The natural experiment was first used in. Natural experiment and laboratory experiment

When conducting a field experiment, it remains possible, if ethical and organizational considerations allow, to leave the subject in the dark about his role and participation in the experiment, which has the advantage that the naturalness of the subject’s behavior will not be affected by the fact of the research.

This method is specific in that the experimenter's ability to control additional variables is limited.


  • Zarochentsev K. D., Khudyakov A. I. Experimental psychology: textbook. - M.: Prospekt, 2005. P. 51.

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See what “Natural experiment” is in other dictionaries:

    natural experiment- Author. A.F. Lazursky (l910). Category. Experimental strategy. Specificity. It is carried out under conditions similar to the subject's normal activities, but he does not know that he is participating in a study. Due to this, greater purity is achieved... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

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    NATURAL EXPERIMENT- psychological method ped. research; an experiment included unnoticed by the subject in his play, work or study. activity. For the first time about the experience of using E. e. A. F. Lazursky made a report at the 1st Congress on Experiments. pedagogy (1910). IN… … Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

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NATURAL EXPERIMENT, as a method of psychological research, occupies a middle position between the methods of objective observation and laboratory experiment. He strives to combine the naturalness of observation conditions with the accuracy and scientific nature of the experiment. A natural experiment allows, while preserving the naturalness of human behavior, to study it experimentally, that is, to arbitrarily cause various acts of this behavior, varying their conditions or repeating the experiment in the same situation several times.

For the first time, the method of natural experiment was proposed by the professor of the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Institute A.F. Lazursky in relation to children. Lazursky’s idea was that each type of child’s school activities is based on a certain functionally associated form of behavior (a psychotic phenomenon, as Lazursky said). Therefore, based on the analysis of a student’s teaching activities, it is possible to conclude about his behavior in psychological terms; eg good or poor memorization and reproduction of a poem indicates a child’s good or bad memory; the drawing gives grounds for a conclusion about his work, etc. Lazursky, together with his collaborators, gave an appropriate functional analysis of the entire day of school activities, selected the most typical tasks from them, brought them into the system and thus organized the experiment, calling it natural on the grounds that it takes place in the natural conditions of children’s school life. However, Lazursky did not have the opportunity to fully formalize the methodological side of the natural experiment. He equally developed the experimental materials in relation to the pre-revolutionary school. Therefore, in its edition, this method has become significantly outdated by now.

Lazursky’s work was continued by V.A. Artemov, who provided a fully developed method of natural experimentation in relation to modern labor school. According to Artemov, a natural experiment is carried out next. types of school work: 1) food processes (for closed institutions); 2) games and gymnastic exercises; 3) meetings, rallies and all kinds of holidays; 4) processes of pictorial and graphic drawing; 5) various types of manual labor; 6) processes of learning and reproduction; 7) solving mathematical problems; 8) writing essays; 9) oral storytelling; 10) analysis of a story read or listened to; 11) natural science; 12) social science.

These classes examine the following forms of behavior: 1) instincts, 2) emotional reactions, 3) motor skills, 4) installation and inhibition, 5) the formation of conditioned connections of reactions and their reproduction, 6) thinking, 7) creative processing of experience. A total of forty different behaviors are examined.

The material for the experiment was compiled on the basis of GUS ‘a programs. It has two versions for each school group - urban and rural, each of which in turn is divided into two editions (one for the beginning of the school year, the other for the end). Like any experiment, a natural experiment has three stages of its implementation: preparation for the experiment, its conduct and processing of the results obtained.

Preparation for the experiment consists of preparing the appropriate premises and materials for the experiment. Conducting an experiment involves offering children experimental tasks and recording their behavior. The latter is carried out using a special protocol, which subsequently serves as the basis for processing the results of the experiment. Registration and processing are carried out using five special stages of development of various forms of behavior. Processing the results consists of assigning forms of behavior, based on the results of experience and observation, to the appropriate stage of development. The final results of the experiment are recorded on a special graphic, the so-called “asterisk” (see figure).

