Where and how is Hitler buried? Why did Hitler hate Jews? Military campaigns of the German legions

And they explained the situation with the DNA examination of the remains of the main Nazi

All that was left of Evil fit in the palm of my hand. I hold Hitler's jaw in my hands. The German Fuhrer clearly did not take care of his teeth: most of them are artificial, made of gold.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide, but managed to escape. In the West they say: Russia does not specifically do a DNA examination of the Fuhrer’s jaw... I went to the archives of the Russian FSB to get answers to the questions that had arisen.

Hitler and Eva Braun

Adolf Hitler's jaw is the main artifact kept in the archives of the Federal Security Service. It is she who is considered the main evidence that the Fuhrer committed suicide and did not spend the rest of his days somewhere (for example, in Argentina).

Hitler's jaw

“Russia still has not done a DNA examination of Hitler’s jaw!” - said former CIA officer Bob Baer recently. He, together with the American military man who participated in the liquidation of bin Laden, “threatened” to publish documents confirming that Hitler was taken alive from Berlin, and that the jaw of the Reich Chancellor’s double was always in the hands of the MGB-KGB-FSB.

Is there any truth to this? What other evidence of Hitler's suicide do the Russian intelligence services have?

Intelligence investigation: “Hitler’s personal dog is buried in the specified crater”

Conversations that Hitler remained alive in the meat grinder of the spring of 1945 have not stopped for more than 70 years. And it is unlikely that this “alternative” version will ever be completely dispelled. As historians say, no matter how much or what evidence is presented, people will always doubt the suicide of one of the bloodiest rulers on the planet during the days of the storming of Berlin by the Red Army.

The case initiated to search for the Fuhrer

But now there is a reason to conduct another historical investigation. In January 2017, ex-British and American intelligence officials said they had studied 14,000 different documents and concluded that Hitler did survive. According to them, the Fuhrer was taken to a secret prison. They threw a stone at Russia, saying that our country knew this and allegedly therefore did not conduct a DNA examination of Hitler’s jaw.

There really was no DNA examination, but that’s not why,” says Nikolai Ivanov, deputy head of the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia. - We are ready to show Hitler’s jaw and other material evidence confirming his death.

But I decide to start my search for truth with documents. These are not copies, but originals. Only a few saw these secret papers.

Hitler's destroyed bunker

The FSB archive contains an intelligence investigation file against Adolf Hitler, opened in 1945. A large folder with yellowed sheets. On the cover is Hitler's name in strikingly beautiful handwriting. And further: “Ministry of State Security of the USSR. Case No. 300919.”

It's always good to visualize the crime scene first.

Here are pictures of the bunker where Hitler hid with Eva Braun in the last days of his life. More precisely, the photo shows only the burnt remains of the shelter. Parts of walls, stairs... To understand what it looked like during Hitler's life, it is better to study the plan diagram of the bunker. The drawing was made by one of the Red Army officers.

So, in the very corner was Hitler's bedroom. Nearby there is a private bathroom, an office, and a “map room.” Eva Braun's bedroom-living room and her dressing room are adjacent. There is also a “dog bunker” or security room. All this occupies one half of the shelter, separated from the other by a conference room and a common living room.

Photo from Hitler's bunker.

And on the other half are Goebbels’ bedrooms (the main ideologist of Nazi propaganda), Stumpfegger’s rooms (surgeon, Hitler’s personal physician), diesel room, switchboard room, security room, etc. The kitchen, closets, servants' quarters, and the rooms of Frau Goebbels and her children were located separately.

Judging by the diagram, there were several exits from the bunker, including one into the garden. A cross marks the place where the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were burned in this garden...

I read the testimony of Hitler's servants. She claims that the last time she saw him and his wife alive was at 14.30 on April 30. “They walked around the bunker, shook hands with all the assistants, then returned to their rooms where they committed suicide.”

Photo from Hitler's bunker

Next comes the testimony of the guards, who tell how, on orders from their superiors, the external doors were walled up, and how they brought about 180 liters of gasoline. They didn't know what happened next. From the testimonies of the secretaries, it becomes clear that Goebbels, Bormann (head of the party chancellery, the Fuhrer’s personal secretary), Hitler’s adjutant Gunsche, and the Fuhrer’s personal bodyguard Linge carried the bodies of Hitler and Eva into the garden. At the same time, the Fuhrer's corpse was wrapped in a blanket, but his wife was not. The bodies were doused with gasoline, and when they caught fire, they saluted and hastily returned to the shelter (it was dangerous because the Russian artillery fire was intensifying).

One of the main witness documents:

“Identifier Mengeshausen Harry stated that from April 10 to April 30, 1945, while serving in the SS group Mundke, he participated in the defense of the Imperial Chancellery and the direct protection of Hitler. At noon on April 30, he was on patrol duty in the Imperial Chancellery building, walking along the corridor past Hitler’s work room to the blue dining room. While patrolling along the indicated corridor, Mengeshausen stopped at the extreme window of the blue dining room, which is the first one at the exit door to the garden, and began to observe. At that moment, the bodies of Hitler and his wife were carried out of the emergency exit by Günsche and Linge. Günsche doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. The bodies were then carried into the shell crater.

Mengeshausen observed the entire procedure of removing, burning and burying the corpses of Adolf Hitler and his wife from a distance of 60 meters. Mengeshausen further stated that Hitler’s personal dog was buried in the said crater on April 29th. Her characteristics: a tall shepherd with long ears, a black back... Mengeshausen knows that she was poisoned. An examination of the places indicated by Mengeshausen established the veracity of the testimony: from the window of the blue dining room he could perfectly observe what was happening.”

In general, Hitler gave the order to burn them during his lifetime. He was afraid that they would carry him dead around Moscow and show him off like a monkey. He did not want to go to the Russians, either alive or dead.

It is impossible to understand exactly from the documents how long the bodies burned, how often they were doused with gasoline. In the general turmoil, few of those close to him were interested in this fact. And by the way, this offended one of the employees: in his testimony he complains about the general indifference to the fate of the corpses... But Hitler’s body was not destined to burn to the ground. Fact.

Then there are testimonies related to the suicide of Goebbels and his wife.

Probably, then the burned bodies of both Hitler and Goebbels were simply covered with earth and forgotten about. At that time, everyone was busy thinking about how to save their lives, and no one cared at all about the dead Hitler. Red Army soldiers have already shown interest in him.

I am holding a unique document. Spelling and punctuation have been preserved.

“Owl. secret. Berlin. Act. 1945, May 5th day.

