What happens to a person if his behavior is inappropriate. Inadequacy and methods of dealing with it

In our lives, we very often hear the phrases “adequate reaction”, “inadequate man” and various others associated with the concept of “adequate” or “inadequate”. Let's try to figure out what these concepts mean.


Adequate behavior is behavior that is understandable to others and does not go against generally accepted norms, corresponds to the situation and the expectations of others. In any society there are generally accepted ones. So, an adequate person will behave in accordance with these norms, perform actions expected by others. For example, if he entered a trolleybus and sat down on the seat, this is adequate behavior, but if he lies down on the floor in the trolleybus, this is inadequacy. Please note that all these norms are external, created by public opinion. That is, a person lives adequately according to external guidelines and is not always guided by his feelings and desires. Simply put, he knows how to control himself. For example, you liked your neighbor’s handbag, you’ve wanted one for a long time, but you’re not going to take it away. In fact, adequacy is a rather relative concept, because moral standards may differ in different religions or countries, for example, if in the East it is customary to drink tea while sitting on the floor, then somewhere in Europe, say, in London, this will be less at least strange. And if a person behaves correctly, in your opinion, this does not mean at all that other people will also consider it normal. In general, all people are inadequate to one degree or another, and they certainly commit such actions from time to time.


In psychology, a person who reacts to any event in a non-standard way, contrary to generally accepted moral norms, is called inadequate. The reaction, emotions and behavior of such a person do not correspond to the situation. For example, some positive event causes negative emotions in a person. It may become inadequate temporarily, for example, in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, or in some critical situation. Or it may be his constant state of consciousness, in which case it is already a disease, for example schizophrenia.

Types of inappropriate behavior

Depending on the methods of manifestation, inappropriate behavior can be divided into several types: deviant, victimized, delinquent, conflicting, erroneous and demonstrative. Let's consider each of these types separately and draw a conclusion.

Deviant state

We can talk about deviant principles if an inadequate person regularly commits actions that run counter to generally accepted norms. This type of behavior includes: drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, prostitution, and so on. According to scientists, the likelihood of deviation definitely increases with the weakening of normative control that occurs at the social level.

Victim inadequate state

This is when an individual provokes some kind of harm, creates a dangerous situation for him. For example, a girl in a short skirt gets into a car at night with a group of drunken hooligans. A person can behave provocatively, unaware that he himself may begin to provoke danger.

Delinquent state

This is when actions are committed that can cause any harm to both society and the individual. Here we should especially highlight adolescent delinquency. Examples of inappropriate behavior of this type include minor offenses, drinking alcohol and using swear words in public places, petty hooliganism and even violating traffic rules. By the way, being absent from work for an unexcused reason or coming to work while drunk are also examples of delinquent behavior.

Conflict state

This, as you probably already guessed, is behavior when an inadequate person tries to provoke a scandal or create a conflict situation. Lives by the principle “if you don’t attack, they will attack you.”

Error state

Directed away from the desired target. For example, when a person in childhood found a way to solve some life problem that was successful for a child, and it turned out to be effective, was repeated many times, was consolidated through repetition, and is now repeated by an adult, although it has long been a reaction. An inadequate reaction is when a child was constantly scolded as a child, and he got used to constantly making excuses, grew up and realized that he no longer needed to make excuses, but he still continues to do it. Behind such maneuverability of a psychologically healthy person there are often the following reasons: physical problems, accident, bad manners, incompetence, and provocations of the environment.

Demonstrative state

This is when some bright, memorable actions are performed, in which the desire to attract attention to oneself by any means is noticeable, regardless of the opinions of others. This behavior is sometimes very convenient to use in order to achieve some goal. This is especially true for women, because they love to attract attention. Demonstrative behavior is not always inappropriate; very often it remains within the normal range.

Types of inadequacy

By type, inadequacy can be divided into absolute, formal and relative. Formal is when a person does not comply with generally accepted norms of behavior and breaks the rules. This includes the same swearing in public places. Relative inadequacy lies in the characteristics of a particular individual and may even be invisible to society. The absolute is divided into conscious and unconscious. Inadequacy of the conscious type is when a person is in complete control of his actions, clearly knows what he is doing, and expects an appropriate reaction from the people around him. That is, such a person behaves inappropriately quite consciously. This is always a challenge to public opinion and moral standards accepted in society. Politicians and tyrant bosses can behave this way. For example, singers or actors perform such actions in order to shock the audience and provoke general discussion. The unconscious type of inadequacy is considered the most dangerous and is somewhere on the verge of serious personality disorders. Such an individual is not aware of his actions, his principles are almost always inadequate, although he believes that everything is normal for him

Reasons for inappropriate behavior

In fact, the reasons for the manifestation of such a condition can be very different. A person may simply not understand what is expected of him; he may have some psychological problems that contribute to the manifestation of inappropriate behavior. Very often, inadequate people commit some actions that go against public opinion, simply because they rely not on the reaction of others, but on their personal opinion, and are guided not by the external, but by their inner world. In various situations, even the most balanced people commit rash acts. Sometimes the reasons for this are hidden in deep childhood. For example, children raised in families of drug addicts and alcoholics very often differ in such standards of principles.

