What good did Lenin do to the people? What good did Lenin do for Russia?

- = Explore the World = - — 04/23/2010
“Let 90 percent of the Russian people die, if only 10 percent survive to see the world revolution...”
These terrible words became a verdict on the Russian state and the people who inhabited it... The one who uttered them turned the country into ruins drenched in blood, where more than 15 million people died from terror, epidemics, wars and terrible famine. Lenin's phenomenon became unprecedented in world history, because no ruler before him had done so much evil to his country and his people.

Having carried out a counter-revolutionary coup and seized power, Lenin set a course for creating a state of civilized slavery, called communism. Terror and violence committed by the Bolsheviks during the establishment of power and the construction of the so-called communist society were the main means and methods of achieving their goal.

On December 7 (20), 1917, by Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars No. 21, a punitive terrorist organization was created in the country - the Cheka. “The Cheka were created, exist and operate,” noted the Central Committee of the RCP(b), “only as direct organs of the party, according to its directives and under its control.” From that time on, terror and violence against large sections of the country's population, regardless of their class and social affiliation, were elevated to the rank of state policy. The leaders of the Cheka did not forget the words of their leader: “A good communist is at the same time a good security officer.”
A well-known researcher of Bolshevik terror, Roman Gul, noted: “... Dzerzhinsky raised his “revolutionary sword” over Russia. In terms of the incredible number of deaths from communist terror, the “October Fouquier-Tinville” surpassed the Jacobins, the Spanish Inquisition, and the terror of all reactions. Having associated the terrible hard times of its history with the name of Dzerzhinsky, Russia was drenched in blood for a long time.”

The so-called nationalization of banks was a predatory act of the Soviet government. The author of this criminal document was Lenin. The Bolshevik government expropriated the entire Russian population, regardless of the size of the contribution, completely wiped out. It spared no one: neither workers, nor peasants, nor those who defended the fatherland with arms in hand. It was an open and brazen bandit action, directed against broad sections of the Russian population.
The next step of the Soviet government was the introduction of surplus appropriation. The author of this monstrous act, which led to a fratricidal civil war, was the same Lenin. On May 9, 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted the “Decree on granting the People’s Commissar of Food emergency powers to combat the rural bourgeoisie who are hiding grain reserves and speculating on them.”

The working peasantry was subjected to brutal terror: “...owners of grain who have surplus grain and do not take it to stations and places of collection and dumping are declared enemies of the people and are subject to imprisonment for a term of at least 10 years, confiscation of all property and expulsion forever from the community "
It was terror, to which the peasantry and Cossacks responded with massive uprisings. They were brutally suppressed. These large-scale terrorist actions were led by “fiery revolutionaries”: I. V. Stalin, Y. M. Sverdlov, L. D. Trotsky, F. E. Dzerzhinsky, M. N. Tukhachevsky, I. E. Yakir, I. P. Uborevich, M.V. Frunze, K.E. Voroshilov, S. M. Budyonny, I. I. Khodorovsky, I. T. Smilga and other Bolsheviks of the Lenin Guard.

In a letter to Lenin from Tsaritsyn, Stalin confirms: “ You can be sure that we will not spare anyone... but we'll still give you bread».
Simultaneously with the terror and robberies of the peasants, Lenin began to implement the agrarian policy he himself had developed. It consisted in re-enslaving the peasants and forcibly driving them into large collective farms. The committees took away 50 million hectares of land from the hardworking peasants (called kulaks), which was about a third of the then agricultural land. The liquidation of the kulaks was one of the largest terrorist actions of the period of “war communism”. Subsequently, it was only completed by Lenin’s diligent student, I. Stalin.
3.7 million peasants became victims of this action: they were taken from places inhabited for centuries and abandoned to the mercy of fate in remote areas of Siberia and Kazakhstan. Many people's lives ended tragically there.

The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, committed a grave crime against the Cossacks, qualified as genocide. On the basis of the Circular Letter of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) dated January 24, 1919, mass robberies and executions of Cossacks were committed, and they were expelled from their native places inhabited for centuries. The document “To all responsible comrades working in the Cossack areas,” dated January 23, 1919, signed by Sverdlov, stated:

“It is necessary, taking into account the experience of the year of civil war with the Cossacks, to recognize as the only correct one the most merciless struggle against all the top of the Cossacks through their total extermination:
Carry out mass terror against the rich Cossacks, exterminating them without exception; carry out merciless mass terror against all Cossacks who took any direct or indirect part in the fight against Soviet power. It is necessary to apply to the average Cossacks all those measures that provide a guarantee against any attempts on their part to make new protests against Soviet power. The People's Commissariat of Agriculture should urgently develop actual measures for the mass resettlement of the poor to Cossack lands."

Sverdlov could not sign such an important document without coordinating it with Lenin. There is every reason to believe that the main provisions included in the Circular Letter came from Lenin.
Lenin's closest henchmen took part in organizing repressive and terrorist actions against the peasantry and Cossacks: Stalin, Kalinin, Dzerzhinsky, Sklyansky, Ordzhonikidze, Krzhizhanovsky, Lunacharsky, Krestinsky, Voroshilov, Budyonny, Frunze, Sokolnikov, Kursky, Avanesov, Sereda, Gittis, Tukhachevsky, Mekhonoshin , Rogachev, Dybenko, Krylenko, Beloborodov, Danishevsky, Bazilevich, Gerasimov, Vesnik... They have hundreds of thousands of ruined human lives and crippled destinies on their conscience.
Lenin did everything possible to wipe out the rebellious population of the Don, Kuban, and Urals from the face of the earth. He decided to resettle millions of workers and peasants from other provinces to the Don. It was a criminal act directed against an entire people and designed for their complete destruction.
Overall in the country During the years of the civil war, over 4 million Cossacks were subjected to repression.

