The founding day of the Russian Navy is the day of the surface sailor. Congratulations on the founding day of the Navy

October 30 is the Day of the Founding of the Russian Navy. This significant day for our Fatherland is rightfully considered the official date of birth of the regular Russian fleet. The history of the fleet is inseparable from the heroic history of our Motherland. According to established tradition, on this day the people honor the services to the Fatherland of all generations of military sailors, with gratitude, love and gratitude they remember those who gave their lives in bloody battles on land and at sea for the freedom, independence and prosperity of our beloved Motherland.

In the 16th century, the Russian state had only access to the White Sea, and after the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan - to the Caspian Sea. By the time of Peter’s accession, our state was cut off from the shores of the Baltic, Black, and Azov seas, once inhabited by the Slavs.

Peter I gave state priorities in Russian foreign policy to the struggle for access to the shores of the Azov, Black (which in ancient times was called the Russian) and Baltic seas. Powerful Sweden dominated the Baltic Sea, so Peter believed that it would be easier to deal with the Turks in the struggle for access to the Azov and Black Seas. A protracted war with Turkey began. This was also prompted by the demands of Austria and Poland, Russia’s allies in the anti-Turkish Holy Alliance. Following the unsuccessful 1st Azov campaign in 1695, a decree from Tsar Peter followed: “There will be sea vessels!”

To solve the strategic task of returning the original Russian lands, a strong fleet was needed, without which Peter I could not achieve this political goal. He began with the creation of a regular navy, although the construction of ships with the invitation of foreign specialists to Russia began under his father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The construction of ships began in Voronezh. Initially, for the Russian fleet, Peter's envoys recruited experienced sailors in Western Europe. However, the question immediately arose about organizing the training of national personnel for the fleet under construction. In Moscow in 1701, the first Navigation School in Russia (School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences) was opened. This is how the history of the Russian Navy began.

Modern history of the navy

During the First World War, the Russian fleet increased its glory. On the Black Sea and the Baltic, in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and in the Arctic, Russian sailors steadfastly and courageously carried out a combat watch. Grateful descendants will forever remember the great feat of the commanders and Red Navy men of the Great Patriotic War, their selfless devotion and love for the Motherland, courage and heroism.

In the post-war years, the surface fleet mastered the World Ocean, in the vastness of which military sailors made thousands of long-distance voyages. A worthy heir and continuer of the traditions of Russian military sailors today is the personnel of the Navy.

Great Russian Navy

Since ancient times, Russia has been and remains a great maritime power; our ancestors have long been famous for the art of navigation and shipbuilding. Russian sailors earned eternal glory for their brilliant victories over foreign invaders and for making great geographical discoveries.

At all times, military sailors defended the interests of Russia with honor and dignity. They won significant victories over the enemy. The glory of the victories of the Russian fleet at Gangut, Chesma, Tendra, Kerch and Sinop will never fade in the grateful memory of the people. Legends about the courage and perseverance of Russian sailors shown during the defense of Sevastopol, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and Port Arthur will be passed on from mouth to mouth.

In the combat activities of the fleet, the Russian national school of naval art was formed. Its outstanding representatives are G.A. Spiridov, D.N. Senyavin, S.K. Greig, F.F. Ushakov, M.P. Lazarev, P.S. Nakhimov, E.A. Behrens, S.O. Makarov, I.K. Grigorovich, N.G. Kuznetsov, S.G. Gorshkov and many others, the glory of whose military deeds overshadows Russia with an aura of proud greatness, and their spiritual heritage serves as a sure guarantee of the indestructibility of the fleet of our Great Power!

In difficult conditions, Navy personnel worthily fulfill their duties, improve their professional skills and seamanship, conscientiously fulfill their military duty, set an example of perseverance and endurance in everyday life, show courage and heroism in a combat situation, and honorably carry out the difficult service of protecting state interests of Russia and ensuring its security.

