What to do when an alcoholic is rowdy. Types of Prescription Sedatives

Just as a well-fed man does not understand a hungry man, so happy owners of non-drinking or quiet husbands will never understand those women who have to live with an aggressive drinking husband. Sleepless nights are not the worst consequence of male drunkenness; the worst is the unplanned conception of children that occurs while intoxicated. Women use various tricks to calm down a drunkard who comes home and avoid sex with him.

Effective but prohibited methods

Some desperate wives go so far as to try to lull aggressive spouses to sleep using sleeping pills. The method is effective, but very risky. Even relatively harmless sedatives in combination with alcohol can turn into dangerous substances and lead to unpredictable results. A person can, and you risk criminal liability.

Violence begets violence. Trying to discipline an aggressive husband with a rolling pin may result in you having to run away from the rolling pin. It is enough to look at any police report to be convinced that an inadequate man is capable of anything. A blow can both pacify the brawler and cause him to have an attack of anger, which will greatly complicate the situation.

Psychological methods

In the West, women who are unable to calm down their drunken husband do not hesitate to call the police. This is not accepted here. Firstly, the police are extremely reluctant to respond to such calls. Secondly, you can be sure that upon leaving the police station, your sober spouse will not thank you for the wonderful time spent in the “monkey barn”. Thirdly, your spouse’s relatives will accuse you of “turning over” their beloved relative to prison. In general, the police should only be called when there is a real threat to your health and your life.

Try shaming your spouse. Find that “thread” that you can pull in order to bring him to consciousness. Shift your husband's attention away from what worries him at the moment. Requires promises? Promise “three boxes.” Do you remember the grievances? Ask for forgiveness. This approach will give you every chance to fall asleep faster. You don’t have to worry about your pride: most likely, tomorrow your beloved will not remember anything that you told him.

How to avoid intimacy

It is unlikely that sex with will bring you pleasure (although there are exceptions). If you want to avoid sex, take your time. Agree to everything and go to the shower, leaving your loved one alone with the sofa and the TV remote control. Most likely, after switching several channels, the spouse will simply fall asleep without waiting for love. If your husband does not fall asleep, invite him to drink some sweet wine or liqueur with you. The husband will be delighted that his wife finally understands him, and will gladly take a drink. Once in the “old yeast”, sweet alcohol will work as a sleeping pill and will save you from sex with a drunken spouse.

Addiction to the “green serpent” destroys the personality of the drinker, erases all prohibitions and barriers for him, and causes attacks of aggression. In this state, he becomes dangerous to others; the relatives or friends of the violent alcoholic suffer the most from this. In this situation, many people do not know how to calm a drunken, aggressive person, and are afraid to aggravate the situation with their actions or words.

The right way to communicate

Despite the many years of efforts of all narcologists and psychologists in the world, a single universal algorithm for behavior with a drunken aggressor has not yet been developed. Each case of aggression is individual, as is the approach to a drinking person.

In case of violent aggression of a person, especially if he has any weapon in his hands, the most effective way is to call the police, who know how to calm the rowdy. Before her arrival, you can try to establish communication with a person who is intoxicated; it is not easy, but it is possible.

The methods suggested below have helped many to calm down a raging drunkard:

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

  1. The tone of the address to the rebel should be calm and even. You need to make it clear to your interlocutor that you do not intend to swear, but want to help him. The aggressor should feel your support and understanding, this will calm him down.
  2. Persuade the drunk to have a friendly conversation with a cup of very strong coffee or tea. This will partly sober him up.
  3. If you know a drunk person well, then try to start a conversation with him about some pleasant or funny moments from his life, or even better, about those cases when he was able to help someone. This will distract the aggressor, increase his self-esteem, and put him in a completely different mood.
  4. Try to divert his attention to yourself: say, there is a stain on his face, his shirt is dirty, his mobile is lost, etc. A drunk person will begin to clean his shirt or look for his phone, which will cool his ardor.
  5. You can try to shame the aggressor. In 50% of cases this works, especially if the attack of aggression occurs for the first time. If you have to resist the aggression of an inveterate alcoholic with degraded moral principles, then calling on his conscience is useless.

How to sober up a person under the influence of alcohol?

You can prevent many aggressive situations that can threaten people around you if you know how to bring an alcoholic to consciousness. To relieve withdrawal syndrome, more popularly known as delirium tremens, it is necessary to remove toxic alcohol poisons from the body. This can be done both at home and in the clinic.