You have laid Jerusalem as a vegetable storehouse, you have laid the corpses of Your servants for meat to the birds of the air, and the flesh of Your saints for the beasts of the earth. (Ps. 78: 3)

Lenin dealt harshly with his political rivals. Having declared the cadets enemies of the people, the Bolsheviks began to physically exterminate them without trial or investigation. At the end of November 1917, the cadet party was beheaded; thousands of its Central Committee members were arrested and shot. Now it was the Social Revolutionaries' turn. They represented the majority in the Soviets. Lenin dissolved the Constituent Assembly, the majority of whose deputies were Social Revolutionaries. He understood perfectly well that he would not be able to stay in power otherwise. The shooting of peaceful demonstrators who spoke out in support of the Constituent Assembly on January 5, 1918 was a cynical act of the greatest political provocation.
In the fight against the Bolsheviks, the Socialist Revolutionaries had a clear advantage. On July 6, 1918, Bolshevik power hung by a thread. It is not known how this struggle would have ended if the latter had not resorted to the help of hired (paid!) Latvian riflemen. After July 6, Lenin began the complete extermination of the Socialist Revolutionaries and the liquidation of their party. Lenin dealt with the Mensheviks with no less cruelty.

Lenin, trying to “scientifically” justify the use of terror by the Bolsheviks, writes: “The scientific concept of dictatorship means nothing more than power that is not limited by anything, is not limited by any laws, is not constrained by any absolutely rules, and is directly based on violence.” And Lenin’s closest henchman, Trotsky, in turn, gave a clear definition of the concept “Red terror is a weapon used against a class doomed to death that does not want to die.”
The head of the Cheka apparatus, M. Latsis, based on the theoretical principles of the Bolshevik leaders, develops a methodology for investigating and interrogating those arrested:

“We do not wage war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. During the investigation, do not look for materials and evidence that the accused acted in deed or word against the Soviet regime. The first question we must ask him is what class he belongs to, what origin, upbringing, education or profession he is. These questions should determine the fate of the accused. This is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror.”

This instruction from the Bolshevik executioner commissar needs no comment.
Here are just a few facts about the activities of the Cheka. About 3,000 people were shot in the Yekaterinograd city prison from August 1920 to February 1921. Over 11 months, about 25 thousand people were killed in the Odessa Emergency. The names of almost seven thousand people executed from February 1920 to January 1921 were published in newspapers. Another 80 thousand were in prison in Odessa.

In September 1920, an uprising of the military garrison was brutally suppressed in Smolensk, during which approximately 1,200 soldiers were shot.

Kyiv, 1919. After the retreat of the Red Army, corpses of victims of the KGB massacre were discovered on Sadovaya Street, building 5. Here was one of the centers of Bolshevik terror.

Sevastopolskie Izvestia publishes a list of the first victims of terror; “1,634 people were executed, including 78 women.” It is reported that “Nakhimovsky Avenue is hung with the corpses of officers, soldiers and civilians who were arrested on the street and then, hastily, executed without trial.” In Sevastopol and Balaklava, according to Cheka witnesses, up to 29 thousand people were shot. In total, 50 thousand people were shot in Crimea. The old Genoese wells were filled with executed soldiers and officers. Many workers also became victims of Bolshevik terror.

According to the testimony of M.V. Fofanova in Crimea, the Bolsheviks shot wounded, sick soldiers and officers of the White Army in Crimea right in infirmaries, hospitals and sanatoriums. Doctors, nurses and orderlies were also shot. They shot old people, women and even infants. The city's prisons were filled with hostages. The corpses of those shot, including children, lay on the streets. During the investigation, Fofanova established: in Kerch, captured soldiers and officers were taken by the Bolsheviks on barges to the open sea and drowned. The victims of Bolshevik terror in Crimea numbered in the tens of thousands.
There was no province, district, or village where the Bolshevik executioners had not left a bloody trail. During the years of the Soviet regime, all classes and social groups of Russian society without exception became objects of persecution. But perhaps the most massive, catastrophic repressions fell on those who represented the very foundation and soul of our people - the Russian peasantry.

The widespread armed uprisings of peasants were on such a scale that they are now called the “peasant war.” In 1918 alone (according to far from complete data), 245 large peasant uprisings occurred, and small peasant unrest numbered in the hundreds.
The culmination of the struggle was the uprising under the leadership of A. S. Antonov in the Tambov province in 1919-1921 and the subsequent uprisings in Western Siberia and throughout Russia (in a total of 118 counties).
To suppress peasant uprisings, the regular army was used - its infantry, cavalry, artillery units, even aviation. M. Tukhachevsky was appointed responsible for the “liquidation of gangs”. The institution of hostages operated everywhere, for which old people, women with infants and children from one to ten years old were kept in concentration camps while awaiting their fate. Tukhachevsky gave the order to use poisonous gases against the rebels hiding in the forests of the Tambov region. From the Order of the Commander of the Tambov Province Troops No. 0116 dated June 12, 1921:

1. Clean the forests where the bandits are hiding with poisonous gases, accurately calculate so that the cloud of suffocating gases spreads throughout the forest, destroying everything that was hidden in it.
2. The artillery inspector should immediately provide the required number of cylinders with poisonous gases and the necessary specialists to the field.
3. The commander of combat areas must persistently and energetically carry out this order.
4. Report the measures taken.
Commander of the troops Tukhachevsky, Chief of Staff of the General Staff Kakurin.

The war with the peasantry was extremely cruel. Losses from poorly armed peasants were enormous. The number of those killed was in the hundreds of thousands.
The above facts of the death and suffering of millions of innocent people are undoubtedly on Lenin’s conscience. Dissatisfied with three years of communist rule, the sailors of Kronstadt rebelled in early March 1921. On March 8, the Izvestia newspaper wrote: “The moral bondage created by the communists is most vile and criminal: they laid hands on the inner world of the working people, forcing them to think only in their own way, attaching workers to machines, creating a new slavery. Life itself under the rule of the communist dictatorship has become worse than death: “.
The Soviet government drowned the Kronstadt uprising in blood. With the help of hired killers - “internationalists” (Latvians, Chinese, Bashkirs, Hungarians, etc.) 11 thousand rebels were destroyed.

The country was covered with a network of concentration camps. In the Oryol province alone in the 1920s there were 5 concentration camps. Hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens passed through them. In 4 months of 1919, 32,683 people visited camp No. 1 alone. The number of concentration camps grew continuously. If in November 1919 there were only 21 of them, then in November 1920 there were already 84.
Lenin (along with Trotsky) was the organizer of the first concentration camps in Russia. In the words of A. Solzhenitsyn, Lenin can rightfully be considered the founder of the “GULAG Archipelago”. Thus, in a telegram sent on August 9, 1918 to the Penza Provincial Executive Committee, he demands “to carry out merciless mass terror against the kulaks, priests and White Guards; those who are dubious will be locked up in a concentration camp outside the city.”

