based on a European model based on a competency-based approach, which assumes that a graduate of such a program must have a certain set of general cultural and professional competencies. The list of these competencies depends on the chosen master's program and contains general professional, organizational and managerial, scientific research, information and analytical, expert consulting, communication, pedagogical and other components.

In the master's program they teach differently; here a lot of attention is paid to the skills of independent analytical work and modern scientific technologies.

The main focus is on research work. The presence at the faculty of postgraduate and doctoral studies, scientific schools, and a large number of research scientists provides a reliable basis for organizing the research work of undergraduates.

Master's courses are taught by highly qualified teachers who have a basic education in the profile of the discipline being taught and an academic degree or experience in the relevant professional field.

Is it possible to study for a master's degree for free?

Yes, I have. Master's studies are possible both in budget-funded places and locally with tuition fees paid on a contractual basis.

What areas of activity are prepared for in the master's program?

Master's education provides not only fundamental scientific training, but also instrumental knowledge and skills that are highly valued by any modern employers in your chosen field of activity.

Who has the right to study for a master's degree for free (at the expense of the federal budget)?

Persons who have received state-issued documents on the appropriate level of higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of qualifications (degrees) of “bachelor” and “specialist” to the person, and who have passed competitive tests, have the right to continue their studies in the educational program of higher professional education - the master's program - on a budgetary basis .

Is it possible to combine work and study in a master's program?

Yes, it's possible. Master's students often find work while still studying. At the same time, a significant part of graduates get jobs in their specialty.

What additional opportunities does a master's degree provide?

Persons who successfully complete a master's degree and defend a master's thesis are awarded a qualifying academic master's degree and issued a state-issued master's diploma. Moreover, a master's diploma is understandable and recognized both in Russia and abroad. And this is very important for a successful career, assessing your own abilities and capabilities. A master's degree provides an opportunity to build a career, stable income and self-satisfaction.

Graduates who have completed the master's program in "Psychological Counseling" work in the field of education (schools and special children's educational institutions), healthcare (social rehabilitation centers, railway dispensary, psychiatric hospital), in management (human resource management of various organizations), in law enforcement agencies (FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations) and customs, in policy and management institutions, in the business and private enterprise system, on helplines.

Graduates who have completed the master's program in the direction of "Psychological support of official activities" work in the psychological departments of government institutions and law enforcement organizations (FSB, Internal Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Emergency Situations), customs services, military units, in railway transport, in the education system (secondary and higher vocational training) , healthcare, in employment services (Irkutsk and Irkutsk region), in personnel departments of government institutions, in departments of career guidance (reorientation) and vocational training (retraining) in various sectors of the national economy.

When studying in a master's program, a student acquires a number of advantages:

Obtaining in-depth knowledge in the scientific field of interest;

Opportunity to engage in research work during the course of study;

The experience of writing a master's thesis (graduation project) helps in the future when studying in graduate school and doctoral studies;

Students gain teaching experience;

Earning a Master of Science degree opens up greater job opportunities and higher salary levels.

A master's degree gives you the opportunity to feel confident in life, find a well-paid job, and provides the basis for professional growth.

How to apply for a master's degree?

You can enroll in a master's program if you have a bachelor's degree or a specialist diploma. The university where you received your first education does not matter.

For applicants to master's programs, a comprehensive entrance interdisciplinary examination in psychology is conducted in the form of test items.

For admission to master's programs at Irkutsk State University, minimum score - 60

Gain more advantages in the professional field in your own country and abroad, forget about salary restrictions, determine your own development trajectory - the three main advantages that holders of master's degrees receive. This qualification is a good start towards great prospects.

Is it really needed? The answer is simple.

A bachelor's degree provides university graduates with fundamental training, but without narrow specialization. A master's degree will allow a higher level, in-depth knowledge of the theoretical aspects of the chosen field, the ability to conduct research activities and successfully find employment.

To enroll in a master's program, you must have a minimum passing grade in your field, successfully pass a comprehensive interdisciplinary exam and wait for the decision of the admissions committee. Forms of education (full-time, correspondence, distance learning) can be chosen based on individual preferences.

