The Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation regulates. Amendments regarding financial security

I. General provisions

1. This Model Regulation regulates the activities of state and municipal preschool educational institutions of all types.

2. For non-state preschool educational institutions, this Model Regulation is exemplary.

3. Preschool educational institution - a type of educational institution that implements the basic general education program of preschool education.

The state status of a preschool educational institution (the type, type and category of an educational institution, determined in accordance with the level and focus of the educational programs it implements) is established during its state accreditation, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

A preschool educational institution provides education, training and development, as well as supervision, care and health improvement for children aged 2 months to 7 years.

4. A preschool educational institution creates conditions for the implementation of the right guaranteed to citizens of the Russian Federation to receive publicly accessible and free preschool education.

5. The main objectives of a preschool educational institution are:

protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;
ensuring cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of children;
education, taking into account the age categories of children, citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family;
implementation of the necessary correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children;
interaction with children's families to ensure the full development of children;
providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on issues of upbringing, education and development of children.

6. A preschool educational institution can carry out rehabilitation of disabled children if it has appropriate conditions.

7. Preschool educational institutions include educational institutions of the following types:

kindergarten (implements the basic general education program of preschool education in groups with a general developmental focus);

kindergarten for young children (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups of general developmental orientation for children aged 2 months to 3 years, creates conditions for social adaptation and early socialization of children);

kindergarten for children of preschool (senior preschool) age (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups of general developmental orientation, as well as, if necessary, in groups of compensatory and combined orientation for children aged 5 to 7 years with priority implementation of activities to ensure equal starting opportunities for teaching children in general education institutions);

kindergarten for supervision and health improvement (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in health-related groups with priority implementation of activities for carrying out sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures);

compensatory kindergarten (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in compensatory groups with priority implementation of activities for the qualified correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of one or more categories of children with disabilities);

a combined kindergarten (implements the basic general education program of preschool education in groups of general developmental, compensatory, health-improving and combined orientations in various combinations);

a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of children's development (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups of general developmental orientation with priority implementation of activities for the development of children in one of such areas as cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic or physical);

child development center - kindergarten (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in groups with a general developmental focus with priority implementation of activities for the development of children in several areas, such as cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical).

8. The main structural unit of a preschool educational institution is a group of preschool children.

In the case of the creation of groups in educational institutions of other types that implement the basic general education program of preschool education in accordance with the license, their activities are regulated by these Model Regulations.

Groups can have a general developmental, compensatory, health-improving or combined orientation.

In general development groups, preschool education is carried out in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, developed by it independently on the basis of an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education and federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation.

In compensatory groups, qualified correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development and preschool education of children with disabilities is carried out in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, developed independently by it on the basis of an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education and federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and capabilities of children.

Health-related groups are created for children with tuberculosis intoxication, frequently ill children and other categories of children who need a set of special health-improving measures. In recreational groups, preschool education of children is carried out in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, developed by it independently on the basis of an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education and federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation, as well as a complex of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures.

In combined groups, healthy children and children with disabilities are educated together in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, developed independently by it on the basis of an approximate basic general education program of preschool education and federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and capabilities of children.

Groups can include both children of the same age and children of different ages (multi-age groups).

The groups also differ in the length of time children stay and operate in full-day mode (12-hour stay), shortened day (8-10-hour stay), extended day (14-hour stay), short-term stay (from 3 to 5 hours per day). ) and 24-hour stay. The groups operate on a 5-day and 6-day work week. At the request of parents (legal representatives), it is possible to organize group work also on weekends and holidays.

9. A preschool educational institution in its activities is guided by federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the relevant state or municipal body exercising management in the field of education, these Model Regulations, the charter of a preschool educational institution (hereinafter - charter), an agreement concluded between a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives).

10. The language (languages) in which training and education are conducted in a preschool educational institution is determined by the founder and (or) the charter. In a preschool educational institution, conditions are created for studying the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation.