The selfless work of military sailors, civilian personnel, and workers of shipbuilding and ship repair complexes maintains the combat readiness of the fleet. It is also indisputable that the fleet went beyond narrow departmental affiliation and became a symbol of Russia, its national pride. The Fatherland still needs reliable naval power. There is a revival of the former power and glory of the Russian fleet. We must remember that for the sake of the memory of our compatriots who fell under the St. Andrew's and Naval flags, for the sake of the prosperity of the great maritime power of Russia, we must constantly strengthen the fleet. History repeats itself. As once in the times of Peter the Great, Russia is once again setting out on its ocean voyage.


On the Founding Day of the Russian Navy, everyone involved in this responsible profession receives congratulations and awards. But most of the sailors spend this day at work. The St. Andrew's flag is raised on the ships and ceremonial formations are held. The authorities express their gratitude for the service.

Congratulations to the founding day of the Navy in verse

The Navy was founded
May order reign in the country!
So that the structure does not fail,
So that every law is valued!

On this holiday I wish you,
So that you believe in yourself!
May luck not leave you,
Let your friends be faithful!

And let your health be strong -
This is the most important thing in life!
Never let anyone judge
And more happy days!
Rejoice, Navy!
Your bright holiday is coming!
A sailor walks along the deck,
And let the wind flutter the flag!

Thanks to the glorious sailors,
What is recognized by all seas
In love and loyalty to Russia!
Let the saints pray now

People read for the guys,
What kind of country do they stand for?
That the waves boldly cut through,
Russia's will is being carried out!
The Russian fleet was founded
During tsarist times,
Since then it has not approached the country
Threat, grief, fear,

Since then Russia has been protected
Our sailors
Protecting the country from evil,
Far from home!

Let's raise our glasses
Brave for the Navy,
And let the admirals celebrate
They will order to celebrate!
Russian Navy
The bright one celebrates its holiday!
We wish strength to all sailors,
Let the days be warmed by the sun,

Let peace reign in the service,
The waves are flowing merrily
Loyalty, friendship helps,
All sorrows will go away,

The appearance of the navy in Russia dates back to 1969, when the Boyar Duma issued an order to establish a permanent naval fleet. From that moment on, active shipbuilding began in Russia, which entered an active phase. Fleets were created almost throughout the entire territory of Russia. Shipbuilding developed in the following cities: St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Arkhangelsk, ships were also built on Ladoga. The exploits and achievements of admirals V.I. Istomin, P.S. Nakhimov and many, many others made an incredible contribution to the development of the navy. During the Second World War, famous Russian admirals skillfully led the defense of their fronts and proved themselves to be true heroes. Today, the Russian Navy is famous for its military equipment, missiles, submarines and landing craft. Today our main task is to preserve and develop traditions. We celebrate the Founding Day of the Russian Navy - October 30.

Today is the holiday of brave sailors,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We appreciate your loyalty always,
And we sincerely thank you for your service.
We wish you a fair wind,
Happiness, joy, good luck and goodness,
May fortune always be with you,
And the family is waiting impatiently.

You conquer the expanses of water,
And your service is not easy,
May the mountains of good luck await you ahead,
And the shores are waiting for you.
May your service be easy
Let the sorrows disappear forever,
May strong male friendship
Will help you out at any time.

Sea waves are your element,
And the deck is a hard path,
You are sailors, you are so strong,
May fate always protect you.
We congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
I wish you success in your service,
May a fair breeze always blow to you,
Let the water carry away your sorrows.

Today I would like to congratulate you with all my heart,
Brave and fearless sailors,
Praise for services to the country,
Strong sea wolves.
May there always be seven feet under the keel,
Let your work bring you inspiration,
Let trouble pass by,
Congratulations to everyone on the Fleet Day.

You conquer long distances
From the northern seas to abroad,
May there be a lot of happiness, a fortune,
And sadness is only a small unit.
May fortune always smile on you,
May hope never leave you,
May your whole life be without sorrows,
Let reliable friends surround you.