Why do students choose to continue their studies?

Everyone has personal reasons for this.

Among the main ones, students themselves name:

  • Obtaining high-quality knowledge and additional qualification level necessary for career development.
  • For men of military age, the prospects of completing military service without interruption from training or a two-year deferment from the army are important.
  • Graduates with good teaching skills can try themselves as teachers in educational institutions.
  • Many prospects open up for those wishing to find a job abroad, since a master’s degree outside the homeland does not require confirmation.
  • A master's degree is a mandatory stage for active, forward-thinking students planning to become graduate students, develop in science, adding to the treasury of their own achievements.
  • There is a chance to change your usual field of activity. And all this is possible in just 2-2.5 years of training.

Advantages in professional activities

Master's programs are largely designed to meet the needs of employers. Comparing them with other forms of higher education, one can see that the maximum number of hours is allocated to special disciplines, studying research projects, and attending practical training.

Having gone through such a difficult path of a full course of higher education, graduates will become:

  • competent employees who can immediately take on the complex job functions of developers, coordinators, analysts, and experts;
  • get a high starting salary, which is on average 30% higher than usual;
  • smoothly build your career by considering managerial vacancies.

Every employer knows that the specificity of master's training lies in the development of integrated competencies, so the new employee will be a good manager, capable of making important decisions, carrying out communication functions, bearing responsibility and even acting in unforeseen situations.

Continuation of training at the initiative of the employer

By hiring a specialist who immediately shows his great potential in practice, the employer will certainly show a desire to retain him. However, there are situations when a promising employee has an insufficient level of education. There is a way out - to offer him to undergo further training at his own expense or to allocate budget funds from the company. If the first option does not oblige anyone to anything, then the second implies the signing of a bilateral agreement, where the employee undertakes to implement new knowledge on the basis of the enterprise for several years after graduation.

When making any decision, it is important to remember the following.

The interests of the company must be taken into account. You can only be provided with funding by the educational institution chosen by the employer. Having agreed to such conditions, one aspect should be taken into account - you need to correctly assess your own strengths. Only determination and self-discipline will allow you to combine study and work. The quality of work should not suffer.

Admission to a master's program one year after a bachelor's degree

Sometimes the educational process has to be interrupted due to various circumstances. Once they have a bachelor's degree, graduates postpone their studies for a year or more. But the question always arises: is it possible to go back to study again after such a break, if the previous specialty was obtained several years ago? There are no restrictions. Anyone can prepare for the entrance exam, successfully pass it, choose a direction, provide the admissions committee with the necessary documents, and confirm the presence of a diploma of previous education.

Is it worth studying? A high level of education always remains prestigious. And no one will refuse the chance to extend their fun student years.

If you are already studying at a university as a bachelor's degree or have even graduated from a university and have a bachelor's degree, you probably have a question: why do you need a master's degree and, if necessary, where exactly and why does it make sense to go on to study? What will be the benefit of an additional diploma? There are a number of reasons why a master’s degree and studying at a Master’s program will help you later in life, especially if you study not for show, but choose the right place of study and the Master’s curriculum itself. So, why do you need a master's degree and what are the reasons for enrolling in a master's program?

1. Deepen your knowledge

Bachelor's degree programs, by their nature, are designed to provide a basic education in a specific profession and a specific major subject. Having received a bachelor's degree, you already understand the basics of the subject and profession and can begin to work in your profession as a qualified specialist. For a number of specialties and vacancies, higher education is a prerequisite for work and a bachelor's degree is the minimum that is sufficient. However, this is only enough to start your career and start working in your specialty. But to advance up the career ladder, deeper knowledge is required both in the main specialty, the main subject, and in related fields. If we are talking specifically about education and work in the specialty, especially in Western and world-class companies, then one of the main reasons why a master’s degree is needed is that without a master’s degree, as a rule, it is impossible to occupy leadership positions, and therefore receive more income and grow in your profession. If you do not want to be a manager, but want to develop as a specialist, the lack of in-depth knowledge can also prevent you from further professional growth - without a master’s degree and relevant in-depth knowledge, it is also, as a rule, impossible to move on to a higher-paid and interesting job already as a specialist of a higher category.

