What is profanity, examples of words. Long tradition of prohibiting obscene language

Zhukova Oksana

Essay on the topic "Profanity"




Surfing the Internet, especially various kinds of forums, conferences, blogs, etc., it becomes awkward when users use abusive expressions, swearing, obscenities, etc. Are you starting to wonder why people use obscene words and expressions? What is this – a cry from the heart, poor vocabulary, bad manners, self-expression, bad influence? We can say with confidence that every person speaks obscene words. But it’s one thing when you speak in order to enhance the connotation of a particular event or incident, situation; it’s another thing when people throw such words at each other. During the Russian language lesson, we were offered several topics for the project. Artyom and I immediately liked the topic about profanity. We always wondered where Russian swearing came from. It turned out to be not so difficult!

Mat (obscene language, barking obscene (obsolete)) is the most coarse type of profanity in Russian and in languages ​​close to it.

History of origin.

As historians note, the Slavic tribes, of course, swore, but their swearing was, in comparison with what happened next, sheer innocence, and their swearing was rather in comparison with domestic animals (cow, goat, ram, bull, mare, etc.). d.). But in 1342, Batu Khan attacked the Russian principality. And it is precisely for the swearing that we hear now that we can thank the Tatar-Mongols. Still, three centuries of yoke did not pass without a trace for Russia. What’s interesting is that in countries that have suffered the same fate, they swear in almost the same way. So, for example, the Serbian “ebene sluntse v pichku” is almost identical to our “e*at”. In fact, synonyms of swear words pronounced in Russian are reflected in both the Polish language and Hungarian - such a distant language of the Finno-Ugric group, and not at all of the Slavic group of languages. After the Mongols, everyone swore. Rich and wealthy nobles considered it beneath them to speak swear words, but the works of Pushkin, Nekrasov, and Gogol, who were not averse to using swear words, have reached us. All of them, in one way or another, learned to correctly express obscene thoughts from the actual founder of obscene poetry - Igor Semenovich Barkov - a classic of Russian obscene literature. However, swear language, precisely as a spoken language, was more characteristic of workers and peasants.

A large number of uneducated people who are accustomed to expressing almost all their thoughts through “fuck” fell into power and began to spin. Both Lenin (even though he was from an educated family) and Stalin, who graduated from a church gymnasium, swore. It was during the latter period that mating received particular development.

The constant exile of people who are not guilty of being Jews or born in Russia gave impetus to Russian swearing. In fact, at this time, multi-syllable obscene expressions began to form; they began to express their opinions using obscenities. Mat became the language of the zone, understandable both to the prisoners and to the people who guarded them. Half the country, serving time for crimes or for nothing at all, gave a very big impetus to the development of swearing. In 1954, the so-called “thaw” began, and samizdat books began to appear with Barkov’s poems or attributed to his work (it was easier to indicate the name of a person who died in the 18th century than to answer for everything said). It was then that most of the obscene ditties appeared, reflecting the changes and inventions of mankind (TV, space flights, the end of the war). Mat has become an integral part of Russian life. “The Gulag Archipelago,” for which Solzhenitsyn received the Nobel Prize, is replete with obscene expressions that more express the state of the novel’s characters than the literary language.

In connection with freedom of speech, which has been in Russia for 10 years now, swearing has come out of hiding, and well-designed publications with swear words and dictionaries of swear words have begun to appear. Recently, the author noticed a collector's edition of "Luka Mudishchev" ... Well, Tatar-Mongol blood has been flowing in each of us since time immemorial, and as long as Russia and the Russian language are alive, swearing will live as an integral part of Russian culture.

Checkmate in modern life.

Profanity has become a part of our lives. Most Russian citizens cannot imagine their speech without obscene language. There were even experts who were able to calculate how many times in a person’s life he resorts to words related to profanity. It turns out that during our lives each of us uses a swear word about 230 thousand times. Although, judging by the results of surveys, 29% of the country’s population does not swear at all. But 70% of them resort to swearing quite regularly.

