Functional speech styles and why they are needed. The concept of functional style

Functional styles of the Russian language. Brief characteristics, features

  • Content.
  • Introduction. 3
  • Basis for the classification of functional styles. 3
  • On the speech systematicity of functional styles. 4
  • Differentiation of functional styles. 5
  • Brief characteristics and features of functional styles 6
  • Formal business style 6
  • Scientific style 7
  • Journalistic style 8
  • Fiction style 8
  • Conversational style 9
  • Table of differential features of functional styles 11


Functional style is a historically established and socially conscious variety of a literary language (its subsystem), functioning in a certain sphere of human activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of the use of linguistic means in this sphere and their specific organization.

The concept of style (or syllable) as a special quality of speech originated in ancient poetics and rhetoric (Greek stylos ¾ a stick pointed at one end, which was used to write on wax tablets; the other end of the stick was shaped like a spatula; they used it to level the wax, erasing what was written). The ancients said: “Turn the stylus!”, which literally meant ‘erase what is written’, and figuratively ¾ ‘work on the syllable, think about what is written’. With the development of the science of language, scientists' ideas about what style is have changed. Conflicting opinions on this issue are expressed by modern scientists. However, what is common is the recognition of the functional nature of styles, their connection with a certain sphere of speech communication and types of human activity, the understanding of style as a historically established and socially conscious set of methods of use, selection and combination of language units.

Basis for the classification of functional styles.

The classification of styles is based on extralinguistic factors: the scope of use of the language, the subject matter determined by it and the goals of communication. The areas of application of language correlate with types of human activity corresponding to forms of social consciousness (science, law, politics, art). Traditional and socially significant areas of activity are: scientific, business (administrative-legal), socio-political, artistic. Accordingly, they also distinguish between the styles of official speech (book): scientific, official business, journalistic, literary and artistic (artistic). They are contrasted with the style of informal speech - colloquially everyday (colloquial), the extralinguistic basis of which is the sphere of everyday relations and communication (everyday life as an area of ​​​​relations between people outside their direct production and socio-political activities).

The areas of application of language significantly influence the topic and content of the statement. Each of them has its own relevant topics. For example, in the scientific sphere, primarily the problems of scientific knowledge of the world are discussed, in the sphere of everyday relations, everyday issues are discussed. However, in different areas the same topic can be discussed, but the goals are pursued differently, as a result of which statements differ in content. Also V.G. Belinsky noted: “The philosopher speaks in syllogisms, the poet in images, pictures; but they both say the same thing... One proves, the other shows, and both convince, only one with logical arguments, the other with pictures.”

The classification of functional styles is often associated with the functions of language, understood as specific goals of communication. Thus, there is a known classification of styles based on the three functions of language: communication, message and influence. The functions of communication are most consistent with a conversational style, messages ¾ scientific and officially business, impacts ¾ journalistic and literary artistic. However, with such a classification there is no differentiating basis that allows us to distinguish between scientific and officially business, journalistic and literary artistic styles. The functions of language characterize it as a whole and are inherent to one degree or another in any style. In speech reality, these functions intersect and interact with each other; a specific utterance usually performs not one, but several functions. Therefore, the functions of language in classifying styles can only be considered in combination with other factors.

The scope of use of language, the subject matter and purpose of the statement determine the essential features of style, its main style-forming features. For the scientific style ¾ this is a generally abstract nature of the presentation and emphasized logic, for the formal business ¾ it is the prescriptive nature of speech and accuracy that does not allow for discrepancies, for the conversational ¾ it is ease, spontaneity and unpreparedness of communication, etc.

Style-forming factors determine the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic means in a particular style and their specific organization.

On the speech systematicity of functional styles.

In each style, one can distinguish stylistically colored linguistic units that are used only or predominantly in a given area (this applies primarily to units of the lexical level): in the colloquial style ¾ colloquial and colloquial vocabulary and phraseology, in the scientific ¾ scientific terminology and stable phrases of a terminological nature, in journalistic ¾ social and political vocabulary. However, style should not be understood only as a combination of stylistically marked means, as a result of the summation of units of the same stylistic coloring in the process of language functioning. The same linguistic means (especially units of the phonetic, morphological and syntactic levels) can be used in different fields of activity, uniting all styles into a single language system. In the process of functioning in accordance with the communicative task, a selection of linguistic means and their unique organization occurs, thanks to which these units are interconnected in functional meaning. As a result, a style is created with a diverse composition of linguistic means, but unified in semantic-functional coloring and meaning, and a functional stylistic system characteristic of this style is formed. The extralinguistic basis specific to a particular sphere of application of a language determines the general stylistic coloring of speech, which forms a unique quality of speech perceived as style.

Depending on the goals and objectives of communication, content and speech situation in the functional style, certain linguistic units are activated in a certain semantic meaning. So, for example, terms can be used in any style, but most often they are found in scientific and official business, they are organically included only in the systems of these styles, being their obligatory logical link. They are not included in the systems of colloquial and literary artistic styles; their use here is largely accidental (it is determined by the topic of conversation or the tasks of artistic depiction of the scientific or business sphere). With this use, terms most often lose their precision; they actually become determinologized.

Each style creates its own intra-style system, the material for this is all units of the literary language, but some have a greater degree of productivity, others less. The functional style, as it were, produces its own redistribution of linguistic means: from the general literary language it selects, first of all, what corresponds to its internal needs and tasks. Thus, the unity of style is created not only and not even so much by stylistically marked units, but by the relationship of linguistic means common to all styles, the nature of their selection and combination, and the patterns of functioning of linguistic units in a given sphere of communication.

In specific texts, certain deviations from the average norm, from the typical features of the organization of linguistic material in a particular functional style, may be observed. They are usually due to the fact that some additional (or additional) tasks are added to the main task of communication, i.e. the extralinguistic basis becomes more complicated. For example, there is a need not only to inform about a scientific discovery, but also to talk about it in a popular form. In this case, the text will use elements borrowed from literary narration and journalism (figurative comparisons, rhetorical questions, question-response, etc.), conversational intonations and syntactic constructions, etc. But all these elements must obey a single goal, due to which a common functional and stylistic coloration is achieved.

Differentiation of functional styles.

Functional styles, as the largest varieties of literary language (macrostyles), are subject to further intra-style differentiation. Each style has substyles (microstyles), which in turn are divided into even more specific varieties. It should be noted that the differentiation of functional styles does not have a single basis, since it is based on additional (in relation to the main) factors specific to each style.

