Hydrological conditions. Urban planning assessment of natural conditions

Hydrogeological conditions of the deposits

Hydrogeological factors determine water cut mineral deposits.

Water is a constant component of the material composition of rocks. It has a great impact on the condition and properties of rocks, on the processes occurring in them. Groundwater is usually closely related to surface water and is an important element of the geological environment. They are characterized by high mobility and ability to migrate. Groundwater migration is caused by both natural causes and mining operations.

Groundwater affects: 1) the quality of minerals; 2) stability of rocks in mine workings; 3) conditions for conducting mining operations; 4) their safety. In this regard, the study of hydrogeological conditions of deposits is one of the most important tasks of deposit exploration.

Many hydrogeological factors can be divided into the following groups: 1) physical-geographical, 2) geological-structural, 3) hydrogeological proper, 4) mining-technical (technogenic).

From physical and geographical factors The greatest influence on water content is exerted by: 1) climate, 2) hydraulic network and 3) relief.

From climatic zones, specific hydrogeological conditions are characteristic of the permafrost zone. Groundwater in this zone is usually divided into above-, inter- and sub-permafrost. Supra-permafrost waters thaw in summer and freeze in winter; their regime is seasonal. Inter-permafrost waters are represented by liquid and solid phases, the ratio between which does not depend on the season . Subpermafrost waters do not differ in regime from groundwater in other climatic zones.

Superficial hydraulic network influences the water content of deposits in the presence of a well-defined hydraulic connection with underground aquifers. This connection can occur through layers of permeable rocks and faults reaching the surface. They often create favorable conditions for the flow of water from open reservoirs. As an example, we can cite the deposits of the North Ural bauxite-bearing region (SUBR), where groundwater is fed by river water.

When flat relief Surface water flow is slow, the area is often swampy, and deposits are often located below the base of erosion of rivers and reservoirs. Hydrogeological conditions in these cases are characterized by shallow groundwater and the presence of several pressure water horizons. Aquifers can have significant pressure, high water abundance and varied permeability. The rocks here are often heavily watered.

Mountain areas, on the contrary, are characterized by low and temporary water content of rocks.

TO geological and structural factors include: 1) the composition and properties of the host rocks and ores, 2) the conditions of their occurrence and 3) tectonic disturbance.

Composition and properties of host rocks and ores. The lowest water content is characteristic of deposits composed of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary cemented rocks, in which water moves only along cracks. High water content is typical for deposits whose structure includes karst rocks - carbonate, sulfate, chloride (limestone, gypsum, mineral salts).

The most complex hydrogeological conditions are observed in deposits where ore bodies lie between flooded aquifers composed of loose clastic rocks. These are, for example, the conditions of the deposits of the Moscow Region brown coal basin, the Nikopol manganese deposits, etc.

Zones tectonic disturbances are areas of concentrated, sometimes catastrophic influx of water into mine workings. There are known cases of flooding of mines and quarries with groundwater from tectonic faults exposed by mining workings.

Actually hydrogeological factors include: 1) type and conditions of groundwater occurrence and 2) characteristics of aquifers.

According to the conditions of occurrence, several types of groundwater: soil, perched, ground, reservoir, fissure and karst. Soil waters are found on the surface of the earth in soils. Verkhovodka is water that collects above the upper unconsolidated lens-shaped layers of water-resistant rocks. Groundwater lies above the first sustained waterproof layer from the surface. Groundwater has a free surface, which is called the groundwater level or water table. Reservoir waters are localized at deeper horizons in layers of permeable rocks, bounded above and below by impermeable rocks. Fissure waters are associated with faults. Karst waters are confined to soluble karst rocks and lie in karst cavities inside them - voids, caves, etc.

Soil water, groundwater and perched water are distributed mainly in the uppermost parts of the earth's crust, composed of modern sediments of sand and pebble composition. They make it difficult to open the deposit and increase the water content of the underlying bedrock. Reservoir waters are characteristic of permeable strata. Most often these are semi-rocky sedimentary rocks, coal seams, and ore deposits. Fissure waters are typical for rocks - igneous, metamorphic, and some sedimentary. The highest water content of the deposits is due to karst waters, common among limestones, dolomites, marls, gypsum and anhydrites, and salt rocks.