What is the reason for such mass foul language? Is it really true that for most people obscene words are normal and they use them in everyday life, without even suspecting that it sometimes even looks very disgusting? Some psychologists believe that people resort to swearing only in order to better express their emotions, since there are not enough other words for this. Or maybe other words will not be so emotionally powerful. For example, musicians from rock bands are sure that swearing is the words necessary to relieve stress. Therefore, the presence of profanity in the work of rock bands is quite common.

Also, according to statistics, 17% of Russians use swearing to combat stress and vent emotions. Some Russians (5%) are confident that by resorting to obscene words, they make their speech more vivid and, thereby, find mutual understanding with their interlocutors. And 1% of the population generally believes that swearing should be done everywhere. By the way, if you listen to psychologists, then among them there are those who consider swearing to be a good restorative remedy for a person’s energy balance. They also claim the beneficial role of obscene language in relieving stress in people.

But, one way or another, Russian legislation has its own views on the use of obscenities in public places. And it fundamentally disagrees with the opinion of either psychologists or individual musicians, and qualifies the use of obscene expressions in conversation as an administrative violation, for which a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.

It is interesting that in Belgorod people are so fed up with profanity (especially in crude forms of its manifestation) that the local authorities have established their punishment for swearing in public places in the form of a fine of 1,500 rubles. And the result did not take long to wait. In just a few months, the city budget was successfully replenished by an amount exceeding half a million rubles.

But is it only in Russia that there are so many lovers of foul language? No, of course not. Although, it should be noted that the Russian language is among the leading three in terms of the number of obscene expressions. English and Dutch managed to get ahead of it. So in many countries of the world they resort to swearing. Profanity can be heard anywhere: at world-class sporting events, from the lips of various celebrities, including high-ranking political figures, in films and on television. Some are punished because of their incontinence, others lose their fans, and others may simply not be noticed. Well, God quarrels with him too.

Many people know, for example, how the lack of restraint in his expressions ended for the famous Russian singer Philip Kirkorov, when during his press conference he insulted a journalist in a “pink blouse.” Then almost 700 radio stations and television channels removed songs performed by Kirkorov from their repertoire. At football matches, referees often remove players from the field who express their emotions by swearing. Even in tennis, where it would seem only gentlemen play, people also swear. And so much so that at the world-famous competitions in Wimbledon they had to create a headquarters to combat swearing. And the perpetrators face serious penalties in the form of large fines.

Among famous political figures, the most colorful figure who uses obscene words in his vocabulary is former US President George W. Bush. He is a big fan of “strong words.” Moreover, Bush can swear both in a tense and in a relaxed state.


Almost any conflict, and there are many of them in any organization (either misunderstandings with customers, or clarification of relationships in one’s own team, etc.), is not complete without the use of profanity, that is, swearing. Those who were not caught swearing loudly can say it not out loud, but to themselves.

But that means they fight too? Where does this knowledge come from? And such skills? And, most importantly, having once learned somewhere, we then find out that for some reason it is indecent to say these words out loud in polite society. Why?

Why not, if almost the whole country is swearing? No wonder the phrase of one of the politicians became notorious: “We don’t swear, we speak it,” and the quote became even more popular: “The Russian language without swearing is like a report.”

If swearing is prohibited vocabulary, then the question arises: who banned it and where is the list of these words? And why does the lion's share of curses come from the taboo area of ​​sexual relations?

According to scientists, it turns out that it's all about our biology and our genes. After all, man has inherited many mechanisms of social and sexual behavior from the animal world, and we are not as far from it as we think. Many animal instincts remain in us to this day and, whether we like it or not, influence our consciousness, psyche and way of life.

When we were looking for information about our project in various sources, we came across the online site “Profanity in Biology” and

We asked Doctor of Biological Sciences Sergei Pashutin to tell us about the biological roots of profanity. So, checkmate through the eyes of a biologist.

What are the functions of obscene words from a biological point of view?

