Literacy lesson "Reading words with the letter y. Rules of movement"

In this lesson we will learn that the sound [th] is a consonant and does not form a syllable, where the letter Y can appear in words of the Russian language, we will complete many interesting tasks, we will talk about how to correctly transfer words with the letter Y.

Early in the morning outside the window
Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.
Along straight steel tracks
Red houses are walking around.

Tram(Y at the end of the word)

Flies over the sea wave,
The fish is grabbed with its beak.
A cry will be raised by a terrible flock
The bird is called...

Gull(Y in the middle of a word)

Here's the medicine. Do not be afraid:
For health and beauty
Children smear it on their knees,
Elbows, cheeks and noses.

Iodine(Y at the beginning of the word)

In Russian, some words can be changed so that I-short appears in them. For example: pour - watering can, build - construction.

Try to independently select such words to those given.

Wash - ..... (wash)

Flock - ……(flock)

Alley - …..(alley)

Bench - …..(bench)

Family - …..(family)

Neck - ……(neck)

In spelling, I-short is very similar to the letter I. They differ in the upper element.

Let's compare the sounds [i] and [th]

Let's compare the sounds [i] and [th]. The sound [i] is a vowel, [th] is a consonant. We already know that a vowel sound forms a syllable: li-si-tsa.

The consonant sound does not form a syllable.

Remember: the sound [th] is a consonant and does not form a syllable. Let's consolidate the acquired knowledge by completing the task.

Divide pairs of words into syllables.

Fights - fight,

mine - mine,

yours - yours,

heroes - hero,

sheds - barn,

museums - museum.

Let's check what happened.

Fights - 2 syllables, fight - 1.

Mine are 2 syllables, mine is 1.

Yours are 2 syllables, yours are 1.

Heroes-3 syllables, hero-2.

Barns-3 syllables, barn-2.

Museums-3 syllables, museum-2.

It is easy to notice that the second pair of words has 1 less syllable. Because the consonant sound [th] does not form a syllable.

How to hyphenate words with the letter Y?

Let's talk about how to hyphenate words with the letter Y.

You already know that words are transferred into syllables. The sound [th] is a consonant, which means it cannot be separated from the syllable.

Let's consider options for word wrapping.

In words may, give, sing, bark 1 vowel, 1 syllable, which means it cannot be transferred.

Words T-shirt, seagull, husky, construction have 2 vowels, 2 syllables. We transfer it like this:
May-ka, tea-ka, bark-ka, build-ka.

Read the sayings and find words in them with the letter Y, separate these words for transfer.

Don't wish for others what you don't wish for yourself.

A stupid person will judge, but a smart person will judge.

Do good and don't be afraid of anyone.

Know-it-all is running along the road, and Dunno is lying on the stove.

Don't spit in the well - you'll need some water to drink.

Let's check what happened: wow, stupid, smart, afraid, know, don't know, word spit cannot be transferred - 1 syllable.

In the next lesson we will learn that the letters E, E, Yu, I can denote one sound and indicate the softness of a consonant, and also these letters can denote two sounds if they are at the beginning of a word, after a vowel, hard or soft sign.

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.

Russian language lesson in elementary school (2nd grade, 1st quarter) on the topic: “Transfer of words with the letter й in the middle of the word”

Compiled by: Meshcheryakova Elena Vladimirovna
Job title: primary school teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 108 of the Sovetsky district of the urban district of the city of Ufa, Republic of Belarus

The development of this lesson on the Russian language for grade 2 is focused on working on the textbook by the author A.V. Polyakova “Russian language grade 2”
When developing the lesson, we set tasks:
- educational: to develop the ability to transfer words with the letter y in the middle of the word.
- developmental: develop fine motor skills of the fingers; phonemic hearing, attention.
- educational: increase motivation for educational activities, cultivate independence when performing exercises for consolidation.
First stage of the lesson- motivational conversation, a minute of penmanship and vocabulary and spelling work.
The second stage of the lesson is preparatory- this stage includes tasks to update basic knowledge.
Third stage of the lesson– learning new material and primary consolidation of skills and abilities.
Fourth stage- summing up the lesson. Reflection. Preparing for homework
Homework is given at the end of the lesson based on similar tasks completed during the lesson.