11. In order to fulfill its tasks, a preschool educational institution has the right to establish direct connections with enterprises, institutions and organizations, including foreign ones.

12. A preschool educational institution bears responsibility, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for:

performing the functions specified by the charter;
implementation in full of the basic general education program of preschool education;
quality of implemented educational programs;
compliance of the used forms, methods and means of organizing the educational process with the age, psychophysiological characteristics, inclinations, abilities, interests and needs of children;
life and health of children and employees of preschool educational institutions during the educational process.

13. In a preschool educational institution, the creation and implementation of activities of organizational structures of political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations) is not allowed. In state and municipal preschool educational institutions, education is secular in nature.

II. Organization of activities of a preschool educational institution

14. A preschool educational institution is created by the founder and registered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

15. The founders of a state preschool educational institution are federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The founders of a municipal preschool educational institution are local government bodies.

16. The relationship between the founder and the preschool educational institution is determined by an agreement concluded between them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

17. The rights of a legal entity in terms of conducting statutory financial and economic activities arise for a preschool educational institution from the moment of its registration.

A preschool educational institution independently carries out financial and economic activities, may have an independent balance sheet and personal account (account) opened in the prescribed manner, a seal of the established form, a stamp and forms with its name.

18. The right to conduct educational activities and receive benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation arises for a preschool educational institution from the moment a license (permit) is issued to it.

19. A preschool educational institution undergoes state accreditation in the manner established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

20. A preschool educational institution may be created, reorganized and liquidated in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

21. The content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is determined by the educational program of preschool education, developed, adopted and implemented by it independently in accordance with federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation, established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, and taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and capabilities of children.

22. In accordance with the goals and objectives defined by the charter, a preschool educational institution may implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services outside the educational programs that determine its status, taking into account the needs of the family and on the basis of an agreement concluded between the preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives).

Paid educational services cannot be provided in return and within the framework of the main educational activities financed by the founder.

23. The operating hours of a preschool educational institution and the length of stay of children in it are determined by the charter, an agreement concluded between the preschool educational institution and the founder.

24. The organization of catering in a preschool educational institution is the responsibility of the preschool educational institution.

25. Medical care for children in preschool educational institutions is provided by health authorities. Medical personnel, along with the administration, are responsible for the health and physical development of children, carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures, observing sanitary and hygienic standards, regimen and ensuring the quality of nutrition. A preschool educational institution is obliged to provide premises with appropriate conditions for the work of medical workers, to monitor their work in order to protect and strengthen the health of children and employees of the preschool educational institution.

26. Teaching staff of preschool educational institutions are required to undergo periodic medical examinations, which are carried out at the expense of the founder.

III. Staffing a preschool educational institution

27. The procedure for staffing a preschool educational institution is determined by the founder in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and is enshrined in the charter.

28. Children aged from 2 months to 7 years are admitted to a preschool educational institution. Admission of children is carried out on the basis of a medical report, application and identification documents of one of the parents (legal representatives).

29. Children with disabilities and disabled children are accepted into compensatory and combined groups of a preschool educational institution only with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

30. When admitting children with disabilities and disabled children to preschool educational institutions of any type, the preschool educational institution is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for organizing correctional work.

31. The number of groups in a preschool educational institution is determined by the founder based on their maximum occupancy.

32. In general development groups, the maximum capacity is set depending on the age of the children and is:

from 2 months to 1 year - 10 children;
from 1 year to 3 years - 15 children;
from 3 years to 7 years - 20 children.

In multi-age groups with a general developmental focus, the maximum capacity is if there are children in the group:

two ages (from 2 months to 3 years) - 8 children;
any three ages (from 3 to 7 years) - 10 children;
any two ages (from 3 to 7 years) - 15 children.

