Game program for Cosmonautics Day. "Space Flight"

Job description: This material will be useful for teachers of secondary schools, teachers of additional education, and for children aged 7-12 years.
Purpose: for the ability to organize thematic leisure.
Author: Alyabyeva Marina Viktorovna teacher of additional education, MBUDO CDOD in the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region.
Target: increase interest in Russian cosmonautics.
- to form patriotic feelings that contribute to the civic education of the individual;
- systematize children’s ideas about space;
- develop and improve physical capabilities: speed, agility, endurance, mobility;
- train and develop vision, eye, hearing.
- foster a spirit of healthy competition.
Material: 2 hoops, 2 scarves, disposable spoons according to the number of participants, 4 glass vessels, 2 of them contain water, inflatable training balls, 2 cylinders, winding rope, short ropes (tails) for one link, skittles, 2 small bouncy balls, volumetric geometric shapes. Good afternoon guys! It was not by chance that you and I came together today. How many of you know what event happened on April 12 many years ago?
Since ancient times, people have dreamed of overcoming gravity and going into outer space to visit other planets or even fly to the stars. And one fine spring day, April 12, 1961, the first step was taken towards realizing the long-standing dream of all mankind. On this day, the first orbital flight of a spacecraft with a person on board took place. Our compatriot, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, became the first cosmonaut. And now the date April 12 is celebrated in our country as a holiday "Cosmonautics Day" We have something to be proud of, because our country became the first in the conquest of outer space. In order to become an astronaut, you must have good health and excellent physical shape. Before flying into space, astronauts undergo a serious medical examination and train hard in special sports complexes. And today I want to invite you to visit this special training room and try to improve your physical capabilities. The tasks will all be quite difficult, because space means weightlessness and a lot of unusual sensations that the astronaut encounters every moment.

1 Team names. The first task is to divide into two teams and come up with a name for each.

2 Build a rocket. I suggest that each team build a rocket with speed and originality and large modules.

3 Getting to know the station. The teams set off on a flight, and space stations (hoops) await them there. Each participant runs along a space track and climbs through a hoop.

4 Zero gravity chair. We take a zero-gravity chair and jump on an inflatable training ball.

5 Say a word. Taking turns, the teams must choose the right words.

Not the first time, not the first time
In the fire and the sounds of thunder
The rocket took off into space
From earthly...... cosmodrome.
The crew goes into the sky,
From now on famous.
We will listen to the report.
From space...... orbits
Already left the lunar rover
Traces on lunar dust:
On the Earth's closest satellite
The path….. paved!
With friends you look into the sky, Of course, firmly believing,
That when you grow up, you fly
To the mysterious... Venus
Our dreams come true:
They will show on TV how you walk on Saturn
In space..... spacesuit

6 Who has a fuller glass? Each participant must use a spoon to pour water from one glass to another for a while. The team with the fullest glass wins.

7 Space tablet. Each participant needs to walk along the star path and in a spoon, which is held in the mouth by the handle, carry a tablet (bouncing ball) to his friend.

8 Space cylinder. The cylinder is placed on the head, pass through and not drop.

9 Keep your balance. The whole team receives 1 newspaper. you need to stand on it like a swallow and maintain your balance for a while. Then each time it folds in half and again you need to maintain balance. The team with the last player left wins.

10 Who is more accurate? Using bone balls, rolling them across the floor, you need to knock down the pins. Whose team has the most pins wins.

11 Blind Man's Bluff. Blindfolded, the driver focuses on the claps and catches his opponents. It is carried out in two stages.

12 Wind up the cable. One participant from each team tries to quickly wind the cord around a stick to the mark to see who is faster. Based on the number of winners in pairs, the points earned are awarded.

13 Flying saucers. The driver runs without touching the opponents, tears off the tails - the cords of the torch are out of action. The number of tails determines the winner. It is carried out in two stages.

14 Centrifuge. One participant at a time, you need to circle around yourself 7 times and whoever walks smoother. The winner is the team where the largest number of participants passed smoothly without swinging.

Summing up the results on the flip board!

The winners are awarded chocolate medals for first place, and the losers are awarded medals for second place.

We should be proud of our astronauts!

It's not easy being an astronaut!

