Harmonious type. Family parenting styles

Marriage. The union of a man and a woman, initially strangers, preferably until the grave. Many people want to find what is called happiness in marriage. Others, experiencing a completely understandable horror of the darkness of someone else’s soul, communicate with the opposite sex exclusively using condoms and the now fashionable institution of “civil marriage.”

But what can be opposed to the eternal ideal: one man, one woman – two friends, and two true lovers...

What would you wish for your daughter: dozens of lovers or a loving spouse? And would you advise your son to visit prostitutes?

Not to mention the moral aspects, a free style of sexual life is fraught with dozens of sexually transmitted diseases, including the terrible AIDS, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia...

So, let's talk about faithful marriage. About the factors that are necessary and sufficient so that communication with your other half does not lead to despair. And first, let's talk about how different people are, and about attempts to scientifically describe these differences, i.e. about typologies...

Any person can be classified as one of the sexes, and no other sexes exist in nature. There are, of course, various pathological “intermediate” cases, but even in these cases the true, main sex is always determined.

There are many other human typologies. Racial-national divisions, age divisions, etc. can be considered unconditionally natural. The introduction of such classifications makes sense only from a certain point of view. So, children 14 years old should not watch erotic films, but they need the same ticket on the tram as adults.

You can come up with, for example, such an interesting classification: blondes with gray eyes and blondes with brown eyes. Here the question of whether such a typology is of much use comes to the fore. However, perhaps gray-eyed blondes differ from brown-eyed ones in some significant psychological quality.

Until now we have been talking about classifications, the obviousness of which cannot be disputed. There are still a lot of far-fetched, but scientific-like typologies. A classic example is the theory of the four temperaments. The reader, of course, is familiar with it: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic temperaments are mixed in a person in any proportions. Unlike typology based on eye color, the theory of temperaments can be endlessly refuted and proven, which is what its supporters and opponents have been doing for many centuries.

The crux of the problem, apparently, is how useful this scientific typology is for understanding human nature and explaining his actual behavior. The theory of harmonic psychology can also, in principle, be questioned. Distrust, however, gives way to real admiration when you become convinced how wonderfully harmonic psychology “works,” i.e. describes specific life situations.

So, what is harmonic type? Perhaps it would be most correct to define it as a human information device. Each of us from birth has a built-in information “machine”, or a way of perceiving, processing and producing information. And information, as you know, is a comprehensive concept that includes any words, judgments, conclusions, actions, actions of people, plus everything else that is around us. Our whole life, in fact, is continuous work with information, and each person has his own tool for this work.

The harmonic type should not be understood only as a way of organizing the human psyche. The harmonic type manifests itself in an individual very powerfully, through all possible channels. These are features of the constitution (body structure), and characteristic facial features, style of conversation and manner of movement (motor skills). People of the same type have similar vocals (i.e. voice characteristics: timbre, intonation), they are prone to the same diseases, and much, much more.

A man and a woman of the same harmonic type are closer in human essence than two women of different types. A Slav and a Negro of the same type are more alike than two Indians. Not in appearance, but in his inner make-up. Of course, this situation does not negate gender and racial characteristics. No, these features are of the same deep nature and essential significance as the harmonic type. But no one needs to be convinced of this...

Stereotypes of gender roles are so rigid (a man is a strong man, a breadwinner; a woman is a housewife) that one psychologist published, for example, the following advice: “Give your husband a large shopping bag for his birthday, because fighting in lines corresponds to his natural inclinations... “This psychologist is, of course, a lady. And these are the ladies who are indignant when they are given a saucepan for their birthday.

Harmonic psychology not only puts everything in its place, but also does it very ethically. Harmonic psychology considers it natural for a sensitive man to write poetry or raise children, for an intelligent and strong-willed woman to run an enterprise or fly into space. And many still have to get used to this justice.

A person has a harmonious type from the moment of birth. Or maybe even in the womb (there have been no studies on this yet). All data indicate that the harmonic type is contained in the genotype.

There are sixteen harmonic types in total. Why exactly sixteen, no more and no less? Where did this number come from? If you want, 16 is one of the world constants, and there is no mysticism here: science knows other world constants, such as the speed of light in a vacuum or the rest mass of a proton.

We have come to the point where it is time to identify harmonic types and give them names. Here they are:

The names are chosen in such a way that they reflect the essential and specific features inherent in each given type. Type names should be understood with maximum generality.

So, a Mechanic is not only an excellent watchmaker or car mechanic, he is a mechanic in everything, even in his relationships with people. A planner is not just an employee of the accounting department of the housing office, but a person who constantly plans, calculates, and forecasts. A mass worker may be associated, first of all, with a mass entertainer, but he is also a person whose element is a gathering of people, vigorous activity, he strives to concentrate attention on himself, to control people. Note that the name “Manager” would be less successful, since the passion to manage is also characteristic of some other harmonic types. A psychologist, even if he assembles televisions at a factory or works at a mathematical institute, is most interested in human depths. An operator is not necessarily a telephone operator. This is a person who knows how to perform work flawlessly and find the optimal technological chain in any process. It is worth remembering here that before the October revolution the surgeon was called an operator.

The reader, of course, noticed that we divided the totality of 16 types into four groups, four types in each. These groups are called quadra, and each quadra is assigned a letter of the Greek alphabet: What is the meaning of this division?

