What should be understood by stress? Stress and stressful conditions

Good day, dear readers!

In this article we will look at such important issues on the topic of stress as: the concept of stress, causes, symptoms and development of stress, stressful situations, as well as how to relieve stress and prevent its manifestation. So…

Stress concept

Stress ( English stress)– a nonspecific (abnormal) condition or reaction of the body to various unfavorable factors (stressors) affecting it. Among the most popular stressors are fears, conflicts, and lack of funds.

Symptoms of stress include irritability, anger, insomnia, passivity, lethargy, dissatisfaction with the outside world and other signs.

An interesting fact is that small stressful situations are necessary for a person, because... they play an important role in further favorable changes in the life of the person himself. This is due to the release of adrenaline into a person’s blood during a stressful situation, as well as other biochemical reactions that help a person solve a particular problem, which may last for more than one year in a person’s life.

One example that clearly reflects this picture: In the 90s, one person went broke in business, and in such a way that he was also left in large debts, about 1 million dollars. This stressful situation forced the person to mobilize all his mental and other abilities to solve this issue. After some time, he decided to make several types of salads and offer them for sale in one of the capital’s stores. His salads quickly sold out, and literally a year later he was supplying salads to many metropolitan supermarkets, which allowed him to repay his debt.

Another example, which is often called the “instinct of self-preservation” - when a person is in mortal danger, he can solve this issue in a way that is simply impossible in a normal state.

Of course, the situations are different, and so are the solutions, but I think, in general, you understand the picture.

In addition to its positive effects, stress can also contribute to negative consequences. When a person is constantly exposed to stressful situations, his body intensively wastes its strength (energy), which leads to its rapid exhaustion. Since all organs are in a tense state, they are more susceptible to secondary adverse factors, for example, diseases.

A striking example is the situation when a person gets sick under stress, the speech apparatus is impaired (), etc.

In addition, severe stress or a sudden stressful situation sometimes leads a person to.

Also, with strong, prolonged and frequent stress, a number of pathological changes develop, expressed in various diseases of the mental, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, immune and other systems. The body becomes exhausted, weakens, and loses the ability to solve or get out of a stressful situation.

Thus, scientists have established two main types of stress - Eustress (positive stress) And distress (negative stress). We’ll talk about the types later, but now let’s move on to considering the symptoms (reactions) of the body to stressful situations.

Among the most popular reactions of the body to stress are:

- causeless and frequent attacks of irritability, anger, dissatisfaction with the people around a person, the situation, the world;

- distrust of oneself and others, fussiness;

- frequent desire to cry and sobbing, melancholy, self-pity;

- lack of desire to eat food, or, conversely, excessive desire to eat;

- nervous tics, non-specific desires for the patient to bite one’s nails, bite one’s lips;

- increased sweating, increased excitability, digestive system disorders (,), itching of the skin, rapid heartbeat, chest discomfort, breathing problems, feelings of suffocation, sharp, numbness or tingling in the extremities;

- increased interest in alcohol, drugs, smoking, computer games and other things that the person was not particularly interested in before.

Complications of stress

Among the complications are:

- constant insomnia and headaches;
- drug and alcohol use;
— disorders of the digestive system –, ;
- cardiovascular diseases (,);
- depression, hatred, suicidal desires.

There are a great many causes of stress, because... Each person has his own individual body, psyche, way of life, therefore, the same factor may not affect one person at all, or have an insignificant effect, while another person literally gets sick, for example, a conflict with another person. Therefore, let’s consider the most popular causes and/or stress factors:

- a conflict situation with another person - at work, at home, with friends or even with strangers, a quarrel;

— dissatisfaction with one’s appearance, the people around him, success at work, self-realization in the world, the environment (home, work), standard of living;

- low cost of living, lack of money, debts;

- long-term absence of vacation and proper rest from everyday activities and everyday life;

- routine life with the absence or small amount of positive emotions and changes;

- long-term chronic diseases, especially those affecting appearance, as well as illnesses of relatives;

- overweight;

- death of a relative or just a loved one or acquaintance;

- lack of microelements in the body;

- watching emotional films, or vice versa, horror films;

- problems in sexual life;

- frequent fears, especially of fatal diseases (), the opinions of others, old age, a small pension;

- loneliness;

- excessive physical activity, or unfavorable environmental conditions (cold, heat, rainy weather, high or low atmospheric pressure);

- a sudden change in the environment - moving to another place of residence, changing jobs;

- heavy music;

- other reasons or situations that can hook or irritate a person.

Types of stress

  • By type of stimulus:

Physical stress. It occurs as a result of exposure of the body to unfavorable environmental conditions - sun, cold, heat, rain, radiation, etc.

Biological stress. It occurs as a result of a malfunction of various body systems, diseases, injuries, or excessive physical stress on the body.

