We use our time wisely: working out Saturn in the natal chart. We work on Saturn depending on the house

In the natal chart, Saturn is associated with everything heavy and gloomy. Many astrologers blame it for human troubles and misfortunes, because traditionally it is the planet of problems and difficulties. Saturn rules poisons, so poisonous lead is considered its metal.

Symbolism of Saturn

Saturn is the last planet that can be seen with the naked eye from Earth as a barely visible dot. What is beyond the orbit of Saturn is no longer our world. Thus, acting as a cosmic guardian, Saturn separates our world from everything else, separating internal and external, personal and collective.

The planet was named after the ancient Roman god Saturn, or the ancient Greek god of time Chronos. Therefore, time is considered the symbol of the planet. Time, which absorbs everything, moves inexorably forward and cannot be stopped.

The main function of the planet is structuring. Saturn strives to organize things, time and life in general, loves planning and putting things in order.

Nowadays, Saturn in the horoscope is poorly developed

Since in modern society all Saturnian manifestations are perceived rather negatively, many peoplestudy of Saturn weak.

“Atrophied” (undeveloped) Saturn manifests itself destructively, delays and problems in development arise. The other side of the planet is emerging - chaos and uncertainty. The lead planet literally puts pressure on a person, and it is useless to argue with it.

Chronic diseases appear, careers stand still, repairs are delayed for years. A person cannot shake the feeling that he is not in control of his life. He feels apathy, depression and melancholy.

Saturn loves hardworking and disciplined people

However, despite this, Saturn does not need to be considered a great evil. If Jupiter and Venus can give easy money, but also easily take it away, then Saturn requires hard work, but the results will last your entire life. Saturn is a great teacher, he encourages patience and work, rewards with a successful career, high social status and financial well-being. The planet allows you through gain valuable experience and knowledge.

How to work Saturn

Many people do not value their time, take it lightly and waste it. The most important thing you can do to work through Saturn is to learn to value your time.

  • Plan out each day and stick to a routine. When you know exactly how much time you will spend on things, you will be able to maintain order in your life. There will be an understanding of where and why you are moving.
  • Set goals and achieve them. Work for results and under no circumstances quit what you started halfway.
  • Keep your word. Don’t make empty promises, and if you promised someone something, then achieve it by all means.
  • Keep your house clean. Saturn does not tolerate disorder: scattered things, dirt, dust.
  • Buy jewelry with stones. Saturn appreciates dark, black or blue stones, for example, marion, apatite, black agate.

An excellent example of a person who was able to turn the energy of Saturn in his favor is American President Benjamin Franklin. He planned his whole life down to the last detail and achieved great success.

Study of Saturnin the natal chart is not an easy matter. It requires a lot of effort, patience and time. However, when worked through, Saturn will give fireproof benefits and wealth.

We work on Saturn depending on the house

I house

Here are signs that Saturn is poorly developed:

  • You are tormented by a feeling of heaviness, it is difficult for you to express yourself, and there are continuous obstacles around you.
  • Desires and dreams are not fulfilled, everything falls out of hand, you cannot complete a single task to the end.
  • You are trying to escape from the gray reality into another, fictional world with the help of books or films.
  • You often depend on the opinions of more authoritative people, your parents or your boss.

In order for Saturn to help you align all areas of your life, you need to do the following:

  • Take responsibility for your life. Don't let anyone control you, make all decisions yourself.
  • Don’t be afraid of mistakes, because any mistake is new experience and knowledge.

A well-developed Saturn will help you discover your gift and talent for management and administrative activities.

II house

Since the 2nd house is responsible for finances, an undeveloped Saturn will give the following problems:

  • You are having money difficulties.
  • Earning money is hard for you.
  • Don’t expect easy money, work conscientiously and fully invest in your work.
  • Avoid waste, don’t waste money, save every penny.

At working out Saturnpromotes ongoing financial well-being. If you can get a salary of 30 thousand rubles, then you will never earn less than this level again.

Saturn encourages us to value our time and not waste it.

III house

Unprocessed Saturn results in:

  • You have problems with communication and communication.
  • It is difficult for you to communicate even with relatives.
  • You feel unsociable and alone in a crowd.

In order to get rid of these problems, I recommend you:

  • Take any information seriously, filter out the negative.
  • Limit reading newspapers, avoid news that does not concern you personally.