In the official business style, depending on the purpose of the texts, legislative, diplomatic and clerical (administrative clerical) substyles are distinguished. The first includes the language of legislative documents related to the activities of government bodies, the second ¾ the language of diplomatic documents related to the field of international relations. The clerical sub-style includes, on the one hand, official correspondence between institutions and organizations, and on the other, ¾ private business papers.

The varieties of scientific style are determined by the specifics of various types of scientific communication (the nature of the addressee, the purpose). It has developed its own scientific, scientific educational and popular scientific substyles.

Features of journalistic style are determined by the specifics of the media. Depending on this, one can distinguish newspaper journalistic, radio television journalistic and oratorical substyles.

The stylistic differentiation of artistic style primarily corresponds to three types of literature: lyricism (poetic substyle), epic (prosaic) and drama (dramatic).

In the colloquial style, there are varieties determined by the communication environment: official (colloquially official substyle) and informal (colloquially everyday substyle).

Any substyle, just like a style, is realized in a set of certain types of texts. For example, in the newspaper journalistic genre these are the following types of texts: newsreel, report, interview, essay, feuilleton, article; in the actual scientific ¾ monograph, abstract, report, theses, etc.; in educational research ¾ textbook, study guide, diploma or course work, etc., in clerical use ¾ application, announcement, deed, power of attorney, receipt, characterization, etc. Each of these types of texts can be called a genre. Genre in linguistics is understood as “a genus, a variety of speech, determined by the given conditions of the situation and the purpose of use.”

The specificity of genres, as well as style in general, is determined by extralinguistic factors and is created by the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic means in specific communication conditions. For example, chronicle information differs significantly from an essay, interview, or report not only in its structure and composition, but also in the nature of the use of linguistic means.

Each text, based on its content, composition, specific selection and organization of linguistic means in it, can be attributed to a specific style, substyle and genre. For example, even such a short statement as I ask you to grant me another vacation contains signs of an official business style, an administrative clerical style, or a statement genre. But each text is individual to one degree or another, it reflects the individual stylistic features of the author, since the choice of linguistic means from a number of possible ones is made by the speaker (or writer) taking into account the characteristics of a particular genre. Various genres of literary and artistic style, as well as most genres of journalism, provide rich opportunities to show individuality. As for chronicle information, the genre of which requires the complete elimination of the author’s “I,” it is devoid of individual stylistic features, just like many genres of official business style, which do not allow for variation.

Thus, the functional style differentiation of speech is not reduced to five main styles; it represents a rather complex picture. Each style is divided into substyles, which in turn distinguish more specific varieties, up to the manifestation of the individual characteristics of the author. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in linguistic reality there are no sharp boundaries between functional style varieties; there are many transitional phenomena. Thus, in conjunction with the widespread development of technology and the introduction of scientific achievements into production, genres appeared that combine features of scientific and official business styles (patents, instructional texts explaining how to handle technology, etc.). A newspaper article on a scientific topic combines the features of scientific and journalistic styles, a review of ¾ scientific and business styles, etc. “Styles, being in close interaction, can partially mix and penetrate one another. In individual use, the boundaries of styles can shift even more sharply, and one style can be used in the function of another to achieve one or another goal.” However, most often one of the styles acts as the main one, and against its background elements of other styles appear. Any specific statement is made in accordance with the basic functional stylistic norms of a particular style, which makes it possible to determine whether the statement belongs to a given style, despite the fact that it may contain features that are atypical for this style as a whole.

Brief characteristics and features of functional styles.

Formal business style

Among book styles, the formal business style is the most clearly defined. It serves legal and administrative activities when communicating in government agencies, in court, during business and diplomatic negotiations: business speech provides the scope of official business relations and functions in the field of law and politics. Officially, business style is implemented in the texts of laws, decrees, orders, instructions, contracts, agreements, orders, acts, in business correspondence of institutions, as well as in legal certificates, etc. Despite the fact that this style undergoes serious changes under the influence of socio-historical changes in society, it stands out among other functional varieties of the language due to its stability, traditionality, isolation and standardization.

The authors of the textbook “Culture of Russian Speech” note: “Business style is a set of linguistic means, the function of which is to serve the sphere of official business relations, i.e. relations that arise between state bodies, between or within organizations, between organizations and individuals in the process of their production, economic, and legal activities.” And further: “The breadth of this sphere makes it possible to distinguish at least three substyles (varieties) of business style: 1) actually officially business style (clerical); 2) legal (the language of laws and decrees); 3) diplomatic."

Standardization of business speech (primarily the language of mass standard documentation) is one of the most noticeable features of the official business style. The standardization process is developing mainly in two directions: a) the widespread use of ready-made, already established verbal formulas, stencils, stamps (for example, standard syntactic models with denominate prepositions in order, in connection with, in accordance with, etc., which is quite is natural, since it greatly simplifies and facilitates the process of compiling standard texts of business papers), b) in the frequent repetition of the same words, forms, phrases, structures, in the desire for uniformity in the ways of expressing thoughts in similar situations, in the refusal to use expressive means of language .

Other features of the official business style (besides standardization) are accuracy, imperativeness, objectivity and documentation, specificity, formality, and conciseness.

Scientific style

This functional style variety of the literary language serves various branches of science (exact, natural, humanities, etc.), the field of technology and production and is implemented in monographs, scientific articles, dissertations, abstracts, theses, scientific reports, lectures, educational and scientific-technical literature, messages on scientific topics, etc.

Here it is necessary to note a number of essential functions that this style variety performs: 1) reflection of reality and storage of knowledge (epistemic function); 2) obtaining new knowledge (cognitive function); 3) transfer of special information (communicative function).

The main form of implementation of the scientific style is written speech, although with the increasing role of science in society, the expansion of scientific contacts, and the development of mass media, the role of the oral form of communication is increasing. Implemented in various genres and forms of presentation, the scientific style is characterized by a number of common extra and intralinguistic features that allow us to speak of a single functional style, which is subject to intra-style differentiation.

The main communicative task of communication in the scientific field is the expression of scientific concepts and conclusions. Thinking in this field of activity is generalized, abstract (abstracted from private, insignificant features), and logical in nature. This determines such specific features of the scientific style as abstraction, generality, and emphasized logic of presentation.

These extralinguistic features combine into a system all the linguistic means that form the scientific style, and determine secondary, more specific, stylistic features: semantic accuracy (unambiguous expression of thought), informative richness, objectivity of presentation, ugliness, hidden emotionality.

The dominant factor in the organization of linguistic means and scientific style is their generally abstract nature at the lexical and grammatical levels of the language system. Generalization and abstraction give scientific speech a unified functional and stylistic coloring.