33. In compensatory groups, the maximum capacity is set depending on the category of children and their age (under 3 years and over 3 years) and is:

for children with severe speech impairments - 6 and 10 children;
for children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders only over the age of 3 years - 12 children;
for deaf children - 6 children for both age groups;
for hearing impaired children - 6 and 8 children;
for blind children - 6 children for both age groups;
for visually impaired children, for children with amblyopia, strabismus - 6 and 10 children;
for children with musculoskeletal disorders - 6 and 8 children;
for children with mental retardation - 6 and 10 children;
for children with mild mental retardation - 6 and 10 children;
for children with moderate, severe mental retardation only over the age of 3 years - 8 children;
for children with autism only over the age of 3 years - 5 children;
for children with a complex defect (having a combination of 2 or more deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development) - 5 children for both age groups;
for children with other disabilities - 10 and 15 children.

34. In recreational groups, the maximum capacity is set depending on the category of children and their age (under 3 years and over 3 years) and is:

for children with tuberculosis intoxication - 10 and 15 children;
for children who are often sick - 10 and 15 children;
for other categories of children who need a complex of special health measures - 12 and 15 children.

35. In combined groups, the maximum capacity is set depending on the age of the children (under 3 years old and over 3 years old) and the category of children with disabilities and is:

up to 3 years - 10 children, including no more than 3 children with disabilities;
over 3 years old:
10 children, including no more than 3 deaf children, or blind children, or children with musculoskeletal disorders, or children with moderate, severe mental retardation, or children with a complex defect;

15 children, including no more than 4 visually impaired and (or) children with amblyopia and strabismus, or hearing-impaired children, or children with severe speech impairments, or children with mild mental retardation;

17 children, including no more than 5 children with mental retardation.

IV. Participants in the educational process

36. Participants in the educational process of a preschool educational institution are children, their parents (legal representatives), and teaching staff.

37. When admitting children to a preschool educational institution, the latter is obliged to familiarize parents (legal representatives) with the charter, a license to conduct educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation of a preschool educational institution and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process.

38. The establishment of fees charged to parents (legal representatives) for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution is made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

39. The relationship between a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives) is regulated by an agreement, which includes the mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties arising in the process of education, training, development, supervision, care and health of children, the duration of the child’s stay in the preschool educational institution , as well as calculation of the amount of fees charged to parents (legal representatives) for maintaining a child in a preschool educational institution.

40. The relationship between the child and the staff of the preschool educational institution is built on the basis of cooperation, respect for the child’s personality and providing him with freedom of development in accordance with his individual characteristics.

41. The procedure for staffing a preschool educational institution is regulated by the charter.

42. Persons with secondary vocational or higher vocational education are allowed to engage in teaching activities in a preschool educational institution. The educational qualifications of these persons are confirmed by state-issued documents on the appropriate level of education and (or) qualifications.

The following persons are not allowed to engage in teaching activities:

deprived of the right to engage in teaching activities in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;
having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes;
recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;
having diseases included in the list approved by the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare, social development, labor and consumer protection.

43. If necessary, the staffing schedules of preschool educational institutions providing education, training, development, supervision, care and health improvement of children with disabilities, disabled children, as well as correction of deficiencies in their physical and (or) mental development additional positions of special education teachers, speech therapists, speech therapists, educational psychologists, social educators, educators and other workers (depending on the category of children) within the limits of allocations allocated by decision of the founder for these purposes.

44. The rights of employees of a preschool educational institution and measures of their social support are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter and the employment contract.

45. Employees of a preschool educational institution have the right:

to participate in the management of a preschool educational institution in the manner determined by the charter;
to protect their professional honor, dignity and business reputation.

46. ​​A preschool educational institution establishes:

wages of employees depending on the qualifications of the employee, complexity, intensity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature) and incentive payments (additional payments and allowances of an incentive nature, bonuses and other incentive payments) within budgetary allocations allocated for wages;
structure for managing the activities of a preschool educational institution;
staffing schedule and job responsibilities of employees.