First of all, swearing as a speech influence is used as abusive language - insults, threats, expressions of extreme contempt and other negative characteristics. However, despite the increased emotional load of abusive profanity, this is far from the most significant purpose of vulgar words. Much more often, a person uses obscene words not for scolding at all, but as an intelligible way of communication or as a convincing and concise means of presenting the necessary information.

What is behind the bans on obscene language?

In fact, the semantic load of obscene vocabulary does not correspond to its literal understanding, especially at the present time, although shameful words became taboo (forbidden) because they touched on sexual themes. Moreover, the very conversation on intimate topics was perceived in those days as indecent, even when using commonly used neutral vocabulary. Such stereotypes of behavior are fixed in our minds.

Swearing and swearing - are these concepts synonymous?

Not at all. First of all, curse words were filled with “strong” words and not for chaste ears, but strict restrictions were imposed only on obscene language with obvious sexual overtones. All other swearing, which was built around digestive-excretory physiology or in which blasphemous expressions predominated, is at various stages of taboo, but in principle does not relate to swearing. This type of obscene blasphemy is closer to reduced vocabulary, although with its help it can greatly offend a person.

There is a theory that the swearing ritual is an indicator of human evolution. Is this true?

This is true. The biological meaning of swearing is to deter angry behavior or unfriendly actions from potential enemies, as well as to confirm one's "rating" status. This is achieved by demonstrating one’s own aggression, albeit expressed in verbal form. But even among animals, conflicts are rarely accompanied by bloodshed. Only instead of speech, they use other proactive signals - specific body movements, sounds and other ritualized actions, which allows the weaker opponent to promptly abandon the hopeless fight.

Every year, the use of various types of jargon, slang and profanity is becoming more and more widespread among people of different ages and status. This is especially reflected in teenagers from 13 to 17 years old. According to surveys, 60% use obscene words because of personal problems and stress, and others (40%) because it is considered cool. We decided to check these indicators and surveyed students from our school from grades 5 to 11. Here's what happened:

Profanity: lack of upbringing (education) or way of self-expression?

1. Lack of education, and, as a consequence, lack or poverty of vocabulary. We do not mean not graduating from school, college or university, i.e. formal education. By this we mean the lack of communication with literate people, its narrow circle, the lack of book education, an excellent source of replenishing the vocabulary. How to explain your position to a person or simply ignore him, people boldly send him to all sorts of intimate places.

2. Self-expression. This is a fact. Many young people, especially schoolchildren, by using profanity, allegedly demonstrate their maturity and motherliness, thus standing out from their environment. It’s especially bitter to look at girls expressing themselves in criminal terms; such girls, as well as smokers, are for me an object of disgust and antipathy. The use of such expressions especially to connect words is meaningless.

3. Expression of extreme dissatisfaction and vice versa, a surge of emotions when describing a situation or situation. Here, even a highly educated person can rashly blurt out such a word that his ears will swell. But here such expressions are used in communication with people of equal education and level of intelligence.

4. Banal cowardice. This is one of the common reasons, especially in virtual communication. A person understands his impunity and inaccessibility, because in the worst case he will be “banned,” and calmly sends and insults everyone left and right. Although even in real communication it comes to mutual insult, a verbal skirmish begins, and that’s basically where it ends.

5. Bad manners, as well as bad upbringing. This reason is somewhat similar to the first. But here, first of all, it depends on the immediate environment: parents, brothers, sisters and other close relatives. Very often I witness a scene when parents, uncles, aunts demonstrate the “advancement” of their unintelligent child, 3-4 years old, loudly and with dignity voicing “new” words. It’s good if over the years these words do not become a habit.

1.1 Origin of curse words.

Swear words are an integral part of our language and life. There is hardly a person who has not said a strong word at least once in his life. Of course, swearing is a double-edged sword. They can offend and make you laugh, provoke a conflict and, on the contrary, provide psychological relief.

Swear words also have a third - etymological - bottom, which many are not aware of. It is surprising that most of the curse words used today come from words that originally had completely innocent meanings. In this article I will try, as far as possible, to trace the history of some swear words.