Me guards senior lieutenant Panasov Alexey Aleksandrovich and privates Churakov, Oleynik and Seroukh in Berlin in the area of ​​​​Hitler's Reich Chancellery near the place where the troupes were discovered (for some reason “corpses” are written everywhere with two “p.” - E.M.) of Goebbels and his wife, about Hitler's personal bomb shelter discovered and seized two burned troupes, one female, the other male. The corpses were badly burned and it is impossible to identify them without any additional information. The troops were located in a bomb crater, three meters from the entrance to the bomb shelter and covered with a layer of earth. The troupes are kept under the SMERSH counterintelligence department.

Photo of Hitler's charred remains (it can be seen that the fire hardly affected his legs)

Attached to the act is another diagram, apparently drawn by Panasov. It shows in more detail where the corpses were found.

The numbers indicate the old and new imperial chancellery, Hitler's dugout, his work room, the blue dining room, the outer window of this dining room, water pools, an observation tower, a funnel, the place where Hitler was burned.

“Eva Braun’s body was in a black dress, with several pink flowers on her chest.”

So, the bodies have been found. Everything that happened next was documented, but it was included in another matter. It's a matter of identification. Officially, it has a long title: “Acts of identification, forensic medical examination of corpses, protocols of interrogations of witnesses.”

In general, even before the end of the Great Patriotic War, several corpses of Hitler's doubles were found. So Stalin needed irrefutable evidence that the body buried in a crater near the Reich Chancellery bunker belonged to him.

I’m reading the original protocol for identifying Hitler’s body. It follows from the document that the external inspection was carried out in the morgue of the city of Berlin on May 8, 1945. The remains were brought here in a wooden box. Photo of the box and its “owner” is here. I can clearly see the contours of the body. The feet were completely preserved, the fire did not touch them. But everything else... You shouldn't look at the photo for a long time - you might feel a bout of nausea.

The forensic expert - the chief pathologist of the Red Army, Kraevsky - points to a strong smell of charred meat. He notices that even the remains of the yellow shirt have been preserved. Lists the parameters of the deceased: height 165 cm, anatomical features of the teeth, etc. He especially notices that he found pieces of glass in his mouth - part of an ampoule with poison.

Kraevsky takes blood and tissues for examination.

In general, all the same manipulations that modern pathologists do were done with the corpse,” says the deputy. head of the archive Ivanov. - Moreover, the remains of Eva Braun, Goebbels and his wife, and even all of Hitler’s and Eva’s dogs were subjected to exactly the same procedure.

All autopsy reports have been preserved. Several hours of studying them won't do much. However, what kind of findings can be expected from a completely standard procedure?

The procedure for identifying Hitler's body was painstaking.

For this purpose, all employees of the Reich Chancellery were interviewed. And Mengeshausen was interrogated again (the first interrogation took place on May 13, the second on the 18th).

“I knew Hitler by his face and the way he dressed. He was wearing black trousers and a gray-green jacket. None of the leaders of the fascist party, except him, wore such a uniform. When they carried Hitler out, I personally saw the profile of his face - nose, hair, mustache. That's why I claim that it was him. Hitler's wife, Eva Braun, when she was taken out of the bomb shelter, was dressed in a black dress, with several pink flowers made of material on her chest. I saw her in this dress several times in the bunker... Knowing Hitler’s wife well, I affirm that it was she who was taken out of the bomb shelter.”

Original photos used to identify Hitler (from the FSB archives)

FROM THE MGB DOSSIER: “Harry Mengeshausen, born in 1915, German. By resolution of a special meeting of the USSR Ministry of State Security on December 26, 1951, he was imprisoned in a forced labor camp for a period of 15 years. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was released early in 1955 and handed over to the authorities of the GDR.”

Hitler was also identified from photographs. The FSB archive contains the original photographs of the photographs that were used for this. On the back of each (they all pass as material evidence) there are corresponding notes. The pictures are of quite high quality, some are quite large, A4 format. In one, in addition to Hitler, a limping Goebbels is visible - from this frame, Goebbels himself and his crooked leg, which was always in an orthopedic boot, were identified.

And yet, Hitler’s dental chart (information about the condition of his teeth) was one of the main pieces of evidence. But what would it mean without the testimony of dentists? First of all, dentist Ehman Fritz was interrogated. He stated: “In January 1945, Hitler’s personal dentist, Professor Blaschke, gave me several x-rays of the Fuhrer’s teeth in Berlin.”

Blaschke himself, by the way, was also interrogated. His testimony completely coincided with those given by Ehman and the nurse. Blaschke was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in the camps, released early in 1953.

At that moment no one had any doubt that the corpse belonged to Hitler. Otherwise, no one would dare to report to Moscow, to the Kremlin.

Hitler was buried more than once

In the folder I find the very paper that tells how it happened.

“Owl. secret. May 31, 1945. To the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Comrade L.P. Beria.

I am sending acts of forensic research and identification of the supposed corpses of Hitler and Goebbels, as well as interrogation reports and photographic documents.

The listed documents and photographs confirm the correctness of our assumptions about the suicide of Hitler and Goebbels. There is no doubt that the corpse of Hitler we offer is genuine. This was established based on the testimony of the dentist and nurse who treated Hitler, who drew the location of the false teeth.”

Beria's resolution: “Send to Stalin and Molotov.”

From the point of view of the department and the country's leadership, this issue was put to rest. Neither Stalin nor anyone else doubted that Hitler was dead and that his remains lay there.

Immediately after this, Hitler was buried. And more than once.

And again, an authentic document confirms this.

After completing the forensic examination and carrying out all operational measures to identify them, the corpses were buried in the mountain area. Buh. In connection with the relocation of the SMERSH counterintelligence department, the corpses were seized and transported first to the mountain area. Finov, and then - mountains. Rathenov, where they were finally buried. The corpses are in wooden boxes in a pit at a depth of 1.7 meters and are placed in the following order (from east to west) Hitler, Eva Brain, Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, Krebs, Goebbels' children... The buried pit with corpses is leveled to the ground, on The number of small trees planted on the surface is 111.”

The site of Hitler's reburial by the SMERSH department. 111 small trees were planted on the surface.

Our troops have redeployed, but how can we leave the corpse of Hitler himself? In February 1946, a special commission headed by the head of the SMERSH department of the 3rd Shock Army, Colonel Miroshnichenko, decided to open the burial.

I am studying the relevant act.

“The corpses are in a semi-decayed state and in this form were delivered to the mountains. Magdeburg to the location of the SMERSH counterintelligence department, and were again buried in a hole at a depth of 2 meters in the courtyard of house No. 36 on Westendstrasse, near the southern stone wall of the courtyard, from the garage of the house to the east - 25 meters. The buried pit with the corpses was leveled to the ground, the external appearance was brought to match the appearance of the surrounding area.”

