Individual lesson on sound production. Speech therapy lesson summary - “sound ts”

Summary of a frontal lesson in a speech therapy group preparatory to school on the topic:

“Sound Ts. Automation of the sound Ts in connected speech

(retelling based on a mnemonic table)"

Target: Consolidate knowledge about the consonant sound T. Continue learning to retell.


1. Correctional and educational:

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound Ts.

Practice the ability to determine the number of syllables in words.

Practice sound-syllable analysis of words.

Continue practicing making sentences according to the diagram.

Strengthen retelling skills.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory.

Develop logical thinking.

3. Correctional and educational:

Cultivate endurance and perseverance.

Equipment: Chicken toy, pictures for the sound T, cards for sound analysis, sentence diagram, paired pictures, mnemonic table.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizational moment

Speech therapist: The one who claps and determines how many syllables are in the word sits down. (picture on the children’s tables: flowers, chain, chicken, egg, heron, ring, puddle, circus, marten, mitten, street)

    Speech therapist: Now guess the riddle:

He appeared in a naked fur coat:

Goodbye, two shells! (Chick).

Speech therapist: Once upon a time a mother hen had a chicken named Tsyp. And he came to our lesson today.

What is the first sound heard in the name Tsyp. Let's tell Tsyp about the sound T, what sound it is, give it a description (consonant, voiceless, hard; indicated by a blue square). Articulation of the sound C (the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the lips are in a smile. The back of the tongue bends and hits. The air comes out in jerks, it is cold). Let's play with the sound T, and our magic chest with tasks will help us.

    Speech therapist: To open the chest you need to cast magic spells.

Speech exercise:

Ats-ots-uts tsa-tso-tsu tsva-tsvo-tsvu

Itz-its-ats tsy-tsa-tsa tsvy-tsvo-tsva

Ots-ots-ats tso-tsu-tsvu-tsvy-tsvo

    Speech therapist:

Next task: What word did I think of: Chick or face. (show diagram).

How many vowels are in the word - Tsyp. Determine the place of the sound C in the word (lay it out on the diagram). Lay out the word - face (sound-syllable analysis).

    “Come up with sentences based on the pictures according to the scheme: living object, action word, inanimate object.”


(Children are offered paired pictures, from which they make sentences: singer-flowers, seller-cucumbers, swimmer-towel, princess-ring, etc. For example: The seller sells cucumbers.)

    Physical education.

The chicken is dozing on the porch - tse-tse-tse

Tsarapych went out onto the porch - tso-tso-tso

Don't touch the scratchy fellow - tsa-tsa-tsa

We chased the cat off the porch - tsa-tsa-tsa

The chicken is just great - wow!

(movements according to the text, children pronounce the syllables and clap their hands)

    Speech therapist: Now we will listen to an interesting story about what happened to a chicken one day. The story is called "Chicken Little"

The hen had five chicks, one of them was called Chicken. All day long the chicken taught them to drink water from a saucer and peck caterpillars. One day Tsyp saw a beautiful butterfly on a flower and ran after it. He found himself near the well, stood on tiptoes and wanted to look into it. It’s good that the heron managed to grab the naughty Little Chicken and take him home to his mother hen.

Questions about the content of the story:

How many chicks did the hen have?

What was the name of one of the chickens?

What did the hen teach the chickens all day long?

What did Chick see one day?

Who helped Tsyp?

    Repeated reading with a retelling mindset (display, analysis of the mnemonic table).

    Retelling by children based on a mnemonic table.

    Summing up the lesson. Analysis of stories. What was difficult and what did you like? Children's self-esteem. Chick thanks the children, says goodbye and gives them candy.

Target: setting sound [ts].


  • Correctional educational:
    • give a description and correct articulation of the sound [ts];
    • develop the ability to correctly pronounce the sound [ts], by imitation;
    • teach to pronounce the sound [ts] in isolation.
  • Correctional and developmental:
    • develop general, fine, articulatory motor skills; correct air flow; phonemic awareness;
    • improve the ability to understand spoken speech;
    • develop VPF.
  • Correctional and educational:
    • increase the child’s self-esteem and help improve his emotional well-being.
    • maintain interest in speech therapy classes.

Materials: an invitation card, a toy Zvukoznaika and a hedgehog, a manual for the development of air flow (on the theme of autumn), an easel with a picture of a tree or its model, cards for performing articulation gymnastics, a card with a conventional sound symbol [Ts].


1. Organizational moment

Speech therapist. Hello, baby name, I'm very glad to see you.


