Institute of Practical Personality Psychology. Institute of Integrative Psychotherapy and Practical Psychology Genesis

The Institute of Integrative Child Psychotherapy and Practical Psychology "Genesis" for more than 15 years, in partnership with the Vienna Institute OeKids, has been leading a Russian-Austrian training project in the field of child psychotherapy and practical psychology of children, adolescents, parents and infants.

Institute mission

Affirmation of the value of childhood. Humanization of the environment in which children grow up.

The Institute has developed and collected various methods of intrapsychic and interpersonal interventions aimed at the psychological protection of the child, restoring a sense of security and trust, which are the pillars of healthy personal development in the concept of a humanistic understanding of development.

The Institute supports the development of professional specialists who are capable of not only diagnosing, but, to a greater extent, ensuring the possible healthy development of a child through high-quality work with him and his environment.

Activities of the institute:

  • Psychotherapy for children.
  • Family counseling.
  • Child-parent play groups using the method of Integrative intrapsychic-interpersonal psychotherapy.
  • Psychological trainings for parents.
  • “Close People” support service for families with adopted children.
  • Family system arrangement “Through the eyes of a child.”
  • Organization of training seminars on special topics in the field of child/adolescent psychology and psychotherapy.
  • Organization of advanced training according to the program of the Vienna Institute for the certificate of a child psychotherapist, child/youth psychologist-consultant.
  • Supervisions and individual consultations for specialists.
  • Supervisions for organizations (schools, SRC centers, guardianship, CDN, etc.).
  • Organization of seminars with leading European experts in the field of family and child protection.
  • Translation of professional literature.
  • Media appearances.

Both at the member level and as an organization, the Institute takes part in various private initiatives, foundation projects, and regularly exchanges experiences for colleagues working for the benefit of the child in various institutions.

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The autonomous non-profit organization Scientific and Practical Institute of Personality Psychology at the Moscow School of Christian Psychology was created in May 2017 by Honored Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Psychology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education Boris Sergeevich Bratus.

The Institute brings together psychologists, philosophers, theologians and other humanities specialists.
The Institute works in project mode, implementing projects of various types together with partners.

Mission of the Institute

“To develop personality psychology in the context of Christian culture and civilization, to introduce the idea of ​​soul and spirit into the scientific thesaurus, as fundamental categories without consideration and consideration, of which the theory and practice of the human sciences will obviously be incomplete and flawed.”

Professor B.S. Brother

Goals and objectives of the Institute

The goal of the Institute is the formation and development of Christian personality psychology as a significant direction of modern psychological science and practice. Familiarizing society with the ideas and practices of Christian psychology.

The Institute sets itself the following tasks:

  1. Expanding scientific and practical connections of Christian personality psychology within the humanitarian field of research and related fields;
  2. Creation and holding of interdisciplinary seminars, conferences, symposiums, visiting scientific schools dedicated to personality psychology.
  3. Involving specialists from various fields of knowledge in dialogue and cooperation in the field of theoretical and practical personality psychology.
  4. Creation of educational programs of various formats.
  5. Organizing and conducting lecture courses on human psychology and related issues.
  6. Development and implementation of technologies, methods, models of psychological and psychotherapeutic significance.

Areas of activity of the Institute:

  1. Theoretical research (supervisor Bratus B.S.);
  2. Applied psychology (headed by Inina N.V.);
  3. Personal health (headed by A.V. Shuvalov);
  4. Adictology (headed by E.N. Protsenko).

Founders of the Scientific and Practical Institute of Personality Psychology

Participating in the activities of the Institute are:


Slobodchikov Viktor Ivanovich

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Chief Researcher at the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education.

Kop'ev Andrey Feliksovich

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Individual and Group Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychological Counseling, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, St. John the Evangelist Moscow Institute of Psychology.

Kravtsov Gennady Grigorievich

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of the St. John the Evangelist Institute of Psychology.

Krichevets Anatoly Nikolaevich

Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychology Methodology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, professor of the Faculty of Psychology of the St. John the Evangelist Moscow Institute of Psychology.

Alfried Langle

Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine. President of the International Society of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy

Christel Manske

Doctor of Pedagogy and Psychology, head of the Institute for the Development of Functional Brain Systems in Hamburg, author of many books and textbooks on working with special children

Associate Professors

Lyzlov Alexey Vasilievich

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Deputy Dean for Scientific Work of the Faculty of Psychology of the St. John the Evangelist Institute.