Psychological or mental (emotional, nervous) stress. Occurs as a result of exposure to various positive or negative emotions/experiences on a person. Most often caused by social problems - money, quarrels, living conditions.

  • According to the type of reaction of the body to a stressful situation:

Eustress. Provoked by positive emotions and experiences.

Distress. A negative form of stress in which it is difficult for the body to cope with a problem. It is a common cause of various diseases, sometimes even fatal, such as cancer.

  • By time:

Short-term stress. It emerges and develops rapidly. It also disappears very quickly after removal of the stressor (pathogenic factor).

Chronic stress. This type of stress attacks a person day after day, accustoming the body to being under it in such a way that the patient practically begins to believe that this is his reality, without seeing a way out. A chronic form of stress often leads a person to various complex diseases, phobias, and suicide.

Phases of stress

The development of stress occurs in three phases:

1. Mobilization. The body reacts to a stressor with anxiety and mobilizes its defenses and resources to withstand the stress factor.

2. Confrontation. The body resists a stressful situation, the person actively seeks a way out of it.

3. Exhaustion. With a long duration of influence of a stress factor on a person, the body begins to deplete and becomes vulnerable to secondary threats (various diseases).

Treatment of stress

How to relieve stress? Treatment of stress includes the following points:

— removal of the stressor (stress factor);
— physiological procedures;
- taking sedatives;
- psychological correction.

1. The first thing to do to relieve stress is to remove the irritating factor, if possible. For example, change jobs, stop communicating with a conflicting person, etc. Sometimes even the red walls of your bedroom or office space can be an irritating factor.

2. Physiological stress relief procedures include:

- healthy sleep;
— good rest, preferably in nature;
- eating food enriched with vitamins and;
- active lifestyle - exercise, cycling, swimming;
- relaxing baths;
— relaxing music;
- a walk in the fresh air before bedtime;
- deep, calm breathing - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
- relaxing massage.

3. Anti-stress medications are divided into two groups - sedatives and tranquilizers (anxiolytics).

Sedatives or drugs are aimed at calming the mental system. Among them are:

- sedatives: “Barboval”, “Valerian”, “Melison”.
- sedatives: tea with lemon balm, tinctures (, peony), decoctions (, oregano), relaxing baths (with pine needles).

Tranquilizers (anxiolytics): Adaptol, Noofen, Tenoten.

Important! Before using medications and other anti-stress medications, be sure to consult your doctor!

4. Taking vitamins has a very beneficial effect on the body, This is especially true when eating monotonous and unhealthful food, or under constant physical and mental stress. Particular emphasis should be placed on taking B vitamins, of which large quantities are found in nuts, cereals (wheat, rice, barley), black seeds, and dried apricots.

5. Psychological correction. Consulting a psychologist can help you rethink your life, change your daily priorities, and change your attitude towards yourself and other people. Sometimes a professional, after listening to the patient, can help make the right decision in a given situation, or teach the person to solve stressful situations himself. In all cases, everything is individual, as you and I said at the beginning of the article.

I also can't help but mention about prayer, because turning to God and His solutions to certain issues, including stressful situations, often go beyond understanding, and the result usually exceeds all the expectations of the person who turns to Him. Who else but the Creator is capable of resolving the issues of His creation and understanding all its bitterness, despair, melancholy and other human problems.

To minimize the development of stress, pay attention to the following recommendations:

— lead an active lifestyle;
- eat fortified food;
- try to find a job that you like;
- get enough sleep;
- give up alcoholic beverages and do not use drugs;
— spend more time outdoors, relax in nature, not at the computer;
— limit yourself in caffeine consumption (coffee, strong black tea);
- do not watch or listen to what is unpleasant for you (movies, music, news);
- keep an eye on your child - what he reads and watches, limit him from information of a violent, otherworldly and occult nature;
— share your experiences with friends or relatives you trust;
- if you feel that you cannot or do not know how to overcome stressful situations, consult a psychologist for advice;
- turn to the Lord and ask Him to help you overcome stressful situations.

Which doctor should you consult if you are stressed?

  • Psychologist;
  • Psychotherapist.

Video about stress

Many people talk about stress today, and a large number of people consider it the cause of all their failures, including problems with their own health. Various failures and troubles contribute to the appearance of stress. It is worth noting that good deeds, essential oils, and physical exercise help to minimize the causes of stress.

Under the influence of a stressful state, a person feels tired, irritable, restless and is in constant tension. He does not want to sleep or, on the contrary, he is constantly in a half-asleep state. There may be no appetite or, conversely, a constant desire to eat, which leads to sudden weight loss or weight gain. But it is impossible to constantly be in a stressful state. After excitement, all functions begin to slow down, which leads to apathy and depression.