2. Get a specialization

The second reason why a master's degree is needed and what is the advantage of obtaining a Master's degree is related to career and professional growth - it is obtaining additional specialization. If we are talking about managerial roles and, accordingly, leadership positions, then work in them requires not only subject knowledge of the profession (for example, knowledge of engineering), but also economic and managerial skills. Many master's programs additionally pay attention to management, administration and economic aspects of professional activity. The second specialization may already be within the subject area and is useful both from the point of view of specialization in management and from the point of view of specialization precisely as a highly qualified specialist. For example, having received a basic engineering education, in a master's program you can additionally specialize in management in engineering, and having received a basic economic education you can, for example, specialize in international economics or political economy. Such specialization will not only give you an advantage when your application is considered for a particular vacancy, but will also maximize your career prospects, both in terms of promotion to management positions and increasing your level as a specialist. And all this leads to more interesting tasks, more comfortable working conditions, and, of course, to a higher income and standard of living.

3. Significantly improve the quality of education and employment prospects

If you are concerned about the quality of teaching at your university or, having started working in your profession, you find that your knowledge is far from the current level of development of the profession, then you need to think about either transferring to another university (if you are still a 2-3 year undergraduate student) or about admission to a master's degree at another university (for those who have already received a bachelor's degree or are studying in the 4th year of a bachelor's degree). And at the same time, seriously think about changing the city, or even the country for studying! It is likely that by changing the place of study, transferring to a university or enrolling in a master's program in another city or even another country, you can significantly improve the quality of your education and employment prospects in your profession for a well-paid job after receiving your diploma. It is precisely due to a fundamentally different quality of education, access to modern research and technology, and the availability of practice in the best companies and enterprises in the world.

4. Get the necessary experience and connections in the profession

Many graduates of universities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries are faced with the problem of lack of work in their specialty after receiving their diploma. This is often due to the lack of need for the acquired profession in the city where you are studying. The second popular reason for the inability to get a job in their specialty is the lack of practical experience in their profession among university graduates (especially bachelor’s degrees). And this is largely due to the separation of universities from business and industry and the separation of educational programs (including outdated materials) from modern realities.

You can also solve this problem by enrolling in a master's program at a higher level of study, most likely in another city or even in another country - it is likely that in this way you will be able to find a university where studying will allow you to get an interesting internship in a company in your profile and even establish contacts in this company in order to continue working in it after the diploma, with the knowledge acquired specifically for their tasks. Or, it is also quite possible that you will be able to enroll in a master’s program in a city (and country) where there is a high demand for specialists in your profession and, in addition to practice and connections, you will receive very good prospects for job offers - both in quantity and in salary and other conditions labor.

By the way, attention to everyone who studies “non-commercial” professions - when enrolling in a master's program in another country, for example in Germany, you may well gain practical knowledge in your profession and a truly promising and highly paid job in your profession after your diploma - it is more than likely that your A “non-profit” profession in Germany will enjoy respect and proper demand, which means good remuneration and funding for your work.

5. Change your place of residence and living conditions

Yes, that's right. Study time is not just a time to acquire the necessary knowledge, but also an opportunity to effectively change your place of residence, and with it your living conditions, including the conditions of your future work. At the same time, you can change the city within one country, or you can change the country - many countries, including Germany, are very supportive of foreign students. And after receiving higher education in Germany, you will have the opportunity to stay here, live and work legally and gain full access to all local benefits - both natural - mild climate and convenient location, and social - wages, medicine, safety, pensions, employee protection, long vacations, and so on. Yes, and you will also get local working conditions - even in the same factories and plants there is a high level of working conditions. And what can we say about the level of laboratories, spacious offices and excellent equipment, no matter what profession you later work in! A good reason to think about transferring to a German university.

6. Change paid education to free (budget)

The reason for needing a master's degree is not as global as a change of place of residence. But, on the other hand, it is very pragmatic and very relevant for many students - if you are studying in a paid department, then you can enroll in a master’s program in a free department. And, by the way, you can easily enroll in a free master’s program at a German university even after a paid bachelor’s degree at a university in your home country! Moreover, in a master’s program at a German university you can study in English and also receive a scholarship from 300 to 1500 euros per month! A good reason to think about enrolling in a master's program in Germany! Especially taking into account the other possibilities we mentioned above.