The scientific style is characterized by the widespread use of abstract vocabulary, clearly predominant over concrete: evaporation, freezing, pressure, thinking, reflection, radiation, weightlessness, acidity, changeability, etc.

Journalistic style

Journalistic (social journalistic) style is associated with the socio-political sphere of communication. This style is implemented in newspaper and magazine articles on political and other socially significant topics, in oratory speeches at rallies and meetings, on radio, television, etc.

Some researchers consider the journalistic style to be fundamentally heterogeneous; in the opinion of others (their absolute majority), already in this very heterogeneity a specific stylistic unity and integrity can be traced. The general features of the style are manifested with varying degrees of activity in individual substyles: newspaper journalism, radio, television journalism and oratory. However, the boundaries of these substyles are not clearly defined and are often blurred.

One of the important features of the journalistic style is the combination within its framework of two functions of language - the message function (informative) and the influence function (influencing, or expressive). The speaker uses this style when he needs not only to convey some information (message), but also to produce a certain impact on the addressee (often massive). Moreover, the author, conveying facts, expresses his attitude towards them. This is the reason for the bright, emotionally expressive coloring of the journalistic style, which is not characteristic of either scientific or official business speech. The journalistic style as a whole is subject to one constructive principle - the alternation of “expression and standards” (V.G. Kostomarov).

Depending on the genre, either expression or standard comes first. If the main purpose of the information being communicated is to excite a certain attitude towards it, then expression comes to the fore (most often this is observed in pamphlets, feuilletons and other genres). In the genres of newspaper articles, newsreels, etc., which strive for maximum information content, standards prevail.

Standards, due to various reasons (unmotivated inclusion in communication zones, prolonged frequency use, etc.) can turn into speech cliches.

Fiction style

The question of the language of fiction and its place in the system of functional styles is resolved ambiguously. The following are given as arguments against distinguishing the style of fiction: 1) the language of fiction is not included in the concept of literary language; 2) it is multi-styled, open-ended, and does not have specific features that would be inherent in the language of fiction as a whole; 3) the language of fiction has a special, aesthetic function, which is expressed in a very specific use of linguistic means.

Of course, the language of fiction and literary language are not identical concepts. The relationship between them is quite complex. The language of fiction most fully and vividly reflects the best qualities of the literary language; it is its model, which is followed in the selection and use of linguistic means. At the same time, the language of fiction in many cases goes beyond the boundaries of the literary language into the realm of the national, popular language, using all its stylistic resources, from the “lowest” to the “highest”. It can include linguistic features and even entire fragments of various functional styles (scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial). However, this is not a “mixing” of styles, since the use of linguistic means in fiction is determined by the author’s intention and content of the work, i.e. stylistically motivated. Elements of other styles in a work of art are used for an aesthetic function other than the one they serve in the source style.

One cannot but agree with the opinion of M.N. Kozhina that “extending artistic speech beyond functional styles impoverishes our understanding of the functions of language. If we remove artistic speech from the list of functional styles, but assume that literary language exists in a variety of functions, ¾ and this cannot be denied, ¾ then it turns out that the aesthetic function is not one of the functions of language. The use of language in the aesthetic sphere is one of the highest achievements of the literary language, and because of this, neither the literary language ceases to be such when it enters a work of art, nor the language of fiction ceases to be a manifestation of the literary language.”

The language of fiction, despite its stylistic heterogeneity, despite the fact that the author’s individuality is clearly manifested in it, is still distinguished by a number of specific features that make it possible to distinguish artistic speech from any other style.

The features of the language of fiction as a whole are determined by several factors. It is characterized by broad metaphoricality, imagery of linguistic units of almost all levels, the use of synonyms of all types, polysemy, and different stylistic layers of vocabulary is observed. “All means, including neutral ones, are intended here to serve the expression of the system of images, the poetic thought of the artist.” The artistic style (compared to other functional styles) has its own laws of word perception. The meaning of a word is largely determined by the author’s goal setting, genre and compositional features of the work of art of which this word is an element: firstly, in the context of a given literary work it can acquire artistic ambiguity not recorded in dictionaries, secondly, it retains its connection with ideologically by the aesthetic system of this work and is assessed by us as beautiful or ugly, sublime or base, tragic or comic.

Conversational style

Conversational style, as one of the varieties of literary language, serves the sphere of casual communication between people in everyday life, in the family, as well as the sphere of informal relations in production, in institutions, etc.

The main form of implementation of the conversational style is oral speech, although it can also manifest itself in written form (informal friendly letters, notes on everyday topics, diary entries, remarks from characters in plays, in certain genres of fiction and journalistic literature). In such cases, the features of the oral form of speech are recorded.

The main extralinguistic features that determine the formation of a conversational style are: ease (which is possible only in informal relations between speakers and in the absence of an attitude towards a message of an official nature), spontaneity and unpreparedness of communication. Both the sender of the speech and its recipient directly participate in the conversation, often changing roles; the relationships between them are established in the very act of speech. Such speech cannot be pre-thought out; the direct participation of the addresser and the addressee determines its predominantly dialogical nature, although a monologue is also possible.

A monologue in a conversational style is a form of casual story about any events, something seen, read or heard and is addressed to a specific listener (listeners) with whom the speaker must establish contact. The listener naturally reacts to the story, expressing agreement, disagreement, surprise, indignation, etc. or asking the speaker about something. Therefore, a monologue in spoken speech is not as clearly opposed to dialogue as in written speech.

A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is emotionality, expressiveness, and evaluative reaction. So, they wrote to the question! Instead of No, they didn’t write, usually followed by emotionally expressive answers like Where did they write there! or they wrote ¾ straight!; Where did they write!; That's what they wrote!; It's easy to say ¾ wrote! etc.

A large role in spoken language is played by the environment of verbal communication, the situation, as well as non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, the nature of the relationship between the interlocutors, etc.).

The extralinguistic features of the conversational style are associated with its most general linguistic features, such as standardity, stereotypical use of linguistic means, their incomplete structure at the syntactic, phonetic and morphological levels, intermittency and inconsistency of speech from a logical point of view, weakened syntactic connections between parts of the utterance or their lack of formality , sentence breaks with various kinds of insertions, repetitions of words and sentences, widespread use of linguistic means with a pronounced emotionally expressive coloring, activity of linguistic units with a specific meaning and passivity of units with an abstractly generalized meaning.

