Interesting facts about the choleric character type. Emotional background of a choleric person

Incredible facts

Temperament type largely determines who we are, what we do, and why we do it.

The idea of ​​the existence of 4 temperaments: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic was invented 2000 years ago by Hippocrates. He argued that differences in personality were related to the fluid that predominated in the human body.

Choleric – yellow liver bile

Sanguine - heart blood

Melancholic – black bile of the kidneys

Phlegmatic - phlegm of the lungs

Thus, the predominance of one of the liquids made a person energetic and optimistic (sanguine), silent and sad (melancholic), passionate (choleric) or calm (phlegmatic).

Temperament and character

Temperament should not be confused with a person's personality. Personality is a combination of many human factors, while temperament is only one factor, albeit a very important one.

It is a need that motivates us to behave according to our natural innate tendencies. If it is not satisfied, the person will not feel good or function effectively.

Again, for example, let's take the temperament of a sanguine person. Being in the company of people and communication are its needs. If such a person does not regularly communicate and is not around people, he begins to worry and suffer from low self-esteem.

Each type of temperament has its own needs: a choleric person needs quick results, a sanguine person needs to be in the company of people, a phlegmatic person needs a stable environment, and a melancholic person needs a detailed plan.

Temperament type test

There are several tests to determine a person's temperament type. Since the pure type of temperament is quite rare, this test will help you determine which type of temperament you have predominates and which are secondary.

For this test you will need a piece of paper and a pen. The test consists of 20 questions with four answer options. Write the numbers of the questions from 1 to 20, and choose one of the most suitable answer options ( a, b, c or G). Once you have answered all the questions, count the total number of letters.

Choose one statement that suits you best.

A) I am fussy and restless

B) I am cheerful and cheerful

C) I am cool and calm

D) I am shy and shy

A) I am hot-tempered and uncontrollable

B) I am businesslike and energetic

C) I am thorough and consistent

D) I get lost in a new environment

A) I am straightforward and harsh towards other people

B) I tend to overestimate myself

C) I can wait

D) I doubt my abilities

A) I am not vindictive

B) if something stops interesting me, I quickly cool down

C) I strictly adhere to a system in my work and daily routine

D) I involuntarily adapt to the character of the interlocutor

A) my movements are jerky and abrupt

B) I fall asleep and wake up quickly

C) it’s hard for me to adapt to a new environment

D) I am timid and inactive

A) I am intolerant of the shortcomings of others

B) I am efficient and hardy

C) I am constant in my interests

D) I am easily wounded and sensitive

A) I'm impatient

B) I quit what I started

C) I am reasonable and careful

D) I find it difficult to establish contact with new people

A) my facial expressions are expressive

B) I speak quickly, loudly and clearly

C) I’m slow to get back to work

D) I am easily offended

A) I have fast, passionate speech

B) I quickly get involved in a new job

C) I easily control impulses

D) I am very impressionable

A) I work in spurts

B) I take on any new business with passion

C) I don’t waste my energy

D) I have quiet, weak speech

A) I am characterized by disorganization

B) I am persistent in achieving my goals

C) I am lethargic and inactive

D) I seek the sympathy of others

A) I quickly decide and act

B) in difficult situations I maintain my composure

C) I have an even relationship with everyone

D) I'm not sociable

A) I am proactive and decisive

B) I quickly grasp new things

C) I don’t like to chat in vain, I’m silent

D) I can easily tolerate loneliness

A) I strive for something new

B) I am always in a cheerful mood

B) I like neatness

D) I am timid and inactive

A) I'm stubborn

B) I am not constant in interests and inclinations

C) I have calm, even speech with stops

D) when I fail, I feel confused and depressed.

A) I have a tendency to get hot

B) monotonous painstaking work weighs me down

C) I am little susceptible to blame and approval

D) I have high demands on others and myself

A) I am a risk taker

B) I easily adapt to different circumstances

C) I finish what I started

D) I get tired quickly

A) I am characterized by sudden mood swings

B) I tend to get distracted

C) I have self-control

D) I am too sensitive to blame and approval

A) I can be aggressive, a bully

B) I am responsive and sociable

B) I am kind

D) I am suspicious and suspicious

A) I am resourceful in an argument

B) I easily cope with failures

C) I am patient and reserved

D) I tend to withdraw into myself


Now count the number of answers "a", "b", "c" and "d".

Multiply each number obtained by 5 to get a percentage.

For example, you got 7 answers “a”, 10 answers “b”, 2 answers “c” and 1 answer “d”.

"a"= 7*5=35%




The answers correspond to the following types of temperament:

"a" – choleric

"b" – sanguine

"v" – phlegmatic

"g" – melancholic

Thus, in the example we got that a person has a dominant sanguine temperament type ("b" = 50%), a secondary temperament type is choleric ("a" = 35%), and then in descending order is phlegmatic ("c" = 10 %) and melancholic ("g"=5%)

40% or more, this type of temperament is dominant in you.

If a certain type of temperament has gainedfrom 30 to 39%, this type of temperament is pronounced in you.

If a certain type of temperament has gainedfrom 20 to 29%, this type of temperament is moderate .

If a certain type of temperament has gainedfrom 10 to 19%, this type of temperament is weakly expressed in you .

Short temperament test

There is another quick way to determine temperament. It is based on the ancient Greek teaching about what fluid predominates in the human body.

So, answer all 2 questions:

1. Your hands and feet at normal temperature are usually:

A) warm

B) cold

2. Under normal conditions, your skin will usually:

B) wet

D) dry


AB – sanguine

AG - choleric

BV - phlegmatic

BG – melancholic

Temperament type Sanguine

Sanguine - very sociable person who likes to be around people. Of all the temperaments, the sanguine person is the easiest to communicate with. They bring energy and breathe life into any company with their mere presence. Their cheerfulness and humor illuminate everything around them.

They are an optimistic type of person who believes that life is a wonderful, fun-filled experience and should be lived to the fullest.

Inactivity causes them stress, as they live in a fast and active rhythm. This is the most impulsive of all temperaments.

The Sanguine person achieves great success in matters related to connections and communication, but is the least disciplined and organized type of all temperaments.

He is open, very enthusiastic, friendly, and very understanding of other people's feelings, but can be rude and inconsiderate.

It is difficult to call a sanguine person a devoted friend, since he does not like to commit himself to obligations, but simply wants to have fun. They live as if they have neither past nor future. They rarely admit their mistakes, but tend to exaggerate in order to look more successful in the eyes of others.

Since this type of temperament loves pleasure many sanguine people are prone to various kinds of addictions, as well as overeating.

A person with this type of temperament is willing to take on difficult tasks and will complete a task or project while his ego is fueled. However, at the slightest hint of their shortcomings, they quit.