There are five types of stress:

  1. Emotional stress. Typically, such stress occurs when we are threatened by critical, dangerous situations, and they cause too strong emotions. They can also arise as a result of unexpected and joyful events.
  2. Psychological stress. The main reasons for the manifestation of this condition are unsatisfactory and unfavorable relationships with society, and are the result of a psychological state.
  3. . It is a consequence of poor nutrition, heavy physical activity or lack of sleep.
  4. Management stress. It occurs when there is great responsibility for the decision that you are just about to make or have already made your choice.
  5. . The main reason for this condition is the lack of information or too much information, which makes it extremely difficult to make a decision.

Factors that provoke stress tension

Time limits create mental stress

The causes of stress predetermine the situations that provoke stress. Such situations are called stress factors. The inability to control oneself is the result of the accumulation of a significant number of stress factors, and the simultaneous exposure to such factors contributes to the emergence of psychological stress, which is difficult to get rid of. Stress factors, negative or positive, provoke stress to the extent that you perceive this factor.

There are two groups of factors that provoke stress:

Personal factor:

  • death or illness of a close family member;
  • divorce or wedding;
  • change of type of activity;
  • loss of all savings;
  • dismissal.

Organizational factor:

  • working conditions do not meet the stated requirements;
  • time limit for completing a specific task or work;
  • introduction of innovations;
  • high demands placed on you;
  • absolutely uninteresting and very boring work;
  • increase in the volume of work.

Your own problems often make you feel stressed, because they constantly place many prohibitions, restrictions and expectations throughout your life, force you to do one thing and do not allow you to do another, creating negative emotions and states. Constantly following a problem can easily lead to stress, as it makes you worry, nervous, and tense.

Causes of stress and its types

It makes no sense to list all the possible causes of stress, because they are all different, which means that each of you has your own thinking and behavior patterns in a given life situation. It is because of this that there are a lot of situations of psychological tension and stress.

Positive life changes, such as the birth of a child, also cause significant stress

Many of us identify stress factors with not very pleasant events that often happen in life. But it is important to include positive aspects among these factors, such as increased pay for work done, receiving various kinds of awards, marriage, because they also cause stress.

The causes of overvoltage can be external and internal. External reasons are various changes in life that are under your personal control. Internal - located in your mind and in most cases are far-fetched or figments of the imagination.

External reasons:

  • financial problems;
  • drastic changes in your life;
  • Job;
  • high workload;
  • personal life.

Internal reasons:

  • pessimism;
  • perfectionism:
  • unfulfilled expectations;
  • lack of perseverance, diligence and perseverance;
  • negative self-talk.

Perfectionists experience stress more often due to increased demands on themselves and others.

Major stressors

Psychologists identify eight of the most common causes of stress arousal:

  1. Personal connections. Relationships with friends, family, colleagues at work, or even complete strangers often generate stress, as they are always accompanied by emotional states.
  2. Finance. Many psychologists believe that financial relationships are the main and main cause of stress.
  3. Opportunity for self-expression. Many people try to express themselves, but not everyone succeeds in doing this.
  4. Family. For any person, tense and strained relationships with any of their relatives can become one of the main causes of psychological stress, and in the future will lead to stress.
  5. Own problems. A person always wants to control his own life, and some try to have control over someone else’s. When such control weakens, you become stressed because the person wants to control everything.
  6. Safety and Health. Such problems are often perceived very painfully by us, since they really pose a threat to your life.
  7. Job. It, like finances, is directly related to sources of stress. For some, being busy is an absolute priority.
  8. Death. For every person, the death of a beloved pet is a huge stress, not to mention the loss of a loved one, which often leads to psychological disorders. The source of such a state can also be the anticipation of death itself.

The cause of psychological stress can be anything. Both men and women are susceptible. Each has its own characteristic features. If you notice in yourself or someone else, then you should first find out the reasons for this condition. Because eliminating the consequences of stress overexertion is much more difficult than simply eliminating its causes.

Two types of stress

Stress is of a mental-emotional or physical nature. Psycho-emotional stress is common to both animals and people. Often occurs due to environmental changes and there is a high degree of ambiguity and psychological stress. They, in turn, cause tension, which is psychological emotional stress.

Sometimes stress overexertion is caused by certain physical phenomena or external stimuli, such as various weather changes or even an infection that has entered the body. In any of these cases, the body's reaction is the same. The body needs to be able to adapt and adapt to new conditions. Adaptation occurs due to the coordinated work of the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland and the brain.

Disease is the body’s adaptation to new conditions through stress.

During times of stress, all the adaptation mechanisms of your body are activated, increasing the stability of psychological perception and performance, all reactions are activated, and you feel a surge of vitality. All this contributes to adaptation to new situations, which has a beneficial effect on survival.

The body has the ability to eliminate the causes of stress itself if its adaptation mechanisms are strong enough. But if such mechanisms are weakened, then the pathogens will act for a long time. When the immune system is depleted and suppressed. All body systems respond to stress to varying degrees. In most cases, stress is the main cause of various disorders of a psychological nature, the endocrine system and diseases such as stomach ulcers, hypertension, atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

In order to save himself in moments of danger, a person is capable of many things that he had never even thought of doing before. All your body’s resources are directed towards fighting and overcoming all obstacles.

