If you really want it, then the whole universe. Paulo Coelho - quotes from the book "The Alchemist"

Paulo Coelho is a master at writing succinct and beautiful phrases. This is especially true of his undoubtedly best book, The Alchemist.

Here are some quotes from this book that give practical life meaning.

1. The secret of life

It is in him, in the present, that the whole secret is. If you give it the attention it deserves, you can improve it. And if you improve your current situation, you will make the future favorable. Don’t worry about the future, live in the present, and let your every day pass as commanded by the Law. Believe that the Almighty takes care of his children. Every day carries a piece of eternity.

2. The Greatest Lie Ever

It sounds like this: at some point in our existence, we lose control over our life, and fate begins to control it. There is nothing more deceitful.

3. Language of the world

There is a language in the world that everyone understands. It is the language of inspiration, the language of things done with love and desire, in the name of what you believe in or what you desire.

4. What happens when we die

All this time they are with us: they are clouds that do not give rain, animals hiding between stones, water that the earth spews out like mercy. Little by little they become part of all this and merge into the Soul of the World.

5. The only way to learn

There is only one way to comprehend - to act. Travel has taught you everything you need to know.

6. Attitude towards others

We should never judge the lives of others, because only the person himself knows his own pain and his losses.

7. The most extraordinary things in the world

The more unusual a thing is, the simpler it looks, and only a wise man can understand its meaning.

8. The power of desire

If you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.

9. What we can learn from children

Children can teach adults three things: to be happy for no reason, to be always busy, and to know how to demand with all your being what you want.

10. The only way to understand the miracle of life

We must take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life when we allow the unexpected to happen.

The collection includes quotes and phrases from the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho:
  • Most people's courage fails. In desert language it is called "Dying of thirst when the oasis is already on the horizon."
  • In love there is no good and evil, there is no creation and destruction. There is only movement. And love changes the laws of nature.
  • Everything in the world would be ideal and harmonious if the hand that wrote it would stop on the fifth day of creation. But there was also a sixth.
  • Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing.
  • Until now, only stones and plants understand that everything in the world is one.
  • Eat at the hour of eating, and when the hour of travel comes, hit the road.
  • Life would be an eternal and never-ending holiday if there was nothing in it except the present moment.
  • The interesting thing about life is that in it dreams can come true.
  • Every person on earth, no matter what he does, plays a major role in the history of the world. And usually he doesn’t even know about it.
  • When you have the same people around you, it somehow comes naturally that they come into your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you don’t become what they want you to be, they get offended. Everyone knows exactly how to live in the world.
  • When one day is like the next, people stop noticing the good things that happen in their lives every day after sunrise.
  • When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true.
  • Love cannot stop a person from following his destiny. If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the kind that speaks the Universal Language.
  • They love because they love. Love does not accept arguments.
  • For every defeat there are two victories. Everyone who is endowed with the gift of faith knows this.
  • For every defeat there are two victories.
  • Gain strength like a warrior should before battle. But don't forget that your heart is where the treasures are. And you need to find them, because only in this way everything that you understood and felt on the way to them,
  • You have to choose between what you are used to and what you are drawn to.
  • There is no need to be afraid of the unknown, for everyone is capable of finding what they want, getting what they need.
  • You can't trust a person until you know where and how he lives.
  • You cannot relax even for a moment, even when you have covered a long journey. And you can love the desert, but you cannot trust it completely. For the desert is a test for a person: if you are distracted even for a moment, you will perish.

If a person really wants something, then the whole Universe will help make his wish come true.

True love does not require reciprocity, and those who want to receive a reward for their love are wasting their time.

I'm afraid that when the dream comes true, I will no longer have anything to live in the world.

The sages have long understood that our world was created in the image and likeness of paradise. The very existence of this world is a guarantee that there is another, more perfect one.

Every day is suitable to be lived or to be the last.

If I am part of your Destiny, someday you will return to me.

When one day is like the next, people stop noticing the good things that happen in their lives every day after sunrise.

The shepherd, the sailor, and the traveling merchants always have one cherished city where she lives for whom they are ready to sacrifice the joyful opportunity to roam freely around the world.

There is no need to be afraid of the unknown, for everyone is capable of finding what they want, getting what they need.