Lesson summary:
This lesson is designed for second grade students and is compiled in accordance with the textbook using ICT (presentation), which contributes to the development of children’s interest in the subject of the Russian language, because It is known that information is perceived better if it is heard and seen. The lesson is aimed at solving educational problems, developing sustainable motivation and cognitive interests of students.

Topic: “Transferring words with the letter y in the middle of the word”

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.
Lesson objectives: development of the ability to divide words into syllables; generalization of the rules for hyphenation of words with the letter th; developing the ability to transfer words.
Equipment: multimedia board, personal computer; board, chalk, textbook, test text.
ICT in the classroom: presentation
Lesson steps:
1. Organizational moment
2. A minute of penmanship
3. Vocabulary and spelling work
4. Updating basic knowledge
5. Learning new material
6. Physical education minute
7. Primary consolidation
8. Consolidation of the material covered
9. Summing up
10. Setting homework

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment
Hello, today we will go to the kingdom of knowledge of the Russian language.

2. A minute of penmanship
We can read the letters
And write it down in a notebook.
In the alphabet, look
There are only 33 of them.

(in the alphabet the letters A, Z, I, J, K, C are highlighted in green).
Exercise: Make up and name a word from the highlighted letters (Bunny)
There are as many as 42 sounds!
Ah, my head is spinning.
How different they are:
Vowels consonants!

Exercise: name the consonants from the word that are always soft. ([th], [h])

A minute of penmanship:
Option 1. Writes the lowercase letter y.
Option 2. Capitalize the letter H.

3. Vocabulary and spelling work
What word does the diminutive word bunny come from? (Hare)

What letter in this word do you need to remember? Why? (Letter Y. Because we hear [th] [e], and we write Y.)
Write the word in your notebook.
Underline the letter Y. Place the emphasis.

4. Updating basic knowledge
What qualities is endowed with the hare in Russian folk tales? (Cowardly, oblique, gray)

Choose antonyms for these words
Write them down, dividing them into syllables.
Look at the screen, check yourself (Brave, straight, white)

How many vowels are there in a word?
So many syllables.
Everyone knows this
From the students.
How many syllables are in the word HARE? (Two.)
Write this word, separated by a hyphen (Hare)
(One student to the board)

5. Learning new material
How do we translate the word BUNNY?
Look at the screen and choose the correct answer

Open your textbook to page 34 and read the rule. (The letter th cannot be separated from the letter in front)
Which version of the word BUNNY is correct? Why? (BUNNY, because th cannot be separated from the syllable)
Write it down in your notebook.

Check the notes in your notebook and on the board.
Let's read the rule again

Name the topic of our lesson. (Word transfer from th)

6. Physical education minute
I will name the words, if the word can be moved, you squat, and if you can’t, bend forward:
stork, bear, fox, cat, heron, mouse, wolf, beetle, goat, rooster, horse.

7. Primary consolidation

What 2 groups are the words divided into? (Disyllabic and polysyllabic.)
Choose words that fit our topic and write them in your notebook with a hyphen.
We work in a chain.

8. Consolidation of the material covered
Work according to the textbook. Exercise 68 page 34. Peer review.

9. Summing up

What did you learn in class today?
What do you need to remember to correctly spell words with the letter y?

There is a test in front of you. For each question, choose only one correct answer; write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook on a line.
1. When transferring the letter th….
M) remains with the syllable on the line;
H) is moved to another line.

2. Choose the correct hyphenation of the word neck:
A) neck;
Oh) shake it.

3. In which of the lines is the phonetic characteristic of the sound [th] correctly given:
L) consonant, soft, voiced;
M) consonant, soft, deaf.

4. Choose a synonym for the phrase “native land”:
O) Fatherland;
U) foreign land.

5. How many sounds are there in the Russian language?
D) 33;

6. Select the line that lists three-syllable words:
A) clearing, tree, flower;
E) tree, cloud, sky.

7. The topic of our lesson:
X) word transfer;
C) transfer of words from th.

The children complete the test, writing down only the letter of the correct option in their notebooks. Receive the word WELL DONE!

10. Setting homework

Lesson topic: Reading words with the letter "th".