A worked Saturn will give you:

  • You will be able to gain a lot of valuable experience and will have all the necessary information.
  • Your relationships with family and friends will improve, conflicts and misunderstandings will go away.

IV house

Saturn occupies a difficult position in this house. Unprocessed Saturn affects the following points:

  • You may have had a troubled childhood where you were haunted by the feeling of being worthless.
  • You have problems with your family, rejection of your relatives.

To work on Saturn, you need:

  • Build your own house, buy your own property.
  • Separate from your parents' family as early as possible in order to stop depending on their opinions.

After working through it, you will be able to become a real support for your loved ones, partners, children. Warmth, peace and complete mutual understanding will reign in your home.

V house

When Saturn is weakly processed, you receive the following signals:

  • You often feel laziness, apathy, and inertia.
  • Nothing makes you happy; all your hobbies seem like a pointless waste of time.
  • Problems arise with children and their birth. The birth of late children is likely.
  • Take your hobbies seriously and make one of them your profession.
  • Carefully prepare for the birth of a child, buy all the necessary things, think about which kindergarten and school he will go to.

When working on Saturn you will be able to:

  • Do what you love, be charged with positivity and good mood.
  • Love your life and your family, raise your children in a favorable environment.

VI house

In case of poor development you:

  • You have problems with self-discipline.
  • You don’t know how to calculate your time and complete work on time.

Saturn is being worked onin this house as follows:

  • Set obligations and deadlines for yourself.
  • Get a dog and walk it every day.
  • Achieve your goals, bring what you start to the end.
  • Don't be afraid of responsibility. You will learn to make difficult decisions.

VII house

An unprocessed Saturn can leave a mark of loneliness on your home. This will entail:

  • Difficulty finding a partner.
  • The person you choose will not be the one you need.
  • Fleeting romances only bring you disappointment.

In this case I advise you:

  • Take your choice of partner and friends seriously and carefully. Weed out unnecessary and unreliable people, whiners.
  • Don't waste your time on frivolous relationships.
  • Don't get married before age 29. It is in 29 years that Saturn makes a revolution around the Sun and returns to its starting point. If the marriage was concluded by mistake, then after this time the planet will cruelly destroy your relationship, and you and your partner will suffer from it.

A well-developed Saturn in this house will allow you to find true love and make true friends.

Saturn at a high level will give you strong love for life.

VIII house

An undeveloped Saturn will lead to the fact that you will repay the money borrowed or credited longer and more than necessary.

Therefore, in order to work through the planet, I advise you:

  • Try not to borrow money or take loans.
  • Direct all finances to business and projects, and not just spend them.
  • Atheism and rejection of everything divine and spiritual.
  • Excessive down-to-earthness and pragmatism.
  • Lack of thought and knowledge.
  • Problems with moving to another country.

In order to work on Saturn, you need:

  • Structure your thinking and views.
  • Process any ideas that come to you and decide which of them will be useful to you personally and which should be abandoned.

After working through it, you will begin to take knowledge more seriously, gain wisdom and begin to live according to your worldview, and not someone else’s.

X house

Low development of Saturn gives the following difficulties:

  • Career problems, delays in business development.
  • Employment without career growth leads to dissatisfied and gloomy bosses.

Mental discipline and practicality, thoughts are expressed only after thinking everything through well. Thanks to persistence and methodical thinking, ability in mathematics and natural sciences. They work in publishing houses, printing houses and press organs, accounting departments, secretaries, researchers, librarians, writers, scientists. When negotiating contracts, be very careful when rewriting agreements. We are not inclined to travel except on business.
You are serious, and it may not be easy for you to have a casual conversation in society or maintain friendly, friendly relationships.
You try to be very careful and critical of people who tend to exaggerate or talk about a subject about which little is actually known. You hold thoughts and opinions in your head until you have thought everything through, and at times your silence makes others uncomfortable.
Your mind is well suited to concentration, but you may lack breadth of understanding.

