Head teacher. The principle of collective decision making

The school director is the head and “face” of the educational institution. In the modern understanding, a school director is essentially an employee of an educational institution. This position is appointed, not elected. The director is responsible for many issues directly related to the activities of the institution: management of teaching and other personnel, students, economic, financial and legal aspects.

There are certain requirements for a person applying for this position. These include: having a higher professional education, at least 5 years of work experience in teaching and leadership positions, an appropriate level of qualifications and certification. When appointing a school director, not only higher pedagogical education, but also management education is welcome. The founder of the educational institution appoints the school director and dismisses him from his position. The school director can be appointed by promoting his current deputies, or “from the outside.”

Control over the activities of the director of an educational institution

If the school is public, then the founder is the education department of the city or municipality represented by the head of this department. The employer of the school director is the education department, which enters into an employment contract with him and sets the salary. The director's salary is determined based on the average salary of teaching staff. If the school is private, then the founders can be private legal entities and individuals. In this case, the founder also enters into an employment contract with the director and sets the salary. An employment contract with a school director can be concluded for either a fixed-term or an indefinite period. The founder exercises control over the activities of the director and the institution as a whole.

The founder of an educational institution can also appoint a Supervisory Board, which exercises control over the professional activities of the director, the educational process, financial resources, major transactions, and so on. The composition of the Supervisory Board is approved by the founder of the educational institution in the form of an order.

The school director bears administrative and criminal responsibility. The director may also be dismissed from his position by court decision.


in Russia Federation main adm. the face of the school. Position manager school, the chairman of the school. council and bearing personal responsibility for the entire work of the school, was first introduced by the Charter of the unified labor school in 1923 (in 1918-23 the school was governed by the council; it was executed, the body was the presidium). From 1934 to post. Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) “On the structure of the beginning. and Wed schools in the USSR” position of head. incomplete Wed. and Wed the school began to be called “director”. Head beginning the school began to be called the director according to the Charter cf. school 1970. D. sh. usually appointed by the local education authority. Law of Russia Federation on Education (1992) allows for the possibility of such an appointment of a director unless otherwise provided by the Model Regulations on this type and type of educational institution. establishments.

D. sh. bears responsibility for the organization and quality of teaching. process at school, for health and physical protection. development of students, as well as for household finances. state of the school. Orders of D. sh. mandatory for everyone working at the school. The duties of D. sh. includes planning and organizing school activities, providing internal education. control, selection and placement of personnel, creation of optimal conditions for the implementation of effective teaching and education. process, organizing meals for schoolchildren. At a boarding school or if the school has extended day groups D. sh. is also responsible for the condition of the premises where students live, study, and rest.

D. sh. is the chairman of the pedagogical council and organizes its work. The teacher directs directly and through his deputies. team, methodological work and promotes the introduction of new teaching into teaching practice. experience. Providing internal control, involving qualified personnel in it. teachers, D. sh. designed to systematically analyze the multifaceted life of the school, reaching every class, to the system of work of every teacher.

D. sh. provides assistance and assistance to societies. student organizations, takes care of strengthening labor and education. discipline, ensures the correct conduct of school records, reporting, etc. On behalf of the school council, D. sh. may be a financial manager. school funds.

As ch. responsible person D. sh. represents the school in relations with educational authorities, local authorities and societies. org-tions.

Lit.: Zakharov M. G., Labor organization of the school director, M., 1971; Stre-z i k o z i i V.P., Management of the study. process at school, Mi972; Suntsov N. S., Department of General Education. school. Questions of theory and practice, M., 1982; Bereznyak E. S., Modern management. school, M., 1983; Konarzhevsky Yu. A., Ped. teacher-educator process and school management, M., 1986; Intra-school management. Questions of theory and practice. Ed. T. I. Shamovoy, M., 1991.

Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M: “Great Russian Encyclopedia”. Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

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The school director is a key figure in the field of education, determining the success of the implementation of ongoing changes in Russian education. So what should the director of a modern Russian school be like: an experienced teacher or an effective manager?

According to many experts in the field of pedagogical management, the director of a modern school is an effective leader who has such qualities as:

  • competence;
  • communication skills;
  • attentive attitude towards subordinates;
  • courage in decision making;
  • ability to solve problems creatively.

