What does it mean to be a humanitarian? Typical techie: how to determine a child’s inclinations and preferences

A humanitarian mindset often becomes an object of ridicule from typical “techies” who sincerely believe that a person who is poorly versed in mathematical calculations is stupid and narrow-minded. They say that a truly smart person can equally easily remember and logically analyze information.

Features of a humanitarian mindset

In reality, everything is different. “Humanitarian” may well do calculations and study physics. He's just not interested in it. He is much more interested in social activities, creativity, classical literature, philosophy, and art.

At the same time, a so-called “humanitarian” can choose the appropriate profession for himself, in fact, understanding engineering technologies no worse than the most avid “techie”. A person with a humanitarian mindset, first of all, experiences impulses to realize the spiritual side of his life.

Among the majority of scientists who discovered important chemical elements and physical laws, a craving for creativity was visible. Moreover, hundreds of them became known precisely thanks to the products of their own imagination and reasoning. A striking example is the greatest physicist and chemist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, who was valued more for his odes and poetry than for his invaluable contribution to the development of the exact sciences.

The humanitarian mindset in Wikipedia is interpreted as “mentality”, or the ability to see a world in which thoughts are intertwined with emotions. Indeed, mentality determines the indivisible emotional and intellectual aspects inherent specifically in the “humanities.”

The type of thinking is determined not by a good memory or passion for literature, but by the ability to perceive life in a multifaceted way. This is the main essence of the humanitarian mindset - to perceive the world comprehensively, to know that there are two sides to any coin, and that there is always something “other”.

Different meaning, different interpretation, different interpretation, different concepts, different experience, different vision. The mathematical or technical mind perceives all life “according to the rules.” Moreover, the person who possesses it is ready for days to prove to you the “generally accepted” laws of the universe, the results of “ the only true ones» research, unconditional submission of everything and everyone to physical laws.

This perception is alien and opposite to a creative person. He always takes into account that there is “other”. A “humanist” can despise, hate, be at enmity with this “other”, not show the slightest bit of tolerance towards it, but frankly admit that it exists.

It is not difficult to determine what type of mind you have. This often happens at school. Teachers and class teachers can easily determine whether their students have a mathematical or humanitarian mindset. “Humanities” are distinguished by a high degree of literacy, a desire to study foreign languages, the manifestation of creative abilities (drawing, music, poetry), phenomenal memory, and philosophical judgments on every issue.

To determine these abilities in yourself, you can take a special test. Professions for representatives of a humanitarian mindset are diverse - from a librarian to a politician or philosopher. It all depends on what type of activity you have a real passion for.

How to determine the humanitarian mindset of your child?

The inclinations for this type of activity can be determined in early childhood. At the same time, the essence of the mindset and thinking is revealed for the first time. How can you tell whether your child has a humanitarian or a technical mindset?

The first signs of a “humanitarian” in a child:

  • He has a keen tactile and olfactory sense, reacting violently to smells, visual effects and touch;
  • He is not too keen on basic puzzles that are easy for his peers;
  • He loves to draw, paint, sculpt, and form paper crafts;
  • He demands your opinion about fairy tales and literary works, shows “adult” reasoning about the plot and characters;
  • He prefers role-playing games and strategies like “mother-daughter”, “war games”;
  • He is not afraid of the dark;
  • He doesn’t show much interest in natural sciences in real life: he doesn’t ask where a cow’s milk comes from, why dew appears on the grass, how many legs a spider has, etc.

If you have determined that your child has these abilities, then it’s time to start organizing his social and professional path. It should be understood that among the humanities there are also exact sciences. For example, foreign languages ​​or psychology.

Professional humanities, unlike mental ones, are not always able to perceive another point of view as something true and having the right to exist.

Another distinctive feature of typical humanities students, which manifests itself even in childhood, is communication skills. These people reach out to others and are adept at making connections throughout their lives. Moreover, this applies to both those who accept someone else’s worldview and those who stubbornly reject it.

If a certain individual manages to easily establish contact with strangers who have fundamentally opposing views and positions, this person is a typical personification of the GSU. People of all religions, professions and temperament types will be drawn to him, life will be easy and interesting with him, he will make an excellent psychologist, speaker, sociologist or politician.

How to determine the mentality of an accomplished adult?

