Or physiognomy - diagnosis of diseases and character of a person by appearance and facial features. And “every line will be cute”: learning to read faces

Facial features and psychology

Determining a person's character by facial features

It is believed that a person's face reflects the three worlds. The forehead refers to the divine world. The physical world is represented by the nose and eyes, and the material world is represented by the mouth, jaws and chin. You can determine a person’s character by his facial features, because a person’s psychology is inside, and his facial features and behavior are outside. Our faces are usually asymmetrical. The right side for men indicates happy events, the other indicates failure. For women it's the opposite. Now we will figure out what the individual features of the human face are responsible for - lips, brows, eyes, forehead, ears And chin.

Social facial feature - forehead

A high upper part indicates the ability to lead. But this is only a possibility, and to judge how it will actually be, you need to look at the nose and chin, because without the perseverance and will of the leader it will not work. If the forehead is divided into upper and lower parts, then we can talk about elitism, opposing oneself and one’s chosen society to other people.

Direct, a square forehead indicates generosity.

The forehead is steep, convex in the middle, expresses a high, serious mind. However, the forehead is too prominent rather, it is characteristic of a narrow-minded, worldly practical nature.

Sloping with strong brow ridges gives reason to assume that the highest authority for such a person is himself. A man with a sloping forehead is a bit of an anarchist and has difficulty obeying the will of others. This conclusion is confirmed by the depression between the forehead and nose. If it is not there, then we can talk about internal discipline. Strong eyebrows indicate a certain laxity. A round forehead indicates agreeableness; such people find a common language with everyone.

According to the shape of the forehead One can also judge the element of man. Let us recall that creativity is associated with fire, practicality with earth, the ability to perceive and communicate with air, and internal plasticity, the world of human feelings, with water. Representatives of the air element usually have a round forehead; fire signs are distinguished by receding hairlines with a cape in the middle. A square or widening forehead is characteristic of earth signs, while water signs have a narrowed forehead, and its border with the roots of the hair is uneven. Thus, the element can be recognized not only by the shape of the forehead, but also by its border with the hair. People of fire signs, especially those with strong Jupiter and the Sun in the horoscope, are prone to baldness; Their hair is usually coarse, wavy, with a red tint. Earth signs have coarse and straight hair. If they are curly and soft, then it is water; representatives of the air element have soft and silky hair.

  1. A low forehead with a zigzag border of hair - an energetic, cruel nature.
  2. A forehead that is wide and convex at the corners means a rich imagination and intelligence.
  3. Its shape resembles a crescent - a narrow-minded, conservative nature.
  4. Narrow, low, leaning back - a petty and cunning nature, deceitful, selfish.
  5. A forehead that is too prominent is a down-to-earth, narrow-minded nature.
  6. A straight forehead characterizes a kind, generous person.
  7. The middle of the forehead, nose, and chin represent the main features of their world. In this case, the nose, eyes and ears are in the service of the mind.

Guardian of facial features - eyebrows

Brows is an outpost between the land of the brain and the land of the senses. Straight horizontal lines indicate courage and wisdom. However, such features also require a certain independence and criticality in judgment, which is expressed in the clear shape of the edge of the eyebrows from the side of the temples.

Energy facial feature - nose

Nose. It is used to judge a person’s energy and where he directs it. It's not about the size. The nose may be large, but the person may be uninitiative. Conversely, a small nose with a strong and wide base speaks of inner strength and perseverance.

I. K. Lavater, a Swiss writer, preferred noses with a wide base, paying special attention to their shape. In the hump at the base, he saw a sign of a commanding, strong character, while the depression in this place indicates weakness and timidity. A hump is a sign of aggressiveness, somewhat ill will, unless, of course, other parts of the face contradict this. Noses such as “Roman” and “eagle” are characteristic of entire nations, and, for example, the history of Ancient Rome gives reason to think about this topic.

However, a small hump in combination with other signs may also indicate a poetic nature. The left wing of the nose is dedicated to Venus, the right wing to Mars, i.e. they get along side by side love and hate. Occultists say in this regard that love and anger equally flare the nostrils.