They get upset easily if they are not appreciated and not reassured of love. They are very demanding in terms of love and affection, suffering from feelings of jealousy if the attention that belongs to them goes to someone else.

Characteristics of a sanguine person


    Attractive personality

    Talkative, good storyteller

    Soul of the company

    Good sense of humor

    Good memory for colors

    Emotional and convincing

    Enthusiastic and expressive

  • Curious

    Lives in the moment

    Changeable mood




    Tends to exaggerate


    Can't remember names

    May be intimidating to others

    Too carefree



  • Talks loudly and laughs

    Allowing circumstances to control you

    Gets angry easily

    Growing up is hard

Sanguine at work

    Takes the initiative at work

    Invents new activities

    Looks great

    Creative and bright

    Full of energy and enthusiasm

    Inspires others

    Captivates many

In the areas of: marketing, travel, fashion, cooking, sports, entertainment

Sanguine friend:

    Makes friends easily

    Loves people

    Thrives from compliments


    Many people envy him

    Doesn't hold a grudge

    Apologizes quickly

    Doesn't let others get bored

Sanguine child, teenager, adult


Pros: energetic and inquisitive, funny and sweet, walks a lot and makes various sounds, shows off, reacts vividly to people.

Cons: screams for attention, knows about his irresistibility, constantly needs company, often gets into trouble, self-centered.


Pros: Charming personality, bold and energetic, looks innocent, cheerful and enthusiastic, loves to have fun, gets going easily, enjoys the company of people.

Cons: does not complete things, disorganized, easily distracted, quickly loses interest, emotional ups and downs, demands recognition, forgetful and restless, tends to exaggerate.


Pros: knows how to charm others, daring, popular, life of the party, inventive and bright, knows how to please, quickly apologizes.

Cons: prone to deception, makes excuses, easily distracted, needs attention and approval, prone to cheating, finds school boring, immature, does not know how to handle money.


Emotional Needs: attention from other people, touch, approval of one’s actions, acceptance

Cause of depression: life has become boring, no hope for the future, feels unloved

How to get rid of stress : go shopping, have fun with friends, delicious food.

Energy level: receives a boost of energy from other people, frantic pace of life, periods of fatigue

Temperament type Choleric

This type of temperament is considered the most powerful and destructive of all. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world's most formidable dictators and criminals belonged to the choleric temperament. However, when they use their power for good, they are capable of becoming excellent leaders.

Cholerics are incredible resilient and unyielding. If they decide on something, they do not change their opinion, even if it is wrong.

Choleric people rarely listen to the advice of others. They want to have complete control over themselves and those around them. They are of the opinion that they know what is best and what is acceptable behavior for others.

They have serious anger management problems. Choleric people rarely express emotions such as love, tenderness, friendliness and empathy, but this can be compensated by a secondary type of temperament. In addition, on the part of other people, they consider these emotions inappropriate and useless.

Cholerics believe that no one can complete a task better than them. They tend to become overtired and can become nervous.. To achieve their goal, they are ready to do anything.

Unlike melancholic people, who see the shortcomings of a project before taking any action, choleric people do not see any pitfalls. The choleric will move regardless of the cost that is required, because for him the end justifies the means.
Cholerics are self-centered and often do not take into account the needs of others.

They are perfectionists, and they consider even their shortcomings to be flawless. It is difficult for them to admit that they are wrong.

Characteristics of a choleric person


    Born leaders

    Dynamic and active

    Strong need for change

    Strong-willed and decisive


    They're hard to break

    Independent and self-sufficient

    Exude self-confidence

    They take on any task


    They like to command



    Can't relax

    Too impulsive

    They like to argue

    Don't give up even when you lose

    Lack of flexibility


    They do not like displays of sentimentality and emotion.


Choleric at work


    Sees the big picture

    Organizes well

    Looking for a practical solution

    Moves quickly to action

    Distributes tasks

    Insists on his own

    Sets goals

    Stimulates activity

    Likes to argue

Most suitable professions in the field of: management, technology, statistics, engineering, programming, business

Choleric friend:

    Doesn't need a large circle of friends

    Will lead and organize

    Always right

    Copes well with unexpected situations

Choleric child, teenager, adult


Pros: decisive look, fearless, energetic, sociable, fast development

Cons: demanding, loud and noisy, throws things, sleeps poorly


Pros: natural leader, courageous and energetic, productive, goal-oriented, fast-moving, self-sufficient, competitive, self-confident

Cons: controls parents, tends to manipulate, is capricious, restless, insists on his own, likes to argue, stubborn, disobedient.


Pros: aggressive, competent, quickly organizes any business, takes leadership, solves problems, self-confident, stimulates others, knows how to act in a critical situation, good potential, responsible.

Cons: likes to command, controls his friends, thinks he knows everything, tends to look down on, becomes unpopular at times, decides for others, can be offensive, does not like to repent, blames others.


Emotional needs: devotion of the crowd, sense of power, appreciation, gratitude for one's actions

Cause of depression: life out of control, problems with money, work, spouse, children or health

How to get rid of stress: work more, engage in physical activity, avoid difficult situations

Energy level: excess energy, needs to reboot

Temperament type Phlegmatic

To the observer it seems phlegmatic slow and stubborn. People of phlegmatic temperament move through life slowly, slowly, spending as little energy as possible.

It is difficult to say whether phlegmatic people really lack energy, or whether they simply refuse to use it.

They are problem-oriented and very efficient if the work requires precision, thoroughness and a minimum of energy.

Perhaps the world will never know those brilliant thoughts, great books and works of art that were consigned to oblivion by the phlegmatic. They rarely use their ideas and talents, since bringing them to life requires a lot of effort.

The phlegmatic sits and watches as representatives of other temperament types make mistakes and notes what needs to be changed in this world in order for everything to be right. They are excellent at detecting cases of any injustice, but very rarely take any action against this injustice. They can inspire others to take action, but they themselves will not personally participate in this.

A phlegmatic person is the only type of temperament that a choleric person cannot control (which makes the choleric person terribly angry).

This is the most stable temperament. He can also be called the most stubborn when it comes to change. Since he tends not to interfere in other people's affairs, he can be a good mediator and diplomat. Peace at any cost is the motto of a phlegmatic person.

A phlegmatic person is not afraid of being rejected and can easily cope with a cold and hostile person. They are calm, carefree, and not subject to outbursts of emotion, anger, or feelings of bitterness, like other types of temperaments. Their restraint and coldness can sometimes hurt loved ones.