Lesson objectives: - work on students’ speech technique, its expressiveness;

Continue getting acquainted with the sound [th];

Develop reading skills;

Develop children's cognitive interests;

Implement the tasks of moral education

Teach children to work in groups

Equipment: syllable tables, diagrams, drawings of objects,

images of the show's characters, cards with polite words

and with proverbs, a picture with a rebus, cards with tasks,

During the classes.

1. Org moment. The bell rang

To the second lesson

Let's not be lazy

Let's study ( children in chorus)

Now, guys, we have a reading lesson, in which we will learn what?

Play and discuss! ( children in chorus)

2. Warm up. 1) respiratory

2) speech mmm, lll, nnn - smoothly and drawn-out;

3) - a – o – y – s – and- on exhalation

What letters are these? Why?

Which letter is missing? Why?

Name the sounds that indicate softness.

4) -z – p – k – t – h -

What sounds did we name? Why?

What consonant sounds can there be?

Which letter is missing here? Why?

5) - for - zo - zu - zy - zi - ze - zya

- zaz – zoz – zuz – zyz – ziz – zez – zyaz

We pronounce it smoothly,

Pronounce abruptly

6) Pure sayings:

for - for - for - a thunderstorm is thundering outside!

zu - zu - zu - did you hear that thunderstorm?

PS - PS - PS - we are not afraid of thunderstorms!

zi-zi-zi - don’t threaten us with your finger.

7) Working on a tongue twister:

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

Read it syllable by syllable: with your eyes, lips, whisper,

quiet, loud

Read in whole words: whisper, quietly, loudly

Who will say clearly, loudly, quickly?

8) Work on expressiveness of speech:

(calmly): Spring has come to us.

(we ask): What, Spring, did you bring?

(calmly): And Spring answered:

(we exclaim): I brought it to you, guys,

Watering cans, rakes and shovels! ( Drawings of objects)

Find the corresponding picture for this diagram:

What sound do we hear in the middle of a word? ( th)

What letter represents this sound?

3. Work on the topic

Today we will read words with this letter. Our guest in the lesson is the letter Y, this letter is in the name of your favorite program that you watch on TV before going to bed. What is the name of this program? ( the printed name is shown, children read)

Today our guests will be the heroes of this program. Who are they? ( pictures or dolls)

(Stepashka, Filya, Khryusha, Karkusha)

They want to remind you of something very important. Let's read:

(Stepasha) GOOD DAY!

By saying these words, we wish everyone around us that their whole day will be joyful, bright, and kind.

(Filya) HEALTH!

This word is very old. It is associated with the word tree. Once upon a time, when they said the word “hello”, they wished others to be healthy, strong, powerful, like a tree, an oak, for example. And now, when we say this word, we wish a person to be healthy, strong, strong.

(Piggy) S P A S I B O!

A kind, magical word of gratitude. Popular wisdom says:


School wisdom says:


(Karkusha) P O R A L U Y S T A!

Also a magical kind word. We say it in response to thank you, and when we ask for something. A polite person says this word many times a day.

What other polite words do you know?

So, let's check how you remember these polite words:

1. Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word...

"leaves" "flowers" "berries"

They finish in chorus - make up - print in tetra

phrase syllables these words dyah these words

2. The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...

3. If you can’t eat anymore,

Let's tell mom...

4. The boy is polite and developed

He says when meeting...

5. When we are scolded for pranks,

We say...,....

6. In both France and Denmark

In parting they say...

4. Physical exercise. Game "Transplants"

Name the words s - th.

(whoever names the word moves to another place; whoever makes the most transfers)

5. Independent work.

(on cards) - Compose from data - Compose from

Find the syllables of the word in the text, typing these parts

words with - Y-, hide them in your proverb notebook and

underline, zai-, -ka, po-, -pu-, sayings:

read - guy, voro -, -beat, may-, 1. Don’t be afraid of the cold,

Ka, solo-, - wey, tea-, wash up to the waist.

Ka, mu-, - ra, - wey 2. Don’t have a hundred rubles,

and have a hundred friends.

3.New friends

and don’t lose the old ones.

4. Decide for yourself where the shore is,

where is the edge?

6. Checking independent work.

7. Physical exercise Stork, stork, long-legged

Show me the way home.

The stork answers:

Stomp your right foot

Stomp your left foot.

Again with the right foot,

Again with the left foot.

After the right foot,

Then with the left foot.

Then you'll come home!