Characteristics of aquifers includes their number and power, distribution over area and in section, connection with each other and with surface water bodies, nutritional regime, as well as hydrodynamic indicators, among which the most important are: 1) moisture capacity, 2) water yield, 3) water permeability, 4) water inflow

Moisture capacity is the ability of rocks to contain moisture. Water that can be contained in rock is divided into 3 types: 1) physically bound (hygroscopic and molecular), 2) capillary and 3) pore. Moisture capacity, caused by physically bound and capillary water, reduces the efficiency of a mining enterprise, as it causes unnecessary energy consumption and reduces the productivity of mechanisms and machines. The total moisture capacity, which combines all types of water, determines the reserves of groundwater and the regime of water flow into the mine workings.

Water loss is the inverse property of moisture capacity. Water yield is determined by the volume of water-saturated rocks, their mineral composition, time of water flow, etc.

Water permeability is the ability of rocks to pass (filter) water through themselves. It depends on the mineral composition, grain size, total and open porosity, as well as on the composition, temperature and degree of mineralization of water. Water permeability is characterized by the filtration coefficient, which shows the distance over which water travels through a given rock per day. The filtration coefficient is measured in m/day. Based on their size, their breeds are divided into 4 groups:

1) waterproof (<.0.1) – глины, глинистые известняки, монолитные изверженные породы;

2) weakly permeable (0.1-10) – loess, loam, mudstone, siltstone, sandy loam, brown coal;

3) medium-impervious (10-500) - porous limestones, sandstones;

4) easily permeable (>1000) - large sands, pebbles, fractured rocks.

Water inflow is the volume of incoming water. It is directly proportional to water permeability.

Water cut of fields quantified by groundwater reserves in intersected aquifers. Among them, a distinction is made between static and dynamic reserves.

Static reserves are equal to the volumes of water in aquifers and old flooded workings. When deposits are opened, they produce a significant water influx, which then decreases.

Dynamic reserves correspond to the flow of water flowing through the cross section of the aquifer per unit time.

The main quantitative indicators of water cut are the following:

1) total water inflow to the field, m 3 /hour;

2) specific water influx per 1 m 2 of mining surface, l/h × m 2;

3) water abundance coefficient - the volume of water per 1 ton of mined ore, m 3 /t;

4) filtration coefficient of the main aquifer, m/day.

Groundwater regime are changes in groundwater supply over time. They include pressure, level, temperature, chemical and gas composition, flow rate of water intakes, etc. Changes in these parameters occur under the influence of both natural and artificial factors.

The groundwater regime changes dramatically during the development of deposits. There are stationary and non-stationary modes. In a stationary mode, the total volume of water removed from workings is equal to their inflow; in a non-stationary mode, this balance will be positive or negative. There are many reasons for the disruption of the stationary regime of groundwater. One of the most common is the drainage of deposits. During the drainage process, the water level decreases and depression funnels are formed, absorbing rain and melt water, as well as water from surface reservoirs and watercourses. Another reason is the movement of rocks as a result of mining operations with the disruption of their continuity by cracks. Cracks increase the infiltration of atmospheric and surface waters, connect one aquifer to another, cause the flow of water and increase water inflows into workings.

There are a number classification of mineral deposits according to water cut conditions. Classification of P.P. Klimentova, developed back in 1976, is based on the nature and water abundance of the rocks that make up the roof and base of the mineral deposit. In total, there are eight types of deposits.

Type 1 – deposits in which karst rocks (carbonate and sulfate) are widely developed. Deposits confined to karst rocks are characterized by maximum water abundance. At these fields, the water inflow into individual workings exceeds 2000 m 3 /hour. This type includes deposits of SUBR, Kizelovsky coal basin, etc.

Type 2 – deposits located in strata of unconsolidated clastic rocks (sand, sand-pebble and sand-clay). The water abundance of these deposits is high and is characterized by a water influx of 100-300 m 3 /hour, and sometimes more. These include deposits of brown coals, refractory clays, manganese, phosphorites, some iron ore deposits and placer deposits of tin, gold, platinum, wolframite, etc.

Type 3 – deposits in the geological section of which fractured rocks predominate and loose sandy rocks are present in subordinate quantities. The water inflow of deposits of this type is also quite high, and in the presence of a hydraulic connection with surface waters it can reach 400-600 m 3 /hour.