It has been proven that minor stress is not only not harmful to the body, but even beneficial. Because they encourage you to find a way out of current difficult situations. Developing willpower and self-education will prevent stress from moving into a more serious stage - depression, and helps maintain psychological balance.

As a result

Each person has different psychophysiological characteristics. Some people can easily adapt to stress and withstand enormous loads for long periods of time. For other people, a small load can simply unsettle them, and there are also those who work with full dedication under stressful conditions. So, a penchant for self-development will help cope with stress.

A detailed explanation of what stress is, what types it comes in, what its causes and symptoms are, and how to deal with it.

I have long wanted to write an article about what is stress.

Do you know why?

Because with this word, like a shield, lazy people, hysterical people, smart-ass people and other useless people often like to cover up their inability to work, solve problems, and fulfill their direct responsibilities.

I decided to dot the i’s once and for all and explain the history of origin, symptoms, causes, types of stress and ways to deal with it.

Ah, I'm stressed, although I have no idea what it is

It was no coincidence that I started talking about unpleasant people who like to hide behind stress.

I worked with one of these. This was the stupidest creature, placed in our acquaintance company, who could not complete a single task. Her name was Lucy.

And when the management task seemed especially difficult to her or the deadline was pressing, Lucy fell into a nervous state and shouted to everyone around: “I’m stressed. I can't do anything."

At one point, the boss realized that even many years of friendship with Uncle Lucy would not force him to keep this useless creature on his staff, and with a rebuke in the style of “do you even know what stress is, you lazy person,” he fired the young lady.

We all breathed a sigh of relief, because such valuable cooperation, when you have to do not only your job, but also Lucina's, was exhausting for all of us.

What is stress and what types does it come in?

The word “stress” itself is a tracing paper from the English stress, which translates as tension, load, pressure.

That is, stress is a reaction of the human body, which has been under the pressure of unfavorable factors and the influence of heavy loads for a long time.

Depending on the emotional component (positive or negative), the following are distinguished:

    Eustresses are beneficial stresses that give a positive boost of energy to our body.

    It's no secret that a small dose of adrenaline is useful for the human body, so that it cheers up, shakes itself out, and finally wakes up.

    Distress is harmful stress that is caused by overexertion.

    Single distress does not cause much harm to the body, but if you do not get out of this state for a long time, then stress can develop into something more dangerous, for example.

Stress is also classified depending on the factors that provoke its occurrence:


    Most often it occurs when a person cannot establish interaction with society.


    The reason for its occurrence is excessively strong emotions (both positive and negative) that a person cannot cope with.

  • Informational – the body’s reaction to some unexpected information, most often negative.
  • Management is the problem of all managers who have to make important decisions every day.

Who was the first to understand what stress is?

Of course, stress has always existed.

Surely even primitive people, who for a long time failed to catch a mammoth, suffered from nervous tension and stress, although they themselves did not understand the state of their body.

But this problem was seriously studied only in the first half of the twentieth century.

Nobel Prize laureate Hans Selye was the first to understand and describe what stress is in 1936. Before him, the term “stress” was used as a technical term and meant the resistance of some material to external pressure.

Selye decided that all this was applicable to the human body and began research, fortunately, not on humans, but on rats.

Animal advocates will probably call the Nobel laureate a sadist and a flayer, and in some ways they will be right, but science is often unmerciful to our smaller brothers.

Selye's experiments consisted of tormenting rats in various ways (loud sound, immobilization, current, water), and then performing an autopsy on the experimental rodent, which showed that the rat's internal organs had changed, most often they had a stomach ulcer.

Thus, Selye concluded that the internal organs of rats are susceptible to pathologies not from the very effects of electric current, water or loud noise, but as a result of the reaction of the rodents’ body to them.

Alas, it was possible to understand what stress is thanks to the inhuman experiments of the scientist.

How do you know if you are stressed?

Stress has its own pronounced symptoms, so covering up your stupidity, laziness, unwillingness to take responsibility with your body’s reaction to external pressure means deceiving yourself.

You can safely say that you are stressed if you:

  1. You constantly feel tired and overwhelmed.
  2. You notice that your ability to remember new information has deteriorated, and you even begin to forget what you knew before.
  3. They began to have trouble sleeping.
  4. You have lost your appetite or, on the contrary, you consume huge portions.
  5. You can’t get rid of the feeling of anxiety and the obsessive thought that something bad will happen soon.
  6. Speak at a fast pace, which was not typical for you before.
  7. You have stopped responding to funny jokes and are in a depressed state.
  8. You are never satisfied with the results of your work.
  9. Complain of headaches or stomach cramps.
  10. You can't concentrate.
  11. You easily fall into a state of rage.
  12. Even simple work began to take much longer than before.
  13. You make stupid mistakes.
  14. You show stubbornness where you shouldn’t.
  15. You feel sorry for yourself and think that your life has failed.

