Ecology of Udmurtia. Where does money for environmental protection come from? Transport situation in the city

The city of Izhevsk is, along with Tula, the “weapons capital of Russia”, the twentieth largest city in Russia and the capital of the Udmurt Republic. Refers to large administrative, economic, industrial, trade, educational and cultural centers in the Volga region and the Urals. Izhevsk is known in the country as a leader in the defense, engineering and metallurgical industries.

The location of the city is the eastern part of the East European Plain, between the Vyatka and Kama rivers. The territory of Izhevsk is a typical hilly plain. Izhevsk is located on the non-navigable Izh River, which is the right tributary of the Kama River. The main city reservoir is Izhevsky Pond, with an area of ​​just over 2 thousand hectares. The distance from Izhevsk to the capital is 1129 km.

Moderate continental climatic conditions suggest very short and warm summers, as well as long and cold winters. The city's population accounts for almost 43% of the population of the entire Udmurtia. According to this year's data, the population of Izhevsk is 642 thousand people, and the Izhevsk agglomeration has almost 951 thousand people.

The city consists of five administrative districts:

  • Industrial - almost 119 thousand people;
  • Leninsky - almost 125 thousand people;
  • Oktyabrsky - just over 135 thousand people;
  • Pervomaisky - 126 thousand people;
  • Ustinovsky - almost 137 thousand people.

Ecological situation of the city

The Izh River, which flows through the entire city, causes targeted attacks on the infrastructure and ecology of Izhevsk during floods. The main inconveniences from this process are experienced by private homeowners in the Leninsky district. Their households and garden plots are regularly flooded by the waters of the river and its tributaries.

A global problem for Izhevsk is the low level. The city lagged behind even Kazan and Glazov in these indicators. Izhevsk is remembered for mountains of garbage, spontaneous landfills throughout most of the city, the smell of burning, gasoline fumes and terrible noise. In addition, indigenous people are characterized by an almost complete absence of environmental culture.

The environmental situation in Izhevsk was assessed on the basis of three basic indicators: atmospheric air quality, condition of reservoirs and soil layers. Based on research, the healthiest parts of the city are those located at higher elevations and located at a sufficient distance from highways and industrial facilities.

The list of the main environmental problems of Izhevsk that require priority solutions includes:

  • the need to reclaim the solid waste area located on the Sarapul highway;
  • completion of reclamation work on the lands of slag dumps owned by OJSC Izhstal and OJSC TGK 5 OSP Izhevskoe CHPP-2;
  • removal of a snow disposal point from the floodplain of the Izh River;
  • construction of a modern stormwater system;
  • improvement of the qualitative composition of the Izhevsk reservoir.

Ecological situation in city districts

In accordance with the wind rose, on the territory of Izhevsk there is a predominance of southwestern winds - about 40%, as well as winds of the western and northwestern directions - 20% each. The influence of southern, southeastern and eastern winds is rarely recorded. N

Based on these data, it was concluded that the south-west wind prevails, which contributes to the direction of smoke from enterprises towards the Center.

A significant portion of emissions settles within five kilometers of stationary sources of pollution. Industrial facilities located in the central part of the city adversely affect the territory of Sovetskaya, Udmurtskaya and Gorky streets.

In descending order, the least polluted areas of Izhevsk are:

  • Ustinovsky;
  • Pervomaisky;
  • Industrial;
  • Leninist;
  • October.

Regardless of the wind rose, the largest volume of pollutants is recorded in the central part of the city. A very difficult situation is developing in some areas of the Pervomaisky and Leninsky districts. As a rule, such local areas include areas in close proximity to factories or large transport interchanges.

Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration by four times is observed on the streets of Udmurtskaya, K. Liebknekhta, Klubnaya and Promyshlennaya.

The Ustinovsky district has the most favorable ecological situation, on whose territory there are springs with drinking water. The most environmentally friendly streets are Voroshilov and Petrov, which are located in the highest part of the city - 260 meters above sea level.

