“Dynasty without makeup”: a documentary film by Edward Radzinsky. The story of the Red Prince: who will lead China in the confrontation with the USA Edward Radzinsky dynasty without makeup

September 23 is the 80th anniversary of the famous Russian writer, playwright, historian and TV presenter Edward Radzinsky. By this date on the TV channel "Russia K" - (September 19-24, 21:10) and feature film (September 23, 7:45 p.m.).

Edward Radzinsky is called the most popular Russian playwright, a profound historian and a brilliant storyteller. His books contain a huge amount of documents, but at the same time he always remains faithful to drama. He turns a historical action into a stage, or rather a theater - the theater of Edward Radzinsky.

Author's project of Edward Radzinsky (September 19-24, 21:10) is the writer’s attempt to tell in real palace interiors about the representatives of the Imperial House of Romanov - from Catherine I to Nicholas II. Filming took place in the State Hermitage, State Museum-Reserves "Gatchina", "Peterhof", "Tsarskoe Selo".

The ceremonial Winter Palace was built on the foundations of previous palaces. The majestic offices of the emperors and the family palaces hidden in the parks, in which the Romanovs protected their private lives, still keep the shadows of the great Romanov ancestors.

"The Winter Palace is a symbol of the empire,- says Radzinsky. - How revolutionary power began in the Romanov Empire. Judge for yourself, Peter I is replaced by Catherine, who becomes the mistress - from the Baltic to the Arctic Ocean. The Russian gallant 18th century was the kingdom of women, but there were also male emperors. Both Peter III and Paul I had to learn the tragic peculiarity of that power. In the 19th century, the male Romanovs put an end to female power. The audience will see a parade of rulers: the Sphinx Tsar Alexander I and the knight of autocracy Nicholas I, the last great Tsar Alexander II, killed by the “children of the then perestroika,” and the mighty Alexander III, who together with Pobedonostsev tried to freeze Russia. You will learn how, despite the enormous efforts of the emperors, the microbe of revolution slowly undermined the autocratic empire throughout the 19th century. I will talk about the fall of the empire and the Russian prophet who, at the end of the 19th century, predicted and described in detail the coming world massacre and the collapse of royal Europe. And about the revolution, which, in my opinion, remains as mysterious and mysterious as in that February 1917, when the three-hundred-year-old empire fell in three days...”

(September 19, 21:10) we will talk about the amazing female kingdom of the five empresses, when the history of Russia fully confirmed the formula expressed by Talleyrand: “Whoever did not live in the 18th century did not live at all.”

(September 20, 21:10) dedicated to Alexander I, the conqueror of Napoleon, and the true knight of the autocracy, Nicholas I.

Viewers will learn about the reformer Tsar Alexander II, who was killed by Narodnaya Volya, and about the reign of Alexander III, who tried to “calm down Russia.” September 21 at 21:10.

(September 23, 21:15) is dedicated to the amazing publication of Ivan Bliokh, which predicted the First World War, and to Grigory Rasputin, whose influence on the Family was no less than the legends and secrets associated with his name.

(September 24, 21:15) we will talk about the last year of the Russian Empire and the terrible path to Golgotha ​​of the Romanov family.

September 23 at 19:45- melodrama by Georgy Nathanson, based on Edward Radzinsky’s play “104 Pages about Love” with the participation of Tatyana Doronina, Alexander Lazarev, Oleg Efremov, Elena Koroleva, Alexander Shirvindt.

Press service of the TV channel "Russia K"

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“Edward Radzinsky is a brilliant storyteller, he will not disappoint this time either. The writer has an amazing eye for vivid episodes, especially those containing personal details... This biography deserves the wide readership that it will undoubtedly find.” The book was also published under the title “Stalin...

The author will talk about the last year of the Russian Empire. About the terrible path to Golgotha ​​of the Romanov family, about how the Dynasty, which began with the Ipatiev Monastery, will end its days 300 years later in the confinement of the Ipatiev House. © Helvetica Publishing House…

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First half of the 19th century. Alexander I is the conqueror of Napoleon, the mysterious “Northern Sphinx”, famous for his military victories, controversial reign and mysterious death. The true knight of autocracy Nicholas I - these great Romanovs will be discussed. And, of course, about the first Russian philosopher Peter...

