Golev Nikolay Vitalievich (13 years old) - Hero of my family. Essay “Pages of the Great Patriotic War Mitrofan Efimovich Vlasov

“The Great Patriotic War” - Nazi Germany. Burgomasters. Results of the initial period of the war. Liberation War. Situation. The war of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany. Great damage. Blue. Summer-spring campaign. Summer-autumn campaign. An impossible task. Occupation regime. Hungary. The Germans opened churches.

Through the streets in shame. The pilot of the Messer jumped out with a parachute and was captured. A sea of ​​fire fell from the sky. Nine in one battle. It was not only Hitler who believed in the “lightning war” in 1941. Underwater on tanks. The Nazis planned to march through Moscow in ceremonial formation. Steel hedgehogs. Threats and forecasts. Horovets' car was attacked by German fighters.

“War 1941-1945” - The third stage: 1943, a radical turning point. Fifth stage: 1945, Victory. The war against Russia cannot be waged in a chivalrous manner. Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. dedicated. The year 1945 came - the last and decisive year of the Great Patriotic War. Fourth stage: 1944, liberation. First stage: 1941, tragic beginning.

“The Great War 1941-1945” - Remember your heroes. Pavlovskaya. The Great Patriotic War was a difficult test for Pavlovsk residents. Lesson of Courage. Lesson of Courage: Armed struggle between states. 66th anniversary of the Liberation of Art. Incendiary of the Conquerors. Pavlovskaya. My Small Motherland - Art. What is war?

“The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945” - Kursk Bulge. Tanya Savicheva. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. Resident of Belarus. Brest Fortress. Germany. Terrible years. In the first days of the war, more than 3,987,000 people died. War. Siege Leningrad. Khatyn. Schoolchildren. The earth is washed with children's tears. Defenders of the Brest Fortress. Children during the Great Patriotic War.

"WWII 1941-1945" - Battle of Berlin. The Caucasus, Volga and Arkhangelsk were still far away. Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 in dates and events. “Katyushas” were called during the war years: 1944 July 1945 Deportation. September 1941 Correct answer. July 1942 – February 1943 Members of the CPSU(b) and the Komsomol are resettled at the same time as the rest.

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Awards and prizes

Mitrofan Andreevich Mashin(-) - participant in the Great Patriotic War, battery commander of the 500th mortar regiment (54th Army, 3rd Baltic Front), senior lieutenant.


Graduated from 7th grade. He worked in the city of Rossosh in the public catering system.


  • The title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) was awarded by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945.
  • He was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and medals.

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Igor Serdyukov.. Website "Heroes of the Country". Retrieved February 3, 2016.

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An excerpt characterizing Mashin, Mitrofan Andreevich

And the prince began to analyze all the mistakes that, according to his ideas, Bonaparte made in all his wars and even in state affairs. The son did not object, but it was clear that no matter what arguments were presented to him, he was just as little able to change his mind as the old prince. Prince Andrei listened, refraining from objections and involuntarily wondering how this old man, sitting alone in the village for so many years, could know and discuss in such detail and with such subtlety all the military and political circumstances of Europe in recent years.
“Do you think I, an old man, don’t understand the current state of affairs?” – he concluded. - And that’s where it is for me! I don't sleep at night. Well, where is this great commander of yours, where did he show himself?
“That would be long,” answered the son.
- Go to your Buonaparte. M lle Bourienne, voila encore un admirateur de votre goujat d'empereur! [here is another admirer of your servile emperor...] - he shouted in excellent French.
– Vous savez, que je ne suis pas bonapartiste, mon prince. [You know, Prince, that I am not a Bonapartist.]
“Dieu sait quand reviendra”... [God knows when he will return!] - the prince sang out of tune, laughed even more out of tune and left the table.
The little princess remained silent throughout the argument and the rest of the dinner, looking fearfully first at Princess Marya and then at her father-in-law. When they left the table, she took her sister-in-law by the hand and called her to another room.
“Comme c"est un homme d"esprit votre pere," she said, "c"est a cause de cela peut etre qu"il me fait peur. [What a smart man your father is. Maybe that’s why I’m afraid of him.]
- Oh, he's so kind! - said the princess.