Name the words from the physical training text th.

8. Consolidation of the studied material.

“leaves” “flowers” ​​“berries”

(reading words with th Game “Say the Rebus”

according to the table with the word" according to the picture:

teacher) - print these with H over the sea I fly,

words in a notebook. I'm in the car with G,

1. He is kinder than everyone else in the world with M I dress you,

He treats sick animals, I call him a dog,

And one day a hippopotamus with C can be in a bakery

He pulled it out of the swamp to buy

He is famous, famous with Sh to wash himself in the bathhouse.

This is the doctor...

2.I catch bugs all day, - Type the details

I eat worms. words in a notebook.

I’m not flying to a warm land,

I live here under the roof.

Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!

I'm experienced...

3. Forests hide many troubles,

There's a wolf, a bear and a fox!

Our animal lives in anxiety,

The trouble takes your feet away.

Come on, quickly guess

What is the animal's name? ...

4. Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this? ...

9. Lesson summary.

What did you learn in the lesson?

What did you like?

(During the lesson, children receive “drops” for their work)

Who got the most drops in class?

The bell rang

Lesson finished

Let's go relax

Gain strength! ( children in chorus)

Lesson developed and taught by a primary school teacher

Nikitina Sofia Mikhailovna

Lesson on teaching reading in 1st grade.

Subject: reading words and sentences starting with the letter “th”

Target: develop the skill of reading words and sentences with the letter “th”



Repeat vowel and consonant sounds, consolidate paired consonants;

Strengthen the ability to identify sound [i] by ear and when reading;

correctional and developmental:

Clarify, enrich and activate children's vocabulary;

Develop and correct speech by fully answering the teacher’s questions, constructing grammatically correct sentences;

Develop thinking based on working with sentences and text;

Correct attention and memory based on gamingexercises with words;

Improve the accuracy of visual and phonemic perception;


- to develop communication skills (the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and each other) through organizing conversations and game situations.

Equipment: book "Primer" ed. V.V.Voronkovacomputer, projector, letters with pictures.


I. Organizational moment. Psychological mood:

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, because guests came to our lesson.

How should you greet guests? (with a smile, in a good mood)

Let's show everything we can in today's lesson to leave a good impression on our guests.

II. Repetition.

1) name the letters. (Students take turns naming the words, one student at the board shows the letter with which the named word begins.)

2) Slide 2

Guys, we have received a letter. It is from Queen Gramota. She invites you to visit the Land of Literacy.

Slide 3 Look, the gate to the Land of Letters is locked! Of course, only those who know a lot can get into this country. The gate will open if you answer the questions correctly.

3) Slide 4

What do we hear sounds or letters? (sounds) PWhen you click the mouse, the correct answer appears.


Name the vowels in the word “duck” (u, a)After the children's answers

Slide 6

Name the extra word “cat”, “winter”, “dog”, “cow” (winter)

Why is this word redundant? See the correct answer.With a click of the mouse, the correct answer appears.


Name the consonant sounds in the word “winter” (z, m) Correct.With a click of the mouse, the correct answer appears.


Paired consonants have lost their pair, help them find each other. Children name pairs of consonants, then the teacher shows how the letters “found each other”Each pair appears with a mouse click.

Slide 9

The word has scattered, collect it. (like)If the children find it difficult to answer immediately, the teacher clicks the mouse, an image of a dog appears, then, with a click, one of the letters falls into place, etc. Children are convinced of the correctness of the answer by reading the resulting word.


The word has scattered, collect it. (bunny)If the children find it difficult to answer right away, the teacher clicks the mouse, an image of a hare appears, then, with a click, one of the letters falls into place, etc. Children are convinced of the correctness of the answer by reading the resulting word.

III.Checking homework.

Where have you come across these words? (In the homework text)

Slide 12

- What is the name of the homework text? Open the page shownread the text.

Two students read the text in turns, the rest of the students read the words of direct speech in chorus.

IV. Physical exercise.

And now I will ask you questions, you will not tell me the answers to them, but show me.

How are you living?

How are you going?

How are you running?

How do you sleep?

How do you take it?

How do you give?

How are you silent?

How are you threatening?

How are you sitting?