V. Management of a preschool educational institution

47. The management of a preschool educational institution is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, these Model Regulations and the charter.

48. The management of a preschool educational institution is based on the principles of unity of command and self-government, ensuring the state-public nature of the management of a preschool educational institution. The forms of self-government of a preschool educational institution that ensure the state-public nature of management are the board of trustees, the general meeting, the pedagogical council and other forms. The procedure for electing self-government bodies and their competence are determined by the charter.

49. The direct management of a preschool educational institution is carried out by a head who has passed the appropriate certification.

Hiring of the head of a preschool educational institution is carried out in the manner determined by the charter and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

50. Head of a preschool educational institution:

acts on behalf of the preschool educational institution, represents it in all institutions and organizations;
disposes of the property of the preschool educational institution within the limits of the rights granted to it by the agreement concluded between the preschool educational institution and the founder;
issues powers of attorney;
opens a personal account (account) in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
carries out hiring and placement of personnel, encourages employees of a preschool educational institution, imposes penalties and dismisses from work;
bears responsibility for the activities of the preschool educational institution to the founder.

VI. Property and funds of the institution

51. For a preschool educational institution, in order to ensure educational activities in accordance with the charter, the founder in the prescribed manner assigns objects of ownership (buildings, structures, property, equipment, as well as other necessary property for consumer, social, cultural and other purposes).

A preschool educational institution owns, uses and disposes of the property assigned to it with the right of operational management in accordance with its purpose, charter and legislation of the Russian Federation.

Land plots are assigned to state and municipal preschool educational institutions in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A preschool educational institution is responsible to the owner for the safety and effective use of the property assigned to it.

52. Financial support for the activities of a preschool educational institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A preschool educational institution has the right to attract, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, additional financial resources through the provision of paid additional educational and other services provided for by the charter, as well as through voluntary donations and targeted contributions from individuals and (or) legal entities, including foreign citizens and (or) foreign legal entities.

A preschool educational institution has the right to conduct, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, income-generating activities provided for by the charter.

53. When financially providing small-scale rural pre-school educational institutions considered as such by state authorities and bodies in charge of education, costs should be taken into account that do not depend on the number of children.

54. Attraction by a preschool educational institution of additional financial resources specified in paragraph 52 of these Model Regulations does not entail a reduction in the amount of its financing from the funds of the founder.

55. Financial and material resources of a preschool educational institution, assigned to it by the founder, are used by the preschool educational institution in accordance with the charter and are not subject to seizure, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When a preschool educational institution is liquidated, financial resources and other property, minus payments to cover its obligations, are directed to the development of education.

For parents with a small child, the issue of entering kindergarten and receiving preschool education is relevant. In kindergarten, the child receives an initial basic level of knowledge, is socialized and prepared for subsequent schooling.

There is a list of categories of institutions for preschool education:

  • General educational institution;
  • Institution for correction of development of children with disabilities;
  • Combined educational institution;
  • Special center for enhanced development;
  • Kindergarten with supervision and child health improvement.

It should be remembered that the number of places in such institutions is limited and you can send a child to the junior group from two months, and to the first grade from 7 years.

General provisions

There is no separate law on the admission of children to kindergarten, but information about this area is formalized in the Federal Law on Education. Federal Law 273 was adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012, and approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012. The last changes to it were made on December 29, 2017. Preschool education is formalized in chapter number 7, article 64.

Read about Federal Law No. 152

According to Article 64 of the law described, preschool education is only the initial stage in personal development. During training in preschool education, the cultural, personal, physical, aesthetic, moral and intellectual components of the personality are formed. Kindergarten teachers prepare minors for future studies at school and other educational institutions, help strengthen the child’s health and develop him comprehensively.