Over the past twenty years of uncensored “freedom”, swearing in the field of literature, music and cinema has become so commonplace that, if this continues, even the rudest expressions may be legalized. Personally, I am not happy about this for two reasons. By unrestrictedly introducing swearing into common cultural use, we not only impoverish, pollute and humiliate the literary language, but also do a disservice to swearing itself. By completely removing obscene language from the realm of taboo, we deprive it of its expressive power and, accordingly, its meaning.

1.2 F-ii mat.

There are several of them. Home: to insult, humiliate, defame the addressee of the speech. Next: to signal that the speaker belongs to “their own”; demonstrate to your interlocutor your reaction to the system of totalitarian prohibitions; show how free, relaxed, “cool” the speaker is; make speech more emotional; relieve your psychological stress and some. dr

Swearing is a great pain reliever

German scientists have discovered that swearing is not as “evil” as previously thought. The fact is that mats reduce sensitivity and can reduce pain.

As part of the study, 64 volunteers were tested for sensitivity to pain. They were asked to immerse their hands in ice water and endure for as long as they could stand it. In the first case they were allowed to swear, in the second - not.

It turned out that when given the opportunity to swear, the subjects withstood the pain longer. According to the participants in the experiments, they did not feel the pain accompanied by swearing so acutely.

According to Richard Stevens, this is a general psychological feature and it is common to people of different nationalities speaking different languages. The author of the study notes that swearing is an emotional form of language and a universal linguistic phenomenon of humanity.

The results of a study conducted by specialists from the University of Kiel showed that swearing allows you to withstand pain longer. This is why, for example, during childbirth women often swear

Finally, there is a philosophical justification for Russian swearing. Thus, Canadian linguists Felix Draizin and Tom Priestley write that the aesthetic function of “mastering reality” inherent in swearing by going beyond the basic depreciated vocabulary elevates swearing to the level of a special genre of folk art, in which millions of Russians are more or less proficient. Once upon a time, swearing in Rus' was indeed inseparable from art. Thus, when filming the film “Andrei Rublev,” A. Tarkovsky wanted to achieve absolute historical authenticity and use authentic buffoon songs of Rublev’s era. When these texts were finally obtained from distant archives, the very idea had to be abandoned - they were full of swear words!

The very origin of the word “mat”, of course, is related to the word “mother”, and it arose during the period of formation of the matriarchal type of family relations in Rus'. Therefore, the proud phrase “... your mother” meant that the one who uttered it considered himself uncontrollable by the will of the mistress of the clan.

Sergey Bezborodny

1.3 The influence of swearing on a person and society as a whole

For a number of years, the scientist and several of his like-minded people monitored two groups. The first of them consisted of people who could not do without swearing in conversation, the second - who fundamentally did not use “strong” words in everyday life. And this is what many years of observations have shown. The “foul-mouthed” people very quickly developed age-related changes at the cellular level and various chronic diseases. In the second group, on the contrary, the general condition of the body was 5, 10, and sometimes even 15 years younger than their official age.

Similar results were obtained on the other side of the globe. The American Psychotherapy Association has published data from years of research on the health of thousands of believers and atheists. Doctors have concluded that, on average, a person who regularly attends and prays in church lives longer than someone who rejects religion. At the same time, believers are much less likely to suffer from the so-called diseases of the century: cancer, hypertension, diabetes. And this is no coincidence: after all, prayers are filled with kind words that soothe the soul, inspiring faith and love for others.

Scientists from the Krasnoyarsk Center for Medical Technologies at the Siberian Department of Sciences came to the same conclusion. Their research confirmed the influence of verbal information on the human immune system. Experts have objectively shown that our ancestors were right when they used spells and prayers in treatment.

The “kind vocabulary” that Krasnoyarsk doctors began to use in their psychotherapeutic sessions not only lifted the mood of patients, it also actually changed the composition of their blood: it increased its energy capacity and cellular immunity.

