Marine Corps Day is a holiday of Russia's elite military forces. How is Marine Corps Day celebrated in Russia?

Marines of the Russian Navy celebrate their professional holiday on November 27. The ceremonial events will take place in the brigades of the Pacific, Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets, as well as in two battalions of the Caspian flotilla, individual companies and units.

Sea soldiers

Marine Corps Day was officially established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1995. But the history of this type of troops began in the second half of the 17th century. It was then that special teams of archers - naval soldiers - were formed as part of the crews of the ships of the flotilla created by order of Ivan the Terrible. And in 1669, the first Russian military sailing ship "Eagle" already had a similar crew, there were 35 of them, for boarding operations and guard duty.

During the Azov campaigns, from the most combat-ready Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, a Marine Regiment was created - a regiment, it consisted of 4,254 people. On November 16, 1705, according to the old style, and on November 27, according to the new style, Emperor Peter I issued a decree on the formation of a naval regiment. This day became the birthday of the Russian Marine Corps. The “sea soldiers” are credited with victories at Gangut and Chesma, the assaults on Izmail and Corfu, and the defense of Port Arthur and Sevastopol.

Marines fought selflessly during the Great Patriotic War. They brought real horror to the fascists. The Germans nicknamed the Marines the "Black Death" because of their black peacoats and incredible courage. And even when all the soldiers of the Red Army were dressed in combined arms uniforms, the Marines kept their vests and caps. They went into battle wide open, biting the ribbons of their caps in their teeth.

The Marines fought bloody battles on the Hanko Peninsula, on the Kola Peninsula, blocking the path of fascist troops to Murmansk, Polyarnoye, and Kandalaksha. The Marines performed immortal feats in the Battle of Moscow, where examples of courage and heroism were shown by seven naval rifle brigades, a separate detachment of sailors and two companies of naval school cadets. Ten marine brigades and dozens of separate naval regiments and battalions took part in the battles for Leningrad, which, under the most difficult conditions, showed miracles of endurance and heroism in defending the city and breaking its blockade.

On a boat and with a parachute

For 73 days and nights, the Marines, together with army units, defended Odessa from enemy divisions. In November 1941, near Sevastopol, a group of five marines led by political instructor Nikolai Filchenkov stood in the way of German tanks breaking through to the city. At the cost of their lives, they did not allow the tanks to pass. Having tied themselves with grenades, they rushed under the tanks. All five sailors were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In general, 200 marines were awarded this high title for courage and heroism, and the famous intelligence officer Viktor Leonov, who fought in the Northern Fleet and then created the naval reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Pacific Fleet, is twice a Hero. The personnel of the landing force, Senior Lieutenant Konstantin Olshansky, who landed in the port of Nikolaev in March 1944 and completed the task at the cost of their lives, were fully awarded this high award. By the way, one of the largest landing ships of the Russian Navy is named after Konstantin Olshansky.

And today the Marines are an elite military unit, in which each of the sailors considers it a great honor to serve. The Marines are armed with amphibious military equipment, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems and automatic small arms. Marines land ashore from landing ships and boats, and are landed by ship-based and shore-based helicopters. Sometimes fighters can cross water under their own power - in floating vehicles and armored personnel carriers. Marine units of the Russian Navy are equipped with new D-10 parachutes.

According to Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Lieutenant General Oleg Makarevich, in honor of Marine Corps Day, the “black berets” organized holidays, weapons exhibitions, and demonstrated their skills.

What does the average person know about the Marine Corps? It is clear that this is one of the most formidable units in Russia. But few people know when Marines celebrate their professional holiday. And even more so that the units themselves have a unique history with a three-fold revival.

"Black Death". "Devils in Black" These are not just bright epithets. These are nicknames that Marines received from their enemies. They exude fear and respect, unpredictability and fearlessness. After all, these warriors in black pea coats and berets are capable of delivering a crushing blow both from the sea and from the air, on land. It is customary to congratulate the Marines on Marine Corps Day in November.

Who celebrates the holiday?

The first talk about naval soldiers came in 1668. It was then that, by Decree of Peter the Great, gunners appeared on the ship “Eagle” and became full-fledged members of the crew. The goal of the riflemen at sea was to capture enemy ships in boarding battles.