The fact is that a quadra represents a certain integrity: all types of one quadra have in common certain values ​​that set the psychological atmosphere characteristic of a given quadra. This atmosphere is clearly felt in a group where members of only one of the quadra are present.

The following table provides a description of the quad features:

Imperative means the fundamental principle of communication adopted in the quadra.

The reader can easily imagine what will happen if, for example, a theological seminary is staffed with Activists, and a brigade of racketeers is staffed with Humanists.

And yet, in life this is often what happens.

And now it becomes clear why we go so deep into the scientific jungle: in married life too!!!

Part 2.

So, what characterizes, from the point of view of harmonic psychology, this or that personality type? We will study this issue in detail for all sixteen harmonic types.


Inclined to abstract thoughts and research on abstract issues. Always full of extraordinary ideas. Sees promising opportunities opening up in the world around him.

Logical in his statements, easily understands the interconnection of phenomena. Maybe, without experiencing a feeling of discomfort, you can engage in logical work for a long time: studying and systematizing literature, programming, etc.

He strives to ensure that others see him as a strong-willed, decisive person. He does not succumb to external pressure, he boldly goes “against the flow”, pursuing his line to the end.

Poorly oriented in relationships between people. May engage in unethical behavior and become irritated in response to comments.

Needs a beautiful, harmonious environment. Enjoys listening to advice regarding aesthetics. Tries to dress interestingly.

Prefers lively, emotional conversation. The partner’s bright emotions revive him and encourage him to act.


She has a keen eye for beauty and has excellent aesthetic taste. Knows how to dress beautifully and originally. It creates a warm, cozy atmosphere in the house. A big supporter of comfort, he strives to diversify impressions and sensations.

Quickly and accurately assesses a person's mood. He is very sociable and is known as a charming conversationalist. emotional, impulsive, sometimes quick-tempered. He loves intrigue, but tries to resolve conflicts (in his favor).

Tries to be on time everywhere.

May commit irrational actions. Loves to shop and accurately chooses the best product. However, lacks confidence in finance and technology. If he does this, then without much success.

He sympathizes with people who are full of interesting ideas, are focused on the future, and are engaged in significant, promising business. He is inquisitive and enjoys hearing about various mysterious caves.

He greatly values ​​logical harmony and consistency in everything. People who know how to show the interconnection of things bring him into a state of delight.


Any phenomenon is subjected to logical analysis. At the same time, he thinks unbiasedly, demonstrates emerging paradoxes, and makes unexpected logical moves. He loves to debate and is ready to defend his point of view in a dispute with any authority. He studies the subject deeply, tries to penetrate into the fundamental principles.

Strives to understand the diversity of the world of human characters and relationships. He is polite in his interactions and tries to be “good” to everyone. He draws ethical standards from literature, cinema, and his social circle. However, in many situations it turns out to be unable to correctly interpret the ethical and psychological aspects.

Sins with inadequate manifestation of volitional pressure. I am not sure about my assessment of my physical well-being. As compensation, he has a craving for hardening, physical exercise, and physical labor.

Needs a bright emotional background. Experiences pleasure from communicating with an emotional interlocutor. He himself also gets intensely emotional, especially in discussions.

Attaches particular importance to aestheticism. His ideal is universal beauty and holistic harmony of the universe.


An unsurpassed master of emotions. Emotions brightly, beautifully, artistically. She not only creatively controls her own emotions, but also perfectly senses the subtlest shades of other people’s moods. A man of impressions. Capable of being sincerely happy for others. It can, on the contrary, exert emotional pressure on the interlocutor.

Esthete. Creates a beautiful, comfortable environment in the house. Experiences a constant need for pleasant sensations and strives to diversify them. He is always confident in his own taste and knows how to “present” himself. Dresses more often brightly and effectively. Meticulously evaluates the appearance of other people.

Strives to be a business person. Demonstrates to others his prudence and common sense. Attaches great importance to success at work. Tries to achieve material well-being, for this he may take business risks. A player by nature. a passionate, enthusiastic person.

Always busy with something, “all in business.” Often cannot be on time everywhere and is late for meetings. Lives, being completely immersed in the multicolor of a specific environment; does not like to make plans for the future.

He says he likes “smart people.” He listens with bated breath to harmonious, precise theories. He tries to be logical himself.

Appreciates deep inner content in all phenomena. People who know how to reveal and show the deep plan give him new inspiration.


Perceives the world very emotionally. Nervous, impulsive. Master of Expression. Endowed with artistic abilities, he feels the need to “play” in life. An excellent speaker, he describes events dramatically, with emotional intensity. Feels the mood of others.

Has an excellent sense of time. He lives a busy, dynamic life, preferring to plan it as he goes along. He sees well the ambiguity of the development of events” and likes to predict their dramatic outcome.

He strives to be fulfilled in his work and values ​​his reputation as an efficient employee. He discusses expediency and profitability at length and focuses on issues of remuneration. He is no stranger to entrepreneurship, which he directs towards improving his financial situation.

Doesn't like to talk about ugly things. Reacts painfully to reproaches of sloppiness and lack of taste. Spends great effort on making his appearance aesthetically pleasing.

Likes people with clear systems thinking; loves to listen to reasoned, logically convincing theories.

I am convinced that a person must be strong, collected, and decisive. Such people are respected; He himself also tries to live up to the ideal of a “winner.”