What nonsense people talk sometimes. Really, it’s better to communicate with dumb sheep who only want to eat and drink. Or read books - they tell incredible stories, and just when you want to hear them. But with people it’s worse: they blurt out something, and you sit there as if spat upon, not knowing what to say in response.

Remember: you always need to know exactly what you want.

The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same.

I'm so sad and unhappy. And I don't know what to do. I will become angry and distrustful and suspect everyone just because one person deceived me. I will hate those who managed to find the treasure, because I failed. I will cling to the little that I have, because I am too small and insignificant to comprehend the whole world.

Life is generous to those who follow their destiny.

But for some reason no one can improve their own life. It’s kind of like an old gypsy woman who can interpret dreams, but can’t make them come true.

You have to choose between what you are used to and what you are drawn to.

We are all afraid to realize our most cherished dreams, because it seems to us that we are unworthy of them or that we will not be able to realize them anyway.

There is only one way of comprehension,” answered the Alchemist. - Act.

Love cannot prevent a person from following His Destiny. If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the kind that speaks the Universal Language.

The main thing is not to be afraid that nothing will work out.

Money cannot delay death even for a moment...

Dreams are the language in which the Lord speaks to them.

There is one great truth on this planet: no matter who you are or what you do, when you truly want something, you will achieve it, because such a desire originated in the soul of the Universe. And this is your purpose on Earth.

Everything in the world would be ideal and harmonious if the hand that wrote it would stop on the fifth day of creation. But there was also a sixth.

If you develop one thing, then everything around you changes.

The interesting thing about life is that in it dreams can come true.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.

We never understand what treasures are in front of us. Do you know why? Because people don't believe in treasures at all.

He who interferes with someone else's Fate will never pass his own.

People dream more about returning than leaving.

Don't worry about the future, live in the present.

Santiago suddenly realized that he could look at the world as a poor victim of a swindler, or maybe as a brave man who went in search of adventure and treasure. There was always a choice.

Every person on earth, no matter what he does, plays a major role in the history of the world. And usually he doesn’t even know about it.

There is only one thing that makes fulfilling a dream impossible - the fear of failure.

When a person has pulled out his dream from the bottom of his soul and for many years nourished it with the power of his love, not noticing the scars left on his heart after a difficult struggle to realize it, he suddenly begins to notice that what he has wanted for so long is already very close and is about to come true - perhaps tomorrow; It is at this stage that the last obstacle awaits him: the fear of fulfilling his lifelong dream.

Everything that is on earth is constantly changing, because the earth itself is alive and also has a soul. We are all part of this Soul, but we ourselves do not know that it works for our benefit.

If God's blessing is not accepted, it turns into a curse.

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

They love because they love. Love does not accept arguments.

A person always has everything to make his dream come true.

We always dream that nothing will happen and are afraid of losing what we already have, be it material wealth or our own life. But the understanding that all world history is written with one hand drives away this fear.

The sages have long come to the conclusion that our world was created in the image and likeness of paradise. After all, the existence of the world as we know it gives us the right to dream about the existence of another, more perfect one. – Paulo Coelho

Don't dream about winning. Gain strength like a warrior before a decisive battle. Remember that your heart is where the treasures are. But they still need to be found, because the meaning is comprehended only on the path to achieving the goal.

Weapons are capricious and demanding. Once you take it in your hands, you can’t just put it back; it must definitely taste blood. Otherwise, you may not even dream of victories. The weapon may refuse to serve you. – Alchemist

Paulo Coelho: Every person has everything they need to make their dreams come true. Just dreaming is not enough, you also need to act.

Sometimes it seems to me that God created the desert so that man would enjoy the trees.

We very often dream of treasures, not realizing how valuable what is in front of us is. People dream of treasures, but often do not believe in them.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes of Paulo Coelho on the pages:

If God's blessing is not accepted, it turns into a curse. I don’t want anything more from life, and you force me to discover unknown distances in it. I look at them, realize my incredible possibilities and feel worse than before. For now I know that I can have everything, and I don’t need it.

Every moment is a meeting, Santiago told his heart. - While I was looking for my treasure, all the days were illuminated with a magical light, for I knew that every hour I was getting closer to realizing my dream.

The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same

Betrayal is a blow you don't expect.

If you promise something you don’t have, you will lose the desire to have it.