You can and should strive for space! "On a cosmic wave"
dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

Cosmic music sounds and lighting effects are turned on.
Anthem of the Cosmonauts
In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
Ved.: Hello, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to our game program “On the Cosmic Wave” dedicated to Cosmonautics Day!
Several decades ago, almost all boys and girls in our country, when asked what they wanted to become when they grew up, answered the same way: “An astronaut!”
Why, who knows??? On April 12, 1961, the first man flew into space - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, today we will also go on a space flight. Who wants to fly into space?
Children are divided into teams

Competition 1 “Choice of Commander”
We have teams, but we don’t have a commander, to choose a commander we will need your desire and cheerful music, are there any here??? Which of the team members wants to become a commander, 3 people are needed from the team.

The host arranges the chairs

Chairs are placed in a circle, one less than the number of participants, children run in a circle to the music, at the end of the music the participants must take their places, those who do not get a place are eliminated.

Competition 2 “Cosmonaut Training”
Before flying into space, future cosmonauts are intensively trained and tested for endurance. For example, they are spun in a centrifuge. We will not have a centrifuge; each student comes up in turn and is spun.
When the participant stops, he walks along the rope; at the other end are the captains of the two teams; the participant chooses his captain and becomes a member of this team. Then each team will come up with a name.

A competition is held to the song “exercise”

Competition 3 “Warm-up”
So you were chosen to fly, you can be proud of yourself! and now for the warm-up, we all go out to the center of the hall and show the movements to the music, faster and faster each time.

Competition 4 “Rocket”
Our astronaut training was successful, now we can fly into space, but what does an astronaut need for this???? (the children answer in unison, “rocket”) we need a rocket, what kind of astronauts are they without a rocket???? Our teams must build their own rocket, but they will build it from their own participants, and, of course, the audience will appreciate it with their thunderous applause (children build a rocket to the music) So our rockets are ready, what will the audience say?
The first rocket from the team (children's applause),
Second rocket from the team (children applauding),
Our viewers chose their winner, but the rocket competition is not over yet!! Our winner remains on stage and will show what a real rocket is!
the presenter gives out words for the miniature

Competition 5 continuation of “Rocket”

Text for the presenter: miniature rocket

The huge cosmodrome froze in anticipation of something unusual. In the center of the Cosmodrome, the Rocket stood waiting for the flight, she shuddered nervously, but the Rods held her tightly. Gagarin walked towards Rocket, taking a slow step, Rocket said, “Ugh, he’s so small!” then she grimaced and released a cloud of Smoke from the Nozzle. Gagarin approached the Rocket, tapped the Nozzle and disappeared into it. All the Mourners cheerfully counted down, Rockets, overcome with trembling and fear, counted down all together “5,4,3,2,1, Start!” The mourners waved goodbye to Rocket and Gagarin. The cosmodrome shook, the rods tremblingly walked along the body of the Rocket, fell to the Earth, the Rocket staggered, Fire and Smoke began to burst out of the Nozzle. “Let's go,” Gagarin exclaimed and smiled broadly. The Rocket with a gentle sigh took off from the Cosmodrome, the Rocket rushed upward, stretched out in a string, looked back, at the bottom she saw a green ball - it was the Earth!! The Rocket circled (flew around) the Earth as a sign of greeting, and the Earth joyfully greeted Gagarin and the Rocket. Having exhausted its fuel, the Rocket began to fall, making a whistling sound, but the Earth gently embraced the frightened Rocket.
Competition 6 “Docking”
It’s not for nothing that our viewers chose this rocket, look how wonderfully it coped with its responsibilities, this team is real cosmonauts! Today we trained, built rockets and almost flew into space. Let's practice how to dock the ship correctly. The crew commander runs first, runs around our planet, returns for the next player, takes him by the hand and the two of them run around the planet, return for the third, etc.
Competition 7 “Weightlessness”
Let's applaud our participants for how skillfully they handled the competition, and now the most difficult, the most terrible, the most cosmic competition in all this time that we have been here. For the competition, one girl per team will be needed. Your task is to take turns to come up with a dance to the music and dance well, when the music ends you need to invite someone from the audience, and already dance together to the music, and so whoever gets the most spectators is the team that wins.

