Ready-made templates for a classroom corner. Independent design of a classroom corner in an elementary school


First of all, choose a name for the corner. It must correspond to the age of the children and their character.
If these are students, then you should take into account their craving for animated films and favorite fairy tales. Therefore, the names “Smeshariki”, “Gnomes”, “Merry Men”, “Fidgets” are suitable.
If these are primary school students, then when naming the corner it is necessary to take into account their passion for the world, first novels and the Internet. As examples, we can offer the following options: “”, “Black Lightning”, “Electronic”, “Shkolyar”, “There is contact!”.
For high school students, you can suggest the titles “Peers”, “Romantics”, “Youth”, “Renaissance”, “Flame”, “Extreme”, “Adrenaline”, “Seven Feet Under the Keel!” These names will reflect the internal desire for freedom, independence, and the desire to express oneself as an individual.

Now, depending on the name, come up with a design. It should be colorful and bright. Let these be fairy-tale heroes and game heroes, appropriate paraphernalia, and a background picture. The main thing is that the children themselves draw and paint the base of the newspaper in bright colors. Tell them how best to do this.

In the classroom corner, information about birthday people with wishes and congratulations must appear regularly.

The design of a classroom corner should be practical and aesthetically pleasing.

The most joyful, bright and elegant holiday. It is remembered by children until the next New Year. To create a festive atmosphere, you need to not only create an interesting scenario, but also decorate the school. Tinsel, snowflakes, and fairy-tale characters will be a wonderful addition to the celebration. A little imagination, and the strict school walls will turn into a New Year's fairy tale.

You will need

  • Tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, serpentine, white and colored material, narrow and wide satin ribbons, pine tree branches, pine cones, polystyrene foam, plywood and other available materials.


There is still time before the New Year, and it is too early to decorate the lobby. Take charge of classrooms. Let the guys show their imagination. White snowflakes will immediately make the windows look elegant. Announce a competition for the most delicate snowflake. Bring a pine twig and decorate with toys. For this you can use not only traditional ones, but also chocolate ones. They can be hung according to the number of children in the class, or before the New Year by making a wish. Red silk bows look good on the Christmas tree. They can be made. Organize an exhibition of New Year's greetings in your classroom. Let the guys congratulate their classmates. Evaluate the guys' plans and execution technique.

Announce a New Year's posters and drawings competition at school. They can then decorate the walls of the lobby and corridors. Hold an exhibition of flags. These flags were popular several decades ago. Make the job more challenging by developing requirements:

Use bright, monochromatic material of dense quality;
- fold the material in half to make a double-sided flag;
- for density, you can sew in paper;
- A3 sheet dimensions;
- leave a slot at the top for the braid.

Such flags can be decorated at your discretion, decorated with New Year's themed appliqué. The themes “Parade of Snowmen”, “Miss Snow Maiden”, “The Best Santa Claus in the World” are suitable for this purpose. You can decorate your walls with these flags.

Now take on the lobby and hallways. Tinsel can be hung wherever there is a "". And Christmas tree cones, wrapped in shiny foil or colored paper, can be hung on the eaves. All mirrors and glass can be painted with gouache on a New Year's theme. If there are no artists, decorate the windows with toys. To do this, secure Christmas tree decorations of suitable size on long colored ribbons to the cornice. Additionally, attach snowflakes to the ribbon. The length of the ribbons can be made the same or different depending on your desire. Cut out figures of animals and fairy-tale characters from plywood and other materials. Paint them with enamel or oil paint. These figures can be used to decorate panels and stair railings.

If possible, make a three-dimensional picture. The parts on it are either stuffed with cotton wool or lined with foam rubber. Christmas trees, snowmen, and animals will look good. Make a wreath from pine, spruce or juniper branches. Use Christmas tree beads, pine cones, and brightly colored satin beads for decoration. Work hard on the lampshades. To do this, secure shiny New Year's rain or tinsel on top with tape evenly on all sides. Gather the hanging strands together and secure with a gold or silver ribbon.

Think about how to fill the space. You can, of course, put small ones and place toys near them.
Or you can sew snowmen. Cut them out of white material, sew on a nose, a carrot, and buttons. Put a knitted hat on your head and wrap a scarf around your neck. This snowman does not need to be stuffed with foam rubber; it is enough to pull it on some support, for example, a bucket. Two or three of these snowmen of different sizes will make the room very cozy. And elementary school students will be delighted.

