Ideal school in English. Ideal School presentation for an English lesson (grade 7) on the topic


School of my dream

My name is Mary. I live in Moscow and study at the 8th grade. I like my school, but I believe some things can be changed. Some of the lessons are boring and there is too much homework.

So if I were the principal of my school, my first step would be canceling homework. I hate spending my evenings solving mathematical problems and reading textbooks. After that, I would make the breaks between the lessons longer. We don`t always have enough time to relax or to have a snack. The school canteen menu also needs improvement, the food here is not healthy. There are mostly pies and chocolates. We want to eat soups, vegetables and fruits.

The autumn and spring holidays aren`t long enough for us to enjoy them. If they were longer we would be able to travel abroad or, for example, visit our grandparents in another city.

My favorite lesson is Literature. My friends like maths, biology and chemistry. So I would let every student decide what subjects to study. This way we would have more practice for our future professions. And the lessons should be more interactive. We should use new technologies, make projects, have discussions and play educational games.

Now there are 30 students in my class, that is why we don`t always get the teacher`s attention. In my perfect school, there would be not more than 10 students in the lesson. The teachers would be friendly, kind and experienced.

In my ideal school, we would also celebrate holidays together, have excursions, attend exhibitions, theater and places of interest. It is important to study the history of our city, broadens the mind of the students. Having these events is good for building a friendly atmosphere in the class.


My dream school

My name is Masha. I live in Moscow and study in the 8th grade. I like my school, but I think there are things that need to be changed. Some classes are boring and we also have too much homework.

So, if I were the principal of my school, my right move would be to eliminate homework. I hate spending my evenings solving math problems and reading textbooks. After that, I would make the breaks between lessons longer. We don't always have time to rest or have a snack. The school canteen menu also needs improvement; the food there is unhealthy. Mostly there are pies and sweets. We want to eat soups, vegetables and fruits.

The autumn and spring holidays are not long enough for us to enjoy them. If they were longer, we would be able to travel or, for example, visit. grandparents in another city.

My favorite lesson is literature. My friends love mathematics, biology and chemistry. Therefore, I would allow each student to choose which subjects to study. This way we would have more practice for our future professions. And lessons should become more interactive. We must use new technologies, create projects, participate in discussions and play educational games.

There are currently 30 students in my class, so we don't always get the teacher's attention. My ideal school would have no more than 10 students per lesson. The teachers will be friendly, kind and experienced.

In my ideal school, we will celebrate holidays together, go on excursions, visit exhibitions, theater and attractions. It is very important to study the history of the city and develop the horizons of students. These events will help create a good atmosphere in the classroom.

“If the children are untaught, their ignorance and vices will in future life cost us much dearer in their consequences than it would have done in their correction by a good education” - Thomas Jefferson.

This quote implies that there is no freedom without education which is what I honestly believe. One of the most important sources of education comes from what we learn in school. If the children do not get proper schooling, how can this apply to them? If I were principal of a high school, and were given the opportunity to develop the students’ curriculum, rules of behavior and criteria for promotion, I would do everything as fairly as possible, so nothing is prejudiced against anyone. In the following paragraphs, I have given my recommendations about what I think would make a good school system.

Before I try to change the attitudes of my students, I would make sure that I have a competent, cooperative, yet a caring team of teachers who have a good background and record of teaching in their subjects. They will need to have the ability to change teaching based on what does and does not work in the class. They should be open-minded, tolerant and patient. They will need to be able to handle any situation they encounter with confidence. They will be perfect role models.

What I need to take into account when I develop the curriculum is that everyone is different, having different interests and personalities. Not everyone dreams of becoming a scientist, doctor or a lawyer when they grew up. For this reason, I will try to properly divide the curriculum between the theoretical and practical aspects of learning, as well as a good portion of the curriculum time going towards physical education and or the arts. This makes everything all the more balanced. When the students arrive newly to high school, around grade 9 and even 10, I will make sure they get more of the academic subjects such as Maths, English, Science and Geography…


My ideal school is a modern three-storey building of a typical design. I would like it to be more modern and well-equipped than ours. Behind the school there should be a big garden with beautiful flower-beds, bushes and fruit trees. When you enter the building you can see a large hall with lots of plants and benches inside. On the right there is a large and state-of-the-art canteen with modern furniture.

The cloak room should be on the ground floor. The classrooms, the laboratories, the doctor’s office, the library, the teachers’ room are located on the upper floors. On the walls of the corridors you can see beautiful landscapes, pictures of famous scientists, writers and other outstanding people of our country. There are light curtains on the windows and many pots with flowers on window sills. The halls are full of sunlight. There are many different special classrooms for the classes of Physics, Chemistry, English, Geography and Biology. They have high quality projectors, schemes and tables on the walls.

The classrooms have modern laboratories which are well-equipped for different experiments and tests, which are carried out by our pupils during the lessons. On the second floor there is our computer room, assembly hall and a swimming pool. I think that all our pupils and teachers will enjoy this new and modern school. It would be the place you would like to come back again and again.

English essay on the topic Ideal school in English.