Competition program for grades 1-4 “Space Relay Race”

Intent: The “Space Relay Race” is timed to coincide with Cosmonautics Day. It takes place in the gym. The alternation of intellectual and sports and entertainment competitions makes the event attractive for both boys and girls.

Progress of the program

Leading. Our “Space Relay Race” is dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. Three teams participate in it. I present them. A team called "Galaxy". Team "Stargazers". And the Gagarin team. Members of each star squad will compete for the title of "Best Star Squad". All the tasks of our relay are of a comic nature, so the funniest team will surely win. So here we go!

The Star Squad is not just a group of people. This is a team. This is family. The first competition will show how friendly and well-coordinated this family is.

Competition 1. Chocolate.

Each team receives a chocolate bar. At the signal “Start!” The outer players of the three teams each quickly unwrap their chocolate bar, bite off a piece and pass it to the next player on their team. The next player breaks off a piece only when the previous one swallows his piece. The winner is the team that eats the chocolate bar faster, and there should be enough for all the players.

Leading. Chocolate improves brain function. Now you will have to work hard with your head. The second competition will reveal your erudition in the field of astronautics.

Competition 2. Quiz.

Each team is given a sheet with quiz questions and answer options. Task: Underline the correct answer.


How many planets are there in the Solar System?

All the stars move in the night sky, except one. It indicates where north is. What is the name of this star?

a) Sun;

b) Polar; +

c) Sirius.

How many minutes did Yuri Gagarin spend in space?

In what year, on April 12, was the first spacecraft launched with a person on board?

The largest planet in the solar system.

a) Venus;

c) Jupiter. +

Leading. It's time to test the physical fitness of future astronauts. As is known, awkward and weak people are not accepted into the ranks of astronauts. Let's see if all star squads are worthy of their name.

Competition 3. Super run.

The first team member puts his left hand between his legs. The one standing behind takes his hand with his right hand. The rest continue this “chain” in the same way. Each team at the signal “March!” begins its movement towards the finish line. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Competition 4. Running on all fours.

Team members get down on all fours and crawl to the finish line one by one. The team whose players finish the movement first wins.

Competition 5. Running in a paper hat.

Each team is given a large paper hat. Team members take turns putting it on and running to the finish line. If the hat falls off your head, you need to put it on and then continue moving.

Competition 6. Walking on paper.

Teams each have two pieces of paper. Task: reach the finish line, stepping only on the sheets. You can only step on one piece of paper, so you need to stand with both feet on one piece of paper and place the other one in front of you. Step onto the piece of paper lying in front, take the piece of paper lying behind, and place it in front. Step on it again, move the sheet lying behind you forward, etc.

Leading. The next competition will require a lot of imagination from its participants. Imagine that you have been in space and met an alien creature, even come into contact with it. Having returned from a space trip, you, of course, will tell your friends about the amazing meeting with an alien and even draw his portrait.

Competition 7. Portrait of an alien.

One large sheet of paper is hung on the wall for each team. We need to collectively make a portrait of an alien. Team members agree among themselves who will paint which part of the portrait. On the command “March!” participants take turns running up to the sheet, drawing the details of the portrait with felt-tip pens, and returning back. The next participants run, draw other details of the portrait, etc. The team that completes the task faster and more original wins.

Leading. Astronauts often have to solve the most complex problems that require not only knowledge, but also resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Competition 8. Encryption.

Each team is asked to decipher the phrase quickly. At the presenter’s signal, the assistants show the “encryption” written on a sheet of paper in large letters:

(And strength is inferior to the mind.)

The one who deciphers the phrase the fastest wins.

Competition 9. Fluent vowels.

The vowels have disappeared from the sentence. Which command will restore the text faster?

KSMNVT - PRFSS RDK. (Cosmonaut is a rare profession.)

Leading. Popular wisdom says that those who know how to rest well work well. The work of astronauts is not easy, therefore, they must be able to have a good, active rest. Let's start checking your homework.

Competition 10. Homework.

Each team performs an amateur performance number prepared in advance.

Leading. The jury's word. It will sum up the results and name the team awarded the title of “Best Star Squad”.