  1. A large, straight nose means pride, calmness, energy, creativity.
  2. Eagle - ambition, power.
  3. Hawk-like, pointed at the end - endurance.
  4. The continuation of the forehead is vanity.
  5. Long - dishonesty.
  6. Inclined towards the mouth - sensuality, hot temper.
  7. Deep at the base, thin and upturned at the end, like an old woman’s Shapoklyak, stubbornness, envy, curiosity, hypocrisy.
  8. Snub-nosed - carelessness, frivolity, self-will.
  9. A thick and fleshy nose indicates a lover of feasting, and if it is excessive, it also reveals this quality with a crimson color.

Beautiful facial feature - eyes

Eyes. The most beautiful human trait. The right eye in men is associated with the Sun, the left eye with the Moon. For women it’s the opposite. Comparing them helps to draw conclusions about feminine and masculine qualities in a person, active and passive.

The eyes reflect the spiritual side of a person; it is not without reason that they say that they are the mirror of the soul. To look into it, you need to compare the positive eye (men have the right eye, women have the left) with the negative one. If the positive is more developed, then the person is capable of altruism and self-giving. Physiognomists give preference to lively and transparent eyes, believing that black and shiny ones characterize the insidious and selfish. This is explained by the fact that sometimes Saturn distorts the influence of the Moon, and then the eye is called evil.

Ideal eye shape considered antique - oval, reflecting the harmony of the spirit. Deep-set eyes usually belong to those who are slow in expressing their inner essence, but have deep natures. Let's remember Grigory Rasputin, a favorite of the royal family: deep-set eyes, lower eyelid larger than the upper (that is, he gave more than he took), strong nose.

Eyes that are close to each other mean that their owner has a blurred line between good and evil, unlike a person with wide-set eyes, for whom such a problem does not exist. But this does not mean that the latter often serve good, but only that they know well what they serve.

The eyes are large, round, somewhat bulging (they are referred to as “bulging”), the eyelashes are short, the eyebrow is high above the eye, and the hairs are bristling. An irritable, hot-tempered person, but in moments of good mood he is cheerful and sentimental.

The eyelids often narrow, giving the impression of myopia. The pupil has a sharp gaze, the eyelashes are short and thick. The eyebrow is raised to the temple. The nature is observant, intelligent, cunning, with great endurance and unlimited egoism.

The eyes are narrow, the upper eyelid is half-lowered, the eyebrow is in a regular arch, the eyelashes are sparse. This characterizes a person who is dispassionate, but insightful, incorruptible and fair to the point of cruelty.

Sleepy eyes as if in swollen eyelids, thick and long eyebrows - the nature is soft, rather passive and lazy.

Wide open, eyebrow with a bend in the middle, eyelashes curved upward - the nature is energetic, independent, powerful and truthful to the point of harshness.

Small eyes covered with heavy eyelids - a petty-cunning and practical nature, kindness rather calculating than sincere.

Strong facial feature - cheekbones

Cheekbones show how the spirit reflected in the eyes expresses itself in life. They are ruled by Mercury, and they are used to judge a person’s contact ability, ability to assimilate and transmit information. Therefore, some eastern nations with pronounced cheekbones are perfectly united. Cheekbones are also associated with such qualities as cunning, liveliness, and opportunism. Therefore, ancient treatises recommend avoiding people whose corners of the eyes are drooping down, and whose cheekbones are strongly pronounced with an undeveloped frontal part. Prominent cheekbones are a sign of selfishness and, often, anger. , you will determine a person’s character by knowing what his facial features say.

Ears and cheeks

Cheeks. Thin and sunken - a sign of spiritual poverty. However, there is little good in the fleshy ones either; they betray excessive sensuality.

Ears. The shape of the ear resembles a human embryo, and physiognomists see this facial feature has a deep meaning. Thus, in ancient times, a sagging lobe was considered as an indicator of the freedom of the human spirit. The closer it is to the body, the more constrained and dependent it is. It is believed that those who do not have earlobes are envious and vindictive. The Buddha statue, for example, has huge lobes; and in some African tribes they are even deliberately delayed, seeing in this a magical rite of giving a person perseverance and independence.

The upper part of the ear shows the ability to adapt and perceive. If it is tightly attached to the head, then such a person is usually slow-witted, it is not easy for him to learn new things, but if he learns something, it will last for a long time. Lagging tops of the ears are an indicator of a quick reaction and good perception. It is not for nothing that Mercury, the god of trade, was usually depicted as having lop-eared ears. Moreover, the border between deception and commerce passes... along the earlobe. If it sags, then the person has enough spirituality, but if not, then in financial matters it is better to stay away from him.

