Where to watch the results of the OGE in Russian.

Since 2009, the Unified State Exam (USE) has been the main form of state final certification of graduates of the 11th (XII) grades of schools in the Russian Federation, as well as a form of entrance tests to universities in the Russian Federation.

Students who are taking the Unified State Exam in 2017 are already wondering how and where they can find out the exam results, based on a search using passport data.

To conduct the Unified State Exam on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, a unified exam schedule is provided.

You can get acquainted with them on the State State Inspectorate website, having previously logged into the system on your personal page by entering your passport data.

Checking the Unified State Exam results in other subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, English, German, French and Spanish) must be completed no later than 4 calendar days after the relevant exam.

To obtain a certificate, it is enough to score 24 points. The results of this exam must be presented upon admission to any university and any specialty. The minimum passing score cannot be lower than 36 points. Universities do not have the right to lower this threshold.

When conducting the Unified State Exam, control measuring materials (CMMs) are used, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form, as well as special forms for filling out answers to tasks.

Each region of the country decides how exactly participants will be informed about the exam results independently. This data is provided completely free of charge.

The Unified State Exam in the Russian language took place on June 9. Everything went smoothly, without serious incidents or failures. The exam was written by approximately 628 thousand participants.

Unified State Exam 2017: exam schedule

  • May 29 (Monday) - geography, computer science and ICT
  • May 31 (Wednesday) - mathematics B
  • June 2 (Friday) - mathematics (profile)
  • June 5 (Monday) - social studies
  • June 7 (Wednesday) - physics, literature
  • June 9 (Friday) - Russian language
  • June 13 (Tuesday) - foreign languages, biology
  • June 15 (Thursday) - foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • June 16 (Friday) - foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • June 19 (Monday) - chemistry, history

Unified State Exam 2017 results according to passport data, official website 2017

You can find out the results of the Unified State Exam on the official website of the exam - http://check.ege.edu.ru/. To do this, you will need to enter the passport details of the graduate who took the test in a special form.

Now it will be possible to find out the results of the Unified State Exam even earlier. Information will appear on the Unified Portal of State Services. The launch of a special service was announced by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Media of Russia, writes p. You can use the services of this service for free in real time, you just need to have a registered account in a single system.

The service is available to all users who have a verified account in the unified identification system. To obtain exam results, the user must log into the Unified Government Services Portal and submit an application electronically. You can get both general information on all exams and detailed information on each of them.

About 55 thousand Moscow schoolchildren passed the Unified State Exam in Russian

In Moscow, about 55 thousand schoolchildren, including 53,954 graduates of 2017, passed the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. This was reported at the Regional Information Processing Center of Moscow.

Students completed test tasks at 282 examination points located in educational organizations of the city. In addition, three sites were located in healthcare institutions and 30 at home (for participants with disabilities).

The progress of the tests was monitored by 1,229 public observers accredited by the Moscow Department of Education.

“When conducting the Unified State Exam in the Russian language on June 9, more than 18 thousand employees of educational organizations in the capital were involved, who underwent appropriate training at the Moscow Center for Quality Education,” said the head of the Regional Information Processing Center Andrei Postulgin.

The Russian language work consisted of two parts (25 tasks). The duration of the exam is 3 hours 30 minutes. Its results will be known no later than June 27.

To receive a certificate, schoolchildren must successfully pass the Unified State Exam in compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics.

Graduates of 2017 who received an unsatisfactory result in one of the compulsory subjects have the right to retake it on additional dates: June 28 (mathematics), June 29 (Russian language) and July 1 (all subjects).

If a graduate passes the exam in two compulsory academic disciplines with an unsatisfactory grade or receives it again on a reserve day, the student will be able to retake the exam in the fall - from September 5 to 16.

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Preparation for passing entrance tests to all faculties of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, to other universities, for the Unified State Exam (USE), State final certification of 9th grade graduates (GIA) and an essay on literature. Enrollment of students in grades 11, 10 and 9 for the 2017/18 school year. Classes are taught by teachers
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. High level of preparation of applicants.

Results of the Unified State Exam>>

Results of the Unified State Exam 2017.

The main period of the Unified State Examination 2017 took place from May 29 to July 1. About 703 thousand people took part in the exams, of which about 617 thousand people were graduates of the current year.

Participants in the exam Russian language became almost 617 thousand people. Russian language is traditionally the most popular subject taken by Unified State Examination participants. The Unified State Examination in the Russian language is one of the compulsory subjects for obtaining a certificate of secondary general education. The minimum number of points to obtain a certificate is 24 points. In addition, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language must be presented upon admission to a university for any field of study (specialty). Universities do not have the right to set the minimum passing threshold for this subject below 36 points.