Colloquial speech has its own norms, which in many cases do not coincide with the norms of book speech recorded in dictionaries, reference books, and grammars (codified). The norms of colloquial speech, unlike books, are established by usage (custom) and are not consciously supported by anyone. However, native speakers sense them and perceive any unmotivated deviation from them as a mistake.

Table of differential features of functional styles

Styles Conversational BOOK

Official business Scientific Journalistic Literary artistic

Sphere of communication Household Administrative legal Scientific Social political Artistic

Main functions Communication Message Message Informative and expressive Aesthetic

Substyles Conversational everyday, colloquially official Legislative, diplomatic, clerical Proper scientific, scientifically educational, popular scientific Newspaper journalistic, radio television journalistic, oratorical Prose, dramaturgical, poetic

Main genre varieties: Everyday casual conversations, dialogues, private letters, notes Various business documents, resolutions, laws, decrees, etc. Scientific works, reports, lectures, textbooks, reference guides, popular science conversations, etc. Newspaper and magazine articles, essays, speeches on social and political topics; leaflets, proclamations, etc. Prose, poetic and dramatic works

Style-forming features Effortlessness, spontaneity and unpreparedness; emotionality, expressiveness, evaluative reaction; specificity of content Imperativeness (prescriptive, obligatory nature of speech); accuracy that does not allow discrepancies; logicality, formality, dispassion, impersonal nature of speech. Generalized abstract nature of presentation, emphasized logic; semantic accuracy, informative richness, objectivity of presentation, ugliness Alternation of expression and standard Artistic figurative concretization; emotionality, expressiveness, individualization

General linguistic features Standard, stereotypical use of language units; incomplete structural design, intermittency and inconsistency of speech Standardity, the desire for stylistic homogeneity of the text, the ordered nature of the use of linguistic means Generalized abstract character of lexical and grammatical means; stylistic homogeneity, the ordered nature of the use of linguistic means. The combination of expression and standard. The subordination of the use of linguistic means to figurative thought, aesthetic function, and the artistic intention of the writer.

Lexical features Colloquial and colloquial vocabulary, activity of words with a specific meaning and passivity of words with an abstractly generalized meaning; productivity of words with suffixes of subjective assessment, vocabulary with an emotionally expressive connotation Professional terms, words with an official business connotation, the use of words in a nominative meaning, the use of archaisms, compound words, the absence of vocabulary with emotionally expressive markings Scientific terminology, general scientific and book vocabulary, a clear predominance of abstract vocabulary over concrete, the use of commonly used words in a nominative meaning, the absence of emotionally expressive vocabulary Social journalistic vocabulary, the use of words in a figurative meaning with a specific journalistic connotation, the use of expressively colored vocabulary and speech standards Rejection of stereotyped words and expressions, widespread use of vocabulary in a figurative meaning, deliberate clash of different stylistic vocabulary, use of vocabulary with two-dimensional stylistic coloring

The nature of stable combinations Colloquial and vernacular phrasemes (PU); stable speech standards Combinations of a terminological nature, speech clichés, attributively noun phrases Combinations of a terminological nature, speech clichés Publicistic phraseology, speech standards of phraseological units of a colloquial and bookish nature

Morphological features Grammatical forms with colloquial and colloquial coloring, the predominance of the verb over the noun, the use of single and multiple action verbs, the passivity of verbal nouns, participles and gerunds, the frequency of pronouns, etc. The predominance of the name over the pronoun, the use of verbal nouns with (e)nie and with the prefix of non-denominated prepositions, etc. The clear predominance of the name over the verb, the frequency of nouns with the meaning of attribute, action, state, the frequency of genitive forms, the use of the singular in the meaning of the plural , verb forms in a timeless meaning, etc. Frequency of use of genitive case forms, function words, present and past tense forms of verbs, use of the singular in the plural sense, participles in -omy, etc. The use of forms in which the category of concreteness and the frequency of verbs are manifested; Indefinitely finite forms of verbs, neuter nouns, plural forms of abstract and material nouns, etc. are not typical.

Syntactic features Ellipticity, predominance of simple sentences, activity of interrogative and exclamatory constructions, weakening of syntactic connections, lack of formality of sentences, breaks with insertions; repetitions; intermittency and inconsistency of speech, the use of inversion, the special role of intonation Complexity of syntax (constructions with a chain of sentences that are relatively complete and independent, nominative sentences with enumeration); the predominance of narrative sentences, the use of passive constructions, constructions with denominate prepositions and verbal nouns, the use of complex sentences with a clearly defined logical connection. The predominance of simple common and complex sentences; widespread use of passive, vaguely personal, impersonal constructions; introductory, insertion, clarifying constructions, participial and participial phrases, etc. The prevalence of expressive syntactic constructions, the frequency of constructions with isolated members, parcellation, segmentation, inversion, etc. The use of the entire arsenal of syntactic means available in the language, the widespread use of stylistic figures

Lesson type: lesson on the integrated application of students' knowledge, skills and abilities.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To update students' knowledge about the types of speech styles based on identifying the common features of each style.
  2. Repeat material about the variety of functions of language and speech, about the means of speech expressiveness.
  3. Develop the ability to find characteristics characteristic of each style.
  4. Fostering a culture of mental work based on such mental operations as: analysis, synthesis, grouping, generalization.
  5. To cultivate a value-based attitude towards the Russian language.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory and motivational stage.

Greetings. Checking the class's readiness for the lesson. Lesson topic message. Relevance of this topic:

Teacher: At the end of the year you will take exams in the GIA format, where there will be a task to determine the style of the text. And also the knowledge gained in the lesson will be useful when analyzing the text, which you will do in 2 lessons.

Today we will remember what style is, what styles of speech there are in the Russian language, and we will learn to distinguish between them. We only have one lesson on this topic.

We will work according to the following plan (on the board). Pay attention to s.r., and if we have time, we will play the role of editors.

2. Frontal survey.

– What is style? Read the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary...

Which of the following values ​​suits us? Read it.

(Style is a set of techniques for using linguistic means to express certain ideas and thoughts in various conditions of speech practice)

– What styles do you know? (students list)

– Check if you have named all the styles? Turn around and look at the diagram.

3. Checking the data:

(Messages have been prepared on the features of each style.)

Teacher: You have tables on your tables: purpose, scope of application, features of styles. There are 2 empty columns. During messages you will fill out this column.