The need for such combat units dictated life. To ensure access to the Baltic shores, it was extremely important to liberate Lakes Peipus and Ladoga from the Swedes. To carry out such a daring plan, the emperor called on the Orsk Cossacks, who were famous for their skills in fighting on ships. But the historically important event almost fell through, as the Cossacks did not show up on time. Infantry regiments had to be urgently recruited. The warriors won, freeing the way to the Neva.

And the emperor thought about the need to create new troops consisting of naval soldiers. The first team was created in 1698, which later became the reason for the formation of Marine Corps Day in Russia. Both events are associated with the Decree on Regiments of Naval Soldiers, which was issued on November 27, 1705.

Subsequently, Russian marines took a direct part in all military operations of the 18th and 19th centuries in the sea. The conversation about amphibious assault began in 1810, when the duties of the first Naval Guards Crew were charged with conducting combat operations not only on water, but also on land. In all wars, including the Patriotic War, the Crimean War, the Russian-Turkish War, and the First World War, the Marines were active and distinguished themselves by their courage and exploits.

But unfortunately the revolution changed a lot and the naval troops were “forgotten” for a long time. The decision to revive the units was made in 1939. During the war, special brigades appeared, which included half a million fighters. Often special sailors fought battles on land. This became the reason for organizing special training for infantrymen. They learned combat operations on land with the capture and holding of positions. Marine assault brigades were even created, which took part in many military operations. They stormed Breslau and Konigsberg, captured Riga and the Kuril Islands. Troops also landed in Korean ports.

However, for unknown reasons, elite troops ceased to exist by the 60s. The idea of ​​the need for such strategically important troops was prompted by information about the number of marines of a potential enemy. The United States at that time numbered up to 200 thousand soldiers in its ranks. Therefore, in 1963, a decision was made to recreate such parts.
In July, the Bialystok Guards Regiment was formed, which became the first unit of this nature. Today, Marines are considered the elite of the fleet. These are the only formations capable of landing on land both from sea and from air. They conduct excellent combat operations, regardless of the situation and conditions.

The ranks of the Marines are not that numerous. Only about 12,500 soldiers will celebrate Marine Corps Day in 2016. This is the number of units today. Veterans and retired officers will certainly receive congratulations on Marine Day. Their names are well known in active units.

History of the holiday

The history of the Marine Corps goes back 300 years, despite periodic eclipses. However, the professional holiday appeared only in 1995 in December. The corresponding order was signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

The date of Marine Corps Day, when all the guys in black pea coats celebrate their professional day, was timed to coincide with the first formation of Peter the Great’s “regiments of naval soldiers.”
It is this event that officers, veterans and cadets remember as they raise their glasses at festive tables. And there are many more interesting stories. After all, the Marines have something to be proud of, and the exploits of their brothers have entered the legendary victorious history of the Russian army.

The holiday of soldiers of the seas takes place in a solemn atmosphere. Relatives and friends gather to congratulate the sailors who are capable of fighting on land. The leadership necessarily notes the good service of the soldiers, associated with certain difficulties and obstacles. Distinguished soldiers receive awards and thanks, and the officers invariably wait for new stars, which, according to custom, will be washed.

Modern Marines

The motto of the Russian marines is always unchanged: “Where we are, there is victory.” They are used to fighting to the last. There is no option to retreat from the ship. That’s why sailors fight even on land like it’s the last time.

However, not everyone can become a Marine. The fighters of this type of troops are excellent swimmers, inimitably conduct hand-to-hand combat, parachute jump and scuba dive. They are also familiar with “ordinary” naval service.

Sailors in pea coats and caps with machine gun belts at the ready are a symbol of the steadfastness and courage of the Russian fleet. Modern Marines have special training; they know how to conduct combat operations like an amphibious assault force. Their responsibilities include the defense of facilities located on the coast. They protect not only military bases, but also strategically important areas. Soldiers also take part in the capture of important points on the coast with the preparation of areas for the landing of the main landing force.