The depths of the ocean, striking with its power,
The Navy keeps its borders clear.
Through bad weather, wind, storm and orders
The spokes fulfill their duty of defense.
Our Russia has something to be proud of,
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday today,
May you have military might, greatness and strength,
On this idle day we sincerely wish you!

Happy Navy Day to you,
Please accept our congratulations on this day.
I wish you a brilliant reputation and good luck in everything,
May the shadow of doubt never fall on you!
Be proud, Great Russia, honor and praise to the heroes!
The powerful column passed with its head held high!
Victory in everything and prosperity, on this day and hour
Once again we warmly congratulate you!

On this day of the sailor, I offer my congratulations,
Today I’ll collect everything in one poem!
Always calm sea, sunny weather,
Let troubles and adversity pass by!
Happy Holidays, Russia, live, bloom, dear,
Let your heroes protect the borders at sea!
Low bow to you! Honor, praise and glory!
Let luck and wealth follow you!

On this day of the navy,
I would like to give you many congratulations,
Sun and bright smiles, light and warmth,
May life always lead you along a bright path!
For Russia, for the heroes, I am filled with pride,
The whole wide world cordially congratulates you today!

Water everywhere around, blue sea,
Beautiful to the point of madness.. To the point of exhaustion..
It always lifts our spirits,
It is impossible not to remember these wonderful moments!
Sailors are heroes, the pride of the whole country,
Russia needs you like air and water!
Brave and courageous, but I am amazed at your strength,
Congratulations again and I admire you so much!

Happy Navy Day to you,
We all say hello today!
Celebrating this loud holiday today,
Accept from us this covenant for you -
Determination and patience, nerves of steel to you always,
Live together in this world for many more years to come!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, and may the country bloom!
Let the people sing the glorious Russian anthem once again for an encore!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of the navy,
I always wish great prosperity for Russia,
Let him congratulate his brave sailors today,
Their fame thunders all the time and goes through the depths of centuries!
Be happy, dear ones, comfort always reigns in the family,
There is peace and justice in your soul, never lose your temper!
Once again we congratulate, appreciate, love, respect,
For your courage and bravery, life with you is only more beautiful!

When in 1696, at the insistence of Peter I, his Boyar Duma decided to create a regular Russian navy, Russia gained peace of mind over its maritime borders. And now every October 30 All military sailors celebrate their holiday. A October 20, when this decree was signed, is considered the official Foundation Day of the Russian Navy.

Russian sailors reliably defended and are defending their borders, winning brilliant victories on the battlefields. And in peacetime, the glorious traditions of the navy are adopted by new and new generations of military sailors. Courageous and reliable defenders, ready for assault warnings and capable of repelling an enemy attack, keep their watch far from home on weekdays, on holidays, and even on October 30th. Far from the sea shores, the Russian flag flies - brave surface sailors ply on modern ships, guarding their borders and glorifying the power of their native state.

There will be a fleet, the king told everyone,
Peter the Great - sovereign,
A decree was immediately issued
Since then we have had a Fleet!
Our Navy,
A stronghold for a large country,
Protects, protects,
Puts enemies to flight!
Glory to Russian sailors,
The whole State is proud of you,
Let the fireworks thunder in your honor,
Like the sea your holiday is noisy,
Please accept congratulations,
Celebrate the holiday with friends,
A glass of strong wine,
May your life be full
Health, happiness and good luck,
With true and ardent love!

Great Power's protection, stronghold,
Russian, naval, our mighty fleet!
In the seventeenth century, by the will of the king,
The dawn dawned on the navy,
Many years have passed since then,
But the Russian fleet is no more reliable!
Today, Happy Fleet Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you a fair wind in the service,
Be happy sailor, don't be sad,
Don't forget your home!

I congratulate you on the Founding Day of the Russian Navy and wish you to faithfully honor the good traditions of Russian sailors, occupy important positions in naval affairs and achieve great victories, write your own story of a wonderful life and glorious exploits, washed by the waves of the sea.