Speech therapist. Look, we received an invitation card, let's read it.
Reads a postcard. Zvukoznaika and one of his friends invite us to visit, but we will find out who this friend is only when we reach the city. Shall we accept the invitation of Zvukoznaika and his friend?


Speech therapist. But getting there is not so easy, we must go through the magic garden and complete all the tasks that Zvukoznaika left us and only then will we be able to get to the place. Do you agree to help me and complete all tasks diligently?


Speech therapist. Then let's go!

2. Cultivation of a strong, long-lasting directed smooth air stream

Speech therapist. Here is this garden, but all the paths in it were covered with autumn leaves. And the first task from Zvukoznaika is to clear the paths but without touching the leaves with your hands. What a cunning Zvukoznaika! How can we do this?

(If the child doesn’t guess, you can ask leading questions. For example: How does the breeze clear the paths?)

Child. Blow.

The child is offered a manual with a picture of a tree, from which 2-3 leaves extend in different directions. They need to be blown to the side (under the tree).

Speech therapist. Great, you've cleared all the paths, let's continue on our way!

3. Development of articulatory praxis

Speech therapist. Oh, look what an interesting bush grows in this garden.

The speech therapist draws the child’s attention to the image of a bush on an easel (magnetic board or its mock-up) located next to the mirror. Instead of leaves, there are pictures on it (shovel, pie, boat, reel, slide) for performing articulation gymnastics. In a less noticeable place, so that this picture is found last, a picture of the articulatory pattern of sound is attached[ts].

Speech therapist. The sound learner asks us to sit on a chair in front of the mirror, remember what exercises for the tongue these pictures represent and perform them beautifully.

Child.Name the picture and do the exercise while looking in the mirror.

Speech therapist. Well done and you did a great job with this task.

4. Formation of the articulatory structure of sound [ts]

Speech therapist. What kind of picture is this? Draws the child's attention to a picture with articulatory structure. It was Zvukoznaika who left us a fairy tale about the sound [ts], but not a simple fairy tale - with movements. I will read it, and you show it?


Explanation of sound articulation.

Text of a fairy tale for adults to read to a child

actions performed by a child at the request of an adult

A breeze in a dark and damp cave. It is guarded by the tongue, which lies stretched out on the floor of the cave; there is no way to get around it. knock your lower teeth against your upper teeth
open your mouth
place a wide spread tongue on the bottom of the mouth
Suddenly the tongue raised its back to the ceiling and pressed its sides against the upper teeth, now it’s even more difficult for the breeze to get out make the tongue a slide: press the side edges against the upper molars, and rest the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth.
But as soon as the front part of the tongue bends towards the lower teeth, it decides to whisper with them. The breeze immediately rolls down his back like a slide. It slides right down to the bottom teeth. leaving a small space between the teeth, blow for a long time on the tip of the tongue, pronounce the sound [s].
The teeth do not have time to close and block the path of the breeze; a small gap remains between them. smile, slightly exposing your teeth and opening them (distance 1-2 mm).
The tongue is angry at the teeth for not holding back the breeze. The tongue descends to the lower teeth with its front part, and with its back it strongly hits the upper teeth. holding the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, pronounce the sound [t] several times.
after the blow of the tongue, the breeze rolls down his back and suddenly jumps out into the narrow gap between his teeth. clearly and repeatedly pronounce the sounds [t] and [s] together (get the sound ts)
bring your palm to your mouth, feel the jerky movements of the air.

Speech therapist. Well done, he did a great job. Let us remember that when pronouncing –TS – quickly in this position of the tongue, the sound [ts] is produced.


Speech therapist. This tale is about the sound [ts]. Repeat together [ts] (When the child repeats the sound, pay attention once again to the correct articulation).


5. Development of speech attention

Speech therapist. We found ourselves in a colorful clearing, and I suggest you relax and play a little.


Speech therapist. Listen carefully to each task, and then complete it accurately, but only when you hear the word “REQUEST”.

Request: raise your hands up.
Hands down.
Request: arms to the sides.
Hands forward.
Sit down.

Request: stand up.
Jump on one leg.
Request: spin around
Please: clap your hands.
Put your hands down.

Request: stamp your right foot.
And now the left one.
Request: tilt your head to the right and left
Sit down.
Get up!
Request: put your hands on your belt and jump.

Speech therapist. We had a great rest, played, and continued on our way.