B. Israelite. Planets in houses

Gives monotony and slowness of speech. A person expresses judgments carefully, narrows the scope of his intellectual perception too much, and follows the canons. Primary school is a difficult experience for him. Primary education gives you a feeling of guilt. Fears of punishment are associated with studying.
Problems in relationships with brothers, sisters, neighbors: a person makes high demands on them or they make high demands on him - they strive to organize and control him. Sister and brother take on the functions of parents. Quarrels with loved ones, loss of a brother, sister, troubles at school.
He is more of a skeptic in words than in deeds.
Difficulties with obtaining documents (travel cards). The work involves travel. Fateful trips.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in houses

The bitter lessons of fate are addressed to the lower nature of man.
In general, Saturn requires in-depth study of the house in which it stands. A person must withdraw into himself and carefully understand his attitude towards the relevant problems and circumstances of his life. If he does not do this, frustrations, neuroses and phobias arise, which are partially repressed, but a person’s life (except for completely harmonious destinies) is spoiled quite badly.
A person with Saturn in the III house generally does not trust people (the Moon in Capricorn gives distrust of the world as a whole - external and internal, and Saturn in the II house - distrust of the external world), having, of course, grounds for this, as, indeed, and any other person. But for him this distrust will be emphasized: as if a chilling cold grips him upon entering a room filled with people. In addition, communication is at times directly contraindicated for it; solitude is required, during which one comprehends relationships with others and restores strength.
When Saturn is afflicted, the inner image of the other person will be ugly and scary, and this should be dealt with. Such an attitude naturally results in hostility from the social environment, sometimes turning into direct aggression.
In a harmonious version, this is a serious, reserved, reliable, somewhat reserved and seemingly very smart person whom you want to trust and consult with on all significant issues.
Elaboration is very important here, which primarily concerns the development of social ethics adequate to one’s karma, and in particular the solution of the following question: who should love whom and who should serve whom - am I the people or they are me?
Saturn in the third house gives difficult school years and adolescence, when you have to study a lot. The contrast of the change of harmonious IV and I houses with Saturn’s III, which turns on when the child goes to school, is especially felt.
This person has difficulty grasping things on the fly, at least not everything, especially if the 3rd house is not in an air sign. Fate and circumstances force him to increase his concentration and narrow his field of interests in order to deeply study any subject, otherwise a person does not remember or understand anything.
Elaboration is sometimes replaced by attempts to ignore the action of Saturn and the flickering of a kaleidoscope of objects in learning, similar to the Jupiterian version, but with much more negative consequences, in particular, the development of a phobia towards the idea of ​​learning in general.
People with Saturn in the 3rd house make dry, strict teachers, sometimes with very deep knowledge of the subject.
When working through, the purposefulness and effectiveness of learning is emphasized.

Indubala. Planets in houses. (Indian tradition)

Such people may have disagreements with relatives, a lot of worries related to their brother; there may be an abortion or the loss of a child. On the other hand, their occupation is stable, they are involved in labor partnerships with significant opportunities, they have a fairly long life, they are quite brave, skillful in practical activities, and have decent physical strength. They have a melancholic and sometimes rude mindset.

No Monster. Planets in houses

They work in publishing houses, printing houses, editorial offices: secretaries, accountants, writers, scientists. They are not inclined to travel except on business. With bad aspects - bad relationships with neighbors, brothers, sisters.

Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Surrounding people and objects. You are naturally given the ability to seek out details, to concentrate on the structural features of any environment. You are very sensitive to established rules of behavior; you tend to obey environmental restrictions on your freedom of movement, even if they frustrate you. The trap lies in your desire to be too active. Excessive stimulation exhausts your nervous system, causing it to shut down at least temporarily. The goal is to concentrate your nervous energy on only a small number of activities, fully completing one step before taking another.
Concrete thinking. You are especially susceptible to mental rules, and you often have a nagging feeling that formal procedures must be followed to the letter. You are constantly working to improve your mental apparatus, slowly and diligently, step by step, tracking the logic, “debugging” the program. The trap is to become so devoted to duty that you stop even thinking about having fun. If this happens, then you can become cold and even self-loathing, either completely rejecting rationalism, or becoming an ambitious cynic, pouring a bucket of cold water on the heads of those who like to soar in mental fantasies. The challenge is to allow your mental skills to mature like fine wine until uncertainty and fear turn into a wonderfully robust sensitivity, an unpretentious and matter-of-fact pragmatism so strong that it cannot be shaken.
Curiosity. You are more likely to seek knowledge than to be curious in the usual sense of the word. This desire is quite wonderful and fits perfectly with your temperament as long as the impulse to acquire knowledge is rewarded with real satisfaction at the end of the search process. However, sometimes you treat your curiosity as homework assigned to you by an invisible and strict teacher, but for you this attitude is a trap. The challenge is to perceive curiosity as something that provides you with a structure that allows you to strengthen the security of your world through understanding.
Education. Soft but strong authority and coherent structure are the key concepts in this section. If a child gently accepts instructions, rules and masters the hierarchy of power, then his skills will develop slowly but steadily. Learning can become a lifelong endeavor, a process of slowly searching for a better fulfillment of life. Otherwise, primary education may later be seen as a time of trial and trauma. The topic of basic education requires serious consideration. The educational process moves along a scale, on the one hand, bearing the burden of fear of mental inadequacy (“I am stupid and incapable of learning”), and on the other hand, the desire to test the mind, to master knowledge (“I can, in the end, learn everything that I want to learn”). want it").
Connection. You tend to speak economically and pragmatically. The shorter the better, and you prefer to think about what you're going to say first before opening your mouth. When you do decide to speak, other people must listen carefully to your words, for they will be few and chosen carefully. The style of speech in this position of the planet is compressed and expressive, sometimes slow or ponderous, and extremely rarely reveals your true inner character. Your voice is a mask, a very important one, but still a mask. If other people want to communicate with you and understand you, then they should not listen to the emotional coloring of speech, they will probably not gain anything from it. They need to focus on the structure and content of what you say.

Universal interpretation. Planets in houses

Patient, tactful, inclined to discern facts and real arguments. There may be a serious problem with your own children. Often such a person grows up completely alone. There is likely to be a lack of love in early childhood and a lack of quality education. Capable of writing very detailed letters. Thanks to his insightful mind and ability to concentrate, he speaks very orderly and consistently. Full of many unfounded fears. Sometimes it seems to him that everyone is angry with him. This leads to a feeling of inadequacy and determines the development of depression. The mind is disciplined and practical. Such a person expresses his thoughts only after thinking everything through thoroughly. Thanks to perseverance and methodical thinking, he shows ability in mathematics and natural sciences. Successfully works in publishing and printing. Effective as an accountant and secretary, writer and teacher, editor and administrator, researcher and librarian. Very careful when concluding contracts. He only goes on purely business trips and is not inclined to travel around without a purpose. There may be tension in relationships with siblings. Dwelling on the negative and ruminating about unpleasant things arouses self-pity and grumpiness. During school and professional training, he encounters many difficulties and disappointments; he knows how to learn from his own mistakes, of which he makes more than enough. Difficulties in education cause irritation. The mind is depressed and overly cautious, apprehensive and anxious, anxious and distrustful. The state of mind improves with age, becoming more conscious, thoughtful and capable of concentrating on serious and wise things. This person is reliable, tactful, diplomatic. He reasons methodically and calmly, concentrates easily and displays rare mental composure. He has a gift for thorough research and writing. Thoughtful, melancholic, often at odds with relatives. It is possible to develop cunning and cunning, as well as a tendency to wage dishonest struggle to achieve a position. The young years of such a person are marked by constant anxiety and painful vigilance.

3rd house in Capricorn. Saturn in the 3rd house. Lecture 130.

3rd house in Capricorn, Saturn in the 3rd house, ruler of the 3rd house in Capricorn or in conjunction with Saturn.

As I have said many times, Capricorn is the Sign of overcoming and is generally responsible for the lack of something. Therefore, in terms of school, he most often points to a poor school, a school remote from home, including boarding schools and boarding houses. Among my Clients there were also people who studied in schools at hospitals (for health reasons they were forced to stay in the hospital for a long time at some stage of their lives, however, there must be additional indicators for this). It may simply indicate a school, far from home - where you need to go every day, wasting time and depriving yourself of the opportunity to do something more interesting.

