Children's project “What is frost?” (senior group). Project “What is snow? How frost is formed finished projects

Crystalline ice deposits can be found in any area where the air temperature drops below 0 degrees.
When the air temperature changes towards colder temperatures, amazing patterns form on the ground, trees, blades of grass, car windows and houses.
At air temperatures from 0 to -5°C, frost forms (a thin layer of crystals on a large horizontal or vertical surface). At temperatures down to -10°C, granular frost may form.
If the air temperature drops below -15°C, crystalline frost forms.

  1. If you notice the appearance of ice and frost deposits, try to take photographs.
  2. Fill out the form on the GlobalLab website.
  3. Participate in discussion of project results in forums and blog.

Safety precautions

Tips for pedestrians

To avoid falls and injuries during icy conditions, listen to the advice of experienced traumatologists.

  • When listening to reports from the Hydrometeorological Center, pay attention not only to data on degrees, air humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, but also to the key phrase: “There is heavy ice on the roads.”
  • On such a day, if possible, it is better not to leave the house at all, because the fewer steps you take on a slippery surface, the less likely it is to get injured.
  • You need to move on the ice skillfully: on half-bent legs, leaning forward, place your feet on the entire foot and slightly relax your knees, walk slowly. Hands (or at least one right hand) must be free.
  • If you feel like you are falling, try to group yourself and fall on your right side, focusing on your palm and forearm.
  • When going outside, be sure to wear comfortable, stable shoes.

Assessing competitiveness based on an analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise using the example of Iney LLC. Development of activities aimed at increasing competitiveness. Factors influencing the competitiveness of an enterprise.

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Slide 2


  • Frost - what is it?
  • How does frost form?
  • Slide 3

    I think that the appearance of frost depends on the air temperature.


    Slide 4

    What is needed to confirm the hypothesis:

    * Learn to observe changes occurring in nature

    * Find the information you need from various sources

    * Learn to draw conclusions

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    Where does frost live?

    I'm walking along the road on a winter morning,

    Maybe I can find the answer to my question?

    It's cold outside, the frost is fierce,

    He pinches my cheeks and my nose.

    And I'm interested in finding out sooner

    How and where can you find frost?

    I walk and breathe, and suddenly I notice -

    There's something white on my scarf that doesn't melt

    I breathe, and he still lies -

    Maybe the frost is sleeping on the scarf?

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    While this frost was quietly dozing

    I've already looked for it elsewhere

    Somewhere in the basement a pipe burst

    I was interested in this

    I come closer, I don’t understand how this happens and why?

    Hot air from the basement soars,

    And there is frost on the wall around.

    That's the story, that's the miracles!

    There is no end to my discoveries!

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    On the way I found a tin can

    And I did the experiment at home:

    I took the ice and placed it there,

    I came home and then saw -

    The ice jar suddenly turned white,

    I continued my interesting work.

    After a while the ice began to melt,

    And frost settles on the jar.

    What should I do, what should I do?

    I decided to put the jar in the refrigerator.

    Slide 8

    Filled a tin can with icicles

    First the can fogged up

    A layer of frost 3 mm thick has formed

    It's just a pity that the frost melted quickly

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    I opened the door and saw - wow!

    How did frost get here?

    Frost in the refrigerator

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    I began to carefully walk around the house

    I was wondering: can frost still live somewhere?

    I go from the warm kitchen to the cold balcony.

    I see frost on the windows - here it is!

    The window first fogged up, and then suddenly turned white.

    The frost began to crystallize

    And turn into a beautiful pattern.

    Who applied the complex ornament to the window of my apartment? It’s all one artist, These are all his paintings.

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    Now I know - frost is alive,

    He quietly follows me everywhere:

    He sleeps on a scarf, melts on a jar,

    On a cold autumn morning he lies in a clearing.

    In winter it creates patterns on the windows

    And it lives in the refrigerator all year round.

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    I am so fascinated by this topic

    I decided then with my mother:

    There will be frost all year round living in an apartment.