Realist, thinks in specific categories. Better than anyone else, he sees logical inconsistencies, which he jokes wittily. Master of ordering and systematization. Able to understand the structure of any object. Excellent performance of complex, high-precision work. Likes to have a variety of tools at his disposal. Shows dissatisfaction if outsiders violate his established order.

He can be domineering and knows how to act decisively. Confident in his physical strength, always fit. Dresses very carefully, usually in a strict style.

He strives to study life as fully as possible in terms of human relationships, “experiments” in this area, expanding his capabilities through trial and error. Establishes certain ethical standards for himself.

Has difficulty assessing people's abilities; doesn't know what to expect from them. Therefore, he treats people with some caution. Discussions of his own abilities are painful. Feels good in a rich emotional atmosphere. When communicating with a person who demonstrates strong, dramatic emotions, he feels calm.

I am convinced that an action is good if it is timely. He works very systematically and considers it important to plan clearly and complete work on time.


He has an excellent sense of time and handles it freely. Sees the contradictory nature of the development of events, which makes him doubtful. Easily “travels” through time, constantly thinking about the past, full of memories, and an unclear future. He has a premonition and likes to predict.

Anxious, impressionable, sentimental. Shows emotions in a wide range: from calm, bordering on detachment, to intense emotional pressure. Sensitively detects changes in people's moods.

Tries to show aestheticism and artistic taste to others. As a rule, she dresses elegantly, in a romantic style. He verbosely admires beauty and decorates his life with works of nature or art.

Feels unsure about business feasibility. Inadequately assesses the usefulness of an item, as well as its cost. Is burdened by activities in the field of finance, economics, technology. Inclined to a “bohemian” lifestyle.

He likes people who are strong-willed and decisive. Being a person of a gentle nature, he favorably accepts a strict style of treatment. Willingly listens to advice on the need to concentrate efforts.

He considers logical persuasiveness to be a criterion for evaluating phenomena. People who are distinguished by the clarity of their conclusions mobilize him and stimulate him to activity.


Unusually understands issues of volitional manifestations. Loves to “measure strength”, compete and win. Capable of exerting powerful force pressure. Takes into account the situation, can ease the pressure, apply a workaround maneuver, if appropriate.

He is extremely clear and logical in his statements and actions. Capable of long-term performance of logical work (mathematics, chess, design, etc.), and can do several things at the same time. A convinced collectivist. Knows how to organize people, place them in positions, and demand effective work. A consistent, firm leader who subordinates all actions to achieving the set goal.

Prefers “not to exhibit.” As a rule, he dresses with taste. He often speaks in an inviting, insinuating tone, demonstrates interest in the interlocutor’s problems, and tries to find out his abilities. The next moment he may suddenly become rigid and intractable.

He is ruthless towards people. He tries to avoid questions of ethics in silence. Doesn't like to focus on people's relationships.

Experiences pleasure from communicating with an interlocutor who subtly senses the demands of the time and helps to understand the ambiguities of the situation.

I am sure that emotions decorate communication. Shows lively, but not flexible enough emotions. People who master them perfectly pour a charge of new energy into it.


He has an excellent understanding of issues of business activity, sees the profitability or unprofitability, prospects or futility of certain enterprises. Offers creative ways to increase efficiency and can take business risks.

Extremely active, dynamic, impulsive. He is acutely aware of the pressure of time and considers lag in business unacceptable. He doesn't like it if anyone disrupts his plans or interrupts him from work.

When communicating with people, he shows emotions and tries to enliven the atmosphere of the conversation. Hot-tempered, but easy-going, Optimist, romantic.

He feels insecure about his own aestheticism, but does not hesitate to “present” himself as he is. Unable to eradicate some carelessness in clothing, as a rule, it leaves the impression of “disheveledness.”

Shows dissatisfaction when close attention is paid to his appearance.

Trusting in building relationships. He wants goodwill and loyalty from his partner, but does not know how to achieve this. He listens with pleasure to the point of view of his interlocutor, who is subject to the interweaving of human relationships.

Believes that a person should be strong-willed and assertive. He strives to meet these criteria himself. “Strong” people seem to transfer part of their strength to him, encouraging him to even more intense activity.


Has the ability to objectively understand relationships between people. Considers it important to find out how they treat him: a manifested bad attitude is better than the unknown.

Relies on himself in everything, firmly determines his own line of behavior. Distrustful, constantly collected, ready for action. Quite peaceful, but can exert powerful force pressure on the enemy. He likes to give orders, revealing a taste for power, but his commands are devalued by logical inconsistency.

He takes care of his appearance, dresses neatly, and quite often dresses brightly and impressively.

Strives to appear reasonable. Gravitates towards objective knowledge, exact sciences and technology. Values ​​his reputation as an erudite. In disputes he often resorts to references to sources.

Due to the fact that he is poorly oriented in the deep individual differences of people, he actively pursues an “equalizing” morality, however, considering himself “more equal.” He likes to designate a person by putting a label on him, a nickname is always superficial and inaccurate. However, he claims to be a psychologist. When people discover “unexpected” traits, one is disappointed and convinced that one has been let down. Shows displeasure if his own abilities are discussed.

Likes to receive material support, gifts, rewards. Makes symbolic offerings to loved ones as a sign of good relations. He has sympathy for people of business who are able to provide him with funds. Needs advice on issues of economic feasibility.