6. Pronouncing a sound in isolation, becoming familiar with its visual symbol.

Speech therapist. Here is a new task from Zvukoznaika. Look carefully at the picture and remember (the speech therapist shows a picture of a baby stroller - a visual symbol of sound) The new sound [ts] is similar to the one we ask you not to make. Hush, hush, the baby is sleeping! Tsktsk! Repeat!!


Speech therapist. Well done, you're doing well.

7. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Speech therapist. And here is our Zvukoznaika and his friend. Who is this?

Child. Hedgehog.

Speech therapist. That's right, Hedgehog. Hello Zvukoznaika, hello Hedgehog!


Speech therapist. We know the finger game about the Hedgehog, let's show it to our friends.


Speech therapist.

One hand (palm open, fingers spread) is a hedgehog, the fingers of the other hand are forest animals. The baby squeezes each finger of the other hand with one hand.

Speech therapist. Great!

8. Development of phonemic awareness.

Speech therapist. The hedgehog offers to play his favorite game “Catch the Sound”. As soon as you hear the sound [ts], clap your hands.

Speech material: sh, s, k, ts, t, ts, s, m, p, ts.

Speech therapist. Well done, we played great.

9. Result, performance assessment.

Speech therapist. So our journey has ended, we got to Zvukoznaika, visited his friend Hedgehog and it’s time to return to kindergarten. Let's remember what sound we met in a fairy tale and play with it.


Speech therapist. Correctly with the sound [ts], you did a great job (a) and for this Zvukoznaika gives you a gift.

Tamara Nikolaeva
Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [T] in words”





Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound [C] in words.


1. Educational:

Automate the “C” sound in words.

Continue learning to coordinate numerals with nouns.

2. Corrective and developmental:

To develop the ability to determine the position of the sound [ts] in words.

Develop phonemic processes, fine and articulatory motor skills, attention.

Form correct speech breathing.

Continue forming the syllable structure of the word.

3. Educational:

Develop a positive attitude towards the lesson, independence, control over one’s own speech.


mirror, articulation gymnastics in pictures, su-jok massager, subject pictures (finger, bird, sheep, face, mill, ring, heron, chain, chicken, hare, card with a picture of a train and subject pictures (starling, bird, princess, king , bear, lizard, hare, diagrams for determining the sound in a word, a picture of chickens for coloring.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. Hello, let's shake hands and smile at each other.


Speech therapist. Sit comfortably in front of the mirror, today in class we will go to a fairy tale.

You and I will go to a fairy tale

We’ll find the sound [ts] there,

The old man will help us,

Old man Zvukovichok.

The speech therapist shows the toy of the old man Zvukovich.

II. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist. Old man Zvukovichok is very cheerful and sociable, he has many friends. He is friends with Cheerful Tongue, Fingers and Air Stream.

Speech therapist. Who are you friends with in the group? (child's answers)

Speech therapist. The old man invites us to make friends with the Merry Tongue.

Exercise “Smile” - teeth closed, not visible, lips in a smile.

Exercise “Fence” - smile, show your teeth.

Exercise “Punish a naughty tongue” - place a wide tongue on the lower lip and, spanking it with your lips, pronounce “five-five-five.”

Exercise “Swing” - stick out your narrow tongue, pull it alternately, then to the nose, then to the chin.

Exercise “Gorka” - open your mouth, hide the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, and lift the back of your tongue up. Show me a steep hill.

Exercise “Focus” - mouth slightly open, tongue cupped forward and raised, exhale smoothly onto the cotton wool lying on the tip of the nose.

Speech therapist. Well done! Your tongue has become obedient and mobile.

Look, our fairy tale is a mess, there are pictures scattered on the floor.

Let's stretch our fingers to help old Zvukovich clean up.

III. Finger play using a su-jok massager

(improving spatial orientation skills, developing memory, attention, fine motor skills).

Speech therapist. Place the ring on the thumb of your right hand, then your left hand.

Place the ring on the index finger of your left hand, right hand, etc.

Speech therapist. Close your eyes (the speech therapist puts a ring on any of his fingers) Now tell me, on which hand and which finger is the ring put on?

The speech therapist reads a poem. The child puts the ring on all fingers in turn, first on the right hand, then on the left.

Wandered into our kindergarten

Ten little chickens.

I got them from the street

Speckled chicken.

Cute little chicken

You're on the wrong street

This is a kindergarten

But not for chickens.

Speech therapist. Well done, now your fingers have become very dexterous.

IV. Automation of the sound [ts] in words.

Conversation based on pictures (clear pronunciation of words with sound [ts]).