    Mom and I started making a bouquet.

    We placed the twigs in the basin,

    A salty solution was poured into it

    They left the branches to lie in it.

    And they began to wait quietly.

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    An hour later, another one was laid out on the table

    We decided to wait until the next morning

    And here's the joy:

    for me there is no more beautiful bouquet

    Than the branches seem to be covered with frost.

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    I also went to the library and read an interesting book.

    Zorina Marina Alexandrovna

    The transition of a substance from a gaseous state to a solid occurs through its first transformation into a liquid state. But sometimes (very rarely) the transition occurs bypassing the liquid state. This happens when frost forms.



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    Branch of the MBOU "Temtovskaya basic secondary school" of the Urensky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region - "Obkhodskaya basic secondary school" Research work "FROST CRYSTALS ARE SILVER"


    Organizational stage: Problem selection. Studying the experience of working on research projects. Preparatory stage: Collection and systematization of information, organization of observations. Activity stage: Creation of an electronic presentation. Resulting stage: Submission of project materials to the “Student of the Year” competition. STAGES OF THE STUDY

    Observing the weather in the village of Obkhod, finding out the conditions under which frost appears. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

    If severe frost sets in after a thaw, then frost appears on the trees. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS

    Study and analyze the literature available in school and rural libraries about the conditions under which frost appears. Collect and systematize facts about the appearance of frost from the Internet. 3. Draw conclusions and present the results in the form of a presentation. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES

    Collection and processing of scientific information and literature Survey Conversation Interviewing FORMS AND METHODS OF RESEARCH

    RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The collected material can be used by teachers and students, both in geography and natural history lessons on the topic of climate studies, as well as in physics lessons when studying the topic “Condensation and crystallization”

    From a scientific point of view, frost is one of the types of growing solid atmospheric precipitation. It is a thin layer of crystalline ice of varying thickness. Moreover, these crystals have different shapes: WHAT IS HOARFROST in light frost – hexagonal prisms in moderate frost – plates in severe frost (below -15°C) – blunt-pointed needles

    HOW FROST IS FORMED From the course of natural history, and later in physics, we know that water can be in three states of aggregation: solid, liquid and gaseous. The transition from one state to another occurs in a strict sequence: ice - water - steam and vice versa, without passing through any state. Very rarely, but it happens that steam turns into ice, bypassing the liquid state, and then frost forms. But this is possible only under certain conditions. Ice crystals of frost are formed immediately from water vapor when it is rapidly cooled below 0°C, despite the fact that the air temperature is still “plus”. When is this possible? In the cold season, on a quiet, clear night, in the early morning hours, when there is already frost on the surface of the earth, and the air itself has not yet completely cooled down, sometimes accompanied by haze or fog. On a rough surface, crystallization occurs faster, but the most important thing is thermal conductivity. Naturally, frost will form more easily where thermal conductivity is low: wooden benches in the garden, soil. Frost is a sign of late autumn, when after the last warm autumn days a cold snap suddenly sets in.

    Sometimes, waking up in the morning and seeing a snow-white cover through the window, we decide that the first snowball has fallen. And only after taking a closer look, we begin to understand that for now it is “only frost.”

    Frost can also be observed in everyday life. A very great opportunity to observe “everyday frost” exists among residents of rural areas who live not in apartment buildings, but in old village huts. Very often frost can be seen in the entryway (corridor) on the ceiling near the door to the house in severe frosts. Warm air with existing droplets of water vapor, flying out of the room at the moment we open the doors, settles on the ceiling of the hallway and sublimates (passes from a gaseous state to a solid, bypassing the liquid) into frost. Frost on the ceiling in the entryway of a village house

    Frost can also form when warm, moist air penetrates through various openings into a room with a very low temperature. An example is the same village houses, but not the houses themselves, but the baths. Escaping through any crack from the steam room into the cold part of the bathhouse, hot steam settles on any object (wiring, moss used as insulation, etc.) and turns into frost. Frost formed from hot steam escaping from the bathhouse