Dangers of inadequate condition

Is an inadequate person dangerous in society? It depends on how much it goes beyond moral standards and what actions express his condition. In any case, communicating with such an individual is a rather unpleasant experience. But if this is expressed by aggression, or the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, then this can be very dangerous. Avoid this. If this is not possible, try to act as calmly as possible and try not to enter into conflict. Remember, an inadequate person is not aware of his actions! And, as in, he can do anything.

I think that the opinion rooted in society that a mentally healthy person should always be in high spirits and with a smile is precisely a derivative of the fact that a certain intimacy of personal life has ceased to be intimate - the Internet, etc. That is, it is easier to “keep face” “rather than explaining to everyone that your grandmother died. Plus production requirements - the boss doesn’t care how your personal life is, the plan must be fulfilled. Am I right?

Yes, you are right. Of course, the opinion that one must always be positive and the desire for this is determined by the modern environment, specifically the environment of the metropolis. I would also add the desire to be in trend and, let’s say, the desire for correctness (proper nutrition, the right hobby, the right car, the right marriage partner, etc.)

The metropolis sets a very strict rhythm of life. You need to do what is necessary, and plus what you want (for various reasons). But there is a lot of “want” for this, there are a lot of proposals, and many of them are really good. And it doesn’t matter what we’re talking about, plucking eyebrows or buying an apartment, everything is presented as a decisive factor for success. By the way, “success” is also a very interesting category born of modern society.

All this leads to the fact that modern man lives in a state of multitasking, constant movement, changing one thing to another. In such a situation, there is no time for depth (feelings, experiences, relationships, cognition), because in order to go into depth, you need to stop. And if you stop, then suddenly you miss something or don’t have time... So they jump across the surface from one to another in the style of Brownian movement, proudly calling this process “searching for oneself” or “personal growth”. Or people repress some problems, fears, do not give themselves time to think or explore something, living by the principle: “I’ll think about it tomorrow,” just so as not to lose their rhythm. The trouble is that tomorrow nothing will change, there will be no time for it.

Many intuitively come to a project approach in life. It is indeed very effective in conditions where you need to accomplish a lot in a limited time. Any project is characterized by transparency: it is clear what is the input, what will be the output, what resources will be required, in what quantity and when. And the project has a clear plan, a fairly strict scenario, where each element has its own role. But not everything in life can be planned. Our world is probabilistic, there is a lot of irrationality in a person, and such rigidity does not allow us to pay attention to other possibilities that differ from what was programmed, but for a person they can be even more effective.

Back to the feelings. Any deep emotions and feelings, for example, love, change the rhythm of normal life and carry risk. Grief, fear, disappointment and other negative emotions and feelings are very unpleasant and, of course, are perceived as a threat from which a person is trying to escape into a busy life. There is no time to share the grief of another person, because you have to run. It’s scary to show your grief, otherwise you’ll suddenly fall behind, they’ll suddenly turn away, and won’t take you with you.

Let's leave love alone for now... Let's focus on negative emotions and feelings. If you pretend they don't exist, they won't disappear. They will simply be unconscious and begin to manifest themselves in the form of background anxiety, some kind of inadequate reaction. You won't be able to run away either, because, as you know, you can't run away from yourself. And this desire to do as much as possible, “squeezing” the positive out of oneself, continues until a person has another need or he runs into something (for example, age restrictions, constant failures in some area of ​​life) , or something won't happen.

Well, a little more about the environment. Of course, it dictates a lot. But the environment consists of individual people, and we are still dealing with individual people, and not the environment as a whole. Therefore, we can vary our behavior, choose and shape our environment, and ultimately come to an agreement with them, i.e. with people. But for this you need to take the initiative, coupled with responsibility.

Now, actually, the answer to the first question:

I would not recommend getting carried away with analysis, specifically of your own adequacy, i.e. try to answer the question: “Was I adequate, how adequate was I?” Because this is an assessment of one’s compliance with the external requirements of society. And in an effort to comply with them, a person can push himself: his needs, feelings, emotions, desires, capabilities, etc. As a result, you can come to a situation where a person feels that he is not doing what he should, living in the wrong way, etc.