Water resources

The main sources used on a drinking and industrial scale include the Votkinsk and Izhevsk reservoirs. According to the results of recent studies, Izhevsk is one of the most prosperous cities in terms of centralized water supply. MUP "Izhvodokanal" has introduced pressure flotation technology, which allows you to effectively combat phytoplankton.

In addition, the modern system is characterized by the use of the oxidation-sorption method of water treatment using potassium permanganate and activated carbon. The most innovative technical innovation in the city was the acquisition of a wheeled self-propelled robot “Rokot”, the use of which makes it possible to inspect and repair water pipes without excavating trenches.

Condition of green areas, forests, parks

In accordance with the master plan of Izhevsk, the city was supposed to receive almost 300 green facilities. The construction of buildings and structures in rough terrain is a complex and expensive task. That is why it was proposed to densify the development in areas convenient for such purposes.

Along with this, the adjacent slopes of the ravines are subject to regulatory improvement. Thus, two important problems are solved at once, namely, the improvement of river floodplains and landscaping in accordance with the standards of recreation areas on residential development sites.

Based on official data, in 2013, a little more than 6.5 thousand trees and shrubs were cut down within the city limits, and almost 12 thousand green spaces were planted in their place. Despite the positive dynamics, the result of the analysis of the exhibition structure and environmental potential of the green zones of Izhevsk was the identification of a clear insufficiency and low provision of the city with the necessary environmental resources. The number of green areas and their condition do not correspond to the socio-economic level of development of the city.

Air condition

The amount of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere is affected by the activities of 74 industrial facilities. The average total annual emissions are about 18 thousand tons. The volume of solid emissions is ≈ 3 thousand tons. Gaseous and liquid emissions amount to ≈ 15 thousand tons, of which sulfur dioxide accounts for ≈ 1.4 thousand tons, carbon monoxide ≈ 5 thousand tons, nitrogen oxide ≈ 7.7 thousand tons, and hydrocarbons ≈ 0.09 thousand . tons

The specific emission per capita is ≈ 29 kg. The greatest negative impact on air pollution is exerted by stationary sources represented by thermal power engineering, mechanical engineering and ferrous metallurgy enterprises.

Transport situation in the city

Once upon a time, the state of public transport in Izhevsk occupied a leading position in the country. This was facilitated by well-thought-out route schemes, proper distribution of passenger flows and regular renewal of transport personnel. Today, 11 tram, 9 trolleybus and 39 bus routes operate in the city. All the merits of the city's transport system are offset by the terrible condition of the roads.

The second place after the poor quality of road surfaces is occupied by traffic jams, which was facilitated by a sharp increase in personal motor transport. Stable traffic jams during peak hours are recorded: in the Center; at the intersection of Novoazhimov and Mayakovsky streets; along the entire length of Magistralnaya Street; in the area of ​​the Southern Bus Station; on the Karl Liebknecht street ring; all of Kommunarov Street and a significant part of Kirova Street.

Industrial enterprises of the city

Many people associate Izhevsk with typical Ural “factory towns”. The largest industrial facilities affecting the environmental status of Izhevsk are several enterprises. The oldest enterprises in the city include OJSC Izhstal, a metallurgical giant of Udmurtia. In addition, OJSC Izhmash is a large and, until recently, city-forming enterprise. Today NPO Izhmash is going through difficult times, which cannot but affect its equipment.

To a large extent, the difficult environmental situation in the city is associated with such industrial facilities as:

  • Automobile plant;
  • JSC Izhevsk Motor Plant "Aksion-Holding";
  • JSC "Izhevsk Radio Plant";
  • JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant "Kupol".

Today, the main goal of the development of the industrial sector of the economy is not only the preservation of production potential, but also its development as a result of restructuring.

