Diagnostics and assessment of educational achievements of schoolchildren.

1. ...skating rink (Ours).

2. Mishkina... (porridge).

3. ... lights (Bengal).

4. And I... (help).

5. ... at grandfather's (Shurik).

6. ... task (Fedina).

Crosswords based on the works of S.V. Mikhalkova

Crossword "Animals".


1. How can they

Grow underground

And a boring life

Underground news?

Them into a dark hole

Mother hid

She won't let me in

Take them for a walk during the day.

2. Suddenly

Some scary beast

Opens the door with his paw,

Jumping over the threshold...

Who is this?

My …

3. Beauty! Beauty!

We are bringing a cat with us,

Siskin, dog,

Petka the bully,

Monkey,... -

What a company!

4. For many years, year after year,

From the depths of salty waters

Like a recluse nun

Floats out...

5. Wide and deep

A river flowed under the bridge.

Under the snag

Under the bridge

There lived a mustachioed man in the river...

6. Lives under our roof

Unrecognized artist

And all day long we hear

Artistic whistling.

7. I’ve been hammering and hammering all day long,

And when the day ends,

My catch is zero.

This is what happens!

Tired of wasting time!

Please advise what should I do?


1. At the end of two centuries,

Or more precisely - on New Year's Eve

I once met a turtle

Lonely …

2. He is cheerful and happy

From the toes to the top -

He succeeded

Run away from the frog.

Crossword "Mikhalkov".


1. Last name of Uncle Styopa.

2. For whom was Uncle Styopa the policeman a threat?

3. Which tree did the forester’s son save?

4. Which animal was the first to be domesticated?

5. I’m sitting. I'm amazed. I'm not moving

And I’m afraid to utter a word;

After all, he flew to my table

Not Chizhik-Pyzhik, but...

6. I wanted to have a bird

And saved up money

And here at the poultry market

I... bought it.

7. Peace and work of a large family

Trouble broke it.

They rushed about in the smoke...

Fleeing in all directions.

8. How she fell -

She poked her beak into the water,

So she lay there

She didn't move.

Test task based on E. Uspensky’s fairy tale “Cheburashka”

1. Cheburashka lived... (where?)

a) in the dense taiga;

b) in a dense tropical forest;

c) on the Black Sea coast.

2. The animal was named Cheburashka because...

a) he loved to eat pasties;

b) he kept jumping out of his chair.

3. To satisfy his hunger, Cheburashka ate...

a) two whole oranges;

b) half a box of oranges.

4. Which statement is correct?

a) To get to the big city, Cheburashka rode a bicycle;

b) Cheburashka came to the city by accident, in a box of oranges, in which he fell asleep.

5. Cheburashka was not accepted into the zoo because...

a) there were no places and they didn’t know what kind of animal he was;

b) he was too small.

6. In the discount store, Cheburashka had to... (what to do?)

a) wash the display case;

b) stand in the window and attract the attention of passers-by.

7. What became Cheburashka’s home?

a) an old telephone booth;

b) an old doghouse that looks like a small house.

8. Which statement is correct?

a) Cheburashka immediately rushed to call his friends;

b) Cheburashka didn’t call anyone, since he didn’t have any friends yet.

9. Crocodile Gena worked ... (where?)

a) in a store;

b) in the theater;

c) at the zoo.

10. Crocodile Gena worked ... (who?)

a) watchman;

b) crocodile;

c) dragon.

11. Crocodile Gena was... (how old?)

a) 80 years old;

b) 50 years;

c) 150 years.

12. At home, after work, the crocodile Gena... (what did he do?)

a) watched TV and drank coffee;

b) read the newspaper and smoked a pipe;

c) painted pictures and sang songs.

13. What game did the crocodile Gena play?

a) tic-tac-toe;

b) chess;

c) table football.

14. Who did Gena the crocodile play with?

a) with a neighbor;

b) with Cheburashka;

c) with yourself.

15. To make friends, the crocodile Gena... (what did he do?)

a) went to a dating club;

b) wrote an advertisement;

c) wrote a letter.

Literary Olympiad

For 4th grade students.

Warm up.

1. Where do these magic words come from:

- “Cracks, fex, pex”? (“Golden Key”)

- “Here I am! Here I am! I'm turning into a moth." (Medvedev. “Barankin, be a man!”)

2. What magical remedies did:

Ole-Lukoje? (Umbrella, magic syringe.)

Little flour? (Shoes and cane.)

Ellie? (Silver shoes, golden hat, silver whistle.)