The Bolshevik government created an artificial famine in the country. For example, when in many provinces of Russia there was a crop failure in 1921, and in the central regions there was a good harvest of potatoes, the government did not send it to the starving provinces in order to save people's lives. It ordered the potato harvest to be transferred to Glavspirt.
During the period under review, the Bolshevik government of Lenin deliberately destroyed the population of Russia. This was an unprecedented genocide.

The corpses of those who died of starvation in the cemetery in Buzuluk. 1921

In 1918-1920 alone, more than 10 million people died, and the victims of the terrible famine of 1921-1922. amounted to another five million people. In total, more than 15 million people lost their lives during the civil war alone.
In 1921-1922, the country was gripped by a terrible famine and a cholera epidemic. In the information report of the GPU for the Samara province dated January 3, 1922, we read: “...There is starvation, corpses are being dragged from the cemetery for food. It is observed that children are not taken to the cemetery, leaving them for food... .
The Empress's maid of honor A. Vyrubova writes in her diary about the artificial famine, particularly in Petrograd: “The Bolsheviks banned the import of provisions into Petrograd, soldiers stood guard at all railway stations and took away everything that they brought. Markets were raided and ransacked; those buying and selling were arrested.”

A terrible famine was raging in the country, people were dying in the millions, and at that time the Soviet government was exporting grain abroad. On December 7, 1922, the Politburo adopted a criminal resolution: “Recognize the export of grain in the amount of up to 50 million poods as state necessary.”
Regularly sending tens of millions of pounds of grain to Germany and providing them with a multimillion-dollar army of hired “internationalists,” the Soviet government barbarously robbed the peasants, thereby deliberately imposing a death sentence on many millions of Russian citizens.

Corpses of children who died of starvation. Saratov, 1921

Here are some facts from the funds of the former Central Party Archive of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the CPSU Central Committee. In 1921, the Soviet government allocated only 125,000 “wooden” rubles for the transportation of Red Cross goods to help the starving provinces. Meanwhile, in September of the same year, for the purchase abroad of 60 thousand sets of leather uniforms for security officers of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), at the request of the Presidium of the Cheka, he allocated 1,800,000 rubles in gold currency for his brainchild.
During these years of famine, the Bolshevik leaders lived in grand style. Here is the testimony of Trotsky’s wife, N. Sedova: “...Red chum salmon caviar was in abundance... This constant caviar colored the first years of the revolution not only in my memory.”
The mass repressions carried out on Lenin's orders defy any comparison. Here are just some facts. From 1826 to 1906, that is, during the 80 years of the tsarist regime, 612 people were sentenced to death by court decisions. And from June 1918 to February 1919, only in the territory of 23 provinces, according to far from complete information, 5,496 people were shot by the verdict of the Cheka.
Lenin advises the Commissioner of the People's Commissariat of Food, A.K. Pikeeys, to “appoint your bosses and shoot conspirators and hesitant ones, without asking anyone and without allowing idiotic red tape.”

In terms of cruelty, Lenin surpassed the most notorious Jacobins. A note sent by courier to the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Penza Province V.V. Kuraev, the Chairman of the Council of Deputies E.B. Bosh and the Chairman of the Penza Provincial Party Committee A.E. Minkin on August 11, 1918, is clear evidence of what was said:
“...Comrades! The uprising of the five kulak volosts must lead to merciless suppression. This is required by the interests of the entire revolution, for now the “last decisive battle” with the kulaks has been taken. You need to give a sample.
1. Hang (be sure to hang, so that the people can see) at least 100 notorious kulaks, rich people, bloodsuckers.
2. Publish their names.
3. Take away all their bread.
4. Assign hostages - according to yesterday's telegram. Make it so that hundreds of miles around people see, tremble, know, shout: they are strangling and will strangle the bloodsuckers - the kulaks.
Wire receipt and execution. Your Lenin.
P.S. Find tougher people."

The truly diabolical scale of Lenin’s crimes against the people of Russia cannot be comprehended and cannot be described in human language.

Based on the fundamental work of I. Volodsky

Product for unruly hair

If your hair is poorly styled and constantly tangled, a simple mask will help you. Mash half an avocado (if you have long hair, use a whole avocado) and apply to the entire length of your hair. After 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water. Avocado can also be mixed with sour cream, yogurt, egg or mayonnaise. Do this mask at least once every two weeks, and after a while you will notice that your hair has become much more manageable

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Candlestick made from a jar and salt. You will need: glass jars spray varnish pva glue sea salt or regular salt coarse brush Wash the jars and remove the labels from them. Prepare the salt, if you want to give your candle holders a tint, mix the salt with a small amount of dry food or cosmetic coloring. Thickly coat the bottom of the jar with PVA glue and roll in salt, then do the same with the side walls. Apply glue to the top edges of the jar and sprinkle salt on top. Let it dry for several hours. When the jar is dry, brush off any salt particles that have not stuck well with a clean, dry brush. Cover the jar with 3 layers of varnish (use a spray), after each layer take a break of 20 minutes. The candlestick is ready!

Burn the past in fire... Burn everything to dust....
Don't regret anything... Forget it in one fell swoop!
Don't remember the bad... And the good....
Don't collect crumbs under the table... Out of happiness for crumbs...
After all, you deserve not pieces... And not bits...
All you have to do is reach out your hand... The pie is so close...
So enjoy it to the fullest... Wash it down with wine...
And what happened and passed... Forget that...!

Didn't they love you? Well, let it be... You adored...
Played with you?... So what? After all, you didn't know...
Let's lick the wounds.... No problem... And smile....
Let's wipe away the tears on our cheeks in the morning....Don't cry!....
Let's break through!
Burn the past in fire... Move forward...
And who laughed and played... Forgive him...

There is a price for everything... And he will pay...
For every moan and pain of yours... He will waste his life...
So have pity on him... Let him go...
Burn the past in fire... And the pain goes away...

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Candlestick made from a jar and salt.

You will need:
glass jars
spray varnish
pva glue
sea ​​salt or regular coarse salt

Wash the jars and remove their labels. Prepare the salt, if you want to give your candle holders a tint, mix the salt with a small amount of dry food or cosmetic coloring. Thickly coat the bottom of the jar with PVA glue and roll in salt, then do the same with the side walls.