– To determine the style, you need to answer 3 questions:

The speakers will answer these questions and fill out the diagrams that we will use to determine the style. Table:





Target Exchange of thoughts, impressions, communication Message, transmission of scientific information Accurate transfer of business


Message, impact on listeners or readers Impact on thoughts and feelings
Scope of application Conversation in an informal setting; friendly letters and messages Official setting; lessons, lectures; popular science books Official setting;

business papers

Official setting; media, in speeches Fiction
Peculiarities Predominance of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary; intonation, facial expressions, gestures Single meaning words; terms; lack of figurative means Terms, speech cliches, clericalisms; specificity, formality Solemn vocabulary, emotionality; combination of standardized words and means of expression Wide use of visual and expressive means; use of other styles

Student reports:

Conversational style

The main function of the conversational style is communication. The conversational style is used in informal settings, both oral and written: among friends, acquaintances, in friendly messages, etc.

Conversational speech is spontaneous speech, without preliminary selection of linguistic means. The speech situation is of great importance in the use of certain means of language. Speakers can use not only words, but also gestures and facial expressions.

The linguistic features of colloquial speech include variations in intonation, stress, pauses...

The requirements for colloquial speech are less strict than in other styles: emotional, expressive vocabulary is used. In explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, vocabulary characteristic of the colloquial style is marked “colloquial.” In the colloquial style, non-literary, incorrect speech-colloquial speech may appear. For example, instead of a neutral word so many vernacular can be used little table, instead of the word dining room - canteen. Phraseologisms are also used that give greater expressiveness to speech (for example, “to kick the bucket” - do nothing) and words with suffixes of subjective assessment: house, legs, huge, tiny...

Scientific style

Scientific style is a variety of book styles of literary language. It is used in oral and written speech. Main function scientific style – evidence-based presentation of scientific information. Scientific speech is a monologue speech.

The scientific style is used in formal settings, as well as when writing dictionaries, textbooks, and popular science books.

The scientific style is characterized by neutral vocabulary: earth, water, life; book: demonstrate, prevail, and special (terms): atom, structure, syntax, etc. In the scientific style, phraseological type phrases are also used: voiced consonant, isolated parts of the sentence, right angle etc.

The scientific style also has its own characteristics in grammar. Thus, participles, gerunds, and verbal nouns are widespread in scientific texts. Singular nouns are often used to mean plural: Lily of the valleyblooms in early May. Real and abstract nouns can be used in the plural form: noises in the heart, sea depths. The scientific style is characterized by accuracy, strict logic, and clarity of presentation.

Business style

The main function of business style is the accurate transmission of business information. Business style is used in an official setting and for writing various official documents and business papers; statements, memos, protocols, etc.

Business style is characterized by accuracy, conciseness of presentation, and the use of cliches: according to order, based on the above, in accordance with the resolution...

In business speech there is no vocabulary of limited use (dialectisms, colloquial words) and emotionally charged vocabulary.

Business texts use strict word order in a sentence.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style is used in newspapers, magazines (that is, in the media), and speeches to the public for propaganda purposes. The main function of style is the function of influence (agitation and propaganda). A journalistic text not only contains a message about something, but also expresses the author’s attitude towards the statement.

The journalistic style is characterized by strict logic of presentation, accuracy of facts (in this the journalistic style is similar to the scientific one), as well as emotionality, which brings it closer to the style of fiction.

In journalism, vocabulary of different layers is used: book: accomplishment, industry;

colloquial: good fellow, hype;

terms: atmosphere, delicate...

Foreign words are often used: show performance, consensus agreement; phraseological units: work tirelessly, rake in the heat with someone else's hands; various figurative and expressive means of language.

Fiction style

Fiction style (or artistic style) used in works of art: stories, tales, novels, plays, etc.

The main function of artistic style is to influence the reader and also to inform him about something.

The artistic style is distinguished by imagery, expressiveness, and emotionality. Using figurative and expressive means of language, writers and poets introduce readers to the way of life and spiritual life of the peoples of different countries, not only today, but also in the distant past. In the artistic style, to give the text a sublime, solemn coloring, to create the flavor of the era, outdated words are used: Rise up prophet, and see and listen, Be fulfilled by my will, And, bypassing the seas and lands, Verb burn people's hearts. (A.S. Pushkin)

The style of fiction is characterized by a combination of features of different styles. The most commonly used elements are conversational style.

Teacher: Check that the table is filled out correctly. Self-test

Frontal survey:

Teacher: So, how many styles are there in total? Let's check how carefully you listened to the speakers.

Name the style based on its characteristics. Use the table.

– Exchange of thoughts, colloquial vocabulary (colloquial)

– Transmission of scientific information, terms (scientific)

– Transfer of business information, business papers (official business)

– Media, emotionality (journalistic)

– Fiction (fiction)

4. Lexical game

Teacher: Now look at column 3 of the table, which lists the features of the styles. How are they different? Of course, vocabulary. Different styles use different vocabulary. There is colloquial and book vocabulary, but all styles use neutral or common vocabulary. Now we will learn to distinguish vocabulary. 3 people at the board will fill out 3 columns (distribute words among the columns of the table), the rest will work in notebooks, and the editor will work with the dictionary and check the correctness of the work.

Commonly used


Top Vertex crown
Let Block interference
Afraid Fear be a coward
drive away Banish expose
worry worry freak out
face face muzzle (colloquial)

– So, have the fields (to the editor) been filled out correctly?

– We check everything (self-test)

We evaluate (evaluation criteria: 1-2 errors-4,3-4– “3”)

5. Independent work (in groups)

Briefing before s/r.: 7

Teacher: So, we remembered the features of different styles. We filled out the table and diagrams that you can use when doing s/r. in groups. You need to determine the style of the text given to you and prove its belonging to the style.

– What will you pay attention to? (point to the diagram): where and why is it used this text. Firstly, define a goal then scope of application, features.

Then 1 person from the team (you choose him) will read the text and answer the question, and the rest listen carefully and check.

Job completion time 5 min.

Task for group No. 1:

“Well, Lyoshka, should I tell you about our city? There are many architectural monuments, and not so long ago the Ice Palace was built. The boys and I go there to skate, it’s so cool! You can also relax in the Peace Park or roller skate at the Eternal Flame. In general, it’s great in our city, come and see.”

Task for group No. 2:

Kolomna is territorially and legally qualified as part of the Moscow region.

A little more than 143 thousand people live in the city and region. In recent years, housing construction has been rapidly developing, infant mortality has decreased, and positive dynamics have been observed in terms of childbirth. The administration of the city of Kolomna is doing everything possible for the dynamic development of the city and improving the well-being of citizens.

Task for group No. 3:

Kolomna is an ancient city founded in the 12th century. According to chronicles, it appeared only 30 years later than Moscow.

The word “Kolomna” itself refers to the Finno-Ugric tribes that lived here before the arrival of the Slavs. In their dialect this word meant “a place near the cemetery.”