When assessing your own reaction, it is better to answer the questions: “Why am I doing this, what am I trying to say or achieve, why do I need this. What does this give me? Any person strives for a comfortable existence in society and will try to comply with social norms. Another thing is that this does not always work out due to some kind of mental ill-being.

I think that a person can be called adequate in his reactions, if he is aware of them, as well as his actions. If his behavior is controlled by him, and generally corresponds to the social norms of society or the social group to which he belongs. If he feels comfortable, achieves his goals, solves his problems, his quality of life does not deteriorate, he is socialized.

Inappropriate emotional reaction, of course, is a marker of mental ill-being. But these are NOT isolated cases, since any of us can break down in some situation. The alarm needs to be sounded when inappropriate reactions and behavior appear again and again. In addition, a sign of inadequacy may be a person’s failure to resolve a problematic situation.

Inappropriate reactions do not necessarily indicate any serious mental problems; the cause may be a stressful condition. A person comes out of a stressful situation, and all problems with adequacy go away. As a rule, a person monitors his inadequacy if his mental processes are intact. At a minimum, by the reaction of others, he understands that something is wrong. Another thing is that the blame for this can be shifted to others: I lost my temper, but she did it. Or a person may understand that there is a problem, but not be able to solve it on their own. For example, with postpartum depression, a mother cannot bring herself to care for her child, but she is aware of this and feels guilty about it.

In life, people often face stressful situations that have a negative impact on their behavior. Some of these situations are temporary, while others can last a long time, causing negative consequences.

Stressful situations can leave an imprint on a person's behavior for life, for example, an unhappy childhood. The loss of a loved one or divorce can seriously change behavior for a while, but after that most people come to their senses. The main sources of inappropriate behavior:

External circumstances.

Internal or emotional state.

External circumstances

Most people succeed when they feel that the situation is under control, and sometimes they can even foresee one or another development of events. In this case, events are perceived as a challenge requiring action. But behavior can change radically if a person does not succeed the way he wanted. The main reasons for this:

Everyday stress

Stress is a state when everything is out of control and seems unpredictable. Stress is usually caused by:

Difficulties at work. The discrepancy between individual skills and requirements causes a feeling of inferiority that depresses a person.

Family and personal problems. Health problems, a stormy romance, or a family tragedy completely take over a person. He cannot think about anything else, concentrating his attention only on these problems.

Excess responsibilities. The need to meet standards and tight deadlines for completing tasks force people to take on too many responsibilities. Fear that it is impossible to achieve what you want has a bad effect on behavior.

We all react differently to the same stressful situations, but stressful situations affect all people the same.

Psychological trauma

Involvement in an incident, culpability, or threat to life can cause one type of stress - psychological trauma. Reactions to this situation vary, but generally people behave the same way. There may be three phases of behavior:

1. At first, the person gets upset and feels bad.

2. Then he becomes passive, does not want to do anything, but follows orders.

3. Then becomes irritable, anxious and unable to concentrate, causing him to have a strong emotional reaction.

People differ from each other in that they recover from trauma differently. Some recover quickly, while others do not; Some recover completely, while for others the psychological trauma leaves an imprint for the rest of their lives. You will be able to understand the behavior of another person and become more lenient towards him if you know about the psychological trauma he suffered in the past.

Alcohol and drugs

Alcohol and drugs can seriously affect a person's behavior. Usually they are resorted to in order to cope with unfavorable circumstances. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, a person seems to cope with problems more easily. In some cases, they suppress a negative reaction and temporarily relieve worries about problems, and in some cases they stimulate vital activity and add confidence.

Solving problems with the help of alcohol or drugs evokes an association with a Russian doll: you open one doll and see the next one, etc. Each previous problem is directly related to the next one, but does not explain it. It is necessary to open the second, sixth, tenth to find out the reason.

Internal state

The psychological state of people largely depends on their internal mood, caused by physical and chemical changes in the body. Stress is often caused by anxiety and depression.

Anxiety. Most people feel anxious and tense in threatening or stressful situations. This is a normal reaction. But if someone feels anxiety in situations that others can easily cope with, then it is necessary to pay attention to this, because this is really a problem.

People who constantly feel anxious are always in a tense state. Most of the time they feel bad and are afraid of stressful situations. Concern about all sorts of problems does not allow you to concentrate and make any decisions. Such people often ask themselves questions: “Could I have foreseen the consequences?”, “Did I turn off the light in the bathroom?”