The counterintelligence officers could not afford to transport Hitler’s corpse with them to a new city each time. In March 1970, the “Archive” plan appeared. In a nutshell: it was ordered to set up a tent at the burial site, organize excavations, get the boxes with the corpses, take them to the Rotten Lake area, where they burn them and throw the ashes into the water. A cover legend is separately spelled out in the plan (even the military of the Soviet army should not have known about the event, only a narrow circle of high-ranking officers): “The work - installation of a tent, excavation - is carried out in order to verify the testimony of a criminal arrested in the USSR, according to which information in this place may there are valuable archival materials."

Among the documents I find the act of opening the pit and the act of burning. The last one is handwritten, dated April 5th. It says that the remains were burned in the wasteland, they were burned out, and together with coal they were crushed into ash.

All that remains are the jaws of Hitler and Eva Braun, Goebbels' orthopedic boot. They were seized in advance and stored as evidence. At the same time, it was Hitler’s jaws (an upper jaw bridge with 9 teeth and a burnt lower jaw with 15 teeth) that were considered the main and unconditional proof that it was him.

The Fuhrer's teeth are kept in a cigarette box

The Fuhrer's teeth are in a small box of "Guards" cigarettes. Archive workers allow you to open it and take them in your hands. There are only four fragments, in the largest I counted nine teeth.

I compare these teeth with the description given by the dentist and nurse: “Lower jaw. A gold crown on its own root, a gold bond, a natural tooth with a gold filling on the inside, a gold pendant with a porcelain facet... Upper jaw. Richmond crown with natural root and porcelain facet, gold bridge with nine intermediate links and four supports..."

In 2002, a famous American dental scientist came to us,” says special services historian Oleg Matveev. - Unexpectedly - he did not warn any of us in advance - he took out an x-ray. This was the one that Professor Blaschke kept. He checked it against the one with the jaw. The coincidence was complete. Therefore, it is now strange to hear from the American side that there are some doubts about Hitler’s suicide and the authenticity of this jaw.

All that remains of Hitler is in the palm of the MK observer.

The FSB receives requests for a DNA examination of the Fuhrer's jaw regularly (no one has ever been interested in Eva Braun's teeth, which, by the way, are in excellent condition). But who are they from? Some private companies, funds, media. They wrote: here, they say, we have some DNA material, we propose to carry out an examination taking into account the capabilities of modern science and technology.

The last time a journalist became interested in the jaw was in December last year. She allegedly found relatives of the Fuhrer in America and obtained saliva samples from one of them. But, firstly, how do we know that there are DNA samples from a relative? Relatives always tried to hide their affiliation with Hitler, changed their places of residence, etc. There is little hope that they will suddenly want to give DNA samples themselves.

Secondly, if one of the relatives decides to do this, there is an official procedure. I repeat, we do not need this - from the point of view of the Russian FSB there is no need to conduct these examinations. Everything has been proven a long time ago, and we have no doubts.

As if to confirm this, the memoirs of Adolf Hitler's former bodyguard, Rochus Misch (died in Berlin in 2013), were recently published. He describes how he discovered the still warm bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun. The woman’s legs were unnaturally elongated and her shoes were lying under the sofa. How Hitler's eyes were open and his head slightly bent forward...

Scientists are convinced that a genetic examination of Hitler’s jaw will yield nothing. Just like the one that was spent with the remains of the murdered royal family did not. Still, there were and will remain doubters. And it’s not a matter of imperfect technology, or a secret conspiracy. People are just greedy for myths. And the myth of the surviving Hitler is one of the most terrible and therefore attractive.

Both of Adolf Hitler's parents came from the rural Waldviertel region of Austria, near the Czech border. Hitler's father, Alois, was born on June 7, 1837 to unmarried 42-year-old Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Alois's father (Adolf Hitler's grandfather) is unknown. There were rumors that he was the son of a wealthy Jew, Frankenberger, for whom Maria Anna worked as a cook. When Alois was almost five years old, a certain Johann Georg Hidler married Maria Schicklgruber. The surname Hiedler (in ancient metrics also written as Hüttler) sounded unusual for an Austrian and resembled a Slavic one. Five years later, Maria, Adolf Hitler's grandmother, died. Stepfather Johann Georg abandoned his stepson, and Alois was raised by his stepfather’s brother, Johann Nepomuk Hidler, who had no sons. At the age of 13, Alois ran away from home and first got a job as a shoemaker's apprentice in Vienna, and after 5 years - in the border guard. He quickly moved up the ranks and soon became senior customs inspector in the town of Braunau.

Alois Hitler, father of Adolf Hitler

In the spring of 1876, Nepomuk, who wanted to have a son, even if not his own, adopted Alois, giving him his last name. It is unknown for what reason she was slightly changed during adoption - from Hiedler to Hitler. Six months later, Nepomuk died, and Alois inherited his farm worth 5,000 florins. A lover of love affairs, Adolf Hitler's father already had an illegitimate daughter. Alois first married a woman 14 years older than him, but she divorced him when he had an affair with the cook Fanny Matzelsberger. In addition, Alois was attracted by the granddaughter of his adoptive father Nepomuk, sixteen-year-old Clara Pelzl, who was formally his cousin. In 1882, Fanny gave birth to a son from Alois, named after his father, and then a daughter, Angela. Alois was legally married to Fanny, but she died in 1884.

Even before this, Alois entered into a love affair with the calm, gentle Clara Pelzl. In January 1885, he married her, having received special permission from Rome, since the new wife was formally a close relative of him. In the coming years, Clara gave birth to two boys and one girl, but they all died. On April 20, 1889, Clara’s fourth child, Adolf, was born.

Clara Pelzl-Hitler - mother of Adolf Hitler

Three years after this, Alois was promoted, and Adolf Hitler's parents moved from Austria to the German city of Passau, where the young Fuhrer forever adopted the Bavarian dialect. When Adolf was almost five years old, his parents had another child - son Edmund. In the spring of 1895, Hitler's family moved to Hafeld, a village fifty kilometers southwest of Linz. The Hitlers lived in a peasant house with a field of almost two hectares and were considered wealthy people. Soon, Hitler’s parents sent him to primary school, where teachers later remembered him as “a student with a lively mind, obedient but playful.” Even at this age, Adolf showed oratorical abilities and soon became a leader among his peers. At the beginning of 1896, a daughter, Paula, was also born into the Hitler family.

The house in Braunau where Hitler's family lived and where he was born

Alois Hitler retired from customs, leaving behind the memory of a diligent employee, but a rather arrogant man who loved to be photographed in his official uniform. His tendencies as a family tyrant brought him into sharp conflict with his eldest son and namesake. At the age of 14, Alois Jr. followed his father’s example and ran away from home. Hitler's family moved again - to the town of Lambach, where they settled in a good apartment on the second floor of a spacious house. In 1898, young Adolf graduated from school with twelve “units” - the highest mark in German schools. In 1899, Hitler's father bought a cozy house in Leonding, a village on the outskirts of Linz.