The main thing: do not miss your opportunities!

Among successful professionals and experienced career consultants, there is a rule - even if you like your current job - regularly look at advertisements for employees of your profile and level and even go to interviews! This way, you will not only be in good shape for your job search in case something happens to your company, but you will also not miss out on truly interesting and unique offers that will change your life for the better, both financially and professionally - higher salary, new tasks, interesting prospects and a new professional level! Start applying this rule as a student, including in the field of education - keep an eye out for new opportunities and take advantage of them at the first opportunity! Otherwise, someone else will use them and you will miss it! And when you receive a bachelor's degree, this is an important moment, an important control point - you have achieved a certain result and now it is extremely important to take the next step meaningfully and consciously. And enrolling in a master’s program in itself, at another university, in another country, and especially enrolling in a master’s program in Germany, is one of such interesting and, in its own way, unique opportunities to change your future for the better, which should not be missed!

The concept of “master” appeared in Ancient Rome, but at that time this term united all government positions. Simply put, being a minister was honorable and prestigious - not everyone had such a great honor.

In the modern education system master's degree- This is the second stage of higher education, which can only be accessed by certified specialists.

Again, clarification is required: upon completion of a master's degree, a bachelor or specialist receives the proud title of “master,” as the highest academic degree.

That is, finishing the 5th year at the university is not the limit; Moreover, there is no limit to perfection, and even a young specialist can significantly improve the level and quality of previously acquired knowledge.

From the history of magistracy

Master's degree as an educational degree appeared in 1803 year by order of the Emperor of Russia Alexandra I. All masters could head the department, which was a great honor and highly paid work activity.

However, with the advent of Soviet power, namely in 1917, all educational degrees were abolished, and the education system fell into decay for many years.

Officially, the academic degree “Master” was restored only in 1993 year, but was not particularly interested in students.

However, such skeptical sentiments soon sharply changed to the opposite, and the relevance of the master's degree is obvious in the modern education system.

The opinion that a master's degree is a Western trend, a so-called “fashionable thing”, is erroneous.

However, it is fair to note that Western countries really highly value masters, they are happy to employ them, and the salaries of such qualified specialists are at least an order of magnitude higher than those of bachelors.

Features of the Master's program

So, master's degree– this is the highest level of higher education, which provides high-quality preparation for upcoming analytical, research and advisory activities.

Most often, master's degrees devote their lives to research, development and promotion of their field of activity, that is, they completely devote themselves to science.

For greater understanding, it is necessary to draw a parallel between masters and bachelors. In the first case, we are talking about a colossal opportunity to occupy leadership positions, independently conduct analytical scientific activities, and earn good money.

And these are not all the benefits that a master's program provides to all admitted graduates.

Advantages of Master's Degree

Among the main advantages of this form of training, the following points should be highlighted:

1. the best teaching staff;

2. individual approach to each student;

3. rich teaching experience;

4. the opportunity to pass candidate minimums in philosophy and a foreign language;

5. obtaining a master's degree recognized in all European countries;

6. continuation of postgraduate studies;

7. the opportunity to conduct scientific and teaching activities.

Summarizing all the facts described above, it becomes obvious that completing a master’s degree is a “path to a bright future” where financial prosperity and stability will reign.

In addition, a graduate can find work not only on the domestic labor exchange, but also successfully find employment in Europe, where salaries and working conditions are slightly different. So the result is really worth it.

Rules for admission and study in master's programs

To get into graduate school, you need to go through the first stage of higher education and receive a bachelor's or specialist's diploma.

After this, it is necessary to take the entrance exams again, but the training in this case lasts not 4–5 years, but 1.5 – 2 years depending on the specialty. Upon graduation, you can expect to receive a European standard diploma.

It’s worth noting right away that a master’s degree is not only a budgetary, but also a contract form of education, but only those qualified specialists who, in terms of depth and range of knowledge, will surpass all their competitors can enroll.