3. How we traveled:

On the roof Baby? (On Carlson.)

From a mole's hole to warmer climes Thumbelina? (On a swallow.)

1st. tour "Uncle Fyodor the Dog and the Cat".

1. At what age did Uncle Fyodor learn to cook soup? (At five years old.)

2. What could Sharik do except guard the house? (Hill potatoes, wash dishes.)

3. What was the little jackdaw's name? (Grab.)

4. Who did Sharik bring back from his first hunt? (Beaver.)

5. Who was the previous owner of the cat Matroskin? (Professor Semin.)

6. How did the sun work? (It had to be glued to the ceiling and plugged into an outlet.)

7. How much money did Uncle Fedor send to the factory to buy a tractor? (One hundred rubles.)

2nd. tour “Old Man Hottabych”.

1. What did Hottabych do to Zhenya Bogorad? (Sold into slavery.)

2. Hottabych's magic remedy. When did it not work? (Beard hairs. When they were wet.)

"Everyone in their own way"

Evening had already come, the hare reached a remote ravine. There he stopped and listened carefully. Every now and then small lumps of earth rolled down the ravine with a slight noise. The little bunny stood up on his hind legs to get a better look at what was going on there in front. Yes, this is a badger busy near the hole.
The hare ran up to him and said hello.
“Hello, oblique,” ​​answered the badger. - Are you still jumping? Well, sit down, sit down. Wow, I’m tired, even my paws hurt! Look how much earth I raked out of the hole.
- Why are you raking it out? - asked the bunny.
- For winter, I clean the hole so that it is more spacious. I’ll clean it out, then drag moss and fallen leaves there and make a bed. Then I won’t be afraid of winter either. Lie down and lie down.
“And the squirrel advised me to build a nest for winter,” said the hare.
“Don’t listen to her,” the badger waved his paw. “She learned to build nests in trees from birds.” A waste of time. Animals need to live in a hole. This is how I live. Help me better dig emergency exits from the hole. We’ll arrange everything as needed, climb into the hole, and spend the winter together.
“No, I don’t know how to dig a hole,” answered the bunny. - Yes, and I won’t be able to sit underground in a hole, I’ll suffocate there. It's better to rest under a bush.
- The frost will soon show you how to relax under a bush! the badger answered angrily. - Well, if you don’t want to help me, then run wherever you want. Don’t bother me with arranging my home.

(Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky)


How can they
Grow underground
And a boring life
Underground news?

Them into a dark hole
Mother hid
She won't let me in
Take them for a walk during the day.

Hunters often
Happens in the forest
Hunters strike
Badger and fox.

They just want the beast
Catch the fur one!
For small children
The mother is worried.

She won't give in
To their hunters,
Beautiful, fluffy
Your favorites.

She takes care of them
In a deep hole
She takes them out
Walk at dawn.

Crested Woodpeckers
They are knocking on the Christmas trees.
In the teeth of a badger
Carrying badgers.

And the morning air
They breathe.
Fall asleep in the heat -
Wake up in the shadows.

High sun
Dries the dew.
It's getting quiet
And it’s stuffy in the forest.

Little badgers are lying
In the sun, they grumble.
Home badger
Carrying badgers.

On hot afternoons
July heat
What could be better
Cool hole?

(Lev Kvitko)

“How the fox survived the badger from the hole”

The Fox liked the badger hole. Clean, warm, spacious. Of course, you can move in with the kid: the Badger won’t kick him out, but the redhead doesn’t want to move in, but to settle in. Live in your own house, with your own family. I thought for a day, I thought for two, but you won’t think twice about it. The timing is approaching, she is due to give birth soon, the children need to be settled in place. I tried to make a fuss and yelp day and night, but the badger is a respectable, well-balanced animal and endured it.

I tried to fill the Badger’s hole with earth, but it didn’t work either. It’s a pity for Badger to give up his natural home: you’ll shed seven sweats while digging a new one, so why would any adventurers be led to go? “I’ll be patient,” Badger decided, “maybe he’ll fall behind.” But that was not the case. If the redhead is up to something, she won’t live, but she won’t. And she came up with it, shameless. The badger, of course, is a homebody, sleepy, but it’s not all about sitting in a hole, you need to feed yourself and stretch your bones. Badger got out and went hunting. The Fox - wandered into the hole and into the holy of holies, in the very nesting chamber where the Badger raises children, did a mischief - she left her “calling card”. The owner returned and looked - the pile was lying there, and for the clean Badger it was like a sharp knife. For these purposes, he has pit toilets dug in the forest, not far from his home. He will fill one, bury it, dig another. How can you tolerate this in the house? He grumbled and grumbled, but there was nothing to do - he buried the disgrace and began to live on. A few days later the Fox lay in wait again when the Badger left. Hunger is not a aunt, it will drive anyone out of the hole. The badger returned - again a bunch of surprises in the hole. Again the badger buried, left again and buried again, and so on several times. He endured and endured... Finally, he couldn’t stand it and moved out. He began to dig a new hole, and the Fox moved into the old one. She gave birth to six fox cubs in a badger hole, all of them cunning, enterprising, and eager for the good of others.