A large auricle indicates “magnetic force” or, as they now say, extrasensory abilities. In combination with great power, such as, for example, Rasputin, this can be an indicator of a strong influence on others. But this does not mean that by giving yourself such a facial feature, you will gain these abilities. But this facial feature will help you understand psychology person and look with one eye into his inner world, highlight his character.

But a “good” lobe on the right (in men) ear, which indicates spirituality and mental abilities, on the left can turn into selfishness and vanity. Such cruel people as, for example, Hitler and Stalin had well-defined drooping lobes, but at the same time the left ear was comparatively larger than the right. Physiognomists see in this the predominance of negative qualities.

  1. Large ears with well-defined shells indicate the giftedness of their owner, including good musical abilities.
  2. Pointed upward - moderation, reason.
  3. Small ones are typical for sensual people, fleshy ones for gloomy and cruel people.
  4. Protruding, large - cunning, stupidity.
  5. Pressed down - caution, composure, hypocrisy.

Mouth and lips - sensual facial features

Mouth associated with eloquence and love and dedicated to Mercury. If the upper lip protrudes forward, then this is a sign of a kind nature. Thin lips and a small mouth indicate a love of order and precision. And if the lips are compressed, it means selfishness.

Physiognomists believe that a man’s upper lip should be slightly larger than his lower, thereby reflecting his masculinity. If the lips are proportional, equally convex and regular in shape, then they express an honest, firm character, prone to reflection. Thick lips, especially the lower ones, speak of gluttony, sensuality, and laziness.

“Look at a person’s forehead and you will know what he will become; look at the mouth and you will understand what it has become,” says a Chinese proverb.

Correctly rounded, plump lips - kindness, cordiality, openness, cheerfulness.

Subtle - cunning, selfishness, sarcasm, cruelty.

Fat people - sensuality, a tendency to base instincts.

“Childish” - gullibility, frankness.

Nose - mouth (Mars - Mercury). This pair is used to judge the distribution of a person’s energy, his taste, and his ability to love. A nose with a hump in the middle speaks of an energetic, assertive nature, and if we add to this strong, well-defined nostrils, we get evidence of courage and composure. The strong-willed mouth, harmonious with this character, is elongated in the form of a straight line, and the size of the lips is the same.

A strong, arched nose, prominent cheekbones and wide jaws express ambition, pride, and selfishness.

The upper lip indicates sensuality, the presence of taste, as well as higher abilities; the lower one - on the tendency to pleasures, pleasures. Pay attention to the faces of the Roman patricians during the decline of the empire: an impressive nose and a drooping lower lip. In other words, extraordinary energy spent on base goals. Here's your confirmation matching a person's character by facial features.

The tireless Italian Casanova, who two hundred years ago became famous for his love affairs, also had a “Roman” nose with sharp nostrils, and a lower lip larger than the upper. Fixed corners of the mouth indicate a desire to insist on one’s own at any cost. On the contrary, nuns often have a small, pursed mouth.

The chin is a feature of the inner core

Chin - a symbol of endurance, endurance. He is patronized by Saturn, representing, as it were, the inner foundation of a person, his ability to self-affirmation, solidity. Qualities such as durability and survival in extreme situations are determined by the chin.

A long and wide chin means composure and prudence, while a convex and round chin means practicality. Pointed - characteristic of cunning, hidden natures. Both, according to Lavater, are a consequence of weakness, because distrust of others occurs due to lack of self-confidence. If such a chin protrudes forward, then the person will slowly and persistently walk towards the goal.

A dimple in the chin and its bifurcation are an indicator of stubbornness, conceit, and secrecy. A soft, fleshy, or even a two-story chin reveals sensual people, but, on the contrary, a bony and dry chin suits people withered by the passions of ambition or greed. In those who are too prone to some kind of “fiery passion,” sometimes reaching the point of fanaticism, the central part of the chin is marked with a tubercle. If it is slightly biased towards the negative side, then this may indicate an alcoholic, or a person susceptible to some kind of mania.

The chin is considered harmonious if in profile it is at the level of the lower lip. A good man's chin is round, moderately convex and betrays practicality, which is under the control of the mind.