So, high-quality training is definitely required here, and knowledge within the framework of the completed curriculum, alas, is not enough.
When entering a master's program, you can only count on full-time study without interruption from work. Don’t worry: in this matter, all the nuances can always be discussed personally with the dean.

After a university graduate is enrolled in a master’s program, an individual plan for future work, approved by the dean’s office, is a mandatory document.

It specifies the duration of study, the topic of the future master's thesis, the student's scientific direction and the amount of work required, and the certification form.

The plan is in the hands of the student so that he clearly understands what goals are set and the time frame for their implementation is determined.

Each future master's student is assigned to a teacher, who is later called a supervisor.

It is this generalist who helps in writing a master’s thesis, expands the knowledge of his student and is the so-called “link” between the student and the dean’s office.

How to apply for a master's degree?

If a bachelor or specialist has decided to connect his future destiny with science, or try himself in the teaching field, then it is definitely worth enrolling in a master’s program to expand the knowledge acquired within the walls of the university and within the framework of the curriculum.

A mandatory document is a diploma of higher education in a particular specialty.

If one is available, then nothing will prevent you from becoming a master’s student soon.

Additional documents are:

application of the established form;

4 photographs (matte);

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a photocopy of all completed pages.

You will also have to make a copy of your higher education diploma, which should be attached to all submitted documents and sent to the university admissions committee.

Acceptance of documents, as a rule, starts on the twentieth of June, and there is plenty of time until August 10 to determine your future fate.

Additionally, it is worth noting that, if available, it is also required to submit a letter of guarantee if tuition fees are entrusted to a legal entity, and a document confirming the assignment of benefits for a particular category.

The latest certificate significantly simplifies the process of admission to a master's program, although for the most part all applicants have approximately the same chances.

Problems of modern master's programs

Despite the bright prospects, modern master's programs have a number of pressing problems, the solution of which at the state level has so far remained a silent question.

But what are we talking about?

1. Concept "bachelor" in the domestic labor market is perceived with special suspiciousness, since such specialists, according to many employers, have incomplete higher education, and therefore are unworthy of highly paid positions.

That is why modern students prefer to obtain the status of “specialist”, and do not even think about further studies in a master’s program - they do not see prospects for the future.

2. When a graduate enters the master’s program with the status "Specialist", then the output is waste of time, which could have a fateful impact on his future career.

And master’s degrees are not so much in demand on the domestic labor exchange; employers most often invite ready-made specialists to cooperate.

3. Certain difficulties arise when teaching masters abroad, since in our country the concept of “academic mobility” is little known, and for some it is completely alien.

And getting used to the new education system and adapting quickly is also not easy.

4. Abroad to Russian masters ambivalent attitude: on the one hand, these are competent employees with European diplomas, but on the other hand, the quality of their knowledge sometimes leaves much to be desired.

So preference is given to local specialists who are closer in spirit, closer in mentality, and in knowledge who correspond to established standards.

5. In the domestic labor market it is difficult to surprise with a master’s degree, since this status today overly popular. At one point, supply exceeded demand, so young geniuses and talents have to find employment not based on the quality of their knowledge, but on the basis of acquaintance and not always according to their specialty.

The conclusion suggests itself: a master’s degree in Russia is a shaky concept, but in any case, this level of higher education is constantly progressing and developing, is very popular among graduates, and provides unrealistic opportunities in the near future.

Distance learning in master's programs

Today, distance education is gaining momentum, and more and more students are choosing this progressive form of gaining knowledge and education.

The master's program was no exception, because now it is quite possible to obtain master's knowledge and a master's diploma at a distance, for example, by studying remotely abroad.

Of course, not all university graduates trust such technical progress, but the fact remains: a master’s degree through the World Wide Web is a reality of our time and is available to everyone.

Conclusion: If a student decides to connect his future with science, or dreams of becoming a teacher at the department of one of the country’s universities, then he must begin his scientific path with successful admission to a master’s program. And there two years will fly by in one day, and a bright future, one might say, is guaranteed!

What do you think about the master's degree? Do you consider it necessary to improve your level of education or for you a master's degree is a waste of time. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Now you know about what is a master's degree.

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