(L. Zgurovskaya)


Under the birch tree, on the mountain,
A badger sleeps in its hole.
And the badger's hole
Deep, deep.
The badger is warm and dry,
Caresses your ear all day long
The noise of birch branches
Yes, the sniffling of children:
They sleep soundly on the bedding
Boys with mustaches
And they sniffle from satiety
Wet noses...
A branch or branch will creak -
The badger will open his eye slightly,
He will guide you with a sensitive ear,
He smiles and falls asleep:
After all, the badger has a hole

(T. Belozerov)


One evening to the bear
Neighbors came to the pie:
Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, “slanty”,
A wolf with a cheating fox.
But the bear couldn’t.
Divide the pie among everyone.
The bear sweated from labor, -
He couldn't count!
Help him quickly
Count all the animals.

Badger riddle

Digs the ground like a plow
Humble worker...

Badger has no time -
He is looking for food.
A badger walks in the grove,
Got fat from fat.

There I took out the spine,
Purring unsatisfied, -
And an inch of land
The oak tree is pitted;

I destroyed the nest there,
Ate a shrike
Capercaillie without wings
Looked like he was tracking it.

Walked carefully
Cultivation along the furrow,
Found two larvae
Under a birch leaf.

Unearthed a worm
In a roadside hole,
The beetle flew - and the beetle
He grabbed it with his claws.

I went out to the forest again,
And in the dark
Back to bed before breakfast
Returned to the hole.

Komarov P.

There is one animal - a badger,
Lives underground in a hole,
Hears every sound from above,
He looks for food - in the bark.

Eats larvae and beetles,
Eats a mouse, a frog,
Eats chicks and worms,
Mushroom and lizard carcass,

To sleep long in winter,
To be warm in the cold,
Fat badger to work up,
You need to eat a lot in the summer!

Clean animal badger
This is how he spends his leisure time:
Digs a labyrinth of holes,
Immediately removes the rubbish,
Tidying up the house
So that it would be cozy in it!

The badger gets up after midnight,
He will walk around his house.
A subtle sense of smell and a keen eye,
The hour of hunting has come.

The badger saved up for his life
A large chest of frock coats.

Updating your outfit
He bought everything.

Will buy a frock coat for the holiday -
He is great - he puts it in the chest,

And the other one will take it - he is small -
That's how I bought it all my life.

It's a pity that the badger doesn't have
The size of a frock coat.

Gvozdev Victor

Black and white badger
will lie on its side in the hole.
Resting during the day and at night
will come out to help the grass -
after rest and dreams
eats rodents.

Kiseleva Olga

Under a birch tree on the mountain
A badger sleeps in its hole.
And the badger's hole
Deep, deep.

The badger is warm and dry,
Caress your ear all day long
The noise of birch branches
Yes, the sniffling of children:

They sleep soundly on the bedding
Boys with mustaches
And they sniffle from satiety
Wet noses...

A branch or twig creaks -
The badger will open his eye slightly.
He will lead with a sensitive ear,
He smiles and falls asleep:

After all, the badger has a hole

Belozerov T.

The night is longer, the day is shorter.
The leaves are getting yellower and yellower
They fall and fly from the branches.
The nights have become colder.
Winter is just around the corner
A badger dug a house in the ground
To hide from the blizzards
The house is deep and has passages.
Dried beetles and frogs
Trained seeds, roots
All kinds of berries, acorns -
There will be something to eat in winter.
He ate a lot in the fall
Got fat, ate my sides
I understood: winter is coming.
I put lard under the skin.
The puddles began to freeze at night
White snow fell from the sky
Covered everything. The forest turned white
The wind swirls the snow like a top.
The badger is sleeping and doesn't see it.
His house is warm,
He has been ready for winter for a long time,
He has a warm dream about summer.