Life wants you to follow your destiny and whets your appetite with the taste of good fortune.

A person always has everything to make his dream come true.

There is one great truth on this planet: no matter who you are or what you do, when you truly want something, you will achieve it, because such a desire originated in the soul of the Universe. And this is your purpose on Earth.

The fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself.

People dream more about returning than leaving.

The main thing is not to be afraid that nothing will work out.

I'm exactly the same as everyone else; I take wishful thinking and see the world not as it really is, but as I want to see it.

All people, while still young, know their Fate. And during this period of life everything is clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream and strive for everything they would like to do. But over time, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it is impossible to achieve the embodiment of their Destiny.

And Faith exists only because people have it.

If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the kind that speaks the Universal Language.

If what you find is made of good material, no damage will affect it. And you can safely return. If it was just a momentary flash, like the birth of a star, then when you return you will not find anything. But you saw a blinding light. So, it was still worth going through it.

You shouldn't run away from your own destiny - you won't escape anyway.

We never understand what treasures are in front of us. Do you know why? Because people don't believe in treasures at all.

In an instant I understood the most important, most sophisticated part of the language that the world speaks and which all people comprehend with their hearts. It is called Love, it is older than the human race, than this desert itself. And it manifests itself willfully when a man and a woman meet their eyes.

When you love, you can become anyone you want. When you love, there is absolutely no need to understand what is happening, because everything happens inside us, so a person is quite capable of turning into the wind.

Life wants you to follow your Destiny and whets your appetite with the taste of good fortune.

What nonsense people talk sometimes. Really, it’s better to communicate with dumb sheep who only want to eat and drink. Or read books - they tell incredible stories, and just when you want to hear them. But with people it’s worse: they blurt out something, and you sit there as if spat upon, not knowing what to say in response.

Not everyone dreams and dreams the same way.

In any case, the decision is just the beginning. When a person decides on something, having made a choice, it is as if he dives into a rapid stream that will take him to where he never thought he would be.

Everything that is on earth is constantly changing, because the earth itself is alive and also has a soul. We are all part of this Soul, but we ourselves do not know that it works for our benefit.

If you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. – There is only one reason that makes a dream unattainable - fear of failure.

There is only one way of comprehension,” answered the Alchemist. - Act.

He gained a lot of money from the sale of sheep, they were in his pocket and had already managed to show their magical properties - with them a person is not so lonely.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.

The secret of happiness is to see everything that is wonderful and glorious in the world, and never forget about two tablespoons of oil in a teaspoon.

The Almighty reveals the future very rarely. And when He does this, it is for only one reason: what was destined must be changed.

We are all afraid to realize our most cherished dreams, because it seems to us that we are unworthy of them or that we will not be able to realize them anyway.

When you love, everything makes more sense.

Open a book to any page, look at a person’s hands, shuffle a deck of cards, follow the flight of a hawk in the sky - you will certainly find a connection with what you are living at that moment. And the point here is not so much in the things themselves, but in the fact that people, looking at them, discover for themselves a way to penetrate into the Soul of the World.

Love cannot prevent a person from following His Destiny.

The interesting thing about life is that in it dreams can come true.

Every day is suitable to be lived or to be the last.

What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

Santiago suddenly realized that he could look at the world as a poor victim of a swindler, or maybe as a brave man who went in search of adventure and treasure. There was always a choice.

We accept this or that truth only after we first reject it with all our souls.

When you have the same people around you -... - it seems to come naturally that they come into your life. And having entered your life, after a while they want to change it. And if you don’t become what they want you to be, they get offended. Everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. But for some reason no one can improve their own life.

There is only one thing that makes fulfilling a dream impossible - the fear of failure.

1. If you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true

2. As someone put it, just maintaining “controlled madness” is enough. Cry, worry, get irritated, like any normal human being, without forgetting that up there, your spirit is making fun of all this fuss

3. If a majority of people think something is valid, it becomes valid.

4. Be like an overflowing fountain, not like a reservoir containing the same water.

5. Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing

6. People speak more openly to a psychiatrist than to a priest, because the doctor will not threaten the underworld.

7. The condition of most patients improves significantly as soon as they enter a psychiatric clinic. After all, they no longer have to hide their symptoms, and the “family” atmosphere helps them accept their own neuroses and psychoses

8. Madness is the inability to convey one's perceptions to others. It’s like you’re in a foreign country - you see everything, you understand what’s happening around you, but you’re not able to explain yourself and get help because you don’t understand the language they speak there

9. Love is the great madness of a man and a woman

10. It’s always like this with young people: they set their own limits, without asking themselves whether the body can handle it. And the body always endures

12. Passion does not allow a person to eat, sleep and work, and deprives him of peace. Many are afraid of her, because when she appears, she destroys and breaks everything that is familiar and familiar.