  1. there is no such thing as a perfect day
  2. For you in the Science Fiction section
  3. Think about it XD
  5. My ideal school is a modern three-storey building of a typical design. I would like it to be more modern and well-equipped than ours. Behind the school there should be a big garden with beautiful flower-beds, bushes and fruit trees. When you enter the building you can see a large hall with lots of plants and benches inside. On the right there is a large and state-of-the-art canteen with modern furniture.

    The cloak room should be on the ground floor. The classrooms, the laboratories, the doctors office, the library, the teachers room are located on the upper floors. On the walls of the corridors you can see beautiful landscapes, pictures of famous scientists, writers and other outstanding people of our country. There are light curtains on the windows and many pots with flowers on window sills. The halls are full of sunlight. There are many different special classrooms for the classes of Physics, Chemistry, English, Geography and Biology. They have high quality projectors, schemes and tables on the walls.

    The classrooms have modern laboratories which are well-equipped for different experiments and tests, which are carried out by our pupils during the lessons. On the second floor there is our computer room, assembly hall and a swimming pool. I think that all our pupils and teachers will enjoy this new and modern school. It would be the place you would like to come back again and again.
    My ideal school is a modern three-story building in a typical style. I would like it to be more modern and well equipped than ours. Behind the school there should be a large garden with beautiful flower beds, shrubs and fruit trees. When you enter the building, you can see a large hall with many plants and benches inside. To the right there is a large and state-of-the-art dining room with modern furnishings.

    The cloakroom should be on the first floor. Classrooms, laboratories, doctor's office, library, teacher's room are located on the upper floors. On the walls of the corridors you can see beautiful landscapes, photographs of famous scientists, writers and other outstanding people of our country. There are light curtains on the windows and many pots of flowers on the windowsills. The halls are full of sunshine. There are many different special classes for Physics, Chemistry, English, Geography and Biology classes. They have high quality projectors, charts and tables on the walls.

    The classrooms have modern laboratories, well equipped for various experiments and tests that are carried out by our students during lessons. On the second floor there is our computer room, assembly hall and swimming pool. I think all our students and teachers will enjoy this new and modern school. Would this be a place you would want to return to again and again.

  6. Thank you very much, you helped me a lot!
  7. Teacehers no
  8. The ideal school is the one where you dont have to write various crap on shitty topics
  9. Teachers and students should respect each other.
  10. My ideal school

    At the moment I am a student of a comprehensive school #45. I like my school, but I think it could be better, so I would like to tell you about my ideal school.

    My ideal school would be situated in a quiet place near a big park, so that students could walk there after classes to relax. There would be a big buffet, where students could have a cup of tea or coffee with a sandwich during the breaks. My ideal school would also have lockers for books and personal things like in American schools.

    Nowadays we have to study a lot of subjects at school. But I think that the most important subjects are those, which will help us to pass the Unified State Exam and to enter the university. In my ideal school the majority of sciences would be given at fact-finding level and students of a high school would be allowed to choose subjects, which they would like to learn on a higher level, according to their aims and preferences. But of course, Russian will be a compulsory subject for everyone at my school, because we must admit that it is necessary for the literate writing. Information technology is another important subject, because computers simplify our lives and each of students will need to use it in the future.

    As well as the subjects of the curriculum, there would be many after-school clubs, such as chess, drama, music, arts and sports.

    To sum up, I think my school would be a place I would like to go to!

    I am currently a student at Comprehensive School 45. I like my school, but I think it could be better, so I would like to tell you about my idea of ​​an ideal school.

    My ideal school would be located in a quiet area near a large park, so that students could walk around and relax after school. The school would have a large cafeteria where students could have a cup of tea or coffee and sandwiches during breaks. My ideal school would also have lockers for books and personal belongings like in American schools.

    Today we have to study many subjects in school, but I think the most important are those subjects, the study of which will help us pass the Unified State Exam. In my ideal school, most sciences would be taught at a basic fact level, and high school students would be allowed to choose subjects they would like to study at a higher level according to their goals and preferences. But of course Russian will be a compulsory subject for everyone in my school, because we must recognize that it is necessary for competent writing. Computer science is another important subject because using a computer makes our life easier and computer knowledge will be useful to every student in the future.

    As well as compulsory subjects, this school will have many extra-curricular clubs such as chess, theatre, music, art and sports.

    To sum it up, I think my ideal school would be a place that I would enjoy going to.

Eremkina Natalya. School No. 30, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Other.

My Ideal School!

First of all I`d like to tell you about my school. I have been learning in the same school for almost nine years. I like some things, and I don`t like other things. My school is a school with in-depth study of certain subjects. I think it is certainly a plus. I know negative and positive things, but I will not speak about it. To my mind, my school is not far away from my dream school. Now I`m going to describe my Ideal School.

My Ideal School would be outside the city near a forest or a river, because the noise of traffic could disturb students at the lessons. When you enter the school yard you can see poplar trees and beautiful flowers. Children will be able to relax during the break, breath of fresh air. To the right of the school building will be a big playground. The school will be has a large room for lessons in various sections, such as dance, aerobics, gymnastics and much more. There will also be a swimming pool and various trails for cyclists and athletes.