Apply glue to the top edges of the jar and sprinkle salt on top. Let it dry for several hours. When the jar is dry, brush off any salt particles that have not stuck well with a clean, dry brush. Cover the jar with 3 layers of varnish (use spray), after each layer take a break of 20 minutes. The candlestick is ready!

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The rainbow has closed itself in a loop - what a whim it is to strive for paradise! -
You can't love, but I love...
You can't be bored, but I miss you...
It’s easy to say: “Cut from the shoulder, why do you need ... so much, except ...”,
And I would remain silent for an eternity, pressing my face into his palms...
It is absurd to wait for bad news and live fixated on a miracle:
I know everything exactly as it is... And I clearly see how everything will be...
…One day I’ll throw myself on the bed, scare my family, whining from the pillows:
“No more promising that the day after tomorrow will be better...
...A week, a month, a year will pass, and the pain will not subside...
She tears my heart to shreds, like a wild animal raw meat...”

...The rainbow has closed itself in a loop - what a whim it is to strive for paradise! -
You can't love, but I love...
You can't be bored, but I miss you...

Gloxinia Gloxinia grows well in a bright, warm window, without direct sunlight. It requires high air humidity and moderate watering with soft water at room temperature (water carefully so that water does not get on the leaves). You cannot spray the leaves. Well-groomed gloxinia blooms from spring and all summer; during flowering it is necessary to apply full mineral fertilizer 2-3 times a month.
Gloxinia will bloom a second time if after the first flowering you cut off all the leaves (they can be rooted), leaving a shoot about 2 cm high. The soil must be carefully loosened and watered. Soon the gloxinia will again grow leaves and bloom.
Plants are thermophilic and do not tolerate drafts and temperature changes. Gloxinias (Sinningia) respond positively to temperature uniformity within 20-22°C during the day and 18°C ​​at night. During the dormant period, pots with plants should be kept at a temperature of 10-14°C.

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How to make a sign

Consider the text you are going to place on the sign, taking into account its size. Typically, for a sign, the size of half a standard sheet of A4 size writing paper, folded lengthwise, is sufficient. This is 10 - 10.5 by 28-30 cm. The inscription, as a rule, is made in a font of the same size, located in the middle of the field. If you need to make inscriptions in fonts of different sizes, keep in mind that they must be clearly readable from a certain distance.

Launch the Microsoft Word text editor and on the main panel, in the File menu, select Page Setup. Here you can set the orientation of the sheet of paper - portrait or landscape, when the long side of the sheet is horizontal. Here you can specify the dimensions of the page, reducing its height to the size of the plate.

On the main panel in the View menu, connect the Drawing panel, which, after activation, will appear on the bottom panel in the editor window. Here you can select a frame that will frame the text of the sign and set any line type.

The plate is a small sign with an informational inscription printed on it. Typically, plates do not require complex graphic design and contain only short text. You can make a sign with a quality no worse than a typographic one using any text editor, for example, Microsoft Word. This is one of the most popular tools for creating texts, which is installed on almost every personal computer. You shouldn’t get too carried away with color design - in order for the sign to be better readable and attract attention, the font and background colors should be as contrasting as possible.

Protein cream

Protein creams are used for spreading and decorating the surface of cakes and pastries, as well as for filling tubes.
Due to their delicate and fluffy structure, these creams are not suitable for layering.

Custard protein cream

For 600 g of cream you will need:
1 glass of water
16 tbsp powdered sugar
8 proteins
12 drops citric acid

Pour powdered sugar with water.
Cook over medium heat until “soft ball test” (after boiling, 45 minutes). To do the “soft ball test”, pour a little syrup into cold water. If the syrup can be formed into a ball, it is ready. Beat the whites into foam. To make the whites whip better, add a little salt. Pour hot (but not boiling!!!) syrup into the whites, without stopping beating, in a thin stream, beat everything well for 2 minutes.
If you pour undercooked syrup into the whites, the cream will turn out weak and blurry; if it’s overcooked, it will have caramel lumps; Lumps can also form from pouring hot syrup into the whites in a thick stream and from poor stirring of the cream when hot.
Immediately after brewing, at the end of whipping, add citric acid and aromatic substances.
The cream should be used immediately after production.

Protein-fruit cream (marshmallow)

For 240 g of cream you will need:
3 egg whites
2 tbsp. spoons of jam, marmalade or marmalade
3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
1 teaspoon gelatin

Heat the soaked gelatin in 1/4 cup of water until completely dissolved. Beat the whites until a thick, fluffy mass is obtained. Heat the jam, marmalade or marmalade a little, rub through a sieve, add sugar and cook for 5 - 10 minutes.
Mix the hot boiled fruit mass with dissolved gelatin and gradually pour in the well-beaten egg whites, whisking them continuously. Then add aromatics to taste.
Use the cream immediately, warm, as when it cools it turns into a gelatinous mass.

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“Nostalgic” pies, like they used to cost 5 kopecks :)

Water (warm 30 degrees C) - 250 ml
Yeast (fresh or 4 g dry) - 15 g
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1/2 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Flour - 350 g
Jam (apple) - 200 g
Rusks (ground white) - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil (for frying)

Dissolve yeast in water, add salt, sugar, flour, butter and knead the dough. The dough turns out soft and sticks to your hands. Lightly grease a bowl with vegetable oil, place the dough in it, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator overnight.
In the morning, take out the dough and immediately form the pies, fry in hot oil until golden brown. Try to secure the edges of the pies very well, otherwise the filling will spill into the pan and burn. It is desirable that the jam for the filling be very thick, but still, it is better to add ground crackers to it. It is better to take the dough out of the refrigerator in parts; when heated, it is less sculpted and shaped.

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How to remove noise in Photoshop

The best way to deal with noise is to prevent it from occurring. Noise in photographs occurs in low light conditions, in which the camera or photographer is forced to greatly increase the ISO value. Already at ISO 400, extraneous artifacts appear in photographs, but if ISO is raised to 800 or even 1600, you cannot avoid noise in the photo. Blurred, tacky spots greatly affect the quality of the image; they can be removed either with special filters or with tools originally built into the Photoshop editor.

For clarity, we will not work with the entire image, but only with a small section of it, in which multi-colored noise is clearly visible. The easiest way to get rid of it is to use a filter specially designed for this purpose. We move through the menu items as follows: Filter – Noise – Reduce Noise. When working with a filter, a preview function is available, so you can set the parameters at your discretion, focusing on the resulting result. This method is the most famous and common, but there are other options.