Changes also occurred in the structure of DNA. In patients who came to the Krasnoyarsk center, with the help of “word therapy”, purulent abscesses began to heal faster. Patients with colds recovered 5-7 days earlier than those taking medications. Words such as “love,” “hope,” “faith,” and “kindness” had a particularly strong impact on people.

Don't kill a chromosome with obscenities

Obscene, vulgar language and semi-criminal jargon have become commonplace in our daily lives. It’s as if most of the population has forgotten ordinary human speech. They speak obscenities everywhere: on the street, while working in production, in institutions, in markets, in recreational areas, at home, in the presence of all age categories of people, regardless of age or health status. Women and men, young people and teenagers, even children swear. Probably, few people know what a destructive force mat is. At the Institute of Quantum Genetics, Candidate of Biological Sciences P.P. Goryaev and Candidate of Technical Sciences G.T. Tertyshny conducted research for three years to partially answer the question: what is happening to the human race?

With the help of equipment developed by scientists, human words can be represented in the form of electromagnetic vibrations, which directly affect the properties and structure of DNA molecules. It is these molecules that are responsible for human heredity. Therefore, the content of speech directly affects the human genome. For example, a person constantly uses swear words in his speech. At the same time, its chromosomes begin to actively change their structure. In this case, if a person’s speech is saturated with negative word formations, a “negative program” begins to be developed in DNA molecules. Gradually, these distortions become so significant that they modify the structure of DNA, and this is passed on to descendants. The accumulation of such negative qualities can be called a “self-destruction program.” Scientists have recorded: a swear word causes a mutagenic effect similar to radiation exposure. A word can kill and can heal if it is good. It's a double-edged sword. Abusive, distorted speech is destructive. The scientists' conclusion is stunning. DNA perceives speech and its meaning. The wave "ears" of DNA directly absorb sound vibrations. At the same time, it does not matter for DNA whether the interlocutor is a living person or a television character.

Let's touch on the main structural, functional and genetic unit of a person - the cell. The cell consists of a membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. The nucleus is the main component of all cells. One of the components of the nucleus is chromosomes, and chromosomes contain 99 percent of DNA. The role of DNA is to store, reproduce and transmit genetic information. Mat destroys chromosomes. As the nucleus changes, the quality of the cell in the human body changes. Hence physical and mental illnesses.

What to do?

The only thing that can still change the state of affairs is a sharp change in public opinion and its unconditional recognition of foul language as absolutely unacceptable. Of course, such a change cannot happen overnight. But if everyone, exactly each of us, fully understands what a sword of Damocles hangs over us all, the recovery of society can begin. After all, in essence, swearing is a weapon of mass destruction, and not so much murderous as suicidal.

In this case, a person must understand with what fire he is joking. He needs to be given information about this. In the end, how do we fight smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction? We explain very clearly what is happening to the body. Know the danger. Because when a man uses these words in vain, one must understand that there is a danger of decreased health both for himself and for the one at whom it is directed,” said Gennady Cheurin, a man whose author’s hypothesis served as the starting point for scientific research into harmful the influence of profanity on the psychophysical state of living organisms. He quite rightly outlined the differences between the historical and modern use of profanity:

The main purpose is ritual and ritual, which was a thousand years ago, very dangerous, and was fundamentally replaced in our culture with the advent of Orthodoxy. A person born in love, baptized, raised by a godfather and married as expected, is free from the need to use these words in a ceremonial and ritual sense. Faith gives him everything...



Vahina Veronica,

The word vocabulary (from the Greek lexikos - relating to a word) has two meanings:

1) the entire set of words, the vocabulary of the language.

2) A set of words characteristic of a given type of speech (everyday vocabulary, military, children’s, etc.), one or another stylistic layer (neutral, colloquial vocabulary, etc.).

Which group should we include profanity in?

The object of the study was the linguistic phenomenon of profanity, the subject of the study was the peculiarities of the use of profanity in Russian speech.

The following hypothesis was put forward: the widespread use of unstandardized vocabulary poses a serious danger to the stability of the literary language and undermines the existing system of literary norms.

