Children's funny poems, riddles and crafts about apples.

Children's funny poems, riddles and crafts about apples by E. Borisova An apple from a branch will fall into the grass, An apple from a branch will be found by a hedgehog. The hedgehog will bring the apple home. Grate the baby hedgehogs on a grater. T. Kunilova Agu, agu, agushenki! Apple to Andryushenka - Straight into the hands - Jump-jump! Come on, eat me, my friend! Round-sided, Red-cheeked. L. Turyeva Ripe apple, Sweet apple, Crispy apple With smooth skin. I will break the apple in half, I will split the apple with my friend. V. Sibirtsev The apples ripened quickly! How to collect them, really? Let's shake the trunk a little, Fruit, fall on the table! D. Sirotin They told me: “An apple is healthy, because it contains a lot of iron!” Well, I don’t know... I ate three of them - nothing rattled inside! A. Stroh Apples hang from the branches, beckoning adults and children. This fruit - all people know - is rich in vitamins. The apple tree is asking, it seems: “Eat my apple!” Does she want it that way? Well then. I will make her happy! E. Ars The bad worm bit off the side of the apple. The apple became wormy, one-sided and ugly. The fruit's life was ruined by a beast. What should he do now? D. Prusov A red apple lay in the grass, It probably ripened and fell. Or maybe it was sour and someone threw it out the window. But a sparrow saw him from a branch. He proudly tweeted and called all his friends. Friends flew in for a dinner party, and they said hello to him. From an uncle from Rzhev and an aunt from Gzhel And they quickly ate a red apple. L. Akhmetova Once the monkey Zina saw two fragrant apples in the basket, not from the store. She jumped up... and screamed! So what? What then? What then? Yes, it’s just that the hedgehog was the first to notice the apples! Yu. Chernykh And I have something, it’s something you can eat! It's something sweet, round for smooth! I found it in the garden. I want to find more. It's something sweet, round and smooth! I’ll bring a lot, a lot, I’ll treat Mom and Dad! It's something sweet, round and smooth. ======================== RIDDLES ABOUT APPLES Look into the autumn garden Miracle - Balls are hanging. Reddish, ripe side for the kids' teeth. (Apple) Dear Worm! Don't eat my barrel. I'll get the kids. Fidgets, Playful girls! (Apple) Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch. Adults love me, and little children love me. (Apple) The size of your fist, Red barrel, If you touch it, it’s smooth, If you bite it, it’s sweet. (Apple) V. Struchkov I look out the window On the branch there is the Sun. The sun is red and white. The sun is very ripe. (Apple) A. Izmayolov A beautiful, tasty, juicy fruit grows on a tree in the garden. I'll give you a hint: it starts with the letter I, friends. (Apple) T. Lavrova The prince from the gardens is ready to please everyone. There is one with a rosy side and a cheerful worm. Round with a dimple Liquid...(apple) R. Andreychuk Red-skinned sides. Yellow, green! Sweet. Sour, slightly, Just not salty! Fragrant and tasty. The ponytail is being torn off! Vitamins are needed - they add strength! Often, birds peck at them - Sparrows and finches... Guessed who they are, children, These are... (Apples.) Sour and sweet With smooth skin. Juicy, fragrant With radiant pulp. Everyone benefits. Cures diseases! It's delicious even for the birds and finches. This is... (Apple.) E. Malenkina Fragrant, rosy, Some are sweet, some are spicy, Some are sour, some are tart, Some are soft, some are strong. There are fresh, dried... (apples)

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
– Don’t write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times there is certainly hidden an entire Universe, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

The titmouse screams high:
"Oh, how the strawberry has grown!
We need to pick it up quickly -
I flew to call the kids!"


What a roar - boom-boom-boom -
The apple has fallen!
We'll find an apple in the grass
So that it doesn't disappear.


We'll pick blueberries
On daddy's birthday;
Let's cook it for dad quickly
Delicious jam!
Dad will say: “Well done!
Gifts for everyone - lollipops."


