What should be kept secret. Advice from the Wise

1. The first thing to keep secret, the sages say, is your far-reaching plans. Keep quiet until this plan is fulfilled. Not only are any of our ideas not ideal, they have a huge number of weak points that are very easy to hit and destroy everything.

2. The second thing the sages recommend is not to share the secret of your charity. A good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be cherished like the apple of one’s eye. Don't praise yourself for doing good things. Pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.

3. The third thing that sages do not recommend talking about is your asceticism. Don’t talk left and right about your restrictions in nutrition, sleep, sexual relations, etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only if it is combined with an emotional component.

4. The fourth thing you should keep silent about is your courage and heroism. Some people face external challenges, others internal ones. External trials are visible, so people receive awards for them, but no one notices overcoming internal trials, so no awards are given for them.

6. The sixth thing you should not particularly share with others is to talk about your domestic conflicts and in general about your family life. Remember: the less you talk about problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. A quarrel is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated during communication.

7. The seventh thing you shouldn’t talk about is the ugly words you heard from someone. You can get your shoes dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And a man who, having come home, tells everything that he heard stupidly on the way, is no different from a man who came home and did not take off his shoes.

1. The first thing to keep secret, say the sages - your far-reaching plans. Keep quiet until this plan is fulfilled. Not only are any of our ideas not ideal, they have a huge number of weak points that are very easy to hit and destroy everything.

2. The second thing the sages recommend is not to share a secret. about his charity. A good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be cherished like the apple of one’s eye. Don't praise yourself for doing good things. Pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.

3. The third thing that the sages do not recommend talking about is about his asceticism. Don’t talk left and right about your restrictions in nutrition, sleep, sexual relations, etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only if it is combined with an emotional component.

4. The fourth thing you should keep silent about is about his courage, heroism. Some people face external challenges, others internal ones. External trials are visible, so people receive awards for them, but no one notices overcoming internal trials, so no awards are given for them.

6. The sixth thing you shouldn’t especially share with others is talk. about their domestic conflicts and about their family life in general. Remember: the less you talk about problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. A quarrel is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated during communication.

7. The seventh thing not worth talking about is about ugly words that were heard from someone. You can get your shoes dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And a man who, having come home, tells everything that he heard stupidly on the way, is no different from a man who came home and did not take off his shoes.

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We may bring disaster upon ourselves if we talk about it.


The first thing to keep secret, the sages say, is your far-reaching plans. Keep quiet until this plan is fulfilled. Not only are any of our ideas not ideal, they have a huge number of weak points that are very easy to hit and destroy everything.


The second thing the sages recommend is not to share the secret of your charity. A good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be cherished like the apple of one’s eye. Don't praise yourself for doing good things. Pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.


The third thing that sages do not recommend talking about is your asceticism. Don’t talk left and right about your restrictions in nutrition, sleep, sexual relationships, etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only if it is combined with an emotional component.


The fourth thing you should keep silent about is your courage and heroism. Some people face external challenges, others internal ones. External trials are visible, so people receive awards for them, but no one notices overcoming internal trials, so no awards are given for them.



The sixth thing you shouldn’t particularly share with others is to talk about your domestic conflicts and your family life in general. Remember: the less you talk about problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. A quarrel is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated during communication.


The seventh thing you shouldn’t talk about is the ugly words you heard from someone. You can get your shoes dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And a man who, having come home, tells everything that he heard stupidly on the way, is no different from a man who came home and did not take off his shoes.

This world, although based on truth, still requires balance, and therefore the sages warn us that there are some things that are best kept secret.

A cultured person knows what type of behavior should be used in a given situation. In a word, a secret is not a lie, it is one of the aspects of cultural behavior.

1. The first thing to keep secret, the sages say, is your far-reaching plans. Keep quiet until this plan is fulfilled. Not only are any of our ideas not ideal, they have a huge number of weak points that are very easy to hit and destroy everything.

2. The second thing the sages recommend is not to share the secret of your charity. A good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be cherished like the apple of one’s eye. Don't praise yourself for doing good things. Pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.

3. The third thing that sages do not recommend talking about is your asceticism. Don’t talk left and right about your restrictions in nutrition, sleep, sexual relations, etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only if it is combined with an emotional component.

4. The fourth thing you should keep silent about is your courage and heroism. Some people face external challenges, others internal ones. External trials are visible, so people receive awards for them, but no one notices overcoming internal trials, so no awards are given for them.

6. The sixth thing you should not particularly share with others is to talk about your domestic conflicts and in general about your family life. Remember: the less you talk about problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. A quarrel is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated during communication.

7. The seventh thing you shouldn’t talk about is the ugly words you heard from someone. You can get your shoes dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And a man who, having come home, tells everything that he heard stupidly on the way, is no different from a man who came home and did not take off his shoes.

Mystery is also present in the Absolute Truth, therefore in our material world there is also a place for mystery, which becomes part of culture. To divulge some secrets at the wrong time is as destructive as not to speak about the Absolute Truth on time. Everything has its time. There is a time of complete openness, and there is a time of mystery and secrecy. A cultured person knows what type of behavior should be used in a given situation. In a word, a secret is not a lie, it is one of the aspects of cultural behavior.