Game “Say it correctly” (matching numerals with nouns).

Pictures with the sound [ts] in their names are scattered on the floor.

Speech therapist. Let's help old Zvukovich clean up.

(The child picks up pictures from the floor)

Speech therapist. What is shown in the picture? (Child’s answer. Make sure the pronunciation is correct)

Look, there are numbers on the back side, count this word as many times as you see the number. For example: one finger, two fingers, three fingers.

(Child's answer).

Finger (3, bird (5, sheep (1, face (2, mill (5, ring (4), heron (2, chain (6, chicken (5, hare (3).

Speech therapist. Well done, he helped restore order to old man Zukovich.

V. Game “Say the right word”

(development of phonemic hearing, attention, difference between words that sound similar).

Speech therapist. Look, while we were putting things in order, old Zvukovichok was thinking about something. Listen carefully and say what the old man dreams of when you hear the right word.

Dvoret - yard - palace,

lights - flowers - tvets - shvets.

(Child's answers).

Pictures depicting a palace or a flower are hung on the board.

Speech therapist. That's right, the old man dreams of a palace and a flower meadow.

Let's relax a little in the flower meadow.

VI. Phys. minute "Cornflowers"

(coordination of speech with movement, development of general motor skills).

Blue stars fell from the sky.

The forest looks at them in enchantment,

The wind quietly circles above them,

Looks at the blue stars in the rye,

A wave of cornflowers gently shakes,

Magical flowers as blue as stars.

Speech therapist. Zvukovich has a birthday soon and guests are coming to him by train.

Let's help the passengers hit the road.

VII. Game "Fun Train".

Dividing words into syllables, determining the number of syllables in a word (formation of the syllabic structure of a word).

Speech therapist. Name each passenger, emphasizing the sound [C]. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who will ride in which carriage (on the card is an image of a train with carriages and pictures (starling, chick, bird, princess, king, bear, lizard, hare).

Well done, all the passengers have taken their seats and are rushing to visit old man Zvukovich.

As you know, it is customary to give gifts on birthdays. To find out what we will give for your birthday, you must complete the following task.

VIII. Game "Find the word".

Determining the position of the sound [C] in a word (development of phonemic hearing, attention).

Speech therapist. Name the pictures, emphasizing the sound [C]. Name the words in which the sound [Ц] is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word. Connect each picture with the corresponding diagram (the card shows diagrams and pictures (chain, cucumber, well, ring, egg, chicken, singer, heron, palace, book). Identify the extra picture, and you will find out what we will give the old man for his birthday Why is she superfluous? (child's answers)

Well done, we'll give old Zvukovich a book.

Speech therapist. Our fairy tale has come to an end. Old man Zvukovichok says thank you for your help and for the gift.

IX. Summary of the lesson.

House. exercise.

Speech therapist. And I have a gift for you (pictures - coloring pages, circle the dots at home and color them beautifully.

This concludes our lesson, you did great today! I liked how clearly you pronounced the sound [C] in words and completed all the tasks correctly.

You did well today, I liked how you listened attentively and answered questions.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [h] in words (sound in the middle of a word)” Topic: Sound [h]. Goal: automate the sound [h] in words (sound in the middle of a word). Main objectives: Correctional and educational: - exercise in.

Goal: to automate the sound [l] in syllables with a combination of consonants and in words with them. Main tasks: Correctional and educational: - exercise.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [r] in words and phrases” Goal: automate the sound [r] in words and phrases. Main tasks: Correctional and educational: - exercise in the use of words and.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [w] in words” (based on male and female names) Topic: Sound [sh]. Goal: automate the sound [sh] in words. Main tasks: Correctional and educational: - practice correct pronunciation.

Goal: automation of the sound [w] in words with an open syllable (for a pupil with mental retardation in the preparatory group). Objectives: - strengthen articulation.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [Ш] in words, phrases and sentences” Goals: 1) Correctional and educational: - strengthening the correct pronunciation of the sound [Ш]; - learning to determine the presence and location of sound [Ш].


Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences” Objectives: 1. Clarify the correct pronunciation of the sound L in syllables, words, sentences. 2. Practice determining the presence and sound L in words.

Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences” Goal: correctly and clearly pronounce the sound [C] in syllables, words, sentences. Objectives: Correctional and educational: - automate sound.