Holiday script dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, poems and fun competitions for holding and celebrating Cosmonautics and Aviation Day

Space beckons and calls

All humanity is in flight.

They dream of flying into space

Both adults and children

Let your dream come true

All over the wide world.

Send spaceships to launch quickly

And may the Moon welcome space tourists!

Today is an unusual holiday. On April 12, the first man flew into deep space. Yuri Gagarin opened the way to endless space, which was simply unattainable before him. Today we will go on an exciting space journey. Rockets to launch!

Competitions for Cosmonautics Day

Competition 1. “Building a rocket”

The presenter invites two couples, each of which has a man and a woman. Men stand up straight and raise their arms up, placing their palms together - this is a rocket. Women must wrap the men with a paper towel, which is given to them by the leader, as quickly as possible.

The result will be a real rocket, and men cannot cover their faces, since they are “astronauts.” The pair that finishes the building the fastest wins. As a reward they receive medals “Chief Designer of the Spacecraft!”

So, the rockets are ready, you need to stock up on food and drinks. You, of course, know that it is very difficult to eat in space due to weightlessness. Therefore, astronauts have to eat special food from tubes and special jars. But they really want fresh fruit! Let's try to eat them in zero gravity.

Competition 2. “Cosmonaut’s Breakfast”

Two tall men are holding a rope on which four apples are suspended by threads. The presenter invites four participants who must eat their apple as quickly as possible without touching it with their hands hidden behind their backs. The winner is awarded the Test Cosmonaut medal!

Amazing thing!

You can fly into space!

Amazing thing!

You can eat and sing there!

You can play sports

You can just sleep soundly.

And to all the people on the planet

Send a hundred greetings!

Competition 3. “Greetings from an astronaut”

All guests are divided into two teams. Come up with names and tell them to the presenter. In 2 minutes, each team must come up with a letter from an astronaut from outer space. It should only contain words starting with the letter “P”.

The team that comes up with a letter using the most of these words will win. It should not be a simple listing, but interesting and educational.

As you know, before going into space a person trains for a long time and it is especially important that he has a well-developed vestibular apparatus. Now we will check which of the guests is a real astronaut.

Competition 4. “Real Cosmonaut”

The number of players is optional. The leader places a 3-meter long rope on the floor. Each participant stands at the beginning of the rope, turns around himself 5 times, and then must walk along the rope with his feet without stepping past it. The one who does this exactly wins. He received the “Real Cosmonaut!” medal.

Today we found out for sure

Who can be an astronaut?

Who will conquer the vastness of the universe

And the whole space will be furrowed.

I wish everyone more happiness,

Good health in full.

Fun, creativity, patience

Spring warmth in my soul.

Happy Aviation and Cosmonautics Day!

Scenario of a game program for Cosmonautics Day for schoolchildren in grades 6-7

Two things amaze us most of all - the stars above our heads and the conscience within us...

Ancient wisdom

Progress of the event

Sons and daughters of planet blue

They soar up, disturbing the peace of the stars.

The path to interstellar space has been established

For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.

The era of space is moving forward!

The rockets continue their flight

Starting from Baikonur every year.

People are accustomed to such phenomena.

He keeps his first love in his soul,

Let thousands fly to the stars again,

But the first was Gagarin, he was his own,

Dear, with a childish, mischievous smile.

When Cosmonautics Day is celebrated,

Everyone remembers their favorite.

But on this day we will congratulate those

Who creates glory for the country, success:

Everyone who is watching the remote control from Earth,

How cosmonauts accomplish feats

And those who send ships,

Starting from Mother Earth, -

Everyone who is connected with space science in life.

The people owe them their love.

The country is proud of its astronautics:

We needed it and will continue to need it!

Hello, dear friends! Today we will go to the space town where all astronauts are trained. You are invited to go through almost all the tests that all astronaut pilots go through. First, we need to split into two crew teams: “Vostok 1” and “Vostok 2”.

Throughout the program, crew teams will earn stars, and at the end of the meeting we will count the number of stars and decide who is ready to fly into space.

Competition No. 1

Two crews participate in this competition. At the leader’s signal, team members run one after another to the chair, sit down and together turn 360 degrees, trying to put the chair in its original place. Whichever team completes this faster will be the winner.