He perfectly senses the dynamics of what is happening, knows how to identify the dominant trends and, on this basis, anticipate the development of events. Always has his own opinion about the timeliness of certain actions. As a rule, assessments are of a skeptical nature (“dark” humor).

Pragmatist, pedant. In his activities he is guided by the principles of rationality and expediency of actions, directing them to obtain reasonable benefits. Able to scrupulously analyze a problem in detail. In performing logical work (programming, financial accounting, etc.) he is capable of prolonged exertion.

He gravitates toward the field of aesthetics and is interested in issues of culture and art. He usually dresses elegantly and tastefully.

He tries to remain calm and correct, giving the impression of an intelligent, sophisticated interlocutor. He rarely laughs - a sad smile is more typical for him. Nevertheless, his face has lively facial expressions. In a critical situation, he may become irritated and show inappropriate emotions.

Has a liking for strong-willed, self-confident people. Their uncontrollable impulse and forceful pressure have a calming effect on him. He accepts with pleasure advice regarding the activation of his own strong-willed qualities.

I am sure that love should reign in the world. A partner who knows how to get along with people and express feelings beautifully fills him with inspiration and a thirst for new achievements.

Mass worker.

Extremely creative, in accordance with his original beliefs, he approaches issues of volition, desires and goals. Has an independent understanding of what should and should not be done. He is confident in himself, knows how to “fill” space with himself, subordinate people to his influence, and strives to control their behavior. Capable of exerting powerful force pressure and dictating his will; can just as easily “free” a partner.

Acts ethically, skillfully builds relationships with people - both positive and negative. Understands what love is. He is not shy in expressing feelings, as well as in making statements on topics of good manners, politeness, and morality. Dresses boldly, in an original, tasteful way. Loves to be the center of attention. Develops vigorous, extensive activity, strives for leadership, intervenes in all events. His element is communication among masses of people.

Tries to win over, demonstrating interest in the problems of the interlocutor, sensitivity and empathy. He easily gives compliments, as well as unflattering remarks. He considers it important to find out a person’s abilities, but he cannot understand them deeply enough and often makes mistakes about people.

Shows illogicality in statements and actions, but is unlikely to admit that he is wrong. Difficulties in analyzing complex structures. He handles technology and objects in general with courage, but inappropriate use of force and harshness often leads to their destruction. Understanding the exact sciences is difficult.

Listens carefully to discussions about the development of events over time, about the possibility of different approaches. Tips like these help you distribute your efforts more wisely.

When assessing any phenomenon, the most important thing is its ability to bring benefits. Counts; what is good is what is profitable; he values ​​frugality. I myself would also like to be thrifty, but at the same time generous, which is not always possible to combine.


Excellently sees the individual qualities of a person, his internal state. Independent in his assessments of people. Has the ability to immediately determine “what kind of person” he is. Prefers activities that involve the opportunity to have wide contact with people.

Easily communicates with strangers. Friendly, shows genuine interest in a person. Enjoys a reputation as a charming and gallant interlocutor. Quickly and accurately notes the quality of relationships between people and adjusts their behavior accordingly. Distinguished by the ability to skillfully “smooth out” conflict situations.

He strives to appear persistent and decisive in front of others, and talks at length about these qualities. Ready to provide physical resistance.

Experiences uncertainty in analyzing complex structures. Does not like structuring, tends to “mix everything”. Careful in handling equipment and drafting documents; work in the field of exact sciences is not easy. He is sensitive to reproaches of illogicality.

Needs an atmosphere of beauty. I am grateful to people who help diversify aesthetic sensations. Tries to be elegant in clothes.

Evaluates actions from the point of view of their expediency. I am ready to subscribe to the statement: everything that is practical is good. People who know how to maintain reasonable benefits have an energizing effect on him.


An unsurpassed esthete. He always has his own opinion about what is beautiful and what is ugly, where there is harmony and where there is bad taste. Beauty, in his understanding, should be functional. Dresses originally, tastefully, and often very impressively. A great connoisseur of comfort, he likes to settle down with maximum convenience. At the same time, he gravitates toward risk, speed, and generally thrills. Stubborn, willful, shows strong resistance to external pressure.

He does not think of himself outside of business, outside of work. In his activities he naturally follows the principles of pragmatism. He is very economical, but at the same time - for close people - generous, loves to give gifts.

Observes time schedules and strives to have a reputation as a punctual person. He can directly say: “Sorry, I have to go, I have work to do.”

Finds it difficult to express emotions. Rarely laughs, more often there is a restrained smile on his face. Speech is clear, sometimes abrupt, “metallic,” sometimes languid, filled with deep feeling. At the moment of breakdown, he demonstrates harsh, impartial negative emotions. He tries to avoid such moments. May give the impression of being a cold person.

Feels the need to meet interesting, gifted interlocutors. He enjoys hearing deep assessments of people's personal qualities.

In general, he understands relationships correctly. Prefers to be in an atmosphere of friendliness and goodwill. Strives for beautiful, real human feelings. And, nevertheless, he can easily make a mistake and get burned. Being deprived of love, he feels depressed: she is the source of his inspiration.