Convert a photo from RGB space to LAB Color. This is done easily Image – Mode – Lab Color. In the layers palette, go to the Channels tab, there you will see the Lab, Lightness, a and b channels. To both last channels, apply the Gaussian Blur filter Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur. The size of the filter parameters will depend on the size of the original image. Having blurred both channels in this way, return the photo to the original color space Image – Mode – RGB Color. The result will be something like this

If the noise is so strong that none of the above options can cope with it, then you can make a knight’s move, namely, desaturate the photo. When you bleach the photo, the noise will also be decolorized, which means it will become less noticeable. A little grain can add a stylized effect to the photo.

If you have to deal with noise in different photos a lot and for a long time, then it is better to use special plugins that are additionally used in Photoshop. For example, Noisware or Dfine. With their help, noise is removed more purposefully; the effect of noise removal significantly exceeds the effects provided by the built-in Photoshop tools.

A noisy photograph is not a photograph that shouts at the top of its lungs. This is a kind of defect, sometimes resulting from poor initial shooting conditions. Blurry patches of red, blue and green colors are distributed throughout the entire image, greatly reducing its quality. There are several ways to get rid of this grainy noise.

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[Look into the past] February 20.
You may not like the Windows operating system, you can even blame it for something - this, of course, is your own right, but we must admit that sometimes even we, hardcore OS X users need it. But can such a need be a reason to buy an additional PC? Of course not.

At one time, there were a huge number of various emulators, the leading of which was the Virtual PC package, supported by Connectix.

Virtual PC created a virtual PC on the Mac, on which one of the operating systems from Microsoft could be installed. Of course, the speed of the operating system left much to be desired, but for some not particularly demanding tasks this was quite enough.

But soon thunder struck. Microsoft announced its desire to buy Virtual PC. For what? According to Mac users, all this was necessary in order to simply kill the competitor and weaken Apple's position, or, at best, to control further work and prevent the Virtual PC package from achieving higher speeds on the new G5 processors.

In other words, no one in the Mac community expected anything good from this deal. Time has shown that their expectations were fair, although the main goal of acquiring Virtual PC was not to make Apple worse, but to get the appropriate emulation technology. Microsoft later used these technologies in its line of server products.

The Redmond company announced its plans to purchase Virtual PC on February 20, 2003. (Source http://vk.com/public36519690 -With support from http://luxtec.ru/)

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Dreamcatcher is an Indian North American talisman that protects the sleeper from evil spirits. Bad dreams get caught in the web, and good dreams slip through the hole in the middle. It is a web of harsh threads and deer sinews, stretched over a circle of willow branches; Several feathers are also woven onto the thread. Hang over the head of the sleeping person.

The meaning and purpose of the Dream Catcher differs among different Indian peoples. So among the Lakota tribe, they believe that the Dream Catcher catches good thoughts and dreams, but lets through everything negative. And among the Ojibwe tribe, the Dream Catcher “filters” dreams, letting in only pleasant and kind ones. Evil and terrible dreams become entangled in its web and disintegrate with the first rays of the sun.
But this is a classic version, there are also Northern Shamanic
Kytgyem is an exclusively shamanic thing. It is woven not with the goal of sorting dreams into bad and good and delivering good ones to the sleeper (as in North American), but with the goal of catching and strengthening as many completely different dream images as possible. Here you wake up in a cold sweat from horror and so on. Its meaning is to teach the shaman to work through the subconscious and become aware of himself in a dream.
There are also Slavic ones, but more about them later....

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Element Water

Getting rid of negative influences

Fill a basin with cool water until it reaches your ankles. The water temperature should not cause a feeling of discomfort; you should feel comfortable standing in it. Stand in a basin and with your left hand throw a handful of salt into the water - as much as you can take in your hand. Any salt is suitable - sea salt or regular table salt.

Hold a white burning candle in your left hand. You cannot extinguish the candle, it must burn out completely, so cut a small piece from it in advance - such that it will last for about 5 minutes. Imagine how all the bad things that have accumulated in you go into the water. During this time, all negative energy will leave you: the salt water will absorb it. But remember that salt takes away not only the bad, but also the good, so don’t stand in the basin for a long time! Once the salt draws out all the negativity, it will begin to draw positive energy out of you.

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"No matter what it takes, it's never too late, or in my case, never too early, to become who you want to become. There is no time frame, you can start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same - there are no rules." And from bad things you can make something good. I hope everything goes well for you. I hope you see things that surprise you, feel things you have never felt before, meet people with a different worldview. I hope you live your life. you can be proud of"
(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

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Life is short. And you need to be able to.
You have to be able to walk away from a bad movie. Throwing away a bad book.
Leave a bad person.
There are many of them.
Things you don't want to quit. Even move away from mediocrity.
There are many of them. Time is more valuable.
Better get some sleep.
Better eat.
It is better to look at the fire, at the child, at the woman, at the water.
Music has become the enemy of man. The music is intrusive and gets into your ears. Through the walls.
Through the ceiling. Through the floor You breathe in the music and the beats of synthesizers.
The low ones hit the chest, the high ones itch under the fillings.
The performance is less arrogant, but you won’t leave it either. They boo. They pull it back.
They trip him up. Like.
The computer is sticky, glows like a ghost, invites like an oriental bazaar.
You dig, you search, you search. Well, you find something, try to adapt it, throw it away,
You dig around again, found something, turned it over in your head, and threw it away.
General thoughts. Words are general.
No! Life is short.
And only the book is delicate. Took it off the shelf. I looked through it. I installed it. She has no arrogance.
It doesn't penetrate you. It stands on the shelf, is silent, waiting to be taken into warm hands.
And she will open up.
If only this were the case with people.
There are many of us. You can't scroll through them all.
Even one. Even your own. Even yourself.
Life is short.
Something will reveal itself. You set a rule for something. There is no time for the rest.
There is only one law: leave. Throw. Run.
To close or not to open!
In order not to give this moment, appointed for another.

Tropical Shake

1 cup frozen banana, sliced
1 1/2 cups fresh chopped pineapple
Mix the ingredients until smooth. If the shake does not shake well or is too thick, you can add a little liquid (orange juice, soy milk, coconut milk, etc.)