Presenters.And now we invite you, dear participants, to an impromptu cosmodrome.

Competition No. 2

The crew commander must select the type of his ship. To do this, blindfolded, he and his crew will draw a spaceship. Each team member can add only one element (MUSIC SOUNDS)

Competition No. 3 "Quiz"

There are envelopes with questions on the topic “Space” on the table. Each envelope contains 5 questions on various topics related to space flight, astronomy and scientists. You have 5 minutes to make the right decisions. The team that answers the most questions correctly wins.

Competition No. 4 “Space mysteries”

Leading: It's time to play with the fans. Each of you can bring a token point to your team, which you will receive for a correct answer.

Having spread out the carpet,

Peas are scattered

Can't lift a carpet

Not a single pea can be picked ( starry sky)

Behind the countless flock

A tired shepherd walked at night.

And when the rooster crowed -

The sheep and the shepherd disappeared (Stars and month)


Fell into the lake

I didn't drown myself

And didn’t stir the water ( month)

Decorated the night blue

Silver orange,

And only a week has passed -

There's a piece left of it (moon)

Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes (Sun)

Someone in the morning, slowly,

Inflates a red balloon

And how will he let it slip out of his hands?

It will suddenly become light all around. (Sun)

Competition No. 5

Two teams stand parallel to each other. Opposite each team is a hoop. Members of each team must take turns climbing through the hoop and take their previous place. The team that completes the task first wins.

Competition No. 6

In any situation, the navigator must remain calm and not lose orientation in space. (Two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other at some distance and a rope is laid under them so that its ends peek out from under the chairs. The players are placed in front of the chairs and turned around several times. Then the player quickly sits down on the chair and grabs the rope. He loses who did not have time to grab the end of the rope)

Competition No. 7 . "Cosmonaut's Chair"

One representative per team is selected. The participant sits in a chair and, without leaving it, tries to collect ten objects located around him (the distance to them should be at least half a meter).

Competition No. 8 "Star Bouquet"

Each team selects one player. 5 red stars are laid out on the floor. The guys are blindfolded. 5 more blue stars are added to the floor. The task for the players is to collect more red stars without taking a single blue one. The fans shout: “Take it! Don’t take it!”

Competition No. 9 “Friendship of the planets”

Leading:And finally, our ships landed on one of the most interesting planets in the solar system - planet MARS. And the work day begins again, full of new challenges and research. Now you are on Mars, which means you have met Martians. Your task is to explain to the aliens what you need using gestures:

You want to climb a high mountain;

You want to buy three birds with one stone;

You want to water the flowers;

You want to play football.

Competition No. 10

1. This planet has seven rings. ( Saturn.)

2. The planet is red. ( Mars.)

6. Name the planet, most of which is occupied by the oceans. ( Earth.)

8. Planet discovered using a telescope. ( Uranus.)

Our competition is over. The floor is given to our esteemed jury, which will determine the winner today. Today you showed deep knowledge of astronomy and proved that you can cope with any problem.

And all we have to do is say goodbye and wish each other good luck, happiness, success and see you in intergalactic space.

Quiz questions:

solar system

1. What does our solar system consist of? (From the Sun and all the bodies that revolve around it under the influence of gravity.)

2. What is the universe? (Space and all the bodies that fill it.)

3. What is a galaxy? (Giant clusters of stars scattered throughout the Universe.)

4. What galaxy do we live in? (Milky Way Galaxy.)

5. What planets of the solar system do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

6. Which planet is called the Morning Star? (Venus.)

7. Which planet is the largest in the solar system? (Jupiter.)

8. Which planet is the smallest? (Pluto.)

9. At what time of year is the Earth closer to the Sun? (In winter.)

10. Which planet is the brightest visible from Earth? (Venus).

11. Which planet has the highest mountains? (On Mars.)

12. Why is the planet Mars called the “red” planet? (Because of the color of its deserts.)

13. Name the place in the solar system where man has set foot? (Moon.)


14. What are meteorites? (Fragments of comets that fell to Earth.)

15. What is astronomy? (The science of celestial bodies.)

16. What is an observatory? (A building equipped for astronomical observations.)

17. What is a telescope? (An astronomical instrument for observing celestial bodies.)

19. What is a comet? (A celestial body that looks like a foggy luminous spot and a tail-shaped strip of light.)


18. Who invented the first telescope? (Italian scientist Galileo Galilei.)

20. Which scientist proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun? (Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus.)