He has an excellent understanding of human relationships, evaluates them subtly and objectively. Prefers communication at a short psychological distance (“intimate” person). A tireless creator of kind, warm human relationships and long-term attachments. Avoids directly showing hostility towards anyone. Consistent in his ethical principles, which are close to Christian morality.

Accepts all people as they are. Sees their individuality, strengths and weaknesses, and inclinations for the future. He is almost always “open” to people, “letting” them into his soul, which is why he is very unprotected. Provides a person with maximum psychological space, which contributes to the fullest and freest expression of the interlocutor’s personality. He knows how to listen carefully and shows delicacy in giving advice.

Strives to understand the root causes, the mechanism of phenomena: why everything happens this way and not otherwise. Experiences a need for logical ordering and structuring of the environment. Gravitates towards the scientific way of thinking.

Does not accept violence, acutely feels the pain of others. In cases where it is necessary to exert strong-willed pressure, put forward strict demands, he experiences uncertainty: is it necessary to do this, in this form, etc. Therefore, he almost always gives in, but even then he cannot avoid torment, because he himself, or his loved ones, or his business are disadvantaged.

Needs constructive advice on business feasibility issues. Feels gratitude towards people who help improve well-being.

In clothes he prefers classic style and pastel colors. He attaches special importance to aesthetics. Any phenomenon is “verified” by harmony. Beauty for him is a source of inspiration.


Excellent understanding of business issues. Confident in your understanding of the matter. Creatively interprets any information. He loves and knows how to “straighten the path”, choosing the most economical and effective method of action.

He brings the matter that he considers important “to shine.” He would rather redo the work anew than leave it in a form that does not satisfy him. He loves order and cleanliness, while at the same time he is excellent at navigating the chaos of things.

He shows himself as an esthete in everything: not only his work, but also any movement, look, appearance from hairstyle to shoes - is always beautiful. At the same time, he does not indulge in excesses.

He is fearless, confident in his physical abilities, but uses strength not for aggression, but to protect himself and those around him.

Treats people with respect. He is correct and polite with everyone, and friendly and cheerful with friends. However, it can also be strict. He is especially demanding of himself and his loved ones.

He tries to maintain restraint and calm, and yet emotions often break through.

Being completely “immersed” in the present, he has little sense of the passage of time. Strives for punctuality, but implementation of plans is difficult. He cannot stand being “pushed up” or, conversely, being delayed.

Cannot influence people's relationships. Accepts almost any attitude when it comes to business contacts. From a loved one he wants constant confirmation of a real, pure, deep feeling,

People are assessed generally correctly, but failure to discern subtleties often leads to dramatic errors.

He considers the ideal world to be one where love, kindness, intelligent and beautiful creation reign.

We have provided these simplified descriptions only to illustratively introduce the reader to the sixteen harmonic types. After such an acquaintance, the idea that all people are similar and at the same time all different takes on an orderly structure.

We warn you against trying to diagnose your (or someone else’s) type on your own, using only these descriptions. You will inevitably make mistakes. The point is that in reality the harmonic type is derived from a complex theoretical procedure. Only a specialist - a harmonic psychologist - can determine your type.

Knowing a person’s type makes it possible to approach with deep understanding the peculiarities of his personal problems and the mechanisms of his psyche. And - what is especially important - this diploma allows you to really improve relationships in married couples.

Oleg Slinko

Research technique and. decoding the results. The patient is given a brochure with the text of the questionnaire and a registration sheet. It is explained that for each topic you can make from 1 to 3 choices (no more!) and circle the numbers of the choices made. If none of the definitions fits, the symbol O is circled. When the patient does not want to answer specifically on a given topic, the column is left blank. However, the total number of zeros and empty columns should not exceed three. There is no time limit for filling out the registration form. But consulting with others is not allowed. Decoding is conveniently carried out using a graph (see below), where the symbols of the types are indicated along the abscissa (they are given in brackets in the given description of the types), and along the ordinate the points in favor of each type are marked with crosses:

Each letter character in the “Points for decoding” column corresponds to 1 point in favor of the corresponding type: G - harmonious, T - alarming, etc. Two or more characters for one choice, for example TN, ZF, mean that one a point is awarded for each of these types. Double symbols, for example PP, PP, indicate that two points are awarded in favor of this type. After plotting the graph, type diagnostics is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

1. Only types for which a number of points has been scored that reaches or exceeds the minimum diagnostic number for a given type can be diagnosed. The minimum diagnostic numbers for different types are not the same:

Type of relationship G T I M L N O S Y F Z R P

Minimum 7 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 5 6 3

Diagnostic number

2. If the minimum diagnostic number is reached or exceeded in relation to several types, 2-3 types are diagnosed, where the excess is greatest. If this cannot be achieved, then no type is diagnosed.

3. The harmonious type is diagnosed only if, according to rules 1 and 2, no other type is diagnosed. In combinations, the harmonious type is not diagnosed.

In the above graph, 8 points were scored in favor of the ergopathic type (P), i.e., the minimum diagnostic number was exceeded by 2 points. 3 points were scored in favor of the sensitive type, i.e. the minimum diagnostic number has just been reached. For all other types (T, O, I, N), the minimum diagnostic number has not been achieved. Thus, a mixed type is diagnosed - ergopathic with features of sensitivity.