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Measures to improve the environmental situation

A year ago, the implementation of a long-term target program for environmental protection, designed for the period from 2009 to 2013, ended. Based on this program, the following happened:

  • improvement of the current regulatory framework in the field of environmental management and environmental protection;
  • the number of polluting discharges from drains has been reduced and the problem of providing city residents with drinking water of appropriate standard quality has been resolved;
  • the volume of polluting emissions from the territory of industrial enterprises, from facilities of the fuel and energy complex, as well as from vehicles has been reduced;
  • order in waste management is ensured;
  • a management mechanism has been formed aimed at minimizing the generation of most waste, and a procedure for its safe disposal and disposal has been established;
  • there is a smooth transition of the industrial sector to resource-saving, low-waste and environmentally friendly technologies;
  • conditions have been created for the effective operation of green spaces, as well as their protection and replenishment;
  • Activities were carried out to develop an environmental culture among city residents through the use of a system of environmental education, enlightenment and involvement of residents in environmental protection work, as a result of which an increase in the popularity of ongoing environmental measures and actions was noted.

In Udmurtia, more than 1.4 million tons of waste are generated every year. No more than 4% of them are subjected to industrial processing, and the main part is disposed of by removal to landfills or landfills for further disposal. The situation is particularly tense with unauthorized landfills, the number of which is growing every year.

The highest priority areas of state policy in the field of environmental protection include waste disposal. The head of the region outlined an action plan for the period from 2015 to 2020 under the “Udmurtia. Changes for the better!” This program was developed as part of the strategy for the socio-economic development of the region. The issue of construction of modern waste processing complexes on the basis of public-private partnership is also being considered.

Izhevsk is known in the country as a leader in the defense, engineering and metallurgical industries.

The location of the city is the eastern part of the East European Plain, between the Vyatka and Kama rivers. The territory of Izhevsk is a typical hilly plain. Izhevsk is located on the non-navigable Izh River, which is the right tributary of the Kama River.

The main city reservoir is Izhevsky Pond, with an area of ​​just over 2 thousand hectares. The distance from Izhevsk to the capital is 1129 km.

Moderate continental climatic conditions suggest very short and warm summers, as well as long and cold winters.

The population of the city is almost 43% of the population of the entire Udmurtia. According to this year's data, the population of Izhevsk is 642 thousand people, and the Izhevsk agglomeration has almost 951 thousand people.

The city includes five administrative districts: Industrial - almost 119 thousand people; Leninsky - almost 125 thousand people; Oktyabrsky - just over 135 thousand people; Pervomaisky - 126 thousand people; Ustinovsky - almost 137 thousand people.

Ecological situation of the city

Flowing through the whole city The Izh River causes targeted attacks on the infrastructure and ecology of Izhevsk during floods. The main inconveniences from this process are experienced by private homeowners in the Leninsky district. Their households and garden plots are regularly flooded by the waters of the river and its tributaries.

A global problem for Izhevsk is the low level of solid waste recycling. The city lagged behind even Kazan and Glazov in these indicators. Izhevsk is remembered for mountains of garbage, spontaneous landfills throughout most of the city, the smell of burning, gasoline fumes and terrible noise.

In addition, indigenous people are characterized by an almost complete absence of environmental culture.

The environmental situation in Izhevsk was assessed based on three basic indicators: atmospheric air quality, condition of reservoirs and soil layers.

Based on research, the healthiest parts of the city for the health of citizens are those located on hills and located at a sufficient distance from highways and industrial facilities.

The list of the main environmental problems of Izhevsk that require priority solutions includes:

The need for reclamation of the solid waste area located on the Sarapul highway;

Completion of reclamation work on the lands of slag dumps owned by OJSC Izhstal and OJSC TGK 5 OSP Izhevskoe CHPP-2;

Removal of a snow disposal point from the floodplain of the Izh River;

Construction of a modern storm sewer system; improvement of the qualitative composition of the Izhevsk reservoir.

Ecological situation in city districts

In accordance with the wind rose, on the territory of Izhevsk there is a predominance of southwestern winds - about 40%, as well as winds of the western and northwestern directions - 20% each. The influence of southern, southeastern and eastern winds is rarely recorded.