1. The first thing to keep secret, the sages say, is the recipe for a strong medicine that you are good at.

It seems that such a recipe should be told on every corner, but in reality, if people use it incorrectly, the effect can be completely opposite. A strong medicine can easily turn into a deadly poison. And since this world is filled with those who want to get rich quickly, any working technology is immediately copied and applied anywhere indiscriminately.

It is not enough to prepare an effective remedy, you also need to apply it correctly, and the subtleties of use depend on specific circumstances, and only a good specialist can understand them. Therefore, those who have the secrets of powerful medicines are in no hurry to share them and do the right thing, otherwise our world will be filled with copies of medicines, and therefore real poisons. I have a friend who makes quite strong drugs, and don’t even try to ask him how he does it. Just tell him about your problem and he will tell you whether he can do something for you or not. And indeed, there were several cases when, envying his art, some people began to try to prepare the same medicines, coming up with their own recipe, so that it looked and smelled the same, but all these cases ended in serious poisoning.

2. The second thing the sages recommend is not to share the secret of what kind of charity you are doing.

Yes, a good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be protected like a real jewel. And you can save the jewel only through secrecy. Don't tell anyone where you keep your wallet. So a person involuntarily pats himself on the pocket in which he has money, and this is noticed by thieves who know about this reflex. Also, you should not praise yourself for good deeds, since pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.

How so? It seems like the job has already been done, why can such good results be lost? Yes, because the matter is considered completed only when the last emotions appear in our consciousness. And if the last emotion was pride or narcissism, this means that the job is unfinished and there will be no result. So what if the cake is beautiful? It should also be tasty. Yes, the man in the store bought a cake, but that's not all. He might come back and complain about how terrible it tastes.

So, as a result of any good deed, a sweet taste of humility, modesty and gratitude for the opportunity to do it should appear. If, instead, emotions of pride, arrogance or boasting appear, it means that the dish is spoiled, it has become bitter and disgusting. No one will eat such a cake. At best, it will be thrown in the trash, and at worst, it will be returned to the store. Therefore, you don’t need to tell anyone about your good deeds; this is good training for developing the right reactions and emotions. Yes, a complex dish will not turn out right the first time, but if you know exactly what the final taste should be, then sooner or later it will turn out just right, and everyone will be satisfied.

3. The third thing that sages do not recommend talking about is your asceticism.

You shouldn’t tell left and right how you limit yourself in nutrition, sleep, sexual relations, and in everything else. Asceticism is also beneficial only if it is combined with emotional asceticism. But if I was ascetic only outwardly, but inside I was filled with wild joy and pride in my achievements, then this is not asceticism at all, but ordinary self-indulgence.

True asceticism involves both the external and internal world of a person, so we should not be overly happy that we have succeeded in this regard. So what if you didn’t sleep at night or didn’t eat for three days? This is your asceticism. Why tell others about this? You need to share knowledge, not your pride. If we succeed at something, this does not mean at all that there is any benefit from it. Only time will be able to show whether this brought good or not.

Ascetic people can degrade just as much as non-ascetic people. And non-ascetic people can progress perfectly and maintain their spiritual achievements. The level of asceticism can be compared to taste, which is not discussed. Likewise, different people have their own ideas about how high the bar needs to be set for oneself in order to truly develop, and this means that this bar should be set specifically for me, and not for others. Therefore, there is no point in being proud that everyone eats bread with butter and cheese, while I, a great ascetic, eat only bread and butter. And once a month I don’t even apply butter...

4. The fourth thing you should keep silent about is your courage, heroism or other manifestations of valor.

Yes, this is a great thing, but it is given to us as a test from God. Some people are given external tests, while others are given internal tests. External trials are visible, so people receive rewards, fame and other honors for them. But no one notices overcoming internal trials, and therefore no awards are given for them. Therefore, the sages advise the heroes of external victories to show their respect to the heroes of internal battles and not to boast about their achievements.

And even more so, you should not demand honor and respect from society for your heroic deeds. It is not society that has set us the task of becoming a hero - it is our own choice, our own test, our own sense of duty. Therefore, it is very strange to demand a reward from someone for your decision. It’s like sweeping in front of a bank and then demanding a salary from the bank. Yes, you did a good job, you cleaned up the trash in front of the bank, but the bank didn’t owe you anything. The hero must remember that he receives a reward within his heart in the form of purification, and this purity can be destroyed by the desire to receive external honors. So remember: the real feat is accomplished inside our own heart after that, and this result is truly valuable.

5. The fifth thing you shouldn’t talk about is spiritual knowledge.

There is a tendency for a preacher to think that the more sublime the knowledge he is trying to impart, the more purifying it is, but this is just another trap of illusion. Any spiritual knowledge cleanses equally strongly, but not all spiritual knowledge is perceived in such a way that it can be used. Therefore, the sages warn us: spiritual knowledge must also be practical, which means that it must correspond to the level of perception of each individual person.