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In addition to diseases, flower seedlings are often damaged by pests. Naturally, such plants will develop worse ()

In addition to diseases, flower seedlings are often damaged by pests. Naturally, such plants will develop worse in open ground, and if they are planted on a balcony, loggia or left in a room for some time, the pests will quickly move to indoor plants. If you notice any pests on your plants, it is better to refrain from purchasing such seedlings. But, when you really want to have a given species or variety, you can try to “cure” it by sending the plant into quarantine - away from healthy seedlings, indoor and garden plants and treating it with insecticides 2-3 times (with an interval of 5-7 days).

Do not try to buy large plants; they tolerate transplantation less well. Choose seedlings that are just beginning to bloom, with many buds and one or more flowers in bloom. Large, profusely flowering plants can only be purchased if they are in separate, sufficiently large pots or containers.

Choose strong plants with a strong stem and a large number of side shoots (of course, if such branching is typical for this species). Thin, unbranched, poorly flowering stems most often break during planting or remain undecorative for a long time.

It is advisable to quickly plant the purchased seedlings in the ground, but if this is not possible, place the pots or cassettes in a fairly bright place (but not under the scorching rays of the sun). Water the plants moderately so that the soil is moist but not too soggy, otherwise the plants may rot if there is too much moisture. It is better to plant seedlings in cloudy weather or in the evening. If the weather is dry and hot, then newly planted seedlings must be watered, and especially tender plants must be protected from the sun in the first days. Interesting facts. Garden, vegetable garden, dacha.

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Are you feeling bad? Boring? Alone?
Then I'm coming to you!

Are you feeling bad? Boring? Alone?
Then I'm coming to you!
And you will understand how good it was for you.

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I don’t have particularly warm feelings for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, but I can’t say that he didn’t do anything good for Russia. Although he created a new state, to do this he had to first destroy the existing one, simultaneously grinding several million people into the millstones of the civil war. And in the very idea of ​​the Soviet state, as a union of equal national republics, it seems to me, there was a time bomb, which ultimately destroyed it.

Almost any historical figure is neither a demon nor an angel. Among her actions there are necessarily both positive and negative aspects. For some, Lenin is a sacred figure, criticizing whom is the greatest sin. If you talk badly about Lenin, you can offend the feelings of these people. Others consider Lenin a sinister figure, one of the main villains in Russian history. As is usually the case, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

But I would like to remember exactly the good that Lenin did for our country.

1. Marriage, women and children

Lenin equalized the rights of men and women. Children born in marriage and illegitimate children became equal. It was under Soviet rule that divorces and civil marriages were allowed.

2. Abolition of estates

When the Bolsheviks came to power, they declared universal equality. Now representatives of one class did not have an advantage over others.

True, some of the former representatives of the privileged classes were deprived of their rights.

3. Freedom of religion

Lenin, being the founder of the Soviet state, equalized the rights of representatives of all religions. Moreover, if a person had atheistic views, this was also allowed. School and family were separated from the church. Births, deaths, and marriages began to be registered by secular government institutions, which we know today as registry offices.

True, very soon persecution of believers and clergy began. And Marxism-Leninism gradually turned into something like a state religion.

4. Solving the national question

In the Soviet country, Russians officially ceased to be the titular nation. Numerous peoples inhabiting the Russian Empire, under Soviet power, were able to organize their own national-territorial entities. The development of national languages ​​and cultures was fully welcomed. Schools began to teach not only in Russian, but also in the languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting Russia.

Everything was great as long as the borders within the USSR were administrative. But since the late eighties of the last century, the Union began to spread along these borders, and they became state borders. A titular nation appeared in each newly formed state, but almost everywhere the population of the republics was not mononational. And against this backdrop of interethnic conflicts, we did not have to wait long.

5. Kindergartens

In the USSR, most often both father and mother worked in a family. And if they have small children of preschool age, then they need to be left with someone. Grandparents, when they exist, do not always have the opportunity and desire to help with this. And for the first time in Russian history, the Soviet government organized preschool institutions, where children are taught, taught, fed, put to bed, and played. Today kindergartens seem commonplace, but before the revolution they did not exist.

Is Lenin our everything?

Of course, the list is far from complete. All of the above is the basis of modern Russian society. Moreover, citizens of most countries in the world have the same rights. And these reforms have nothing to do with communist ideology; rather, they are bourgeois-democratic in nature. Vladimir Ilyich himself did not try to deny this, who also considered most of the reforms he carried out to be bourgeois-democratic.

In this case, was there a need for a revolution, accompanied by colossal casualties and destruction? Maybe everything could have been achieved in a less bloody and calmer way?

We will never know this, because the subjunctive mood does not exist in history. And even if the need for changes is ripe, a figure must come who will make them. When it was necessary to bring Russia out of isolation and modernize it taking into account Western experience, Peter the Great appeared. Prerequisites arose for the abolition of serfdom, but Emperor Alexander II took it upon himself to take this step. Perhaps other people could have committed these actions, but these were the ones who committed them.

And when the time came for democratic reforms in Russia, it was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin who made them, and not anyone else.

In 1990, I wrote: it’s time to look at Lenin with sober eyes and recognize many of his views and actions as inhumane and inhumane. Lenin can no longer be seen as a moral authority, a moral symbol of post-October Russia.

Today it is 2015. I have somewhat changed my view of Lenin. I don’t consider him either god or devil. He is a great statesman whose role in the history of Russia and the world is ambiguous.
I am against praising Lenin, but also against the assessment that Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.S. Pivovarov gave him, that Lenin is supposedly “a disgrace to Russia.”

Cult of Lenin

It is no coincidence that I mentioned the need sober glance at Lenin. For a long time we were literally intoxicated by his name, his personality. We have long recognized that there was a personality cult of Stalin. But we did not notice that there was a cult of Lenin’s personality during his lifetime, posthumously, and continued until recently. It is, of course, somewhat different from the cult of Stalin, and not so cynically frank. Let us remember that Lenin himself strongly objected to the exaltation of his personality. But nevertheless, this cult exists. The most striking expression and example of the cult of Lenin is the Mausoleum named after him on Red Square in Moscow. By the very fact of the existence of such a Mausoleum in the center of Russia, on the main square of the country, we seem to be telling everyone that Lenin is the most for us, the most and the most cannot be (just as there cannot be two or more Mausoleums in one square).