The storyline tells about the life of wealthy people who are representatives of the American elite. Two wealthy families exist in a state of constant confrontation. Colby and the Carringtons have long become real rivals in the field of oil production. TV series Dynasty 2017 season 1 online free.
Every family dreams of gaining the right to lead and ousting a competitor from the arena of war. That is why there has been an insanely fierce battle for many years. Meanwhile, against the backdrop of eternal confrontations, serious personal dramas unfold. The poignant romantic story connecting Blake Carrington, the director of the company, and Crystal Florence, his secretary, haunts journalists and is constantly on the front pages of the tabloids. At a certain point, the love affair ends in marriage for the couple. After the celebration, the girl moves to live in a luxurious mansion, where she instantly encounters the terrible hostility of her husband’s heirs. Most of all, the new wife of the pope irritates Fallon, who tries to do everything to separate the lovers. The lady’s ex-lover also wants the couple to break up. Difficulties increase when the hero finds out that his son is homosexual.

Dmitry Kosyrev, political commentator at MIA Rossiya Segodnya

You may like it or not, but “professional dynasties” are needed. For obvious reasons - they pass down skills and reflexes through the family line that are otherwise very difficult to acquire. It doesn’t matter what kind of dynasty - military (for example, Suvorov, the son of the general-in-chief), musical (Mozart), steelworkers or peasants... Sorry if I upset anyone, but this also often happens in politics.

In particular, one of the two strongest states on the planet—China—is now ruled by the “red prince” Xi Jinping, the heir to one of the country’s several top leaders who, in fact, turned it into a prosperous superpower. Yes, by the way, another such power, the USA, is also ruled by the heir - only not of a political family, but of a financial and construction family.

We can say that such people enjoy all sorts of undeserved privileges from childhood. OK then. What if, in high school, such an heir, labeled “the son of a counter-revolutionary,” ended up in labor camps in the middle of nowhere for several years and only thanks to his rare survival and talents escaped from there alive, healthy and smart? This is also about Xi Jinping. Or, as orientalist Yuri Tavrovsky says, Xi’s youth is the story of a prince and a pauper rolled into one.

Tavrovsky, a professor at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, published a book called "Xi Jinping. A New Era."

Two-thirds of it consists of a chronology of events, without which it is impossible to understand not only Xi’s personality, but also the political background against which it took shape.

Biographies are different. There are, as in our case, documentary biographies, and there are fictional ones (where there is much more human and emotional). Humanity, of course, is always more attractive.

Humanity is, again, about princes and heirs. The father of China's current leader, Xi Zhongxun, is little known outside China. Meanwhile, before his overthrow and proclamation as a counter-revolutionary, the elder Xi held the same position as Deng Xiaoping (deputy head of government), and returned to power at the same time as his colleague, the father of the “Chinese miracle.” But few people noticed this, because Xi Zhongxun found himself far from Beijing, in the far south, the head of the Guangzhou province.

And it was from this that experiments began to change the economic model. On the border with British Hong Kong, where the standard of living was then ten times higher than in China as a whole, a special zone appeared in Shenzhen. Today's China entirely lives by the laws and methods that were tested in Shenzhen. Xi began work - and then this is what happened: China forgot what hunger was, just a few years after the start of the work of the reform foreman, the elder Xi, who was covered by the reform ideologist Deng.

And the son of Xi Zhongxun at this time had a real chance to live in London (having become the son-in-law of the Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom), but instead chose, one after another, provinces, where at first he held very modest positions. And then higher positions, because everything worked out well for him. From the provinces he was called to Beijing, to the launching pad to the highest position in the state. First of all, because Xi Jinping has shown a rare ability to fight corruption. And not through ostentatious and useless repressions, but by building a system that infringes on corruption.

...Among Russian sinologists there is a struggle of opinions about what kind of regime is now in China, over which the red flag hovers. Tavrovsky, a man of rather left-wing convictions, argues that under Xi Jinping there is a return to socialism, and - as always happens in such cases - he finds many facts to justify just such a position. And Xi Jinping is not just a prince, but a red one. Well, without controversy there is no science. The color of the banner, however, is of very secondary importance to the situation in which China finds itself today.

Xi Jinping was brought to power not only to fight corruption. This happened in a paramilitary situation when the former world leader, the United States, finally noticed (during the previous administration) that China was growing too fast. Deng Xiaoping's former heirs solved mostly internal problems - like corruption or slowdown in growth. Xi Jinping came at a time when it was simply no longer possible to pretend to be small and weak: it was necessary to proclaim global goals for further movement.

And then Xi’s idea appeared about the “Chinese dream” - the revival of a great nation. The concept of the “belt and road” was also born - an infrastructure of trade and economic relations across the Eurasian continent, in which there would be no total dependence on business almost exclusively with the West. And then, this year, a “hybrid war” with the United States began. According to Tavrovsky, it only seems to be a trade tariff issue; it will show its face later.

So the further biography of the current Chinese leader will inevitably turn out, no matter its outcome, to be a major fact of world history.

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