Based on these data, it was concluded that prevailing southwest wind, which contributes to the direction of smoke from enterprises towards the Center. A significant portion of emissions settles within five kilometers of stationary sources.

A significant portion of emissions settles within five kilometers of stationary sources of pollution. Industrial facilities located in the central part of the city adversely affect the territory of Sovetskaya, Udmurtskaya and Gorky streets.

In descending order, the least polluted areas of Izhevsk are: Ustinovsky; Pervomaisky; Industrial; Leninist; October.

Regardless of the wind rose, the largest volume of pollutants is recorded in the central part of the city. A very difficult situation is developing in some areas of the Pervomaisky and Leninsky districts.

As a rule, such local areas include areas in close proximity to factories or large transport interchanges. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration by four times is observed on the streets of Udmurtskaya, K. Liebknekhta, Klubnaya and Promyshlennaya.

The Ustinovsky district has the most favorable environmental conditions, on whose territory there are springs with drinking water.

The most environmentally friendly streets are Voroshilov and Petrov, which are located in the highest part of the city - 260 meters above sea level.

Water resources

To the main sources used on a domestic, drinking and industrial scale, refer Votkinsk and Izhevsk reservoirs. According to the results of recent studies, Izhevsk belongs to quite prosperous cities in terms of centralized water supply. MUP "Izhvodokanal" has introduced pressure flotation technology, which allows you to effectively combat phytoplankton.

In addition, the modern system is characterized by the use of the oxidation-sorption method of water treatment using potassium permanganate and activated carbon. The most innovative technical innovation in the city it became acquisition of wheeled self-propelled robot "Rokot",the use of which allows you to inspect and repair water pipes without excavating trenches.

Condition of green areas, forests, parks

In accordance with the master plan of Izhevsk, the city was supposed to receive almost 300 green facilities. The construction of buildings and structures in rough terrain is a complex and expensive task. That is why it was proposed to densify the development in areas convenient for such purposes.

Along with this, the adjacent slopes of the ravines are subject to regulatory improvement. Thus, two important problems are solved at once, namely, the improvement of river floodplains and landscaping in accordance with the standards of recreation areas on residential development sites.

Based on official data, in 2013, a little more than 6.5 thousand trees and shrubs were cut down within the city limits, and almost 12 thousand green spaces were planted in their place. Despite the positive dynamics, the result of the analysis of the exhibition structure and environmental potential of the green zones of Izhevsk was identification of obvious insufficiency and low provision of the city with necessary environmental resources.

The number of green areas and their condition do not correspond to the socio-economic level of development of the city.

Air condition

The amount of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere is affected by the activities of 74 industrial facilities. The average total annual emissions are about 18 thousand tons. The volume of solid emissions is ≈ 3 thousand tons. Gaseous and liquid emissions amount to ≈ 15 thousand tons, of which sulfur dioxide accounts for ≈ 1.4 thousand tons, carbon monoxide ≈ 5 thousand tons, nitrogen oxide ≈ 7.7 thousand tons, and hydrocarbons ≈ 0.09 thousand . tons

The specific emission per capita is ≈ 29 kg. Greatest negative impact Atmospheric pollution is caused by stationary sources represented by thermal power engineering, mechanical engineering and ferrous metallurgy enterprises.

Transport situation in the city

Once upon a time, the state of public transport in Izhevsk occupied a leading position in the country. This was facilitated by well-thought-out route schemes, proper distribution of passenger flows and regular renewal of transport personnel.

Today there are 11 tram, 9 trolleybus and 39 bus routes operating in the city..

All the merits of the city's transport system are offset by the terrible condition of the roads.

The second place after the poor quality of road surfaces is occupied by traffic jams, which was facilitated by a sharp increase in personal motor transport. Stable traffic jams during peak hours are recorded: in the Center; at the intersection of Novoazhimov and Mayakovsky streets; along the entire length of Magistralnaya Street; in the area of ​​the Southern Bus Station; on the Karl Liebknecht street ring; all of Kommunarov Street and a significant part of Kirova Street.