Summary of an open individual speech therapy lesson

Topic: Sound "C".
Develop the ability to generalize words into groups.
Develop phonemic awareness.
Form articulatory and fine motor skills.
Continue to consolidate the sound “C” in syllables, words, phrases,
sentences and texts.
Continue to develop the ability to coordinate numerals with
Develop the ability to answer questions with complete answers.
Develop the ability to retell text based on pictures.
Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
Equipment: pictures of flowers; articulation scheme
sound; pictures depicting articulatory gymnastics; picture with
the image of eggs on which syllables are written; subject pictures for
games “Say the Word”; a picture of buttons; supporting
pictures to make up a story.
Progress of the lesson:
Organizational moment.
Speech therapist: Hello, ... the name of the child. There are pictures in front of you.
List what is drawn on them. How, in one word, can we call
Child: Flowers.
Speech therapist: What is the first sound in the word flowers?
Child: Sound “C”.
Speech therapist: What sound is that?
Child: Agreeable, firm, deaf.
Speech therapist: In class we will correctly pronounce words with sound
"C". Let's remember that when pronouncing the sound "Ts" the tip of the tongue
is located behind the upper teeth, and the air stream comes out with
with great pressure.
Development of phonemic hearing.
Main part.

Game “Catch words with the sound “C”.
Clap your hands if you hear the sound “C” in the words.
Bag and saucer;
Egg and autumn;
Chicken and clock;
Indian and cup.
Articulation gymnastics.
Open your mouth slightly - show your tongue,
And then move your tongue to the right, to the left.
Open your mouth wide - show your tongue,
And then lift the tongue up, and then lower it down.
My tongue is like a horse.
I'll lift it up
And I'll show you the horse.
"Delicious jam."
Hurry up, open your mouth and show your tongue,
And lick your lips with your tongue.
Automation of the sound “C” in syllables.
The child is offered several painted eggs. Under each of them
syllables with the sound “C” are written. You must read all the syllables and choose
only boiled eggs, which are indicated by the syllable “CA” and color them
yellow pencil.
Finger gymnastics.
Count your fingers
And quickly bend it.
One, two, three, four, five
Count your fingers again.
As soon as counting begins, the child bends one finger at a time,
starting with the thumb.
Automation of the sound “C” in words.
Game “Say the Word.”
The child is asked to form words based on the pictures, adding
syllables “CA” and “TSY”, match the picture with the word.
target audience

Physical education lesson “Chickens”.
We went out for a walk
The child performs a march on the spot.
And look for chickens.
We walked and walked and found two
Walking in place.
We moved a little to the left and found two more.
Take a few steps to the left.
They moved a little to the right and found one.
Take a few steps to the right.
They found the chickens and went home.
Walking in place.
Automation of the sound “C” in phrasal speech.
Game "Colored Buttons".
Several buttons are drawn in the picture, the child is offered
count the buttons. You need to count like this: one whole button, two whole buttons
buttons and so on. Then the child is asked to color the buttons
colored pencils.
Automation of the sound “Ts” in sentences.
Game “Make your own proposal.”
Speech therapist: I suggest you answer the questions, and then completely
say a sentence.
Sample: How do we cut paper? Child's answer: We cut paper
How do we wipe our face and hands?
What do we put in the water?
Who hatches from the egg?

Automation of the sound “C” in text.
Listen to my story and use pictures to retell it.
The mother hen had eleven chicks. The smallest
The chicken's name was Chicken. Chicken was a very curious chicken. Collecting
flowers, Chick saw a well, he decided to look into it and almost fell into
well. Mommy chicken took Little Chicken home and never went anywhere else
let me in.
What sound did you try to pronounce correctly during class?
What do you remember?
Well done! Until next time!
The final part.

Prepelyak I.V., teacher-speech therapist, MKOU Gribanovskaya secondary school No. 3.

Purpose of the lesson: “Automation of the sound C in words and sentences.”

Correctional and educational:

develop the ability to use the sound C in words, phrases and sentences;

activate vocabulary;

practice agreeing numerals with nouns up to 5;

make sentences based on the picture.

Correctional and developmental:

improving the skills of sound analysis of words, determining the place of sound;

development of articulatory, general, fine and facial motor skills;

consolidation of the exact combination of speech and movement, the intonation aspect of speech.

Correctional and educational:

education of moral qualities: kindness, care for our smaller brothers, responsiveness.

Equipment: illustrations based on the fairy tale “Chicken Ryaba”, a song about the sound T, colored pencils, pen, hen, chicks, egg, syllable table, kinder surprise, cereals, bags of cereals, flash game “Who Sounds”.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Artem, let’s greet everyone who came to visit us today to listen to how beautifully you learned to pronounce sounds. And we will give them a smile and wish them a good mood for the whole day.