The average score on the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2017 is comparable to last year’s result. The minimum threshold for obtaining a certificate of 24 points was not overcome by 0.5% of exam participants (in 2016 their number was 1%).

Total participation in the Unified State Exam in basic level mathematics this year 543 thousand people were accepted. The average score on the Unified State Exam in basic mathematics in 2017 differs slightly from the result of last year: it was 4.24 points (in 2016 – 4.15 points).

The results of the Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics demonstrated a reduction in the number of participants who failed to overcome the minimum barrier to obtain a certificate (get at least 3 points out of 5). In 2017, their number decreased to 3.4% from 4.6% a year earlier.

In the Unified State Exam specialized mathematics About 391 thousand participants took part. The established minimum score in mathematics at the profile level was 27 points. The average score of participants increased by almost 1 point compared to last year and amounted to 47.1 points. The number of participants who failed to meet the minimum threshold of 27 points decreased by 1%.

The most popular elective exam is social science. During the main period, about 318 thousand participants took the Unified State Examination in social studies.

Preliminary results of the Unified State Examination geography indicate that the average score of the participants did not change significantly, the increase was 1 point – to 55.1 points, which is comparable to 2016. The number of participants who failed to pass the minimum score of 37 points in this subject decreased to 9.3% from 13% in 2016. In total, about 14 thousand people took the Unified State Exam in Geography this year during the main period.

Unified State Examination results computer science and ICT also comparable to last year's results. The average score increased by almost 3 points - to 59.2 in 2017 from 56.6 in 2016. The number of participants who did not overcome the minimum threshold of 40 points decreased by 2.5% - to 9.3% (in 2016 - 12.4%). The total number of participants in the Unified State Exam in computer science was about 53 thousand people.

Unified State Examination physics More than 155 thousand participants took the test. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in physics is 36 points.

Unified State Examination literature More than 41 thousand participants took the test. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in literature is 32 points.

Exam biology About 112 thousand people took the test. The number of exam participants who failed to overcome the minimum threshold of 36 points decreased to 18% from 18.3% in 2016. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in biology is 36 points.

Application for participation in the written examination English language About 76 thousand people applied. Written exam in German language during the main period, 1.8 thousand participants wanted to take the test, according to French– more than 1 thousand participants, according to Spanish– 179 participants. The established minimum score for the Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​is 22 points.

About 76.5 thousand participants submitted applications to take the oral part of the Unified State Examination in English on both scheduled days. About 2 thousand participants wanted to take the German language, about 1 thousand - about 1 thousand, Spanish - about 200 participants. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in a foreign language is 22 points.

History About 110 thousand participants took the test. The established minimum score for the Unified State Examination in History is 32 points. The number of participants in the Unified State Examination in history who failed to overcome the minimum threshold of 32 points decreased by 2 times compared to last year and amounted to 8.7%.

According to the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov, in the next academic year it is planned to conduct mandatory history tests in grades 5, and voluntary tests in grades 6. Perhaps the test will also be mandatory for 11th graders who did not choose history to take the Unified State Exam.

Chemistry rented out about 74 thousand. The established minimum score for the Unified State Exam in chemistry is 36 points.

Source: Data from the website of the Official information portal of the Unified State Exam from June 1 to July 1, 2017.

Results of the Unified State Exam 2016.

Based on the results of the Unified State Exam in 2016, Rosobrnadzor prepared a document that clearly reflects the dynamics of passing the Unified State Exam compared to 2015, the range of test scores in all subjects, and also presents many other statistical data:

Among the features of this year's examination campaign, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov named a significant increase in graduates' interest in passing natural science subjects. Also, according to him, the level of preparation of Unified State Examination participants for exams has generally increased, which was manifested both in an increase in the average test score in a number of subjects and in a significant decrease in the number of those who were unable to overcome the established minimum level.

Results of the Unified State Exam 2015.

On June 29, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, S.S. Kravtsov, summed up the preliminary results of the 2015 exams at a press conference at the Situation and Information Center on the Unified State Examination.

Unified State Exam 2015 statistics:
The average test score in nine subjects increased compared to last year.

In 2015, the Unified State Exam was held in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in 52 foreign countries (for schools at embassies, military units of the Russian Federation and others).

In total, 725 thousand people took part in the Unified State Exam (in 2014 - 733,368), of which 650 thousand people were graduates of the current year (in 2014 - 684,574).

To conduct the Unified State Exam, 5,700 PES were organized (5,872 in 2014).

More than 20,000 people were accredited as public observers.