Useful advice

Do not use candles to decorate the school. Do not leave electric lights unattended. Do not use homemade garlands.

No matter how much adults say that modern children do not need anything, more often than not, they are simply not offered anything. However, there are plenty of options. For example, designing a class newspaper is not only an interesting and exciting activity, but also an opportunity to unite the children, engage them in a common cause and develop their creative abilities.

You will need

  • Whatman paper, supplies for drawing and newspaper design, printer.


Select an asset that will deal with the newspaper. Of course, this does not mean that other guys will not be able to take part in its creation. There will simply be those who are not at all interested in this, and vice versa, those who really want to show their creative abilities. By tradition, the team responsible for the school newspaper is called the editorial board.

Distribute responsibilities among members of the editorial board. Let someone be responsible for the selection of material, someone for the design, etc.

Think about what format the newspaper will have and what it will generally contain. Perhaps these will be some events from the life of the class - even the most insignificant ones. A real poor student got an A? Why not let others know about it - after all, it's a reason to be proud. Here you can post congratulations on your birthday and other holidays, information about events in the life of the school, etc. As for the format, the ideal option would be the one familiar to everyone. Although, if you have the desire and financial capabilities, why not?

Class corner - this is what we used to call the area of ​​the school office, in which stands and photographs are located that tell about the life of the class: a list of students, a bell schedule, a list of this month’s birthday people, the names of those on duty and other information. Quite boring, as some teachers may think, but school for students is not just a chore or a job, for many it is the main part of their lives: here they live, make friends, fall in love, solve problems and become adults. The classroom corner is an introduction to adult life. By turning to the classroom corner, children learn to work with schedules, graphs, and can resolve their eternal disputes “Who is on duty today,” etc.

From the first grade, children must learn to work with such information, therefore, in elementary school, great importance is attached to the design of the classroom corner: teachers strive to make them bright, interesting, original and informative. Some people buy ready-made cool corners, others make them themselves.

Download classroom corner design templates

We offer you to download free classroom corner design templates for elementary and high schools. They are designed by a designer and include several sheets:

  • call schedule,
  • lesson schedule,
  • club schedule,
  • class composition,
  • class asset,
  • our achievements,
  • our plans
  • duty schedule,
  • birthday,
  • holidays.

Each classroom corner archive contains 11 template sheets in A4 format (portrait and landscape orientation), which you can print on a color printer or print shop. They will allow you to decorate your office without much difficulty.

We have presented several options for corner templates, so you can choose any one and change the design of the classroom corner every quarter or six months. If necessary, you can always print another sheet of the template if some information is out of date.

How to use templates?

If you do not have a graphics editor, we recommend installing the template sheets as the background of your PowerPoint presentation and entering all the data. Then save the presentation and print it. To print it at the phone shop, save the presentation in JPG image format ( File - Save As... - JPG ).

Funtova Svetlana Konstantinovna

primary school teacher


"The sun is shining"

1) The day opened at dawn

Golden key

To have it on Earth

A ray of light for each.

To make the palm trees grow

And birches with fir trees,

So that in the spring the nightingales

There was a clicking sound on the branches.

Chorus (2 times)

Chorus (2 times): The sun is shining for everyone,

So that cheerful laughter rings out,

The kids didn't cry.

The sun is shining for everyone,

So that cheerful laughter rings out,

It shines the same.

2) The day opened at dawn

Golden key

To have it on Earth

A ray of light for each.

So that cheerful laughter rings out,

The kids didn't cry

The sun is shining for everyone,

It shines the same.

Chorus (2 times)

  • Law of Respect
  • Respect people, and then people will respect you.
  • Law of Friendship
  • There are events in life that are difficult to survive alone. Then a friend comes to the rescue.
  • Law of Courage
  • Be brave, don't be afraid of obstacles.
  • Law of love
  • Love your parents, friends, Motherland and everything that surrounds you.
  • Law of Kindness
  • Kindness is strength. Don't be afraid to be strong - give kindness to people.
  • Law of mercy
  • There may be someone next to you who needs help. Help!
  • Law of hard work
  • You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Be hardworking!


school life

The main thing: try to live in such a way that the people around you feel good.

Before you approach a person, smile at him, because good relationships begin with a smile.