Individually, each of these symptoms is not scary, but diagnosing yourself with at least 5 signs from the list should make you wonder: am I stressed?

Causes of stress

Of course, the human body’s reaction in the form of stress does not appear on its own.

Stress arises for completely objective reasons:

  1. A large number of responsibilities that you cannot cope with.
  2. Inability to rest and sleep for a long time.
  3. There is a bad economic or political situation in the country, so most news carries negative information.
  4. A quarrel with someone close to you.
  5. Negative changes in personal or professional life: betrayal by your significant other, dismissal, divorce, demotion, etc.
  6. Deterioration of material condition.
  7. Obsessive thoughts about previously made mistakes, unnecessary self-examination in the past, incorrect perception of negative experiences.
  8. Long-term illness and poor health.
  9. – constantly postponing things until a blockage appears that can no longer be cleared.
  10. A series of minor failures.

How stress affects the human body and can it lead to death:

How to deal with stress?

Whatever the reason that leads to stress, you must find such a medicine to quickly normalize the condition of your body and never suffer from this dirty trick again.

The most effective ways are:

  1. Healthy sleep and proper rest of the body.
  2. Physical activity, meditation and breathing exercises.
  3. Proper nutrition: more vitamins (greens, vegetables, fruits), nuts, fish, liver, cereals, honey, dairy products. Less sweets, flour, fatty, fried, smoked.
  4. Planning time and making a to-do list to prevent them from piling up.
  5. Learn to “step over” problems that you are unable to solve.
    Love the proverb “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” or “There can be no more trials than I can bear.”
  6. Solve problems before they become unsolvable.

    For example, if the car’s engine makes a strange sound, then you need to immediately go to a car service center, and not wait until the car becomes damaged and you have to invest a lot of money in repairs.

    Eliminating the causes of stress.

    Tired - take a rest, too many responsibilities - give some of it to someone, quarreled with your husband - make peace, etc.

  7. See the positive even in negative moments.
  8. Filter the information you absorb.

    You are not responsible for all the negativity of humanity.

  9. Believe that everything will be fine for you, because you, like no one else, deserve happiness.

Now you know what is stress and, I hope, you won’t use this word inappropriately and inappropriately.

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Main symptoms:

Every person faces stress in their life, because it is a state of the body that occurs when a person is exposed to certain negative or even positive factors, leading to various kinds of changes in their life. During this disorder, the body produces adrenaline, which is necessary in order to overcome the problem that has arisen, so a small amount of stress is required by our body - it allows us to move forward and improve ourselves. However, long-term negative effects cause the development of various disorders in the body and can even cause chronic stress, which is dangerous due to its side effects.

As mentioned above, such a disorder can arise both from excessive exposure to negative factors, in which case it is called distress, and from exposure to positive factors, in which case eustress develops. By their very nature, any event in life can be a stressful factor. However, the reaction of each person is individual and depends on his nervous system. For some people, psycho-emotional stress can cause the development of serious psychosomatic disorders in the body, while for others it will pass without a trace, becoming only an incentive to improve themselves and their lives.


There are different types of stress. As mentioned above, distress and eustress are distinguished by nature. The positive form usually does not have a negative impact on the health and mental sphere of a person, while the negative form can knock a person out of the saddle for a long time and leave behind non-healing wounds.

Also, types of stress differ in the nature of the impact of certain factors, and can be:

  • temperature;
  • neuropsychiatric (the most common type);
  • food;
  • light, as well as those caused by other stimuli.

In addition, there are types of stress such as those that arose due to extreme social conditions or those that developed as a result of critical psychological events. The first type includes disorders that arise as a result of military operations, natural disasters, bandit attacks, etc. The second type includes those disorders that arise as a result of various social problems, for example, passing an exam, divorce, death of a relative, etc. d.

It is also worth highlighting the following types of stress - psychological and biological. Psychological disorder or psycho-emotional stress occurs as a result of the reaction of the human nervous system to a real or fictitious negative factor. A biological disturbance occurs against the backdrop of a real threat. Therefore, the main criterion for determining the type of disorder is the question: “Does this or that effect cause real harm to the body?” If the answer is “yes,” then it is a biological disorder; if “no,” it is a psycho-emotional one. Knowledge of these varieties allows you to understand how to relieve stress and prevent its adverse effects on human health.

There is also a distinction between post-traumatic stress, that is, a disorder that develops after suffering trauma or experiencing critical events. Stress urinary incontinence is one of the common symptoms of this pathological disorder. Stress urinary incontinence is especially common in children after difficult events.

Main stages of stress

There are three stages of stress, which are characterized by periods of excitation and inhibition. In each person they are expressed to one degree or another, which depends, firstly, on the source of the disorder, and, secondly, on the state of the person’s nervous system.