The purpose of our research is to study the peculiarities of the use of profanity in Russian speech.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were put forward:

1.Give the concept of profanity (obscene) vocabulary; 2.Identify the reasons for the use of profanity by analyzing the literature and conducting a survey; 3. Analyze ways to solve this problem.

Profanity (obscene language, unprintable language) or obscene language (from the English Obscene - obscene, dirty, shameless) is a segment of abusive language in various languages, including the most coarse swear words, often expressing a spontaneous verbal reaction to an unexpected (usually unpleasant) situation.

One of the varieties of obscene vocabulary in the Russian language is Russian swearing. Experts call various functions of using obscene vocabulary in speech:

Increasing the emotionality of speech;

Relieving psychological tension;

Demonstration of the speaker’s looseness and independence;

Demonstration of disdain for the system of prohibitions;

A strict ban on the public use of obscene vocabulary and phraseology developed among the Eastern Slavs back in the pagan era as a strong tradition of folk culture and was strictly supported and supported by the Orthodox Church for 1000 years. So this taboo has a long tradition among the Russian people, sanctified by more than one millennium. Despite the prevalence of obscene expressions in all layers of Russian society at all stages of its history, in Russia there has traditionally been a taboo on the use of obscene language in printed form (hence, obviously, the name “obscene language”). This taboo has weakened somewhat recently due to the democratization of society and the weakening of state control over the printing sector (the first long-term abolition of censorship in Russian history), changes in public morality after the collapse of the USSR, mass publication of literary works and correspondence of recognized Russian classics and writers -dissidents and current postmodernists. The lifting of bans on the coverage of certain topics and social groups has led to an expansion of the scope of acceptable vocabulary in writing. Swearing and jargon have become fashionable, becoming one of the means of PR.

Among children and adolescents, the ability to swear subconsciously was and is considered one of the signs of adulthood. Once the younger generation mastered the basics of this knowledge, they felt an urgent need to demonstrate what they had achieved - hence the inscriptions on fences, the walls of public toilets, school desks - and now on the Internet.

It should be noted that the current freedom of expression does not negate the responsibility of the speaker and writer. Of course, it is hardly possible to prohibit a person from swearing if this is the only means of self-expression that is available to him. However, swearing in a normal situation inevitably violates the rights and humiliates the dignity of those people for whom the taboo remains valid (for moral, religious and other reasons).

The tabooing of obscene vocabulary is a relatively recent phenomenon: even in documents and correspondence of Peter’s time, it is found relatively freely. However, by the second half of the 18th century, its use in printed publications ceased to be possible. Throughout the 19th century, obscene vocabulary also remained the lot of the “unofficial” part of the creative heritage of poets and writers.

The first attempts to remove the taboo from obscene vocabulary were made in the 1920s. and were not of a mass nature; The interest in swear words among most authors at that time was not self-sufficient and was associated mainly with the desire to speak freely about the sexual sphere.

During the Soviet period, the public ban on obscene language acted very consistently, which did not prevent (and still does not prevent) the overwhelming majority of the population from willingly using this vocabulary in private life. Russian samizdat writers, starting with Yuz Aleshkovsky, set themselves the task of artistic mastery of obscene vocabulary.

Since the 1990s, when censorship restrictions disappeared, obscene vocabulary has penetrated more widely into literature, being used in various functions. The simplest of these functions is the realistic rendering of spoken language. Some authors' characters do not abuse obscene language (for example, in Viktor Pelevin's books it is almost always present, but in very small quantities), for others, the characters' speech is replete with strong expressions (for example, in the novels of Bayan Shiryanov, the heroes from the lives of drug addicts, in accordance with the principle of truth of life , do not mince words).

Active theoretical studies of Russian obscene vocabulary in the twentieth century were mainly carried out by foreign researchers. Since the late 1970s, a number of articles and monographs on this topic have been published in the West.