  1. A protruding chin signifies energy, willpower, independence, nobility, but also stubbornness and cruelty.
  2. A cut chin means a soft, indecisive nature.
  3. Fleshy - intelligence, sensuality, selfishness.
  4. Long and sharp - insightful mind, sarcasm.
  5. Forked - impermanence, .

Nose - chin . This couple ( Mars-Saturn) testifies to the resilience of a person. If, with a strong nose, the chin is not developed, then the person may be energetic, but the energy will not last long. If, with a strong-willed, massive chin, there is an inexpressive nose, then this can only turn into stubbornness. A cut chin indicates a lack of endurance, and even good energy is only enough for short impulses. Combined with a strong nose, this can result in a flood of words and a lack of action. Let us recall the profile of the ancient Roman emperor Vespasian: a hump nose and a wide, powerful chin. This man knew what he wanted and knew how to achieve his goal.

  1. Wide jaws express greed following instincts. In combination with a flattened skull and a strong nose, they do not bode well.
  2. We may be reproached that our gallery of portraits is dominated by monsters or villains. Where are the normal, nice people?
  3. Where everything is harmonious, everything is in moderation. We deliberately sharpen the characteristic features, taking them to the extreme for the sake of clarity.

By studying facial features and understanding how this relates to a person’s character and psychology, you will be able to understand people with greater confidence. Stay on the interesting site of useful tips and - http://site


Keep in mind that not everyone is gifted with the ability to read a person’s face and accurately determine his character and destiny. Only a sensitive and receptive person with a trained mind can become a good specialist in the field of physiognomy. Develop an analytical way of thinking and the ability to concentrate quickly. For an in-depth analysis and, therefore, the most accurate determination of a person’s character, get a medical education. It is necessary to be a good psychologist in order to capture the shades of mood of the individual being studied and see the whole picture of his character and fate. Your level in the field of physiognomy depends on the degree of your education.

Consider facial features not separately, but in their unity, taking into account the principle of balance and proportion. This will allow you to get more accurate information. For example, the size of the nose on a face should be assessed taking into account the rest of the facial features. Only if it is clearly disproportionate can one conclude that the nose is large, long, etc. Interestingly, a long nose can indicate a person who is conservative, arrogant, but completely unsuitable for business and business communication.

Analyze facial features following the following principle: the better they are balanced and proportional, the stronger the person’s character. Consider the condition of your skin and muscles. If, for example, you see in front of you a person endowed with a penetrating, direct gaze and a face that can be classified as interesting and deserving of respectful attention, conclude that in front of you is an integral person with a strong, decisive character.

In addition to determining the shape of the face, which can tell a lot about the character of its owner, pay attention to five important elements: ears, eyes, eyebrows, mouth and nose. Then move on to assessing the forehead, temples, cheekbones, and chin. Please note that often any of the listed elements can “close” the other, gradually revealing the character of the person being studied. Therefore, write down all your observations so that you can then draw logical conclusions.

Pay special attention to your eyes. There is a certain guideline for determining ideal eyes that identify an extraordinary person with enormous talents. Firstly, such eyes must be ideally combined with all other facial features. When looking into the eyes of such a person, you should notice his head, hairstyle, all the existing elements and features, which speaks of their proportionality and beauty. Secondly, the upper and lower eyelids should be harmoniously developed. Third, the irises should be well centered, clear and even.

In ancient times, there were about 39 types of eyes, giving an idea of ​​a person’s character traits. For example, there are "phoenix" eyes - very graceful, elongated eyes with double eyelids and small "tails" pointing up and down on the outside. The irises have a strong shine. Such eyes often reveal talented and successful leaders of large corporations and enterprises, and businessmen. However, such eyes can also be used to identify a famous creative personality, for example, a famous artist or scientist. No less numerous are the descriptive characteristics of other facial features.

By facial expression you can determine what a person is thinking about, but by his features - what kind of character he has. Over time, they are subject to change: some become more blurred, others become clearer. Engaged in a detailed study of a person’s character, correlating it to certain facial features, a special science is physiognomy.

A detailed study of physiognomy is necessary for people working in leadership positions. Not only managers, but also recruiters should have the skills to discern character from facial features. Character determination skills will be useful in the business and business sphere. This will allow you to select people of the appropriate character for yourself, to be aware of their possible behavior and even habits.


How to find out a person's character by facial features?