The most effective methods are simple, although unpleasant:

  • drink a few glasses of water;
  • induce vomiting;
  • give an enema;
  • use diuretics (not recommended for a number of chronic diseases).

How to sober up a drunkard at home?

The process of rehabilitation of vodka lovers is quite long and difficult, but it is quite possible at home. To sober up a drunk person, you need to take a number of actions:

  1. The first thing that can be done in this situation is to protect the alcohol lover from further drinking and smoking.
  2. Provide fresh air: ventilate the room or take the victim out of the house to the street. But walking in the cold is undesirable; if the temperature changes, the patient’s condition may worsen.
  3. Giving a drunk person plenty of drink: compotes, fruit drinks, soothing teas and herbal decoctions will have a beneficial effect on human health.
  4. Try to wash the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate or baking soda.
  5. Pour over ice water. This method will temporarily stop the drunk. The aggressor can calm down, his fighting spirit will subside. Adherents of traditional medicine believe that this method allows you to wash away all the negativity. Water cleanses the body, and a person quickly comes to his senses.
  6. You can bring yourself to life for a while by intensively massaging your ears, feet and palms.
  7. The smell of ammonia will help quickly restore consciousness to a drunkard. You can moisten them with whiskey or give them a whiff of cotton wool with ammonia.
  8. A few tablets of activated carbon, which perfectly removes poisonous and toxic substances from the body, will help you get out of a state of intoxication.

Sobering up in the clinic

It is difficult to calm an aggressive person at home, and sometimes it is impossible, so you have to resort to the help of specialists. Doctors have experience in how to deal with drunk patients. In some cases, police assistance will be required. Sometimes this is the only chance to preserve the health and life of yourself and those around you.

In order to help a loved one get out of a drunken state, relatives must understand that alcoholism is a disease. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve success with treatment at home, so relatives often turn to specialists for help.

Doctors know how to quickly put a drunk man to sleep, using the necessary means and modern technologies. When prescribing medications, doctors always take into account factors such as intolerance to components or the patient’s allergies, so as not to harm the patient’s health.

In a drug treatment clinic, the process of neutralizing psychotropic substances proceeds much faster than at home. Doctors perform detoxification - the removal of toxins from the body of a drunk. Also, specialists in a medical institution will help to find out the reasons for alcohol abuse and prescribe medications that will relieve the patient of addiction.

How to put a drunk person to bed?

Sleep is the simplest and most natural way to bring a drunk person to his senses and get rid of a serious condition. Sleep heals: during rest, psychotropic substances will independently leave those centers of the nervous system that are responsible for a person’s aggressive behavior.

You need to try by any means to put a drunk person to sleep. But loved ones don’t always manage to put the brawler to bed because they simply don’t know how to do it.

Below are instructions that will help you put the rebel to sleep.

  1. Dim the lights. Stop noise and loud conversations. Twilight and silence will help a drunk to calm down and fall asleep.
  2. You need to talk to a drunkard calmly, evenly, without shouting. He should feel the positive attitude of loved ones and relatives who want to help him.
  3. You can promise everything that the alcoholic demands at the moment. For some, this is enough to calm them down.
  4. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room and open access to fresh air. But do not forget to cover with a blanket, otherwise the drunk may freeze and wake up.
  5. There is no need to force him to sleep if he is categorically against it. Insisting and forcing an alcoholic to do something he doesn’t want can provoke another quarrel. All actions and words should bring benefit, not harm.

If a person is in a strong stage of intoxication, then he must first be brought out of the state of intoxication. Five drops of ammonia diluted in 200 ml of water will sober up and cause vomiting. After such an unpleasant procedure, a drunken rebel, as a rule, will feel chills and a desire to lie down. At this point, you can give him broth, activated charcoal and a blanket. Then he will definitely fall asleep.

An alcoholic should not be given sleeping pills; taking them together with ethyl alcohol can cause severe disorders, including coma.

Is it possible to calm an aggressor with the help of medications?

Ethyl in the human body can enhance or inhibit the effect of many drugs. For example, drinking alcohol during antibiotic therapy can completely neutralize the effect of treatment.

In rare cases, doctors may forcibly administer sedatives to a patient, for example, during delirium tremens. This procedure is carried out only in a medical institution under the supervision of doctors.

Under no circumstances should you add sedatives or sleeping pills to your food. This method of calming down an aggressive drunkard is illegal, even if the person did not have serious consequences after using it.