Prince Andrey left the next day in the evening. The old prince, without deviating from his order, went to his room after dinner. The little princess was with her sister-in-law. Prince Andrei, dressed in a traveling frock coat without epaulettes, settled down with his valet in the chambers assigned to him. Having examined the stroller and the packing of the suitcases himself, he ordered them to be packed. In the room there remained only those things that Prince Andrei always took with him: a box, a large silver cellar, two Turkish pistols and a saber, a gift from his father, brought from near Ochakov. Prince Andrei had all these travel accessories in great order: everything was new, clean, in cloth covers, carefully tied with ribbons.
In moments of departure and change of life, people who are able to think about their actions usually find themselves in a serious mood of thought. At these moments the past is usually reviewed and plans for the future are made. Prince Andrei's face was very thoughtful and tender. He, with his hands behind him, quickly walked around the room from corner to corner, looking ahead of him, and thoughtfully shaking his head. Whether he was afraid to go to war, or sad to leave his wife - maybe both, but, apparently, not wanting to be seen in such a position, hearing footsteps in the hallway, he hastily freed his hands, stopped at the table, as if he was tying the cover of a box, and assumed his usual, calm and impenetrable expression. These were the heavy steps of Princess Marya.

"From the heroes of old times

Sometimes there are no names left..."

from the film "Officers"

Mashin Mitrofan Andreevich, Hero of the Soviet Union (04/25/21-07/28/44)

I want to talk about the hero of the Great Patriotic War. This family story seems like a legend or an epic to me. Even the name of my ancestor Mitrofan Andreevich for me is like the name of an epic hero. I never saw him or talked to him because he died in the war.

My great-great-grandmother Varvara was born into a large, hardworking peasant family in the village of Peskovatka, Liskinsky district, Voronezh region. The lands there are very fertile, the Don River flows nearby. They lived well, amicably. Varvara married a locomotive driver, my great-great-grandfather Samson. After some time, trouble happened. Varvara’s parents and brothers were dispossessed and sent to Siberia. She was able to save only her youngest brother Mitrofan. Soon she gave birth to two sons, the youngest - my great-grandfather Kostya. This is how Varvara raised and raised all three boys. Mitrofan graduated from 7th grade and began working as a chef at a restaurant in the city of Rossosh.

In 1941, the war began. In March 1942 Mitrofan went to the front. In 1943, he graduated from accelerated courses at the artillery school. He fought near Leningrad and in the Baltic states. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". He soon became the battery commander of the 500th Mortar Regiment (54th Army, 3rd Baltic Front). On July 27, 1944, senior lieutenant Mitrofan Andreevich Mashin supported the advancing units of the 288th Infantry Division with fire. In a battle near the Latvian village of Tsukusana, he was wounded. The hand hung like a whip. The soldiers wanted to take the commander to the rear. But he continued to adjust the fire. The Germans came close to the observation post. At that moment, Mashin called fire on himself. The mortar men knew where their commander was and fired not at the house, but around it. The enemies retreated. And again a hail of enemy shells fell on the house. The building was falling apart and the logs caught fire. The commander had both legs blown off. The fire was approaching him, and his voice was still heard in the telephone receiver: “Landmark three, running with all their guns! They’re running! Landmark four, two mines each!” These were his last words.

He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945. On the southern outskirts of the village of Rugaji in Latvia there is a military brotherly cemetery. Our Mitrofan Andreevich is buried there. In 1958, a monument was erected there. In Soviet times, the burials were patronized by the Rugai state farm and the Rugai secondary school. An obelisk was erected in Mitrofan Andreevich’s homeland. Over the years it has fallen into disrepair, but the Liski residents recently installed a new one. I am very glad that my fellow countrymen do not forget their hero. In the town of Liski there is Hero Mashin Street. His feat is written in the book “Bogatyrs of the Voronezh Land.” I saw on the Internet that recently a class hour “My native land is the land of heroes” was held at the Liskin school. They also talked about Mitrofan Andreevich.