Having heard about spiritual reality, a person must clearly and simply understand what exactly he can do right today, and what real result it will bring him, how it will cleanse his heart, how it will take him at least one step closer to eternal happiness. Therefore, you should not especially say something that a person cannot use, otherwise he may simply become disillusioned with spirituality and think that it is just madness and madness to waste time on something that does not bring any real results. It's like talking about cakes and leaving without trying anything or sharing the recipe.

6. The sixth thing you shouldn’t particularly share with others is your morality.

Yes, we can be great vegetarians, we can practice non-violence, we can be proud of our purity of life, but we cannot be perfectly moral in this world. The average person is forced to commit some form of violence every day. Yes, we can avoid the main forms of sin, but there is also invisible sin, which is still violence, since it leads to the destruction of living beings or causing them suffering. This is how pancha-suna, or the five great sins of a householder, are known. They are described in the smriti and warn us that our behavior is not so easy to make ideal.

The first is the sin of killing living beings while grinding spices or grains. The second is the sin of killing living beings while walking, the third is the sin of killing living beings while cleaning, the fourth is the sin of killing living beings while lighting a fire, and the fifth is the sin of killing living beings while boiling or drinking water. Therefore, traditional Hinduism uses the Pancha-Maha-Yajna system. These are the five main sacrifices of the forty Vedic rituals. They are carried out by householders.

This is brahma-yajna, or recitation of the Vedas, to pay off the debt to the sages who imparted this knowledge to us. Deva-yajna is the worship of the demigods who fulfill our daily needs. Pitri-yajna - which is gratitude to the ancestors. Manushya Yagya as a way to repay debts to society, for example, through the ritual of hospitality. And bhuta-yagya as caring for subtle living beings, who, despite the fact that we cannot see them, still surround us and interact with us in one way or another.

Therefore, as we see, we shouldn’t be particularly proud of our morality, otherwise any person with the slightest understanding of spiritual science will immediately bring a couple of dozen accusations against us not just of immorality, but of immoral hypocrisy. Declare your cosmic non-violence once, and they will immediately point out to you leather boots, silk clothes (poor silkworm), electrical appliances (poor fish at a hydroelectric power station and flooded animals and fields), and in general any production carries with it a small chemical war against everything around us, and we joyfully take advantage of this, declaring ourselves great moralists.

7. The seventh thing you shouldn’t talk about is your domestic conflicts and your family life in general.

It’s not enough to install iron doors and plastic windows, you also have to bite your tongue about what’s happening in this house. Remember: the less you talk about problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. Rubbish should not be swept out of the hut onto the street; the garbage must be collected in a black bag and thrown into the trash. Nobody likes someone who throws trash at their neighbors' doors. A quarrel is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated during communication. Yes, this is not very pleasant, but in principle it is useful, since it carries with it, albeit aggressive, cleansing.

If this negative energy of the quarrel is not thrown away, but transferred to others, then in this case it does not go anywhere, but returns back to the family, and the problems in it only intensify. Therefore, a family man who talks about his family problems to those around him is like a person who went to the trash heap to throw out garbage and came back with a trash can without throwing anything away. The sewage system must fulfill its functions and carry all waste into a natural purifier. Therefore, there is no need to drown your neighbors, no one will like it.

8. The eighth thing that should not be said is that the food you feed another person is prepared from inexpensive products.

Anyone who tastes food will appreciate its taste, since even the simplest food can be perfectly tasty. But if the cook starts talking about how he didn't have enough money for olive oil, saffron, brown sugar or fresh ginger, he will only spoil the impression of the meal, and a spoiled mood, as a rule, turns off digestion, and as a result the food turns into poison. Therefore, cook deliciously, and no one needs to know how rich this food is.

9. The ninth thing you should keep silent about is ugly and slang words that you heard from someone.

As we have already found out, garbage can be not only coarse, but also subtle. Therefore, you can get your shoes dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And a person who, having come home, tells everything that he heard to a stupid person on the way, is no different from a person who came home and walks around without taking off his shoes. Previously, it was generally considered uncivil to enter a house wearing shoes, so they were always left in the hallway. And this tradition is still preserved in some places in this world.

10. And the tenth thing you should bite your tongue about is about your far-reaching plans.

The sages advise to remain silent until this plan is fulfilled. The fact that plans in this world come true is in some way a miracle. Therefore, it is quite easy to interfere with any plan - you just need to find the weak points in it and tell everyone about it. All you have to do is find out about someone's plan, and there are many opportunities to stop it. Therefore, we should remember that any of our plans is not only not ideal, but there are a huge number of weak points in it, which are very easy to hit and destroy everything. So don’t give your ill-wishers a chance, which means don’t reveal your plans unnecessarily.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that a wise person does not boast of his humility, since life from time to time forces us to take very tough, strong-willed and even aggressive actions. So be humble on the inside because on the outside we sometimes have to become warriors to meet the challenges that life throws at us. Arjuna also tried to show humility by leaving the war in the forest, but this almost turned into a great shame...

Vyacheslav Ruzov

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