As we have already mentioned, a “humanist” may well engage in mathematical or technical activities by chance. Moreover, such people often succeed in the business that they have chosen for their lives, even if it is at odds with their emotional and mental type.

It is equivalent to how a “techie” can serve in government agencies, engage in psychology or in-depth study of the traditions of other countries. It is hardly possible to get your bearings in determining the mindset by assessing a profession. Moreover, not everyone gets to do what they love in life.

What does the definition of “humanitarian mindset” mean?

  • Sign type of thinking;
  • Transforming information into a final form using a collective analysis of assumptions and statements;
  • Abundance of friends and acquaintances;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Love of society and noisy events;
  • The need to constantly be in the spotlight;
  • Great interest in literature, acquiring new skills, studying new theories;
  • Consistent and accurate presentation of one’s own thoughts, the ability to concentrate on what is important;
  • Demanding form of presentation of reasoning from others;
  • Interest in a multicultural environment;
  • Passion for news, traditions and laws of other countries.

The best professions for the “humanities”:

  • Journalist;
  • Editor;
  • Speaker;
  • Politician;
  • Sociologist;
  • TV presenter;
  • Teacher;
  • Philologist or translator;
  • Economist;
  • Lawyer or notary;
  • Designer;
  • Historian;
  • Culturologist;
  • Religious scholar;
  • Writer.

If you still doubt your own path, we recommend that you take tests for a humanitarian mindset. This way, you can quickly decide on a career direction, choose a worthy hobby, and start life from scratch, in accordance with your personal needs.

In fact, a humanist is not someone who likes to read good books. Every normal person with imagination should love to read. The great physicist Albert Einstein admired Dostoevsky. The general designer of spacecraft, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, regularly re-read “War and Peace” and knew many of Yesenin’s poems by heart. But this did not make them humanitarians.

It can be even worse: in recent years, “humanitarians” have been correctly called those who, after serving 10 years in school, cannot calculate the area of ​​a square and do not remember the multiplication table. As a rule, these are ordinary lazy people. But the word “lazy” is offensive, but “humanitarian” is not.

Of course, the humanities are different from the exact sciences. But not at all as many people think. The fact is that natural (exact) sciences strive to build an objective picture of the world. Humanities deal with human consciousness. And it, firstly, is always nonlinear, secondly, it is difficult to formalize, and thirdly, it is very subjective. Psychologists say that any phenomenon has at least seven explanations, and in any situation - seven ways of action. Therefore, the main task of a humanist is to see the polysemy and complexity of phenomena, their fundamental openness.

For example, a literary text for a humanist is a way of understanding the world. We can know ourselves through text. We can analyze the relationships between the characters. We can consider how and from what the text is made. To study how a person (in this case the author) creates a model that begins to live its own life. If a person is interested in looking at this polysemy and turning it around like a kaleidoscope, he is a humanist. If you just want to admire him, he is a good person. But this has nothing to do with the humanitarian professions.

Do you think philologists are those who love literature? Oh no! Philologists study and dissect literature. They can no longer love books with a naive, reverent love. And those who remain in such a pristine state are usually not particularly regarded as a specialist.

People of art sometimes call themselves “humanitarians” - those who go to VGIK, Shchepkinsky or Surikovsky schools. Alas, art and humanities are different things. The arts appeal to the senses, while the humanities appeal to the intellect. Yes, in Medieval Europe the humanities were called the liberal arts (by the way, arithmetic was one of them), but a lot of water has passed under the bridge since the Middle Ages.

Anyone who wants to enter a creative university needs to learn to think and analyze. And studying literature can help with this. The experience of people just entering adulthood is usually quite limited. And literature provides many models for perceiving a mass of emotional nuances and life conflicts. So if a person at the age of 16-17 has not read a certain number of texts and has not passed them through himself, it means that the work of his soul is almost certainly not established.

Formally, 55-60 points in literature are enough for admission to most creative universities. But in fact, in order to become an artist, director, musician, painter, it is not enough to “study” program works from short retellings. They must be passed through both the heart and the mind.
So it’s not easy to be a humanitarian. Humanitarians are not born - you have to learn it.

Quite a large number of high school students begin to think about their future, dream of achieving heights and plan a career. But we must admit that this issue worries parents even more, who do not know what to advise their child. Quite often, a type of thinking helps to decide on a future profession, but only if it is well expressed.