Izmailov Alexander

How can they
Grow underground
And a boring life
Underground news?
Them into a dark hole
Mother hid
She won't let me in
Take them for a walk during the day.
Hunters often
Happens in the forest
Hunters strike
Badger and fox.
They just want the beast
Catch the fur one!
For small children
The mother is worried.
She won't give in
To their hunters,
Beautiful, fluffy
Your favorites.
She takes care of them
In a deep hole
She takes them out
Walk at dawn.
Crested Woodpeckers
They are knocking on the Christmas trees.
In the teeth of a badger
Carrying badgers.
And the morning air
They breathe.
Fall asleep in the heat -
Wake up in the shadows.
High sun
Dries the dew.
It's getting quiet
And it’s stuffy in the forest.
Little badgers are lying
In the sun, they grumble.
Home badger
Carrying badgers.
On hot afternoons
July heat
What could be better
Cool hole?

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without knowing shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
– Don’t write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times there is certainly hidden an entire Universe, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Toptygin wants to help everyone:

He advises, worries,

Boils a decoction of herbs...

Suddenly a Mosquito flew into the window!

The pharmacist Mishka growled:

-Why did you fly into the window? -

Komarishka answers:

– Don’t you care?

- If it were all the same,

Everyone would climb out the window!

You see the inscription at the door:


The mosquito gets even angrier:

- What do I need your door for?

If I'm not a bird yet

And not yet a beast.

Two cats

The cat said to the cat:

- Wipe your feet clean!

You were walking through the trash heap,

In the morning we ran around the construction site...

I don't mind accepting you

But please understand:

I'm busy today

From ears to tail -

He promised by five o'clock

The long-awaited guest is welcome.

The cat answered the cat:

– I’m coming to you straight from the pier.

I won't keep you long

I’ll tell you what I saw!

The one you're waiting for

For two hours it’s like being in the navy -

Midshipman from the cruiser "Priboy"

I took it with me,

And they went on a hike.

Your Cat is on a long voyage!

- No problem! – the Cat sighed. -

Let him swim a little -

The crew will be amused...

And when he returns, it will be ours!

I mean myself -

I don’t dare judge others!

The cat said to the cat:

-What are you carrying in the basket?

Interesting to see! -

The cat answered the cat:

- This is soap and washcloth.

Rub your back in the bathhouse!

And the Cat said to the Cat:

- Why tell lies?

A basket would be better

At least cover it with leaves!

Cats are thinking about a bath

Like camels about sour cream,

And they need a washcloth,

Like a mouse to an elephant!

You are coming home from the market,

And in a basket - with a jar of butter!

The cat said to the cat:

-Where did you get the boots?

I saw you in others

And not these expensive ones!

The Cat answered the Cat:

- On my four legs

The shoemaker Cat brought it to me,

I've been wearing them for three years now!

Both cats lived nearby,

But they were not friends with each other.

Traffic light bum

In the forest, where everything is without rules

We've been walking so far

One day appeared

Road traffic light.

From somewhere off the road

The Bear brought it.

And the animals came running

Look at the technology.

And the Hedgehog started first:

- What nonsense!

Needed for traffic lights

Both current and wires.

And if he doesn't

How to burn

Then we need this thing

It's not worth watching!

– I agree with Hedgehog! -

The Wolf said, yawning. -

And if he worked,

What good would it be?

When I'm chasing a hare,

It just doesn't make sense to me

Run towards the green light,

Stop at a red light!

“And I,” said the Bunny, “

When I'm already running,

Watch the traffic light

Sorry, I can't!

- I don’t need it either! -

The Mole said from the hole, -

I'll dig for myself


Hearing beneath me

Wise words

- I actually fly! -

The Owl hooted. -

And I don't need it at all

Looking at the red light

When I crossroads

I can fly over.

Everything remained as it was.

The dense forest is noisy.

Swinging on the Christmas tree

Slacker traffic light...

But you and I are not hares,

Not wolves and moles -

I go to work

And you go to school.

And cars rush past,

Steel ants.

And to us at crossroads

Traffic police posts needed!

They help us

We are taught from an early age

Step into the green light,

Stop at a red light.

From carriage to rocket

People traveled around the world

Having seated himself in the carriage.

But the twentieth century came -

A man got into the car.

In steam slow-moving ships

Pedestrians climbed in.

And they could be on their way

It's easy to get off on the go.

And now to the sound of wheels

An electric locomotive is driving us.

I didn’t have time to say two words -

Look: you have to get out!

The ships were like this

Like toys they floated.