When you enter the school you come in to a large hall and a cloak-room, there we left our coats, rain-coats and jackets.

Classes would be limited to ten students to pay more attention to each student from teachers. What about our homework we usually have a lot to do and it takes me several hours. I sometimes have to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report, to translate an article from English to Russian or to learn a poem by heart. In my Ideal School homework won`t be given. It would be checked on the lessons immediately, that the children had free time.

As for subjects, I think that we need to study only those one that we need in the future of the profession. When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It`s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. People choose profession according to their own interests and abilities. My favorite subjects are English, computer science, history, Russian. I would like to give them more attention. At my school exams will be in the form of control works every month in the individuality of each student.

Breaks will be the same as in my school-for 10-20 minutes. During the breaks the student will hear the music. Scientists found that when you listen to good music it is a positive impact on learning. As for me, I love music. I listen to all that love, regardless of the direction.

Education will last for five days a week for five lessons. We need to introduce compulsory free two meals. Food will be varied, to choose from.

The most important thing in the school is society. The teachers will all be good; the relationship of students and teachers will be friendly.

How often do you wake up in the morning with the feeling that you don`t want to go to school? Six times a week! Nevertheless we do realize that we are the main inhabitants of the world which is called School World. Only we can change that fact. I believe that my children will learn it in such an Ideal School!

First of all, I would like to tell you about my school. I have been studying at this school for almost nine years. I like some things and I don't like others. My school is a school with in-depth study of individual subjects. I definitely think this is a plus. There are many negative and positive things, but I won’t talk about them. In my opinion, my school is not far from an ideal school. I will describe to you my ideal.

My ideal school would be located in the countryside, near a forest or river, since traffic noise interferes with classes. At the entrance to the school yard you can see different trees and beautiful flowers. Children will be able to relax during the break and breathe fresh air. To the right of the school building there will be a large playground. The school will have a large room for classes in various sections such as dance, aerobics, gymnastics and much more. There will also be a swimming pool and various trails for cyclists and athletes.

When you enter the school, you will see a large hall and a locker room where you can leave your coats, raincoats and jackets.

Classes will be limited to ten students to ensure more individual attention from teachers. As for our homework, we usually have a lot of it, and it takes about several hours to do it. Sometimes I have to write an exercise, come up with an essay, prepare a report, translate articles from English into Russian, or learn a poem by heart. In my ideal school there will be no homework assigned. She will be tested for lessons right away so that the children have more free time.

As for school subjects, I think that we need to study only those that we need in our future profession. When you leave school, you realize that it is time to choose your future profession. It is not an easy task to make the right job choice. People choose a profession according to their interests and abilities. My favorite subjects: English, computer science, history, Russian language. I would like to pay more attention to them. In my ideal school, exams will be in the form of tests every month, individually for each student.

Changes will be the same as at my school - within 10-20 minutes. During breaks, the student will hear music. Scientists have found that listening to good music has a positive effect on learning. As for me, I love music. I listen to whatever I like, regardless of direction.

School days will be five times a week for five lessons. We need to introduce mandatory free two meals a day. Meals will be changed to provide a choice of foods.

The most important thing in school is society. All the teachers will all be good, the relationship between students and teachers will be friendly.

How often do you wake up in the morning feeling like you don't want to go to school? Six times a week! However, we understand that we are an integral part of the world called School. Only we can change this. I believe that my children will study in such an ideal school!

The work took part in the nextstoplondon 2010 competition.

An ideal school would have a swimming pool. The playgrounds would be separate, one for the young children and the other for the senior forms. A wall would be separating them and there would be a door from one playground to the other.

The classrooms would have carpets instead of lino. The desks would be painted and the chairs would have cushions. The chairs would also be painted.

There would be a computer on every table in the classroom. There would be at least 12 videos for each classroom. The hall would be very big, about 40 meters long and 30 meters wide.

The lessons would be interesting. There would be lots of French and German and English.

There would be four floors. There would be a lift to take us up. The staffroom would be much bigger than the one we have now.

It would be light and cozy. There would also be a big library. There would be a lot of musical instruments: flutes, guitars, drums, etc. There would be lots of visits to concerts and parks.

The tests would be easier for children.

Ideal school

An ideal school would have a swimming pool. The playgrounds would be separate: one for junior high school students, and the other for high school students. They would be separated by a wall with a door.

Classrooms would have carpets instead of linoleum. The desks would be decorated and the chairs would have cushions. The chairs would also be decorated.

There would be a computer on every desk. Every classroom would have at least twelve VCRs. The corridor would be very large: about 40 m long and 30 m wide.

The lessons would be interesting. There would be many lessons in French, German and English.

The school would have four floors. It would have an elevator to go up. The teacher's room would be much larger than it is now.

It would be bright and cozy. The school would have a large library, many musical instruments: flutes, guitars, drums, etc. Visits to concerts and parks would be organized.

Tests would be easier.

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