What is the form of a word for example. Keyword trends

what is the form of a word in Russian?

  1. Change the form of words - names of objects (nouns) using the words is, no, give, love (blame), satisfied, create, think.
    There is a fox, there is no fox, give it to the fox, etc.
    Change the form of words - names of signs (adjectives) using the words what, what, what, what.
    red, red, red, red
    Change the form of words - names of actions (verbs) using the words, I, you, he, she, it, they.
    I play, you play, he plays, etc.
  2. This means a change in numbers
    SAMPLE: mom - singular form
    sails is the plural form.
  3. In synthetic languages, that is, languages ​​in which words are modified by endings, every word exists in some form. It’s just that scientists have agreed to consider some form as the main one, for example, for nouns - the nominative singular, for adjectives - the nominative singular masculine, for verbs - the infinitive (indefinite form). This is easier for compiling dictionaries, and this is a logical approach, because the selected forms are the most neutral and carry the minimum number of additional meanings.
  4. First of all, it is important to understand that each word has one form or another, that is, a certain set of characteristics. Based on these features, which can be reflected, for example, in the ending (inflection), you can easily determine the part of speech. For example, only verbs have the endings et, it, at, yat, and only participles have the suffixes ush, yush, ash, yash. The form of a word contains various grammatical features of certain parts of speech. For example, you can determine the aspect, tense, person, number, conjugation, transitivity of a verb. But the grammatical form of a noun contains signs of number, case, declension, and gender. So, in the sentence Guys, love and take care of our language, the word language is used in the accusative case, singular. The form of the word can be changed. For example, in the sentence Prepare an essay on the meaning of our language, the word language is already used in the genitive case, singular. However, there are words in the Russian language in which the form of the word always remains unchanged. These are called immutable parts of speech. They cannot determine the categories of person, number, case, etc. Such words include adverbs (quickly, far, completely, etc.), gerunds (seeing, looking, touching, etc.). They have no ending, not even zero, since the ending is part of the word being modified. Unfortunately, there are often errors in identifying words with the same form and words with the same root. This can probably be explained by the fact that in both cases the words will have the same root. However, by changing the form of a word, you will only change its ending, but all the remaining morphemes (prefixes, suffixes) included in the stem will remain unchanged. For example, in the chain of the word form pilot - pilots - pilot, each word includes the root years and the suffix chik. Therefore, these are forms of the same word. If you compare the words aquatic - underwater - submariner, you can find some differences in the composition of the words. Despite the fact that all words contain the same root water, the composition of the stem is not the same. In the word aquatic, in addition to the root water, the base contains the suffix n, in the word underwater there is a prefix under and the suffix n, and the noun submariner has a prefix under and the suffix nik. Therefore they are not forms of the same word. These words are related.
  5. everything is simple
  6. The form of a word is a morphological variety of a word that carries a complex of certain meanings of grammatical categories inherent in a given part of speech; a set of morphological and phonological characteristics of a word
  7. The form of the word is the same word as the given one, only with other inconsistent features.

    For nouns, this is the same word as the given one, only in a different number, a different case, or at the same time a different number and a different case, for example, the word LAKE is given, it is used in the nominative singular case, its forms will differ from it
    only case (no LAKE, to the LAKE, LAKE, about the LAKE),
    only in number (there is OZRA);
    case and number (no OZR, to LAKES, LAKES, about LAKES).

    Adjectives change by gender, number and case, so the forms of the adjective BEAUTIFUL will differ from this initial form (nominative singular masculine):
    only by birth: beautiful, beautiful;
    only in numbers: beautiful;
    gender and case: beautiful, about beautiful;
    number and case: beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, about beautiful.

    In addition, the adjective BEAUTIFUL has short forms, which are also examples of inflection: beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

    This adjective has degrees of comparison, which are also word forms, and not new words: more beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful, the most beautiful; degrees of comparison, except for the simple comparative, are declined according to cases and change according to numbers and subdivisions: more beautiful, more beautiful, etc., most beautiful, most beautiful, etc., most beautiful, most beautiful, most beautiful; the most beautiful, the most beautiful, the most beautiful, etc.

    The word forms of the verb NESTI will differ from the initial form (infinitive) by the presence of unstable features: number, mood, time (in the indicative mood), person (in the present and future tense), gender (in the singular past tense in the indicative mood and in the singular conditional moods), that is, the verb BEAR has the following forms:
    I carry, I carry, I carry, I carry, I carry, I carry;
    I will carry, you will carry, you will carry, we will carry, you will carry, you will carry;
    carried, carried, carried, carried;
    would carry, would carry, would carry, would carry;
    bring it, bring it.