Often, the simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages and medications leads to serious disorders in the body: strokes, edema, allergies, coma and even death.

How to calm a rebel with the help of persuasion?

Drunkenness is a serious disease that is difficult for the patient to fight alone. Therefore, relatives and friends should help him get rid of the addiction, including by talking, persuading him to give up the addiction.

When talking to a drunk man or woman, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You should not argue or contradict an alcoholic, even if he says nonsense or lies.
  2. If a person asks for help, you should not ignore the patient’s request, this may worsen the situation.
  3. You need to talk as equals so that the drunk does not feel inferior to the rest of the family. Relatives must understand to the alcoholic that they have not changed their attitude towards him, and wish him only the best.
  4. You can try to shame a person by telling him how he hurts his loved ones. Sometimes this can help a drunk person wake up. The main thing is not to go too far. If the alcoholic feels deceived, he may become even more angry.

List of prohibited means and techniques

Calming an aggressive alcoholic is not an easy task. Therefore, you should not judge women and girls who want to calm their men with sedatives. There are cases when attempts to give sleeping pills or calm a rowdy with the help of medications ended very sadly.

  1. If loved ones do not want the death of a drinking husband or wife, they should not give him any medications without a doctor’s prescription.
  2. It is not advisable to use attack tactics in response to the antics of a rebel and use brute physical force to pacify. This can be dangerous to the life and health of others.
  3. You should not drink alcohol with it. This will not solve the problem, but will only complicate the situation.
  4. You should not argue with a drunk person or give him a debriefing. All serious conversations should be postponed until he returns to normal.
  5. There is no need to threaten or feel sorry for a drunkard, especially if the drunk is your husband or a man you know. Such actions may have the opposite effect and will not bring benefits. A person may feel powerless in such a situation and become even more angry.
  6. Do not come close to a drinking aggressor and do not show him your fear, this may provoke him to use physical force.
  7. If a drunk person is unfamiliar to you, you should try to avoid eye contact with him. He may take this as a challenge or an invasion of his personal space, which can provoke an unexpected attack of anger.

It doesn't matter who you are as a drunken rebel. In a state of aggression, first of all, he needs to be pacified and calmed down. Neither narcologists nor other specialists will provide universal methods suitable for any case. Therefore, in each situation one must act taking into account all the circumstances, individually, using various techniques and methods.

Alcohol harms not only the drinker, but also those around him. Many people have had to travel with a drunk in the same compartment, relax next to a drunk company, or pull a drunken friend out of trouble. But these are not frequent cases, and wives of alcoholics have to look almost every day for methods on how to calm down a drunken, aggressive husband. Why alcoholic drinks cause aggression and how to pacify a drunk person, read below.

Reasons for aggressive behavior of drinkers

After drinking a certain dose of alcoholic beverages, even generally calm and friendly people behave inappropriately and provoke fights. This applies to both an experienced alcoholic and a person who got drunk once at a holiday. Researchers and doctors name several reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Consequences of alcohol intoxication.

It is believed that it appears as a consequence of alcohol intoxication. The effect of ethanol on the brain provokes the release of primary instincts, which explains changes in the behavior of a drunk. At the first stage of alcohol dependence, a longer phase of intoxication is occupied by euphoria, which can then turn into irritability. A drinker with the second/third stage of the disease is characterized by a predominance of bad mood, since alcohol ceases to bring former pleasure.

  • External situation.

To some extent, the manifestation of a violent temper is facilitated by an external situation, for example, jealousy, threat or danger. Moreover, such a situation may well be exaggerated by the brain of the drinker or even completely invented.

  • The presence of psychosomatic pathologies.

Impulsive actions and increased conflict after alcohol can be a consequence of head injuries, pathological personality structure and congenital or acquired mental illness as a result of addiction to alcohol.

Prohibited ways to calm down drunks

In ordinary life, you can bypass a drunken company, but what should a wife do if she is forced to endure nagging, humiliation, and even beatings from a drunken husband? Many women, driven to despair, so that the brawler would quickly go to bed. However, it is not recommended to do this in your own interests.

  • Firstly, sedatives, when mixed with ethyl alcohol, can lead to serious health problems and even the death of the husband, for which the wife will then be to blame.
  • Secondly, adding any pills to food or drinks without the person’s knowledge is considered a crime.