“Let there be a fleet!” - Petya once commanded,
And so the Navy came into being.
And we are still terribly proud of him,
And we strive to celebrate the holiday loudly.
And everyone who respects our Russian fleet,
We sincerely congratulate you on Navy Day!

Happy great foundation day
Congratulations to the fleet.
Peace in life and work
I only wish for you.

Let the calling be great
Gives only joy.
And your family hearth
Brings sweetness to life.

How long ago was Petrusha the First
This day has been determined.
And this is the beginning
I put it in the naval industry.

There were many glorious fields
Admirals, sailors,
Defend the Fatherland at sea
Everyone was always ready.

Times since the 17th century
There is a Russian fleet:
Crews will sail
Day after day, year after year.

The Russian fleet is our pride!
Again, honor and praise to you!
May the sun shine on your holiday
And the bells are ringing!

Seafarers -
Ladies' men.
Courageous and strong
They are attractive.

Both on land and at sea
They carry their flag with pride.
If there is trouble, war will come -
The enemy will be defeated again!

The Navy celebrates a holiday,
Please accept congratulations,
I wish you to drown
In a sea of ​​happiness and love.

Let the abyss swallow you up
Great prosperity,
Service brings only joy,
Don't look for another way.

If the waves splash softly,
Humming something
So let's celebrate today
Navy Day.

Let glory thunder throughout the world
Russian sea,
Sailors and officers
Congratulations today.

During the time of Great Peter,
The invincible Russian fleet arose,
Founded by the stroke of a pen,
There was a fair amount of blood and sweat.

And there was everything: victories, defeats,
Large construction site - wood chips don't count
He glorified himself in storms and battles
Our unforgettable, legendary fleet!

And it’s not in vain that we strengthen the borders,
Although skeptics are not happy, sometimes
Trouble will no longer take us by surprise,
When our fleet is on guard, fighting!

Happy Navy Day,
Serving here is not an easy job,
But you can do everything and, of course,
We wish you only successful service!

Let the guiding star shine
Only good things will meet you on the way,
The ships are aground, they don't know the storms,
And your family will meet you at the port!

Congratulations: 36 in verse, 4 in prose.

When in 1696, at the insistence of Peter I, his Boyar Duma decided to create a regular Russian navy, Russia gained peace of mind over its maritime borders. And now, every October 30, all military sailors celebrate their holiday. And October 20, when this decree was signed, is considered the official Foundation Day of the Russian Navy.

Russian sailors reliably defended and are defending their borders, winning brilliant victories on the battlefields. And in peacetime, the glorious traditions of the navy are adopted by new and new generations of military sailors. Courageous and reliable defenders, ready for assault warnings and capable of repelling an enemy attack, keep their watch far from home on weekdays, on holidays, and even on October 30th. Far from the sea shores, the Russian flag flies - brave surface sailors ply on modern ships, guarding their borders and glorifying the power of their native state.

Show congratulations

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If the waves splash softly,
Humming something
So let's celebrate today
Navy Day.

Let glory thunder throughout the world
Russian sea,
Sailors and officers
Congratulations today.


On this holiday, Navy Day, I
I wish you: let your worries go away,
Let for you, my friend, a dashing sailor,
There is always a lighthouse shining along the way.

I also wish, my dear friend,
Always have the shore waiting for you home,
May good luck be on your way
After all, you are used to always moving forward!


Starting from Peter the Great,
Our fleet has become a stronghold for the country,
It’s not for nothing that these troops are elite
They were always so reliable and faithful.

Sailors, submariners, infantry,
Naval aviation -
Your formidable battles on the seas
They talk about courage through the centuries.

May your equipment always serve you reliably,
Let the wind from the sea be fair,
May peace and happiness be strong friends all the time,
Well, the family has a reliable rear waiting for them at home!


Like soldiers lined up
Ships at sea, well done:
Happy holiday to you, nice guys,
Happy holiday to you, glorious fighters.

We wish you not to know grief,
To serve for their native land,
So that our sea is peaceful,
So that ships don't sink.

To have a very brave heart
The fatherland has devoted sons,
So that King Neptune would be merciful
And he didn’t let the frigates sink.