Adolf Hitler in 1889-1890

After the escape of Alois Jr., his father began to train Adolf. He also thought about running away from his family. Already at the age of eleven, Adolfe aspired to leadership. In a photograph from that year, he sits among his classmates, towering over his comrades, with his chin raised and his arms folded across his chest. Adolf discovered a talent for drawing. The young Fuhrer was very fond of war games and Indians, and read books about the Franco-Prussian War.

Adolf Hitler with classmates (1900)

In 1900, Adolf Hitler's brother Edmund died of measles. Adolf dreamed of becoming an artist, but in 1900 his parents sent him to the Linz real school. The big city made a strong impression on the boy. He did not study particularly well, especially in natural science subjects. Among his classmates, Adolf Hitler became a leader. “Two extremes of character merged in him, a combination of which is extremely rare in people - he was a calm fanatic,” one of his fellow students later recalled.

On January 3, 1903, the head of the Hitler family, Alois, died in a beer hall from a stroke. His widow began to receive a good pension. Family tyranny is now a thing of the past. Adolf studied worse and worse and dreamed of becoming a great artist. His older half-sister Angela married a tax inspector from Linz, Leo Raubal. “He lacked self-discipline, he was wayward, arrogant and quick-tempered... He reacted very painfully to advice and comments, at the same time demanding from his classmates unquestioning submission to him as a leader,” one of his Linz students recalled about the then Adolf Hitler teachers. The Hitler boy was very fond of history, especially stories about the ancient Germans. Adolf finished his last, fifth grade at a real school in Steyr, forty kilometers from Linz. He passed the final exams in mathematics and German only on the second attempt (1905). Now he could continue his studies at a higher real school or technical institute, but, having an aversion to technical sciences, he convinced his mother that this was unnecessary. At the same time, Adolf referred to a pulmonary disease that then appeared in him.

He continued to live in Linz, read a lot, painted, went to museums and the opera house. In the fall of 1905, Hitler became friends with August Kubizek, who was studying to be a musician. They became very close. Kubizek bowed to his comrade, who often spoke in his presence. Hitler told Kubizek about his sublimely romantic love for a certain Stefanie Jansten, a beauty of the “Nordic type”, to whom he never dared to confess his feelings. On this occasion, Hitler even planned to jump from the bridge into the Danube. He told Kubizek about his plans to rebuild the whole of Vienna (planning, among other things, to erect a 100-meter steel tower there). In the spring of 1906, Adolf spent a month in Vienna, and the trip there strengthened his intention to devote his life to painting and architecture.

Hitler's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. In January 1907, she had one breast removed. In September 1907, Hitler, having received his share of the inheritance, about 700 crowns, with the consent of his mother, who constantly spoiled him, went to Vienna to enter the Academy of Arts. But he failed the exam. In October 1907, the Jewish doctor Bloch, who was treating Klara Hitler, informed Adolf that she was in very bad condition. Adolf returned home from Vienna and selflessly looked after his mother, sparing no money for her treatment. On December 21, Clara died, and her son mourned her dearly. “In all my practice,” Dr. Bloch later recalled, “I have never seen a more inconsolable person than Adolf Hitler.”

Argentine researcher Abel BASTI believes that Hitler died quietly in the arms of his wife and children in Paraguay in 1964...
Argentine writer Abel Basti, a researcher of the life of the head of the Third Reich, is seriously confident: on April 30, 1945, Hitler did not put a bullet in his head, but calmly packed his things for a safe departure from Berlin. Taking Eva Braun with him, he moved to Argentina to a friendly regime, and died only in 1965.

The writer did not find evidence that Frau Hitler also died. In addition, Brown had many long-livers in her family. Her mother died at 96. This suggests that Hitler's wife is still alive. Perhaps the three children of Adolf and Eva are also in full health. Abel Basti knows for sure that they had children! Two were born while the Fuhrer and his wife lived in Germany. Then, when they moved to Argentina, another child was born.

After multiple examinations and interrogations of witnesses, Moscow decided that it was indeed Hitler. Several times his remains were buried, dug up, and buried again. The Fuhrer's last refuge was a Soviet military unit in Magdeburg. In 1970, before handing over this territory to the Germans, on the secret order of Leonid Brezhnev, the remains of Hitler, Eva Braun and the Goebbels family were burned, and the ashes were poured from the bridge into the Biederitz river.

However, not everyone agrees with the official version to this day. Hundreds of studies have been conducted and many books have been written in search of the “escaped Hitler.” They searched for him in Spain, Latin America and even Antarctica. Recently, the Argentine writer Abel BASTI published his version of how the bloodiest dictator in Europe ended his days.

Escape from Berlin

The leaders of the Third Reich began to look for a safer refuge back in 1943, writes Basti. Preparations for the evacuation were kept in the strictest confidence - Muller and Bormann, keeping an eye on each other, did not allow a single leak.

In Argentina, bank deposits were made out in front of dummies, small companies were created, and farms were purchased. Nazi emissaries settled in hotels and inns - “transshipment points” for their leaders. At the same time, secret negotiations were ongoing with the allies. For gold and technology of the Third Reich, they allegedly agreed to leave Hitler and his henchmen alone.

At the end of April 1945, Operation Seraglio began. Several planes escaped from the burning Berlin, which was occupied by Soviet troops with battles - the top of Nazi Germany was transported to Spain, under the wing of “friend Franco”. From there, the submarines headed for Caleta de los Loros Bay in Argentina.

The author claims that in the area where Hitler came ashore, at a depth of 30 meters under a layer of sand and silt, three submarines were discovered, about which there is not a word in the archival documents of the Argentine military. Thus began the new life of the Nazi leader in Latin America.

He lived until 1964

The fugitives followed a long-established route. They were received in the homes of people known for their ties to the Nazis and close to Argentine dictator Juan Peron. Hitler maintained relations with some of them, for example, the Eichhorn family, until his death. Basti cites the testimony of a maid from their estate, who herself saw the “cousin,” as her owners called the Nazi leader.

More and more documentary evidence is appearing, shedding light on one of the mysterious mysteries of the 20th century.

The Eichhorns' gardener, who worked for the FBI, also reported on the presence of the leader of the Third Reich in Argentina. His recently declassified report was found by the author of the book in the archives of this organization.

According to Basti, Hitler not only lived until 1964, but also had offspring. Allegedly, there are photographs of him, Eva Braun and their children, which, according to the official version, the German Fuhrer did not have and could not have had. However, the owners of the unique photographs “are not yet ready to publish them.”

The dictator lived out his last days in Paraguay, the head of which did not particularly hide his sympathy for the Third Reich. He died in the arms of his wife, surrounded by children, without answering for his atrocities. But the author speaks very vaguely about Hitler’s burial place and where his family lives. Apparently this is material for a new sensational book.

