Game true or false questions. What's better - truth or lie

Which is better truth or lie? - what a question you will be surprised at. Do you always tell only the truth? Can't be! Moreover, this should not happen...

Even though we are supposed to be honest, we still lie. And almost at every step! British researchers claim that we distort the truth 200 times a day! American psychologists consider this an exaggeration and limit themselves to the number 50. But it also seems colossal! Are we such liars? Hard to believe...

But let's figure it out! How often do you truthfully answer the question: “How are you?” But how many times have you heard it! You may tell a loved one everything as it is, but it’s unlikely to tell a stranger.

How do you react to a ridiculous gift made by your nephew? You will begin to admire both the child’s talent and his craft. In the same way, you praise your mother-in-law’s pie, but you yourself don’t know how to swallow it as quickly as possible.

Why do we do this? Why shamelessly time? Yes, because we are good and kind people. Rather than needlessly offend others, it’s better to embellish the truth - it’s not difficult, but it’s pleasant for them.

Professor Peter Stiegnitz, founder of the scientific theory of lying, calls our everyday deception “social blessings.” Without it, human existence would hardly be possible.

If we honestly admitted everything and each time openly told others what we think about them, we would be completely alone. They would most likely be left without work. And besides, they would be considered incredibly cruel!

Often, by deceiving a person, we make his life easier. Well, you must agree, why does a grandmother need to know that her granddaughter has the flu? Should you tell your friend that you saw her husband with some blonde? Such truth will only bring unnecessary experiences, nothing more!

Of course, we lie not only out of love for our neighbor. We do this for ourselves too. Everyday insignificant lies are like a protective cocoon, which is necessary so that our soul does not get hurt by the rough edges of reality.

Sometimes we pretend to get attention or sympathy. Sometimes we deceive for some benefit or to avoid criticism and responsibility. From time to time we lie on the phone (“Sorry, I can’t talk, I’m so busy!”), wanting to relax or watch TV. This is how we protect ourselves from unrest and invasion of privacy.

But isn't it better to have the courage to tell the truth? In the end, we are adults - why dodge, make up tall tales?

A person must decide for himself what to do in a given situation: which part of the truth to hide, which part to present as “processed,” and which to lay out honestly and directly. This is a sign of maturity.

By the way, children begin to cheat at 2.5-3 years old, when they already understand how to behave in order to please their elders and earn encouragement.

So, does this mean that you can and should always lie? No! The courage to tell the truth is another sign of maturity and absolute trust in each other. By deceiving a loved one or friend to avoid a quarrel, you make the relationship artificial, and each of you will feel it sooner or later.

A lie is rarely told just like that - it is often a choice between bad and very bad. Let us refrain from meaningless deceptions.

What is better, truth or lie, is up to you to decide. According to Professor Stiegnitz, lying is the salt of life: a pinch improves the taste, but too much makes things inedible. So don't overdo it!

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Phoenix Nick

Which is better - truth or lie?

True or false?

There is not a single inhabitant of our planet (I can’t vouch for other civilizations, because I don’t know him personally) who has never lied in his life. Films show us that lying is not good, and what it leads to. A white lie is still a lie, sit and suffer, infidel. From birth, those around us teach us that lying is not good, although they themselves quite often resort to lies. And we all understand that lying is bad and wrong, but for some reason this understanding does not stop us from lying again and again. Today you reproach a person for lying and tell him “ah-ah-ah”. Tomorrow comes, and “ah-ah-ah” they say to you. We don’t always like those people who say what they think, simply put, “straightforward”, and cause rejection. It turns out that telling only the truth is also bad? And the conversation is not only about words. If you smile at a person with whom you are not interested, or feel discomfort, this is also a lie.

So which is better - truth or lie? Let's start with the supporters of the "Truth in Everything" order. Let's imagine a world in which everyone always tells each other, as in court, “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” People who do not have a particularly attractive appearance or a sharp mind will be told the truth about their appearance and narrow-mindedness. This is the bitter truth, but the truth, right? What in return? A person, most likely already with low self-esteem, will close himself off from society even more, withdraw into himself, and lose another support that helped him move along his life path. Or when they tell a dying person with the face of a poker player that “that’s it, uncle, you’ve arrived.” Let's now take a larger fish. For example, at the state level. Imagine negotiations between countries where countries with a low economic level would be called not “developing” or dubbed the concept of “dawn of the state”, they would say frankly - the country is underdeveloped, the standard of living is below the Mariana Trench. What would this lead to? Right. Constant military conflicts, wars far from being fought over resources or influence. Everything would be guided by resentment and patriotism. It would not be an ideal world, like Plato’s, it would be pure chaos. Here it is - the truth.

Let's return to lies - the other side of our coin. No one can clearly substantiate the origin of the word. Some sources say that the word "lie" comes from the word "ski". No, this is not a recreational tool for quickly descending a snowy slope. “Ski” meant “false news.” Several centuries ago, a person “lyed”, but did not lie, and over time, the letter “s” simply fell out of context.