Characteristics of a phlegmatic person



    Flexible and calm



    Tends to be constant

    Silent but witty

    Friendly and kind

    Tends to hide his emotions

    Easily comes to terms with his fate

    Universal man


    Lack of enthusiasm

    Fearful and anxious


    Avoids responsibility

    Weak will


    Too shy and secretive

    Compromises too often


Phlegmatic at work:

    Competent and constant

    Peace-loving and executive

    Possesses administrative skills

    Serves as a mediator when problems arise

    Avoids conflicts

    Capable of working under pressure

    Finds easy ways

Most suitable professions in the field of: medicine, education, psychology and psychotherapy, child development, social service

Phlegmatic friend

    He's easy to get along with

    Pleasant to talk to


    Good listener

    Dry sense of humor

    Likes to watch people

    Capable of compassion

Phlegmatic child, teenager, adult


Pros: good-natured, unpretentious, joyful, easily adaptable

Cons: slow, modest and aloof, indifferent, unresponsive


Pros: observes others, easy to cheer, does not cause problems, stable, pleasant, calm

Cons: selfish, indecisive, avoids work, fearful, a little stubborn, lazy and sleepy, watches a lot of TV.


Pros: pleasant personality, witty, good listener, can be a mediator in solving problems, can lead if pushed, serious attitude

Cons: indecisive, unenthusiastic, compromises too often, lacks motivation, sarcastic, remains aloof, procrastinates.


Emotional needs: peace and tranquility, sense of importance, lack of stress, respect

Cause of depression: chaos in life, many problems, pressure from outside

How to cope with stress : organize your life, turn off the TV, eat and sleep regularly

Energy level: Lowest energy level, needs rest, feels drained around people

Temperament type: Melancholic

Melancholic people have very sensitive, emotional nature, and feelings sometimes take over them. Emotions can lift their mood to unprecedented heights, and the rest of the time they remain in a depressed and gloomy state. However, a secondary temperament often balances out this trait.

Melancholic people need to learn to convey their emotions, as they try to protect and protect themselves emotionally. They often demonstrate their love through loyalty and responsibility towards the other person.

If a melancholic person makes full use of his strengths, he is capable of great and wonderful achievements. When they give in to their weaknesses, they are prone to self-destructive behavior.

A pure melancholic person is an introvert and a loner. Melancholic people are goal-oriented, they are perfectionists and often set the bar too high for themselves and the people around them.

They can be called very loyal to their friends and family. If a melancholic person makes a promise, he will keep it. These are creative people, but prone to deep depression. They can also be called secretive and quite serious.

They are independent, do not respond to promises and rewards, or to the threat of punishment. They are rarely satisfied with the result because they feel they can do it better. They have a realistic view of what is happening. Melancholic people know their limits and rarely take on more than they can handle.

Melancholic temperament most focused on himself. Due to their sensitive nature, they are easily offended or insulted. They may be suspicious and come to unfounded conclusions. They are prone to introspection to such an extent that it can lead to inactivity and loss of energy, as well as other problems.

A melancholic person may be calm and quiet on the outside, but feel angry or deeply resentful on the inside. They keep these feelings to themselves until they build up and one day explode.

Characteristics of a melancholic person


    Deep and thoughtful

    Analytical mind

    Serious and focused


    Talented and creative

    Artistic and musical

    Ability for philosophy or poetry

    Connoisseur of beauty

    Sensitive to others





    Remembers negative moments

    Tendency to mood swings and depression

    Likes to be offended

    Head in the clouds

    Low self-esteem

    Selectively listens

    Concentrated on himself


    Often feels guilty

    Prone to persecution mania

    Prone to hypochondria

Melancholic at work

    Sticks to schedule

    Perfectionist, sets high standards

    Pays attention to details

    Persistent and thorough




    Sees problems

    Finds non-standard solutions

    Loves graphs and lists

Most suitable professions and in the fields of: research, arts, science, administration, social work

Melancholic friend

    Makes friends with caution

    Prefers to stay in the shadows

    Tries not to attract attention to himself

    Devoted and faithful

    Ready to listen to complaints

    Can solve other people's problems

    Concerned about other people

    Looking for the perfect partner

Melancholic child, teenager, adult


Pros: serious and quiet, well behaved, tries to please, loves routine

Cons: does not like strangers, looks sad, can cry easily, is attached to parents


Pros: thoughtful, talented, musical and artistic, loves to dream, good friend, perfectionist, deep, responsible.

Cons: subject to mood swings, complains and fusses, lacks self-confidence, overly sensitive, focuses on the negative, withdraws into himself, sees problems, uncommunicative.


Pros: good student, creative, loves to explore, organized and goal-oriented, sets high standards, conscientious, sensitive to others, pleasant personality

Cons: strives too much for perfection, is prone to depression and critical, inferiority complex, suspicious, low self-esteem, vindictive, needs encouragement


Emotional needs: sensitivity and understanding, support when feeling down, space to be alone, silence and the absence of other people

Cause of depression: life is imperfect, unbearable emotional pain, lack of understanding

How to cope with stress: distance yourself from people, read, start studying something, meditate, go to bed on time

Energy level: Average energy level, depleted in the presence of people, needs peace and quiet

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Who are they - phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine? Have you often come across these words? In fact, these are 4 possible types of human temperament used in most currently available theories (Pavlova, Eysenck).

Curious to know who is who? How does a phlegmatic person differ from a choleric person and who, for example, is it better to be - a melancholic person or a sanguine person? And it’s even more interesting to understand who you are. After this, you begin to look at the world with different eyes.

Temperament, after all, determines the characteristics of a person’s behavior. It's a bit like a horoscope where you read about your zodiac sign and find similarities. But here it's the other way around. You need to read the description of all temperaments and understand which one you are closest to (pass the simplest logical test).

Today we will talk about the psychological characteristics of people with different temperaments, about their capabilities and purpose. We will also find out How to understand what type your personality is closest to(using a simple test) and we will give a visual psychological portrait of each of these temperaments, in which you will definitely find traits that are inherent to you personally.

Types of temperament according to Hans Eysenck (test)

Hans Eysenck's classification is currently the most famous. This scientist is for to carry a person to one of the 4 main types of temperament (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic) I used only two scales:

  1. Neuratism(emotionality) - it characterizes the degree of emotional instability of a given person, his inherent anxiety and tendency to depression. To put it simply, this indicator indicates whether this person is self-possessed or, conversely, extremely nervous and prone to go to extremes. A person with a high level of neuroticism will be impressionable, anxious and unsure of himself. Moreover, all these features manifest themselves not only in stressful situations, but also in everyday life. High neuroticism does not mean that this person is neurotic, but the chances of him becoming one are very high under prolonged stress.
  2. Extraversion and introversion. A high score on extraversion implies that this person is focused on the outside world, on other people and on interacting with them (always with people). Extroverts are impulsive, optimistic, easily take risks and are not afraid to interact with other people. Introversion, on the contrary, characterizes people who are withdrawn, immersed in their thoughts or emotions. However, introverts themselves are emotionally reserved, have a narrow circle of friends and prefer to keep their distance from the people around them. If you have already read my publication, then you know that introverts never take risks, they think everything over.