AiF provides an interview with writer Abel Basti:

On April 30, 1945, at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 aircraft.

Bestseller "Hitler in Argentina"
Having conducted research, interviewed dozens of witnesses, and published documents declassified by the FBI, Basti wants to prove that Hitler could have hidden in South America and lived there to old age. Let the readers judge how well he succeeded.
- SENOR Basti, in your book you claim that on April 30, 1945, Hitler managed to escape from Berlin by plane. How could he do this if by that time the airfields were destroyed and the Allies controlled the skies?

My book contains previously classified evidence from the FBI archives that on April 30 at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 plane.

At night, throughout the last week of April, air transport of the Fuhrer's trusted representatives landed on Unter den Linden Avenue, where street lighting poles were preserved. For example, Reich Minister Speer left the “Führerbunker” on the 20th, and three days later he calmly returned back on the Fieseler-Storch plane.

As you can see, the Allied air defense did not stop him. On April 25, a secret meeting was held in the “Führerbunker” to evacuate Hitler, in which the female pilot Hanna Reitsch, the famous pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel and Hitler’s personal pilot Hans Baur took part. The secret plan for the safe movement of the Fuhrer from the besieged capital of the Third Reich was codenamed “Operation Seraglio”.

And who exactly, in your opinion, carried out the evacuation of Hitler?

Two days later, five Storch planes arrived in Berlin (each with seats for ten passengers), and on April 28, the same Ju-52, piloted by pilot Bosser, arrived - this was officially confirmed by Allied intelligence.

A day later, on the orders of General Adolf Galland, the last forces of the German Air Force were unexpectedly lifted into the air over the capital of the Reich - a hundred Me-262 jet fighters. They covered Hannah Reitsch’s plane: she managed to break through the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft guns and fly away from Berlin - it was an experimental flight, and the fact that it was carried out is not disputed by any historian.

Perhaps, having put on make-up, Hitler managed to leave the burning Berlin (the photo montage was made by FBI employees in 1945).

The next day, according to the scenario already tested by Frau Reitsch, Adolf Hitler also left Berlin - he was heading to Spain, from where at the end of the summer he sailed on a submarine to Argentina. He was accompanied by Eva Braun, Müller and Bormann.

Okay, but what about the fragments of Hitler’s jaw, which are stored in Moscow in the archives of the FSB? Research by both Soviet and independent experts unanimously confirmed that it belonged to the Fuhrer. What happens then - Hitler had part of his jaw torn off, but he still escaped?

Experts only had the opportunity to compare this charred jaw with x-rays of that era, which were of terrible quality, and with the testimony of Hitler’s personal dentist - and he could say anything.

If you know, no DNA testing has ever been carried out: Russia systematically refuses to allow such analysis. Meanwhile, this is the only way to find out the truth: it is necessary to compare DNA samples that can be obtained from the remains of Adolf Hitler’s sister, Paula, who died in 1960 and was buried in the Bergfriedhof cemetery.

The grave of the Fuhrer's sister - Paula Hitler

I formally appeal to the Russian authorities to allow me to examine this jaw to obtain final proof that I am telling the truth.

You know, people love conspiracy theories. For so many years there has been talk about the mysterious disappearance of “Nazi number two” - Martin Bormann, who evaporated from Berlin on May 1, 1945. A lot of people swore that they saw him in South America with their own eyes and could not be mistaken. But in 1972, a skeleton was found while digging a pit in Berlin, and a double DNA study showed that these were Bormann’s bones...

The funny thing is: both are right here. Martin Bormann really escaped, lived in Argentina and Paraguay: I found a lot of evidence of this, including documentary ones - especially a photo of Bormann taken in the fifties. Therefore, it is quite possible that when Bormann died of natural causes, his remains were secretly transported to Berlin, after which a performance was staged with their “find”.

AGAIN: in your book you write that Hitler and Eva Braun, along with an extensive retinue and security, arrived in Argentina on three submarines, which were then sunk in the bay for purposes of conspiracy. Indeed, in the place that you indicated, at a depth of approximately 30 meters under water, with the help of special equipment, teams of divers discovered large objects covered with sand. But where is the evidence that these are Nazi submarines?

I relied on the testimony of witnesses who, after the war, observed the arrival of three submarines with swastikas in the tiny bay of Caleta de los Loros, located in the Argentine province of Rio Negro. You say: Argentina has formally been at war with Germany since March 27, 1945 - maybe these are traces of past naval battles?

However, in the archives of the Argentine Ministry of Defense there is not a single word about the sinking of any German submarines. Then where did these sunken ships lying on the ground come from? I submitted a request that the submarines be brought to the surface and thoroughly examined.

List of passengers from Berlin to Barcelona approved on April 20, 1945. First - Hitler, the name of Goebbels, his wife and children is crossed out.

German submarines sailed to Argentina several times after the war - for example, the submarine U-977 arrived in the country on August 17, 1945: it is assumed that its commander Heinz Schaeffer was transporting gold and other valuables of the Third Reich.

You published a US FBI document that casts serious doubt on the official version of the death of Adolf Hitler. This paper, dated November 13, 1945, contains a report from an American agent in Argentina who works as a gardener for wealthy German colonists - the Eichhorns. The agent reports that the couple, who live in the village of La Falda, have been preparing the estate since June for the arrival of Hitler, which will take place in the very near future. Is this document real?

This is a very strange question because I legally obtained this document after it was declassified from the FBI archives: file number 65-53615. And this is far from the only documentary evidence of Hitler’s escape.

There are several more secret reports from the FBI, CIA and MI5 about the living Fuhrer - but, unfortunately, the USA, Britain and Russia have not yet fully declassified all materials relating to this topic. For example, there are three shorthand recordings of a conversation between Joseph Stalin (one of them with US Secretary of State Byrnes) - there the leader of the USSR openly says that the Fuhrer managed to escape.

Over fifteen years, I conducted hundreds of interviews with direct witnesses to Hitler's presence in Argentina. Most of them have only started talking now - many Nazis in Argentina have died, they have nothing to fear anymore, although not everyone is still making contact. A letter from Nazi General Seydlitz, dated 1956, has also been preserved - he reports that he is going to attend a meeting in Argentina between Hitler and the Croatian “Führer” Pavelic.

You often refer to witness testimony. But how, in this case, should we treat the words of other witnesses who saw Hitler dead and buried his corpse?

There is not a single person who saw with his own eyes how Hitler saw through an ampoule of poison and shot himself in the head. The story of the Fuhrer's suicide from beginning to end was invented by people from his inner circle - it was a special plan to confuse everyone.