Despite the presence of a reason for such behavior (negative experience in the past, mental discomfort that prevents blocking feelings of concern with an inadequate reaction to what is happening), it is necessary to understand that although the person tries to control it, he cannot do it.

Depression. Few of us can live our whole lives calmly, without thinking about anything. It is not surprising that we feel despair or become depressed or sad because of events that have upset or worried us. But sometimes depression becomes chronic due to the fact that a person spends a long time in a tense environment and cannot do anything or simply cannot control his emotions. It turns out to be a vicious circle: a person cannot get out of depression and this makes him even more depressed. In such a state it is impossible to concentrate; it seems that you are unable to change anything, that there is no future. All persuasion and requests to “stop thinking like that, throw away bad thoughts and start acting” remain to no avail. All that can be done for such people is to treat them with understanding and compassion.

Signs of inappropriate behavior

First, you need to find out the reasons for the inadequate state, recognize the signs that indicate that a person has a problem.

In order to understand that a person is behaving unusually, you need to know what his behavior is normally. If a person doesn’t look like himself for a long time, then this is a sign that not everything is all right with him. Such warning signals, for example, could be:

Being late for work before a completely punctual person;

Indifference to everything is usually a cheerful and energetic person;

Manifestations of irritability for any reason before a completely balanced personality;

The unkempt appearance of a normally immaculate-looking person;

Unusual forgetfulness and neglect of details in a person who is scrupulous to the smallest detail;

Absent-mindedness and confusion in a well-organized person;

Concern and sadness in a carefree and cheerful person.

All of these signs signal personal problems, which are usually temporary, but in some cases can develop into permanent ones. Such changes are more often interpreted as a loss of interest in work or laziness. But such an interpretation of signs signaling stress does not allow us to understand the true reasons for behavior changes.

Passion for alcohol

Signs of addiction to alcohol are not so easy to notice because a person’s behavior under the influence of alcohol is not always different from usual. But there are some signs you need to pay attention to, namely:

Unpredictable and inconsistent activity: one day a person works actively and effectively, the next he simply wastes time.

Unexplained “incidents” often happen to him;

He often experiences incomprehensible mood changes: today he is in a good mood, sociable, jokes, and tomorrow he is gloomy and depressed (his mood can change several times a day);

The person is often sick (colds, stomach pains) or often takes time off work;

Invites others for drinks during lunch breaks or after work.

It is very difficult to determine whether a person abuses alcohol or not, since some people are good at hiding it. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze all the results of observing behavior and take into account the comments of other people. One identified case may not be enough to suspect someone of alcohol abuse. But, if there are many such cases, you need to pay attention and think about it. Conclusions should be drawn very carefully, because similar symptoms can signal other problems (constant irritability at work may indicate a tendency to gamble or use drugs).

Therefore, before drawing any conclusion, you need to weigh all the evidence. If necessary, seek expert advice.

Drawing conclusions

Inappropriate behavior can be caused by various reasons. People react differently to circumstances, so it is not easy to determine the cause of their discomfort. Knowing some of the reasons for inappropriate behavior helps you better understand another person.

Ask yourself

Analyze how stress can affect people's behavior and answer the following questions:

^ Do you think people can become depressed if events are out of their control?

^ Do you understand that psychological trauma can influence a person's behavior?

^ Do you accept that some people abuse alcohol because they think it helps them cope with their problems?

^ Do you agree that anxiety and stress can influence behavior?

^ Do you think changing behavior is a sign of stress?

^Do you always notice that someone is behaving in a way that is out of character for them?

Everything will work out if...

Recognize that everyday stress can influence people's behavior;

Be aware of the destructive effects of psychological trauma;

Understand that anxiety can change behavior for the worse;

Accept that depression does not allow people to control what happens;

Understand that very often the presence of problems forces people to abuse alcohol;

Noticing that someone's behavior is significantly different from usual;

Understand that changes in behavior can signal that a person is under stress.

What is inadequacy?

First, let's consider what we mean by inadequacy. We understand by this that a person’s behavior and his claims, intentions and plans go beyond the generally accepted norms, elementary common sense, beyond the behavior that is natural to achieve an optimal result that is mutually beneficial for the people involved in the interaction. At the same time, the exit is conscious, obvious and conditioned by one’s own motives. Inadequacy differs from irrationality in that an unreasonable person makes mistakes and acts incorrectly due to delusions, misunderstanding of things, distortion of ideas by some irrational, but well-defined motives, i.e. his actions are incorrect, but explainable, while an inadequate person commits unacceptable and abnormal actions on purpose, realizing this. Inappropriate behavior violates agreements, or intuitively implied mutually beneficial methods of interaction, interferes with the normal functioning of society and leads to tension and conflict. Acting inappropriately, a person consciously tries to break or deform the norms of society in his favor in order to receive from this one or another benefit, material or psychological.