The teachers who teach the child know about his abilities and without much difficulty I can tell Is he a humanist or a techie?. Almost everyone knows what these concepts mean.

Today, there is a certain stereotype in society: if a student likes the exact sciences (algebra, geometry, physics), then he is a technician, but if a student has a predisposition to history, languages ​​or literature, then he is 100% a humanist. In reality, everything is not so simple, since there are also mixed types. When choosing a future profession, a student should always rely on his intuition.

A person is a humanitarian: what does this mean?

Making new discoveries in the field of science and technology, as well as writing their names in history, is the fate of techies. A humanist is a person, who is accustomed to contemplating everything that is happening, without interfering in it if there is no such need. He has no desire to do something extraordinary, to stand out and go down in history; he is more interested in studying the works of other scientists, in the future using them during dialogues. Humanists, unlike techies, are aware that their opinion is not the only correct one, and this explains their lack of desire to debate.

Of course, they may not like the opinions of the people around them, but at the same time they do not insist on their own, because they do not see the point in it. Humanists are, first of all, excellent communicators who manage to find a common language even with strangers, skillfully choosing words in any given situation.

Every person has a certain type of thinking., but what does this mean? Does everyone understand and realize the fine line between a humanist and a techie? What is their difference? Quite often people mistakenly classify themselves as one type or another. For example, a person is interested in cinematography, music, painting, and likes to read literature, which means he is a humanist.

In reality, things are completely different, since a person’s hobbies do not always indicate his mentality. We should also not forget about mixed types of people who are good at all subjects. But how do you know if you are a techie or a humanist?

In this case, one should be guided by the fact that the specified type of thinking allows a person to realize about the existence of another interpretation, worldview, thinking, meaning and experience. In parallel with this, he does not at all have to agree with him, he does not at all have to be tolerant of people with a different point of view. The main thing is to be aware that his word is not the law, the final authority.

The main weapon is beautiful speech

As we said earlier, people with humanitarian thinking They are excellent communicators, and in most cases they make excellent speakers, psychologists and teachers. They easily manage to come into contact with people they don’t know well, and they know how to carry on a conversation, even if it is not at all interesting to them.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that hostility is also a way of communication, but those who are involved in it deliberately push themselves to the edge of the humanitarian world. By their mentality, humanists, as a rule, recognize the imperfection of their thoughts and the dependence of various external circumstances.

What is a liberal arts education like?

Today there are two completely different “humanities”:

Professions for humanists

Social sciences include jurisprudence, political science, linguistics, psychology, philology, journalism and history. People with a humanitarian type of thinking are excellent at understanding them, since their mentality allows them to master the language of words and letters. People who feel comfortable in a social environment can safely choose humanitarian professions.

Psychology is quite popular today. People have been studying the origins, customs, history and biological nature of man for centuries. Based on the data obtained, certain psychological patterns were formed that allow one to understand not only medicine, but teaching, science, trade and other social spheres.

If you consider yourself a humanist, then you can pay attention to activities that are related to political science, religious studies, philosophical, and cultural knowledge. If history is of extraordinary interest, then you can devote your life to it.

It's no secret that power and money attract a huge number of people, so people with a humanitarian type of thinking give preference to political activities, hold rallies, negotiate and organize political parties. If you like to conduct various investigations and be the first to know about what is happening, then you can consider the profession of a journalist. Today this industry is extremely developed, so many publications need qualified personnel.

Techie and humanist: differences

Is it possible, if necessary, to become a humanist or a technician? The answer is quite complex; it is impossible to change your mindset, but you can always develop. You can understand whether a person belongs to a certain type not with the help of grades at school, but by thinking and worldview. Quite often, performance in a particular discipline depends not on the student’s abilities, but on many other factors, for example, the teacher’s ability to interest the child.

Features of the humanities:

As for the techies, then they have the following features:

  • self-confident;
  • energetic;
  • purposeful;
  • uncommunicative, do not like to talk.

From the very beginning of time, people have been divided into different groups. It all started with tribes and tribal communities, and then it went from there: Masons, Mormons, hippies and punks, emo and goths, metalheads, hipsters and so on. Moreover, the more people, the more of these same groups.