We hung in the rain;
It rained at night and during the day,
So that we blush and sing,
So that the kids can eat us up quickly!
The rain has washed us all now -
We are cherries - eat us!


Our garlic, garlic,
Oh, how bitter, bitter!
Our garlic, garlic
Borka's calf eats;
Tell us why?
- To be strong! Moo-moo.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese-cottage cheese,
Yum-yum-yum - how delicious!
Cottage cheese, cottage cheese, cottage cheese,
White like cabbage!
In the mouth - ah! - and cottage cheese
Like a snowflake melts;
Cottage cheese is our friend!
Strengthens teeth.


Chickens: "Ko-ko-ko!
We laid eggs;
Ku-ko-ku-eat, ko-ko,
Little kids!"


Fish-fish, oh well,
It floated into our saucepan!
To cook and feed everyone.
Quickly, quickly - wash your hands!


wonderful poems! I will definitely use them)) thank you!

Comment on the article "Rhymes for Kids"

Where do they practice with nursery rhymes? Children's centers. Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, training here, for example, nursery rhymes are included in a complex dance-movement lesson. Why do you desperately need nursery rhymes?


In the garden we do finger games, use nursery rhymes, singing with movements, play massage, etc. within the framework of the Child Play Support Center. Classes for children from 1 to 3 years old, parent-child groups, free :)) (based on kindergarten)

01/11/2011 21:41:37, Elena M.

Nursery rhymes by Zaitsev. Games. Early development. Girls, recently someone wrote about nursery rhymes that children love to listen. Tell me where they are sold (online store).

Dear participants and fans! The acceptance of works for the “Children Read Poems” competition has ended, and now a new important stage begins - popular voting! All voting participants receive a discount on their order at In 2 months from the start of the competition, more than 4,000 works were accepted from participants from all over the country. The bulk of the work was done by children aged 4 to 10 years (1,200 works by participants aged 4-6 years and 1,500 works by participants aged 7-10 years). The kids also aroused admiration and tenderness: in the competition...

A fun nursery rhyme game for kids. We develop fine motor skills by telling a poem about a turtle.

But only in poetry?
I like the prose, we are currently reading “Hedgehog in the Fog.” In general, Plyatskovsky, Usachev, Prokofieva, Aibolit in prose, etc.

Then, when he seems to remember these nursery rhymes, pause and wait for some response from him. Well, also use sounds, songs to attract attention, blow. imitate him. To be honest, I have little faith that I will get a response from him and, especially, imitation.


Conduct all classes in front of a mirror. Get ready to practice for many years to come. The results are coming, but it takes years of hard work, every day. I'll give you the link. Very good site. Download the cards. Show two photos first - yours and Kostya's. Place signs under the photo: MOTHER - Kostya. Show the photo and say MOTHER, then show another photo and say Kostya. And so on day after day. Until he shows where mom is and where Kostya is. Paint the nail of the child's index finger with red varnish - you need a pointing gesture. Or sew a mitten on your hand and make only one hole there - for the index finger.

I’ll tell you how my autistic child was taught to imitate at the age of 2-2.5 years. He also had no imitation. But this is ABA therapy, as they call it, training :) By the way, to Dima’s dad below, modern ABA does not use the stick method, only the carrot.
The child was seated at the children's table (this is because it is easier for mine to concentrate) and they told him: “Ron, do as I do.” And they showed the simplest action, for example, banging your hand on the table. Then they took the child’s hand and slammed it on the table, at the same time saying: “Well done, you did it like I did!” and gave him a pre-selected “motivator”. Those. A list of things that the child loves very much is drawn up in advance, these could be some toys or sweets. For example, we had a toy piano with all sorts of sound effects, a baby bottle with drinks, and treats that were given in tiny, almost symbolic pieces.
This is the learning phase. After some time, the child began to react a little on his own. The minus-minus-prompt stage began. They tell him: “Do as I do,” they knock on the table. If he repeated it even just a little, they express wild delight in every possible way and give him a “motivator.” If you didn’t do it (distracted, couldn’t, didn’t want to), then they say in a calm voice: “you tried...”. If he doesn’t do it twice in a row, then they take his hand again and knock on the table with his hand and say “Well done, you did it like me!”
If the child has mastered imitative knocking on the table, then take the next simple action from the list and do the same thing, naturally alternating with what was already learned earlier.
It is clear that the results depend not only on the efforts of the therapist, but also on the child’s capabilities. My young Indian has now mastered simple imitative actions by the age of 4.5, but he often does something like two swats and that’s enough. They are working with him on the duration of action. And then, as they wrote to you, two actions in a row, but this is a different song.