Many people associate the industrial enterprises of the city of Izhevsk with typical Ural “factory towns”. The largest industrial facilities affecting the environmental status of Izhevsk are several enterprises.

The oldest enterprises in the city include OJSC Izhstal, the metallurgical giant of Udmurtia.. In addition, OJSC Izhmash is a large and, until recently, city-forming enterprise. Today NPO Izhmash is going through difficult times, which cannot but affect its equipment.

To a large extent, the difficult environmental situation in the city is associated with such industrial facilities as: Automobile plant; JSC Izhevsk Motor Plant "Aksion-Holding"; JSC "Izhevsk Radio Plant"; JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant "Kupol".

Today, the main goal of the development of the industrial sector of the economy is not only the preservation of production potential, but also its development as a result of restructuring.

There are almost no areas left in Izhevsk in which environmental pollution does not have a harmful effect on the health of residents. In many, it exceeds the norm three times. The most harmful zone turned out to be the one running from the Izhstal plant further to the north. This is due to the fact that it is located on the leeward side of the industrial zone at a fairly short distance. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in this direction there are numerous factories and a highway overloaded with traffic. An increase in pollution levels is observed in the summer, when the winds are weak and the air temperature is high. Timiryazev and Kholmogorov streets are considered the most favorable for living here. Another cause of pollution is waste. Many illegal dumps are located near residential buildings. However, the waste sorting plant cannot cope with their volumes. Despite the poor environment, specialists quickly dealt with the poor-quality tap water. Today its quality meets the norm. Numerous industrial, agricultural and oil companies have negatively impacted groundwater quality. Runoffs and oil spills have made the situation worse.

Water resources of the area

The city is located in the upper part of the Izh River. She gave it its name. A dam was built on it, and a huge pond formed above it (length - 11.4 and width - 2.5 kilometers). Due to its size it is considered a lake. Being the main source of water supply, the Izhevsk artificial lake, during floods, poses a danger to residents and nearby businesses. Many small rivers flow through Izhevsk, as well as about fifty springs. Only twenty-two of them have names. Their total length is thirty-five kilometers. In the suburbs there is the Novo-Izhevsky spring, famous for its healing mineral waters.

Forest resources of the area

Local residents pay a lot of attention to the development of green farming (lawns, flower beds, flower beds). Planting trees within its boundaries helps improve the environmental situation. Poplars absorb gas well; maple, aspen, and alder absorb carbon oxides; ash, birch, and oak absorb chloride compounds. Pine plantings are excellent at retaining dust and heavy metals. In the Izhevsk District, forests occupy forty percent of the total area. Coniferous and deciduous trees grow in them. They are favorite places for recreation, hunting and provide valuable resources - honey, berries, mushrooms.

Temperature and climate of Izhevsk

The settlement belongs to the temperate continental zone, with short, warm summers and long, cold winters. In winter, cyclones predominate. Over the course of a year, he receives solar radiation of 90 kcal/cm2. The coldest month is January, with an average temperature of -14.2 degrees, and the hottest month is July - +18.7. Annual humidity is 76%. Humidity is moderate, and the average annual precipitation is 460 millimeters. Southern and southwestern winds predominate, with an average speed of 4 m/sec. The city often experiences snowstorms and fog.

Industry of the city

Izhevsk is a large industrial center in Udmurtia. It is known to everyone for its defense and engineering production and is the arms capital of Russia. The weapons produced here are the most in demand among military personnel. The metallurgical industry is also well developed. The woodworking industry produces furniture, plywood, chipboard, equipment and machine tools. Several companies carry out oil production work. The machinery and equipment produced at the Izhevsk Radio Plant are used at space facilities by several countries.

Video on the topic

You can watch a video on the topic “TOP 10 dirtiest cities in Russia” and compare the environmental situation.

On March 6, an extended board meeting of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Ural Republic was held, dedicated to the results of the ministry’s activities in 2012 and tasks for 2013. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Urals Ildar Bikbulatov took part in the work of the board.