  8. The verb denotes the actions of the subject. Answers the question what does it do?
  9. Irina Robertovna Makhrakova has the most NECESSARY, LONG-WAITING answer. I'm tired of searching on the Internet. AND HERE IS ALL AND IMMEDIATELY.
    THANK YOU!!!

If a word changes, it means it has several forms. For example: a book is about a book. The ending has changed, which means the form of the word has changed. Changing the same word is called a word form.

Formative morphemes

Formative morphemes are, first of all, endings. Suffixes can also form not only new words, but also word forms. For example: interesting - more interesting. Read - read. It should be noted that past tense suffixes on verbs form a new form, rather than forming new words.

Auxiliary words

Example: read - would read. Thanks to the word, a new form is formed.

Word form and cognates

When the form of a word changes, only the ending changes, but the stem does not change. Suffixes and prefixes (with the exception of formative suffixes) should not change. When changes occur within the stem, words with the same root are formed. Table, table, table, table - forms of the word. And table and table are the same root words.

Initial form of the word

Each variable part of speech has an initial form of the word. As a rule, this word is in the nominative case and singular. In dictionaries, words are given in their initial form.

Tables on the basic rules of the Russian language for 24 classes. In the Russian language, the form of a word is formed using special formative suffixes, as well. A textbook on the Russian language, grade 2 Zheltovskaya L. In addition, there are unchangeable words in the Russian language. Tests and tests in the Russian language, grade 2 Buneeva option 1

I wish that this library, which is objectively the best in the entire Russian Internet, and maybe... The task is to achieve an understanding of the different forms of the same word. WYKB0 Who offended Sobolev? Unlimited free download of material Changing the form of a word using an ending is available to everyone. What is the form of a word in Russian, grade 2. GDZ Online ready-made homework in the Russian language Federal State Educational Standard for 2nd grade, author

Official website Stas Davydov Schoolboy, put on your leggings! I. Most often, what is the form of a word is understood as the relation of the word to a specific one. Goals 1improving the ability to understand the role of words in the formation and expression of thoughts and. Here, in the GDZ, topics such as the composition of a word, the use of words in sentences, changes are discussed. Russian language lesson Word and word form 2nd grade PNS

Technological map of the Russian language lesson in 1st grade RO L. This process is introductory, but students begin to understand that in the Russian language there are words whose spelling is related. Lesson notes on the Russian language for grade 2. Learning to determine the initial form of words. The manual includes the basic rules presented in the Russian language for 2nd grade. Russian language lesson on the topic Word and its forms

First you need to teach how to use each new word in specific situations, as well. Proper names and the first word in a sentence are written with a capital letter. Entertaining lessons and games contribute to the all-round development of the child. The bell will ring, and in classes, auditoriums, training rooms. Lesson notes on the Russian language in 8th grade

Each word represents the unity of the lexical and grammatical (A.I. Smirnitsky), each word is defined in one way or another in accordance with the grammatical structure of the language. In this sense, each word has a linguistic (grammatical) form. No form - no words. See the children's rhyme, in which, due to the lack of grammatical structure, it is impossible to distinguish the words: atom - botam / - chum - ba - chum / - chum - churyum - chim / - atom - boom / - abiteri / - teri - yaram - char. But not all words have a morphological form, but only those that change.

The morphological form of a word is a change in a word that preserves its lexical meaning. So, the world - the world - the world - the world - the world are different forms (morphological) of the lexemes world, green - green - green - green - green - green - green - green - green - green - green - green - green - green - these are forms lexemes green, five - five - five - forms of the numeral five, read - read - read - read - read - read - read - read - read - read - read - read - will read, etc. - forms of the verb read.

The forms of one word differ in grammatical content.

Morphological forms are also called different words if they have homogeneous grammatical content. For example, pond, river, lake are three words and at the same time three morphological forms of grammatical gender.

In this regard, two terms are used in morphology, inflection and morphology. The term “formation” is used both as a synonym for the term “inflection” and more broadly: to designate any morphological forms.

In many cases, morphological forms are combined into one lexeme quite obviously (see the examples given), but there are such changes in words when the identity of the lexical meaning with a grammatical difference does not prevent the forms from being considered different lexemes, and determining the nature of the corresponding formation turns out to be difficult.

Components of the same paradigmatic relation can be assessed in different ways: as forms of one word and as different words. These are, for example, the correlative forms of the species. For example, the verbs eat and eat have the same lexical meaning (cf. drink, sleep, sit, etc.), they differ in the grammatical meaning of the form: the verb eat corresponds to the question “What to do?”, and the verb eat corresponds to the question “What to do” ?. It would seem that they can be considered different forms of the same lexeme. And such an assessment of such verb pairs is presented in the literature. But the matter is complicated by the fact that the verb to eat also has the meaning of completeness of action, and therefore the sentences “He ate an apple” and “He ate an apple” denote different situations. The meaning of the end of an action in modern linguistics is usually attributed to modifying word-formation semantics, i.e. it is generally accepted that two verbs that differ in the meaning of the end of an action are different words even with lexical coincidence. With this approach (taking into account modifying word formation), eat and eat turn out to be different words.