In the stated edition, a natural experiment (hereinafter referred to as EE) has typological tasks. The type of behavior of a schoolchild is determined by finding the following quantities: 1) the structural combination of individual forms of behavior; 2) the “total area” of giftedness as a ratio to the conditional average development of a given group; 3) D-values ​​as the difference between the maximum and minimum development of individual forms of behavior; 4) dynamics of development per unit of time (coefficient of development). It should be borne in mind that EE is applicable to the study of any area of ​​individual and collective behavior. From this point of view, EE. is especially interesting to the doctor, since it is possible, according to the type stated above, to offer a special edition of the EE for various cases wedge, studying the behavior of patients for whom ordinary observation is insufficient, and a laboratory experiment is impossible. Recently there have been a number of new methodological attempts in German holistic psychology, the so-called Gestaltpsychologie, some of which correspond to a certain extent to natural experiment.
Literature: Artemov V., Natural experiment, M., 1927; aka, Modern Psychology, Psychology, vol. I, c. 1 – 2, 1928; Basov M., New data for the substantiation of natural experimental research of personality, Questions of the study and education of personality, 1922, century. 4 – 5; Osipova V., On the method of individual natural experiment, Psychiatry, neurology and expert psychology, 1922, century. 1; Shevaleva E. and Ergolskaya O., Children's group in the light of a collective natural experiment, Sat., dedicated. V. Bekhterev, L., 1926. V. Artemov.

5. Experimental method in psychology.

Experiment- one of the main, along with observation, methods of scientific knowledge in general and psychological research in particular. It differs from observation primarily in that it involves a special organization of the research situation, active intervention in the situation of the researcher, systematically manipulating one or more variable factors and recording corresponding changes in the behavior of the subject. The experiment allows for relatively complete control of variables. If during observation it is often impossible to foresee changes, then in an experiment it is possible to plan them and prevent surprises from occurring. The ability to manipulate variables is one of the important advantages of experiment over observation. The advantage of the experiment also lies in the fact that it is possible to specifically induce some kind of mental process, to trace the dependence of a psychological phenomenon on variable external conditions.

There are such types of experiments as laboratory experiments based on simulated activities and natural experiments based on real activities. A variation of the latter is field research.

There are also ascertaining and formative experiments. The first of them is aimed at establishing the connections that emerge during the development of the psyche. The second allows you to purposefully form the characteristics of such mental processes as perception, memory, thinking, etc.

When conducting an experiment, proper experimental planning is of great importance. There are traditional and factorial experimental designs. With traditional planning, only one independent variable changes, with factorial planning - several.

Although it has undoubted advantages, experiment as a method of psychological research also has a number of disadvantages. Moreover, many of them turn out to be the other side of its advantages. It is extremely difficult to organize an experiment in such a way that the subject does not know about it. This is where voluntary or involuntary changes in his behavior occur. In addition, the results of the experiment may be distorted by certain factors associated with the presence of the experimenter and thereby influencing the behavior of the subject. The empirical dependences obtained as a result of the experiment mostly have the status of correlation, i.e. Probabilistic and statistical dependencies, as a rule, do not always allow us to draw conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships. And finally, it is not applicable to every research problem. Thus, it is difficult to experimentally study character and complex abilities.

Laboratory experiment carried out in specially organized and, in a certain sense, artificial conditions, it requires special equipment, and sometimes the use of technical devices. The most significant drawback of this method is its certain artificiality, which, under certain conditions, can lead to disruption of the natural course of mental processes, and, consequently, to incorrect conclusions. This disadvantage of a laboratory experiment is eliminated to a certain extent during organization.