But even at first glance, there are several contradictions in the eyewitness accounts of Hitler's death if you study the archival documents. At first it was said that he was poisoned. Then - no, he shot me in the temple. After - excuse me, first he poisoned himself, and then he shot himself.

Potassium cyanide causes instant death and convulsions: how did the person then pull the trigger of the gun?
“Hitler died in... 1964,” says the author of the scandalous bestseller

The writer is sure: the Reich Chancellor and his wife fled Berlin on the day when his suicide was announced.

Adolf Hitler is a famous political leader of Germany, whose activities are associated with heinous crimes against humanity, including the Holocaust. The founder of the Nazi party and the dictatorship of the Third Reich, the immorality of whose philosophy and political views are still widely discussed in society today.

After Hitler managed to become the head of the German fascist state in 1934, he launched a large-scale operation to seize Europe and initiated the Second World War, which made him a “monster and a sadist” for Soviet citizens, and for many Germans a brilliant leader who changed people's lives for the better.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian city of Braunau am Inn, located near the border with Germany. His parents, Alois and Klara Hitler, were peasants, but his father managed to break into the people and become a government official-customs officer, which allowed the family to live in decent conditions. “Nazi No. 1” was the third child in the family and dearly loved by his mother, whom he closely resembled in appearance. Later he had younger brothers Edmund and sister Paula, to whom the future German Fuhrer became very attached and looked after him all his life.

Adolf's childhood years were spent in constant moving, caused by the peculiarities of his father's work, and changes in schools, where he did not show any special talents, but was still able to complete four classes of a real school in Steyr and received a certificate of education, in which good grades were only in drawing and physical education. During this period, his mother Clara Hitler died of cancer, which dealt a serious blow to the young man’s psyche, but he did not break down, and, having drawn up the necessary documents to receive a pension for himself and his sister Paula, moved to Vienna and set out on the path to adulthood.

At first he tried to enter the Art Academy, as he had extraordinary talent and a craving for fine art, but failed the entrance exams. The next few years, Adolf Hitler's biography was filled with poverty, vagrancy, odd jobs, constant moving from place to place, and sleeping under city bridges. All this time, he did not inform either his family or friends about his location, because he was afraid of being drafted into the army, where he would have to serve together with the Jews, for whom he felt deep hatred.

Adolf Hitler (right) in World War I

At the age of 24, Hitler moved to Munich, where he encountered the First World War, which made him very happy. He immediately volunteered for the Bavarian Army, in whose ranks he took part in many battles. He took the defeat of Germany in the First World War very painfully and categorically blamed politicians for it. Against this background, he engaged in large-scale propaganda work, which allowed him to get into the political movement of the People's Workers' Party, which he skillfully turned into a Nazi one.

Path to power

Having become the head of the NSDAP, Adolf Hitler gradually began to make his way deeper and deeper to the political heights and in 1923 he organized the Beer Hall Putsch. Enlisting the support of 5 thousand stormtroopers, he burst into a beer bar where a meeting of the leaders of the General Staff was taking place and announced the overthrow of traitors in the Berlin government. On November 9, 1923, the Nazi putsch headed towards the ministry to seize power, but was intercepted by police units who used firearms to disperse the Nazis.

In March 1924, Adolf Hitler, as the organizer of the putsch, was convicted of high treason and sentenced to 5 years in prison. But the Nazi dictator spent only 9 months in prison - on December 20, 1924, for unknown reasons, he was released. Immediately after his liberation, Hitler revived the Nazi party NSDAP and transformed it, with the help of Gregor Strasser, into a national political force. During that period, he managed to establish close ties with the German generals, as well as establish contact with major industrial magnates.

At the same time, Adolf Hitler wrote his work “My Struggle” (“Mein Kampf”), in which he outlined his autobiography and the idea of ​​National Socialism. In 1930, the political leader of the Nazis became the Supreme Commander of the Storm Troops (SA), and in 1932 he tried to gain the post of Reich Chancellor. To do this, he had to renounce his Austrian citizenship and become a German citizen, and also enlist the support of the Allies.

The first time, Hitler failed to win the elections, in which Kurt von Schleicher was ahead of him. A year later, German President Paul von Hindenburg, under Nazi pressure, dismissed the victorious von Schleicher and appointed Hitler in his place.

This appointment did not cover all the hopes of the Nazi leader, since power over Germany continued to remain in the hands of the Reichstag, and its powers included only the leadership of the Cabinet of Ministers, which had yet to be created.

In just 1.5 years, Adolf Hitler managed to remove all obstacles in the form of the President of Germany and the Reichstag from his path and become an unlimited dictator. From that moment on, oppression of Jews and Gypsies began in the country, trade unions were closed and the “Hitler era” began, which during the 10 years of his rule was completely saturated with human blood.

Nazism and war

In 1934, Hitler gained power over Germany, where the total Nazi regime immediately began, the ideology of which was the only true one. Having become the ruler of Germany, the Nazi leader immediately revealed his true face and began major foreign policy actions. He is rapidly creating the Wehrmacht and restoring aviation and tank forces, as well as long-range artillery. Contrary to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany seizes the Rhineland, and then Czechoslovakia and Austria.

At the same time, he carried out a purge in his ranks - the dictator organized the so-called “Night of the Long Knives,” when all prominent Nazis who posed a threat to Hitler’s absolute power were destroyed. Having given himself the title of supreme leader of the Third Reich, the Fuhrer created the Gestapo police and a system of concentration camps where he imprisoned all “undesirable elements,” namely Jews, gypsies, political opponents, and later prisoners of war.

The basis of Adolf Hitler's domestic policy was the ideology of racial discrimination and the superiority of indigenous Aryans over other peoples. His goal was to become the only leader of the whole world, in which the Slavs were to become “elite” slaves, and the lower races, to which he included Jews and Gypsies, were completely destroyed. Along with massive crimes against humanity, the ruler of Germany developed a similar foreign policy, deciding to take over the entire world.

In April 1939, Hitler approved a plan to attack Poland, which was defeated in September of the same year. Next, the Germans occupied Norway, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg and broke through the French front. In the spring of 1941, Hitler captured Greece and Yugoslavia, and on June 22 attacked the USSR, then led by.

In 1943, the Red Army launched a large-scale offensive against the Germans, thanks to which in 1945 World War II entered the territory of the Reich, which completely drove the Fuhrer crazy. He sent pensioners, teenagers and disabled people to fight the Red Army soldiers, ordering the soldiers to stand to death, while he himself hid in the “bunker” and watched what was happening from the side.

Holocaust and death camps

With the coming to power of Adolf Hitler, a whole complex of death camps and concentration camps was created in Germany, Poland and Austria, the first of which was created in 1933 near Munich. It is known that there were more than 42 thousand such camps, in which millions of people died under torture. These specially equipped centers were intended for genocide and terror both against prisoners of war and over the local population, which included the disabled, women and children.