04/01/2011 23:50:36, Miri

“Convey” not individual words, but phrases (possibly difficult to pronounce, for example “Zayushka’s hut, long-eared hare, ringing nightingale...”), sentences, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.


Thank you very much to everyone who responded!

I remember that on long journeys we played like this: one by one, in a circle, they name the letters so as to form a word. For example: 1st - “a”, 2nd - “p”, 3rd - “b”, and again - 1st - “u”, 2nd - “z”: “watermelon”. The task is to guess so that you do not name the last letter in the word. In the example, if the 1st one had said “a” instead of “y”, the word “arba” would have come out, the 1st one lost. But this is, perhaps, for an older age.
And mine also like to play “guess the hero” (or an animal, or a friend, or a plant.....whatever) - according to the description. I describe a cartoon character without naming him - they guess.

Children's funny poems about apples for babies and preschoolers 5-6 years old

E. Borisova

Apple from a branch, it will fall into the grass,
The hedgehog will find an apple from a branch.
The hedgehog will bring the apple home.
Grate the baby hedgehogs on a grater.

T. Kunilova

Agu, agu, agushenki!
Apple Andryushenka -
Straight into your hands -
Come on, eat me, my friend!

L. Turyeva

Apple ripe,
Sweet apple
Apple crispy
With smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I'll share an apple with my friend.

V. Sibirtsev

Fast apples hurry up!
How to collect them, really?
Let's shake the trunk a little,
Fruits, fall on the table!

D. Sirotin

I was told:
« Apple- healthy,
Because there is a lot of iron in it!”
Well, I don't know...
I ate three pieces -
Nothing rattled inside!

A. Stroh

From the branches apples hang down
They attract adults and children.
This fruit - all people know -
Rich in vitamins.
The apple tree seems to be asking:
"Eat my apple!"
Does she want it that way? Well then.
I will make her happy!

E. Ars

Bad worm
Nibbled off apple barrel
The apple has become wormy
One-sided, ugly.
The fruit's life was ruined by a beast.
What should he do now?

D. Prusov

Apple the red one lay in the grass,
It probably ripened and fell.
Or maybe it was sour
And someone threw it out the window.
But a sparrow saw him from a branch.
He proudly tweeted and called all his friends.
Friends arrived for a dinner party
At the same time they said hello to him.
From an uncle from Rzhev and an aunt from Gzhel
And they quickly ate the red apple.

L. Akhmetova

Once the monkey Zina
I saw it in the cart
Two fragrant apple Not from the store.
Jumped... and
She screamed!
So what? What then? What then?
Yes, just apples first
The hedgehog has already noticed!

Yu. Chernykh

But I have something
This is something you can eat!
It's something sweet
Round for smooth!
I found it in the garden.
I want to find more.
It's something sweet
Round and smooth!
I'll bring a lot,
I'll treat mom and dad!
It's something sweet
Round and smooth.

Poem from the collection

Far, far away

Yuri Chernykh
Publisher: Transition
Number of pages: 60


in the online store

A. Ignatova

There is apple juice in a glass on the table.
An apple pie is being baked.
The aroma floats in the orchards - Apple.
And the blush on the cheeks is Apple!
Who is the blushiest in the world?
This apples and children!

L. Ishchenko

Bullseye ruddy, filled with juice,
Climbed a tree high, high.
A fidgety wind flew in from afar.
He immediately noticed the beautiful apple.
He shook the branch too much: it might break.
And it lies in the grass - laughing merrily.