We sailed for a month, we sailed for a year...

The ship has appeared!

And today to the oceans

Giants emerge.

White light surprises

The speed of sea missiles.

Obedient to only one wind,

The balloon was rising.

The man knew how to dream

The man wanted to fly!

Year after year has passed...

A plane has appeared!

He sat down in a chair and ate breakfast.

What's happened? Arrived!

A letter to all children on one very important matter

My dear children!

I am writing you a letter:

I ask you to wash more often

Your hands and face.

It doesn’t matter what kind of water:

Boiled, key,

From the river, or from the well,

Or just rainy!

You definitely need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon -

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed!

Rub with a sponge and washcloth!

Be patient - no problem!

And ink and jam

Wash off with soap and water.

My dear children!

I really, really ask you:

Wash cleaner, wash more often -

I can't stand dirty people.

I won’t give my hand to dirty people,

I won't go visit them!

I wash myself very often.


Your Tuwim

About Janek

(From Y. Tuwim)

Janek lived in the world,

He was stupid.

If you want to know -

That's what he did.

He drew water with a sieve,

He taught the birds to fly,

He asked the blacksmith

Shoe the cat.

Seeing a mosquito

I took up the ax

He carried firewood into the forest,

And the apartment is rubbish.

He built in winter

Ice house:

“There will be a dacha

It’s spring for me!”

On a hot summer afternoon

He was blowing in the sun.

The horse is tired

He carried out a chair.

Somehow he's fifty dollars

I paid it for a nickel.

It's easier to explain to you:

Janek was a fool!

Where are the glasses?

(From Y. Tuwim)

– What happened to Aunt Valya?

- Her glasses are missing!

The poor old lady is looking for

Behind the pillow, under the pillow,

I climbed with my head

Under the mattress, under the blanket,

I looked into the buckets, into the jars,

In boots, felt boots, boots,

Turned everything upside down

I sat and rested,

She sighed and grumbled

And I went to look first.

Feeling under the pillow again,

He looks behind the tub again.

I lit a candle in the kitchen,

She climbed into the stove with a candle.

Searched the pantry -

It's all in vain! All for nothing!

Aunt Valya has no glasses -

Apparently they were stolen!

The old woman sat down on the chest.

There was a mirror hanging nearby.

And the old lady saw

Why was I looking for glasses in the wrong place?

What are they really?

They sat on her forehead.

So wonderful glass

It helped Aunt Valya.

(From Y. Tuwim)

What's happened? What's happened?

The alphabet fell off the stove!

Painfully sprained my leg

Uppercase letter M,

G hit me a little

AND completely fell apart!

Lost letter Yu

Your crossbar!

Finding myself on the floor

Broke my ponytail U!

F, poor thing, so swollen -

No way to read it!

Letter R turned over -

Turned into a soft sign!

Letter WITH completely closed -

Turned into a letter ABOUT.

Letter A when I woke up,

I didn't recognize anyone!

Little words

(From Y. Tuwim)

Sad, sleepy, cheerless

Our hedgehog came from school,

He sat down at the table and yawned once.

And fell asleep over the books.

“I,” exclaimed “Orange,” -

This is no “Opelsyn”!”

“I,” “Ring” burst into tears, -

No “Cripple”!”

“I,” “Pine” got angry, -

I'm outraged to tears!

Only possible from sleep

Write that I am “Sasna”!”

"We, the words, are offended

Because they are so distorted!

Hedgehogs! Hedgehogs! Stop being lazy!

This is no good way to study!

Impossible without attention

Get an education!

It will be late! Just know it!

The lazy person will become ignorant!

If you ever

You will cripple us, boy -

You and I will do it cool.

We value our honor,

Jerzy's name in half a minute

Let's turn it into a Hedgehog!

You will be a prickly hedgehog!

This is how we’ll teach you a lesson!”

Jerzy shuddered, horrified,

I stretched and woke up.

Suppressed a yawn

Got to work.

Bird radio

(From Y. Tuwim)

Attention! Attention!

Today at five o'clock

The station will work

for groves and forests!

Today to our studio

(Attention! Attention!)

Different birds will flock

to the radio meeting!

Firstly, on the question:

When, at what time

More convenient and profitable

use dew?

The second question is long overdue:

What is an “echo”?

And if there is it in the forest,

Where is it hiding?

On the third question

Drozd reports,

Appointed to manage

repairing bird nests.

Then the debate begins:

And whistling, and creaking, and singing,

Rumbling and squealing,

And chirping and chirping.