Learn to enjoy not only your successes, but also the successes of your classmates.

Never envy anyone or snitch: sneaking embitters people and destroys their relationships.

Try to come to the aid of a friend, do not wait until you are asked to do so.

If you feel bad, don’t rush to blame others for it. Learn to endure troubles. The bad thing will soon pass.

Treasure your school friendships, value your class and your school.

And one more thing: treat people the way you want to be treated.



Solar gathering


Creative group

Good Offices Bureau

Aibolit Group


………… ..


………… ..


………… ..

Group “Healthy athletes”


………… ..

Press center


………… ..



………… ..

Our summer birthdays:

Our autumn birthdays:

Our winter birthday boys:

Our spring birthday boys:




1. Literature

2. Russian language

3. Mathematics

4. Physical education


1. Russian language

2. Mathematics

3. Technology

4. The world around us


1. Literature

2. Russian language

3. Mathematics

4. Physical education


1. Literature

2. Russian language

3. The world around us


1. Literature

2. Russian language

3. Mathematics

4. Drawing

5. Physical education


extracurricular activities


Club "Housewife"


Club “Hatching and speech development”




Club "Lessons of Aibolit"


"Merry notes"

Making a cool corner

A teacher faces many challenges!

In addition to teaching and upbringing, teachers are always concerned about the conditions in which children would learn with pleasure and joy. To do this, he is engaged in the arrangement and decoration of the office. The quality of students’ preparation and their psychological attitude towards studying depend on many factors, including the conditions, environment, and atmosphere in which they will be formed.

The office should be cozy, logical in design, laconic in design and extremely simple. The teacher designs the office so that the student always has a desire to come to it and feel comfortable. Decorating a classroom corner is a significant and important matter, requiring a special approach and painstaking work. After all, a properly designed classroom corner provides versatile and, therefore, useful information for the student.

Previously, there were certain standards for classroom corners, but now there are no such standards, so the teacher can show his imagination and design a corner for the benefit of the business. In order for it to always arouse interest among the children, you need to consult with them, discuss the materials that you would like to place in the corner. Very often the theme of the design depends on the students themselves. But the main rubrics must come from the teacher himself.

The selection of topics and material for the elementary school corner differs from those of the high school. First, the design takes place in a playful way, so that it is accessible and understandable to children, and then more serious, more complex sections appear, containing educational material necessary to broaden the child’s horizons.

When designing a classroom corner, it is important to adhere to the same requirements:

  • decorate aesthetically;
  • do not adhere to uniform standards, but be creative;
  • materials must reflect the comprehensive interests of the child;
  • think about each point from the point of view: whether the student needs the selected material at the moment and whether it will arouse interest;
  • the selected topic should be a “guideline” not only in extracurricular life, but also be an “assistant” in learning.
Based on this, both the studies and extracurricular life of the children are reflected in the “Cool Corner”.

Decorative design of the stand– another form of using talents and abilities. One and the same stand can be completely devoted to one area of ​​educational work at the right time (for example, for holidays, sports competitions, the arrival of a commission, etc.).

When designing a classroom corner, a section such as “Our Creativity” is very important. Its purpose is to reflect the creativity of children. They strive to ensure that their works (they can be the best applications from labor lessons, essays on various topics, drawings, even poems of their own composition) can appear in this place. It is noticeable that this inspires students and they are proud of their achievements. They are followed by those who have not yet succeeded.

Interest in the classroom corner is also maintained when the materials in the corner are improved, supplemented, and changed. Therefore, design work must be done regularly. Students can prepare and post information independently. By changing the decorative design at the stand, you can present a completely new theme in the design of the classroom corner.

The results of the correct approach to corner design:

  • children are proud of their achievements and successes;
  • strive to be better, more effective;
  • They try to be useful, showing their creativity and initiative in decorating the corner.

If you use your creativity and imagination, you can decorate the “Cool Corner” on a variety of themes. But this must be done with soul and interest, then the children will also become passionate about its design and existence.

(Website "Parents meeting"

Internal regulations at school. You can download and print the file in A4 format to use when designing a classroom stand.

  • Template for decorating a classroom corner

Sooner or later in first grade, the question arises about decorating a stand for the classroom corner.

The content of this stand can be anything. It depends on the requirements and imagination of the teacher, the traditions of the school and the wishes of parents and students.