But few know the tragic story of his family. How you need to love your land, your Motherland, so that, no matter what, you fight for it until your last breath! I would like to be the same strong-willed, courageous person that my ancestor was!

P.S. My great-grandfather Konstantin Samsonovich is now 84 years old. He sees almost nothing, but loves to talk to us, great-grandchildren. He was a teenager during the war. The Germans stood on the right bank of the Don. The Liskinsky railway junction was of strategic importance. Day and night, trains carrying ammunition, food, and medicine went to the front. Enemy aircraft bombed the city daily. But the enemy was not allowed to cross the Don. My great-grandfather remembers many stories about the war. I will try to remember his stories and tell them to my children so that the memory of the warrior-defenders is not interrupted.

Lieutenant General of the Tank Forces Mitrofanov Vasily Andreevich was born in the village of Petrokovo in the former Stavrovsky district at the turn of two centuries - in 1899. The boy was orphaned early, and his grandfather took him to Ryazan at the age of seven.

After graduating from high school in 1918, Vasily Andreevich volunteered for the Red Army.

As part of the 2nd railway regiment, he took part in the suppression of kulak uprisings at the Shilovo and Nizhne-Maltsevo stations.

In 1919, he fought against Denikin at Vladimirovka station as part of the 313th Infantry Regiment.

In 1924, he successfully graduated from the 27th Ivanovo-Voznesensk Infantry School.

In 1926, Mitrofanov took part in operations to intern Persian troops, and in 1927 - to eliminate the Junal Khan gang as part of the 1st Turkestan Rifle Regiment.

From 1933 to 1937 Mitrofanov studied at the Military Academy of Motorization and Mechanization. After graduating from the academy, he continued to serve as head of the corps headquarters department. In 1939 he participated in the liberation of the peoples of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

From 1939 to 1941 he again studied at the Academy of the General Staff.

Vasily Andreevich began the Great Patriotic War as the head of the armored and mechanized forces of one of the armies of the Leningrad Front.

In the fight against the Nazi invaders V.A. Mitrofanov showed courage, bravery and the ability to beat the enemy for sure. His talent as a military leader was especially revealed in the final period of the war - in the Berlin operation.

Being directly in the combat formations of the units, the corps commander, Major General Mitrofanov, proved himself to be a strong-willed and decisive commander. Parts of the corps broke through the heavily fortified and deeply echeloned German defenses on the Neisse River, crossed the Spree River on the move and, rapidly advancing, captured the cities of Fetchan, Lübbenau, Polsen, Barut, and Cessen. On April 24, 1945, having captured the strong enemy stronghold of Teltov and crossed the canal, parts of the corps broke into Berlin from the south.

In heavy stubborn battles, the corps inflicted heavy losses in enemy manpower and equipment over several days and captured a number of urban areas of Berlin.

For the skillful leadership of the corps during the storming of Berlin, for the courage and heroism shown personally in battles, the commander of the tank corps, Major General of the Tank Forces Mitrofanov Vasily Andreevich, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 29, 1945. The Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal were awarded to General Mitrofanov in the Kremlin on June 2, 1945.

On June 27, 1945, he was awarded another military rank - lieutenant general of tank forces.

The Party and Government highly appreciated the military prowess of Vasily Andreevich Mitrofanov, awarding him three Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky II degree, Suvorov II degree and eight USSR medals.

V. A. Mitrofanov was also awarded ten foreign orders and medals.

In 1959, V. A. Mitrofanov was dismissed due to illness. Lives in Moscow.

Ageev Philipp Pavlovich

14. 11. 1910 - 22. 9. 1979

Hero of the Soviet Union

Ageev Philipp Pavlovich - commander of a fire platoon of the 292nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 97th Guards Rifle Division of the 5th Guards Army of the Voronezh Front, guard foreman.

Born on November 14, 1910 in the village of Provorot, Gorshechensky district, Kursk region, in a working-class family. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1943. Incomplete secondary education. He worked as a miner at Metrostroy in Moscow.