An effective school principal is:

  • a creative person capable of overcoming stereotypes and finding unconventional ways to solve problems facing the school, creating and using innovative management technologies;
  • a person who constantly works on himself, on his professional and personal qualities;
  • a strategist who sees the development of his school for several years ahead;
  • a person who inspires the teaching staff with his example.

Director of the Center for Leadership Research at the Institute of Education, University of London, Professor Alma Harris, believes that there are many skills and competencies that a modern school principal must possess, but the most important thing is the ability to form a team of teachers. It is the teacher who works directly with the student, and therefore the director must believe in the teacher, trust his opinion and assume that he can understand some issues better than him.

In recent years, significant changes have been taking place in Russian schools. Thus, the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” granted autonomy to educational organizations, which means independence in the implementation of educational, scientific, administrative, financial and economic activities, development and adoption of local regulations, as well as in determining the content of education, choosing educational and methodological provision, educational technologies for the educational programs they implement.

The principle of financial support for the school has changed - now the money follows the student (per capita financing) in accordance with the state (municipal) assignment. Everything that is sold in excess of this task is paid, and the income from the school’s paid educational services is spent at its discretion.

As a result of restructuring and optimization, schools with more than 1,000 students arose; schools are complexes that are much more difficult to manage.

The educational process is being saturated with modern educational and technological equipment, teaching aids and educational complexes.

Innovative educational technologies are being introduced into the educational process, not at the level of replacing individual parts, but at the level of conceptual changes, requiring the training of qualified teachers of a new formation.

Schoolchildren of the 21st century are significantly different in development from schoolchildren of the twentieth century.

Under these conditions, the functions and role of the school director change significantly. On the one hand, a school director is an effective manager, because today a school director has to perform a lot of management functions - managing the budget, interacting with the public, interacting with management, etc. The skills of managing an organization are becoming more and more important every day, and the director has no time to deal with pedagogy.

Peter Drucker, the founder of modern management, based on many years of observations, came to a paradoxical conclusion: “strong professionals”, excellent specialists in their field, extremely rarely become good leaders. This is due to the fact that management is a very special type of professional activity, the result of which is directly related to a person’s personal effectiveness.

On the other hand, within the framework of great freedom - financial and content - the director of a modern school, in addition to management theory, must understand modern educational paradigms, priorities, and promising educational technologies.

Thus, the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education, Viktor Bolotov, believes that it does not matter what kind of education a school director has, but he must have teaching experience: “Any school director must “stand at the machine”, at the blackboard in the classroom - have teaching experience. Otherwise he will not be able to be an effective school principal. Maybe he will be able to manage the school budget well, but he will not be a school director, in the real sense of the word.”

Professor Alma Harris, director of the Center for Leadership Studies at the Institute of Education, University of London, shares a similar point of view: “Modern principals need to be able to manage their schools effectively, efficiently and intelligently. But for a school that is experiencing serious difficulties, just a good manager is not enough. She needs a director who can show by example what a good lesson is, because in problem schools, as a rule, there are few good teachers, and teachers simply have nowhere to take examples of high-quality teaching practice. The director must be able to do everything himself in this situation.”

In practice, when a director has a lot of managerial and other tasks, it is difficult to demand that he be an effective manager and an effective innovator in terms of educational technologies. According to a number of researchers, there are four main types of school principals in Russia today:

  • “authoritarian business executive”;
  • “democratic business executive”;
  • “authoritarian leader”;
  • "democratic leader"

At the same time, two of them are most often encountered: “authoritarian business executive” and “authoritarian leader,” the most popular of which is “authoritarian business executive.”

Unfortunately, such a combination, when the director is both a talented teacher and an effective manager, is only possible ideally. Close to it are the original schools, where the director himself is a generator of innovation. According to the rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Ya.I. Kuzminova “personal example and personal relationships that the director builds are key. An excellent manager who does not like people, an excellent manager who is not a teacher, cannot lead a school.”

For the most part, effective leaders are not born, but made. You can gain knowledge and skills of effective management by undergoing special training. At the same time, this can be achieved through self-education. In all cases, appropriate motivation is needed: personal ambitions (I’m no worse than others), the desire to make a career (the bad soldier is the one who doesn’t want to become a general), school patriotism (my school is better), the desire to earn money (if you work better, you get more).

There are plenty of methods and trainings on how to become an effective school director - choose according to your taste. For example, the methods of Peter Drucker, who believes that in order to become a successful leader, first of all, you need to learn to manage yourself, because “the ability to manage is different for all people, but those who know how to manage themselves, their actions and decisions successfully manage others.” Here are some of his tips:

— Personal effectiveness is not an innate quality. But it can be learned by developing and correctly using your strengths.