To ensure the transparency of examination procedures, an additional 150 federal inspectors and 2 thousand federal observers were sent to some regions. Monitoring of exams on the SMOTRIEGE.RF portal was carried out by over 10,000 on-line observers.

The most popular elective subjects, as last year, were:

- social studies (passed by 51.2% of Unified State Exam participants);
- physics (22%);
- history (20%);
- biology (17.4%).

The total number of 100-point students in all USE subjects in 2015 is 3,922 people (in 2014 - 3,705 people).

Thanks to the functioning of a multi-level system designed to ensure objectivity and transparency of the Unified State Exam and the prevention of violations, this year it was possible to avoid Unified State Exam tourism, leaks of control measuring materials and many other problems that accompanied the Unified State Exam in previous years.

Source: official website of Rosobrnadzor http://obrnadzor.gov.ru


Results of the Unified State Exam 2014

Based on materials from the press conference “Unified State Exam 2014: final data”, held on July 2, 2014 at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

The number of those who failed compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) in 2014 decreased by 24% compared to 2013.

The number of 100-point students has decreased threefold.

This year the minimum score for compulsory subjects has been lowered. If this had not happened, 28,000 students would not have received their diplomas.

From the materials of the July press conference on the results of the Unified State Exam 2014, held in Rosobrnadzor:

Average test score in Unified State Exam subjects in 2014 and 2013.

Read more on the official website of Rosobrnadzor:

Results of the Unified State Exam 2013

Average test score of Unified State Exam participants by general education subjects in 2013.

Source: Official information portal of the Unified State Exam ege.edu.ru

Results of the Unified State Exam 2012

(based on materials from a press conference with the participation of the head of Rosobrnadzor L.N. Glebova. Source: Official website http://obrnadzor.gov.ru)

Statistics of results and features of the event:

In total, 843,766 people took part in the main stage of the Unified State Exam. Of these, 712,383 were school graduates in 2011.

3.25 percent of this year’s graduates (25,068 people) did not pass the final state certification. Last year there were 2.5 percent of such guys.

The number of appeals about results has increased - more than 71,000. Of these, 40 percent were satisfied with a change in the result. However, the number of appeals about violations of the Unified State Examination procedure has decreased - only 19 cases.

Among the features of the Unified State Examination in 2012, L.N. Glebova noted the tightening of requirements for exam reception points, the introduction of a ban on the carrying and use of mobile phones, the emergence of new degrees of protection for CMMs, the organization of operational control over the Internet space, etc.

Minimum number of Unified State Exam points in 2012:

English language – 20 points;
Biology – 36 points;
Geography – 37 points;
Computer science and ICT – 40 points;
Spanish – 20 points;
History – 32 points;
Literature – 32 points;
Mathematics – 24 points;
German language – 20 points;
Social studies – 39 points;
Russian language – 36 points;
Physics – 36 points;
French – 20 points;
Chemistry – 36 points.

Scores of USE participants in 2012:


Russian language







Social science

English language





Results of the Unified State Examination in 2011 >>

2011 Unified State Exam results by subject

Russian language

The minimum Unified State Exam score in Russian is 36.
The average Unified State Examination score in Russian is 60.02.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2011 was 760,618.
4.1% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of hundred-pointers is 1437.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in mathematics is 24.
The average USE score in mathematics is 47.49.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in mathematics in 2011 was 738,746.
4.9% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of hundred-pointers is 205.

Social science

The minimum Unified State Exam score in social studies is 39.
The average USE score in social studies is 57.11.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2011 was 280,254.
3.9% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of 100-pointers is 23.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in physics is 33.
The average Unified State Exam score in physics is 51.54.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in physics in 2011 was 173,574.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 7.4%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 206.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in history is 30.
The average USE score in history is 51.2.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in history in 2011 was 129,354.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 9.4%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 208.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in biology is 36.
The average Unified State Exam score in biology is 54.29.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in biology in 2011 was 144,045.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 7.8%.
The number of 100-pointers is 53.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in chemistry is 32.
The average USE score in chemistry is 57.75.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in chemistry in 2011 was 77,806.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 8.6%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 331.

English language

The minimum Unified State Exam score in English is 20.
The average USE score in English is 61.19.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in English in 2011 was 60,651.
3.1% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of 100-pointers is 11.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in computer science is 40.
The average Unified State Exam score in computer science is 59.74.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in computer science in 2011 was 51,180.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 9.8%.
The number of 100-pointers is 31.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in literature is 32.
The average Unified State Examination score in literature is 57.15.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Examination in literature in 2011 was 39,317.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 5.0%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 355.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in geography is 35.
The average USE score in geography is 54.4.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in Geography in 2011 was 10,946.
Did not achieve the minimum score – 8.0%.
The number of hundred-pointers is 25.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in German is 20.
The average USE score in German is 48.99.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in German in 2011 was 2,746.
6.6% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of hundred-pointers is 2.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in French is 20.
The average USE score in French is 62.97.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Exam in French in 2011 was 1,317.
1.2% did not achieve the minimum score.