T. Headquarters

Bullseye in my garden on a branch,
As if caught on a twig,
Filled with tart juice:
- Don't touch him, little worm!
I'll take it off when it's ripe
On the bright holiday - Apple Savior,
When the apple tree gets heavy
We have ripe apples.

T. Lilo

We're in time apples in the garden.
Tons of rosy apples
No way, no way they will fall -
Laws are respected:
Hanging and waiting
And they wait
And they wait
When they come...
When will they come

S. Fairy

Apple daughter draws
It came out dark as night.
- The apple is beautiful,
Why blue? –
We asked Alla a question.
What did we hear in response?
- It flew from a branch -
Turned blue from the bruise.
Blue is a color for a reason -
This is a big BRUIS!

I. Babushkin

The school was given a task:
Eight on the plate apples.
Olga took five of them.
How many apples can you eat?
A very strange task....
If I'm hungry in the morning,
Then, on an empty stomach,
Ten apples can fit
And it’s also strange about Olka...
If Olka is a pushover,
Then she'll take all eight
Even though he only eats one,
Well, if Olka is a crybaby,
Then he bites eight apples,
How much he eats doesn’t matter anymore,
This Olka doesn't care.
Yes...wrong task.
And about Olka it’s also stupid...
Well, let's say - here's a plate...
Well, let's say I'm alone...
No! One is already wrong,
Call Kolka and Dimka,
And give me more apples,
I'm sure we'll eat everything.

L. Danube

T. Lavrova

The most important sweet fruit
It grows in our garden.
It is amber and fragrant,
Sweet and sour, golden.
Large, round and crispy
The prince is real!
There is with a ruddy side,
And with a funny worm.
Our apple tree is amazing
Many apples gave:
Very sweet, aromatic,
And they taste so good.

G. Tereshkova

The apple tree bowed its branch,
And she lowered her to the ground.
- The burden is very heavy!
I couldn't hold it:
As if under a spell
apples honey!
Everyone, of course, will be happy
Ripe apples from the garden.

E. Ifna

Irina Nikolaevna is cheerful today -
Us apples I gave out some beautiful ones for an afternoon snack.
We all crunched loudly
Only Romka didn’t eat.
He held a beautiful apple in his hand,
He soaked the cookies in warm milk -
Three teeth fell out at once the day before yesterday,
And the older sister will eat the beautiful apple.

E. Melnikova

Apples ripe!
Fruit - harvest!
Collect faster
Treat generously!
filled with juice,
Crispy fruits.
Dear sunshine,
August traces.
Full baskets
I'll bring it home
Cobweb threads
I'll wipe it with my hand.
Sweetness evokes
Apple aroma.
Quietly burning down
apple sunset

Auntie Au

Mature apple in the garden
And I dreamed:
- I'll fall
Voooon at that cabbage patch.
Why not a place to land?
Softly - know yourself to lie down...
Oh! There are hedgehogs under the apple tree!
What kind of attack is this?
There's nowhere for an apple to fall!

Apples... Poems for children

Anna Samuilovna Shtro

Apples hang from the branches,
They attract adults and children.
This fruit - all people know -
Rich in vitamins.

The apple tree seems to be asking:
"Eat my apple!"
Does she want it that way? Well then.
I will make her happy!


Galina Anatolyevna Maltseva

I bite into a juicy apple...
- Dad, dad, look!
It seems to be spoiled.
Someone is hiding inside!
Dad looked:
"Yes, yes,
It's just a simple worm."
And yesterday still on a branch
It poured and grew
My apple is a little rant...
I thought: “What luck!”
And it has already been eaten.
So not fair!
- There's a worm!
- Well, don’t be such a mischief!
And what did he eat?


Gennady Nichugovsky

There is autumn happiness on our apple tree:
The fragrant, bright sweets are ripe.

Apples fall right into our palms,
They fly off into the grass and run along the path.

We catch up with them and carry them into baskets,
And the hedgehog is carrying it somewhere on its back.

We picked up three apples under the hill,
Why did you poke them with a needle, Petya?