Performances will begin

Starlings, goldfinches, tits

And everyone without exception

Other famous birds.

Attention! Attention!

Today at five o'clock

The station will work

for groves and forests!

Our reception at five o'clock

“Fiur-fiur! Pew-pew-pew!

Tick-tweet! Tew-tew-tew-tew!

Pew pew! Tsvir-tsvir-tsvir!

Chivi-chivi! Tyr-tyr-tyr!

Sleep, sleep, sleep! Lu-lu! Tsik-tsik!

Shadow-shadow-shadow! Chu-ik! Chu-ik!

Ko-ko-ko! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Gur-gur-gur! Ku-ka-riku!

Ka-arr! Ka-arr! Pi-it! Pi-it!..”

We didn't know what to do!

Obviously at this hour

The transfer is not for us!

Poultry yard

(From Y. Tuwim)

The duck said to the chicken:

“You don’t lay many eggs.

All the turkeys say

That they’ll eat you for the holiday!”

“Clubfoot! Parasite! -

The hen cackled. -

The goose said that you are not a duck

That you have catarrh of the stomach,

That your drake is a fool -

All he knows is: crack and crack!”

“Crack! - was heard in the ditch. -

The goose has no right to scold me,

And for this I am stuffed

He will be apples.

I’ll get to the goose!” -

“Wow!” - answered the goose.

“Ah, scandal, scandal, scandal,” -

The turkey himself mumbled.

Pushed the goslings around

And suddenly he pecked the goose.

The rooster came running to the cry,

Down flew out of the duck.

And it was heard in the bushes:

“Ha-ha-ha! Where-dah-dah!”

This fight is still going on

Remembers the poultry yard.

(From Y. Tuwim)

Like a shiny ribbon

The river flows


And the day flows

And it flows at night -

Turn right

Turn left.

And the water in the river is freezing,

Grumpy near the shores,

And in the middle she’s lazy.

Why should she grumble, river water?

No one will say this anywhere.

Perhaps stones and fish

You could say this

But the fish are silent

And the stones are silent,

Like fish.

(From Y. Tuwim)

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought home from the market:



Parsley and beets.

Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table -

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:



Parsley and beets.

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife

And with this knife she began to chop:



Parsley and beets.

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:



Parsley and beets.

And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

Anna-Vanna foreman

(From L. Kvitko)

– Anna-Vanna, our squad

Wants to see piglets!

We will not offend them:

Let's take a look and go out!

- Leave the yard

Better not ask!

It's time to bathe the piglets

Then come back.

– Anna-Vanna, our squad

Wants to see piglets

And touch the backs -

Are there a lot of bristles?

- Leave the yard

Better not ask!

It's time to feed the piglets

Then come back.

– Anna-Vanna, our squad

Wants to see piglets!

Stigmas - with snouts?

Are the ponytails hooked?

- Leave the yard

Better not ask!

It's time for the piglets to sleep,

Then come back.

– Anna-Vanna, our squad

Wants to see piglets!

- Leave the yard

Wait until the morning.

We have already lit the lantern -

The piglets went to bed.

(From L. Kvitko)

How can they

Grow underground

And a boring life

Lead underground?

Them into a dark hole

Mother hid

She won't let me in

Take them for a walk during the day.

Hunters often

Happens in the forest

Hunters strike

Badger and fox.

They just want the beast

Catch the fur one!

For small children

The mother is worried.

She won't give in

To their hunters,

Beautiful, fluffy

Your favorites.

She takes care of them

In a deep hole

She takes them out

Walk at dawn.

Crested Woodpeckers

They are knocking on the trees.

In the teeth of a badger

Carrying badgers.

And the morning air

They breathe.

Fall asleep in the heat -

Wake up in the shadows.

High sun

Dries the dew.

It's getting quiet

And it’s stuffy in the forest.

Little badgers are lying

In the sun, they grumble.

Home badger

Carrying badgers.

On hot afternoons

July heat

What could be better

Cool hole?

Happy beetle

(From L. Kvitko)

He is cheerful and happy

From the toes to the top -

He succeeded

Run away from the frog.

She didn't have time

Grab the sides

And eat under a bush

Golden beetle.

He runs through the thicket,

twirls his mustache,

green stems,

Like pine trees in the forest,

On his wings

They sprinkle dew.

He's running now

And meets acquaintances

And the little caterpillars

Doesn't notice.

He would like a bigger one

Catch it for lunch!

From little caterpillars

There is no satiety.