By features we mean everything: lips and mouth, eyes, eyebrows and forehead, nose and ears, the shape of the face itself. The shape of the eyebrows can also tell you a lot about a person. However, they often have a modified form, especially in women. Lips can also be subject to change, but character can be determined not only by their fullness.

Mouth and lips

Stubbornness and self-centeredness are manifested in people with a larger lower lip than the upper lip. A protruding upper lip speaks of indecision and sometimes vanity. People who have one corner of their lips higher than the other can deceive. If the corners are slightly raised, they are sensitive; if the corners are sloping down, they are stubborn. Loosely compressed thin lips confirm rigidity, and thick lips confirm a methodical mind and sensitivity.

A large mouth with parted lips will indicate a person’s carelessness and some indecision. With closed lips - about a woman’s tendency to build a career rather than take care of family comfort. With red and shiny lips - about responsibility and a penchant for leadership. Do your lips resemble a square when they open? Such a very good-natured man.

A small face and a wide mouth mean you are a born leader., and on the big face - a man absorbed only in his own affairs. If your mouth is small, you have an interlocutor with a weak character. The same mouth, but with tightly closed lips - a person so shy and who likes to put everything on the back burner.


Determining character from the face by studying the eyes alone does not always give an accurate result. Eye expression is a controlled process. However, their shape can tell a lot.

L People with small eyes are prone to jealousy, while people with large eyes are very sensitive. If the edges of the eyes are slanted down, people also succumb to surging feelings. However, they are attentive and optimistic. Are the edges of your eyes raised? Brave and good-natured. The outer corner of the eye is slanted downwards, the person will be submissive, and if upwards - greedy and reckless.

Large eyes with half-closed eyelids can tell about a person of authority and power. People with large eyes and folds on their eyelids can manage a large team. People with round eyes have a tough character. If the eyes are small and have double lower eyelids, the person is not constant. Narrow eyes indicate a hidden nature, and deep-set eyes indicate treachery.


The length of the nose can tell a lot more about a person than the mouth. Mouth expression can often be controlled. Therefore, it is recommended to recognize a person’s character by looking at his face from his nose.

Stubbornness can be recognized if the nose is thin with a slight bend or hump. A long nose can also indicate some conservatism. If he is wide at the same time, in front of you is a calm, balanced person. An extra-long nose will confirm your capriciousness and penchant for intellectual work.

A woman has a very small nose on her face, she is petty and very jealous. A bony nose indicates poor concentration. A flat and large bridge of the nose, proportional to the wings, speaks of a cold, calculating nature. A nose with a round tip, a person takes from life whatever he wants. Is the tip drooping? The interlocutor is oversexed. An upturned nose means an inability to keep secrets. Vengeance is characteristic of people with a nose tip like an eagle. The pointed shape of the tip of the nose is betrayal, the large and convex tip is readiness for self-sacrifice.


People with ears whose upper part is at eye level have well-developed intuition. Dissatisfaction and stubbornness will be revealed by ears with the upper part located along the line of the eyebrows. It will be difficult to argue with a person whose ears are one higher than the other. Such people are often guided by emotions, turning off logic.

If the width of the ears is greater than their height, the person has a strong character. Vice versa? The person has a superficial mind and weak character. Protruding ears can also indicate this. However, they indicate a person’s increased sexuality. Ears close to the head indicate a conscientious person prone to monotonous work.

Intelligence and generosity are characteristic of people with wide ears. Large lobes will tell about a successful person, and if they are short, the person has a complex character. Likes to argue often. The ability to achieve their goals is characteristic of people with rectangular ears. People with ears with a convex outer circle are talented, if round, then this indicates energy, a penchant for leadership.

Eyebrows and forehead

Stubborn character and unwillingness to make concessions in people with thick and stiff eyebrows. If the outer end of the eyebrows is thin - nobility, if turned up - a tendency towards toughness and enterprise. Eyebrow hairs growing downwards means timidity, “against growth” means stubbornness. Eyebrows fused in the middle mean determination, torn eyebrows mean treachery.

Invisible eyebrows mean a cunning person; if they are short and thick, he is independent and quick-tempered. Short and thin eyebrows indicate a reserved person, while coarse eyebrows indicate a tendency to frequently change mood and work. Eyebrows longer than the eyes - intelligence; not so long, but graceful - conservatism.