Congratulations on Navy Day
You, my dear friend.
May success be your companion
Luck will not leave you suddenly!

Live among family, friends,
All those who love you.
Don't trust your enemies
Everything will be great!


The Russian fleet is our pride!
Again, honor and praise to you!
May the sun shine on your holiday
And the bells are ringing!

Seafarers -
Ladies' men.
Courageous and strong
They are attractive.

Both on land and at sea
They carry their flag with pride.
If there is trouble, war will come -
The enemy will be defeated again!


Great Power's protection, stronghold,
Russian, naval, our mighty fleet!
In the seventeenth century, by the will of the king,
The dawn dawned on the navy,
Many years have passed since then,
But the Russian fleet is no more reliable!
Today, Happy Fleet Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you a fair wind in the service,
Be happy sailor, don't be sad,
Don't forget your home!


Tsar Peter founded the Russian fleet,
At the end of the distant seventeenth century,
He strengthened the defense with the fleet,
Leaving your memory forever.

Today to you, military sailors,
Congratulations and glory from us,
You follow in the footsteps of the Petrovs
Keep peace at sea for the country!

I wish you health and valiant service,
Protecting borders from enemies,
And live your life only in peace,
Without attacking anyone, anywhere!


During the time of Great Peter,
The invincible Russian fleet arose,
Founded by the stroke of a pen,
There was a fair amount of blood and sweat.

And there was everything: victories, defeats,
Large construction site - wood chips don't count
He glorified himself in storms and battles
Our unforgettable, legendary fleet!

And it’s not in vain that we strengthen the borders,
Although skeptics are not happy, sometimes
Trouble will no longer take us by surprise,
When our fleet is on guard, fighting!


Protects borders from the sea
Our Russian navy,
He protects peace and quiet
And it protects us from enemies.

We congratulate all sailors,
We wish you good health,
Let the wave be gentle
May fate reward you in full!


How long ago was Petrusha the First
This day has been determined.
And this is the beginning
I put it in the naval industry.

There were many glorious fields
Admirals, sailors,
Defend the Fatherland at sea
Everyone was always ready.

Times since the 17th century
There is a Russian fleet:
Crews will sail
Day after day, year after year.


Peter the Great is the ancestor,
He is a hero and a winner.
Founded the Russian fleet
All the people praise him.
Day October 30
We fell in love for a reason.
We'll be out for a walk during the day
Admire the ship.
Every boy wants to be
Cabin and sail on the sea.


There will be a fleet, the king told everyone,
Peter the Great - sovereign,
A decree was immediately issued
Since then we have had a Fleet!
Our Navy,
A stronghold for a large country,
Protects, protects,
Puts enemies to flight!
Glory to Russian sailors,
The whole State is proud of you,
Let the fireworks thunder in your honor,
Like the sea your holiday is noisy,
Please accept congratulations,
Celebrate the holiday with friends,
A glass of strong wine,
May your life be full
Health, happiness and good luck,
With true and ardent love!

Empress Catherine the Great: “May the fate of Sevastopol and our fleet on this blessed land be winged sails of goodness and creation, valor and courage!” With these words begins a theatrical performance in the city of Russian naval glory, dedicated to the 320th anniversary of the founding of the Fatherland's fleet. In the Russian calendar of memorable dates, the founding day of the Russian fleet is marked on October 30. And this date is connected with the events of 1696, when Tsar Peter, as they would say now, pushed through the Boyar Duma the decision to begin the formation of a regular fleet. The phrase “There will be sea vessels!”, in fact, became the starting point for the Russian Navy, which today we call the Russian Navy.

Active shipbuilding took place near Arkhangelsk, as well as on the Don shores. Voronezh is rightfully considered the real cradle of the Russian fleet. It was in Voronezh that the first Russian Admiralty was established, and in 1696 the first school of navigation sciences in the state appeared. Historical materials contain evidence that Voronezh is also the first Russian city in which the main symbol of the Russian fleet, the St. Andrew’s flag, was raised. We are talking about raising the St. Andrew's flag on the 58-gun battleship Goto Predestination, built in Voronezh, which was recreated several years ago according to the original drawings, and which today is a museum with a rich thematic exhibition.