Slide 13

How did they answer? When clicked, the answer “excellent” appears

V. Country Certificates slide 14 We have answered all the questions, look, the gates to the Land of Literacy are opening before us. PWith a click the gate opens, with another click it appears slide15

Look, in the country of literacy there are also cities. These are the City of Sounds and Letters, the City of Words, the City of Sentences and the City of Texts.

VI.Working with sounds and letters.

- Who do you think lives in the City of Letters and Sounds? (sounds and letters)

- Let's checkThe teacher clicks on the image of the city, a slide opens


Arrange the items on the shelves so that they correspond to the letter they begin with.The teacher listens to the children’s answers, then, with a click, the objects are placed on the right shelves, starting with the letter “a.” One click, one picture.

- “A” watermelon, aquarium

"M" microphone, raspberry, ice cream

"S" - elephant, plane, bag.

The teacher clicks on the green arrow to go to slide 17

Slide 17

On the first shelf put items that begin with “y”, on the second shelf “y” in the middle of a word, on the third “y” at the end of the word.

1-iodine, yogurt

2-nut, watering can

3-ant, glue.

The teacher listens to the children's answers, then, with a click, the objects are placed on the required shelves, starting from the bottom shelf. One click - one picture.

VII.Working with words. " City of Words"

Guys, who do you think lives in this city? (words)

The teacher clicks the mouse on the image of the city, slide 18 opens

Slide 18 reading words using diagrams. Pgo to slide 19 - click

Slide19 reading columns of words

barn in winter

home parrot

dry come on

Choral reading;

Reading in order;

Reading randomly;

Selective reading: the word that means building; (barn) the word denoting the name of the bird; (parrot)

3. the word opposite to the word “wet” (dry)

Game “day-night” (when the teacher says “night”, the children close their eyes, one word disappears, “day” - the children open their eyes and say what has changed.)Words appear and disappear with a click.

Teacher clicks on the green arrow to return to slide 15

VIII Fizminutka.

In the Land of Certificates, people not only learn, but also know how to relax and have fun. Let's also rest and do some physical exercise. UThe reader clicks on the dancing children on the slide.Slide 2 opens 0

The teacher shows the movements, and the children repeat after him to the song “They teach at school”

Teacher clicks on the green arrow to return to slide 15

IX Working with proposals.

- Now let's see who the residents of the city of proposals are?

"City of Proposals"The teacher clicks on the image of the city, slide 21 opens

Slide 21-22 make sentences from words.

Masha went home.

Sasha caught Misha.The teacher listens to the children's answers, then, with a click, the words appear in the correct order. One click – one word, one picture.

Teacher clicks on the green arrow to return to slide 15

X.Working with text.

- The last city left. This is a city of texts. Let's find out what texts live in it.The teacher clicks the mouse on the image of the city, slide 23 opens

slide 23

Reading the text Tai.:

1)Working with illustrations.

Who do you think Tai is?

2)reading in a chain;

3) questions about the content:

What is the name of Tai's owner?

Who did Ty want to catch?

Who did you catch?

Why did this happen?

4) relay reading.

5) -How does the owner feel about his dog?


XI Gymnastics for the eyes.

We read for a long time

The guys' eyes are tired

Look all out the window

Oh how high the sun is

We'll close our eyes now,

Let's build a rainbow in the sky,

Let's go up the rainbow

Let's turn right, left,

And then we'll slide down

Squint your eyes hard, but hold on.

XII Independent reading of the text.Follow the green arrow.

Slide 24

1) preparation for reading:

Guys, you know that pets include not only dogs, such as Tai, but also birds. What bird do people most often keep in their apartment? This bird can even learn to speak. (parrot)

Parrots are one of the most beautiful birds on the planet. Their plumage is very colorful. Parrots imitate human speech and the voices of other birds. These birds are found in hot countries. Many of them have been tamed by people, and now they are favorite pets of city residents, especially budgies.

2) independent reading.

Read the story “The Good Parrot” and find out what the parrot’s name was and what he could do.

3) repeated reading along the chain.

Teacher clicks on the green arrow to return to slide 15

XIII Lesson summary.

1) What did we do in class today? Which country have you visited? What cities did you visit?

2) Follow the green arrow. Slide 25

Look, we've received another letter!

Student assessment.

3) Jump on click. Slide 24 Find this page in your textbook.


4) Slide25 Thank you for your attention.

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