Evgenia Urusova

Baked apples,
Fresh, soaked
How pleasant they are.
There is no better food.
Pink, red
Everyone tastes different
Very fragrant
Juicy fruits.
Everyone has known for a long time:
It's good to eat them.
From any illness
They will be good.
Apple for dinner
If you eat it, you don't need a doctor.
To be healthy so that
Eat to your heart's content!

Help yourself!

Elena Grishchenko 2

We are ripe apples!
Whole summer
We are the gentle sun
were warmed up
Breathing warm wind
Dancing rain
washed clean!
Until autumn itself
matured diligently,
And honey juice
We managed to fill up!
Now we
in a deep plate
we're lying down!
So that you can taste us -
we really want it!


Kirill Avdeenko

What a roar - boom-boom-boom -
The apple has fallen!
We'll find an apple in the grass
So that it doesn't disappear.

Apple sharpened

Leonid Grushko

The apple is sharpened
Look - a wormhole.
The worm made its move
Lives in the center of the apple.


Lydia Dunay

Autumn! Sweet smell of apples
bumper harvest
there are many of them under the canopy of apple trees,
bend down, collect.

The apple tree children are happy
the branches hung low,
Apple tree babies don’t hurt,
falling close is fun.


Lyudmila Voronova

August smells like apples
the sweet spirit is indestructible.
Maybe spread it on bread
and have tea with him?

The apples turn red together
the branches bend and crack.
We need to collect fruits;
I'll call my grandchildren.

Bite it, throw it away,
sprayed and... left!
There are fruits left on the ground...
Where are my helpers?!

August smells like apples;
We'll drink juices in winter.
Joy is in the air...
Everyone got an apple,
and it’s up to me to work alone!


Marina Andreeva-Doglyadnaya

One smooth pink side and the other green.
And it is very useful, this garden fruit.
In summer, autumn, winter we welcome APPLE.
And we carry it from the garden with a basket.


Marina Borina-Malkhasyan

The apple is ruddy
Grew on a branch.
Bright, desirable,
Come on over, kids!

The apple tree will treat you
Fresh sweet fruit.
Pavlik will be happy,
Sasha, Olya, Nadenka.

Iron apple

Nadezhda Ladilova

Dad keeps telling me: “It’s useful
Eat iron, daughter!”
He puts an apple in his hands...
Where is the iron? Who will understand?
Pans and pots -
I believe this! It's true!
But so that vegetables and fruits -
Sorry, nonsense!
Who can help give the answer?
Is there iron or not?...


Natalka Khvatska

Babies with tails
Holding on to branches.
Bright as butterflies
Round apples!


Natalya Merkushova 2

Apple on a branch
Illuminated by the sun, -
This is a miracle - wonderful,
Young, green...

Apple from the apple tree
Doesn't fall far
And it lies and waits,
To please us.

Nimble little worm

Olga Borisova

There are apples on a branch in the garden,
Kids love to eat them so much!
Fragrant and tasty
Full of vitamins!
Who will pass them by?
They are asking to be put into my mouth!
I took a bold bite
Juicy and ripe
Having chosen a pink barrel,
And from there is a worm!
This is a miracle of miracles
How did he get into the apple?
Is he really a pilot?
Was it delivered by plane?
Maybe the butterfly served
Did you lend him wings?
How did he get here?
How much work it took!
Apparently a nimble worm
Also, not a fool!
He knows where to settle,
To get some sweets.
I'm a little upset
But I decided there were a lot of apples!
I'll rip off the beautiful
Other, not wormy!
I won't touch a worm at home
Let him live in it... for now!

green apple

Olga Shalimova

Green apple in green leaves
The apple tree hides from the gaze of lovers,
The apple tree wants to grow a seed -
It takes time for an apple to ripen!

Only, alas! Can't hold back the kids
The sour apple attracts the boys,
Sour apple is delicious, delicious!
It's delicious for girls and delicious for boys!

Riddles about fruit Apple

Tatiana Antonova Vysochina

There are green, yellow, red,
The inside is golden like the clear sun.
And in fairy tales it rolls around on a plate,
Tell me, what is this fruit called?

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