When a drunken husband is constantly rowdy, some women, for the purpose of education, grab a frying pan or other heavy object in order to physically fight back. This is also not recommended, because:

  • you can injure or even kill the offender and go to prison;
  • the use of physical force by a woman, especially if she is weaker, will only anger the alcoholic more and may complicate the situation.

Legal methods of resolving the issue

Research has revealed that acts of violence against household members by a drinking husband are committed in more than 40% of families. What to do if your drunk husband starts a scandal out of the blue? Do not under any circumstances lead to a fight - under the influence of alcohol, a man can cause severe injuries and even kill. In our realities, the best job of calming a rowdy person is the police, so call the squad so as not to risk your health. Before law enforcement officers arrive, you can try to pacify the drunk using the following methods.

  • Switch attention to another topic - try to abruptly change the topic of conversation so that it concerns the drunk person.
  • Promise to fulfill all the rowdy's demands.
  • Offer another glass of alcohol.

This method can only be used if you are confident that another dose of alcohol will not be fatal for the person.

  • Pour cold water over it - the effect of surprise will sober up the aggressor a little, and he may change his anger to mercy. Or an ice-cold shower will allow you to escape from the apartment so as not to fall under the arm of your rowdy husband.

Such calming methods are not 100% guaranteed, and the appropriateness of their use depends on the individual and the situation.

Experts who have seen more than one alcoholic who has fallen into a rampage recommend taking care not to become the object of aggression from a drunken husband.

  • If a drunk husband does not sleep, but waves his fists, it is better to leave the house for a while.
  • There is no need to use reproaches and appeal to conscience - a drunken mind is not capable of perceiving such information.
  • Try to speak quietly and not react to insults as if nothing is happening.

You need to talk about your husband’s inappropriate behavior only when he has completely sobered up. If he was on a drinking binge, when will the hangover symptoms go away?

All of the above methods may not always be effective. What to do if your alcoholic husband shows aggression regularly? Only addiction treatment will help here. Medicines for this are sold online without a prescription.

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The question of how to calm a drunken aggressive person interests many. People who live with such relatives know many effective ways to bring an alcoholic to his senses. If you do not have such experience, it is worth familiarizing yourself with effective methods and prohibited techniques that should never be used when dealing with a drunkard.

It is of paramount importance who you are faced with in this situation. If communication is carried out with an aggressive drunk stranger, it is strictly contraindicated to enter into direct contact. If you need to pacify your husband, brother, neighbor, friend, or other loved one, then you need to resort to a number of effective measures that will be safe for you.

An alcoholic in a state of severe intoxication does not control his feelings and emotions. But he is sure that his mind is sober; in his understanding, it is you who are behaving inappropriately. It is useless to argue with him at this moment, but it is possible to calm him down, reduce the degree of aggression and put him to sleep. There are a number of ways that affect alcoholics. You can choose the optimal method taking into account the individual characteristics of the drunkard.

Strong alcohol in significant doses affects people differently. Some collapse in a state of melancholy. Others go straight to bed. Still others behave aggressively, seek adventure, and try to throw out their emotions on others. The mind is clouded at this time, standard actions and deeds are interpreted distortedly.

One of the reasons for aggressive behavior may be a combination of alcohol and drugs.

There are many reasons for aggressive behavior while intoxicated:

  • Frequent and prolonged use of alcohol;
  • Character traits;
  • External influence;
  • The combination of alcohol with smoking, hookah, and some psychotropic drugs.

People around you are interested in how to calm a drunken, violent person. There is no single universal method. Some are affected by long conversations, they can be chatted in order to undress, wash and put them to bed. Others need to be shamed, others need to be subject to force if you are confident in your capabilities. It is of great importance whether the person in front of you is familiar or you are seeing him for the first time in your life.

Aggressive behavior is more common in people who drink. Many of us drink alcoholic beverages periodically. A glass of wine or a cocktail relaxes you and allows you to forget about your problems for a while. Some people simply do not know the limits. They do not control themselves when intoxicated and are capable of drinking a lot.

Due to the constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, the body produces toxins that destroy the nervous system.

It is enough for such a person to drink very little to fall into complete unconsciousness. He can no longer stop, he wants to drink more and more. The next day the alcoholic feels very bad. He suffers from a so-called hangover. Our compatriots are accustomed to combating this condition with a new portion of alcohol. This is how a vicious circle is formed. To come to your senses, you need to drink, but you can no longer control the amount of alcohol. And then the question arises among others about how to calm a drunk person.