The above example indicates that the boundary between morphology and word formation in a language is not always clearly marked.

Kamynina A. A. Modern Russian language. Morphology. M., 1999

The form of a word is the most important concept in the Russian language. It is used to judge the grammatical meaning, changeability or immutability of a lexical unit. Errors in the form of a word are not uncommon: someone confuses it with a word of the same root, someone does not know how the initial form is formed, and someone does not know how to change it.

Definition of the concept

Almost any part of speech is characterized by change. Thus, a verb has forms of tense, number or person; noun, adjective, pronoun change according to cases and numbers. All these meanings are contained in the word form. The desired form of the word is realized through the ending (inflection). Here one more concept should be introduced: a paradigm is a chain of word forms.

For example, when changing the verb decide according to times ( I decide - I decided - I will decide) endings change. The same thing happens when changing it by person: I decide - you decide - decides; and numbers: I decide - we decide, you decide - you decide, you decide - they decide.

Now let’s take as an example the nominal part of speech - a noun day. Let's change it by case (let's take not all, only three): day(nominative), day(genitive), during the day(instrumental), about the day(prepositional). Now for the numbers: day(units) - days(plural).

An adjective, in addition to changing by cases and numbers, can be changed by gender: beautiful table - beautiful furniture - beautiful panel.

Knowing what the form of a word is, we can say that it is in a certain case, refers to a particular declension or conjugation, person or number. Through this concept the word is realized grammatically.

For example, in the sentence The boat set sail from the steep bank word set sail has the past tense, feminine, singular form, therefore it is a verb. At the end we can say that the word is feminine. Now let's look at the word shores. It answers the question what?, therefore it is a noun. In addition, you can determine case (genitive), number (singular), gender (masculine) and declension (second).

Initial form

Another concept in the Russian language is the initial form of a word. This is the fixed grammatical design of the lexeme. This is how it is recorded in dictionaries. It is noteworthy that these characteristics are different for parts of speech.

Noun - nominative case, singular (stump, listener, book, phone, cloud).

Adjective - nominative case, singular, masculine (wooden, oak, tea, magnificent).

The numeral, if cardinal, must be in the nominative case (twenty, six, one hundred forty-one), ordinal, similar to an adjective in the masculine gender, - in the singular, nominative case (twentieth, sixth, one hundred forty-first).

The initial form of a pronoun word depends on its category. It is no secret that these parts of speech are divided depending on which part of speech they gravitate toward. Therefore, for noun pronouns this will be the form of the noun, similarly for adjective pronouns and numerals. An exception is a pronoun that does not have a nominative case form: yourself, yourself, yourself.

Verb - infinitive, i.e. an indefinite form in which questions are posed what to do? what to do?: (sew, wash, have, sit down, blow up, smile).

As for participles, their initial form is determined according to the definition. Unfortunately, this is a rather controversial part of speech: some linguists isolate it as a separate part, and then the initial form is singular, nominative case, masculine (dancing). But if you share the point of view of scientists who consider the participle to be only a form of the verb, then the infinitive must be indicated as the initial form (dance).

What stands apart from everyone else in this matter are the unchangeable parts of speech - the gerund and the adverb. What is the form of a word? This is his change. Accordingly, these words do not have this characteristic: quickly, doubly, passionately, drawing, carried away. A caveat should be made here, as in the previous paragraph: if the gerund is positioned as a verbal form, then its initial form will be an infinitive: drawing - to draw.

Form and cognate word

You should understand what the form of a word is when talking about words with the same root. The latter are formed using word-forming morphemes: prefixes or suffixes. Only the ending is involved in changing the word form.

For example, let's take the word Human. Changing its shape: person - person - person - person - about person. The words differ only in inflections. The lexical meaning is unchanged. Now let’s select words with the same root: little man, humanization, humanity. These words already have different lexical meanings and differ from each other by the presence of suffixes and prefixes (humanization).

Special cases

In the Russian language there are special cases called “non-freedom” of forms - this is a phenomenon in which it is impossible to create a completely form-building chain.

For example, by the way poker it is difficult to choose the plural form of an adjective steal it is impossible to form a passive imperfective participle according to the principle draw - drawable. Knowing what the form of a word and its chain are, you will avoid mistakes in this matter.

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