He's little caterpillars

He won’t touch you with his paw,

He is honor and solidity

He won't drop his own.

Him after all

Sorrows and troubles

Most of all prey

Needed for lunch.

And finally

He meets one

And he runs up to her,

Rejoicing with happiness.

Fatter and better

He can't find it!..

But it's scary for this

Come alone.

He's spinning

Blocking her way,

Beetles passing

Calling for help.

Fight for loot

It wasn't easy:

She was divided

Four beetles.

Laughter is with us!

(From A. Bosev)

We have the best life

Because with us – Laughter!

We won’t part with him anywhere,

Wherever we are, we laugh!

In the morning we'll look out the window,

It's raining, but we're laughing!

If the way to school lies,

Laughter runs next to us.

If we go on a hike -

Laughter doesn't leave us behind!

He is with us in any game

At home, at school, in the yard,

On the river, in the forest and in the field,

At the skating rink and at football,

Our friend is with us everywhere -

Laughter-Laughter! Laughter-Laughter!

Young, perky Laughter!

It's not a sin to laugh, is it?!

Three Little Pigs

(Based on an English fairy tale)

Once upon a time there were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. They are all the same height, round, pink, with the same cheerful tails.

Even their names were similar. The piglets' names were Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. All summer they tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, and basked in puddles. But then autumn came.

The sun was no longer so hot, gray clouds stretched over the yellowed forest.

“It’s time for us to think about winter,” Naf-Naf once said to his brothers, waking up early in the morning. “I’m shaking all over from the cold.” We might catch a cold. Let's build a house and spend the winter together under one warm roof.

But his brothers did not want to take the job. It is much more pleasant to walk and jump in the meadow on the last warm days than to dig the ground and carry heavy stones.

- It will be in time! Winter is still a long way off. “We’ll take another walk,” said Nif-Nif and somersaulted over his head.

“When necessary, I’ll build myself a house,” said Nuf-Nuf and lay down in a puddle.

- Well, as you wish. Then I will build my own house alone,” said Naf-Naf. – I won’t wait for you.

Every day it became colder and colder.

But Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were in no hurry. They didn't even want to think about work. They were idle from morning to evening. All they did was play their pig games, jumping and tumbling.

“Today we’ll take another walk,” they said, “and tomorrow morning we’ll get down to business.”

But the next day they said the same thing. And only when a large puddle near the road began to be covered with a thin crust of ice in the morning, the lazy brothers finally got to work.

Nif-Nif decided that it would be easier and more likely to make a house out of straw. Without consulting anyone, he did just that. By evening his hut was ready.

Nif-Nif put the last straw on the roof and, very pleased with his house, sang cheerfully:

- You can go around half the world,

You'll go around, you'll go around,

You won't find a better home

You won't find it, you won't find it!

Humming this song, he headed towards Nuf-Nuf.

Nuf-Nuf was also building a house for himself not far away.

He tried to quickly end this boring and uninteresting matter. At first, like his brother, he wanted to build himself a house out of straw. But then I decided that it would be very cold in such a house in winter. The house will be stronger and warmer if it is built from branches and thin rods.

So he did.

He drove stakes into the ground, intertwined them with twigs, piled dry leaves on the roof, and by evening the house was ready.

Nuf-Nuf proudly walked around him several times and sang:

- I have a good house,

A new home, a lasting home,

I'm not afraid of rain and thunder,

Rain and thunder, rain and thunder!

Before he had time to finish the song, Nif-Nif ran out from behind a bush.

- Well, your house is ready! - Nif-Nif said to his brother. “I told you that we can handle this matter alone!” Now we are free and can do whatever we want!

- Let's go to Naf-Naf and see what kind of house he built for himself! - said Nuf-Nuf. - We haven’t seen him for a long time!

- Let's go see! – Nif-Nif agreed.

And both brothers, very pleased that they no longer had to worry about anything, disappeared behind the bushes.

Naf-Naf has been busy with construction for several days now. He collected stones, mixed clay, and now slowly built himself a reliable, durable house in which he could shelter from wind, rain and frost.

He made a heavy oak door in the house with a bolt so that the wolf from the neighboring forest could not get into it. Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf found their brother at work.

– A pig’s house should be a fortress! – Naf-Naf calmly answered them, continuing to work.

-Are you going to fight with someone? – Nif-Nif grunted cheerfully and winked at Nuf-Nuf.

And both brothers were so amused that their squeals and grunts were heard far across the lawn.