The three stages of stress are interconnected, that is, with the development of the first, the second and third will certainly follow. When exposure occurs, the body responds to it. This can happen within a few seconds or several weeks after the incident - it all depends on the state of the nervous system of each individual individual.

At the first stage Under stress, an individual loses the ability to control his actions and thoughts, the body’s resistance decreases and behavior changes to the exact opposite of what is characteristic of him. So, if a person was kind, he becomes quick-tempered and irritable, and if he was quick-tempered, he withdraws into himself.

Second stage- stage of resistance and adaptation. At this stage, the body’s resistance to the stimulus increases and the person makes decisions that allow him to cope with the situation that has arisen.

Third stage characterized by depletion of the nervous system. If the exposure is prolonged, such as when a person develops chronic stress, the body becomes unable to cope with the factors that caused the disorder. A person develops a feeling of guilt, anxiety may re-emerge, but, in addition, chronic stress often becomes the cause of the development of somatic pathologies, even severe pathological conditions.

Thus, all phases of stress are interconnected and when the question arises of how to relieve stress, it is necessary to understand what stage a person is at at a certain point in time. It is important to remember that the consequences of stress can be either minor or very severe, therefore, the earlier the patient starts taking anti-stress pills, the less the consequences of this disorder.

Causes of stress

Every person faces many negative factors in his life. The causes of stress are so numerous that it is impossible to list them all. Nevertheless, scientists have been able to identify the main causes of stress, or rather, factors that affect almost any individual.

So, the main negative factors that can cause psycho-emotional disorder and even chronic stress include:

  • serious illness;
  • illness or death of close relatives;
  • separation from loved ones, including divorce;
  • attack or emergency;
  • deterioration of financial situation;
  • birth of a child;
  • moving to another country (or even just changing your place of residence);
  • sexual problems;
  • job change;
  • retirement;
  • emergence of problems with the law, etc.

Very often, women develop stress during pregnancy, as her body and psyche undergo significant changes.

It must be said that such a disorder tends to accumulate, that is, with prolonged exposure it worsens. For example, stress during pregnancy can increase over time and, at the time the child is born, a normal disorder turns into a severe or severe one. If stress occurs during pregnancy, a woman needs to tell her attending gynecologist about her symptoms so that he can prescribe her medications that can be taken without risk to the fetus.


If we talk about the symptoms of stress, they can be different for each person - it all depends on the state of the individual’s psyche, the stage of the process, as well as the strength of the negative impact.

Physical symptoms of stress are few - they can manifest themselves as weight loss due to poor nutrition, constant fatigue due to insomnia, irritability, or, conversely,...

More pronounced are the psychological symptoms of stress, which include:

  • feeling of internal tension;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • stress urinary incontinence;
  • feeling of constant dissatisfaction;
  • depressed state and bad mood;
  • feeling of the ghostliness of the surrounding world;
  • decreased interest in normal activities, etc.

You should talk with a psychotherapist at the initial stage of the disease and with a psychiatrist when the disorder progresses about how to relieve stress if symptoms appear. The consequences of stress can be extremely severe, so treatment must begin at the time when the first signs of stress appear.

Sometimes people try to suppress the symptoms of stress on their own by drinking alcohol, drugs, or becoming a gambler. All these external influences can significantly aggravate the disorder and ruin the patient’s life.

Signs, as mentioned above, can be explicit or implicit, so relatives should carefully monitor the behavior and reactions of the patient in order to seek help from a specialist in time.

Separately, it should be said about such a symptom as stress urinary incontinence. It can occur in young and adult women and is characterized by physical activity, sneezing, etc. Most often, stress urinary incontinence occurs in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. During pregnancy, stress urinary incontinence occurs when the fetus puts pressure on the bladder, and after childbirth it occurs due to weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Therefore, in cases where a woman experiences stress during pregnancy, this disorder worsens, and stress urinary incontinence becomes a common symptom of the pathological disorder. In general, stress itself during pregnancy can cause premature birth and miscarriages.

It is also important to remember that stress urinary incontinence occurs in children against the background of exposure to unfavorable factors and is an important sign that the child is experiencing psycho-emotional overload.


The most important question people ask doctors is how to relieve stress? They are interested in stress prevention and ways to deal with stress. If a person has post-traumatic stress, it is very important to seek help from a good specialist; in other cases, you can try to take anti-stress pills on your own, which today can be purchased without a prescription (in case of mild clinical manifestations).

Methods of dealing with stress can be medical or non-medical. A person can independently practice relaxation techniques and conduct auto-training. In fact, the ability to relax lies in the prevention of stress.

At the same time, in medical practice there are many techniques to combat this disorder, thanks to which the consequences of stress become imperceptible to a person. Without appropriate therapy (psychological counseling and taking medications prescribed by a doctor), the consequences of stress can be extremely severe for the body, even leading to the development of somatic diseases such as oncology, etc.