Type 4 – deposits confined to fractured rocks. The water abundance of these deposits is determined by the degree of fracturing of the rocks, but in general, water inflows in the mine workings in these deposits usually do not exceed 50-150 m 3 /hour. This group includes weakly watered deposits of non-ferrous and rare metals, some coal basins (Donbass), most iron ore deposits, and some deposits of building materials.

Type 5 – deposits with any geological profile, located in mountainous areas and interfluves with high absolute elevations. These deposits are usually located above the local erosion base. The influx of water into the mine workings of such deposits is small, and combating it is not difficult.

Type 6 – salt deposits. Halide deposits are distinguished as a separate type due to the good solubility of mineral salts in water and their high plasticity, due to which cracks that arise in the salt mass are quickly healed by their own substance. Healing cracks is one of the main reasons for the lack of water in salt deposits. In addition, salt layers are often covered with thick clayey strata that do not allow water to pass through. Therefore, salt mines usually do not contain water.

Type 7 – deposits located in the thickness of permafrost. Most of them are dry or poorly watered.

Type 8 – oil and gas fields with very specific hydrogeological conditions. In these fields, a distinction is made between marginal waters, distributed along the boundaries of the oil deposit, and bottom waters underlying the deposit. In addition, roof waters penetrate into oil and gas fields, as well as pressure waters lying below the bottom waters, if their pressure is high enough.

From mining factors The greatest influence on water cut is exerted by the following: 1) the degree of drainage of the field; 2) artificial watering of the territory; 3) disturbance of surface flow during mining operations; 4) individual technological processes, for example, drilling and blasting; 5) water breakthroughs from old flooded workings or wells.

Hydrogeology (hydro– water and geology)– the science of groundwater, studies its composition, properties, origin, patterns of distribution and movement, as well as interaction with rocks.

In the Perm region, groundwater is divided into two classes: fresh and mineral, they are distributed over the entire thickness of the sedimentary complex, from the surface of the earth to the crystalline basement. Their chemical composition is varied from fresh hydrocarbonate-calcium waters to brines of chloride-sodium-calcium composition.

The hydrogeological conditions of the Perm and Kungur regions are different. This is explained by more complex conditions of occurrence of rocks and their lithological-facial composition in the Kungur region, located on the northern flank of the Ufa Plateau.

Hydrogeological conditions of Perm and Kungur

Based on the features of the geological structure and hydrogeological conditions in the zone of active water exchange within the territory Perm The following hydrogeological units are distinguished:

aquiferous locally weakly aquiferous alluvial horizon , combining alluvial deposits of the floodplain, I accumulative, II and III erosion-accumulative terraces of the river. Kama;

permeable locally weak aquifer alluvial-deluvial and cover deposits of the IV above-floodplain terrace and high plain;

groundwater of Quaternary sediments . Quaternary deposits are developed everywhere. Fresh waters of alluvial and alluvial-deluvial deposits are of practical importance. The aquifers of the former are confined to modern river valleys, and the latter - to valley slopes and ravines. Groundwater of alluvial deposits is revealed by numerous wells and wells. Their main source of nutrition is precipitation. Groundwater from alluvial deposits plays a significant role in water supply to villages and villages. Groundwater of alluvial-deluvial deposits is concentrated in sands, sandy loams and loams overlying clay or bedrock. The alluvial horizon is heterogeneous in terms of water abundance. Well productivity varies from less than 0.5 l/s to 2-3 l/s or more with level drops generally within 1-5 m. Spring flow rates range from hundredths to several liters per second (stratal outcrops). The chemical composition of groundwater is determined by the composition of mineral and organic substances dissolved in it. The predominant ions in the water composition are usually chloride, sulfate, hydrocarbonate, carbonate ions, sodium, magnesium, calcium and potassium ions, as well as silicic acid, which is usually present in groundwater in molecular form.

Sheshminsky terrigenous aquifer complex. Sheshminsky deposits, represented by sandstones with calcareous or clay cement. They contain two types of groundwater: fissure-ground and fissure-stratal. Fractured ground waters are developed in the upper part of the Sheshminsky horizon, not covered by Kazan deposits. Fractured formation waters are developed below. The water abundance of the complex is uneven and depends on the lithological composition of the water-bearing rocks and the degree of their fracturing. The main source of nutrition for the Sheshminsky complex is precipitation. The direction of water movement is from the watershed to the river beds.