In 1934 he was drafted into the Red Army. In 1936 he was demobilized. Called up for the second time in 1942. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from February 1942. He fought on the Voronezh Front.

On August 6, 1943, in the Belgorod area, while repelling an enemy tank attack, the commander of the fire platoon of the 292nd Guards Rifle Regiment, Sergeant Major F.P. Ageev personally destroyed a tank and seven Nazis from a gun. On August 13, 1943, the platoon destroyed two tanks and several machine-gun emplacements. When the crew of one of the guns failed, F.P. Ageev, acting as a gunner, knocked out two more tanks.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 22, 1944, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism of the guard, foreman Philip Pavlovich Ageev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 3310).

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Lieutenant F.P. Ageev is in reserve. Lived in Kyiv. Died on September 22, 1979. He was buried in Kyiv at the Baikovo cemetery.

Awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and medals.

Anpilov Anatoly Andreevich

7. 11. 1914 - 26. 8. 1994

Hero of the Soviet Union

Anpilov Anatoly Andreevich – commander of the air squadron of the 779th Bomber Aviation Regiment (241st Bomber Aviation Division, 3rd Bomber Aviation Corps, 16th Air Army, Belorussian Front), captain.

Born on October 25 (November 7), 1914 in Streletskaya Sloboda (now within the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region) in a working-class family. Russian. In 1932 he graduated from 7 classes of school, in 1933 – 1 year of the Voronezh Municipal Construction College.

In the army since August 1933. In 1936 he graduated from the Stalingrad Military Aviation Pilot School. He served in combat units of the Air Force (in the Kiev Military District).

Participant in the Soviet-Finnish War: in January-March 1940 - senior pilot of the 48th high-speed bomber aviation regiment; made 36 combat missions on an SB bomber.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in June 1941-January 1942 - deputy commander of the air squadron of the 506th Bomber Aviation Regiment (South-Western Front), in January-August 1942 - deputy commander and commander of the air squadron of the 99th Bomber Aviation Regiment (South-Western and Stalingrad fronts); in October 1942-September 1944 - commander of the air squadron of the 779th Bomber Aviation Regiment (Central and 1st Belorussian Fronts). He made 193 combat missions on SB and Pe-2 bombers to bomb military targets and enemy troops. He took part in defensive battles in Ukraine, in the Kharkov offensive operation of 1942, in the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, and the liberation of Belarus.

For the courage and heroism shown in battles, Captain Anatoly Andreevich Anpilov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 4386) by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 1, 1944.

In 1948 he graduated from the Air Force Academy (Monino). He continued to serve in the Air Force, commanding a bomber regiment and division. The regiment under his command was the first in the Soviet Air Force to switch to Il-28 jet bombers. Since 1960 - Deputy Commander of the 76th Air Army for Logistics (in the Leningrad Military District). Since January 1971, Major General of Aviation A.A. Anpilov has been in reserve.

Lived in the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Died on August 26, 1994. He was buried near the city of Primorsk, Vyborg district, Leningrad region (A.A. Anpilov had a dacha in this area).

Major General of Aviation (1959). Awarded the Order of Lenin, 3 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, 3 Orders of the Red Star, medals.

Mitrofan Efimovich Vlasov

Hero of the Soviet Union!

In 1915, Mitrofan Efimovich Vlasov was born - Hero of the Soviet Union (1943), a native of the village of Bogdanovka, Gorshechensky volost, Nizhne-Devitsky district, Voronezh province (now Gorshechensky district, Kursk region). He died in October 1943 during the crossing of the Dnieper. He was buried in a mass grave in the village of Starye Petrivtsi, Vyshegorodsky district, Kyiv region (Ukraine).


Heroes of the Soviet Union. Brief biographical dictionary. Volume 1. M.: Voeniz., 1987

Heroes of Belgorod. - Voronezh: Central Black Earth book. ed., 1972.

Forever in the people's heart. 3rd ed., add. and corr. Minsk, 1984

Especially for Kavicom!

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