The assessment given here of the situation that has developed in the modern Russian language, in modern speech communication, convinces us that the problem of qualifying the use of words and expressions of an invective nature (these are words and expressions that contain intention (intention) in their semantics, expressive coloring and evaluative component of content speaker or writer to humiliate, insult, dishonor, disgrace the addressee of the speech or a third party, usually accompanied by the intention to do this in the most harsh and cynical form possible) as insults, on the one hand, is significantly complicated:

a) due to the increasing blurring of the boundaries and composition of the invective vocabulary itself due to:

Expansion of the sociocultural composition of the corresponding speech units, i.e. penetration into the sphere of ordinary communication of slang, colloquial, generally marginal, extra-literary words and expressions,

Instability, a certain uncertainty of the negative-evaluative connotations of such units in essentially new contexts of use for them in another (also new for them) functional sphere of use (from the oral informal sphere of jargon, urban vernacular, etc. they move into the official sphere of mass communication or public speeches),

A rapid, dramatic expansion of communication situations, a change in the nature of speech situations (from interpersonal to mass communication, to the direct transfer of everyday situations into the sphere of officialdom);

b) in connection with the processes of detabooization of obscene (invective) vocabulary observed in recent years in the press, in electronic media, and on the pages of fiction.

These processes were ultimately determined by the era of glasnost, the lifting of the ban on publishing erotic products (visual and verbal), on discussing the intimate lives of popular people (mainly singers, artists, “new Russians”, etc.), and also, and to a large extent, by the aggravation of the political struggle in post-Soviet Russia.

To identify the reasons for the use of profanity and attitudes towards it, a survey was conducted among young people in Kansk; The sample consisted of 100 boys and girls aged 16 to 18 years. Respondents were asked three questions:

1. Do you use profanity in your speech?

2.What are the reasons for your use of profanity?

3.What, in your opinion, is the solution to this problem?

The following results were obtained during the survey:

34% of respondents sometimes use profanity;

63% - constantly use this type of vocabulary.

59% of respondents say the reason for using profanity is release from negative emotions, 41% of young people do it out of habit.

11% of respondents do not see the use of this vocabulary as a particular problem and the need to combat this phenomenon;

25% of young people believe that it is necessary to exercise self-control;

5% believe that it is necessary to introduce administrative sanctions (a system of fines) more widely;

59% of respondents see the need for cultural and educational work to combat this phenomenon.

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. The literature analysis and survey confirmed the relevance of this problem and the need to solve it at the state level.

2. The wide expansion of non-standardized Russian speech, observed during the years of perestroika and in post-Soviet times, and even in the conditions of the actual monopolization of radio and television speech in the linguistic life of society, poses a serious danger to the stability of the literary language and undermines the existing system of literary norms.


1. Bykov V. Russian Fenya. Dictionary of modern interjargon of asocial elements. - Munchen, 199 p.

2. Zhelvis V.I. Battlefield. Foul language as a social problem. - M.: Ladomir, 200 p.

3. Ilyasov F. N. Checkmate in three moves (experience of a sociological study of the phenomenon of obscene language) // Man. -1990.- No. 3, - p.198-204.

4. On obscene expressions of the Russian language // Russian Linguistics, 1986.-No. 10.- p. 61-72.

Profanity is a concept that constantly appears in interpersonal communication and the media, but not everyone can explain what it is. ABOUT profanity will be discussed in this article.

Obscene insults, argot and other types of profanity

Profanity(obscene vocabulary) are speech patterns, words, expressions that have a pronounced negative, aggressive, obscene, immoral connotation. In most cases, such vocabulary is used as a reaction to a spontaneous situation (usually negative for the speaker). This can include:

  • obscene insults;
  • argo (a type of speech characteristic of limited groups of people and having specific features);
  • swear words, words that have a vulgar, vulgar, obscene meaning.

It should be noted that scientists studying profanity(by which in most cases we mean Russian swearing), they note that this feature of Russian speech appeared a very, very long time ago. According to some authors, profanity initially it was a mandatory attribute of various ceremonies, including wedding ceremonies, agricultural ceremonies, and other everyday rituals.