Last year there were no serious natural disasters in the republic. The spring flood passed calmly. However, everyone remembers the emergency situation with the unauthorized placement of carbon tetrachloride in the village. Balezino, in the elimination of which the Ministry of Natural Resources of the UR took an active part, ensuring constant sampling and analysis of hazardous substances in water, air and soil.

Every year in Udmurtia, more than 200 thousand tons of pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere, that is, 135 kg for every resident of the republic. This is significantly less than in neighboring regions (compare: Perm region - 226 kg, Kirov region - 161 kg, Tatarstan - 152 kg).

Fortunately, Udmurtia is not a leader in waste generated - neither among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, nor among the regions of the Volga Federal District. About a million tons of waste are generated annually in the republic, that is, 650 kg per resident of the republic.

Nevertheless, the environmental situation, or more precisely the technogenic and anthropogenic impact on the environment, in Udmurtia remains quite complex. The activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the UR last year were aimed at solving this problem. The work of the ministry, as in all previous years, took place taking into account a very large (more than 100) number of functions with a minimum number of full-time employees, if we compare this figure with similar governing bodies of other regions of the Volga Federal District.

The main feature of the ministry’s work last year was the transition to a program-target principle. The ministry has developed a draft state program for SD “Environment and Natural Resources for 2013-2015”, which takes into account the strategy for the socio-economic development of Udmurtia until 2025.

There is no life without water

Since last year, the ministry has been working in the water sector according to state programs - the republican target program “Development of the water management complex of the SD” was adopted, which is in many ways similar to the federal one.

Water management is one of the priority areas of work of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Urals; it is the most expensive. Costs for environmental protection measures in the field of use and protection of water and hydraulic structures (HTS) in 2012 amounted to 25.6 million rubles, or 22.8 percent of the funds provided for by the budget of the republic. This is slightly less than in 2011 (23 percent).

Last year, the ministry attracted federal budget funds through the Federal Water Resources Agency in the form of subsidies for major repairs and construction of hydraulic structures, as well as subventions for the implementation of the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of water relations. The trouble-free operation and ongoing repairs of the ten largest hydraulic structures, which are owned by the republic, were financed, as before, from the republican budget.

Let us list the most important events of 2012 concerning the water sector of Udmurtia: continuation of work on the bank protection of the Izhevsk reservoir in the area of ​​the park named after. Kirov, major repairs of the hydraulic structure of the Kambar reservoir, clearing and straightening of the river beds of Postolka in the village. Yagan Malopurginsky district, Ireika and Uva in the village. Uva, work on cleaning the bed of the Berezovsky Bay of the Votkinsk Reservoir, establishing the boundaries of water protection zones and securing them on the ground with special information signs, etc.

Ensuring the safe passage of spring floods through the hydraulic structures of ponds and reservoirs is an important area of ​​activity of the ministry. Every year, from 45 to 50 hydraulic structures are inspected in the republic; last year, 45 large objects were inspected (40 of them by specialists from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the UR). Today in Udmurtia there are 34 ownerless hydraulic structures, in 2007 there were 62. The owners of hydraulic structures are “found” thanks to the joint activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Urals with the heads of municipalities.

The water management plan until 2020 includes such large facilities as the Izhevskoye, Votkinskoye and Kambarskoye reservoirs, where their environmental rehabilitation is planned; clearing the river beds of Cheptsa in the village. Balezino and Glazovo, Izh in Izhevsk, Sarapulka River in Sarapul; construction of a boundary dam in the village. Balezino.

In 2012, the federal budget received 29.3 million rubles in the form of fees for the use of water bodies under agreements concluded by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Urals (against the plan of 21.5 million rubles). In 2013, the federal budget, with the participation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Urals, will receive another 26.3 million rubles. However, it is important to promptly resolve the problem of illegitimate water users, which became acute last year. The problem arose in connection with the change of companies operating wastewater treatment plants of municipalities that do not have the right to use water bodies. Today, housing and communal services enterprises of Alnashsky, Votkinsk, Grakhovsky, Malopurginsky, Mozhginsky, Sarapulsky, Seltinsky, Sharkansky and Yukamensky districts are illegally discharging into water bodies. In 2013, the ministry will have to solve this problem, relying on the help of district administrations.