Quite often they complain about a cold school. Also, they regularly talk about an old or some unkempt, poor, neglected school.
At the same time, Capricorn is one of the most contradictory Signs in terms of money. Responsible in general for lack and poverty (even in the old books on astrology, the poor were under Saturn), he also controls unattainable status, a very high social position. Therefore, although much less often than the first group, you will still quite regularly meet people who studied at very expensive, prestigious schools. At the same time, these can also be remote schools - when a child is sent to study abroad or he lives at the school, etc.
Sometimes they talk about schools with separate education for boys and girls.
In addition, these could be closed schools, something like “a school for the children of government members.”
The point is that even in the case of rich schools, the child’s internal attitude to the learning process will be associated with some kind of detachment, constraint, and exclusion from a familiar and comfortable environment.
Naturally, the 3rd house of the Native can be supported by the influences of benefactors, and in this case, the situation will be significantly mitigated, but Capricorn itself provides exactly such conditions when matters of the 3rd house are concerned.
Relationships with other students are also rarely rich in tender connections. Quite regularly there is a situation of detachment from the group as a whole, and sometimes boycotts are mentioned. Although many owners of the 3rd house in Capricorn recall that they had one reliable friend (for some - a “comrade in misfortune”) in the yard (this is also the 3rd house) or at school, contact with whom was then maintained for a long time.
This could also be relationships with teachers based on strict subordination. At the same time, it must be said that if the card does not contain serious defeats (3rd house in particular), then such a model is perceived by the Native as acceptable.
As for the study itself, third-house Capricorns and Saturnians most often study well. The ability to organize yourself, to be collected, to fulfill requirements, to maintain subordination, to see your goal (it is not a fact that it will later be realized in adult life), often this is “learning so that you can then make your own life” - all this is very helpful in studying. Although it cannot be said that it is very easy for them to learn, that they grasp everything on the fly or have a charm and talkativeness that works well on teachers. Their assessments are their work, daily and painstaking.
Orthodox teaching, strong teacher logic, structure and consistency suit them. Most of all there are classic excellent botanists, just among the pronounced (including third-class) Capricorns and Virgos. Popular among classmates, flamboyant or fashionable, beautiful and bright excellent students are represented, as a rule, by Fire Signs or Planets in the 3rd house, sometimes Venus is also present. But children who are absorbed in their studies, aloof and a little scared, are most often Capricorns or Virgos (in this case, by the way, Scorpio or Cancer most often appears on the ASC, which very well explains both the school situation and, conversely, the typical manifestations of these Signs on ASC).
It must be said that there are often cases when, in general, the children in the class did not build any barriers between themselves and the card holder. The Native himself can easily build such barriers - a first bad experience or just general anxiety can affect a person’s desire to integrate into social relationships. It is EASIER for him to be alone than to face the inconvenience of integrating into a group.
As a rule, they are very responsible drivers who know and respect the rules and are inclined to comply with them.
In terms of cars, there are again two extremes - old and clearly neglected. Cars that constantly break down are what is called “falling apart.”
But, as always, he manages the other side of the coin - he produces expensive, prestigious and status cars. These are executive class cars, expensive rare models.
Of course, there will be no barbaric splendor of Sagittarius or Leo, there will be no challenge to the environment, obvious like in Aries or hidden but felt like in Scorpio. There will be cars here in their classic form, without additional tuning, but in the maximum configuration. Classic cars, such as Mercedes, and “Germans” and “English” in general.
They often prefer that the driver drive the car - firstly, it’s status, and secondly, it’s easier, there’s less personal stress.
If the level does not allow such luxury (after all, a car is a second house from a second one - that is, it will be possible to “run away” only on the contents of your wallet), and at the same time, this is not poverty (which is also ruled by Saturn), then within your social group, it will still be something important and status, distinguishing the Native from his environment.
Such a person does not allow himself any provocative behavior while driving (or inside the car). On the contrary, he tends to build barriers and fences himself off in every possible way (I immediately remembered the “screens” separating the driver from the passenger in expensive cars).
Interestingly, rich third-house Capricorns can also drive against traffic, or despite traffic lights, or at an illegal speed, but, more often than not (if no other indicators interfere), they do it legally! It’s just that their status allows them to travel like this - they received this right through their position or for money, and now they are in control of it.
But to violate, and then argue with the traffic cop, as a Sagittarius could, or run from the traffic police “try, catch up!” - like Aries, or Gemini who put on winged sandals, they, of course, will not - not respectable.
If there is no status, no permission, then it means that you will drive as expected, correctly, and most importantly, expediently. They don’t see the logic in not letting a pedestrian cross a zebra crossing, because missing him means losing 5 seconds, and driving through and running into a traffic police officer takes at least 10 minutes, plus a fine or a bribe. Rules make their life much easier.
As pedestrians and passengers, they are organized, careful people with whom, as a rule, no problems arise. They, of course, can be a little cowardly and inclined to play it safe, but it seems to me that this is not a big minus.
There are not many relatives, at least those with whom close relationships are maintained. Quite often, the Native delegates the function of assessing his behavior and personality in general to one of his relatives. Of course, this is done unconsciously, for example, due to natural seniority. And it must be said that if Saturn does not stand very well or does not make good aspects to the elements of the 1st house, then this relative can strongly and negatively influence the self-esteem of the card owner.
It happens that the entire family acts as such a censor, but more often it is one person whom Nativ believes is supported by the family.
It is interesting, by the way, that Saturn plays out this scenario in both directions. And very often, if the Native complains about similar behavior on the part of a brother or sister (aunt, uncle, etc.), then this is a signal that he himself needs to pay attention to his own behavior towards some other relative.