Insult with obscenities. Profanity with and without obscenities

Regardless of what profanity used - insults with obscenities, swear words, vulgar words - it always performs a certain function. Depending on the context, experts identify the following purposes: profanity:

  1. A means of establishing contact with another person. At the same time, depending on the status of the persons participating in the conversation, profanity can bring interlocutors closer (if they are equal), humiliate one of them, level the speaker and interlocutor, or elevate one of them.
  2. As a means of expressing emotions (aggression, friendliness, protest, resentment, fear and other human feelings and experiences).
  3. Like an interjection. This function profanity, perhaps, is characteristic only of our language. It is quite difficult to understand the nature of such use of obscenities and other “forbidden” expressions, but the fact remains: we sometimes use such words just like that, without any semantic load.
  4. As a way for the speaker to address himself as self-deprecation or, conversely, encouragement.
  5. The division of society into insiders and outsiders, ritual (magical) purposes, pathological foul language, etc.

It should also be noted that recent research by scientists shows that profanity also affects the mental and emotional state of the speaker. For example, people experiencing stress, fear, pain, tolerate these emotions and feelings more easily if they have the opportunity to scold. Experts note that this effect of obscene expressions is most likely due to the fact that subconsciously a person who expresses his emotions expressively feels calmer and more comfortable than one who is forced to restrain himself.

Profanity(obscene language, unprintable swearing) or obscene language(from Englishobscene- obscene, dirty, shameless) - segment swear words various languages, including the roughest ( obscene,obscenely vile, vulgar) abusive expressions, often expressing a spontaneous verbal reaction to an unexpected (usually unpleasant) situation. Linguists separate concepts profanity And taboo vocabulary from obscene vocabulary [ source? ] . Obscene vocabulary is just one of the types of these two linguistic phenomena [ source? ] .

One of the varieties of obscene vocabulary in Russian language is Russian swearing.

[put away]

    1 Functions of use

    2 Profanity in Russian

    • 2.1 Profanity and society

      2.2 Precedent "Aroyan vs. Kirkorov"

      2.3 Use of profanity in art and media

      2.4 Researchers of Russian profanity

      2.5 The origin of Russian obscene vocabulary

      2.6 Categorization of Russian swear words

      2.7 Obscene vocabulary in the state language of Russia

    3 See also

    4 Notes

    6 List of scientific works and dictionaries of the second half of the 20th century

Functions of use

Experts call various functions of using obscene vocabulary in speech:

    promotion emotionality speeches;

    discharge psychological stress;

    insult, humiliation of the addressee of speech;

    demonstration of the speaker’s looseness and independence;

    demonstration of disdain for the system of prohibitions;

    demonstration of the speaker’s belonging to “their own”, etc.

V.I. Zhelvis identifies 27 functions of invective vocabulary, although primary and secondary functions are sometimes mixed here, and the division sometimes looks too fractional :

    1. as a means of expressing the profane principle, opposed to the sacred principle,

    2. cathartic,

    3. a means of lowering the social status of the addressee,

    4. a means of establishing contact between equal people,

    5. a means of friendly teasing or encouragement,

    6. “dueling” remedy,

    7. expresses the attitude of two to the third as a “scapegoat”,

    8.cryptometric function (like a password),

    9. for self-encouragement,

    10. for self-deprecation,

    11. present yourself as a “person without prejudices”,

    12. implementation of “the elitism of a cultural position through its negation”,

    13. symbol of sympathy for the oppressed classes,

    14. narrative group - attracting attention,

    15. apotropaic function – “to confuse”

    16. transferring the opponent to the power of evil forces,

    17. magic function,

    18. feeling of power over the “demon of sexuality”,

    19. demonstration of the speaker’s gender,

    20. eshrological function (ritual invectiveization of speech),

    21. used in psychoanalysis to treat nervous disorders,

    22. pathological foul language,

    23. invective as art,

    24. invective as rebellion,

    25. as a means of verbal aggression,

    26. division into permitted and unauthorized groups,

    27. as an interjection.

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