— All effective managers constantly monitor their time management activities.

— A manager who does not ask himself the question of his personal contribution to the result does not have the right to demand the same from his subordinates.

— Concentrating primarily on weaknesses and shortcomings gives rise to problems, while focusing on the strengths of subordinates, partners, senior management and one’s own makes the team’s work as productive as possible.

- If there is any main secret to effectiveness, it is concentration. The more strongly and successfully a person concentrates his time, efforts and resources, the more diverse problems he will be able to solve.

An effective leader is a leader who makes effective decisions.

— The team obeys the decision made the more willingly, the better it is explained to each individual employee.

An effective leader solves a problem only once. But he decides in such a way that in the end there is a clear scenario that anyone can follow, or a rule that everyone understands.
— Efficiency at work is not only the habit of doing the right thing and expediently, but also a set of certain practical techniques. Following these techniques is another good habit that a leader must definitely learn.

Director of a Russian school according to the results of the international study TALIS

Almost all of the directors surveyed (198 directors from 14 regions took part in the survey) underwent management training, but only a third of them completed it before taking office. For comparison: in most other countries, the talent pool begins to be prepared in advance; Singapore and South Korea, which demonstrate high educational results of schoolchildren in international studies, almost three-quarters of directors undergo serious training before being appointed to the post.

Russian leaders, compared to their foreign colleagues, are more focused on administrative work and spend less time working with teachers, parents and students - they simply do not have time for it.

Despite the fact that, in comparison with other countries, Russia leads in the number of management teams and governing councils created in schools, directors are prone to authoritarian decision-making.


“Effective manager” is a conventional concept that denotes an ideal manager who knows the basic principles of management theory, is able to effectively implement them in practice, and is characterized by high professional competence. An effective leader in modern society is one who knows how to correctly set and solve problems.

TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) is the first international study to analyze the learning environment, working conditions and assess the quality of the teaching staff. Russia has been participating in TALIS since 2013 in accordance with the State Program “Development of Education”. The research operator was the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Who is the director of a modern Russian school?

The program operates in full force in the capital; almost all directors of educational institutions are involved in it. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the most experienced leaders (within the program they are called “mentors”) help their colleagues (in this case acting as trainees) to develop and implement new educational projects. Moreover, after achieving the intended results, each project expects public protection.

To date, Moscow school directors have already developed 462 management projects and begun to implement them, and some have even managed to defend them. But there is a lot of work ahead, the first stage is just the beginning.

What is a modern head of an educational institution, according to the directors themselves? How do they formulate their objectives?

“The school director in the generally accepted sense and the head of a Moscow school are different professions,” I am sure Director of school No. 2095 “Pokrovsky Quarter” Ilya Novokreshchenov. - We are entrusted with much more complex tasks. We do not just manage in the usual sense of the word - we manage processes, resources, results and even values, discussing together with the team what is most important in our education system. The director of a Moscow school is a person who can simultaneously generate goals and plan the work of a team, handle finances and understand legal issues. And at the same time, it is open both to the whole world and to every child.”

Eternal students

“The Effective Leader program gives us the opportunity to develop new management competencies for a modern director,” says Director of School No. 2114 And-rey Zinin. - And the main word here is “new”, that is, corresponding to the realities of the 21st century. These competencies are the ability to multitask, high adaptability to constant change, teamwork skills and even humility as a new form of leadership. The last quality is worth dwelling on in more detail. The point is that the leader should not be a central figure in the team, but a person who has managed to create such a structure that even after his departure the organization will remain successful and work like clockwork. A leader should focus not on his own importance, but on the success of the institution he heads.”

“The main goal of the Effective Leader project is to modernize the management training system,” explains Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Viktor-Fertman. - We do not teach directors management - they are already quite experienced managers. But we give them tools with which they can improve the work of both an individual school and the capital’s education system as a whole. Everything happens as openly as possible: the selection of mentors and interns, the defense of projects, the manager’s report to teachers and parents - this has been done, and there is still more to come. In fact, our project is endless, we will go from one achievement to another, because there is no limit to perfection. At the same time, directors will learn a lot themselves. You cannot be an effective leader without constantly learning, so the best leader is an eternal student, that is, a person who never stops in his development.”

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