Most likely there will be a lesson schedule, rules of behavior at school, congratulations on holidays, honoring talents and excellent students, etc.

I suggest you download the stand layout for the classroom corner. It can be printed in any size. The original size is 170x100 cm, but the file can be safely scaled in any direction.

The concept of the stand is such that at the bottom there are 6 stationary sections: “This is important”, “Schedule”, “Holidays”, “We are growing”, “Our talents”. And at the top of the stand any materials can be placed: the best works of students, photographs, memos, etc.

You can also take photographs of each student, arrange them (cut them out) in the form of sheets of wood, and attach them to the stand using pins on an apple tree. This approach will allow you to add new photos as new students enter the class, without having to reprint the entire poster.

You can print this template on both A3 and A4 format (regular landscape paper). The template provides a schedule of school classes and additional after-school clubs. To save the template, right-click on the link and select “Save As” in the context menu that appears.

  • Templates for decorating a classroom corner (website

Rules of conduct in class (in class)

  • The bell rings - hurry up to class,

We already have a lesson.

3. If you want to answer,

don't make noise

Just raise your hand.

2. You sit at your desk slimly,

And behave with dignity.

4. Remember the lesson

not a toy

And you can't stretch it.

Be careful

and listen,

Everything is said here for you.

6. Call from class -

stand up quietly

Remember, it's class

not a gym.

5. At school, in class

don't litter,

I saw litter - pick it up!

  • All school things must be

in order, neatly placed in the briefcase.

3. When you enter

to school, don't push. Dry your shoes thoroughly before entering.

6. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent) enters the class, they should stand up amicably, but QUIETLY and CALMLY, greeting the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission.

7. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, don’t shout,

and RAISE YOUR HAND. You should also raise your hand when you want to ask something.

something from the teacher.

Rules of behavior at school

2. We ALWAYS arrive to school on time.


4. When you enter

to school, to class, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your friends.

5. If you're late

go to class and come in

to enter class after the bell rings, you must ask the teacher for permission.

8. Contacting

When making a request to a teacher or friends, you need to use “POLITE” words: please, thank you.

10. Go out

CHANGE is possible only with the permission of the teacher.

13. If you meet an adult at the door, you need to give him a seat (let him through).

16. Papers, bits of paper, all trash must be thrown away

in a special basket.

9. Every schoolchild must take care of his DESK, do not break, write, or scratch with a sharp object.

12. You should say hello to all the adults you meet at school.



14.If nearby

a girl goes with a boy, he should miss

her forward.

Rules of conduct

in the locker room

3. Put mittens, gloves in your pocket, headdress -

in the sleeve.

2. Hang your clothes

and put on your shoes

to a certain (own) place .

4. Hang your clothes neatly.

1. When you come to school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat.

6. If you see fallen clothes, pick them up.

7. Don't take it

and don't spoil it

other people's things.

5.When you undress

don’t talk, undress quickly, don’t disturb others.

8. Don't forget your things!

Rules of conduct

in the library

4. In the book

don't bend the corners

don't write with a pen,

just use


  • Keep order in the library


Don't talk loudly.

2. Say hello when you enter.

with the librarian

and when you receive the book, be sure to tell me


5. If the book is damaged,


Seal it up.

6. Library

books ESPECIALLY TAKE CARE! KNOW that they are not only intended

for you, but for many

other children.

3. Take the book only with clean hands.

Rules of conduct

in the dining room

7. Don’t take buns, sweets, yogurt, or fruit out of the dining room.

  • You must enter the nightingale in an orderly manner.

Eat everything at the table.

2. Don't push, don't shout. KEEP IN ORDER.

8. Don’t push your dirty plate towards your neighbor.

9. After eating, move your chair under the table.

10. Clear the table if you are ON DUTY.

3. Always wash your hands before eating.

11. When leaving, say THANK YOU to those who fed you.

4. Don't talk while eating.

5. At the table, don’t indulge in bread, don’t move around, don’t disturb your neighbor.


Rules of conduct

in the assembly hall

1. Come to the holiday in HOLIDAY clothes, smart, combed, and with polished shoes.

2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place.

  • In the hall, don’t shout, don’t run, don’t push,

don't try to get ahead of your neighbor.

4. Waiting for the start of a holiday or concert


5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced,

stop talking, LOOK and LISTEN CAREFULLY.

6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event.