The revived units required a new approach, new technology. And she inevitably appeared. The capabilities of the military equipment that units use today are striking in their versatility. She can swim and remains combat-ready in stormy conditions. Even with 4 points, such equipment covers up to 5 kilometers. Self-propelled ferries, tanks and armored personnel carriers, Nonas are used for landing troops both far from the coast and with an emphasis on solid ground. For this purpose, special landing ships with opening bow doors have been built, which are capable of moving up to 80 units of military equipment and a battalion of Marines.

Particularly notable are floating “monsters” such as “Moray eels” and “Squid”, which are equipped with air cushions, which makes 75% of the sea coast accessible. Modern Mi helicopters are used to disembark sailors from the air.

The main combat unit of these units remains the Marine himself, despite the modern equipment of military equipment and the presence of his own signalmen, sappers, and logistics personnel in the units.

An infantryman from the seas is easily recognized by his uniform. The presence of a black beret and jacket, a naval vest and straight-cut trousers clearly indicate that the fighter belongs to the naval elite. What the sailors had to come to terms with were tarpaulin boots, which are an integral attribute of the infantry.

Today, each Russian fleet has its own marine formations. They are capable of fighting at sea, in the air, and on land. They are even familiar with the tactics of urban combat, which was used during the assault on Grozny, in which soldiers from the sea took part.
Many operations carried out by the Russian army in various hot spots were successful, and marines took direct part in them.

Congratulations to the soldiers of the seas

Your glorious exploits, Marines, are written in golden letters in the history of the Russian army. You are the elite and pride of our fleet. You are always ready to overcome any dangers and adversities. But may your service be easy, and may the enemy never encroach on your native shores. We wish you perseverance, courage and self-confidence on your professional holiday.

For the soldiers of the seas, no adversity is scary. They feel like a resourceful fish in water, like a swift bird in the air, like a fast lynx on land. On the November holiday, we say words of congratulations, words of admiration and pride to the soldiers who are capable of conducting military operations in any conditions. And we wish you faith in yourself, support from friends and love from your neighbors.

We congratulate the infantrymen
On this day everyone gathered.
Not ordinary soldiers, the elite,
Smile with us.
You are not just sushi fighters,
You are sea wolves.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Let's drink a glass of vodka.

Larisa, October 28, 2016.

The infantry is associated with the events of 1705 and the creation of the Russian fleet during the time of Peter the Great. The main goal of establishing the domestic marine corps was the desire of the sovereign to break through to the Baltic and Azov Seas and establish ports, and the predecessors of the first Russian marines are considered to be teams of archers, who have been among the crew of each flotilla since the time of Ivan the Terrible. In the modern Marine Corps it is celebrated on November 27th. The holiday is celebrated less solemnly than most Russians do not take any part in the ceremonial events.

Story: The first team of professional “sea soldiers” in the Russian State appeared back in 1669 by order of Peter I, and its basis was the crew of the famous ship “Eagle”. But the official date of the appearance of the marine corps is considered to be November 27, 1705, since this day dates back to the order of Peter the Great, which contains a line about the need to create “regiments of naval soldiers.” In any case, this unit of Russian troops has been functioning smoothly for three centuries, and Russian Marine Corps Day is celebrated today on the same date on which the emperor signed the corresponding decree.

Russian marines, an integral part of the crew of the Russian fleet, fought almost continuously during the 18th-19th centuries, taking part in the most difficult battles fought in the Baltic and Black, White and Mediterranean seas. The structure of the infantry was constantly being improved, for example, in 1810, the Guards Marine Crew appeared, whose task was to effectively land amphibious forces in battlefields and behind enemy lines.

Marines in the USSR: After the revolution, Marine Corps Day was not celebrated, and the heroic exploits of the military infantrymen serving in the navy were practically not remembered until 1939, and even a special unit of the Marines did not exist at all in those years. Only in 1939, on the eve of World War II, the Soviet government decided to revive such military units. By 1941, the number of marines in the USSR was already approximately 500,000 people, and quite often infantrymen even took part in land battles, for which they were removed from ships.