Who thought about the fact that we are being lied to, literally, from birth? Which one of you did your parents “find in the cabbage”? Or “the stork brought it”? This is essentially a lie. And aren’t myths, fairy tales and legends the same lies? Yes, it is everywhere. But there is one small “but” that all perfectionists and idealists forget about. Our world is not black and white. You can’t put everything on shelves like that. Lies and truth, in fact, are yin and yang, day and night, and the same coin with two sides in the end - one cannot exist without the other. Sometimes we wait so as not to make our relatives and loved ones worry again. Many people, for example, tell their parents that you miraculously didn’t get hit by a car today, or are you still at work and haven’t slept for two days? We say that “everything is fine with us,” “the day was great.” And after the conversation, we will understand that the parents will fall asleep peacefully, with a smile on their faces and will not lie in bed and worry. White lie? Call it what you want, but I am a believer that sometimes it is better to lie than to tell the truth. Lying helps us in many ways - we write a resume, where (as you wish) we use time or “embellish”. We lie to our significant other that everything is fine with us, and we are busy with something unimportant, although we ourselves are still at work, have a lot of problems or are preparing a pleasant surprise. We encourage our friends, communicate with other people - we’ll lie somewhere, and remain silent there.

There is no need to hit yourself in the chest with your heel and say that “the bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.” This is not your opinion and not mine. These are phrases from films and sayings that tell us that this is good. Every person says that he wants to know the truth, each of us is trying to eradicate lies from this world, but few people think about what will happen if the balance of “yin” and “yang” disappears. Can you imagine a coin with one side? In fact, people do not want to know the whole truth, and sometimes it is better for them to be deceived, then they will be happy.

So which is better - truth or lie?

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Many stars began their careers in low-paid professions. Brad Pitt, for example, lured guests to a cafe in a chicken suit, and today his fee for one role averages $20 million. Jim Carrey dropped out of school at a young age and took a job as a janitor to support his family. The amazing facts about the first professions of celebrities do not end there. We invite you to personally try to guess what famous people managed to work with at the beginning of their careers. And remember, the obvious answer is not always the right one.

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In the 15th century, a “rebus” was a humorous performance at a carnival. After some time, the French began to call the phrases and expressions encrypted in the drawings this way. In Russia, rebuses became famous in the middle of the 19th century. However, researchers classify both the first rock paintings and Egyptian hieroglyphs as rebuses. So what are they really? One thing we know for sure: puzzles develop imagination, logic and thinking. We bring to your attention several riddles for adults. No simple, childish pictures. Test your logical thinking, imagination and perception.

Buildings decay, books turn to dust, and the only thing that is truly incorruptible is knowledge passed from mouth to mouth. Even today, people remember why work will not run away into the forest, what cannot happen without goodness, and what needs to be done before cutting off. However, many sayings have changed during their existence. Do you remember the correct and complete version? Let's check it out. We invite you to refresh folklore in your memory and continue our proverbs and sayings.

15-06-2007, 08:03


How often do you look at photos on the Internet and are sure that they are either photoshopped or their description is not true?
There are entire Western websites dedicated to identifying fake photos and stories.
I translated some of the stories that I liked especially for you.
If you like it, I'll do a second part.

Story: Remember these poor girls. Many of us were indignant at how someone could kill themselves like that. But are they really that thin?
Verdict: FALSE. A little time plus Photoshop and the girls from the concentration camp are ready. Next to each photo is the original.

Story: Sergeant Rich Kelly of the Indiana State Police was sitting in his car by the side of the road.
At this time, a truck drove into his car at full speed.
Sergeant Kelly, father of 4 children, not only survived, but remained virtually unharmed.
He left the car himself and called 911.
Verdict: TRUE. Happened on September 5, 2006. Surprisingly, this was the second such incident in the life of Sergeant Kelly

History: The car flew over the fence and stopped on the edge of the abyss.
Verdict: TRUE. Occurred on 12/30/2006 on Route 59 in Utah. Local police confirmed everything, but refused to provide documents.

History: The helicopter was repainted as an eagle.
Verdict: TRUE. This is an MI-24, which was in service with the Hungarian Air Force. They say it no longer exists

Story: Soldiers wrote FUCK IRAQ on an aircraft carrier
Verdict: FALSE. In fact, the soldiers wrote a phrase, but not this one at all.
In response to Bush's call to Be Ready, they wrote the phrase READY NOW with their bodies.

Story: An 18-year-old girl took her father's Porsche 911 Carrera and crashed to her death. These photos were sent across the soap with the text DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE
Verdict: TRUE. The only clarification is that the girl was not drunk. This happened in California on October 31, 2006. She was driving her father's Porsche and, while overtaking at a speed of 160 km/h, hit another car. She was thrown into the support and died instantly. There are more brutal photos in this episode that show what happened to her after the accident.

History: A man fell out of a window and people from the lower floors are trying to catch him. The Internet began with the phrase: "Yesterday my friend sent me an amazing photo. It's not a fake."
Verdict: FALSE. This is an artistic performance by photographer Li Wei from 2003.