Other data indicate that the word Kolomna has a “geographical” origin - after all, there is both the Kolomenka River and the village of Kolomenskoye. There is also a beautiful legend about the founding of our city by the Italian Count Karl Colonna, who was fleeing the persecution of Pope Boniface 8.

Be that as it may, today Kolomna is the cultural and industrial center of the Moscow region, a city of which we, Kolomna residents, are proud.

Task for group No. 4:

Kolomna is a city founded in 1177. Chronicle information indicates the determination of the Finno-Ugric group of languages ​​in the name of this city.

Linguistic analysis carried out by researchers and linguists confirms this hypothesis.

Developing its historical traditions, the city is rightfully one of the five most dynamically developing regions of the Moscow region.

Analysis of the geographical location of the city suggests that loamy soils predominate in the city and region, and the terrain and climate are suitable for stable vegetable growing.

Task for group No. 5:

It is difficult to find a city as beautiful as Kolomna in the Moscow region. Picturesque river mouths and unique landscapes allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of this repository of ancient traditions.

Like the invisible guards of the city, at the entrance to it, guests are greeted by monumental steles, and when you drive past the Marinka Tower, it seems that a little more, and Dmitry Donskoy will appear.

Like a big bird, the newly built Ice Sports Palace opened its arms.

Check: students read the text and name the style.

Question for another group:

– Do you agree?

6. Summing up.

Let's Let's generalize that what we talked about in class.

How many styles are there in Russian? Write down the names from memory.

Self-test (a board with words opens).

7. Homework.

You did a good job today Houses you will secure

this material by completing ex. 181(define text style) or edit text

(exercise 180, part 2); ind.rear :continue the story from this beginning, adhering to the same style. You can use the table and diagram that we compiled in class at home and in subsequent lessons when preparing for the exam.

8. Editing text.

Teacher: And now you will feel yourself in a new role - as editors. Here is a text that contains stylistic errors. Check, find words that do not match the style, correct the text.

Edit the text.

Text No. 1:

What style does this text belong to?

What violations of lexical norms did you find in text. Correct it.

Kyiv... was founded in the 6th-7th centuries as the center of the Polyan tribe. It has been known in Russian chronicles since 860. At 9 a.m. 12 centuries capital of Kievan Rus. Destroyed in 1240 harmful Mongol-Tatars. In 1362 straightaway captured by Lithuania, and in 1569 by Poland. Since 1654, part of Russia. Well now it is the capital of Ukraine.

(From a history notebook for a 6th grade student).

Text No. 2. Find and correct errors in the design of business paper.

Head of Communications Department

Sokolov A.P., living at the address:
st. Volgina, 5, apt. 44,


Dear Maria Ivanovna!

Since I and my family are leaving for a whole month rest to Crimea and my apartment will be closed from July 15 to August 15, then Very I ask you, in my absence, to leave all correspondence received in my name at the post office. Thank you very much in advance

Main types of speech are description , narration And reasoning .

Description- this is a type of speech with the help of which any phenomenon of reality is depicted by listing its constant or simultaneously present signs or actions (the content of the description can be conveyed in one frame of the camera).

In the description, words denoting qualities and properties of objects (nouns, adjectives, adverbs) are most often used.

Verbs are often used in the form of the imperfect past tense, and for special clarity and descriptiveness of the description - in the form of the present tense. Synonyms are widely used - definitions (agreed and uncoordinated) and denominative sentences.

For example:

The sky was clear, clean, pale blue. Light white clouds, illuminated on one side by a pink shine, floated lazily in transparent silence. The East was red and flaming, shimmering in some places with mother-of-pearl and silver. From beyond the horizon, like giant outstretched fingers, golden stripes stretched up the sky from the rays of the sun that had not yet risen. (A.I. Kuprin)

Description helps to see the object, to imagine it in the mind.

Description- This peace at peace(one photo)

Typical composition descriptive texts include:
1) general idea of ​​the subject;
2) individual characteristics of the object;
3) author’s assessment, conclusion, conclusion

Types of description:
1) description of an object, person (its characteristics)

What is he like?

2) description of the place

Where is what? (On the left, near, nearby, standing, located)

3) description of the state of the environment

What's it like here? ( It's getting dark, cold, silence, sky, air etc.)

4) description of the state of the person (person)

How does he feel? What are his feelings and sensations? ( Bad, happy, sad, uncomfortable etc.)

Narration- this is a type of speech that talks about any events in their time sequence; sequential actions or events are reported (the content of the narrative can be conveyed only in a few frames of the camera).

In narrative texts, a special role belongs to verbs, especially in the imperfect past tense form ( I came, I saw, I developed etc.).

For example:

And suddenly... something inexplicable, almost supernatural, happened. The mousey Great Dane suddenly fell onto his back, and some invisible force pulled him off the sidewalk. Following this, the same invisible force tightly engulfed the astonished Jack's throat... Jack planted his front legs and shook his head furiously. But an invisible “something” squeezed his neck so tightly that the brown pointer lost consciousness. (A.I. Kuprin)

Narration helps to visualize the actions, movements of people and phenomena in time and space.

Reasoning- this is a type of speech with the help of which a position or thought is proven or explained; talks about the causes and consequences of events and phenomena, assessments and feelings (about what cannot be photographed).

Reasoning - This thoughts about the world, not the world itself

Typical composition texts-reasonings include:
1) thesis (a thought that requires proof or refutation);
2) justification (arguments, reasons, evidence, examples);
3) conclusion

Types of reasoning:
1) reasoning-proof

Why is this and not otherwise? What follows from this?

2) reasoning - explanation

What is it? (Interpretation of the concept, explanation of the essence of the phenomenon)

3) reasoning - reflection

What should I do? What to do? (Thinking about various life situations)

In reasoning texts, a special role belongs to introductory words, indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation ( firstly, secondly, so, thus, therefore, on the one hand, on the other hand), as well as subordinating conjunctions with the meaning of cause, effect, concession ( in order to, in order that, since, although, despite the fact that etc.)

For example:

If a writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he is writing about, then the reader will not see anything behind them.

But if the writer sees well what he is writing about, then the simplest and sometimes even erased words acquire newness, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts, feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him.K. G. Paustovsky)

The boundaries between description, narration and reasoning are quite arbitrary. At the same time, the text does not always represent any one type of speech. Much more common are cases of their combination in various variants: description and narration; description and reasoning; description, narration and reasoning; description with elements of reasoning; narration with elements of reasoning, etc.