Among other things, there is an opinion that all people can be divided into two large categories. Humanities and technologists. Moreover, holivars often break out on the Internet on the topic of “techies versus humanitarians.”

Let's say right away that we are not inclined to use templates and labels. After all, in order to be a humanitarian, it is not necessary to love reading and writing poetry, and knowledge of the laws of physics does not yet make a person a technician. Everything is much more complicated. In addition, the world is structured in such a way that both are needed.

Answering the question “who is cooler, techies or humanists” is about the same as deciding “who is cooler, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone.”

For example, Albert Einstein, in addition to creating the Special Theory of Relativity, also played the violin. Or, remember, like Solzhenitsyn, junior lieutenant Nadelashin admired the fact that prisoners (mostly all engineers) freely discuss world works of art, instead of complaining about fate.. But why are we doing this? Actually, the point is that a talented person is talented in everything, and dividing people into humanists and techies is a rather arbitrary idea. Which, nevertheless, takes place. After all, people think differently, and that's a fact. .

What is the difference between a humanist and a techie?

Humanities- diplomats and good communicators, they easily make contact and prefer to choose a profession related to communication and interaction with other people. While techies, due to the peculiarities of their thinking, are focused on solving a specific problem; they are much more comfortable sitting in their office and writing code than crowding around a press conference.
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In their pure, refined form, humanitarian and technical types are very rare. As we have already said, classifying people by type of thinking into humanities and techies is too rough. However, you need to know your inclinations and type of thinking. We suggest you take a test to determine your type of thinking, if you don’t know it yet. Whether you are a humanist or a techie, the test will help you find out your type of thinking more accurately. And if you already know, check if the test is true. Results in the comments are welcome!

And, finally, we remind you that if suddenly you are a 100% techie, and you need to write an essay on history, which you simply don’t have any strength for, you can always turn to us for help, who are always ready to help you. Techies, humanitarians - we are all people, and people should help each other.

0 When your child grows up, it is time to think about his future profession. One of the arguments that is used in this case is that the student belongs to the type "techies" or "humanists". As a rule, when talking with a teacher you can hear the following phrase: " Your daughter is a typical humanist, why should she go to MEPhI??" or " Your son is a born techie; computer science and mathematics are easy for him"These tips help parents decide between humanitarian and technical professions. Read a few more articles on various topics that decipher youth jargon, for example Signa, Riley, Pff, etc.
However, another question arises here, for example, will it be easy for a “humanitarian” to follow the financial path? Can a “techie” master the specialty of a biologist? It is worth understanding what qualities make a person a supporter of humanitarian or technical education.

What does Humanitarian mean? What does Techie mean?

Let's figure out what is hidden behind these two definitions, and what is actually within the control of people with one or another clearly defined type.

As a rule, what child techie or humanist show his character traits, combined with interests and success in relevant disciplines. Of course, over several generations certain stereotypes techies and humanists, but the specific individuality of a person sometimes cannot always fit into the framework allotted to it.

It is generally accepted that trained humanist is able to get very high grades in physics and mathematics, although according to his “status” he is supposed to have grades no higher than “4” in these subjects. However, a lower grade for a student in the humanities would be excusable, since there is a well-established opinion that students in the humanities have no aptitude for mathematics.
They are like fish in water, absorbing history, literature and foreign languages. People with this type of personality love cinema or theater, and can often speak in public because they have a great tongue. For this reason, they are able to empathize strongly, then this sensitivity helps them engage in creative activities and immerse themselves in the worlds of classical literature. Humanists are prone to a romantic perception of the surrounding reality; they seem to wear rose-colored glasses all their lives, they are emotional and vulnerable, they have a “subtle” soul. This type of personality has well-developed imaginative thinking and imagination. There are rumors, not yet confirmed by anything, that the left hemisphere of the brain is dominant among techies, and the left hemisphere among humanities scholars.

Against, techies are considered more active, energetic, but at the same time down to earth. They have remarkable perseverance and determination. They are often considered people who are more confident in themselves and their actions. Their minds work with high speed, consistency and clarity. At school, they gravitate more towards physics, mathematics and computer science, on a first-name basis with any device, from a smartphone to a computer. However, despite the fact that techies feel more confident, they do not like live communication, which they successfully replace with intragroup chats and forums.

Techies VS Humanities

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