Specially designed programs help to individually approach the education of each child, taking into account the characteristics of his character, helping to form new qualities or change bad habits or traits. Preschool education helps prepare a minor to achieve the appropriate level of knowledge and skills so that at a certain age he can go to first grade. For the development and support of children, this law has compiled a list of activities that are considered acceptable for conducting classes in kindergartens. Kindergartens and preschools do not conduct tests, exams or quizzes.

The mother, father or other official representatives of the minor have the right to receive free help and support in the areas of education, diagnostics, psychology and pedagogy, as well as to receive advice on educational methods. Consultations are provided to parents only in cases where the kindergarten has consultation centers that comply with legal standards. The listed types of assistance are provided only by government employees. authorities of Russia.

For budgetary preschool education institutions, the state allocates funds for the purchase of:

  • Toys suitable for the age of each kindergarten group;
  • Educational books, magazines and other printed objects;
  • Furniture that complies with legal and sanitary standards;
  • Products, according to the state organs of the diet, helping children receive all the elements necessary for growth and development, etc.

A minor is enrolled in kindergarten for free; according to Russian laws, additional payments are not made at the expense of parents. A special contract for the child’s enrollment in kindergarten is drawn up, executed and signed.

To enroll a child in kindergarten, a parent must draw up an application and submit it at his place of residence to a special commission for recruiting general education institutions. In the application, the minor’s representative specifies the preferred educational institutions and the commission puts the child on the register to receive a place. It should be remembered that the time for submitting an application is limited to a certain period, which is formed every year by the state and published on the official websites of the Government.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a baby can be sent to the youngest group starting from 2 months, but doctors do not recommend doing this, since his immunity has not yet strengthened. Doctors' recommendations boil down to the fact that it is best to send a child to kindergarten starting from the age of two. No organization has the right to refuse parents a place without special reasons, and there can only be one valid reason - lack of free places.

There is also an electronic queue that parents can use. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an application must be submitted to the electronic queue no later than July.

The order of categories of citizens for admission to kindergartens using electronic queues has been determined:

  • Children entering out of turn;
  • The category of children who, by law, enter first in line;
  • If the family has changed its place of residence or one of the parents has been transferred from the place of work;
  • Category of citizens whose children are admitted to an institution at their place of residence;
  • Optional.

When submitting an application to the electronic queue, electronic documents or scans of papers are required. On the official websites of the state. services on the Internet contains information on how you can sign up for an electronic queue or check your own place in this queue.

Latest changes made to the law on kindergartens in the Russian Federation

The latest changes to information on preschool education under Federal Law No. 273 were made on December 29, 2015.

Changes occurred in article number 65, paragraph 5. According to these changes, if parents send their child to a preschool education institution, they are entitled to appropriate support in the form of compensation. The monetary amount is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Government of Russia. The payment should not exceed 20% of the total amount paid by parents for caring for a minor. The payment is also 50% of the amount if the family has a second child and 70% of the total amount if it is the third, etc. The average amount of payments for child care is established by local executive authorities. authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The following have the right to receive compensation:

  • Mother or father of the child;
  • Close relative by proxy from parents;
  • Legal representative of a minor;
  • An employee of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to whom the child is assigned (for spending on the needs of the baby).

Read the latest version of the Federal Law on guardians

Authorities have the right to independently decide and calculate the criterion of a family’s need. If the decision was positive, the authorities issued a document with information that the family needs funds, the parents can come with an application for compensation to the local government center.

Download the law on kindergartens in the new edition

There is no law on the provision of kindergarten, but the information necessary for families is documented in the Federal Law on Education. A separate chapter is devoted to this part, which describes in detail information about the methods and processes of enrolling a child in kindergarten. According to statistics, almost every family has one or two children, so the information is relevant and it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the text of the law being described. To avoid conflict situations, which are now occurring more and more often, between parents and employees of educational and preschool institutions, it is recommended to adhere to the provisions of Federal Law 273.