    Livestock breeding is very common in villages. In rooms where livestock are kept (shed), the air is warm and humid. Having escaped from the warm part of the barn into the yard (the so-called cold part of the livestock room), air with particles of water vapor settles on surrounding objects and turns into frost. Frost in the yard of the livestock building

    We will have another opportunity to observe the formation of frost when a sharp cold snap occurs in winter after a thaw. Then frost can be seen on bushes, trees and many other objects. Frost on a birch tree on the central street of the village Obhod Frost on linden trees growing near our school Frost on flower bushes in one of the gardens in the city of Uren

    Silver, lights and sparkles - A whole world made of silver! The birch trees are burning in the pearls, the darkness of the evening is black. FROST ON TREES AFTER THE THAW

    SIGNS RELATED TO THE FORMATION OF FROST If there is frost on the branches - There is a bouquet of roses on the glass. If the smoke, like a blue horse, reaches the very stars, And the wind does not whistle menacingly, It will be clear and frosty.

    CONCLUSION On a frosty morning in late autumn, the sky is decorated with mother-of-pearl. And frost crystals sparkle, And corals are visible from rowan trees. I would like to summarize the research with lines from a poem by Evgenia Kryshchenko: And not only in the fall does frost appear, but after any winter thaw before a severe frost. HYPOTHESIS CONFIRMED

    CONCLUSION If severe frost sets in after a thaw, then frost appears on the trees

    LITERATURE S.A. Tikhomirov Physics in proverbs, riddles, fairy tales. - M.: School Press, 2002. - 128 p. - (Library of the journal “Physics at School”; issue 22) 2. A.V. Aganov, R.K. Safiullin, A.I. Skvortsov, D.A. Tayursky Physics around us: Qualitative problems in physics. Ed. 3rd, rev.-M.: House of Pedagogy, 1998.-336 p.: ill. 3. Physics: Entertaining materials for lessons. 8th grade/Auth.-comp. A.I. Syomke.- M.. Publishing House NC ENAS, 2004.-152 p.- (teacher’s portfolio) 4. %B9 5.

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    Kindergarten No. 44 “Fairy Tale”

    Design and research work

    "What is snow?"

    "What is ice?"


    Belyanskaya Lyubov Sergeevna

      Project type – research and creative

      Type of project – group, short-term

      Type of children's activity - educational and research

      By composition of participants: children of the senior group


      Introduce children to the physical properties of snow and ice.

      Teach children to solve cognitive problems and draw conclusions.

      Activation of the dictionary: experience, ice, snowfall, thaw.

    Research objectives:

      Find out what snow is and how it is formed.

      Find out why the snow creaks.

      Study the properties of snow.

      Consider the shapes of snowflakes.

    Determine the purity of the snow.

      Find out what ice is.

      Forms of location.

      Ice deposits and formation.

      Ice structure.

      What is a snowflake?

    Research methods:

      Studying natural history literature on this topic;


      Conducting experiments;

      Analysis of the obtained results by comparison.

    Object of study: snow and ice.

    I stage – Information technology:

      Selection of material on the project topic;

      Drawing up a long-term plan for working with children and cooperation with parents.

    I I stage – Practical:

      Excursion to the site to observe winter natural phenomena (snow, frost on trees, ice);

      Working with illustrations “Natural phenomena”;

      Target walk - experiment: snow properties: light, loose. Making a snowman;

      Compiling stories for children “Why I love winter”;

      Scientifically experimental activity “Properties of snow”;

      Drawing on the theme “Snow fun”;

      "Know-It-All Laboratory" - experimentation

    with ice.

    III stage – Effective:

      Mobile folder “Snow fun”;

      Photo newspaper “We are researchers”;

      Snow town on the territory of a kindergarten.


      Experimentally expanding children's knowledge about the properties of snow and ice.

      The ability to find a solution to a cognitive problem and the ability to draw conclusions.