Almost always, in this case, there is some person whom the Native criticizes with or without reason (to him, of course, it seems that it is “about”), whom he finds fault with and constantly teaches how to live. Of course, whether this relative will take the Native’s words to heart or not will be determined by his own 3rd house, but the owner of the third house in Capricorn should pay attention to himself to solve his own problems.
Despite the fact that Saturn does not give many relatives, it often gives strong connections. Not deep and tender, but rather strong - when the Native feels an obligation to his lateral relatives, even if this relationship does not suit him.
Saturn is Saturn - it gives delays and certain difficulties. In this regard, constantly encountering some kind of trouble with paperwork, a person learns to keep track of everything, keep everything under control and always be attentive.
He knows that if he made a mistake somewhere or didn’t check something, it will come back to bite him. Therefore, as a rule, over time they understand the need to double-check all the documents they sign or submit. They know that it is better to re-read and double-check the data included in contracts, insurance, payment documents, than to later and persistently prove that you have the right to something or are protected from unnecessary obligations.
At the same time, there is, as a rule, no easy solution to paperwork. In the best case, they will receive the necessary papers at the end of the permissible period; in the worst case, they will have to prove that they passed something at all.

But of course they themselves treat all the paperwork very carefully. They store everything, don’t throw anything away, and store it so that it can be found quickly. I know when and what they need to change. Maybe, of course, not everyone is so vigilant (there are always two sides to everything), but those who allow inattention, as a rule, eventually face problems with those papers that they did not save, did not review, did not exchange on time, etc. .d.

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You are intelligent, alert, adaptable, versatile and hardworking. Being in the 3rd house, Mercury stimulates the mind and body, allowing you to express your thoughts freely and giving you the opportunity to bring your ideas to completion. You are capable of being a jack of all trades, and there is also the possibility of a lot of short trips. This position is favorable for teachers, those involved in detailed work and those whose work involves the use of a computer. There are also abilities for writing and speaking.

Mars in third home

You are restless, perhaps easily excitable, and most likely often nervous. You have endless faith in your own ideas. You are alert, determined and enthusiastic, with an abundance of mental energy. It is very important for you to develop analytical thinking, since impulsive thinking can create many difficulties for you, including problems with your immediate family and neighbors. There is also the possibility of many short trips. Your energy is spent on activities in relation to others.

Jupiter in third home

You tend to be optimistic, traditional, tactful and philosophical. You have quite strong intuition. This position of Jupiter allows you to develop and expand your mental abilities, making it easier to understand the material you are studying. You are very loved by your immediate and distant relatives, as well as neighbors. You are characterized by mental restlessness, which can be overcome through activities that keep you constantly on the move. You must be careful about wasting your energy. The tendency to be impractical and complacent is common to you. Your mind tends to think broadly rather than in detail.

Venus in third home

You may have artistic and creative abilities in speaking and writing, while expressing yourself well in any of these activities. A love of travel and creating a fairly harmonious and comfortable space is characteristic of you. Relationships with neighbors and immediate family are likely to be carefree and very pleasant. Because of your dislike of disharmony, you avoid confrontations with people in your immediate circle, hating to rock the boat.

Uranus in third home

Your mind is independent, original, creative, unconventional, curious, perhaps even somewhat eccentric and extraordinary. People around you at times cannot understand the way you think and why you express yourself the way you do. You strive to move ahead of time. Mental restlessness forces you to always be on the lookout for new information and knowledge. You have a unique ability to disseminate acquired knowledge and information. Frequent changes of opinions as you receive new information are typical of you. Relationships with immediate family are likely to be unconventional and at times somewhat excitable and tense. Boredom is rarely a problem for you. The desire for fresh impressions and new experiences is the reason for active travel. Intellectual freedom is very important to you.