Experience in examining patients using LOBI. The first data were published in the work of L. I. Wasserman et al. (1981). A certain correction has been identified between the frequency of certain types and various psychosomatic diseases. In coronary heart disease, anxious, euphoric and ergopathic types were more common; in bronchial asthma, sensitive; in peptic ulcers, hypochondriacal and neurasthenic types of relationships were more common. N. Ya-Ivanov calculated the average scores for each type of relationship in patients with various chronic somatic diseases (based on the research materials of the authors listed on page 104). It turned out that there are significant differences in relation to some values ​​- P<0,05 (табл. 4).

In the table, the values ​​in bold are significantly higher, and in italics - values ​​that are significantly lower for this disease compared to others. It can be seen that in the group of patients with malignant tumors the indicators of the anxious and obsessive types were significantly higher and the indicators of the euphoric type were lower. In the group of patients with myocardial infarction, the ergopathic type was significantly highest and the obsessive type was the lowest. Patients with peptic ulcer disease, on average, took an intermediate position in all indicators, except for the indicator of the apathetic type: although its value was small, it still turned out to be significantly higher than in other types. In the group of patients with bronchial asthma, the highest indicators were of the neurasthenic, egocentric and paranoid types and the lowest - of the aposophyseal type. A group of patients from an orthopedic dentistry clinic found minimal indicators of anxious and hypochondriacal types. Thus, the nature of the disease is undoubtedly an important factor determining the type of attitude towards the disease. However, the data in the table below indicate that this factor is not the only one. The average scores for the sensitive type were very similar in all groups examined. One might think that the sensitive type of attitude towards illness depends most of all on personality traits, in particular on the sensitive accentuation of character. As the table shows, the average score for all types, except harmonious, to some extent can serve as a measure of how much the disease affected the system of personal relationships. This amount is highest in patients with malignant tumors and bronchial asthma. The first can be explained by the objective danger of the disease. As for patients with bronchial asthma, the cases examined were relatively severe and required hospitalization. The average amount was significantly lower than in these two groups of patients in patients with peptic ulcer disease and especially in patients in the dental orthopedics clinic. Patients with myocardial infarction took an intermediate position. All this is just the first data obtained using LOBI. As they accumulate, significant adjustments may be made to them.

Hello, dear readers! Any disease affects not only our physical condition, but also our psychological health. Everyone reacts to illness in their own way. Today I will tell you about the types of response to illness from a psychological point of view.

This classification was developed by Russian scientists Lichko and Ivanov, in my opinion, it is the most complete and comprehensive. I think many will be able to recognize themselves or their loved ones in it.

There are species of interest to everyone and there are many of them, so let's quickly get to the point.

Harmonious type

This type is found in people with a rational approach to business. It occurs without disruption of social adaptation. The patient is focused on treatment. He tries to burden his loved ones as little as possible. He is well aware of his illness and soberly assesses the situation. He is not inclined to underestimate the ailment, his goal is to recover, to use the doctor’s recommendations and medical capabilities.

If a person of a harmonious type hears an unfavorable prognosis and the disease deprives him of any benefits, he concentrates on those available to him, tries to continue as much as possible, to preserve his personal life.

The most striking example of this type of attitude towards illness is Nick Vujicic. Despite the fact that the man was born without limbs, he not only did not despair, but also found the strength to teach other people a positive lifestyle. If you are interested in the extraordinary thoughts of Nick Vujicic, I can recommend his book "50 Lessons That Will Make You Outrageously Happy".

In it you will find a short biography and thousands of tips that will help you look at your life differently.

Anxious type

This type is the most common. A person prone to the anxious type does not trust anyone. He is constantly looking for some new methods of treatment, confirmation or refutation of the words, arguments and methods that the doctor prescribes. He needs a truly authoritative opinion, one that...


People of this type believe that illness is the result of the evil eye or the evil intent of other people. They may see in medications and procedures something that will cause complications or leave everything at the same level, will maintain the disease. Doctors and medical personnel are completely negligent in their work, and those around them have malicious intent. No one is interested in the recovery of such a patient. Their task is to maintain the current state of affairs for as long as possible.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend you another excellent book by Nick Vujicic, which became a bestseller and glorified its author, "Life without borders." Of course, it is difficult to deny the fact that Nick lives in a country with more advanced medicine and a loyal attitude towards people with disabilities. In many ways, it was a little easier for him to find a positive approach to life than for us Russians.

Although this helped him achieve fame and then a full life, I believe that his extraordinary thoughts deserve attention and will be useful to everyone. It doesn’t matter how he achieved this, the main thing is that his experience can possibly give you.

That's basically all. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. Until next time.

Attitude to volitional manifestations

Among all socio-psychological personality types, the introverted type is the most strong-willed. He can steadfastly endure any hardships and difficulties encountered in life.

Thus, students of the introverted socio-psychological type exhibit the following qualities that form this symptom complex: sensitivity and attentiveness, truthfulness and honesty, politeness, poise and calmness, modesty and shyness, innocence and simplicity in communicating with people, patience, diligence, a tendency to keep busy physical labor, responsibility, self-criticism.

Diagnosis of a harmonious socio-psychological personality type is based on identifying the following qualities that make up characterological properties: initiative, balance, activity, equal attitude to mental and labor actions, intransigence to the shortcomings and ugly actions of others, the need to protect one’s comrades and loved ones, ease of handling with people, truthfulness, sincerity, politeness, modesty, conscientiousness, realistic assessment of one’s capabilities, adherence to rules and norms of behavior, devotion to the interests of the team, self-demandingness, self-criticism, perseverance in achieving goals, initiative.