Victims of Auschwitz

The largest Hitler “death factories” were “Auschwitz”, “Majdanek”, “Buchenwald”, “Treblinka”, in which people who dissented from Hitler were subjected to inhuman torture and “experiments” with poisons, incendiary mixtures, gas, which in 80% of cases resulted in to the painful death of people. All death camps were created with the aim of “cleansing” the entire world population of anti-fascists, inferior races, which for Hitler were Jews and Gypsies, ordinary criminals and simply undesirable “elements” for the German leader.

The Polish city of Auschwitz became a symbol of the ruthlessness of Hitler and fascism, where the most terrible death conveyors were built, where more than 20 thousand people were exterminated every day. This is one of the most terrible places on Earth, which became the center of the extermination of Jews - they died there in “gas” chambers immediately after arrival, even without registration and identification. The Auschwitz camp (Auschwitz) became a tragic symbol of the Holocaust - the mass destruction of the Jewish nation, which is recognized as the largest genocide of the 20th century.

Why did Hitler hate Jews?

There are several versions of why Adolf Hitler hated the Jews so much, whom he tried to “wipe off the face of the earth.” Historians who have studied the personality of the “bloody” dictator put forward several theories, each of which could be true.

The first and most plausible version is considered to be the “racial policy” of the German dictator, who considered only native Germans as people. In this regard, he divided all nations into three parts - the Aryans, who were supposed to rule the world, the Slavs, who in his ideology were assigned the role of slaves, and the Jews, whom Hitler planned to completely destroy.

Economic motives for the Holocaust cannot be ruled out either, since at that time Germany was in a critical state economically, and the Jews had profitable enterprises and banking institutions, which Hitler took from them after being sent to concentration camps.

There is also a version that Hitler exterminated the Jewish nation in order to maintain the morale of his army. He assigned Jews and Gypsies the role of victims, whom he handed over to be torn to pieces so that the Nazis could enjoy human blood, which, in the opinion of the leader of the Third Reich, should have set them up for victory.


On April 30, 1945, when Hitler's house in Berlin was surrounded by the Soviet army, "Nazi No. 1" admitted defeat and decided to commit suicide. There are several versions of how Adolf Hitler died: some historians claim that the German dictator drank potassium cyanide, while others do not rule out that he shot himself. Along with the head of Germany, his common-law wife Eva Braun, with whom he lived for more than 15 years, also died.

Report of the death of Adolf Hitler

It is reported that the bodies of the couple were burned in front of the bunker, which was the dictator's requirement before his death. Later, the remains of Hitler's body were found by a group of the Red Army Guard - to this day, only dentures and part of the Nazi leader's skull with a bullet entry hole have survived, which are still stored in Russian archives.

Personal life

The personal life of Adolf Hitler in modern history has no confirmed facts and is filled with a lot of speculation. It is known that the German Fuhrer was never officially married and had no recognized children. Moreover, despite his rather unattractive appearance, he was the favorite of the entire female population of the country, who played an important role in his life. Historians claim that “Nazi No. 1” knew how to influence people hypnotically.

With his speeches and cultured manners, he charmed the opposite sex, whose representatives began to recklessly love the leader, which forced the ladies to do the impossible for him. Hitler's mistresses were mostly married ladies who idolized him and considered him an outstanding person.

In 1929, the dictator met, who conquered Hitler with her appearance and cheerful disposition. Over the years of living with the Fuhrer, the girl twice tried to commit suicide because of the loving nature of her common-law husband, who openly flirted with the women he liked.

In 2012, US citizen Werner Schmedt declared that he was the legitimate son of Hitler and his young niece Geli Ruabal, who, according to historians, was killed by the dictator in a fit of jealousy. He provided family photos in which the Fuhrer of the Third Reich and Geli Ruabal stand in an embrace. Also, Hitler’s possible son presented his birth certificate, in which in the data column about the parents there are only the initials “G” and “R”, which was done allegedly for the purpose of conspiracy.

According to the Fuhrer's son, after the death of Geli Ruabal, nannies from Austria and Germany were involved in his upbringing, but his father constantly visited him. In 1940, Schmedt last saw Hitler, who promised him if he won the Second World War he would give him the whole world. But since events did not unfold according to Hitler’s plan, Werner had to hide his origin and place of residence from everyone for a long time.

People do not want to believe in the death of outstanding peacemakers because part of their hopes for a better future dies with them. The death of prominent criminals is also called into question, but for completely different reasons: she acts as a lawyer who spared the killer from retribution. Therefore, the news that Adolf Hitler committed suicide is still in doubt.

The proximity of the defeat of Nazi Germany created an atmosphere of panic in the Reich Chancellery, combined with hysterical joy. They drank and danced tango to the roar of bombing. Eva Braun insisted on holding a wedding ceremony, and her marriage to Hitler took place in compliance with all the details of the ceremony (except perhaps one thing: the bride and groom could not provide certificates of purity of their origin - there was nowhere to get them).

The chronicle of the last days of Adolf Hitler suggests agony that began during his lifetime. Everyone in the bunker was given ampoules of potassium cyanide. It was assumed that none of Hitler's associates would refuse to follow him.

On April 26, 1945, Soviet troops already occupied a third of Berlin. Hitler took refuge in a bunker located eight meters below the palace of the Imperial Chancellery. He has not yet lost hope for a favorable outcome of events.

Together with him in the bunker were his mistress Eva Braun, Goebbels and his family, Chief of the General Staff Krebs, secretaries, adjutants, and guards. Those close to him barely recognized their Fuhrer: he had changed so dramatically these days.

According to the officers, “physically, Hitler presented a terrible picture: he moved with difficulty and clumsily, throwing his upper body forward, dragging his legs... He could hardly maintain his balance. His left hand did not obey him, and his right hand was constantly trembling... Hitler’s eyes were bloodshot...”

This sight was so different from the usual image that many suspected that Hitler had been replaced by a double. But another explanation is also possible: at the time of the events described, Hitler was 56 years old. A strong shock can turn even a young man into an old man in a few hours, and the description of how the Fuhrer moved suggests that he had suffered a stroke.

According to the testimony of the pilot Hana Reich, who saw the Fuhrer during these days, he constantly rushed around the room, suddenly stopped, sat down at the table and moved flags on the map, marking the location of no longer existing armies. This was a completely “disintegrated” person. On April 27, upon learning that Soviet troops had infiltrated the Berlin subway, he ordered the subway station to be flooded.

This measure did not bring any positive results, but became another crime of Hitler against his own people: thousands of wounded German soldiers, women and children drowned in the water gushing from the locks.