Solikamsk terrigenous-carbonate aquifer formation , which is divided into 2 subsuites:

lower – permeable, locally aquiferous, terrigenous-carbonate,

the upper one is aquiferous terrigenous-carbonate.

Quite often, technogenic aquifers and perched water are formed in Quaternary deposits, the origin of which is most often also technogenic.

In the area Kungur The features of groundwater circulation and their chemical composition are determined by the tectonic structure and lithological composition of rocks. There are three main aquifers: groundwater in the cover clay-sandy and gravel-pebble deposits, karst water in the gypsum and anhydrite of the Irensky formation of Kungur, fissure-karst water in the limestones and dolomites of the Filippovsky formation of Kungur and the Arinsky stage.

Groundwater– permanently existing groundwater. They are located on the first waterproof layer from the surface. The area of ​​distribution of groundwater is much larger than that of perched water and coincides with the area of ​​its recharge. They are easily accessible for practical use, but due to their occurrence at shallow depths they are susceptible to contamination. These waters are confined to loams, sandy loams and sand-gravel-pebble deposits. The groundwater level during the low-water period is at a depth of 5-8 m. The surface of the groundwater usually repeats in a smoothed form the depressions and elevations of the relief. These waters are usually free-flowing. Depending on the nature of the voids through which water moves, groundwater can be pore or fissure-ground.

Fissure-karst waters in limestones and dolomites. Fissure-karst waters are underground waters that lie and circulate in cracks, voids, channels, caves, formed as a result of the dissolution and leaching of limestones, dolomites, gypsum, anhydrites and salts (halite, etc.).

Karst formation can be traced to the level of the regional erosion base, that is, it can reach several hundred meters. Underground forms of karst - caves, open cracks and various kinds of channels - stretch for many kilometers, forming a complex network of voids and cavities, which are often completely or partially filled with underground water. Sometimes they form real underground rivers.

Limestones karst more intensively than dolomites, and dolomites have low water abundance.

Karst waters of limestones and dolomites are usually fresh, hydrocarbonate. Due to the fact that in the Filippovsky horizon limestones and dolomites interlayer with each other, groundwater is characterized by low abundance.

A special place is occupied karst waters, circulating through cracks and voids in water-soluble rocks - limestones, dolomites, gypsum, anhydrites, salts. Water dissolves the walls of cracks and channels, leading to the formation of large underground karst voids, which causes sinkholes and sinkholes on the surface. For poorly soluble rocks, fissure-karst waters are most typical.

The source of nutrition for karst waters in the horizontal circulation zone is groundwater coming from the Filippov limestones and dolomites.

Springs are outlets of groundwater to the surface. When studying springs, it is necessary to measure tºC of air and water, flow rate (flow), determine the lithological composition and age of aquifer and water-resistant rocks, the physical properties of water, the sanitary condition around the springs and their use.

During the practice, 13 springs were studied in the city of Perm and in its environs. All of them are unloaded in river valleys or at the bottom of a ravine. Alluvial, terrigenous and terrigenous-carbonate rocks of Permian and Quaternary age are aquiferous. Flow rates range from 0.25 to 1.5 l/s, water from 3 to 9 0 C. A characteristic feature of almost all springs is that the area around them is very heavily polluted with household waste (wheels, bottles, plastic bags, cans and

etc.). Spring water is intensively used for domestic and drinking purposes, although the quality of the water does not correspond to drinking water.

The hydrographic network of the settlement territory entirely belongs to the Lake Ladoga basin. A few rivers cross it from northwest to southeast. They are small - up to 90 km in length. Their length is limited by the Salpausselkä ridge, which is the watershed between Ladoga and the Baltic and runs parallel to the coast of Lake Ladoga near the state border. The largest river is Kokkolanjoki (Hitolajoki). There are a number of smaller rivers: Ilmenjoki, Rasinselka, Asilanjoki. They are fed by small lakes, most of which are located in Finland. The longitudinal profiles of rivers are stepped. The significant height of the watersheds determines the rather large drop of the rivers in their middle and lower parts. The total fall ranges from 110 to 170 m. The relative fall is 0.4 - 0.6 m/km. The rivers of this territory have the character of mountain rivers in their longitudinal profile. Their drop is up to 10 m or more per 1 km. Frequent waterfalls are typical for them. Instead of the usual rapids there are rapids and waterfalls, and instead of reaches there are lakes. The natural regulation of rivers is directly dependent on the lake content. The chemical composition of the rivers is also unique. They are characterized by low hardness (0.4 - 0.5°), low mineralization, high degree of oxygen saturation and poverty of nutrients (Ca and P).