14. A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, always find something to do and insist on your own.

15. One happy day is almost a miracle

16. And the warrior then realizes that fate sends him a repetition of the experience with the sole purpose of teaching him what he did not want to learn right away

17. Fear ends where the inevitable begins.

18. Every opportunity to change yourself is an opportunity to change the world!

19. The teacher said: “Advice is a theory of life - but the practice of life is usually completely different.”

20. Of all the types of destructive weapons that man can invent, the most terrible and most powerful is the word.

21. Forget about the existence of the word “if”. It makes us weak, forcing us to think about other possibilities.

22. A person allows himself the luxury of being crazy only when the conditions are created for him.

23. Apparently, the desert exists for this reason, so that people enjoy the trees

24. The difficulties were not associated with disorder or disorganization, or anarchy, but precisely with an excess of order. Society creates more and more new rules, and after them laws that contradict these rules, and then new rules that contradict these laws. And people become frightened and afraid to take a step beyond what is established by the invisible routine that subjugates everyone’s life

25. If someone doesn’t like it, he will complain himself. And if he doesn't have the courage to complain, then that's his problem.

26. As long as you do not harm others, you only rarely change your mind. Contradict yourself without embarrassment. It's your right. It doesn't matter what others think - because they will think something anyway. So relax. Let the universe surround you. Enjoy your own surprise

27. The world is huge and inexhaustible: let the sheep lead it - they will definitely lead to something interesting. The whole point is that they themselves do not understand that every day they pave new paths, that pastures and seasons change - they are busy only with eating and drinking

28. The deepest, most sincere desire is the desire to be close to someone. Then there are reactions: a man and a woman enter into a game, but what precedes this - mutual attraction - cannot be explained. This is desire in its purest form

29. Someone wrote that time does not change a person, wisdom does not change a person, and the only thing that can change the course of his thoughts and feelings is love. Indeed, like nothing else, it is capable of turning a person’s whole life upside down from time to time. But after love comes something else, which also forces a person to take a path that he had never even thought of before. This something is called "despair". And if love changes a person quickly, then despair changes even faster

30. The wind changes the shape of the sand dunes, but the desert remains the same. And our love will remain the same

31. The risk of one adventure is worth more than a thousand days of well-being and comfort.

32. All my life people have passed by my house. They were heading to Tire and Sidon in search of a better life. Many complained that they achieved nothing in Akbar. Over time, they returned, never finding what they were looking for. The trouble is that, along with their belongings, they took away from Akbar the burden of their failures. Few people managed to find a job and give a better life to their children. Their former life in Akbar made them timid and insecure. But there were other people. They went to Tire and Sidon full of hope. Their life in Akbar was filled with meaning. They dreamed of going on a trip and worked hard to achieve their dream. Life for these people is full of joy and victories, and it will always be so with them. And these people returned to Akbar. They told a lot of interesting things. They achieved everything because they were not hindered by the failures of the past

33. Use every moment so as not to repent later and regret that you missed your youth. The Lord sends trials to a person at any age

34. So learn something. Nowadays, people have lost interest in life: they don’t get bored, don’t cry, they just wait for time to pass. They gave up the fight, and life gave up on them. This threatens you too: act, move forward boldly, but don’t give up on life

35. Every person on earth, no matter what he does, plays a major role in the history of the world. And usually he doesn't even know about it

36. I knew this news since childhood: one country threatens another, someone betrayed someone, the economy is in decline, Israel and Palestine have not come to an agreement in the past fifty years, another explosion, another hurricane has left thousands of people homeless

37. When I tended my sheep, I was happy and spread happiness around me. People were happy when I came to them and received me as a dear guest. And now I'm sad and unhappy. And I don't know what to do. I will become angry and distrustful and suspect everyone just because one person deceived me. I will hate those who managed to find the treasure, because I failed. I will cling to the little that I have, because I am too small and insignificant to comprehend the whole world

38. Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury.