The results of the survey showed that they are characterized by the manifestation of the following personal qualities: openness, goodwill, self-confidence, calmness, stability, obedience, compliance, conscious dependence on other people, conscientiousness, diligence, responsibility, social courage, ease, determination, high self-control , good understanding of social norms.

Thus, external influences of the environment, upbringing, and training influence the child’s behavior through internal conditions, that is, through individual personal properties, the formation of which significantly depends on the interaction of hereditary prerequisites with all environmental conditions.

Social and psychological personality types, formed in the family, in a comprehensive school experience from the first day a powerful pedagogical influence, which does not always coincide with the guidelines and needs of students. Therefore, the optimal way of personality formation can be achieved if the methods of pedagogical influence correspond to the existing characterological properties of the personality. Such a coincidence is possible for a “harmonious” socio-pedagogical personality type. This is evidenced by the psychological state of personal qualities, which was revealed during the study of this group of students.

Social tension arises when motivated behavior encounters an obstacle, when satisfaction of needs becomes impossible. This happens in those students who have certain deviations in characterological properties from the harmonious socio-pedagogical type.

This leads to conflict and in many socio-psychological types causes a high or low manifestation of certain characterological personality traits, such as conformity, dominance, infantility and anxiety, which sharply distinguish them from the “harmonious” type.

2. Psychological criteria for the well-being of a child in the family: emotional climate in the family, parent-child dyad

In the scientific literature, synonyms for the concept of “family psychological climate” are “family psychological atmosphere”, “family emotional climate”, “family socio-psychological climate”. It should be noted that there is no strict definition of these concepts. For example, O. A. Dobrynina understands the socio-psychological climate of the family as its generalized, integrative characteristic, which reflects the degree of satisfaction of the spouses with the main aspects of the family’s life, the general tone and style of communication. The psychological climate in the family determines the stability of intrafamily relationships and has a decisive influence on the development of both children and adults. It is not something immutable, given once and for all. It is created by members of each family and it depends on their efforts whether it will be favorable or unfavorable and how long the marriage will last. Thus, a favorable psychological climate is characterized by the following features: cohesion, the possibility of comprehensive development of the personality of each member, high benevolent demands of family members towards each other, a sense of security and emotional satisfaction, pride in belonging to one’s family, responsibility. In a family with a favorable psychological climate, each member treats the others with love, respect and trust, also with respect for parents, and with readiness to help the weaker at any moment. Important indicators of a favorable psychological climate of a family are the desire of its members to spend free time in the home circle, talk about topics that interest everyone, do homework together, and emphasize the virtues and good deeds of everyone. Such a climate promotes harmony, reduces the severity of emerging conflicts, relieves stress, increases the assessment of one’s own social significance and realizes the personal potential of each family member. The initial basis for a favorable family climate is marital relationships. Living together requires spouses to be willing to compromise, to be able to take into account the needs of their partner, to give in to each other, and to develop such qualities as mutual respect, trust, and mutual understanding. When family members experience anxiety, emotional discomfort, and alienation, in this case they speak of an unfavorable psychological climate in the family. All this prevents the family from fulfilling one of its main functions - psychotherapeutic, relieving stress and fatigue, and also leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a lack of positive emotions. If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic. Psychological climate can be defined as a more or less stable emotional mood characteristic of a particular family, which is a consequence of family communication, that is, it arises as a result of the totality of the mood of family members, their emotional experiences and worries, attitudes towards each other, towards other people, towards work, to surrounding events. It is worth noting that the emotional atmosphere of the family is an important factor in the effectiveness of the family’s vital functions and the state of its health in general; it determines the stability of the marriage. Many Western researchers believe that in modern society the family is losing its traditional functions, becoming an institution of emotional contact, a kind of “psychological refuge.” Domestic scientists also emphasize the increasing role of emotional factors in family functioning.

I would like to take a look V. S. Torokhtiya on the problem of socio-psychological climate and psychological health of the family. He talks about the psychological health of the family and that this “integral indicator of the dynamics of vital functions for it, expressing the qualitative side of the socio-psychological processes occurring in it and, in particular, the family’s ability to withstand the undesirable influences of the social environment,” is not identical to the concept “ socio-psychological climate", which is more applicable for groups (including small ones) of heterogeneous composition, which often unite their members on the basis of professional activities and the availability of ample opportunities for them to leave the group, etc. For a small group with related connections that ensure stable and long-term psychological interdependence, where the closeness of interpersonal intimate experiences is preserved, where the similarity of value orientations is especially significant, where not one, but a number of family goals are simultaneously highlighted, and the flexibility of their priority and targeting is maintained, where the main condition for its existence is integrity - The term “family psychological health” is more acceptable.

Psychological health- this is a state of mental and psychological well-being of a family, ensuring regulation of the behavior and activities of all family members that is adequate to their living conditions. To the main criteria for family psychological health B.C. Torokhtiy includes the similarity of family values, functional-role consistency, social-role adequacy in the family, emotional satisfaction, adaptability in microsocial relationships, and aspiration for family longevity. These criteria for the psychological health of a family create a general psychological portrait of a modern family and, above all, characterize the degree of its well-being.