That is, according to Hans Eysenck temperament is formed from just two variables- the degree of neuroticism and the degree of extraversion inherent in each individual person. As a result, this whole thing can be presented in the form of a graph, where neuroticism (excitability of the psyche) is plotted along the vertical axis, and extraversion (the degree of unsociability) is plotted along the horizontal axis:

Different people have different degrees of these parameters, but it is from their combination that the temperament of a particular individual (person) is formed.

Enough it will be difficult to find sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic in its purest form, but usually this is not required. It’s enough to simply understand what signs a person has more and which of these 4 types of temperament he is more likely to be classified as.

Just looking at the above graph we can say with confidence that:

- this is a person who is characterized by high degrees of both neuroticism and extraversion (a sort of “city madman”, if you approach this with humor). It has the highest level of excitability and the lowest level of mental inhibition.

This makes it active, hot-tempered(sometimes even aggressive) with constantly changing moods. A choleric person speaks quickly and, as a rule, with active gestures and facial expressions. At the same time, he is unable to control his emotions.

- this is a person who is characterized by a high degree of neuroticism, but low extraversion (such people are not very sociable).

Melancholic people are extremely susceptible and sensitive in relation to the external environment. Because of this, unlike choleric people, they do not show their emotions (of which they have a lot due to high neuroticism), but keep them to themselves (they often have problems with that). They closed and conservative.

is a balanced person capable of controlling his emotions (calm choleric). He can quickly change his plans and adapt quickly to external circumstances. If some activity is interesting to him, then he is able to be very active.

A sanguine person is a sociable and cheerful person, but to some extent frivolous and incapable of any long-term activity (work or relationships).

- This is a person who is distinguished by excellent calm. Its very it's hard to get angry and disrupt his internal emotional balance. This is associated with his low adaptation to changes and difficulty in switching activities. From the outside it seems that phlegmatic people are slow and very reserved.

Everything is the same, but in the format of a video medley on entertaining psychology:

This is exactly the classification given in the theory of Hans Eysenck and I like it because it is easier to apply in everyday life. In this case Eysenck temperament test will look extremely simple:

There are other versions of the theory of temperaments. For example, as many as sixteen types are considered, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Sanguine - who is he and what are his characteristics?

This type of temperament is, in fact, average representative of humanity and, as it were, an unofficial norm (in any case, Academician Pavlov thought so, considering all other types of temperament to be deviations from this norm).

Choleric - who is it?

Phlegmatic - his personality characteristics

Melancholic - who is he?

It remains to consider only one type of temperament.

  1. A melancholic person has a rather weak nervous system (prone to emotional outbursts). This means that he is incapable of long periods of stress and has high distractibility. In this regard, they, by the way, do not respond very well to hypnosis - they are too distracted and are unable to concentrate.
  2. At the same time, the nervous system of the melancholic person is stuck. Therefore, know that if you offend such a person with something, he will remember it for the rest of his life.
  3. It would seem that such a nervous system should allow one to concentrate on some goal (get stuck), but the problem is that with any failure, the melancholic person gives up and does not make any more attempts.
  4. people are the most sensitive of all personality types to the external environment, so they see subtleties that no other person (with a different temperament) would ever notice. Including subtleties in the behavior of other people.
  5. A melancholic person distinguishes shades of emotions and people’s behavior much better than others, although at the same time he himself sometimes seems unemotional and is often confused with a phlegmatic person.
  6. The speed of the nervous system of a melancholic person is quite high, which, however, is not particularly manifested on the outside (all emotions seethe inside a person).
  7. Outwardly, a melancholic person looks inhibited, but unlike a phlegmatic person, he is also emotionally charged.
  8. The thought processes of a melancholic person proceed rapidly and one thought quite quickly replaces another.
  9. A melancholic person is an introvert (the internal idea is more important than external stimuli), but he is already mostly immersed in his emotions, and not thoughts, like a phlegmatic person. At the same time, his facial expressions and gestures are not expressive, because he tries not to show his feelings outwardly (and, as a rule, there are many of these feelings).
  10. Such people have a rather weak ego. They are, in principle, able to restrain their expression, but are not able to restrain their impulses and emotions. For example, it is very difficult for such a person to get up in the morning with an alarm clock.
  11. Melancholic is the most maladaptive personality type. As a rule, he cannot find a common language with anyone and practically does not adhere to social norms and rules.
  12. A person with such a temperament takes a very long time to adapt to a particular activity or environment. This is again due to a weak nervous system and the anxiety that this weakness gives rise to.
  13. That is, a melancholic person is at the same time a very anxious type. Any minor external stimulus already causes tension in him. In this regard, these are the people most often.
  14. He is not interested in communicating with other people (he is an introvert), and he does not accept throwing out his emotions like a choleric person. Although, there are exceptions. A melancholic person can talk for a long time on a topic that is interesting to him. If the topic is not his, he will remain silent. In this regard, this temperament is undeservedly attributed to silence and shyness, which in fact is completely wrong.
  15. Melancholic people are more rational than choleric people, because they suppress their emotions. In this regard, a person with such a temperament is best suited for individual work (not in a team), but where no severe tension is required (this is the battlefield of phlegmatic people) and clear deadlines.
  16. And, of course, creative work is good, and not acting like choleric people, but creating something new, such as a designer, director, or scientist.
  17. Melancholic people are the most trainable personality type. That is, they learn the fastest and their skills remain for a long time. At the same time, melancholic people teach others quite well, because they always go deeply into the topic. And it is this type of people that is the main driver of science. Genius is most often inherent in melancholic people, and also phlegmatic people.
  18. A melancholic person gets along with people for a very long time, but can break up almost instantly. That is, such people are sometimes characterized by a sharp change of opinion.
  19. People belonging to this type of temperament most often communicate with phlegmatic people (they burden them the least). They hate choleric people, unless it is a creature of the opposite sex (options are possible here). At the same time, they are monogamous and capable of long-term relationships.
  20. It is very difficult to say about the leadership qualities of melancholic people. He has all the data for this (intelligence, the ability to quickly grasp everything), but communication overstrains their nervous system, and is often simply uninteresting. Therefore, he quickly loses all motivation for some kind of leadership.
  21. Melancholic people react differently to conflicts. Basically, they slow down and fall into a stupor, not allowing their emotions to come out.