For example, when several people stand in line and someone pushes them away and tries to buy a product first, this is inappropriate because it contradicts the implied rules of behavior. Also, inadequacy is, for example, when a teacher begins to extort a bribe from a student in order to give a test, when on the street someone takes your mobile phone by deception or force, when at the police station they try to force you to confess to a crime that you obviously did not commit, etc. .p.

Inadequacy in modern society and features of its manifestation

Despite the fact that most people are accustomed to living in a relatively stable society, among relatively normal people, there is a lot, a lot of inadequacy in modern society. Of course, society usually does not welcome inadequacy and tries to condemn, suppress and correct it. But in certain places and during certain periods, inadequacy becomes so widespread that it completely replaces or suppresses the generally accepted norms of a healthy society. This happens, for example, during periods of war, natural disasters, unrest, when control of the situation is seized by crime, or by regimes guided by criminal ideas, such as the fascist one. Sometimes inadequate principles and manifestations dominate in society for a very long time, for example, for more than 500 years, the principles of Christianity distorted by the Catholic and Protestant churches in Western Europe served as a justification for genocide and enslavement of other peoples, and within Europe itself - for witch hunts, when almost anyone could be accused of witchcraft or heresy and burned at the stake on delusional charges. Unfortunately, inadequacy still too often takes precedence over generally accepted norms, morality and basic common sense.

What is the reason for the inadequacy? Inappropriate behavior can appear in people for various reasons. Among them may be the following.

“Teaching” inadequacy occurs when certain unnatural ideas, traditions, patterns of behavior appear that have persistent followers who, by their example, and often through direct propaganda and coercion, encourage others to accept the same unnatural, inadequate attitudes. Radical fascist, religious etc. organizations, youth criminal groups, clans and sects. In addition, inadequacy can be forcibly instilled in a family, in some state or commercial organization where unscrupulous employees have gained the upper hand, and, in principle, in any community and team where inadequacies have been able to set the tone. When “learning”, as a rule, social norms are not denied at all, but only partially or partially deformed. At the same time, a significant stimulus for inappropriate behavior is the herd instinct, the example of other inappropriate people and the absence of sufficiently pronounced and strong opposition and counterexamples.

“Revenge” is a motive of inadequacy when a person, having been subjected to various injustices, humiliations, violation of his rights by others, comes to the denial of social norms and morality, or to their specific understanding and decides that if others can behave as they want, then he can (has the right). People who grew up or have lived for a long time in an unfavorable environment, or who are participants in various armed conflicts and confrontations (especially those that last a long time and are chronic) often come to inadequacy for similar reasons. In general, the escalation of any conflicts, if there is no force capable of resolutely stopping them and establishing order, while making fair decisions, and different warring parties set the tone, leads to gradual degradation and the abolition of moral restrictions by all their parties.

The “connivance effect” is a motive caused by the fact that people who, by duty or according to tradition, must be responsible for maintaining order and generally accepted norms in society, show weak character and do not demonstrate a worthy example. Most people are such that even if they are determined to behave adequately, they require constant reinforcement in this mood. If there is no such reinforcement, psychologically this is perceived as “permission” to behave inappropriately. The extent to which this motive manifests itself depends on various reasons, primarily on the extent to which society encourages people to be responsible and entrusts them with the task of independently assessing the correctness of actions (both their own and those of others), their admissibility, compliance with moral standards, and the interests of society. , common sense. If this task is largely entrusted not to individuals, but to “controllers” - the state, party, church, etc., then a sharp removal or weakening of such control can lead to the most disastrous consequences.

“Ambition” is a motive associated with the fact that a person consciously puts himself above others and has a disdainful attitude towards society. Such a motive can be justified by views such as “life is a struggle for existence” and “who is stronger is right,” or not justified at all. This motive is often formed by those who notice that the weak can be suppressed for their own benefit, without encountering adequate opposition (neither from them nor from society). Quite a few of these people appear in the environment of organized crime or among those vested with significant powers of power and status (very rich, famous, etc.). Most people prefer not to get involved with people who are too arrogant, aggressive, or “cool,” which only encourages inappropriate people.