The Law on Education in the Russian Federation - 273 Federal Law, adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2012, it completely regulates the field of education in our country. For managers, this document is a reference book, a kind of Bible, which they are obliged to know and strictly observe all provisions. It is advisable that both parents and students of various educational institutions also become familiar with the basic provisions of the Law.

Unfortunately, within the framework of one article it is impossible to analyze in detail the entire Law, each of its points. We will analyze the key, most important provisions that can help many consumers of educational services, since the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” is applied in kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, etc.

Basic Concepts

Education is a single, purposeful process of upbringing and training an individual, a set of acquired knowledge, skills, experience, moral values, and attitudes. The goal is the formation of a comprehensively developed citizen with high intellectual, physical, cultural, spiritual and moral development.

It is a mistake to believe that education is only about obtaining information. Here we are using the terms incorrectly.

Training is the purposeful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Education is a process aimed at the spiritual and moral development of the individual, as a result of which the development of generally accepted rules and norms should occur.

Education includes training (acquisition of knowledge and skills), upbringing (mastering generally accepted norms), and physical development.

education requirement

A teaching worker is a person who carries out the educational process. He has an employment relationship with an educational organization, performs certain job responsibilities, and receives a salary for it. Before the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” was adopted, there were no restrictions at the legislative level for hiring a teacher in a school or a teacher in a kindergarten. At school, it was quite normal to see as a teacher a person who himself had difficulty finishing school at one time. In the absence of professional personnel and low pay for teachers, few went to pedagogical universities. The problem is aggravated by the very low percentage of graduates who decide to connect their lives with educational institutions.

Today the situation is different: the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes a ban on engaging in teaching activities for persons who do not have the appropriate qualifications. In Art. 46 of the Law directly establishes that a person who has graduated from a higher educational institution has the right to be an education worker. Education alone is not enough. It will also be necessary to undergo an additional specialization in “Pedagogy” if the applicant’s university or college is not pedagogical.

Education document

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” provides for the issuance of supporting documents (certificate, diploma) for completing the following levels of education:

  1. Basic general.
  2. Average overall.
  3. Initial professional.
  4. A professional environment.
  5. Higher education - bachelor's degree.
  6. Higher education is a specialty.
  7. Higher education - master's degree.

Education system

The Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” (latest edition) contains a hierarchy of main components in a unified education system:

  1. and instructions are regulatory documents according to which schools, institutes, colleges, etc. are required to carry out educational activities. The status of the educational organization does not matter: commercial, budgetary, government - if it has a license to issue the relevant documents, then it is obliged to provide training based on standards .
  2. Direct implementation of training: educational organizations, teaching staff, students, legal representatives.
  3. Federal government bodies, authorities of subjects exercising control. The main role belongs to the Federal State Service for Supervision in Education (Rosobrnadzor). In the regions, this function is performed by the regional ministries of education. They monitor the implementation of state standards in educational institutions.
  4. Organizations providing educational activities. In districts, district education committees are responsible for financing budgetary schools. They also conduct assessment activities in the controlled areas of all schools.
  5. Associations of individuals or legal entities engaged in educational activities. A striking example is the teachers' union.

Goals of federal state standards

The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” assigns a key place to federal state standards. They perform the following tasks:

  1. Unity of education. It follows that throughout the country, students receive an identical level of education, which means equality of opportunity.
  2. Continuity. Despite the dynamic development and reform of the education system, the introduction of new standards and requirements, the key task is to maintain continuity. You cannot completely destroy the entire system every year for the sake of short-term political or economic gain.
  3. Variability. Despite the unity of education in general, the law on education in the Russian Federation excludes the strict totalitarian framework of unity when receiving it. Depending on abilities, desires, and time, various options for achieving certain tasks are created.
  4. Guarantee. It follows that the state controls the unity of education throughout the country.

You can study at home! Forms of training

This is difficult to imagine for a Soviet person, but the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” provides for training not only in educational institutions. Article 17 lists the acceptable forms of training:

  1. In the traditional form - in specialized educational institutions.
  2. In an alternative form - outside specialized educational institutions.