Saturn in third home

Your mind is serious, strict, patient and accurate, and on top of that you have the ability to concentrate deeply on a subject. With this ability comes a tendency towards depression, pessimism, loneliness and depression. You have organizational skills and are likely to have a conservative and traditional mindset. Mathematics and strategy games are typical for you. Projects that require a lot of time don't bother you. You feel a little isolated from relatives and neighbors, or they may cause you trouble, which may cause problems in communicating with them. Try to remain optimistic in your thinking and in the meantime, just keep working hard. Your lungs need a lot of oxygen, so try to sleep in a well-ventilated area.

Neptune in third home

You are idealistic and have a knack for creativity. Your mind easily absorbs information without force. Your ability to visualize and imagine manifests itself quite clearly. Inspiration may come to you completely unexpectedly and there may even be flashes of clairvoyance. Perhaps you had the feeling that you could read other people's thoughts? Concentrating on book-related work may be quite difficult for you. Have you tried sleeping with a book under your pillow? Possible karmic obligations to immediate relatives and neighbors should be reconsidered. Feelings of insecurity can cause nervous breakdown. You may have a tendency to be insecure and negative. Work must be done to eradicate procrastination and idle daydreaming. Avoid negative psychological practices and drugs.

Pluto in third home

Your personality is versatile, inspired, exploratory and original. You probably have a predisposition to evaluate and form opinions about people and circumstances. You probably have a good understanding of a person's true motives. You want to know the answers to all your many questions, so exploring and solving puzzles and riddles may be your thing. You probably enjoy playing detective. You may be constantly searching for something that will give meaning to your life or an area of ​​activity that will restore your energy and thinking. Frustration, depression, or anxiety may occur if these answers do not appear. This is worth paying special attention to. Expressing yourself through writing can help relieve stress by clearing your thoughts and allowing new ideas to emerge. Once your thoughts and feelings are filtered, you destroy the written material, since its purpose has already been served.

Knowledge is very important to you and you are in constant pursuit of it; you also like to share this acquired information with others. And while you're likely to be open to new ideas, you tend to look for the science behind them before you believe anything. Your mind loves to create, while being thorough and independent. Pride and intellectual dominance are qualities you need to work on, especially the latter. Patience must also be developed. Misunderstandings may arise with your immediate family and neighbors because of your belief that you are always, or mostly always, right. You have a strong desire to learn and this can lead to many short trips. You need constant communication and have strong writing and speaking skills.

Surrounding people and objects. You are naturally given the ability to seek out details, to concentrate on the structural features of any environment. You are very sensitive to established rules of behavior; you tend to obey environmental restrictions on your freedom of movement, even if they frustrate you. The trap lies in your desire to be too active. Excessive stimulation exhausts your nervous system, causing it to shut down at least temporarily. The goal is to concentrate your nervous energy on only a small number of activities, fully completing one step before taking another.

Concrete thinking. You are especially susceptible to mental rules, and you often have a nagging feeling that formal procedures must be followed to the letter. You are constantly working to improve your mental apparatus, slowly and diligently, step by step, tracking the logic, “debugging” the program. The trap is to become so devoted to duty that you stop even thinking about having fun. If this happens, then you can become cold and even self-loathing, either completely rejecting rationalism, or becoming an ambitious cynic, pouring a bucket of cold water on the heads of those who like to soar in mental fantasies. The challenge is to allow your mental skills to mature like fine wine, until uncertainty and fear transform into an amazingly robust sensitivity, an unassuming and matter-of-fact pragmatism so strong that it cannot be shaken.

Curiosity. You are more likely to seek knowledge than to be curious in the usual sense of the word. This desire is quite wonderful and fits perfectly with your temperament, as long as the impulse to acquire knowledge is rewarded with real satisfaction at the end of the search process. However, sometimes you treat your curiosity as homework assigned to you by an invisible and strict teacher, but for you this attitude is a trap. The challenge is to see curiosity as something that provides you with the structure to make your world safer through understanding.