      Showing interest in research activities.

    Properties of snow and ice.

    Experience 1.The snow is soft and light. Ice is dense and fragile.Conclusion: Snow is lighter than sand because it is made up of snowflakes. Ice breaks easily.

    Footprints are visible in the soft snow. The snow is very light!

    We checked - the ice is fragile!

    Experience 2.The snow creaks.

    Conclusion: The creaking of snow can be heard in cold weather. The main reason for crunching snow is considered to be the breaking of the crystals that make up a snowflake.

    Experiment 3. Determination of transparency and color.

    Conclusion: The picture is not visible under the snow. Ice is transparent, but snow is opaque. Snow is white, ice is colorless

    You can see your friend through the ice!

    Experiment 4. Snow and ice are lighter than water.

    Ice floats in water.

    Experiment 5. Effect of temperature.

    Conclusion: Under the influence of heat, snow and ice turned into water. In warm weather, snow and ice melt quickly. But snow melts faster than ice.

    Palms are cold and wet!

    Experiment 6. Ice formation. Making colored ice cubes.

    Conclusion: In the cold, water turns into ice.

    Pour colored water and...out into the cold.

    Hooray! The ice cubes are ready!

    Experience 7. What is frost?

    Conclusion: Snow and frost are the same thing. The only difference is that snowflakes are steam that has frozen in the clouds, and frost is steam that has frozen on glass, iron, and branches.

    Silver fringe
    Hangs on branches in winter.
    And in the spring in weight
    Turns into dew. (Frost)

    Experiment 8. Ice secret.

    Conclusion: The ice is transparent and fragile, slippery. Therefore, it is very dangerous for humans if you are not careful.

    Where can you find ice?

    There are such types of ice as lake ice, sea ice, and river ice.

    Everyone is familiar with ice stalactites, simply called “icicles.” These icicles grow everywhere on the surface with the slow crystallization (freezing) of dripping and flowing water at a temperature difference. “Icicles” are also common in ice caves.

    Study findings:

    Snow is a type of precipitation falling on the earth's surface, consisting of small ice crystals. At low temperatures, water turns into ice. Ice, like water, also evaporates. The snow is white, opaque, loose and cold; in warm weather it molds well, and melts quickly in warm weather.

    Frost− this is steam that has frozen on glass, iron, tree branches and other objects. But frost never forms on thin branched objects, this is − frost.

    Ice - is the crystalline state of water. Ice is colorless, glassy luster, transparent.

    Snowflake– a snow crystal in the shape of a six-ray polyhedron.

    Generalization of knowledge about the properties of snow and ice.

    Water condition



    Effect of heat

    Other properties


    It melts quickly and turns into water.

    Not slippery



    Slowly melts and turns into water.

    Dense, hard, elastic, fragile.

    Snow and ice are winter fun for kids.

    As a result of experiments and observations, we learned that snow and ice are frozen water and their relationship has been proven.

    Snow and ice are of great importance in the life of wildlife and humans. Snow is needed to protect crops from the cold. During severe frosty winters, many birds hide in the snow. Mice are hiding under the snow. A bear and a badger hibernate. A hare takes refuge in the snow in bad weather. At the bottom of deep reservoirs in winter the temperature is not lower than 4 degrees. The ice roof reliably protects from the cold.

    Children are explorers by nature. They discover the world around them with joy and surprise. Our task is to support the child’s desire to experiment and create conditions for research activities. Curiosity, a thirst for new experiences, a desire to experiment, to independently seek the truth, all this extends to all areas of a child’s activity.

    “Live” action with objects begins to arouse children’s interest in understanding the world and develops independent cognitive activity. Children begin to assume the results of experiments, building cause-and-effect relationships.

    “First I discovered truths known to many, then I began to discover truths known to some, and finally I began to discover truths unknown to anyone.” K.E. Tsiolkovsky

    Apparently, this is the path to the development of the creative side of the intellect, the path to the development of inventive and research talent.

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