Kozharina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

Shuvalov Alexander Vladimirovich

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of the St. John the Evangelist Medical Institute, senior psychologist of the State Public Institution “Crisis Center for Assistance to Women and Children.”

Researchers, Christian psychologists

Priest Peter Kolomeitsev

Orthodox priest, Christian psychologist, specialist in the field of parish counseling and special psychology, dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the Saint John the Evangelist Institute.

Klimova Tatyana Anatolyevna

Christian psychologist, presenter of master classes and trainings, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology of the St. John the Evangelist Institute of Psychology.

Kharkovsky Arkady Nikolaevich

Psychologist-consultant. Teacher at the Center for Continuing Education, Faculty of Psychology, St. John the Evangelist Institute.

Lutkovskaya Elena Valerievna

Child and family psychologist.
Expert of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service on Family Structure. She conducts master classes and seminars on child-parent relationships, personality psychology, child and adolescent aggression, and difficult behavior.

The Institute cooperates with the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Department of General Psychology and Department of Psychology Methodology), Russian Academy of Education, Russian Psychological Society, Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow Orthodox Institute of St. John the Theologian, Institute of Synergetic Anthropology, “Old World” Foundation, Orthodox Help Center “Metanoia” (Moscow St. Danilov Stavropegial monastery), the International Society of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (GLE-International) Vienna, the Institute for the Development of Functional Brain Systems in Hamburg and other scientific and practical institutions.

Current projects of the institute:

Regular visiting school “Russian School of Christian Psychology”;

Website “Christian Psychology for People”.

Center for education, training and consulting "GENESIS PRACTIQUE"- a well-known educational center, partner of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in the field of additional education and professional retraining.

Areas of activity of the Center:

Training in practical psychology (long-term and short-term programs),

Management and organizational development consulting,

Psychological and business trainings.

Long-term and short-term training programs:

« Practical personality psychology in the field of interpersonal communication and business»


« Practical personality psychology

The training is focused on acquiring the profession of a practical psychologist; to master new ways of behavior and mastery of skills that increase the effectiveness of interpersonal communication and the decision-making process in one’s own professional activities (in management, in the legal field, in medicine, in business, in pedagogy, etc.); solving personal problems in private and business life.

« Practical psychology in business"(diploma from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University).

The training is aimed at increasing the personal and professional effectiveness of a manager, building a career in business, personnel management, personnel and management consulting, and conducting business training.

« Professional coaching"(diploma from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University).

The program is focused on training in individual consulting for top and middle management of companies to solve strategic and operational problems of the organization and professional career development, mastering the tools of business coaching and life coaching.

« Professional trainer"(certificate of the Center).

The training is focused on obtaining basic coaching skills, training technology, managing group dynamics, developing an individual trainer style, designing psychological and business training, and working with the structural components of training.

"Psychological training trainer" (certificate of the Center).

"Psychological counseling" (certificate of the Center),

Training courses are taught by professors and associate professors of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, as well as leading trainers and psychotherapists in Moscow. The Center, implementing its own original concept and proprietary teaching methods, collaborates with the departments of personality psychology (head – Doctor of Psychology, Prof. A. G. Asmolov) and general psychology (head – Doctor of Psychology, Prof. B. S. Bratus). More than two hundred students study simultaneously in six educational programs at the Center.

The Center's trainers develop and conduct psychological and business training. When developing and conducting, not only the task of training personnel in specific skills and abilities is taken into account, but also the characteristics of the company’s organizational culture, the stage of development of the organization and the nature of the tasks being solved.

The Center's specialists, certified graduates of the School of Management Consultants of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, are engaged in consulting on management and organizational development based on modern approaches and techniques.

Trainers, psychotherapists and coaches of the GENESIS PRACTITION Center conduct open thematic trainings and seminars.

Since 1999, more than nine hundred graduates have received MSU diplomas and Center certificates, who are in demand in the Moscow professional services market and successfully work as practical psychologists, business trainers, consultants and HR specialists. Some graduates created their own psychological centers and consulting companies. Today the Center, its partners and friends, listeners and graduates are a real professional community.

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