The emotional climate in a family is determined by the relationship of parent to child and child to parent in terms of evolutionary acceptance, maternal and paternal love and affection, but also by character affective relationships in a parent-child dyad (A.S. Spivakovskaya, G.T. Khomentauskas). The parameters for their determination are emotional sign and relationship symmetry. Accordingly, we can highlight the following relationship options:

Mutual symmetrical (emotional mutual acceptance, symmetrical negative attitude)

- emotional mutual acceptance. The child is characterized by the basic experience that he is loved and dear to the family, and his parents feel his love in return. Such relationships ensure the harmonious development of the child: high self-esteem and self-acceptance, trust and goodwill towards the world, readiness to cooperate with adults and peers;

- symmetrical negative installation. Both parties - parents and child - mutually reject each other. In a child, as a rule, a negative attitude towards parents is secondary, with the exception of the variant of abnormal development, and is a consequence of emotional rejection or ambivalence in the parents’ relationship. As a result, the child develops total hostility towards the world, aggressiveness, a low degree of self-acceptance, and negative ambivalent self-esteem. His demonstrative, socially provocative behavior is often observed.

Non-reciprocal, asymmetrical (one-sided parental love, one-sided child’s affection)

- one-sided parental love. The child is dearly loved by his parents and is the object of their care, attention, boundless adoration and love. The child himself takes a detached position, not feeling empathy, emotional attachment, or warmth towards his parents. Typically, this type of relationship is the result of violations of family upbringing such as pandering hyperprotection or upbringing like a family idol. The child develops inappropriately high self-esteem, communication difficulties arise due to emotional and personal egocentrism, problems with establishing cooperative relationships, and high levels of conflict. There are difficulties in adapting to a new social situation, a new social environment. Receiving negative feedback leads to the formation of ambivalent self-esteem in such a child, and in a significant number of cases to the formation of an affect of inadequacy and, as a consequence, maladjustment, frequent conflicts, withdrawal, isolation, and aggression. In the case of the “family idol” type of upbringing, difficulties arise in the volitional regulation of activity and voluntary behavior;

- one-sided attachment of the child. The child feels affection and love towards his parents, but the parents are cold and do not reciprocate. The consequence of this distortion of affective child-parent relationships is the formation of anxious attachment options. The neurotic personality type, the likelihood of which is very high, is characterized by self-doubt, low self-esteem, high anxiety, and an insatiable need for love.

The only favorable option for parent-child relationships is mutual emotional acceptance, which ensures harmonious personal development and a high level of life satisfaction for both the child and the parent. In the early stages of ontogenetic development, the decisive role in the formation of affective relationships belongs to the adult, but starting from the second half of life, the active behavior of the child begins to determine them more and more. The child’s temperament, parental attitudes, characteristics of the parent’s motivational-need and value spheres constitute the psychological conditions for building emotional relationships in the child-parent subsystem of the family.

Children of this type have equally developed all their personal characteristics and practically do not have such psychological factors as anxiety and tension. Such children do not experience difficulties at school. They have a fairly high level of development of intellectual functions, are sociable, self-confident, conscientious about the work they do, and successfully control their behavior, measuring their reactions and actions with accepted norms and rules.

The harmony of their personal structure provides them with the most effective and rapid adaptation to the changing conditions of the social environment. Such students can be successful in almost any type of activity; their development is multivariate, which is both a positive and negative quality.

Diverse abilities allow children to master a variety of knowledge, skills and abilities, to study well in all school subjects, but they sharply demonstrate extremely specific abilities in a certain area, expressed as talent in a certain area. Despite its stable personality structure, the harmonious type is susceptible to adverse external influences. Such children can be spoiled by the wrong parenting style, especially in a situation of constant stress, when others show increased anxiety, tug at children unnecessarily, place inflated demands on them, and underestimate the results of their activities.

At the same time, children may experience decreased self-confidence, decreased self-esteem, and increased anxiety and tension. As defensive reactions, tendencies towards dominance, irritability, and introverted tendencies can develop. Thus, the natural process of personality development is disrupted.

Children of the harmonious type need to be trusted in the manifestation of their independence and initiative, to encourage their successes, to create conditions for their comprehensive development, remembering that practical achievements, cognitive activity, and successful communication are equally important for them. They should have time for contact with peers, for proper rest, and for doing what they love.

If such children show signs of self-doubt and increased anxiety, one should pay attention to the macrosocial situation of their development in school and family, try to eliminate the traumatic factor, reduce its influence, and help children find an adequate way out of the emerging conflict. Particular care must be taken when evaluating actions, trying in every possible way to support the child and encourage the slightest achievements.

Among children of the harmonious type, a special group can be distinguished, characterized by an increased level of excitement and motor activity. Such children are restless, overly active, and have excess energy. This is often associated with hyperexcitability of their nervous system and motor disinhibition.

These children are shown constant motor discharge to relieve the resulting overstrain. During the lesson, it is advisable to once again raise the child from his desk, ask him to go to the board, wipe it, go wet a rag, bring chalk, hand out notebooks, open the window - in a word, perform some task that requires motor effort.

During recess, try not to restrain physically active children, give them the opportunity to run around and have fun. It is especially useful for them to carry out changes in the gym or on the street. In addition, frequent switching from one type of activity to another is necessary. At the same time, of course, you cannot overwork the child, ensuring a rational regime for his work and rest.

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