We essentially half-deify Lenin. Just as believers never criticize God or a saint, so we never and under no circumstances criticized Lenin as if he were a saint, a god. On the contrary, when criticizing, noting the mistakes and delusions of others, we invariably turned our attention to Lenin as an ideal leader or to the ultimate truth (for example, at every opportunity we quoted him or referred to him). What is this if not a personality cult of Lenin?! It's time to openly admit this and draw appropriate conclusions.

The transition from adoration to criticism of Lenin

I, like millions of my fellow citizens, grew up in an atmosphere of the cult of Lenin. Almost with my mother’s milk, I perceived Lenin in my mind and heart as the dearest, closest person, I considered him the greatest among Russians. I completely agreed with the characterization of Lenin given by A.V. Lunacharsky.

Gradually, however, freeing myself from my childhood and youthful adoration of Lenin, I began to be more and more critical of him, of his individual statements, thoughts, and ideas. This was caused primarily by a natural feeling of criticism that never left me. Then, I have always tried to adhere to the Cartesian methodological principle of doubt and the ancient motto “question everything.”

The critical attitude towards Lenin grew along with the growing feeling of protest against the absolutely uncritical attitude towards Lenin on the part of the country's leaders, official ideologists, and philosophers.

I completely revised my attitude towards Lenin in the last three to five years (1985-1990). I came to the conclusion that Lenin was a utopian who tried to implement his utopian ideas on the scale of an entire country. Frankly speaking, I stopped respecting him as a thinker, reformer, politician and statesman.

Two circumstances contributed to this revision.

The first is my philosophical studies, which culminated in the writing in 1985-1988 of a large work entitled “Categorical Picture of the World. (Fundamentals of categorical logic).” In the process of writing the work, I came to the conclusion that the main ideas of Marx, and Lenin was his faithful student, were based on Platonism. From Plato, with his absolutization of the general, the whole, the law-like, ordered, a thread stretches to the socialist and communist utopias of the New Age, on the one hand, and to Hegel’s holistic-totalitarian thinking, on the other. Marxism embraced both of these trends. In addition, in Marxism, especially in its Lenin-Stalinist version, one can feel the strong influence of the traditions of Laplacean mechanistic determinism, which represented order in the world like order in a clock mechanism.

The second circumstance is the glasnost of the perestroika era, which made it possible to see Lenin from a different side, from the one that was always shaded, hushed up and simply hidden in our country. Having received the first signals about the negative side of Lenin's activities, I again looked through the volumes of his Complete Works relating to the post-October period. This viewing made a revolution in my consciousness. I realized that Stalin is just a continuation of Lenin, and the ideology of the class approach is criminal in its essence, inhumane How inhumane are racism, chauvinism, religious fanaticism and similar ideologies, mentalities that evaluate people based on their membership in a particular social group or community.

In the article “How to organize a competition” (January 1918.), which cannot be read now without shuddering, Lenin classified an entire category of people, millions and millions, into the category of “harmful insects”, “fleas”, “bugs” and simply “harmful people” .

A humanistically oriented person will never allow himself such assessments of people, much less ways of getting rid of (“cleansing”) them.

It's not just about grades, but also about actions. At the same time that the above article was written, an order of the Council of People's Commissars was issued (January 21 1918.), according to which representatives of the bourgeois class, men and women, were sent under the escort of Red Guards to forced labor. All those who resisted were ordered to be shot on the spot. Representatives of the bourgeois class are mainly people of mental labor, the intelligentsia. They are completely unsuited to physical labor. Forcing them to do physical work means dooming them to ill health and death. And coercion and the threat of execution means inflicting serious moral and psychological trauma on them.

Lenin - founder of the totalitarian state

In our country, those in power still portray Lenin as the founder of the Soviet state, implying that he was supposedly the father of the democratic state system. This is nothing more than a myth. In fact, Lenin was the founder of a totalitarian state, the father of a totalitarian system, which is now assessed as inhuman throughout the entire civilized world. Stalin only brought this system to its logical conclusion (as was possible in Russian conditions).

There are many similarities in Lenin’s ideas about socialism and what we now call totalitarianism. In accordance with these ideas, Lenin and his comrades carried out a policy in the post-October period, which was later not entirely accurately called the policy of war communism.

Totalitarianism brought with it violence, dictatorship, terror, repression, an atmosphere of lies, deception, social demagogy and mimicry, general suspicion and denunciation, Jesuitism, suppression of individual rights and freedoms, anti-humanism.

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We condemn Stalinism for its methods of total surveillance, for inciting general suspicion, for the hunt for “enemies of the people,” for its morbid addiction to uncovering conspiracies, to searching for and exposing so-called “saboteurs.” But all this already happened under Lenin, but maybe not in such a developed form. Characteristic in this regard is Lenin’s letter to the workers and peasants regarding the victory over Kolchak (August 24 1919.):

“... the landowners and capitalists are not destroyed and do not consider themselves defeated, every reasonable worker and peasant sees, knows and understands that they have only been defeated and have hidden, hidden, and very often dressed up in “Soviet” “protective” colors. Many landowners got into Soviet farms, capitalists - into various “headquarters” and “centers”, into Soviet employees; at every step they watch for the mistakes of Soviet power and its weakness in order to overthrow it, to help the Czechoslovaks today, Denikin tomorrow.

We must use all our might to track down and catch these robbers, the hiding landowners and capitalists, in all their covers, expose them and punish them mercilessly, for these are the worst enemies of the working people, skilled, knowledgeable, experienced, patiently waiting for the right moment to conspire; These are saboteurs who will not stop at any crime to damage Soviet power. With these enemies of the working people, with landowners, capitalists, saboteurs, whites, one must be merciless.” .

Regarding this letter from Lenin N.K. Krupskaya wrote:

“This call for vigilance frightened many. They told Ilyich a lot about how the Red Army men sometimes dealt with this or that efficient commander, either because he was from the bar, or because he didn’t like some order, or because of some little thing. Others told me with a grin that said: “Look at your kind Red Army soldiers!” Of course, there were many cases where they were blamed for the wrong things, for the wrong people, they blamed the wrong people: a lack of knowledge, old petty-proprietary standards of what is good and bad, an anarchic approach to a whole range of issues prevented them from understanding.”