“Forced reaction” is a motive associated with the situational manifestation of an inadequate reaction, when a person does not see the right, “legal” from the point of view of morality and generally accepted norms of exit in order to suppress evil, injustice, etc. This is the most difficult case when the person himself In a normal situation, he may have high intelligence, moral principles, etc., but at a certain moment, instead of the optimal way to counteract evil and other inadequacies, he may choose a cardinal one, sharply “going too far.” A typical example is Marvin Heemeyer, who bulldozed part of a city after being cornered by the corporation and local authorities. Despite the fact that such inadequacy is situational, it can be guided by the conviction that the end justifies the means, and that in an imperfect society it is impossible to act differently, it will not be possible to resist evil differently. Unfortunately, society is such that decisive and tough opposition to many inadequate people is necessary, and even if it is weak and insufficient, there will be those who blame not the evil itself, but those who fight it, finding in their actions a formal violation of moral norms. However, almost all the forces that had a positive, progressive influence on the development of society often acted too radically, too cruelly, too much (though there were no less examples when it was “not bent”, and this also led to disastrous consequences) . One way or another, reasonable people, when attacking inadequate people, must still try to act correctly and proportionately, and not allow “excesses” in their actions.

As I have already noted, most people still condemn inadequacy and strive to resist it. Why is there so much, so much inadequacy? The main reason is that due to the unreasonableness of the majority and their tendency towards emotional thinking, inadequate people can easily manipulate public opinion. Inadequate people are capable of using a lot of tricks that can denigrate honest people and present themselves in a better light in order to induce the majority of society to either help themselves, or at least stand aside, while they deal with the few who still try to help them. resist. For example, the leader of the Chicago mafia, Al Capone, called “enemy number one” by the American police, committed murders with impunity for many years, including personally in front of many witnesses, but created for himself the image of a respectable, influential businessman helping the poor, and everything went well for him from hand In the end, he was convicted only of tax evasion. Emotionally minded people are not able to identify inadequacy in its pure form in the world around them and evaluate it in order to then counteract it. As a rule, some manifestation of inadequacy, some inadequate strength in their perception appears as a combination of positive and negative traits, while they cannot correctly compare them, highlight the main and secondary essence, and often, attracted by secondary positive traits, they support the inadequate manifestation or strength, or they do not act when they need to resist, which leads to disastrous consequences.

Exaggerating positive traits in their actions, intentions and plans, and exaggerating negative ones (real or imaginary) in their opponents, inadequate people often present the forced advancement of evil as a struggle after evil. Very indicative and clear in this regard, for example, is the history of the Nazis coming to power in Germany, and then Hitler unleashing the Second World War. Many people saw the Nazis as allies to solve some problems, not considering them too dangerous and not wanting to see their true essence and intentions. Thus, they opened the way for them to power and easy conquests, when this party, which was initially a very insignificant force, step by step eliminated its opponents and realized its ambitions. In the same way, today many blind people do not want to see the danger in the actions of the United States, which covers up its aggressive plans with the struggle for freedom and democracy, and its true goals - the desire for world domination.

Reaction to inadequacy and methods of struggle

In modern society, where many inadequacies are organized, enjoy the patronage of the authorities, and the majority are blind and unreasonable, it is often very difficult to fight inadequacy. Let us still consider the basic principles of combating inadequacy and the problems that arise in this case.

Problems could be, for example, the following:
1) You are weak, and inadequate people are strong.
2) Society is not ready to support you and generally perceives the situation incorrectly.
3) You find it difficult to determine the boundary between unreasonableness and inadequacy in the behavior of inadequate people - either they consciously and consistently act inappropriately, which means they need to be firmly opposed, or their actions are the result of stupidity and misunderstanding and they can be reasoned with, explained, and come to an agreement with them.
4) You don’t see an acceptable, “legal”, but at the same time, effective way to counteract inadequate people; only extreme radical measures come to mind.


1) Inadequacy must be fought. Of course, this is obvious, but nuances arise that lead to the fact that many, if not the majority, seeing inadequacy, do not even try to fight it. This results, moreover, most often not because of fear, indecision, etc., but because of the illusion that inadequacy is not dangerous and too minor, that it will pass on its own over time, or for the reason that the rest will do good deeds, set a positive example, improve society, and the inadequate ones, seeing this, will also correct themselves. And this illusion is very widespread in society. However, not fighting inadequacy is a very bad idea.