39. The best way to weaken your opponent is to convince him that you give in to him and agree with his intentions

40. They love because they love. Love does not accept arguments

42. When we try to curb love, it destroys us. But if we open our hearts, our Higher Power comes to our aid.

43. Love is perhaps a harder test than standing face to face with a warrior who aimed an arrow straight at your heart.

44. No one will entrust their dreams into the hands of those who are capable of destroying them.

45. I live now because I am a warrior, and because I want to someday appear before the One for whom I fought so much!

46. ​​To live an authentic life, you must take risks.

47. If you see Signs in everything, you can become paranoid

48. Life teaches us every second, and the secret is only to recognize that in our everyday life we ​​can be wise, like Solomon, and powerful, like Alexander the Great

49. It is dangerous to want to be like everyone else, because this means violating nature, going against the laws of God, who in all the forests and groves of the world did not create even two identical leaves

50. Life is not woven from desires, but from the actions of each person

51. When the harvest is not harvested for a long time, it rots. But if you put things off all the time, they only become more

52. In essence, we ourselves are to blame for all our adversities. Many people went through the same difficulties as us, but they reacted differently. We were looking for the simplest thing: another reality

53. This day is as good for death as any other

54. The best warrior is the one who can make the enemy his friend

55. The teacher said: “We are always concerned with finding answers. We feel that answers are important for understanding the meaning of life.” It is very important to live fully and allow time to reveal to us the secrets of our existence. If we are too interested in giving meaning to life, we will prevent nature from working, and we will be unable to read the signs of God

56. Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed

57. The teacher said: “There are two gods. The God whom the professors taught us, and the God who teaches us. The God about whom people always talk, and the God who speaks to us. The God whom we have learned to fear, and the God who speaks to us with compassion. There are two gods: a God who is somewhere very high, and a God who takes part in our daily life, a God who demands from us, and a God who forgives us our debts. threatens us with the fires of Hell, and God, who shows us the best way. There are two gods, God who crushes us under our sins, and God who frees us with his love."

58. God will never enter your head. The door He uses is your heart.

59. Each person reaches God in his own way: some with confidence, some with denial, and some with doubt

60. We never understand what treasures are in front of us because people don’t believe in treasures at all.

61. What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

62. Love manages to survive only when there is hope - however distant - that we will be able to conquer the one we love!

63. You can know yourself only after you discover the boundaries of your own capabilities.

64. Fear ends where the inevitable begins.

65. The best way to know and destroy an enemy is to become his friend

66. There is always some incompleteness in desire. For, when fulfilled, it ceases to be a desire

67. Sometimes it’s easier to get an answer by remaining silent than by asking questions.

68. For every defeat there are two victories

69. I began to understand that the lack of meaning in life is only my fault.

70. There is nothing completely wrong in the world. Even a broken clock shows the exact time twice a day

71. There is only one thing that makes fulfilling a dream impossible - the fear of failure.

72. The happier people can be, the more unhappy they become.

73. Life is always waiting for that hour when the future depends only on your decisive actions

74. This is human nature: a person replaces most of his own emotions with fear

75. In love there is no good and evil, there is no creation and destruction. There is only movement. And love changes the laws of nature

76. Love is full of traps and traps. When she wants to make herself known, she only shows her light, and hides and hides the shadows it creates.

77. Love cannot prevent a person from following his destiny. If this happens, it means that love was not true, not the kind that speaks the Universal Language

78. Love is like a dam: if you leave even a tiny hole where a thin stream of water can penetrate, then soon the walls will collapse under its pressure, and a moment will come when no one can hold back the force of the flow.

79. And although my goal is to understand what love is, and although I suffer because of those to whom I gave my heart, I see clearly: those who touch my soul cannot ignite my flesh, and those who touch my flesh, powerless to comprehend my soul

80. What allows miracles to happen is the desire to believe that life is a miracle.

81. It’s good to give when asked, but it’s a hundred times better to entrust everything to someone who didn’t ask for anything.

82. We all know everything, we just have to believe it.

83. Change only happens when we go against what we are used to.

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