Conclusions on determining the type of temperament

It is important to understand that although temperament is a certain innate structure of the psyche, the above description should not be perceived as dogma. There are types that are pure enough to be able to distinguish one from the other. But any temperament is always refracted through social constructs, in which man lives.

And in general, the older a person becomes, the more socially adapted he becomes and the more certain boundaries between temperaments blur.

On the other hand, I don't believe in inherent equality and the ability to become whoever you want to be. You need to understand that, for example, from a melancholic person the same work with people will require much greater mental expenditure than from a sanguine person. And at the same time, the sanguine person will be much happier due to his natural social adaptation.

Well, in conclusion, I can’t resist showing a picture from my childhood (I had a Bidstrup album at home) that perfectly shows the relationship between diametrically opposed temperaments (in this case, phlegmatic and choleric):

P.S. I'm a phlegmatic person, so I always liked this drawing. We can say that he has become :)

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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“A combative, perky, easily and quickly irritated type” - this is how the famous physiologist Pavlov characterized the choleric person, having developed a classification of types of the nervous system and correlating them with types of temperament.

The ancients (lat. temperamentum- “proper proportion of parts”). Hippocrates believed that a person belongs to one type or another depending on the predominance of a certain fluid in his body. The predominance of blood gives us, lymph -, bile - choleric, and black bile -.

As can be seen from this classification, temperament is a biological characteristic of a person; it is given to us at birth and does not change. Our character is transformed - something that is formed during a person’s life under the influence of temperament.

Despite its conventionality, this classification is still popular today. The type of temperament is determined in children at school, at psychological consultations, at home (those who are interested in popular psychology).

What do tests give to determine the type of temperament? They help determine the speed of nervous processes, how excitable a person is, how strong and stable feelings and emotions he is able to experience. Such tests will not tell us what a person’s character is, his level of intelligence, whether this or that person is sociable or reserved, decent or dishonest. This refers to the categories of character, intellectual and emotional development of the individual, but not temperament.

Nature’s need to conquer new lands and decisively overcome obstacles created choleric people, as one version of the origin of temperaments says. To attract the masses to these new lands, nature created the sociable, the able-bodied were born to painstakingly develop these lands, and the anxious and highly sensitive were born to sensitively respond to the first signs of danger.

Who is a choleric person?

High speed and strength of emotional processes characterize choleric people. A person of choleric temperament quickly succumbs to any emotion, be it joy, delight, anger or despair, and experiences them with extraordinary strength. His reaction is quick, but the cooling of feelings and emotions is similar. Such a person is able to move from one state to another quickly. He may say something and immediately regret his words. A choleric person works in jerks - the processes of excitation and inhibition quickly replace each other. But during periods of activity, this type is capable of moving mountains; this type of temperament belongs to the category of strong.

How to find out

  • Fast pace of speech
  • Sudden and jerky movements
  • Doesn't like to sit in one place
  • Likes to be in the thick of things
  • Easily makes new acquaintances
  • Individualist, confident in the correctness of his decisions and not inclined to succumb to the influence of others


  • Energy
  • Ability to quickly and decisively start new projects
  • The ability to devote yourself to what you love with passion
  • Leadership and the ability to initiate new endeavors
  • High stress resistance


  • Harshness and lack of restraint in communication
  • Tendency to not finish what you start
  • Tendency to underestimate one's strength and, as a result, rapid exhaustion
  • Sudden mood changes
  • Hot temper

How to communicate

Be tolerant and do not be offended if a choleric person suddenly flares up. This is especially important when communicating with children. Set an example of calm and balance for children, teach them to overcome difficulties step by step.

Be prepared to be persistent if the choleric person gives up the job halfway through. Or be prepared to finish it yourself.

Encourage the initiative of the choleric person - his undoubted advantage is the ability to bring energy and enthusiasm to any business.

Smooth out the rough edges in dealing with a choleric person and understand that you will sometimes have to play the role of a peacemaker in his relationships with others.

Choleric- this is one of the temperaments that Hippocrates described in his theory. According to Hippocrates, the name of the temperament “choleric” means “bile”, which comes from the Greek “chole”. A choleric person's characteristics include the following main qualities: impetuosity, determination, quick reaction, passion for one's work, and the ability to overcome many life difficulties on one's own. Emotionally, he is a rather stormy person, strong, unbalanced, and very unstable in his moods.

The pure type of choleric person is actually very rare to meet. Each person combines the qualities of several temperaments, but one of them can be dominant. determined by the state in which a person finds himself most of the time. Therefore, every person should know what temperament and characteristics he has in order to be able to correct some qualities if they interfere with the full functioning and activity of the individual.

Choleric is dominant, he is harsh, stubborn and a little arrogant, which pushes people away from him.

The temperament of a choleric person is characterized by a desire aimed at achieving a certain ideal. Cholerics never sit idle, they are in constant motion, if they have nothing to do, they will still be able to find something to do. Thus, due to the characteristics of their character, choleric men occupy leadership positions and become managers at different levels, because their character traits and the ability to captivate people help them achieve their goals by any means.

With their mobility, choleric people infect everyone around them. But often they are surrounded by people who cannot withstand such a rapid pace as theirs.

Cholerics can be very different. Some may try to be sensitive and channel their energy in the right direction without hurting other people's feelings. Others can be tyrants, using their aggressiveness, dominance and against others.

Choleric people have innate leadership qualities. A choleric person is not always an extrovert, but he loves to be the center of attention. Thanks to his qualities, he can win over people and win their attention.

A person of a choleric type of temperament always has his own opinion on everything, he doesn’t care what other people think about him, how they perceive him, because he knows his own worth. The choleric person is an active initiator and participant in disputes that can turn into... Tends to increase tension in discussions, which actually often leads to deterioration of relationships with others.

Cholerics are very sociable, but they cannot create a strong alliance with every person.

Compatibility between a choleric person and a choleric person is practically impossible, since both may sooner or later suffer from excess information, quarrels, disputes and finding out who is in charge in the relationship.

The compatibility of a choleric person with a sanguine person is not satisfactory enough. They can spend some fun and wild time together, but in a long-term relationship they will have to go through certain setbacks and learn to accept the opposite point of view.

The compatibility of a choleric person with a melancholic person leaves much to be desired. Too vulnerable and too hot-tempered temperaments can complement each other, but only if they make mutual compromises.

The most ideal is the compatibility of a choleric person with a phlegmatic person. A measured and calm phlegmatic person will be able to cool down the ardor of a choleric person, and the latter, in turn, will teach the phlegmatic person to be more decisive.