An effective addition to stress therapy is taking medications and supplements that stimulate cell nutrition - for example, the drug Mildronate: it optimizes intracellular metabolic processes, allowing you to maintain the nutrition of neurons at the required level even at times when there is not enough oxygen, for example, during a state of stress. Protected from starvation, brain cells work much more efficiently, the building of neural connections accelerates, which helps the body cope with stress.

Prevention of stress consists of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and proper alternation of rest and wakefulness. Quitting alcohol, drugs, tobacco and other bad habits also increases the body's resistance to external influences. A positive attitude makes it possible to “disarm” stress at the initial stage.

Is everything in the article correct from a medical point of view?

Answer only if you have proven medical knowledge

Stress is the body’s reaction to strong emotions (they can be negative and positive), fuss and overexertion. During this period, the human body begins to produce the hormone adrenaline - it needs to find a way out! Many people claim that stress is an essential component of every person’s life: without such emotions, “shocks” and worries, life will be too boring and insipid. But you should understand that if there are a lot of stressful situations, then the body gets tired and begins to lose strength and ability to solve even complex problems.

Stress has been very well studied by scientists and doctors; the mechanisms for the development of this condition have even been identified - the nervous, hormonal and vascular systems are involved. The condition in question negatively affects overall health (immunity decreases, gastrointestinal diseases develop, and begins over time), so it is necessary not only to know everything about stress and resist it, but also to understand what methods you can use to return your condition to a healthy level.

Causes of stress

In fact, the cause of the development of a stressful state can be absolutely any situation that can have a strong impact on a person. For example, for many, the loss of gloves is considered a trifle, a slight annoyance, but there are people who regard such a loss from the other side - worries, frustration, a real tragedy. External irritants such as the death of a loved one and constant scandals at work also have a great influence on a person’s emotional background. If we talk about internal irritants-causes, then we are talking about a revision of some life positions, beliefs, and self-esteem of a person. Both men and women of different ages are exposed to stress, regardless of their social status and financial well-being. And if a small amount of stress is even beneficial to the body, then constant stay in this state will lead to serious pathological changes. In some cases, the concept of “stress” is used to define a specific irritant - for example, physical irritants include prolonged exposure to cold or heat. In general, there are three main types of the condition under consideration:

  • chemical stress– reaction to exposure to various toxic substances;
  • mental– impact on the body of positive/negative emotions;
  • biological– provoke muscle overload, injuries, various types of diseases.

Symptoms of stress

What can be considered a stressful condition? The answer to this question can be obtained by knowing the main signs of stress.:

  1. Irritability and/or depressed mood. Moreover, these phenomena are considered symptoms of stress only if they occur without any reason.
  2. Bad dream. Even with maximum fatigue, after a hard day of work and the need to get up early, a person under stress will not be able to sleep soundly.
  3. Feeling worse. We are talking about constant, non-intensive symptoms, chronic fatigue and an unwillingness to do anything at all.
  4. Brain dysfunction. Signs of stress can include decreased performance, impaired concentration, etc. Sclerosis will not develop, and the condition cannot be called amnesia, but stress can lead to the inability to fully engage in studies and mental work.
  5. Apathy. In a stressed state, a person loses interest in others, stops communicating with friends and relatives, and tries to retire.
  6. Bad mood. This concept includes increased tearfulness, self-pity, melancholy, pessimistic attitude, crying, turning into hysterics.

Under stress, a person notices disturbances in appetite - it may disappear completely or, on the contrary, it may become regular. In addition, as stress progresses, nervous tics and characteristic movements of the same type appear - for example, a person may constantly bite his lips or bite his nails. Distrust of others also develops. The above symptoms of the condition in question will allow you to immediately determine whether a person is under stress. You can take one of the many stress tests that are available on the Internet, but it is better to seek help from professionals. Experienced psychologists immediately give you the opportunity to undergo truly competent tests, determine the level of stress and select treatment.

Stages of stress development

The above signs of the condition in question cannot appear suddenly and immediately - stress, like any pathology, has a progressive development. Doctors distinguish several stages of stress progression:

  1. First– the body mobilizes, internal tension increases, a person has clear cognitive processes and an increased ability to remember information.
  2. Second stage– stress goes into a more hidden state, as if hiding inside the body. The transition to this stage occurs only with prolonged stress of the first stage of development - the person enters a period of maladjustment. Characteristic features of the second stage of stress:
  • reduction in the quality of activities of any kind;
  • disorganized behavior;
  • recently acquired information is lost in memory;
  • actions are committed the consequences of which a person does not think about.
  1. Third– there is a decline in internal energy, characterized by nervous exhaustion. The result may be inappropriate behavior, which over a long period of time can lead to serious illnesses.