Lenin - the mastermind of the civil war

Lenin and his comrades unleashed a fratricidal civil war, in the fire of which, according to various historians, from 14 to 23 million people died (for comparison: in the First World War, Russia lost somewhere up to 1.5 million people). Even before 1917, Lenin proclaimed the slogan: “Turn the imperialist war into a civil war!” And the Bolsheviks achieved the implementation of this slogan.
Their other slogan was completely false - one of the main slogans of October - “Peace to the nations!” They brought the nations not peace, but a sword. First of all, the unbridled preaching of class enmity and hatred played its fatal role. Lenin's articles, speeches, and letters are literally full of this hatred, malice, and intolerance. This sermon, on the one hand, charged Lenin’s supporters for the most decisive, merciless struggle against the class “enemy”, and, on the other hand, charged Lenin’s opponents to respond with fierce resistance, to attempt to overthrow the Bolshevik regime.

However, the main reason for the outbreak of the civil war and the expansion of its scale was the policy of war communism, primarily the suppression of private trade and surplus appropriation. These latter caused violence on a gigantic scale against peasants and traders, that is, over the majority of the population of Russia. What does it cost, for example, to establish a state monopoly on the trade in bread? It immediately outlawed millions and millions of peasants, traders .

The half-starved existence of the residents of Moscow, Petrograd and other large cities was largely due to this state monopoly on the distribution of food. On the approaches to Moscow and Petrograd, barrier detachments did not allow the so-called bagmen into these cities. In rural areas there was relative satiety, but in cities there was almost starvation.

Lenin: terror, hostages

Lenin was the inspirer of the Red Terror, which in many cases was completely unjustified, excessive, and inhumane.

Let's take the example of the murder of Volodarsky (chairman of the Petrograd Cheka). He was killed on June 21 1918. On June 26, Lenin wrote to Zinoviev: “Only today we heard in the Central Committee that in St. Petersburg workers wanted to respond to the murder of Volodarsky with mass terror and that you (not you personally, but the St. Petersburg Tsekists or Pekists) restrained. I strongly protest! We compromise ourselves... we slow down revolutionary initiative of the masses, quite correct. This is impossible! Terrorists will consider us wimps. It's arch-war time. It is necessary to encourage the energy and mass character of terror against counter-revolutionaries, especially in St. Petersburg, an example of which decides". Just think about it: one person was killed, and the reaction to the murder was mass terror! This call from Lenin to encourage the energy and mass character of terror was responded to in September of the same year, when in response to the murder of Uritsky (also the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka), 500 (five hundred) hostages were shot! (See No. 5 of the Weekly of Extraordinary Commissions).

G.F. Fedorov: “A White Guard uprising is clearly being prepared in Nizhny. We must exert all our strength, form a troika of dictators (you, Markin, etc.), immediately impose mass terror, shoot and take away hundreds of prostitutes who solder soldiers, former officers, etc. Not a minute of delay... We must act with all our might: mass searches . Executions for possession of weapons. Mass deportation of Mensheviks and unreliables.”

E.V. Bosch to Penza: “It is necessary to organize reinforced security from selected reliable people, to carry out merciless mass terror against the kulaks, priests and White Guards; those who are dubious will be locked up in a concentration camp outside the city.”

“Shoot and transport hundreds of prostitutes, former officers”, “lock up those who are doubtful in a concentration camp”, “mass removal of Mensheviks and unreliable people” (probably also to concentration camps) - these orders defy any description.

During the same period, Lenin declared a merciless war against the kulaks (read: wealthy, strong peasant owners). He even wants them dead. In the leaflet “Comrade workers! Let’s go to the last, decisive battle!” he writes: .

In this leaflet, Lenin demanded and wished death for two million peasant families, i.e. 10-12 million people. Real calls for genocide! What kind of Stalinism is this, what kind of Pol Potism is this!? This is all Bolshevism-communism in its original essence! (Marx also has similar bloodthirsty statements - see about this below).


Lenin considered it normal to use the hostage method. He even elevated it to the rank of state policy. So, in a letter to Tsuryupa dated August 10 1918. he drew up a “draft decree” - “in each grain volost 25-30 hostages from rich people responding life for collecting and dumping all surplus.” A little lower in the same letter he explains: “I propose that the “hostages” are not take, and appoint by name volosts. Purpose of appointment: it is the rich, as they are responsible for the indemnity, answer life for immediate collection and dumping of surplus bread. The following instructions [to appoint “hostages”] are given to a) the committees of the poor, b) all food detachments.”

I don’t remember where else, in what state, the hostage method was elevated to the rank state policy, was used as a method state management. This is monstrous! Lenin and the Bolsheviks went to the extreme in their trampling of the human personality, reducing it to the position of a representative, an element of some group, community.

Here it is impossible not to mention the execution of the royal family - Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Fedorovna, children - Alexei, Olga, Tatyana, Maria and Anastasia, doctor Botkin, maid Demidova, cook Kharitonov and footman Trupp. This execution was carried out on the night of July 16-17, 1918 directly by decision of the Yekaterinburg Council. There is unconfirmed information that the order to execute the royal family came from the center, from Lenin and Sverdlov. Let's not argue whether this order actually happened or not. In any case, Lenin's conscience is not clear. If, for example, Lenin did not give such an order, then why did he not condemn the execution of members of the royal family and the four persons accompanying them? Why was the execution of the Tsar’s wife, children and those accompanying them hidden from the public of the country and the world? Both facts weigh heavily on Lenin’s conscience...

Lenin's monstrous utopianism

Lenin belongs to the number of people who are called “noble” robbers, such as Robin Hood, Stepan Razin, Emelyan Pugachev. Lenin, not out of malice, killed many people, ostracized and carried out terror against a significant part of society. He quite sincerely wanted people to be happy and not only wanted, but was obsessed with this idea of ​​making them happy. An exaggerated desire for one thing usually leads to the opposite result. Let us remember the slogan that hung in the Solovetsky special purpose camp in the 1920s: “With an iron hand we will drive humanity to happiness.” These words belong to L.D. Trotsky, Lenin's closest associate. They contain the cynical essence of “noble” robbery.

Absolutely rightly notes A.G. Latyshev: “Unlike some critics of Lenin, who believe today that the main goal of Lenin’s activities was to seize and retain power, he believed that the desire of his whole life was to make happy part of the planet’s population (workers, poor peasants), destroying another part for this purpose (“rich”, clergy, free-thinking intelligentsia, etc.). And such “stratocide” is no better than Nazi genocide.” (See: A.G. Latyshev. Declassified Lenin. M., 1996. P. 9).

A.G. writes about this. Latyshev. See quote below, page .

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