Who is choleric

Choleric characteristics and its main features: independent, decisive, self-sufficient, hot-tempered, impulsive, restless, very active in any activity, always sets a task or goal to which it strives.

The temperament of a choleric person is characterized by sudden changes in mood, which occurs due to instability of the nervous system. Possessing a quick reaction, he is capable of grasping information on the fly. The character of a choleric person is manifested in his sharp and expressive gestures, in multifaceted facial expressions. Although everyone knows how emotional and unrestrained the character of a choleric person is, in matters regarding serious things, he is guided by his mind, not his heart. Therefore, he can even hide his emotions when necessary.

Choleric description of appearance: thin asthenic physique, well-developed limbs, oval-shaped face, smooth forehead tapering upward, sharp chin, long legs. Of course, there are representatives of the choleric type of temperament with other body types, but, according to observational data, these are the external signs of choleric people that predominate.

The character of a choleric person is leadership, he knows how to lead - this is innate to him, and people really often listen to his opinion and follow him. A choleric person is helped in creating a successful career by a clear vision of his goal, the desire to dominate, amazing organization and the ability to manage. Therefore, choleric people often become politicians, lawyers or financiers. They are born strategists, but only in the creation of tactics. In most cases, they cannot implement this strategy because they are hampered by a lack of tact and lack of patience. People with an inherent choleric temperament are analytical; they can quickly and efficiently analyze any situation and instantly make a difficult decision.

A choleric person in most cases is an optimistic and active person; only due to difficult life circumstances can he be sad and indifferent. In family relationships, choleric people like to take the initiative and be the head of the family, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man. Although a choleric person is a freedom-loving and proactive person, he needs the support of loved ones. Most often, he is more comfortable when there are calm and balanced people around him, who are ready to get along with him, with his difficult and domineering character, and accept their place in the “background.”

In friendships, choleric people are valued quite highly. They are valued for their stable optimistic character, for their willingness to help a loved one in difficult situations. Cholerics are forgiven for their pathological desire for idealism, but are loved for their reliability.

Cholerics are loyal and quite reliable friends, ready to offer their strong shoulder at any time, for which they deserve trust.

Cholerics have such a wonderful quality as nobility. That’s why they are so brave, fair, ready to sacrifice themselves, save someone, and find the truth. They solve problems that arise very quickly, so it turns out that they put other people on a level lower than themselves, because they do not see in them the necessary enthusiasm, the energy that they want to see. They truly do not understand how one can be slow and dull, or how one can allow others to behave unfairly towards them, to obey the unfair rules of others.

A choleric person has a tendency towards loneliness, since he cannot find the right person who would go hand in hand with him. The choleric person is quite sociable, but most cannot withstand his rhythm. The choleric person also needs people in his environment, not only for the sake of communication, but also in order to have someone to dominate and lead, which is impossible to do in a state of loneliness. Choleric needs a cohesive team.

Cholerics perceive everything through the prism of achieving a goal. They can seriously analyze even the most trivial situations, such as the grocery shopping process. They clearly set a goal for themselves, what is most important to them, then minor things, then they think through the strategy of moves in the supermarket, in various departments, so that they can complete the task as quickly as possible.

The choleric person wants to keep his true emotions under control and tries not to show them off. But he doesn’t always succeed, because his face can tell you about all the exciting emotions. If, during communication, a choleric person hears something unpleasant for himself, he will not immediately find out the reasons for this behavior, but will flare up and in this fervor can cause physical harm or, in response, insult the interlocutor and effectively leave. But time passes, he calms down, returns and calmly begins to find out what the actual reason is.

If a choleric person does not have self-control in relationships with other individuals, then in situations of trouble he can control himself and gather all his strength together. Choleric people manage to remain calm and have a cool mind, they do not panic, they try to find ways out of the problem. Despite his high sense of purpose, a choleric person may sometimes not correctly assess his capabilities and, as a result, distribute his obligations ineffectively. Because of this, he often puts off some things until last, and may forget about them for a while, but return to them later.

The character of a choleric person and the characteristics of his temperament at work: thanks to his innate leadership abilities, he can become an excellent manager or organizer, since for such work it is necessary to be able to make several decisions at once. For a choleric person, work with frequent business trips, new projects, new colleagues, lively and active communication with different people are well suited - all this charges him with positivity and energy, the desire to work hard and effectively. For people of the choleric type of temperament, the feeling of a sense of significance for his loved ones is very important.

Choleric description of the pros and cons. The advantages or strengths of the choleric temperament include an inexhaustible flow of energy, the desire to defend one's ideals, enthusiasm for work, a keen sense of justice, quick decision-making, determination, and sociability.

Disadvantages or negative qualities of choleric people: excessive or inappropriate irritability, conflict, rudeness, inability to wait, too acute reactivity, desire to dominate. Often their first reaction is not always adequate, which is why they may offend others and not always apologize for it.

Cholerics tend to defend those whose rights are being infringed upon, even when these people do not require such fierce protection. Due to the expressed desire to command everyone, choleric people are not accepted and are pushed away.

Parents with a choleric type of temperament are too demanding of their children and may desire almost unconditional submission. Such parents may explode emotionally because the child is doing something wrong or does not understand what they want from him. They may even engage in assault towards a child, or towards their partner.

Choleric characteristics of men

A choleric man who is a parent raises his children in a dominant style of behavior. He can be a despot and demand unquestioning obedience from children, but only in extreme cases, and so, he is quite capable of showing love, sensitivity and caring towards children. He tries to raise his child in the best possible way, to teach him determination, mainly by demonstrating examples from his own experience.

A choleric man who has created a strong family also considers himself a leader, so he is an ideal husband, since he can take upon himself all the concern for the well-being of the family.

A choleric man will never allow a woman to command him or dominate in a relationship; he knows that he is a representative of the stronger sex, and therefore acts according to this. He knows that if there is a conflict in the family, he must still take care of the material well-being of the family and ensure the safety of loved ones.

A choleric man, much more than a choleric woman, tries to control everything that surrounds him. If he doesn’t quite succeed in this at work, then he comes home with frustration, where he throws out all the negative emotions.

If, nevertheless, a choleric man in the family becomes a tyrant, then the child has to suffer from constant screaming, while the wife does not dare to say a word against him. It is very difficult to change such a character, because it has been formed for many years. But it is possible to correct some traits if a person is already crossing the boundaries of what is accessible, the main thing is to persuade him to change.

The choleric man is self-sufficient and rather eccentric, he has pronounced leadership qualities, and since school he has shown them by gathering around him a company that is ready to follow him everywhere. He needs others to rule over them.