By the way, when it comes to the first raising of the St. Andrew's flag (and this was in 1700), it is necessary to clarify that initially the cross of St. Andrew the First-Called appeared at the flagpole - on the so-called canton (roof) - in the upper left quarter of the admiral's banner. Over time, a blue cross on a white background occupied the entire area of ​​the Russian naval flag. An interesting historical episode is the fact that for almost 15 years after the October Revolution, the graphic image of the St. Andrew's Cross was used by both the fleet of Soviet Russia and the USSR. We are talking about the guy of the Imperial Russian Navy, in which changes affected the central part, where a red star with a hammer and sickle appeared.

Returning to shipbuilding in the era of the beginning of the creation of the Russian fleet, it is necessary to touch upon the very exhibition that is presented on an exact copy of Peter the Great’s ship with a difficult fate - “Goto Predestination”. The exhibition is of interest not only to lovers of naval history, but also to people interested in retrospective cartography. On the museum ship, in particular, there is a copy of a map of Tartaria, the existence of which (meaning this territorial entity) is being hotly debated today.

The museum's exposition presents panoramas of the construction of ships on the banks of the Don. In particular, it talks about the use of tall, perfectly straight pines to create masts, for which the forests of the Voronezh land are famous to this day.

In a short period of time, Russia turned from a state with a complete absence of a military fleet into a maritime power, which made it possible not only to protect its interests on the sea approaches, but also to grow in territory. The presence of a sufficient number of ships allowed Russian sailors to discover and explore new lands. In particular, by decree of Peter I, an expedition to the east was organized in 1724, which confirmed the existence of a strait between the Eurasian and North American continents, discovered in 1628 by Semyon Dezhnev, and also made it possible to explore Chukotka and Kamchatka. During the expedition, detailed “general” maps of northeast Asia were compiled. In fact, this was the first scientific expedition in Russia, organized on behalf of the state, and carried out by outstanding scientists and sailors, among whom was Vitus Bering, a man whose contribution to the development of the fleet and to confirming the importance of having a large fleet for a country like Russia cannot be overestimated.

The history of the Russian Navy is also a history of glorious victories. Legendary military naval commanders - Fyodor Apraksin, Fyodor Ushakov, Pavel Nakhimov - wrote bright pages in the history of the Navy.

Fedor Matveevich Apraksin is rightfully considered one of the founders of the Russian fleet. In 1717, Admiral General Apraksin was appointed by Emperor Peter to the post of head of the Admiralty Collegium. Subordinate to the Senate, the collegium combined the functions of several naval organizations that existed at that time in Russia, including the Order of the Marine Fleet, the Naval Commissariat, the Fleet Chancellery, as well as the naval provision, uniform and forestry services (the name of the support services). It was Apraksin who, while Peter was in Europe, was responsible for controlling shipbuilding in Russia, including the mentioned Voronezh shipyards.

Monument to Admiral General Apraksin in Vyborg:

The Russian Navy today is the basis of the country's maritime potential. It ensures the security of Russia's maritime borders and provides support to its allies, in particular in the fight against international terrorism. The activities of Russian warships in the world's oceans have recently turned into a real “reality show” for Western media. Take the same aircraft carrier strike group, which includes the Admiral Kuznetsov TARK heading to the shores of Syria. The Western press does not know in what way to present information about the long-distance voyage of the ships of the Russian Northern Fleet.

Either a meaningless (if not stupid) irony about the smoke above the deck of an aircraft carrier is published, then suddenly the publications are replaced by notes “about the threat to NATO states.” All these “sensual tossings” and streams of Western consciousness only indicate that the Russian fleet has rightfully returned to the international arena and is ready to carry out any tasks to protect Russia’s interests.

Happy birthday, Navy!

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