On April 29, the wedding of Hitler and Eva Braun took place. After the ceremony and festive feast (however, rather modest), Hitler retired to his office and drew up a political will. And the next day, in the meeting room, Hitler and Eva Braun say goodbye to Bormann, Goebbels, Burgdorf, Krebs, Axman, and the Fuhrer’s secretaries Junge and Weichelt who came here. After this, all invitees go out into the corridor.

Historians have differing opinions regarding subsequent events. From the testimony of Hitler's personal valet Linge, the following picture emerges: at 15.30, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun committed suicide with a revolver shot.

Linge and Bormann entered the room and saw them dead. Opponents of this version (and they are the majority) object: why did the Fuhrer and Eva use weapons when they had potassium cyanide at their disposal?

Moreover, Eva Braun, according to eyewitnesses, did not want to look disfigured after death and spent a long time choosing the “suitable” poison. It is possible that Hitler never found the strength to die and someone from his inner circle forced him to take poison. After this, the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were, on Bormann's orders, wrapped in blankets, taken out into the courtyard and burned in a crater created by a shell explosion. There they were discovered by Soviet troops.

On May 5, 1945, a group led by the head of the SMERSH counterintelligence department of the 79th Rifle Corps, Major I. Klimenko, discovered two half-burnt corpses, one male and one female, in one of the craters. They are mentioned by all historians who have studied the mystery of Hitler's death. But for some reason they provide such different protocols describing the state of the bodies that it is difficult to believe that we are talking about the same corpses.

The famous British medical historian Hugh Thomas, who wrote the book “Doubles,” cites extremely strange facts. According to him, the man’s corpse was missing the tibia and the foot of his left leg, and prostheses were installed after death... There is nothing like this in the protocols of Soviet intelligence (namely, Soviet intelligence officers conducted the investigation).

Both bodies were badly damaged, so direct identification was excluded. We could only hope for testimony and the help of doctors (after all, identification from a dental record is considered one of the most reliable methods of identification). The captured SS man Harry Mengerhausen, who was involved in the cremation of Hitler and Eva Braun, pinpointed the crater where the Fuhrer and his wife were buried.

In order to exclude a mistake, the intelligence officers interviewed witnesses and found assistants of Professor Blaschke in Berlin, a dentist who treated the entire “top” of the German government. On May 10, the professor’s assistant, Ketta Goizerman, was presented with the remaining dentures and teeth. She not only confirmed that they belonged to the Hitler couple, but also argued her point of view.

The dental technicians who assisted the professor also did not doubt the identity of the presented dentures. On June 16, L.P. Beria reported to I.V. Stalin and V.M. Molotov on the acts of identification of the remains of the Fuhrer and the results of examinations, as well as on the testimony of witnesses from among the detained Germans.

It would seem that the question is settled. But general confusion in the testimony of witnesses regarding the method of suicide and the course of events in the last hours of Hitler's life led skeptics to doubt even the results of the examination. The consequence of this was the assumption that both corpses were doubles of Hitler and Eva Braun, and the real Fuhrer and his wife managed to escape from Berlin.

It must be said that this version was adhered to not only by the remnants of Hitler’s army, but also by... Stalin! The following text was quoted in the Pravda newspaper on May 2, 1945: “Yesterday evening the German command distributed a message from the so-called Fuhrer Headquarters, which states that Hitler died on May 1 in the afternoon...

These German radio messages apparently represent a new fascist trick: by disseminating the statement about Hitler’s death, the German fascists obviously hope to provide Hitler with the opportunity to leave the stage and go underground.”

Later, Stalin repeatedly expressed the idea that Hitler was alive and hiding somewhere among his allies.

If we assume that instead of Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler, the bodies of doubles were found in the crater (who even had the same dental structure as the “originals”), then the question arises: how and where did Hitler escape in the last days of the war? And did he have such an opportunity in principle?

There was an opportunity. The Fuhrer and his entourage prudently prepared even several evacuation options. The first, most obvious one is by air. Perhaps it was for this purpose that pilot Hana Reich arrived at the bunker. However, by April 30, the airfields (including the one closest to the bunker, built in case of a sudden evacuation) were bombed by Soviet aircraft.

Takeoff was impossible. There was a second way left - to the sea. To do this, Hitler needed to get to the shore of the Spree and go downstream to the coast of the Baltic Sea, where submarines stood ready. With them the Fuhrer could leave the waters of Europe.

This option looked more convincing. There was even a discussion in the press about where the former dictator could have gone: Argentina, Paraguay, Spain, Ireland? Perhaps to Antarctica? This version was also given. Its author, a career officer of the American intelligence services who wished to remain anonymous, said that at the end of the war, the Nazis in submarines (at least 100 in number) began hastily transferring people and material resources to a secretly created citadel, allegedly located in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land ( opposite the southern tip of Africa).

According to some reports, it was at this base, called New Schwabenland, that Hitler and Eva Braun lived out the rest of their days. But this hypothesis can only be attributed to the realm of science fiction: even if the movement of an entire submarine fleet went unnoticed during wartime, then modern satellites would have detected any activity in the waters of Antarctica a long time ago. Or they discovered the remains of buildings. Hitler could have tried to escape by submarine, but he was unlikely to head to the South Pole - this defies common sense.

Many hoaxes are associated with the “sea” trace of the main Nazi of Germany. For example, on the shores of the North Sea in Denmark they found a bottle with a letter from a German sailor from a sunken submarine. The note stated that Hitler was on board the boat and could not escape. The boat came across a sunken ship and was holed. Part of the crew was saved, but Hitler was in the stern in a tightly sealed cabin and could not get out.

Journalists and publishers constantly presented readers with new facts, often contradictory, sometimes absurd. Now in one country, now in another, people appeared who saw Adolf Hitler after 1945. Perhaps these were the surviving doubles of the Fuhrer. Or perhaps it’s all due to the glib pens of journalists who want to become famous.

The bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were reburied several times. Initially (after an examination) they were buried in the area of ​​​​the city of Bukh. Then, in connection with the redeployment of SMERSH, the corpses were seized and transported first to the area of ​​​​the city of Finov, and on June 3, 1945 - to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city of Rathenov.

After this, the remains of the Hitler couple remained for a long time on the territory of one of the military camps. The end of their journey was put in 1970 by the head of the KGB, Yuri Andropov. He ordered not to move the remains again, but simply burn them and scatter the ashes. This operation was codenamed "Archive".

The remains were burned at the stake in a vacant lot near the city of Schensbeck, eleven kilometers from Magdeburg. What was left was crushed into ashes, collected and thrown into the Biedewitz River.

And although historians have lost the main object of research, the biochemical analysis of whose tissues might have shed light on the mystery of Hitler’s death, posthumous burning has its own special meaning. Hitler's grave will never become a place of worship and gatherings of neo-fascists. Because she doesn't exist.

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