Speech styles

Style- this is a historically established system of linguistic means and methods of their organization, which is used in a certain sphere of human communication (public life): the sphere of science, official business relations, propaganda and mass activities, verbal and artistic creativity, the sphere of everyday communication.

Each functional style is characterized by:

a) scope of application;

b) main functions;

c) leading stylistic features;

d) linguistic features;

e) specific forms (genres).

Speech styles are divided into




Official business



Scientific style

Scope of application (where?)

Field of science (scientific works, textbooks, speeches at scientific conferences, etc.)

Functions (why?)

Message, scientific explanation

Scientific topics, semantic accuracy, strict logic, generalized abstract nature of information, lack of emotionality

Basic language tools

Terminological and professional vocabulary and phraseology ( classification, hypotenuse, valence, vacuole, x-ray, magnetic storm, efficiency etc.);
abstract (abstract) vocabulary ( extension, combustion, romanticism, matriarchy);
words in their literal meaning;
widespread use of derivative prepositions and conjunctions ( during, as a result, due to, in connection with, in contrast etc.);
significant in volume simple and complicated sentences with participial phrases and introductory words ( firstly, secondly, finally, apparently, probably, as stated..., according to theory..., so, so, thus, therefore, in addition);
complex sentences with subordinate clauses of cause, effect, etc.


Article, review, review, annotation, abstract, dissertation, textbook, dictionary, scientific report, lecture

Scientific style divided into three substyles: actually scientific , scientific and educational And popular science .

Each of the named substyles has its own characteristics. In scientific, educational and popular science substyles, it is allowed to use some (separate) linguistic means characteristic of colloquial speech and journalism, including means of linguistic expressiveness (metaphors, comparisons, rhetorical questions, rhetorical exclamations, parcellation and some others).

All types of speech can be presented in scientific style texts: description, narration and reasoning (most often: reasoning-proof and reasoning-explanation).

Formal business style

Scope of application (where?)

Sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities

Functions (why?)

Message, informing

Main style features

Extremely informative focus, accuracy, standardization, lack of emotionality and judgment

Basic language tools

Official business vocabulary and business terminology ( plaintiff, defendant, powers, allowance);
clericalisms (i.e., non-terminological words used primarily in an official business style, primarily in the actual official business (clerical) style, and are practically not found outside of business speech: following(placed below) given, real(this), forward(send, transmit), proper(as follows, necessary, appropriate);
language clichés and stamps( bring to the attention of the established control, according to the order, after the expiration of the period, as an exception);
complex denominative prepositions ( for the purposes of, by virtue of, as a consequence of, for the purpose of, for lack of etc.);
significant in volume complex and complicated sentences


Laws, orders, instructions, announcements, business papers

In formal business style texts, two types of speech are usually presented: description and narration.

Journalistic style

Scope of application (where?)

Social and political life: newspapers, magazines, television, radio, rallies

Functions (why?)

Influence and persuasion in order to form a position; encouragement to action; message to draw attention to an important issue

Main style features

Documentary accuracy (talks about real, not fictitious persons, events);
open evaluativeness and emotionality;
combination of expressiveness and standard

Basic language tools

A combination of bookish, including high, and colloquial, including low, vocabulary ( sons, Fatherland, power, hype, let loose, showdown, fan, mayhem);
expressive syntactic constructions (exclamatory and interrogative sentences, parcellation, rhetorical questions);
figurative and expressive means of language (metaphors, comparisons, allegories, etc.)


Article, essay (including portrait sketch, problem essay, essay (thoughts, reflections on life, literature, art, etc.), reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory, speech at a meeting)

Journalistic style is divided into two substyles: journalistic proper and artistic-journalistic.

Actually journalistic substyle characterized by the topicality of the topic, the use of socio-political vocabulary and terminology ( deputy, government, patriot, parliament, conservatism), specific journalistic vocabulary and phraseology ( reporting, peacekeeping, corridors of power, conflict resolution), frequency of use of borrowed words naming new economic, political, everyday, scientific and technical phenomena ( distributor, investment, inauguration, killer, croupier, rating etc.).

The artistic and journalistic substyle in its linguistic characteristics is close to the style of fiction and is characterized by a combination of the functions of influence and persuasion with an aesthetic function, as well as the widespread use of figurative and expressive means of language, including tropes and figures.

In the texts journalistic style All types of speech can occur: description, narration and reasoning.

For artistic and journalistic substyle reasoning and reflection are especially characteristic.

Artistic style

Scope of application (where?)


Functions (why?)

Image and impact on the imagination, feelings, thoughts of the reader or listener (aesthetic function)

Main style features

Artistic imagery and emotionality; hidden value

Basic language tools

Words in a figurative meaning;
figurative and expressive means of language;
using elements of different styles of speech as a means of creating artistic images


Novel, story, story, poem, poem

In artistic texts, as in journalism, all types of speech are widely used: description, narration and reasoning. Reasoning in works of art appears in the form of reasoning-reflection and is one of the most important means of revealing the internal state of the hero, the psychological characteristics of the character.

Conversational style

Scope of application (where?)

Household (informal setting)

Functions (why?)

Direct everyday communication;
exchange of information on everyday issues

Main style features

Ease, simplicity of speech, specificity, emotionality, imagery

Basic language tools

Conversational, including emotional-evaluative and expressive, vocabulary and phraseology ( potato, book, daughter, baby, long, flop, cat cried, headlong); incomplete sentences; the use of expressive syntactic constructions characteristic of colloquial speech (interrogative and exclamatory sentences, word-sentences, including interjections, sentences with parcellation ( Will you come tomorrow? Be silent! I wish I could get some sleep! - Are you at the cinema? - No. Here's more! Oh! Oh you!);
absence of polynomial complex sentences, as well as sentences complicated by participial and participial phrases


Friendly conversation, private conversation, everyday story, argument, notes, private letters

Functional speech styles

Each functional style of language is based on its inherent literary norms. There are five language genres:

  • Scientific;
  • Official business;
  • Journalistic;
  • Colloquial;
  • Art.

Scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech, called the style of scientific narration, has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application - science and research articles;
  2. Addressees are scientists, specialists and people competent in scientific terminology;
  3. The purpose of style is to describe patterns, events and educate the readership;
  4. The function of style is to communicate and prove the truth of information by citing established facts or statistical forecasts;
  5. Genres of scientific style – monograph, essay, article, etc.;
  6. Type of speech – written, monologue.