Education. Soft but strong authority and coherent structure are the key concepts in this section. If a child gently accepts instructions, rules and masters the hierarchy of power, then his skills will develop slowly but steadily. Learning can become a lifelong endeavor, a process of slowly searching for a better fulfillment of life. Otherwise, primary education may later be seen as a time of trial and trauma. The topic of basic education requires serious consideration. The educational process moves along a scale, on the one hand, bearing the burden of fear of mental inadequacy (“I am stupid and incapable of learning”), and on the other hand, the desire to test the mind, to master knowledge (“I can, in the end, learn everything that I want it”).

Connection. You tend to speak economically and pragmatically. The shorter the better, and you prefer to think about what you're going to say first before opening your mouth. When you do decide to speak, other people must listen carefully to your words, for they will be few and chosen carefully. The style of speech in this position of the planet is compressed and expressive, sometimes slow or ponderous, and extremely rarely reveals your true inner character. Your voice is a mask, a very important one, but still a mask. If other people want to communicate with you and understand you, then they should not listen to the emotional coloring of speech, they probably will not gain anything from it. They need to focus on the structure and content of what you say.

Bill Herbst

Saturn in the 3rd house. Mental discipline and practicality, thoughts are expressed only after thinking everything through well. Thanks to persistence and methodical thinking, ability in mathematics and natural sciences. They work in publishing houses, printing houses and press organs, accounting departments, secretaries, researchers, librarians, writers, scientists. When negotiating contracts, be very careful when rewriting agreements. We are not inclined to travel except on business.

You are serious, and it may not be easy for you to have a casual conversation in society or maintain friendly, friendly relationships. You try to be very careful and critical of people who tend to exaggerate or talk about a subject about which little is actually known. You hold thoughts and opinions in your head until you have thought everything through, and at times your silence makes others uncomfortable.
Your mind is well suited to concentration, but you may lack breadth of understanding.

Francis Sakoyan

Solitude and deep thought. This is an introvert with deep, strong feelings. He perceives information slowly, but assimilates it firmly. Strives to be sufficiently informed. He underestimates his abilities and tries to compensate for their imaginary lack with internal discipline. Reserved, difficult to show his sympathies. He does not believe in his own abilities, expecting difficulties on the path to success, so he creates material reserves for a rainy day. In specialization he achieves high professionalism. In childhood and adolescence, he is strongly influenced by his parents and strives to meet their expectations. In every situation he sees, first of all, the negative side. His trips are primarily educational in nature. He is not inclined to travel except on business. Extremely careful when concluding contracts.
Practical thinking, thoughtful expression of thoughts, perseverance and methodicalness. Ability for mathematics, it is possible to work in a publishing house, printing house, printing press, accounting department, as a secretary, librarian, school teacher.

Felix Velichko

Patient, tactful, inclined to discern facts and real arguments. There may be a serious problem with your own children. Often such a person grows up completely alone. There is likely to be a lack of love in early childhood and a lack of quality education. Capable of writing very detailed letters. Thanks to his insightful mind and ability to concentrate, he speaks very orderly and consistently. Full of many unfounded fears. Sometimes it seems to him that everyone is angry with him. This leads to a feeling of inadequacy and determines the development of depression. The mind is disciplined and practical. Such a person expresses his thoughts only after thinking everything through thoroughly. Thanks to perseverance and methodical thinking, he shows ability in mathematics and natural sciences. Successfully works in publishing and printing. Effective as an accountant and secretary, writer and teacher, editor and administrator, researcher and librarian.

Very careful when concluding contracts. He only goes on purely business trips and is not inclined to travel around without a purpose. There may be tension in relationships with siblings. Dwelling on the negative and ruminating about unpleasant things arouses self-pity and grumpiness. During school and professional training, he encounters many difficulties and disappointments; he knows how to learn from his own mistakes, of which he makes more than enough. Difficulties in education cause irritation. The mind is depressed and overly cautious, apprehensive and anxious, anxious and distrustful. The state of mind improves with age, becoming more conscious, thoughtful and capable of concentrating on serious and wise things.

This person is reliable, tactful, diplomatic. He reasons methodically and calmly, concentrates easily and displays rare mental composure. He has a gift for thorough research and writing. Thoughtful, melancholic, often at odds with relatives. It is possible to develop cunning and cunning, as well as a tendency to wage dishonest struggle to achieve a position. The young years of such a person are marked by constant anxiety and painful vigilance.

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