It is possible to recognize a binge alcoholic.

If a familiar person periodically “falls out” from everyday life, disappears for several days, and then makes himself known again, as if nothing had happened, this is the first bell for those around him.

If he gets drunk very quickly and behaves inappropriately in this state, this is also a consequence of frequent binges. You can fight for the life and health of such a person if you care about him, but the reality is that those around them often waste their own health, strength, and sometimes their whole lives on such people, but there are no results.

If in a large company at a holiday or friendly gathering one of the participants begins to bully others, behave noisily, inappropriately, such attacks must be stopped immediately. For everyone, this is a wake-up call that it’s time to call it a day and go home. There is no need to “add fuel to the fire”, provoke the alcoholic even more, or pour him a new portion of strong drink. This could end badly. It is important to catch the moment when everyone is still in control of their emotions.

Alcoholics should never be provoked into aggression by their behavior.

Law enforcement statistics show that most homicides involving grievous bodily harm occur while intoxicated. If you do not want to become a victim of such an inadequate person, try to control your own emotions during holidays and meetings with friends.

Provocation is far from the best method of influence. And trying to provoke a drunk is not as fun, in fact, as you think.

The only correct line of behavior is to maintain sobriety and calm. If you know exactly how to calm down a drunk person, stick to a specific line of behavior and don’t change it. Any sudden change in the environment provokes a drunkard into a new conflict.

If a stranger bullies you on the street, in a restaurant or other place, the best way to avoid conflict is to completely ignore it. Try to immediately leave the bully's line of sight. If you cannot solve the problem this way, call the police. Try to avoid direct eye to eye contact. This is perceived by the alcoholic as a challenge.

There are often situations when it is impossible to avoid communicating with an alcoholic. If you are traveling with such a person in the same train compartment, it is difficult to just get up and leave. Call the conductor or the head of the train for help. Every long-distance train must have law enforcement representatives. Shift responsibility for the behavior of an inappropriate person onto them. They know exactly how to subdue a drunk person. And don't let the feeling of guilt gnaw at you. You care about your own health and safety.

If a large drunken group is bullying you on the street, you should under no circumstances get into an altercation. In most of these cases, running away is the best way to ensure your safety.

If a close relative suffers from alcoholism, it will not be possible to ignore the problem. Leading doctors around the world agreed that alcoholism is a disease. It can and should be fought, but using effective, safe methods.

One effective way is to lock a drunken person in a separate room for a while.

If a loved one suffers from attacks of aggression while intoxicated, you must take care of your own health and safety. If it is possible to lock the alcoholic in a separate room where he cannot harm himself, take advantage of it. Over time, the ardor will dry up, the person will simply fall asleep. At this time, it is worth monitoring him so that he does not get sick in his sleep.

It is important that the drunk quickly finds himself in a familiar environment. Often aggression is a defensive reaction. If you can reassure your relative that they are home and safe, there is a good chance they will calm down quickly.

It is strictly forbidden to enter into a verbal altercation. This is the sin of wives of alcoholics who try to sort things out while their husband is drunk. This will not lead to anything good. No matter what storms of emotions are going on in your soul, leave the showdown for later.

Now your main task is to calm the drunk, put him to sleep, ensuring the safety of both him and yourself. This can be done in different ways.

Some ordinary people are interested in how to put a drunk person to sleep at home. You can find advice on the Internet that an alcoholic can be given a sedative or tranquilizers. It is strictly forbidden to combine any medications that affect the functioning of the brain or peripheral nervous system with alcohol. This can cause serious negative health effects, including death. And the person who gave such a drug and did not know about the possible consequences faces criminal liability.

In no case should you calm a relative down with medication.

If you don’t know how to put a drunk person to sleep or relieve his aggression, call an ambulance or the police, ask for professional advice, but giving any medications is prohibited. In this condition, even a regular Aspirin tablet can become destructive. What can we say about more serious drugs.

Another prohibited technique is attempting to use force against an alcoholic, especially if you are not sure of the final result. This exposure provokes a significant surge of adrenaline. And its combination with alcohol is very dangerous. Even if you manage to immobilize a drunk, such an “attack” may make him feel ill, and you will find yourself under criminal liability. Proving self-defense as a mitigating circumstance is not easy.