What to do with waste?

In 2009, the republic approved the RCP “State support for the creation and development of a waste processing and disposal system in the Urals for 2010-2014,” which provides for the cluster principle of locating waste disposal sites with the creation of a network of waste sorting stations. Unfortunately, the funding for this program leaves much to be desired. Thus, in 2011, out of the planned 100.4 million rubles, the republican budget allocated 4 million, and in 2012, out of 151 million rubles - 35 million. Nevertheless, by January of this year, the following was done under the program: construction of a cluster test site began Mozhgi, design documentation has been developed for the construction of a cluster landfill in the Uvinsky district and for the construction of waste sorting stations in the Malopurginsky, Alnashsky, Balezinsky and Yarsky districts. The development of construction documentation for the city of Kambarka, Karakulinsky, Grakhovsky, Vavozhsky, Sharkansky, Syumsinsky districts is being completed.

Investors for construction are being sought, a regional waste cadastre has been created, and a list of waste to be collected as secondary raw materials has been approved. The issue of constructing a waste processing complex using the latest scientific and technical achievements, which would serve the city of Izhevsk and surrounding areas, is being considered.

There will be more protected areas

At the end of last year, on the initiative of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Urals, a new edition of the “Red Book of the Urals” was published, which included 358 species of flora and fauna. Compared to 2001, when the first “Red Book of the Urals” was published, their number has decreased by 56 species. The conservation regime benefited the “Red Book” plants and animals.

In 2012, work continued on the development of a network of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) in the republic. Two natural monuments are included in the state real estate cadastre as zones with special conditions of use: “Zayakinskaya cedar grove” in the Igrinsky district and “Kambarsky swamp” in the city of Kambarka. This year they are planned to be given the status of natural monuments of regional significance.

In the natural parks “Ust-Belsk” and “Sharkan” throughout the past year, in accordance with state assignments, traditional measures for protection and compliance, as well as environmental and educational activities were carried out: excursions, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, children’s environmental camps, etc. d.

Last year, design documentation for the construction of the Visit Center was developed for the Sharkan Natural Park; work on creating tourism infrastructure in our natural parks will continue in 2013.

Where does money for environmental protection come from?

In order for environmental protection measures to be carried out in a timely manner, they must be financed. The basis for their financial support is payments from environmental enterprises for negative impacts on the environment. The administrator of these payments is the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for SD. The Ministry also has the authority to control the completeness of charging and works in cooperation with Rosprirodnadzor.

In 2012, the amount of funds for “negativity” received by budgets of all levels amounted to 506.8 million rubles, which is 311 million more than in 2011. The plan for replenishing the revenue side of the republic's budget in the form of receipts from fees for "negative" in 2012 was fulfilled by 179 percent, the actual receipt of funds amounted to 202.7 million rubles.

It would seem that exceeding the plan for collecting payments for negative environmental impacts should lead to an increase in funding for environmental activities. However, in reality this is not the case. For example, financing for 2013 is planned in the amount of only 106 million rubles.

As for the expenditure of funds on republican environmental protection measures last year, they were carried out in accordance with the List of Activities approved by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and were financed from the republican budget in the amount of 118.4 million rubles. The largest amount of funds, 35 million rubles, was spent on implementing the waste program; a significant amount, 34.5 million rubles, was “spent” on the disposal of 247 tons of pesticides from the village. Foals of the Zavyalovsky district; 27.6 million rubles were allocated for current water management activities, etc. In total, in 2012, 95 percent of the allocated maximum funding was used to implement environmental protection measures.


Subsoil use, inspection activities, issues of state environmental assessment, innovations in the field of informatization (in particular, a new website of the ministry, or minpriroda-udm.rf, was launched) were also discussed in great detail that day.