21. Which of the scientists in our country is the founder of astronautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky.)

22. Name an outstanding designer of rocket and space systems, whose name is associated with the first victories of our country in space exploration. (Academician S.P. Korolev.)


23. Name the astronaut who made the first space flight. Yu.A.Gagarin.)

24. What event is the celebration of Cosmonautics Day dedicated to? (On April 12, 1961, Yu. A. Gagarin made the first space flight.)

25. Name the first female astronaut of our country. (Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova.)

27. How long did Yu.A.’s space flight last? Gagarin? (108 min = 1 hour 48 min)

29. Who was the first to go into outer space? (Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov)

30. Who was the first person to set foot on the surface of the Moon? (Neil Armstrong)

On July 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins landed on the Moon in the three-seat Apollo 11 spacecraft. And the next day, Armstrong and Aldrin left the ship on the surface of the Moon, the first of them was Armstrong. In total, 12 astronauts landed on the Moon.


28. What was the name of the spaceship Yu.A. Gagarin? ("East")

26. What is the name of the aircraft? (Rocket.)

31. What are the names of Russian and American reusable spacecraft? ("Buran", "Shuttle")

"SPACE SHUTTLE" (eng. Space Shuttle - space shuttle) is a reusable manned transport spacecraft of the United States. First flight with astronauts - April 1981. By 1992, 5 orbital stages had been built - Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endever.

"BURAN" is a reusable aerospace ship. Made according to the aircraft design of the "tailless" type with a low-mounted, double-swept wing. Launch of the ship using the Energia launch vehicle, descent and landing in “airplane” mode. The first unmanned flight with automatic landing on November 15, 1988.

32. What is the name of the American launch vehicle that suffered a disaster on January 28, 1986 - it exploded 74 seconds after launch? ("Challenger")

33. In what year was the first artificial Earth satellite launched? (October 4, 1957)

34. What was the name of the self-propelled vehicle that traveled on the surface of the Moon? ("Lunokhod")

"Lunokhod" is an automatic or controlled device for working and moving on the surface of the Moon. The first automatic lunar self-propelled vehicle controlled from the Earth was the Soviet Lunokhod-1 (1970), and the first controlled lunar self-propelled vehicle was the American Rover lunar rover (1971).

Additional information:

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, located at a distance of 58 million km from the Sun. It takes 88 days to complete a full revolution around it.

Venus is the second most distant planet from the Sun and the closest planet to Earth. Venus is the hottest planet. The period of rotation around the Sun is 225 days. Moving in orbit, it comes closest to Earth.

Earth. Most of the Earth's surface is made up of the oceans (71%), land - 29%. The daily rotation of the globe occurs in 23 hours 56 minutes 41 seconds. Light from the Sun reaches us in 8 minutes.

Mars is the fourth planet at the distance from the Sun, cold and arid. The highest mountains are located on Mars - about 27 km high. A day on Mars lasts 24 hours and 39 minutes. A year on Mars lasts 689 days. During the day the temperature reaches 0 degrees and at night drops to 100 degrees Celsius.

Jupiter is the fifth planet in distance from the Sun. The largest planet spends almost 12 years on one revolution around the Sun. The rotation period of Jupiter around its axis is 9 hours 50 minutes; the temperature reaches 140 degrees.

Saturn is the sixth planet. It differs from all the others in that it has about 7 rings. They all revolve around the planet. The rings consist of many individual particles that have the structure of meteorites and dust. Saturn rotates every 10 hours and 15 minutes. The temperature of this planet is 170 degrees.

Uranus is the first planet to be discovered using a telescope. It is the seventh planet from the Sun. It is almost a quarter larger in diameter than the Earth. It revolves around the Sun every 84 years, the temperature is 215 degrees.

Neptune takes 164 years to complete a revolution.

Pluto is the last planet. It is 40 times farther from the Sun than the Earth. This is the smallest and coldest planet.

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