What do the numbers 1312 mean? What does acab mean? History of origin and meaning of the abbreviation

As a rule, people use one of the millions of combinations of letters of the national alphabet to convey lexical meaning. However, sometimes a number can be an equally harsh statement. One such case is 1312, which is perhaps the strongest slur against police in English-speaking countries.

“No one is innocent” /1312: meaning

Under the mysterious combination of numbers 1312 may be hiding (by letter numbers) English abbreviation ACAV, meaning translated into Russian approximately the following: “ All cops are scum" This abbreviation in the English-speaking world is very often used by very specific social elements:

  • The inhabitants of places not so remote use this abbreviation as a motif for their tattoos;
  • Likewise, this tradition was adopted from crime by fighters against the System and the “bloody regime” of all stripes;
  • Some musical groups prefer to exploit criminal aesthetics and use all the attributes of marginal counterculture.

Representatives of the punk movement especially distinguished themselves in the latter discipline. One of the leaders of this trend, the Fo-skins group, even wrote a song of the same name. As a result, the popularity of ASAV has acquired truly fantastic proportions.

1312 is a kind of response to the typical idea of ​​some representatives of law and order that everyone is a violator to one degree or another.

Penalty for ACAB

It would be surprising if the guardians of the law did not take such an insult with hostility. Some people manage to display conventional swearing in the form of prints on T-shirts, hand luggage, etc.

Depending on the specific state, the punishment may vary:

  • Journalist Brian Steinbleford, in his 2009 book Exotic Encounters, mentioned one story about a British teenager being arrested in Canada for wearing a T-shirt that said "ASAB." Local law enforcement officers considered the second letter in the abbreviation to correspond to the word Canadians (i.e., “All Canadians are scum”).
  • However, the matter is not limited to English-speaking countries: today this language has become global, which has somewhat adjusted the policies of different countries regarding English curses. Thus, in Germany, both ASAV and 1312 are equally considered insults to government officials and are subject to prosecution. Moreover, in the German language ASAV does not have such an abusive analogue.
  • On January 7, 2011, fans of the Dutch football club Ajax were fined for having the numbers 1312 painted on their outerwear.
  • On July 4, 2015, a girl in the Spanish city of Alicante was fined for the word ACAB on her T-shirt.
  • On May 22, 2016, in Madrid, a 34-year-old woman was captured by police for a similar crime. True, this citizen managed to convince the guardians of the law that the abbreviation stands for “All cats are beautiful” ( All Cats AreBeautiful).

Decree 1312

Under number 1312 there is a decree of the Russian Government of 2013 regarding state appropriations allocated for scientific and engineering innovations in civil industry. Three years later, minor amendments were made to the law.

The normative act consists of the following parts:

  1. Introductory part. Here is a list of priority areas of the non-military industry for which subsidies are allowed, the time frame for providing financial assistance is determined, a typology of investment projects is given, a list of investment-related expenses and the maximum and minimum values ​​of the value of companies.
  2. Rules for organizing the competition- lists the criteria by which the winner will be selected. It is also noted who will sit on the jury and for what period of time. Exceptions and benefits for subsidized regions and cities are indicated.
  3. Algorithm for providing financial assistance. Applies to enterprises that have passed the competitive selection process. This chapter describes in what volume and within what time frame subsidies will be transferred.
  4. Applications. It contains information of technical importance: formulas for calculating and processing information from applicant companies, as well as the amount of fines for those who violated the deadline.

Numerological meaning

From the point of view of number magic, 1312 has a very complex meaning:

  • The sum of all the digits in this number gives 7, which serves as a prerequisite for alleviating all problems. Soon the secrets of existence will be revealed to man and misfortunes will end. The dark streak will be replaced by a light one, and nothing will stop the one who is determined.
  • On the other hand, it is obvious that 13 loses one and turns into 12. This indicates future possible losses, which may well be justified. You shouldn't be upset about this: after all, sometimes you need to sacrifice your queen to win the whole game.
  • The product of all numbers gives 6, which is not a good sign, but nothing will be an obstacle for the strong. Obstacles on the path of life only strengthen and make a person wiser. Don't run from the inevitable.
  • 1312 is not a simple number, which means the one to whom it fell is a complex person himself. He does not feel the need to prove his unusualness and superiority over the gray mass.

1312 in history

This is the height of the Middle Ages. Among the most significant events in world history that occurred at this time:

  • The Catholic Church decided to terminate the Templar Order.
  • Organization of the next Crusade to the Holy Land.
  • The Castilian monarch dies, which leads to a new war on the territory of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • The Spaniards are defeated in the fight against Granada and lose lands;
  • The Tatar-Mongols, who captured Rus', adopted Islam as their official faith.
  • Civil war breaks out in Vietnam.
  • Spain loses Lyon to France.
  • The beginning of the “golden age” of the African state of Mali.
  • The accession of the new Chinese emperor to the throne.
  • Death of the King of Britain.

When some criminal element wants to express their hatred and contempt for law enforcement officers, they use the number 1312, which means “all cops are scum.” However, society is not limited only to the criminal world. To paraphrase the words of a famous psychoanalyst, sometimes a number is just a number.