Of course, it happens that someone who behaves inappropriately, after some time, repents, corrects himself, and realizes the wrongness of his previous behavior. But this happens when the rudiments of rationality and common sense already exist in a person and potentially they prevail over defects. The correct reaction to inadequacy will only help such a person to improve faster; perhaps even a one-time correct reaction will be enough to cure him. The main thing is that such a reaction is accompanied by the right message, helping a person to realize the inappropriateness, incorrectness, and inadequacy of his behavior, and to question those ideas based on which he behaves inappropriately. In addition, one can easily make the mistake of mistaking inadequacy for simply stupidity, ostentatious tomfoolery that will go away on its own. It is more correct to proceed from the principle “if a person behaves as if he is inadequate, then he is actually inadequate.”

But very often the opposite is true. Without receiving the proper reaction, a person becomes convinced of the effectiveness of inappropriate behavior. Without suppressing inadequacy in the bud, we get inadequacy in the future in a more obvious, neglected, difficult to eradicate form, to suppress which we will have to make much more effort. In addition, by not giving one inadequate person a blow, we can thereby encourage other unstable individuals to follow his example.

In addition, it very often happens that an inadequate person, who was not corrected in time, begins to feel the limits of the permissibility of his inadequacy. At the same time, as long as he sees the threat of an open clash with society, he does not cross this line, but as soon as the opportunity arises to “prove” himself, due to the fall of some restrictions, the inadequate breaks loose. Thus, a total and irreconcilable fight against inadequacy is also necessary to prevent the accumulation of a hidden threat in society.

2) Inadequacy must be fought decisively and to the end. The only thing worse than no response to inappropriate behavior is a weak, ineffective and clearly indecisive response. It can only motivate an inadequate person to increase the degree of inadequacy, increase pressure in order to break your resistance. Episodic and uncertain opposition from society is more likely to lead an inadequate person not to the idea that he needs to stop spoiling society, but to the idea that he needs to achieve his goal more decisively and effectively.

So, what should the ideal reaction be? Firstly, it is unambiguous, clear and hits the right point. Of course, it is not always easy to understand well enough the motives behind inappropriate manifestations. But it is advisable to try to at least roughly define them and deliver a psychologically and logically precise blow, that is, to accurately formulate the essence of the inadequate manifestation that you demand to stop. For example, someone unmotivatedly insults you in a rude manner. An answer like “he’s a fool” would not be a very good option. It’s better to ask why he behaves this way and dares to insult you. An inaccurate requirement will give the inadequate person a reason to continue his inappropriate behavior, evading your claims. Secondly, the reaction must be proportionately harsh. You must make it clear to the inadequate person that you are determined and principled and are definitely not going to leave his antics just like that. Of course, in most cases, your goal is to psychologically defeat the inadequate person, force him to retreat and admit the error of his inadequate behavior. But against the most aggressive and dangerous inadequates, it is better to immediately prepare and apply measures to physically neutralize them. Thirdly, the fight against inadequacy must be carried through to the end, that is, to ensure that the inadequate person realizes his mistakes and voluntarily gives up inappropriate behavior without repeating it again, or is neutralized (if he is especially stubborn and dangerous) and physically deprived opportunities to implement it.

At the same time, it is clear that you are unlikely to be able to replace law enforcement agencies and chase after every random inappropriate person in order to correct him; only a society that purposefully pursues an appropriate policy can systematically and consistently combat inadequacy and successfully eradicate it.

3) You need to competently attract society to your side. As already written above, there are reasons why society does not counteract inadequacy and even supports it. You must, taking into account these features, competently attract society to your side, and deprive the inadequate ones of support. You must isolate inadequacy from some more general manifestations, separate it and focus on it, concentrating the attention of society on it. If the inadequates have significant support, it is necessary to propose solutions that preserve the positive aspects in the behavior of the inadequates and their plans, but remove the negative ones. If inadequate people insist on their own, this will show everyone that positive traits are secondary, and all their activity is aimed at implementing the negative part of the program. Patiently and consistently demand condemnation of the inadequacy you have identified and the agreement of the entire normal part of society with the need to suppress it.

Another method that can be used is escalation and escalation of the situation in which there is a manifestation of inadequacy in order to attract the attention of society, as well as to ensure that inadequate manifestations and the negative consequences to which they lead, the fact of their contradiction to the interests of society and their unacceptable behavior has become more visible to society. This, of course, is worth doing if you are sure that the healthy part of society will organize and rise up to suppress inadequacy, or, for example, the authorities will intervene and will not be able to ignore public opinion and not take action.