The main role in feeding the river belongs to melted snow waters (40 - 45%), which is due to the thick snow cover. About 35% comes from rainwater, the role of groundwater is lower (20 - 25%). Chains of lakes strung on rivers provide significant flow regulation, so even winter low water turns out to be quite high.

Of greatest interest is the Kokolanjoki River, which is the only salmon river on the northwestern coast of Ladoga with a relatively well-preserved stock of this fish. In total, 16 species of fish are found here. The length of the river is 53 km, of which 45 km is in the Karelian part. At the same time, the main part of the catchment area (73%) is located in Finland, and almost all the lakes that feed it are located here. There are 7 rapids on the Karelian part of the river, plus 4 rapids on its tributary - the Anajoki River. The main spawning grounds for salmon are located here.

In its upper half, the river flows in high (up to 20 - 30 m) steep banks covered with coniferous forest, in the lower half the banks drop to 5-10 m, and behind their edge there are mainly farmlands. The general nature of the relief is flat, which contributed to the formation of numerous meanders on the river, creating increased tortuosity of the riverbed. In general, the river has a very picturesque appearance and can be an excellent object for launching canoes or catamarans. It can be added that the depths of the river, with the exception of rapids areas, are quite large (up to 4 - 7 m), and the current is forceful.

On the territory of the Khiitolsky rural settlement there are also small lakes - these are Alasyarvi, Hitolanyarvi, Tausyarvi, Veyalanyarvi. However, the main flavor of the territory comes from Lake Ladoga - the largest in Europe. The area of ​​the lake is 18,400 km2. The coastline is more than 1000 km. Length, from south to north, over 200 km, greatest width, from west to east, about 130 km. The greatest depth is 230 m (in some pits even 260 - 380 m); average depth 51 m. Height above the level of the Baltic Sea 4 m. Water volume 910 km 3. Extended from northwest to southeast, it can be divided into two almost equal parts: northern and southern, differing in physical, biological and commercial characteristics.

The coastline of northern Ladoga, on the coast of which the settlement is located, is very indented; there are many bays that go deep into the mainland; The banks are hilly and covered mainly with coniferous forests. This half of the lake is the deepest; here, precisely in the northwestern corner, there are the greatest depths near the mainland and island shores. Often depths of 100 m are found at a distance of less than 3 km from the coast: at this distance the 100-meter isobath passes near the northern coast; a depression with depths of over 200 m is located near the group of Valaam Islands.

The bottom topography of Lake Ladoga, having a general slope from south to north, in many areas of the predominantly northern half of the lake, is disturbed by shallow waters, as well as depressions and deep holes.

The predominant soils are silty and sandy, with many rocky scatterings and individual stones. At least 40 rivers and streams flow into Lake Ladoga.

The skerry part of the lake is extremely picturesque, representing a lace of hundreds of diverse islands, capes, channels, straits and bays. Rocky landscapes predominate here, but you can find moraine formations, sandy and pebble beaches. This is an excellent place for the development of the tourism industry, resort treatment and recreation, and the organization of elite fishing.

Groundwater is contained in a relatively thin discontinuous layer of Quaternary sediments and in the upper fractured zone of crystalline rocks. The depth of groundwater from the surface is insignificant (0 - 10 m) and generally depends on the terrain. Nutrition occurs mainly due to the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation. Discharge occurs through springs and by infiltration into rivers, lakes and swamps.


The soil, as a component of the ecosystem, performs a very specific job in it and has its own functioning mechanism for this. The structure and dynamics of vegetation in the territory, without taking into account climatic conditions, are mainly predetermined by the characteristics of the soil cover.

The predominant soil-forming rocks in the rural settlement are loose Quaternary rocks: moraine sandy loams and loams, sand and pebble formations of water-glacial origin, sands and clays of lacustrine origin. Clay is a fine-grained rock consisting of alumina and silica with admixtures of calcium carbonate, iron oxides and organic particles. Based on their origin, clays are divided into marine, lacustrine, river and glacial clays. Sand is a finely clastic, loose rock consisting predominantly of angular and rounded quartz grains. In addition, sand contains impurities: clayey, calcareous, mica, iron oxides and hydroxides, as well as organic substances. Sands are formed as sedimentary rocks at the bottom of rivers, seas and lakes, and also as a result of weathering of crystalline rocks.