And Naf-Naf, as if nothing had happened, continued to lay the stone wall of his house, humming a song under his breath:

- Of course, I’m smarter than everyone else,

Smarter than everyone, smarter than everyone!

I'm building a house out of stones,

From stones, from stones!

No animal in the world

A cunning beast, a terrible beast,

Won't break through this door

Through this door, through this door!

– What animal is he talking about? – Nif-Nif asked Nuf-Nuf.

- What animal are you talking about? – Nuf-Nuf asked Naf-Naf.

- I'm talking about the wolf! – Naf-Naf answered and laid another stone.

- Look how afraid he is of the wolf! - said Nif-Nif.

And the brothers became even more cheerful.

– What kind of wolves could there be here? - said Nif-Nif.

And they both began to dance and sing:

- We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf,

Old wolf, dire wolf?

They wanted to tease Naf-Naf, but he didn’t even turn around.

“Let’s go, Nuf-Nuf,” Nif-Nif said then. - We have nothing to do here!

And two brave brothers went for a walk.

On the way they sang and danced, and when they entered the forest, they made so much noise that they woke up a wolf who was sleeping under a pine tree.

-What's that noise? - the angry and hungry wolf grumbled dissatisfiedly and galloped to the place from where the squeals and grunts of two small, stupid piglets were coming from.

- Well, what kind of wolves can there be here! - Nif-Nif, who saw wolves only in pictures, said at this time.

“If we grab him by the nose, he’ll know!” – added Nuf-Nuf, who had also never seen a live wolf.

“We’ll knock you down, tie you up, and even kick you like that, like that!” – Nif-Nif boasted and showed how they would deal with the wolf.

And the brothers rejoiced again and sang:

- We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf,

Old wolf, dire wolf?

And suddenly they saw a real live wolf!

He stood behind a large tree, and he had such a terrible look, such evil eyes and such a toothy mouth that Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf had a chill run down their backs and their thin tails began to tremble little and little.

The poor piglets couldn't even move from fear.

The wolf prepared to jump, clicked his teeth, blinked his right eye, but the piglets suddenly came to their senses and, squealing throughout the forest, ran away.

Never before have they had to run so fast!

Shining their heels and raising clouds of dust, the piglets each rushed to their home.

Nif-Nif was the first to reach his thatched hut and barely managed to slam the door in front of the wolf’s very nose.

- Unlock the door now! - the wolf growled. - Otherwise I’ll break it!

“No,” Nif-Nif grunted, “I won’t unlock it!”

The breathing of a terrible beast could be heard behind the door.

- Unlock the door now! - the wolf growled again. “Otherwise I’ll blow it so hard that your whole house will fall apart!”

But Nif-Nif, out of fear, could no longer answer.

Then the wolf began to blow: “F-f-f-f-u-u-u!”

Straws flew from the roof of the house, the walls of the house shook.

The wolf took another deep breath and blew a second time: “F-f-f-f-u-u-u!”

When the wolf blew for the third time, the house was scattered in all directions, as if a hurricane had hit it.

The wolf clicked his teeth just in front of the little piglet's snout. But Nif-Nif deftly dodged and began to run. A minute later he was already at Nuf-Nuf's door.

The brothers barely had time to lock themselves in when they heard the voice of a wolf:

“Well, now I’ll eat you both!”

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf looked at each other in fear. But the wolf was very tired and therefore decided to use a trick.

- I changed my mind! - he said so loudly that everyone in the house could hear him. – I won’t eat these skinny piglets! I better go home!

-Did you hear? – Nif-Nif asked Nuf-Nuf. “He said he wouldn’t eat us!” We are skinny!

- This is very good! - said Nuf-Nuf and immediately stopped shaking.

The brothers felt happy, and they sang as if nothing had happened:

- We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf,

Old wolf, dire wolf?

But the wolf didn’t even think about leaving. He simply stepped aside and hid. He found it very funny. He could hardly contain himself not to laugh. How cleverly he deceived the two stupid little pigs!

When the piglets had completely calmed down, the wolf took the sheep's skin and carefully crept up to the house.

At the door he covered himself with the skin and knocked quietly.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were very scared when they heard the knock.

-Who's there? - they asked, and their tails began to shake again.

- It's me-me-me - the poor little sheep! – the wolf squeaked in a thin, alien voice. – Let me spend the night, I’ve strayed from the herd and am very tired!

- Let me in? – good Nif-Nif asked his brother.

- You can let the sheep go! – Nuf-Nuf agreed. - A sheep is not a wolf!

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