Precedents largely influence how at ease the inadequate will feel. If a case (or even more so, several cases) of inappropriate behavior that has become widely known is not stopped, this actually sends a signal that such behavior is acceptable. It stimulates such manifestations of inadequate people, and demoralizes normal people and instills doubts in the need to counteract inadequate ones. On the contrary, if a certain case became known when inappropriate behavior was decisively suppressed, this instills uncertainty in inappropriate people and determination in normal people. To create such precedents of the second type, you can use suitable cases, and it is advisable not to ignore the precedents of the first type and not allow them to play into the hands of inadequate ones. In general, if possible, especially in the case of massive inappropriate manifestations, it is necessary to seek to delegitimize inadequacy and introduce into the public consciousness the idea of ​​the decisive inadmissibility of such inappropriate manifestations.

4) We need to wage war on inadequacy in general. Inadequacy will always be a threat to society, so you always need to prepare for a war with inadequacy in general and wage this war. If inadequate people do not threaten you today, this does not mean that you will not encounter them tomorrow. Therefore, it is necessary to consistently identify inadequate people, create mechanisms to combat them, unite the healthy part of society and take measures against its split. It is necessary to accumulate strength both for the physical fight against the inadequate, and for the informational and psychological struggle, so that the inadequate cannot decompose and demoralize society and use false ideas for their own purposes. At the moment, it is the inadequate ones, unfortunately, who have well mastered the methods of struggle against the healthy part of society and we can clearly see examples of their impressive victories - this is, for example, the successful US operation against the USSR, when they managed to collapse the USSR and the socialist camp, or the recent coup d'etat in Ukraine. There is no doubt that a significant part of the inadequate will not give up their ambitions and will stop at nothing, and a brutal struggle with them in the process of building a reasonable society is inevitable.

Here are some signs of a possible inadequacy that you should pay attention to (keep in mind that normal men can also have these signs in appearance, for example, if he is an artist, a poet, or a representative of one of the bohemian professions that sometimes require a person to have an inappropriate appearance) . So, signs of inadequacy:

1) unpredictable polar changes in mood (from good to bad; and also, if suddenly his mood changes from bad to unjustified joyful euphoria);

2) unexpected reactions to you or other people (behaves not logically, but unexpectedly or too impulsively);

3) facial expressions and gestures do not correspond to what is happening (excessive theatricality, twitchiness, excessive gesticulation, or, conversely, strange calm in an inappropriate environment, a fixed, unblinking “boa constrictor” gaze straight into your eyes);

4) interrupts interlocutors, does not listen to their arguments and opinions, does not listen to others at all, or voices his point of view off topic, categorically declares sometimes a completely inappropriate opinion, or takes the topic of conversation in a completely different direction;

5) talks more about himself;

6) uses obscene language, rude slang expressions, or uses inappropriate expressions in general, uses demonstratively abstruse phrases in ordinary everyday conversation (for example, you are discussing what someone is planning to cook for dinner today and your new friend says: “I noticed that any individual in a state of mental discomfort is capable of not controlling his cognitive dissonance, and therefore sometimes does not know what he should do.");

7) inappropriate clothing style for certain circumstances, pretentious, excessively flashy clothing;

8) provocative appearance, dyed hair in a bright color or a strange hairstyle;

9) for men - excessive piercings, earrings in the ears, rings on the fingers or many tattoos all over the body, not to mention scarring (this will also be immediately visible to the camera.) That’s why we often say - look at the man in the camera and draw conclusions!

Remember! It is impossible to identify an inadequate person by one or two signs unless you are a specialist in the field of psychology. And each of these “red flags” can only be a feature of his personality.

Perhaps we often call people inadequate if we see only a discrepancy with our expectations. So be observant but kind to people. Be respectful of those you interact with, but don't show too much unsolicited compassion to your own detriment!

But, before concluding that a person is inadequate, try to understand YOUR attitude towards this. Not imposed by society or friends. And, if you like a person, then you can try to understand the reasons for his inappropriate behavior and not rush to conclusions or decisions. There were cases when a girl was dissuaded by all her friends from having a relationship with a man, but she followed her heart, eventually got married, went to the USA and gave birth to a child. Although I didn’t even expect that I might ever get married. So, everything is individual. Be vigilant, do not give in to virtual seducers, do not send money to anyone you know on the Internet, do not meet those who are disgusting to you, do not pay anything for men, do not quarrel with anyone. And the rest is all fixable.

There are many reasons for a person’s inadequacy; we do not know the details of his childhood and the methods of upbringing by his parents, the individual characteristics of his personality, level of education and physiology. Unless, of course, he is blatantly inadequate, so that it hurts your eyes, your ears and generally causes complete disgust. There is only one conclusion - run away from this and try not to contact under any circumstances. No patience, no love. This means - listen to your heart.

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