Look and guess what kind of fairy tale it is (The child is invited to look at the picture “Ryaba Hen”).

1. Psycho-gymnastics "Sad - fun."

Speech therapist - Artem, what do you think the mood was when grandma saw that the mouse broke the egg.

Speech therapist: Yes, grandma really felt sad. (Showing the shell)

Speech therapist: show me what my grandmother’s face looks like.

Speech therapist: - What was your grandmother’s mood when the chicken laid the “golden egg”? Yes, that's right - fun. (I show the “golden egg” - painted yellow).

2. Articulation gymnastics for the sound [ts].

Speech therapist: Well, in order for the tongue to pronounce sounds beautifully, we must do exercises for the tongue. (The child, looking at the pictures, performs articulation gymnastics)

1) "Smile - a tube";

2) "Spatula";

3) “Let’s brush our teeth”;

4) "Angry Cat";

5) “Hammer - water”;

6) “The doll is sleeping quietly.”

3. Speech therapist: Listen, think and name who you are talking about.

There was a white house

Wonderful house

And something knocked inside him,

And he crashed from there,

A miracle ran out alive.

So warm

So fluffy and golden. (I show 5 chickens in a box).

II. Main part.

1. Speech therapist: Artem, do you think our chickens pronounce the sound Ts correctly?

Show them how to pronounce the sound [ts]. (Find in the picture and say only the sound T).

Speech therapist: Well done!

2. Automation of the sound C in forward and backward syllables.

Speech therapist - Now you read these syllables and find out how chickens communicate with each other. (reads the syllables on the sheet).

Tsa-tsa-tsa, tsat-ts-ts

Tso-tso-tso, tsots - tsots - tsots

Tsu-tsu-tsu, ts-ts-ts-ts

Tsy-tsy-tsy, yts - yts - yts

3. Automation in plain English.

Speech therapist: Repeat after me:

Tsa-tsa-tsa - there is no seller for the egg.

Tso-tso-tso - here's an egg.

Tsuk-tsik-tsy - they are strong fighters.

Tse-tse-tse is a fly on an egg.

Tsu-tsu-tsu - I'm calling the chicken.

Speech therapist: You're smart!

Speech therapist: Artem, look at the screen. How can you tell who is here? Right. birds. Each bird makes sounds, and we will hear it and guess who makes what sounds (flash game). Who is the chicken with here?

Artem: Hen with chicks

Speech therapist: Correct.

Speech therapist: Look how quietly our chickens are sitting, they are ready to listen to a fairy tale.

4. Reflected pronunciation.

5. Physical exercise "Chickens".

Speech therapist: Our chickens are hungry, and we need to feed and water them.

Speech therapist: what do you think they like to peck? Child (millet).

But before feeding, we will now choose what from all the cereals offered? That's right - millet (I suggest: buckwheat, beans, semolina, peas. That's right, it's as round, small and yellow as they are), and now I suggest you determine by touch where the millet is. (Sacks of cereals).

Speech therapist: You see how funny they peck at the millet, and now let’s pour some water into their saucer.

Speech therapist: Artem, you learned the poem, please tell me.

6. Automation in words.

Now show the chickens how beautifully you pronounce the sound [ts] in words and determine where the sound ts is at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word or at the end of a word, and now color the pictures. (sheet with a diagram, song about the letter C)

7. Speech therapist: Look at the picture, let’s try to create a short story about our heroes. (The child composes sentences according to the diagram.)

1.The chicken laid an egg.

2. Chicken Chick hatched from the egg.

3.Chick loves to walk under the acacias.

4.Flowers bloom under the acacia trees.

5. Caterpillars are sitting on flowers.

6. The caterpillars look at the Chicken.

8. Work on the dictionary.

Speech therapist: Each cub has its own mother. This chicken's mother is a chicken.

Let's look at the picture together and name all the mothers.

Let's find the mother of a fox cub is a fox, the mother of a bear cub is a bear, the mother of a donkey is a donkey, the mother of a tiger cub is a tigress, the mother of a camel is a camel, the mother of an eaglet is an eagle, the mother of a lamb is a sheep, the mother of a little marten is a marten)

Speech therapist: Clever guy named everyone correctly.

What sound did we learn to pronounce beautifully today?

Today you coped with all the tasks perfectly, and the Ryaba Hen also laid a difficult Egg for you, but with a surprise.

Color the picture with the sound [ts] and the letter T at home.

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