A wide forehead below and narrow above will indicate an inquisitive person prone to learning. The active character is confirmed by pronounced brow ridges. If the forehead is widened from above, the person is talented, but is closed in on himself and does not want to accept other people's opinions. A high and wide forehead speaks of an undisciplined nature, smooth and sloping - about an active person with a practical mindset. People with sunken temples have good powers of observation.

Face shape

Intelligence, sensitivity and balance are characteristic of people with a rectangular face shape. They are innate organizers, excellent at leading and achieving their goals. Quite tactful and delicate, I know when to remain silent and when to express my opinion.

People with a triangular face shape have a complex and somewhat contradictory character. They are characterized by cunning and a desire to be alone. However, they are highly gifted and sensitive. Most of all, people with this type of face pay attention to the spiritual sphere.

Peacefulness and gentleness are expressed in a round face shape. Such people are open to communication and learning everything new. They are kind, however, they value comfort and consistency above all else. Therefore, they strive to be open leaders. Chubby people most often give importance to material values.

Optimism, cheerfulness and sensitivity - these are the traits that characterize people with a trapezoidal face shape. They literally radiate happiness and bring calm. Good workers, but not managers. They will feel uncomfortable in a high position, as they have a soft character.

Face shape is a mirror of a person’s character

A whole science called physiognomy was formed. She has been engaged in various studies, thanks to which a specialist can determine the character, capabilities and abilities of an individual just by looking at a person’s face. This skill can be of great help in communicating with people.

Face like a map

Chinese physiognomists believe that a person’s face can be compared to a geographical map. Rivers are eyes, mouth and nostrils; elevations are the chin, forehead; mountains are cheekbones and nose. To read the map correctly, you need to study all the elements as a whole.

by facial features

There are main and secondary facial features. The main ones include the following:

  1. The symbol of power is eyebrows.
  2. Intelligence level - eyes.
  3. Wealth is the nose.
  4. Life potential - ears.
  5. Sexuality, individuality - mouth.

Secondary facial features:

  1. Characteristics - forehead.
  2. The status symbol is the jaw.
  3. Signs of strength are cheekbones.
  4. Strength of character - chin.
  5. Sexuality and fertility - the hollow above the upper lip.
  6. The ability to have children is the area above the eyes.
  7. Life expectancy - nasolabial folds.

A description of a person's face can be compiled using these features. By learning to do this, you can develop unique abilities to “see through a person.” What do the main of these signs mean?


Their shape speaks about the capabilities and character of a person. Arched eyebrows with a beautiful bend will tell you about the harmony of your character. An independent and ambitious person can be recognized by short eyebrows. To put it bluntly - a workaholic. Individuals prone to adventurism have arched eyebrows. Resourceful, self-confident - in the form of semicircles.


A person’s face, like nothing else, is decorated with eyes. Their shape can say a lot about its owner. Sincerity, directness and a sharp mind are reflected in the shining, large and slightly protruding eyes. talk about strong principles and moral principles. In their owner you can find a reliable and faithful friend and life partner. Dreamy and romantic individuals have deep-set eyes. They will give you away as a self-confident, a little reckless and adventurous person. The outer tips of the eyes downward indicate good nature and the ability to always come to the rescue. A small rainbow will tell us that this is a person who is distrustful, but very insightful and generous.


This part of the face is a symbol of wealth. A straight nose speaks of the owner’s honesty, enterprise and balance. A thin nose is found in arrogant and proud people. An aquiline nose will tell you about sexuality and wealth. Rational, far-sighted people have short-term skills - they are sociable, cheerful and energetic. attracts money and indicates financial well-being.

It can significantly transform a person’s face. A mouth with equally full lips will indicate a friendly character and good health. Raised corners indicate sociability and a good sense of humor. Those with a bow-shaped mouth are cynical and distrustful. A wide mouth speaks of determination and firmness. A small, plump mouth indicates a soft, kind nature.

We are accustomed to judging a person by the first impression of his appearance, as people say “clothes”, without even thinking that this is for a reason. The ancient sages said that with an ugly face, but a good heart, the first one can be reborn. But if the heart is evil, then even the most beautiful face will be destroyed by it over the years.

Modern research confirms that there is definitely a connection between internal psychology and external characteristics. There is even a special science that originated in China - physiognomy - which studies the character and abilities based on the body shape of their owner. With the help of this article, you will understand exactly how to recognize a person’s character by facial features.

Are marks on the face signs of fate?