A distinctive feature of clay moraine formations is their high density: volumetric weight usually ranges from 1.80-1.90 to 2.20-2.30 G/cm3. The porosity of these soils is low - usually 25 - 35% (most often about 30% or slightly lower). Such a high compaction of the clayey soils under consideration is explained primarily by the compacting pressure of the glacier at the time of formation of moraine strata. Compaction was also facilitated by the great heterogeneity of the granulometric composition of moraine soils. In accordance with the high density, the compressibility of moraine deposits is usually low. The shear strength of moraine soils is also usually quite high. It should be noted that morainic loams and clays, although they have significant water resistance, still become wet and washed away by water. This ability of moraine soils sometimes causes deformations of slopes and the bottom of excavations and pits. In most cases, these rocks are considered reliable foundations for the most critical and heavy structures, due to their dense composition and low compressibility.


1. Agroclimatic resources of the settlement territory meet the requirements ensuring stable agricultural production:

The sum of summer temperatures for a period above 10 degrees is 1600 0, which ensures the ripening of all agricultural crops cultivated in a given area;

Humidification of the area is sufficient for the growth and development of cultivated plants;

The size of the snow cover ensures the safety of not only winter crops, but also perennial grasses, fruit and berry perennial plantings, which is of great importance given the significant fluctuations in air temperature characteristic of this territory in winter.

2. The predominant soils on the territory are clays, loams, sandy loams and sands, which provides the settlement with local building material. In addition, clay and loamy soils are reliable foundations for the construction of buildings and structures on them.

3. The presence of deposits and manifestations of minerals on the territory of the settlement contributes to the development of the mining industry.

4. The natural resource potential of the territory makes it possible to develop the logging industry.

5. The territory of the settlement is a unique testing ground where any type of natural, ecological and sports tourism can develop. Thus, the development of tourism is a promising sector of the municipal economy.

Geological conditions

Geomorphological conditions

Geomorphological conditions are the sum of data about the relief, its origin and patterns of development. When solving urban planning problems, the steepness of the natural relief of the territory, the features of its forms, and the degree of hilliness are of great importance.

Geological conditions include data on the composition, thickness, bearing capacity of soils, the order of their bedding and age, as well as the presence and activity of geological processes and disturbances of the earth's surface as a result of technogenic factors. Natural physical and geological processes include landslides, ravines, karst, mudflows, snow avalanches, seismic and cryogenic phenomena.

Hydrogeological conditions

Hydrogeological conditions are information about the presence, type, power and properties of episodic and permanently existing groundwater horizons, their depth, feeding conditions, features of the regime and its dynamics. They are considered in close interaction with the lithological structure, hydrometeorological conditions that determine the features of their regime and the overall balance of groundwater.

Hydrological conditions in the territory are studied on the basis of data on phenomena and processes occurring in surface water bodies: rivers, lakes, reservoirs and swamps. These conditions are considered in close connection with hydrogeological and other natural conditions, which collectively determine the characteristics of the water cycle in nature, the influence of human activity on it and methods of managing the water regime.

Basic information includes information about food sources, patterns of regime of rivers and reservoirs, their main parameters, chemical and bacteriological composition of water, relief and geological features of the coastline and bottom.

The regime of rivers and reservoirs is determined by a set of data on fluctuations in flow rates, levels and flow rates during the period of the lowest long-term seasonal standing - in low water and during the passage high waters taking into account the timing of freezing and opening of rivers, as well as the thickness of the ice cover.

In areas adjacent to reservoirs, the boundaries of inundation of the coastal area with flood waters should be established and plotted on the topographic plan. Then make a decision to include flooded areas in the developed territories with the implementation of protective measures or exclude them for use for development.

Data on natural conditions are supplemented by prospective forecasting of the potential dynamics of environmental components under the influence of various factors, including anthropogenic ones. For example, they assess the consequences of changes in groundwater levels during construction and operation or possible erosion of the relief by surface water flows and the accumulation of rock destruction products in low-lying areas. In addition, the ecological potential of the environment is determined, i.e. limits beyond which irreversible damage may begin.

Information about the natural environment is obtained based on complex engineering and geological surveys, the tasks of which arise from the specifics of urban planning.

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