Often men with choleric temperament become successful businessmen and lawyers, which is facilitated by their quick reaction to difficulties, ability to analyze the situation and organize the work process. Thanks to continuous activity leading to impressive results, a choleric man quickly moves up the career ladder. Such a man is very sociable, he avoids loneliness. He has many friends and acquaintances who appreciate his generosity, fairness and reliability.

Choleric characteristics of women

A choleric woman is a strong, strong-willed and ambitious person. She is quite capable of setting difficult but achievable goals for herself, and always tries to do everything to get what she wants. A choleric woman is entirely capable of financially supporting herself or her entire family. She easily learns new things and loves to try new things (food, sports, books, work).

A choleric woman loves to dominate and lead subordinates or family members. Therefore, such a woman’s husband should be softer and more pliable than she is. It is rare to see a woman of choleric temperament sitting at home doing what housewives usually do while life passes by. Therefore, such women take on any interesting activity, every opportunity to act in a new way, conquer new heights, and develop spiritually and physically.

A choleric woman prefers to wear pants or a business pantsuit rather than a dress or various colorful skirts. Such women like to have “boyish” haircuts, do not follow fashion trends, do not wear jewelry, and rarely get their ears pierced. For them, the priority is convenience and action, rather than romantic femininity and slowness.

The best compatibility of a choleric woman is with a calm, caring, patient man, best of all a phlegmatic type of temperament, only he can accept such a high activity of such a woman.

Choleric child characteristics

A choleric child resembles a “tornado” or “hurricane”, or both at once. Such a child very violently expresses any of his reactions to events around him. If he watches a performance at the circus, then his admiration and surprise know no bounds, and for a long time afterwards he tells how delighted he is. If something bad happened to him, for example, he was forbidden to eat sweets, then he will cry, scream through tears, get angry, which, by the way, he manipulates very skillfully, since his parents, who do not have the strength to endure his cry, break down and still They give him what was previously forbidden.

A choleric child can become irritated over any trifle, tirelessly demonstrate his dissatisfaction, after which it is very difficult to calm him down. In games, he prefers to be the leader; he loves noisy and active games.

A choleric child is “a perpetual motion machine.” He can get so carried away by the game that he won’t even notice the passing of an hour and won’t be able to stop. This occurs due to emotional-affective imbalance and rapid nervous response. Such a child needs frequent changes of impressions, because he gets used to it very quickly and becomes uninteresting. But too long and strong new impressions tire him very much.

Such a child’s ability to be irritated and hot-tempered over trifles is simply incredible, and he has practically no patience. If he created something, for example, a tower with a construction set and calls his mother to look, then she should, the very second she heard the call, drop everything and run to see what her child has built. Otherwise, she faces a dose of anger.

The activity of a choleric child is uneven and pulsating. If he is just starting to do something, he will do it very enthusiastically, energetically and with great enthusiasm, but as soon as the first wave of exciting emotions passes, the child no longer knows what new things to do with himself. Neither he himself nor anyone else can occupy his attention with one thing for a long time, this makes him very tired. Such a nervous decline and loss of strength result in irritability, which increases with intensity, and turns into, or into a nervous breakdown.

If a child cannot put the toys in the required order or cannot stack them one on top of the other the way he imagined, then he will soon indignantly scatter these toys all over the room. If someone with the best intentions enters that room, he will fall under the hot hand. After all the words have been spoken, the choleric child will cry from anger, his own powerlessness and lack of understanding of those around him. Therefore, for choleric children, the period of early childhood, when all skills are just being formed and opportunities do not allow them to do more than they want, is very difficult. It is important that the parents of a child with choleric temperament correctly dose all activities so that the child can learn something new without getting too tired.

A choleric child is always the center of attention - at home, in the garden, on a walk, at school, at play. He is able to make everything work out the way he wants and get everything he wants. Fortunately, a child cannot be in such an excited state all the time, so if everything is fine, if he is happy with everything, then he is affectionate, sweet, flexible and responsive.

In adolescence, it is most difficult to manage a choleric person, since he has enough freedom and the ability to move independently, he is characterized by hyperactivity, affective expression of emotions and aggressive behavior.

- this is an individual property of a person, which to the greatest extent depends on his innate, natural psychophysiological qualities. Temperament is an individual characteristic of a person in terms of the characteristics of his mental activity, such as intensity, speed, pace of mental processes.

Typically, three areas of manifestation of temperament are distinguished: the level of general activity, characteristics of the motor sphere and the level of emotionality.

General activity determined by the degree of intensity of human interaction with the environment - natural and social. There are two extremes here. One type of people is distinguished by its clearly expressed lethargy and passivity, and the other by its high activity and speed in action. Representatives of other temperaments are located between these two poles.

Motor or motor activity expressed in the speed and sharpness of movements, in the tempo of speech, as well as in external mobility or, conversely, slowness, talkativeness or silence.

Emotionality - is expressed in the rapidity of changes in emotional states, sensitivity to emotional influences, and sensitivity.

Since antiquity, temperament has always been associated with the physiological characteristics of the human body. Hippocrates(V century BC) described four types of temperament, determined by the fluid that supposedly predominates in the body: sanguine(from lat. sanguis- blood), choleric(from Greek chole- bile), phlegmatic(from Greek phlegma- mucus) and melancholic(from Greek melainachole- black bile). Hippocrates understood temperaments in a purely physiological sense.

In the 18th century Four psychological types were compared with the Hippocratic types of temperament, which marked the beginning of a psychological line in the study of temperaments. Common everyday ideas about temperaments at present are not much different from the ideas of the 18th century: choleric temperament is associated with irritability, sanguine with cheerfulness, phlegmatic with calmness, and melancholic with sadness and vulnerability.

In modern psychology, temperament is defined as constant and stable natural personality traits that determine the dynamics of mental activity, regardless of its content.

The properties of temperament include extraversion and introversion, the pace of reactions, plasticity and rigidity.

Extraversion-introversion- temperament characteristics introduced K. Jung - determine the dependence of a person’s reaction and activity on external impressions arising at the moment (extrovert), or on the internal mental processes and states of a person (introvert). Extroverts include sanguine and choleric, and introverts include phlegmatic and melancholic.

Reaction rate characterizes the speed of mental processes and reactions (speed of mind, rate of speech, dynamics of gestures). The rate of reactions is increased in choleric people, sanguine people and well-rested melancholic people and decreased in phlegmatic people and tired melancholic people. People with a fast pace of reactions and low sensitivity (sanguine and choleric) do not notice. that others (phlegmatic and melancholic) do not have time to follow the course of their thoughts, and on the basis of this they make completely unfounded conclusions about their mental abilities, which can cause direct damage to relationships between people, in particular business relationships.