The minimum Unified State Exam score in Spanish is 20.
The average USE score in Spanish is 70.09.
The total number of people who took the Unified State Examination in Spanish in 2011 was 143.
1.4% did not achieve the minimum score.
The number of hundred-pointers is 0.

After the last bell rang at the end of May, many high school students began preparing to take the Unified State Exam.

After the last bell rang at the end of May, many high school students began preparing to take the Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam).

For more than one year in Russia, in order to enter a higher educational institution and obtain a specialty, schools, technical schools and colleges take the Unified State Exam.

The Unified State Exam (USE) is a centrally conducted exam in the Russian Federation in secondary educational institutions - schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. The Unified State Exam serves as both a school leaving exam and an entrance exam to universities.

When conducting the exam throughout Russia, the same type of tasks and uniform methods for assessing the quality of work are used. After passing the exam, all participants are given certificates of the results of the Unified State Examination, which are often called certificates, which indicate the points received in the subjects.

Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has been the only form of final exams at school and the main form of entrance exams to universities. At the same time, there is the possibility of re-taking the Unified State Exam in subsequent years.

In Russia in 2017, the Unified State Exam is taken in the following subjects: geography, computer science, mathematics, social studies, physics, literature, Russian, foreign languages, biology, chemistry, history. At the end of May, Rosobrnadzor publishes information on passing the Unified State Exam in individual subjects.

Today, high school students have already passed the main part of the exams and are interested in where and when they can find out about the results of the Unified State Exam. At the same time, many school graduates and their parents are interested in how many points are required for admission to a particular university.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation stated that there were no global changes in 2017, and the minimum scores for admission to universities remained at last year’s level.

Regarding the question of where you can find out the results of the Unified State Exam 2017, there are several sites in Russia where you can check the number of points of the Unified State Exam in 2017.

No less than the Unified State Exam results themselves, participants in the Unified State Exam are interested in the dates of their announcement. Usually it takes 8-12 days. Let's take a closer look at how this time is spent.

After completing the exam, the Unified State Exam forms are sent to the Regional Information Processing Centers (RTC).

  • Processing of the results of the compulsory Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics in the Russian Center for Educational Institutions should not exceed 6 calendar days after the test. During this time, specialists will scan the Unified State Exam forms, check the information entered in the forms, and subject commissions will evaluate the answers to long-answer tasks.
  • Checking the Unified State Exam results in other subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography, literature, history, social studies, computer science and ICT, English, German, French and Spanish) must be completed no later than 4 calendar days after the relevant examination.

After verification of exam results is completed at regional information processing centers, the work is sent for centralized verification. It ends no later than in 5 working days from the moment of receiving the work.

Then within 1 working day the results are approved at a meeting of the State Examination Commission (SEC) of the region. Over the next 1-3 days exam results become known to Unified State Examination participants.

Usually, the results of the Unified State Exam are announced 10-11 days after the exam.

So, let's do a couple of simple calculations. By the official date Unified State Exam 2018 Let's add the number of days spent processing and sending the Unified State Exam results to the regions. We get approximate dates for announcing the results of the Unified State Exam 2018 , held on the main dates:

  • Geography: no later than June 8
  • Computer Science and ICT: no later than June 8
  • Mathematics (basic level):no later than June 13
  • Mathematics (profile level): no later than June 15
  • Story: no later than June 18
  • Chemistry: no later than June 18
  • Russian language: no later than June 20
  • Foreign language (oral part): no later than June 23
  • Social science: no later than June 24
  • Biology:no later than June 29
  • Foreign language: no later than June 29
  • Physics:no later than June 30
  • Literature: no later than June 30

Approximate dates for announcing the results of the Unified State Examination 2018, held in reserve days:

  • Computer Science and ICT, Geographyno later than July 3
  • Mathematics:no later than July 6
  • Russian language: no later than July 7
  • Foreign languages, biology,story,social studies, chemistry: no later than July 7
  • Literature, physical education:no later than July 8
  • Foreign languages ​​(oral part): no later than July 10

In regions with inaccessible and remote areas, the results of the Unified State Exam may be announced a little later. At the same time, the period for announcing the Unified State Examination results in Russian language and mathematics should not exceed 12 days after the exam, in selective subjects - 9 days. However, usually the results become known even earlier than these dates.

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