However, by the 60s, the marine corps in the USSR was again liquidated, although in the USA, the main enemy of the Soviet Union, similar military units functioned, and their number was approximately 200,000 people. Therefore, in 1963, marine units in the USSR were reborn, first the Bialystok Guards Regiment was founded, and later other units.

Modern history: Today, the Russian marine corps numbers only 12,500 professional military personnel, trained to land on a specific, initially assigned territory, and capable of quickly preparing a bridgehead even before the arrival of the main military units. Marines reliably guard Russia's water borders, and also take part in various operations at sea and land that the Russian army has to conduct.

Peculiarities: Marine Corps Day can be seen as a holiday that draws the attention of Russians to the vital role in strengthening the power of the state that the Marines have played for centuries. Congratulations on Marine Corps Day on this day are heard from the command, but large-scale events are not held, and most infantrymen often celebrate their well-deserved honor in a narrow circle - with colleagues or family. Congratulating each other, the infantrymen remember the exploits of their predecessors, comrades and commanders, but parades and demonstrations have not yet been held on this day.

The Marine Corps is a type of troops designed to conduct combat operations that involve fighting for enemy coastlines. The list of responsibilities includes the defense of naval bases and islands. These military formations have their own professional holiday, which is celebrated on November 27. These are highly mobile troops that have more than once had to steadfastly and courageously carry out the most difficult combat missions, and they have existed for several centuries.

History of the holiday

This holiday was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy in 1995. Professional celebrations for the Marines appeared not so long ago, but this branch of the military has a long history. The first documented case of an amphibious landing was in 1698. Peter I approved a new method of warfare, and therefore the sovereign ordered the creation of the first “regiment of naval soldiers” in 1705. The sailors of the Baltic Fleet were taken as a basis. After that, the Marines took part in all wars. During its existence, the Marine Corps has undergone reorganization more than once.

The bloodiest battle for these troops was the defense of Sevastopol during the Second World War, during which the soldiers who terrified the Germans received the nickname “Black Death” from them. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Marines took part in combat operations in the North Caucasus. This branch of the military is developing and now Marines serve in the Mediterranean Sea and other places around the globe.

Today, the Marine Corps, as a branch of the coastal troops of the Navy of the Russian Armed Forces, is used to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces. Moreover, both together with the ground forces and independently. Also, the tasks of the Marine Corps include the defense of the coast (naval bases, ports and other facilities).

The Marine Corps in all centuries is the pride of the armed forces of any state, a symbol of its power and invincibility. Images of the first marines can be seen on ancient Greek and Roman bas-reliefs telling about the famous naval battles of Ancient Times. The Carthaginians were very skilled warriors and sailors, who could instantly board any ship. In the Middle Ages, the world was conquered by the brave Scandinavian Vikings: they were responsible for many of the largest amphibious operations of the Middle Ages. Of course, the British Marines, whose history begins in the 16th century, have and still have unique experience and tactics in conducting battles at sea.

Marine Corps in Rus'

In the Russian army, a marine corps unit was formed in 1705, by decree of Peter the Great on November 27. Therefore, this particular date was chosen for Marine Corps Day in modern Russia. Without a doubt, the marines of Peter the Great's era played a huge role in the fact that Russia ceased to be a closed state. Largely thanks to them, the “window to Europe” was finally opened. After Peter I's victory over the Swedes in 1709, the small naval unit grew into a regiment, which soon became the basis of the Baltic Fleet. Since then, the Marine Corps has repeatedly defended the interests of our Motherland.

Marines took part in such major battles as Borodino, fought to the death during World War II, and were involved in major international military operations in the post-war period. Of course, people of this courageous profession deserve their holiday. And it’s great that they have it!

Russian Marine Corps Day, history and traditions

Marine Corps Day in Russia was established relatively recently, only in 1996. By decree of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy dated July 15, Infantryman's Day is celebrated annually on November 27. Marines are the elite of the Russian armed forces, so their unit always hosts lavish and ceremonial events on November 27th.

Of course, on November 27, the Navy command congratulates its soldiers and rewards those who have especially distinguished themselves with medals, orders, and valuable gifts. This day marks the conferment of new ranks and promotions in military service. Ceremonial events take place at the highest government level and in all regiments and divisions of the Russian Marine Corps.

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