7. Don’t laugh if something doesn’t go well on stage,

some awkwardness arose (for example, if the speaker forgot the text or fell while dancing)

8. Don't forget to APPLAUSE!

9. Don’t leave trash behind (there’s a trash can for that).

10. After finishing, don’t push, leave the hall CALMLY!

Rules of conduct

in the schoolyard

2. Be careful on the sports ground: swings, sports equipment, stairs, horizontal bar

1. See if there are activities in the schoolyard during your walk, whether you will disturb the children with your presence.

may be dangerous

in case of mishandling.

3. Stay away from dangerous structures

(transformer booths, pits, etc.)

5. Green spaces are decorated

4. Play with friends

6. If you run to play

in safe games.

school yard.

to another yard,

DO NOT CLIMB on roofs, trees, fences.




Rules of conduct

during recess

During recess

During recess



1. Run around the classroom

and the corridor.

2. Push,


call names.

3. Open the window.

4. Sit

on the windowsills.

5. Go out

outside the school

without permission

class teacher.

6. Play


in street games.

  • Prepare for the next lesson.
  • Chat with friends.

3. Play calm, board games.

Rules of conduct

on the stairs

On the stairs


  • Attentively

watch where you are going.

2. Hold on

over the railing.

3. Go separately

apart from each other

(can be a pair).

On the stairs


  • Hold hands

in your pockets.

2. Push,

talk or

wait for someone.

3. Look around or up.

4. Lean over the railing.

5. Use

railing for descent

Charger for eyes No. 1

Perform each exercise 4 – 5 times

Charger for eyes No. 2

Sit correctly

Correct fit

while reading

Correct fit

when writing

IN Monday I did the laundry Dust in Tuesday wiped, IN Wednesday I baked kalach All Thursday I was looking for the ball Cups on Friday washed, And in Saturday I bought a cake All friends

for a birthday I called in Sunday.

4 2 4 greater than 2 " width="640"


4 2

4 more than 2


3 = 3

3 equals 3


3 5

3 less than 5


I am a plus

And that makes me proud.

I'm fit for addition

I am a good sign of connection

And that is my purpose.


I am a minus.

Also a good sign.

It’s not out of malice that I’m taking away,

I am only fulfilling my role.

How to prepare homework

1. Work actively in class: listen carefully and answer questions. 2. If something is unclear, do not hesitate to ask your teacher, adults and classmates for help. 3. Carefully and in detail write down assignments for each subject. 4. Learn to use reference books and dictionaries in order to be able to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions. 5. Learn to find the information you need using a computer. 6. Difficult lesson material should be repeated on the same day in order to immediately consolidate it and remember it. 7. When doing homework, you need to not only think about what needs to be done, but also decide what means and techniques can be used to achieve this. 8. On the desk there should be only what is necessary to complete one task. After its completion, the already used materials are removed from the table, and those educational supplies that are necessary to complete the assignment in the next subject are placed. 9. It is necessary to take breaks while preparing homework. 10. Before doing written work, you need to work on your mistakes and learn all the rules that may be useful to you. 11. A large task must be broken down into parts and worked on each of them separately. 12. You need to prepare for essays and reports in advance, evenly distributing the load, and not leaving such important work for the last day.

What you need to buy for a first grader:

  • Briefcase (empty weight no more than 700 - 800 g.)
  • Oblique notebooks - regular, non-glossy, without pictures (20 pcs.)
  • Checked notebooks - regular, non-glossy, without pictures (20 pcs.)
  • Colored pencils.
  • Ballpoint pens (plain) blue, 1 green.
  • Simple pencils 3 pcs.
  • Eraser.
  • Sharpener with container.
  • Pencil case (to store accessories and rulers)
  • Ruler 10, 20 cm.
  • Notebook covers.
  • Book covers.
  • Bookmarks for books.
  • Diary for students 1 - 4 grades.
  • Albums for drawing – 2-3 pcs.
  • Watercolor paints – 1 pc.
  • Gouache (with white color) – 1 pc.
  • Set of brushes for painting.
  • Don't spill a glass (2nd).
  • Glue - pencil, PVA.
  • Colored paper and cardboard (white/colored).
  • Scissors (to cut well and not tear the paper).
  • Sportswear and shoes.
  • Folder for notebooks (A 4).
  • Plasticine + board and knives for working with plasticine.

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