The scientific style of speech is characterized by the use of abstract vocabulary, real and small terms, mainly nouns, evidence and unambiguity.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application – law, storytelling in an official environment (legislation, office work). Using a business style, official documents are drawn up - a law, a resolution, a protocol, a certificate;
  2. Addressees – lawyers, diplomats, citizens, state;
  3. Type of speech – reasoning (written, oral) in the form of a monologue;
  4. A type of interaction is public communication;
  5. Style features - imperativeness, standardization and accuracy, lack of emotional overtones;
  6. The function of style is to convey information.

The official business style of speech is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, abbreviations, and complex irreducible words.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style of speech, narrating through the media, has the following characteristics:

  1. Scope of application – articles, essays, interviews;
  2. Addressees – specialists, society;
  3. Style features - emotionality, vocabulary used, logic, nationality, publicity, appeal, imagery;
  4. The function of style is to narrate events taking place in the country and the world, influence the masses and form a certain opinion regarding what is being announced;
  5. Type of speech – written, oral;
  6. Direction – feelings of opponents.

Journalistic style is characterized by the use of socially widespread and political vocabulary.

Conversational style

Conversational style is used in the process of normal interaction and communication. The author conveys to the addressee his own subjective thoughts and perception of reality in an informal environment. Characteristic features of the style:

The artistic style is widespread exclusively in the literary genre, influencing the recipients - readers through sensory perception and a wealth of lexical devices. A preliminary selection of linguistic means is made in the style. Characteristic features of the style:

  1. The type of vocabulary used is descriptive (artistic) narration;
  2. Style features - emotionality, coloration, fantasy;
  3. Form of style – written, monologue;
  4. Linguistic means – all types of linguistic means are used when creating book images;
  5. Addressees – society, possibly divided by gender and age composition;
  6. Direction – feelings of opponents;
  7. Type of genre - novel, story, short story, fable, comedy, etc.

Main types of speech are description , narration And reasoning .

Description- this is a type of speech with the help of which any phenomenon of reality is depicted by listing its constant or simultaneously present signs or actions (the content of the description can be conveyed in one frame of the camera).

In the description, words denoting qualities and properties of objects (nouns, adjectives, adverbs) are most often used.

Verbs are more often used in the form of the imperfect past tense, and for special clarity and descriptiveness of the description - in the form of the present tense. Synonyms are widely used - definitions (agreed and uncoordinated) and denominative sentences.

For example:

The sky was clear, clean, pale blue. Light white clouds, illuminated on one side by a pink shine, floated lazily in transparent silence. The East was red and flaming, shimmering in some places with mother-of-pearl and silver. From beyond the horizon, like giant outstretched fingers, golden stripes stretched up the sky from the rays of the sun that had not yet risen. (A.I. Kuprin)

Description helps to see the object, to imagine it in the mind.

Description- This peace at peace(one photo)

Typical composition descriptive texts include:
1) general idea of ​​the subject;
2) individual characteristics of the object;
3) author’s assessment, conclusion, conclusion

Types of description:
1) description of an object, person (its characteristics)

What is he like?

2) description of the place

Where is what? (On the left, near, nearby, standing, located)

3) description of the state of the environment

What's it like here? ( It's getting dark, cold, silence, sky, air etc.)

4) description of the state of the person (person)

How does he feel? What are his feelings and sensations? ( Bad, happy, sad, uncomfortable etc.)

Narration- this is a type of speech that talks about any events in their time sequence; sequential actions or events are reported (the content of the narrative can be conveyed only in a few frames of the camera).

In narrative texts, a special role belongs to verbs, especially in the imperfect past tense form ( I came, I saw, I developed etc.).

For example:

And suddenly... something inexplicable, almost supernatural, happened. The mousey Great Dane suddenly fell onto his back, and some invisible force pulled him off the sidewalk. Following this, the same invisible force tightly engulfed the astonished Jack's throat... Jack planted his front legs and shook his head furiously. But an invisible “something” squeezed his neck so tightly that the brown pointer lost consciousness. (A.I. Kuprin)

Narration helps to visualize the actions, movements of people and phenomena in time and space.

Reasoning- this is a type of speech with the help of which a position or thought is proven or explained; talks about the causes and consequences of events and phenomena, assessments and feelings (about what cannot be photographed).

In reasoning texts, a special role belongs to introductory words, indicating the connection of thoughts, the sequence of presentation ( firstly, secondly, so, thus, therefore, on the one hand, on the other hand), as well as subordinating conjunctions with the meaning of cause, effect, concession ( in order to, in order that, since, although, despite the fact that etc.)

For example:

If a writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he is writing about, then the reader will not see anything behind them.

But if the writer sees well what he is writing about, then the simplest and sometimes even erased words acquire newness, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts, feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him.K. G. Paustovsky)

The boundaries between description, narration and reasoning are quite arbitrary. At the same time, the text does not always represent any one type of speech. Much more common are cases of their combination in various variants: description and narration; description and reasoning; description, narration and reasoning; description with elements of reasoning; narration with elements of reasoning, etc.

Speech styles

Speech styles- these are systems of speech means, historically established and socially established, which are used in communication depending on the sphere of focus of communication or the field of professional activity.

There are five main styles of speech in the Russian language.

1. Scientific style.

2. Journalistic style.

3. Official business style.

4. Literary and artistic.

5. Conversational.

Scientific the style is used in the field of scientific activity. The genres in which it is implemented are writing dissertations, coursework, tests or diploma papers, scientific articles, lectures, abstracts, notes, theses. The main characteristics of this style of speech are logic, clarity and the absence of any emotion on the part of the author.

Journalistic the style of speech, like the previous one, relates to the book style and is used not only for the purpose of conveying this or that information, but also for the purpose of influencing the feelings and thoughts of listeners or readers who need to be convinced of something or interested in something. The journalistic style is typical for speeches at various meetings, newspaper articles, analytical and informational radio and television programs. This style is characterized by emotionality and expressiveness.

Official business style is characterized by several basic properties. This is clarity, lack of emotionality of presentation, standardization and conservatism. It is used when writing laws, orders, memos, statements, business letters and various legal documents. Standard writing is expressed in writing these documents according to an established scheme - a template. Specific vocabulary and morphology are used.

Literary and artistic style - differs from other book styles in that when writing his works, the author can use almost any of the above styles. And since literature reflects all spheres of human life, vernacular speech, dialects, and slang are also used here. He is also characterized by emotionality. Literary-artistic style is used in fiction.

Colloquial The style of speech is not bookish. It is used in everyday communication between people in various everyday situations. Since during a conversation the speech is not prepared in advance, the characteristic features are incompleteness of the expressed thoughts and emotionality.

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