The traditional form is divided into:

  1. In person.
  2. Correspondence.
  3. Full-time and part-time.

Distance learning is gaining popularity these days. In the age of information technology, visiting museums, theaters, and rare exhibitions on the other side of the planet without leaving home has become a reality. Information and communication technologies have also penetrated into education.

The Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” is a new law. However, he does not classify distance education as a separate category. The student is at home, prepares according to an individual schedule, listens to lectures remotely, using communication channels. Therefore, distance education falls under the category of correspondence education.

Alternative form

It is not necessary to send a child to school today to receive it. The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” allows for this possibility. In addition, the state allocates money for alternative forms of education for each child.


Obtaining a certificate outside of school is divided into two types:

  1. Family education.
  2. Self-education.

Family education involves shifting the function of education to the family. It is for this form that the state pays compensation. Of course, schools react very painfully to this. This is understandable: no one wants to be left without a salary. Judicial practice shows that the courts are completely on the side of the parents. The average compensation for a middle and senior student is about 10 thousand rubles.

The problem of involving child labor as cleaners

School duty is a tradition that we inherited from the Soviet past. Many parents still don’t see a problem with their children cleaning floors while on duty at school. However, Article 34 of the Law directly provides for parental consent to such involvement of a child in labor. Technology and labor training classes are mandatory. It is here that students are legally required, in accordance with federal government programs, to be involved in work: sewing, cooking, woodworking. Everything else is only at the request of the parents.


So, the main law that regulates the field of education is the Federal Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”. Its articles contain a description of the organization of the educational process, the competencies of local authorities, forms and types of education, rules for final certifications, etc. We discussed the most interesting aspects of this Law in the article.

  • Chapter 7. General education
  • Chapter 8. Professional education
  • Chapter 11. Features of the implementation of certain types of educational programs and education for certain categories of students
  • Chapter 14. International cooperation in the field of education
  • new basic law on education in Russia

    Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

    The law was developed in order to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and is a fundamental regulatory legal act in the field of education.

    The law determines the levels of general education (preschool education, primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education) and levels of vocational education (secondary vocational education, higher education - bachelor's degree; higher education - specialty, master's degree; higher education - training of highly qualified personnel) . Another level of higher education is being introduced - training of highly qualified personnel, which includes training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel, residency programs, and assistantship internship programs.

    Along with the main educational programs in the field of education, there are also additional educational programs of various orientations and degrees of complexity, formed taking into account the age characteristics, interests, abilities, level of education and professional qualifications of students.

    The law expands the circle of entities that have the right to conduct educational activities, including the legal possibilities for access of “non-educational” organizations to educational activities. In addition, the law contains a separate article devoted to the regulation of the legal status of individual entrepreneurs conducting educational activities.

    The law now also regulates the provision of scholarships to students in vocational education institutions.

    The law contains separate norms dedicated to:

    Credit-module system for organizing the educational process and a system of credit units;

    Network interaction in the implementation of educational programs, including a mechanism for crediting the results of mastering individual parts of the educational program in third-party organizations;

    The use of distance learning technologies in the educational process;

    Training in integrated educational programs;

    Educational and information resources in the educational process and others.

    The conditions for conducting experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are regulated. In addition, models of economic activity in the education sector have been updated.

    From the date of entry into force of this law, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” are recognized as no longer in force.

    Russian Federation



    State Duma

    Federation Council


    Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

    1. The subject of regulation of this Federal Law is social relations arising in the field of education in connection with the implementation of the right to education, ensuring state guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the field of education and the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education (hereinafter referred to as relations in the field of education).

    2. This Federal Law establishes the legal, organizational and economic foundations of education in the Russian Federation, the basic principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education, general rules for the functioning of the education system and the implementation of educational activities, and determines the legal status of participants in relations in the field of education.

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