Summing up, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Urals Ildar Bikbulatov emphasized that despite insufficient funding and a modest number of civil servants, the successful work of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Urals is impressive and deserves the highest praise. He thanked the ministry for the prompt resolution of problems related to the successful resolution of the emergency situation in the village of Balezino and the elimination of a 20-year-old unauthorized burial of dust in the vicinity of the village of Zherebenki. Having touched upon the problem of insufficient funding for the republican waste program, Ildar Bikbulatov assured those present that he understood the importance of the tasks facing the republic in this area. The emerging increase in production volumes in Udmurtia will result in additional burdens for environmentalists to monitor the state of the environment. The inclusion of Udmurtia in federal waste programs and the attention of the republican authorities to this problem will, in all likelihood, result in tangible results in the near future. “I really want there to be no unauthorized landfills in the republic,” the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Urals Region shared with those present.

After discussing the report of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Urals Mikhail Kurguzkin and the speeches of the meeting participants, the board decided to recognize the ministry’s activities in 2012 as satisfactory and set tasks for 2013.

Izhevsk, January 24 - AiF-Udmurtia. According to the “State Report on the State and Protection of the Environment in the Russian Federation in 2015,” the ecological state of our republic often differs for the better compared to the average indicators for the Volga Federal District and for Russia as a whole, reports the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Urals.

Air emissions

Every year in Udmurtia, 276 thousand tons of pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere from all sources (stationary and mobile), that is, 182 kg per inhabitant of the republic. For comparison: in Russia this figure is 213 kg, in the Volga Federal District - 179 kg. In Udmurtia, motor transport accounts for 46% of air pollution from total emissions. (Across Russia - 44%, in the Volga Federal District - 54%). 17% of the urban population in Russia lives in zones with high and very high air pollution index (API). In the Volga Federal District - 1%. In Udmurtia today - 0%.

This means that not a single city in our republic is among the settlements in Russia with the most polluted atmosphere! Until recently, the city of Izhevsk was an area with a high and very high air pollution index, as a result of which 59% of urban residents of Udmurtia lived in conditions of high air pollution.

Discharges of polluted wastewater into water bodies

The share of discharge of contaminated wastewater to the total volume of wastewater in Russia is 14.4%, and in the Volga Federal District - 38%. In Udmurtia, out of 280 million cubic meters of wastewater, 133.3 million cubic meters are polluted. Thus, the share of contaminated wastewater in the republic is 47.6%.

The fact is that even many regional centers of Udmurtia and even Mozhga still do not have sewage treatment facilities. However, this problem is gradually being solved. Thus, in January 2017, treatment facilities began operating in Uva. By the end of the year, similar facilities will be launched in two more regional centers of Udmurtia - Mozhga and Balezino.

Management of production and consumption waste

Udmurtia is not one of the regions that are the main producers of industrial and consumer waste generated in the Russian Federation. In the republic, 1 million 386 thousand tons of production and consumption waste are generated per year, that is, for each resident of Udmurtia there is only 910 kg of production and consumption waste. This is several times less than in regions with developed ore and coal mining industries, which account for the bulk of industrial waste generation in the Russian Federation.

The data on the generation of household waste (the correct name is municipal solid waste, MSW) seems more clear. In Udmurtia, 484.2 thousand tons of MSW are generated annually, or 319 kg per inhabitant. In Russia this figure is 481 kg, and in the Volga Federal District - 505 kg. In 2015, 70.5 million tons of MSW were generated in Russia, of which 7% was involved in economic circulation (the remaining volumes were sent for disposal). In the Volga Federal District, 15 million tons of MSW were generated, while the recycling rate is only 5.4%. In Udmurtia, this figure is much more respectable - 17%. In particular, waste sorting is being introduced before sending it to solid waste landfills, and the city of Izhevsk is almost completely equipped with street containers for collecting plastic containers.

We remind the Ministry of Natural Resources of Udmurtia that all data refer to 2015. A similar government report for 2016 will be published upon completion of a voluminous analysis of a wide variety of statistical data in December of this year.

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