Inactivity - the degree of involuntary reactions to external and internal influences and irritations (critical remark, offensive word, harsh tone, external influence). These are automated defense and orientation reactions. High reactivity in choleric and sanguine people, low in phlegmatic people.

Activity— characterizes the expression of a person’s energy potential, with which a person overcomes obstacles and achieves goals. Activity is expressed in perseverance, focus, concentration and is the main quality of temperament that contributes to achieving the goal. A phlegmatic person is most active, although due to low reactivity he gets involved in work more slowly. The phlegmatic person is highly active and is not in danger of overwork. In a choleric person, high activity is combined with reactivity. Sanguine people are quite active, but if the activity is monotonous, they may lose interest in it. Melancholic people are characterized by low activity.

The ratio of reactivity and activity determines what a person’s activity depends on to a greater extent: random external or internal circumstances - mood, random events, or on goals, intentions, beliefs.

Plasticity and rigidity indicate how easily and flexibly a person adapts to external influences (plasticity) or how inert his behavior is (rigidity). The highest plasticity is in sanguine people, rigidity characterizes phlegmatic people, choleric people and melancholic people.

Emotional excitability reflects the threshold of the minimum impact necessary for the occurrence of an emotional reaction and the speed of its development. Emotional excitability is increased in sanguine, choleric and melancholic people, and decreased in phlegmatic people.

A peculiar combination of activity, determined by the intensity and volume of human interaction with the environment - physical and social, and the degree of expression of emotional reactions, determines individual characteristics of temperament, i.e. "dynamic aspects" of behavior. Researchers remain confident that the dynamic properties of behavior have a certain physiological basis, i.e. are determined by certain features of the functioning of physiological structures, but what these structures and features are is currently unknown. One thing is clear that temperament, being innate, is the basis of most personality properties, including its character. Temperament is the sensual basis of character. Transforming in the process of character formation, the properties of temperament turn into character traits, the content of which is associated with the orientation of the individual’s psyche.

Temperaments and their characteristics

Phlegmatic person unhurried, unperturbed, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. He shows perseverance and perseverance in his work, remaining calm and balanced. He is productive at work, compensating for his slowness with diligence.

Choleric - fast, passionate, impetuous, but completely unbalanced, with sharply changing moods with emotional outbursts, quickly exhausted. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, this sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person. A choleric person, getting carried away, carelessly wastes his strength and quickly becomes exhausted.

Sanguine - a lively, hot, active person, with frequent changes of mood and impressions, with a quick reaction to all the events happening around him, quite easily coming to terms with his failures and troubles. Sanguine people usually have expressive facial expressions. He is very productive at work when he is interested, becoming very excited about it; if the work is not interesting, he is indifferent to it, he becomes bored.

Melancholic - a person who is easily vulnerable, prone to constantly experiencing various events, he reacts little to external factors. He cannot restrain his asthenic experiences by force of will; he is overly impressionable and easily emotionally vulnerable.

Every temperament can be found both positive and negative properties. Good upbringing, control and self-control makes it possible to manifest: a melancholic person, as an impressionable person with deep experiences and emotions; a phlegmatic person, as a self-possessed person without hasty decisions; a sanguine person, as a highly responsive person for any work; a choleric person, as a passionate, frantic and active person in work.

Negative properties of temperament can manifest themselves as follows: in a melancholic person - isolation and shyness; a phlegmatic person has indifference to people, dryness; in a sanguine person - superficiality, scatteredness. impermanence; choleric person has hasty decisions.

As already noted, there are four main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic (Fig. 1, Table 1).

Sanguine temperament

I. P. Pavlov gives the following description of the characteristics of the sanguine temperament: “A sanguine person is an ardent, very productive figure, but only when he has a lot of interesting things to do, that is, constant excitement. When there is no such thing, he becomes bored and lethargic.”

A sanguine person is distinguished by easy adaptability to changing living conditions, increased contact with people around him, and sociability. The feelings of a sanguine person arise easily and quickly change, his stereotypes are quite flexible, conditioned reflexes are quickly consolidated. In a new environment, he does not feel constrained, is capable of quickly switching attention and changing types of activities, and is emotionally stable. People with a sanguine temperament are most suited to activities that require quick reactions, significant effort, and distributed attention.

Choleric temperament

“The choleric type,” notes I. P. Pavlov, “is clearly a fighting type, perky, easily and quickly irritated.” “Being carried away by some task, he puts too much effort on his resources and strength and in the end he breaks down, becomes exhausted more than he should, he works himself to the point that everything is unbearable for him.”

Choleric people are characterized by increased emotional reactivity, fast pace and abruptness in movements. The increased excitability of a choleric person under unfavorable conditions can become the basis for hot temper and even aggressiveness.

Rice. 1. Reactions of people with different temperaments in the same situation (drawing by X. Bidstrup)

Table 1. Types of temperament and the corresponding mental properties of a person

Mental properties

The pitchforks of temperament and the corresponding properties of higher nervous activity






Very high


Very large





















Very stable

Very unstable

With appropriate motivation, a choleric person is able to overcome significant difficulties, devoting himself to work with great passion. It is characterized by sudden changes in mood. A person with a choleric temperament achieves the greatest effectiveness in activities that require increased reactivity and significant simultaneous effort.

Phlegmatic temperament

“A phlegmatic person is a calm, always even, persistent and persistent worker of life.”

The reactions of a phlegmatic person are somewhat slow, the mood is stable. The emotional sphere is outwardly little expressed. In difficult life situations, a phlegmatic person remains quite calm and self-possessed; he does not allow impulsive, impetuous movements, since his processes of inhibition always balance the processes of excitation. Correctly calculating his strength, a phlegmatic person shows great persistence in seeing things through to the end. His switching of attention and activity is somewhat slow. His stereotypes are inactive, and his behavior in some cases is not flexible enough. A phlegmatic person achieves the greatest success in those activities that require uniform effort, perseverance, stability of attention and great patience.

Melancholic temperament

“The melancholic temperament is clearly an inhibitory type of nervous system. For a melancholic person, obviously, every phenomenon of life becomes an agent inhibiting him, since he does not believe in anything, does not hope for anything, sees and expects only the bad and dangerous in everything.”

A melancholic person is characterized by increased vulnerability and a tendency to experience deep emotions (sometimes even for minor reasons). His feelings arise easily, are poorly contained, and are outwardly clearly expressed. Strong external influences complicate its activities. He is introverted - busy with his own experiences, withdrawn, refrains from contact with strangers, and avoids new surroundings. Under certain living conditions, he easily develops shyness, timidity, indecisiveness and even cowardice. In a favorable, stable environment, a melancholic person can achieve significant success in activities that require increased sensitivity, reactivity, quick learning, and observation.

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