Natural experiment- a special type of psychological experiment that combines the positive features of objective observation and the method of laboratory experiment. It is carried out under conditions close to the normal activities of the subject, who does not know that he is the object of research. This avoids the negative influence of emotional stress and premeditation of the response. Observation is often supplemented by a conversation with the subject. The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of isolating for observation individual elements in the holistic activity of the subject, as well as difficulties in using quantitative analysis techniques. The results of a natural experiment are processed through quantitative analysis of the data obtained. One of the options for a natural experiment is a psychological-pedagogical experiment, in which the study of the student and his upbringing, with the aim of actively forming the mental characteristics to be studied.

One of the types of experiments in psychology is a sociometric experiment. It is used to study relationships between people, the position that a person occupies in a particular group (factory team, school class, kindergarten group). When studying a group, everyone answers a number of questions regarding the choice of partners for joint work, recreation, and activities. Based on the results, you can determine the most and least popular person in the group.

49. Natural experiment and laboratory experiment

A natural experiment is carried out only in natural, familiar working conditions for the subject, where his working day and work activities usually take place. This could be a desk in an office, a carriage compartment, a workshop, an institute auditorium, an office, a truck cabin, etc. When using this method, the research subject may not even know that some kind of research is currently being carried out. This is necessary for the purity of the experiment, because when a person does not know that he is being observed, he behaves naturally, relaxed and without embarrassment.

An example of a natural experiment is an artificially created fire situation in a hospital. So that, under real circumstances, all hospital staff know how to behave and are able to provide the necessary assistance. The advantage of this method is that all actions take place in a familiar working environment, but the results obtained can be used to solve practical problems. But this experimental method also has negative aspects: the presence of uncontrollable factors, control of which is simply impossible, as well as the fact that it is necessary to obtain information as soon as possible, otherwise the production process will be disrupted.

The laboratory experiment takes place in an artificially created situation, as close as possible to the professional activity of the subject. This model allows you to establish control over the course of observation, regulate actions, create the necessary conditions, and allows you to repeatedly reproduce a particular experiment in the same place under the same conditions. A laboratory experiment is most often used to simulate a situation or one aspect of work activity, careful analysis and research.

In order to conduct a laboratory experiment in production, it is necessary for the psychologist to carefully study the work activity of the subject in real working conditions. The psychologist needs to highlight the key moments of the subject’s work activity, identify its features, etc. To conduct the experiment, it is necessary to have accurate information, study all possible errors, the reasons for the occurrence of these errors and solutions. Like a natural experiment, a laboratory experiment has its drawbacks. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to develop and artificially create a situation down to the smallest detail, but the subject himself is in a new environment, he gets lost, cannot concentrate, which significantly reduces the efficiency and rationality of the experiment.

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(English natural experiment) - a special type of psychological experiment developed by the famous Russian scientist. psychologist A.F. Lazursky (1874-1917). Lazursky first reported on E. e. at the 1st Congress on Experimental Pedagogy (1910), and in 1918 the book “And Its School Application” was published - the result of 6 years of work by a circle organized by Lazursky from among the employees of the psychological laboratory of the Psychoneurological Institute. Significant contribution to the development of E. e. psychologists M.Ya. Basov and V.A. Artemov also contributed ("". - M., 1927).E. e. combines the positive features of the method of objective observation (naturalness) and the method of laboratory experiment (targeted influence on the subject). It is carried out under conditions similar to the normal activities of the subject, who does not know that he is the object of research. This allows you to avoid denial. the influence of emotional stress and the intentionality of the response. Bringing experimental research closer to life, E. e. allows you to study mental processes and personality traits in natural conditions of work, study or play. It is accessible and easy to carry out. Observation is often supplemented by a conversation with the subject. The disadvantage of the E. e. - the difficulty of isolating for observation of individual elements in the holistic activity of the subject, as well as difficulties in using quantitative analysis techniques. Results E. e. processed by qualitative analysis of the data obtained. One of the options is E. e. - a psychological and pedagogical experiment (experimental learning), in which the study of a schoolchild is carried out directly in the process of his education and upbringing, with the goal of actively developing mental characteristics to be studied (see Educational experiment). See also Types of observation.

Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries:

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