Video: “No one is innocent”

In this video, Andrey Tulov will tell you what other numbers besides 1312 can get you into trouble:

At all times, relations between citizens and law enforcement agencies have been, to put it mildly, strained. People showed their dissatisfaction with the executive authorities in different ways. For some, it’s enough to throw two or three strong words at the “policemen,” while others need to write something offensive on a wall or fence. And individual individuals get a tattoo on their body that reflects their attitude and worldview. Among tattooists, certain conventional symbols and abbreviations of established expressions are accepted. So...

What does acab mean?

Many, not knowing the true meaning, associated this word with Arab countries and the activities of radical Muslim organizations. In fact, she's like all cops are bastards. In English this means “all cops are degenerates” (or “bastards”). The acab tattoo was widespread in UK prisons. It was applied mainly to the hands. It turned out to be one letter for each finger. Over time, the inscription acab began to be applied to other parts of the body - legs (kneecaps), back, chest, etc. It was also used by English miners during strikes. In the seventies of the twentieth century, the group The 4-Skins popularized this abbreviation by releasing a song of the same name. By the end of the nineties, this inscription on clothing or in the form of a tattoo could be seen on football fans, hooligans and representatives of street gangs, although not all of them knew what acab meant. This word can also be found in various movements of punks, anarchists and the like.


Currently, this abbreviation can be said to have worldwide fame. The countries of the former Soviet Union have their own variation on this theme: “all cops are assholes.” This phrase could also be seen among prisoners during the USSR. Very often this inscription can be found in the form of graffiti. It is worth noting that in the English version, such art on the walls “lives” longer than the Russian version. Utility workers are in no hurry to erase or paint over it. Perhaps the reason lies in simple ignorance: many still do not know what acab means. Or people are simply tolerant of foreign symbols.

Alternative meaning

Nowadays it is more and more sublimated with Russian. Western culture is gradually assimilating with our traditions. This can be seen in modern slang, fashion, musical trends and

other cultural aspects. The phrase discussed in this article was actively spread and promoted among teenage subcultures. In Russia, for example, you can see clothes with this abbreviation. After the release of Stefano Solim's film ACAB in 2012, she became even more popular. So, a new fashion has appeared for using this name. But, taking into account local realities, enterprising people are using various tricks, coming up with alternative decryption options. For example, “All Cops Are Beautiful” or “Always Carry A Bible.” Perhaps over time, other variations on this theme will appear. After all, the Russian people are full of creativity!

Number 1312=1+3+1+2=7, when your bustle reaches its climax, you will see this number and this will hint to you that stop joking with you and soon you will learn the secret. Moreover, this impact will limit your movement for a long time or simply paralyze you so that you do not work on isolating words outward, but search for a long time and persistently for a word that you have completely forgotten. You will say sclerosis, no, you yourself have limited yourself to your way of life, or rather existence. The number 1312=13 turns into 12, losing quantity and gaining quality, while the circle shrinks and condenses everything that was in it. Since everyone who sows vanity is subject to pressure and their sensitivity decreases. Now, in order to revive you and prevent you from falling into self-destruction, you must be forced to suffer and restore your sensitivity.

The secret meaning of the number 1313 = 1(31)2, so each of your actions does not mean anything, since you repeat yourself and all actions are compressed into a point, therefore your life, by the standards of your conscious stay on earth, is short and you, having lived 100 years, will say I’m not at all lived This is true, because you have nothing to remember and all days are similar to each other and they are your waste of time. So, for example, you come to work and just work there or play cards with friends. So within six months and that all six months will be compressed into 1 day and all this time will simply be taken away from you. You need to know that your program for children will be shorter during this time. So you lived only 80 years and, including unconsciously, for example, you smoked for 5 years, I mean you spent on smoking itself and 10 years on playing cards and 15 years deducted from children or 80-5-10 = 65 years, and this if they themselves do not have this sin and resist it..

Hidden number 1312=1000x312=31(20)00, now you can only expand your consciousness and refine the space of your soul by creating new images. But the images should be very subtle, airy or huge, like the expanses of nature and a view of the earth from space or from the top of a high mountain. only a subtle soul can shrink to a point and, spreading its wings, cover the entire earth. When you perceive this phenomenon, it means your soul is like that, and if you doubt it, it means your soul regrets that it’s not like that. But you develop your soul every day and trust it more; it lives a million lives and knows everything. So, by trusting it, you will learn to turn on your intuition and, what is even more useful, to understand what and how you need to do right. For now I can say do it as you have never done it before and then you will get a new experience.

The second hidden number 1312=1300x12=15(6)00, says that you have a path program and it is like a spring in you and until you live all the events that are recorded on it, you will live. Therefore, you don’t have to worry if people die nearby and neither a bullet nor a disaster hits you. It’s not you who are under a spell, it’s just that you have a different fate. They say about such people that if one is destined to die from water, then he will never die in fire. Even with even 90% of the burns, he will recover and live, but he can drown in a simple puddle by falling face first into it... so you need to be attentive to life and know your fate. Only a reasonable approach will allow you to know that sometimes we make plans when our days are numbered. But if we know how to prolong our existence, then this will be a guarantee that tomorrow we will still live and expand our consciousness.

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