Please note:The first and second stages of stress do not necessarily require the help of doctors - the human body is very strong, it has powerful potential, which must be used in stressful conditions. But the third stage requires the involvement of specialists - psychologists, psychoneurologists, therapists - in solving the problem.

Stress Treatment Methods

We recommend reading:

If difficult days have come, you feel constant tension inside, suffer from insomnia and causeless irritation, then do not rush to take medications. Of course, you can buy sedatives at the pharmacy, but first you need to try to solve the problem with your own body.

What you can do yourself

At the first symptoms of stress, and indeed during the period of solving numerous problems, it is worth periodically taking a break from the hustle and bustle. To do this, you can read a book, watch your favorite movies, visit friends and have a relaxing evening meeting. The main thing is not to get carried away with alcohol and noisy establishments at this time, because this will not relieve tension, but will only add unpleasant sensations. Doctors recommend that if you want to relieve stress, go for... water treatments. Moreover, this can be a regular shower in an apartment (ideally a contrast shower), swimming in a pool, or relaxing on an open pond. Even according to psychics and traditional healers, water can cleanse the energy field and restore energy levels in the body. When stress has not yet developed into severe conditions, you can get rid of it with the help of a sedative. And for this it is not at all necessary to use any special mixtures - just brew mint, lemon balm or oregano in the form of tea and drink throughout the day instead of drinks and coffee. A glass of mint decoction will help with insomnia - 1 tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant per 200 ml of boiling water. You need to drink this “medicine” an hour and a half before bedtime, every day. But keep in mind that you shouldn’t get too carried away with brewed mint – 5-7 doses are enough to restore proper sleep. To relieve tension, you can also use baths with a decoction of medicinal plants. It’s easy to prepare a decoction: take 50 g each of rosemary, wormwood and linden blossom, add 3 liters of water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the resulting product is poured into the bath - the result should be warm water. The regimen for taking soothing baths is twice a week for 20 minutes before bedtime.

What can a doctor do?

If you feel that you cannot cope with the signs of stress on your own, the tension only increases, and those around you irritate you, then you should seek professional help. You can immediately go to an appointment with a psychologist - a specialist will not only listen, but also suggest ways to solve the problem, and, if necessary, refer you for consultation to psychiatrists and neurologists. Important:It is strictly forbidden to use medications from the group of tranquilizers and nootropics on your own - they must be prescribed by a doctor after an examination.

The effect of stress on the body

Stress is not just a bad mood and emotional turmoil. Such a pathological condition will certainly have a negative impact on both human health and the social component of life.

Stress and health

No one claims that periodically flaring periods of irritability and indifference will necessarily harm the body - periodically experiencing strong emotions (they, by the way, do not always have to be positive!) is useful for everyone. But prolonged stress can lead to the following consequences::

  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system occur - heart attacks, angina, sustained;
  • a person may develop inflammation of the pancreas and thyroid glands;
  • In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and menopause may occur prematurely;
  • the gastrointestinal tract suffers - colitis and duodenum can be diagnosed.

Don’t think that after 2 stresses the above diseases will definitely appear - doctors call the condition in question a “time bomb”. After all, it’s impossible that there is a saying – all diseases are caused by nerves! Regular stress provokes a high concentration of glucocorticoids - this leads over time to muscular dystrophy, and the absorption of calcium by a large number of hormones “released” during stress ends in the development of osteoporosis.
In any case, the health consequences of stress are truly serious - the importance of preventing the condition in question is not even worth discussing.

The impact of stress on the fullness of life

Stress itself does not affect others in any way - you cannot become infected with it. But bad mood, tearfulness, regular hysterics, irritation and attacks of unmotivated apathy can upset not only communication with friends and relatives. Due to frequent stress, families break up - who would want to tolerate an unbalanced person next to them? After experiencing stress, it is recommended to do the following::

  1. "Let off some steam". Choose a secluded place, get out of the city into nature, or just go to a vacant lot - you will need to scream loudly. It is screaming that will help you “throw out” accumulated negative emotions. You can scream any word or sound; usually two or three powerful screams are enough to feel great relief.
  2. Breathing exercises. A direct connection between breathing and a person’s emotional state has long been established - for example, when you are very frightened, your breath “stops.” When irritation occurs, you can quickly calm down by taking a deep breath through your nose, holding it for 2-3 seconds, and exhaling deeply through your mouth.

You will find detailed information about methods of dealing with stress using breathing exercises in the video review:

  1. Physical activity. To minimize the effects of a stressful state, you need to engage in any physical activity - jogging in the fresh air, working out on a weight machine, cleaning the house, weeding the garden.
  2. Support from loved ones. This is a very important point in the treatment of stress - by experiencing your condition alone, a person will only increase anxiety, and very dark thoughts will appear. Most often, you just need to talk to someone, share your pain, cry - there will be no trace of stress left, and your psycho-emotional state will recover quickly.

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