There are a number of ways to calm a drunken, aggressive husband:

  • There is no need to argue with an alcoholic or speak to him in a raised voice;
  • Agree with every statement he makes, talk calmly;
  • Try to shame the drunk, but in a gentle way;
  • Shift the vector of his attention.

Often drunk people become fixated on one thought or action. If you manage to distract your loved one, your chances of bringing him out of his state of heightened aggression increase. Speak calmly, measuredly, in a soothing tone. Be sure to say all your actions out loud.

If a drunk person is disoriented or frightened, then cold water will help bring him out of the state of stress. Pour a small amount of cool liquid over it, after dissolving a few drops of ammonia in it, if you have it on hand. You yourself need to be in a safe state at this moment.

When a loved one is intoxicated, try to quietly remove from his sight all potentially dangerous objects that could harm others and himself.

A cool shower will help bring a person out of a state of severe alcohol intoxication, but the water should not be icy. This can provoke vasospasm. Giving a drunk strong coffee is also not worth it, although many consider this method to be the only correct one. Caffeine combined with alcohol can trigger a heart attack. You can give a loved one sorbent and plain water, but only with his consent. Do not force liquid in.

How to calm a drunk person? Many people have faced this question. There is no specific remedy that would help in such a situation. Each person acts in his own way, using both correct and not very honest methods to calm down a raging drunkard.

Is it necessary to blame a wife who has been driven to despair by the aggressive behavior of her drunken husband, and she gives him sedatives so that he can fall asleep and calm down? Many believe that such actions really help, and added drugs, which are dispensed from pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription, cannot harm a person in any way, even if they are added to alcoholic drinks.

There is no point in doing this, because there are drugs that are incompatible with drinking alcohol; this can at least lead to poisoning, and in most cases it can even end in death. In addition, by mixing drugs into a person's food or drink without his consent, you are also sinning against the law, even if the outcome is not fatal.

How else can you calm down a drunk person? “By hitting him,” mostly women will answer. And what they don’t use for this purpose: a frying pan, a rolling pin, in a word, any heavy object at hand. But we do not recommend doing this. After all, you use violence against another person, even if this person is your spouse and he is dead drunk. Such violence is punishable (sometimes even in the form of imprisonment).

In addition, it is somehow ignoble to hit a weaker person. If he is stronger, and even drunk, then this may be fraught with consequences for you if the blow is poorly calculated. Therefore, we advise you not to resort to such radical measures, but to try to pacify the rowdy using more legal and harmless methods.

Safe methods of subduing a person who is intoxicated

The most tried and true method is to go to the police station. Just the sight of a policeman can calm a bully down. But how to behave until the police arrive? To do this, you need to follow a few simple tips:

  • Try to make a person feel ashamed, try to capture his attention, no matter how difficult it is. Point out to him, for example, that his trousers are wet because he didn't urinate that way. It is necessary to formulate the phrase in such a way that it captures the alcoholic’s attention on his personality. The weakness of this method is that it is difficult to explain anything to a person who is in a drunken state. If he realizes that he is being deceived, he may become even more aggressive.
  • Promise him to fulfill everything he wants in this state. Very often, this is enough for the drunkard to calm down.
  • Offer him some more alcohol. This is a rather dangerous method. To use it, you need one hundred percent confidence that the new portion will not be fatal for him, or because of it he will not fall into an even more aggressive state. That is, such a method poses a huge risk, but the law does not prohibit it.
  • You can calm an alcoholic by dousing him with cold tap water. Not expecting such a water attack, the bully will be amazed, and maybe even come to his senses after a cold shower. In addition, the surprise effect will work and you will have some time to escape from it. After all, traditional healers have long known that cold water can wash away everything negative.
  • A few drops of ammonia, which has a calming and sobering effect, can help you come to your senses. The method is effective, needless to say, it can help. The only thing that is not clear is the method of its implementation, how to force a rowdy to drink it.

What do experts advise on this matter? They are sure that no method has yet been invented that will calm down a violent drunkard. That is why you should not look for means to calm him down, but you should try to behave in such a way that his anger does not affect you. Here's what they advise:

  • If you realize that you are unable to stop a drunk person, then stay away from him. Leave him alone, leave the house for a while until he calms down.
  • Don't scold or reproach him. He’s not in that state right now, nothing will reach him anyway, and your tone can provoke him into even greater anger.
  • Be calm. No matter how much he insults you, don’t lose your temper, don’t answer him at all, or answer quietly and calmly, as if nothing happened.

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