History: In these photographs we see the tail of a Boeing 737 being torn off. The plane was flying over Brazil.
A digital camera was found at the scene of the accident, containing these frames. Most likely the person was standing during the accident and managed to take photographs..
Using the serial number of the camera, we were able to identify its owner. He did not survive; he was survived by his wife and two daughters.
Verdict: FALSE. This is footage from the series Lost (LOST). Those who watched this series did not believe this story. Those who had not seen him began to forward these photographs to friends and post them on forums. To be more precise, it is worth noting that the Boeing 737 actually crashed in Brazil at the time, but no one took photographs.

Story: An idiot photographer jumps from one rock to another in the Grand Canyon just to take a photo of the sunset. The depth of the canyon is 900 meters. Well, aren't you an idiot?
Verdict: NOT AT ALL TRUE. The photographs are of course real. But this place is very popular among tourists. The fact is that there is no gap between the rocks, but a small hole about 1.5 meters deep. You can hit yourself if you stumble. Kill yourself... Hardly. It's not like you're flying 900 meters down. See last photo

Story: Police pull the hands of the McDonald's clown.
Verdict: TRUE. But! This is not a person. It's just a doll that schoolchildren hung on a tree as a joke and the police took it down.

History: The guy lived in this apartment in Utah for 8 years. The owner thought that he was the best tenant in the house, since he never complained.
After the guy moved out, the owner changed his mind. Empty beer cans were everywhere.
Verdict: TRUE. In total, 70,000 empty cans were found in the apartment. So he and his friends drank about 25 cans of beer a day? Or maybe he brought it from somewhere? It remains a mystery.

History: The photograph shows the penis of a whale.
Verdict: FALSE. This is not a whale. This is a whale shark. And whale sharks, by definition, do not have a penis. What is that hanging in the photo? We need to ask zoologists.

History: During the construction of an 80-story building in Dubai, water from the bay broke through the wall and flooded the site.
Verdict: TRUE. Happened in February 2007

Story: Real Photo of Michael Jackson
Verdict: TRUE. Photo taken on November 13, 2002 in court

Story: The plane's engine cover came off
Verdict: TRUE. On July 13, 2004, an AirTran passenger took this photo during a flight.
The plane returned to the airport for repairs. In fact, no matter how scary it looks in the photo, this is not a very dangerous breakdown.

History: During takeoff, the plane's engine caught fire.
Verdict: FALSE. Banal Photoshop. The second photo confirms this.

History: These photos also caused a lot of noise. They said that a new top-secret stealth plane was filmed on them. F/A-37 "Talon"
Verdict: FALSE. These are stills from the movie Stealth.

Story: Photograph of a fox among hunting dogs.
Verdict: FALSE. Hello Photoshop. We see the original fox in the second photo

History: The huge liger Hercules and his owners (Liger is a hybrid between a lion and a tigress)
Verdict: TRUE. The most famous liger in the world. Big, beautiful, obedient

Story: Elk hung on wires.
Verdict: TRUE. This happened in Alaska. The poor guy got caught on the wires lying on the ground. In the morning, the builders, not noticing the moose, raised the wires. This is how he hung at such a height. When they brought him down, he was still alive, but had to be euthanized.

Story: Giant Rabbit
Verdict: TRUE. Lives in Germany

Story: A dog after a fight with a porcupine.
Verdict: TRUE. The dog's name is Inka

Story: People selling some items are reflected there naked
Verdict: TRUE. It's called reflectoporn. Photos mostly from Ebay

Story: Woman hid behind dashboard to cross US-Mexico border
Verdict: TRUE. The photographs were published in U.S. magazine. Customs Today in the September 2001 issue

Story: George Bush holds a book and a telephone receiver upside down.
Verdict: FALSE. Photoshop, nothing more to add

History: The toilet is clear from the inside
Verdict: TRUE. It stood in London near one of the museums as an art project.

History: Well, this is actually a classic. These photos came with the following text: "Two months ago, my friend bought a bra from Asia. After a month, her breasts looked like this. ALWAYS WASH NEW ASIAN BRAs or you will catch Asian breast worms."
Verdict: FALSE. More like nonsense. A photo of a lotus flower was superimposed on a photo of a woman's breast.

History: The head of the Chupacabra was found.
Verdict: FALSE. Staged photo by photographer Charlie White, which he took for his exhibition

Story: A shark chases a man in a boat.
Verdict: TRUE. Real photo of a great white shark and a man in a boat. Taken while studying the behavior of white sharks off the coast of South Africa

Story: Golfers run away from a bear.
Verdict: TRUE. Happened in Montana

Story: Light bear cub with mother
Verdict: TRUE. Very rarely, but it happens. Photos taken in Canada

Story: The Girl and the Giant Cat
Verdict: TRUE. Fat cat

Story: American soldier in Iraq with "Doing the Work for" patches
Verdict: FALSE. The second photo is the original

Story: The crane overturned into the water while lifting the car
Verdict: TRUE. Happened in Ireland in September 2004.

History: These cats attacked us this winter. The story went like this: "Tinting a cat costs $15,000 and has to be repeated every three months. Are you willing to shell out $60,000 a year for that?"
Verdict: FALSE. In fact, this is a banal Photoshop. Photos taken from a joke book

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