There is an old Chinese legend that tells of a meeting between two people of different classes - a policeman and a master in the field of physiognomy. With a fleeting glance at the guardian of order, he made a very strange proposal to the counter - to marry his daughter. Over time, an ordinary rural policeman turned into the first emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Maybe we shouldn’t consider this story just a beautiful fairy tale, because each of us has more than once noticed the anxieties and worries literally written on the face of our neighbor, as well as sincere joys? Experts in “reading people” are confident that such minor individual features as scars and moles, spots and wrinkles, as well as complexion itself, are nothing more than marks of human destiny, both present and future.

Shape matters: facial geometry

You can also determine specific features by the chin: wide - strong-willed nature, square - fixation on material wealth, sharp - resourcefulness and cunning.

7 main components of character that can be “seen”

  • confidence– proportion of the face in length and width. According to psychologists, this quality corresponds to 70% width of the face compared to its length.
  • friendliness– the height of the eyes in relation to the distance between the top of the eyes and the eyebrows. For example, if a person’s eyebrows are located higher than usual, then he is probably inclined to limit his personal space.
  • tolerance– horizontal distance between the eyes. A more patient character distinguishes individuals with wide-set eyes.
  • sense of humor– length of the nasal gutter. A long one indicates flat irony and sarcasm, a shorter one indicates an adequate perception of jokes at one’s own expense.
  • the shape and size of the lips can be determined generosity of speech. People with thin lips are in most cases very reserved.
  • worldview– the size of the fold on the eyelid. A thicker one speaks of a person’s analytical mindset, while a thin or completely absent one indicates determination and the habit of being guided by actions.
  • heard this expression magnetic character[b]? So natural magnetism can be recognized by the depth of eye color. The richer and deeper it is, the more charismatic the personality.

And “every line will be cute”: learning to read faces

Forehead: human weaknesses and virtues

According to the shape, foreheads are divided into two types: narrow and flat demonstrates a person who is rude, hard and unyielding, while high and round reveals a lively mind, capable of exact sciences, originality and good imagination. The character of such a person is characterized by unpredictability and hot temper. And in Tahiti, for example, it is still believed that the lower and smaller a person’s forehead, the more successful he is in his personal life.

Tell me what your nose is like and I'll tell you...

The nose is one of the main “supporting points” of a person’s face. An interesting historical fact is that the Russian Empress Elizabeth did not allow masters to paint her portraits in profile, fearing her own small and slightly upturned nose, which deprived her of a proud and powerful appearance corresponding to her high status.

And on one of the islands in the jungle there is a village of Amazons, where the tip of each girl’s nose is cut so that a scar with a small dimple remains. The local residents believe that such manipulation will give the future Amazon a strong, dexterous and decisive character. When remembering famous personalities, a good example is the writer Gogol, whose nose was very long and narrow, which is considered an undoubted sign of talent.

The ideal shape of the nose is considered to be a rounded tip with harmonious “wings”. If the nostrils are too large, it means that the character has certain defects. Bony, tall and skinny is a sign of excessive pride, while full and bulbous speaks of the kindness and warmth of its owner. The famous owner of a nose with a hump is Pushkin. Perhaps it was precisely because of this physical feature that he was always distinguished by courage and courage.

Eyes are windows to the soul

Large eyes speak of sensitivity and courage, an internal desire for primacy, while small eyes are characteristic of closed, intractable and gloomy individuals. The iris of the eye is in the same connection: if its size is impressive, then a person can be defined without hesitation as soft and calm, while more modest indicators indicate an imbalance in the inner world and, accordingly, regular disruptions in relationships with others.

If we talk about eye placement, then a straight horizontal line is considered a favorable sign. Sloping downward speaks of male determination and female indiscretion, and swollen eyelids indicate fatigue from life.

A historical example with large, not too far apart eyes is the famous predictor Nostradamus. By the above traits you can recognize prudence, a sensitive and receptive nature.

Mouth and lips: the key to life

Since over time the shape of the lips changes under the influence of facial expressions, which, in turn, is directly dependent on the person’s mood, a lot can be said from these features. Physiognomy experts are confident that the wider the opening of the mouth, the better the character of its owner in general and the ability for a career in particular.

Modern man does not know himself and his character well, let alone the people around him. But sometimes it’s enough to just look in the mirror and take a closer look at your usual features. Knowing yourself is never superfluous.

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