History and properties of flax - creative workshop Solgerd. Linen - Hans Christian Andersen

Lenochka - a story by Mikhail Zoshchenko for children

I was walking along a village street.

Part of the village was burned. There were pipes sticking out. There were broken carts lying around. There were burnt utensils lying around.

The other part of the village was intact. There are some German inscriptions left here and there. These inscriptions were on poles, on fences, on some barn.

I walked along the shady gardens, looking at these traces left by the uninvited owners. I wanted to talk to someone. With some person who was here under the Germans and witnessed their life, their hellish order, their flight.

An elderly peasant was sitting on a bench near the fence. Gray-haired. In a pink shirt. In a fur hat.

I gave him a smoke. And we started talking. But he answered all my questions reluctantly and in monosyllables. He answered like this:

You know it yourself. What can we say about this? Everything was there. They shot. They flogged me with rods. They showed brutality at every step. I don't want to remember this.

A little girl suddenly came out of the gate. Blonde. Nice one. Snub-nosed.

Seeing her, the old man beamed. He said:

I have the honor to introduce my granddaughter Lenochka. She is ten years old.

The girl looked at me sternly. She nodded her head. But she didn’t shake hands. And she didn’t come. The old man said:

No, she's not embarrassed. But she's busy. He is in a hurry about his business.

The girl smiled at her grandfather and walked gravely down the street, putting her little hands behind her back.

Suddenly laughing, the old man said to me:

By the way, children are even more interesting than adults. They show the future country. Look how my granddaughter walks. She acts like an adult.

How did she cope under the Germans? - I asked.

No, at first I didn’t want to shift it to them. I fought with myself. Afterwards I think: “I won’t improve the situation by refusing. I won't do anything heroic with this. And only they will hang me for this. And then in the future I will no longer be able to serve my country.” And so, I began to inspect the furnaces.

And the Germans were placed in a children's school. Their headquarters was there. The house is large - a former landowner's building. They had a general at their headquarters. Three colonels. And various other petty German riffraff. Everyone was extremely impudent. Those who like to drink, eat, and have fun. And only the general did not take part in their fun. And this general was especially disgusting to me. He was very proud and arrogant. He kept to himself. And besides his dog, he hardly talked to anyone. He loved and respected this German dog of his, with whom he never parted. I ate with her at the same time. I walked with her in the garden. And while working, he kept her in his office, where, perhaps, he consulted with her on various issues.

And here I am working in his office. I'm moving the stove. And suddenly I hear a dog barking. Screams. And so on. I look out the window. I see the general floundering in a hole. I see that someone dug a hole on the garden path and covered it with twigs and sand. And so the general, while walking, fell into this wolf hole. But his dog didn’t fail. She jumps around the pit. Barks. He's freaking out. Squeals. But I am unable to help the general.

The soldiers are running. Gentlemen officers. They take the general out of the pit. And he is pale and trembling. Exclaims: “Partisans, partisans!..”

At first I also thought that it was the partisans who failed the general. Moreover, three days ago someone broke the glass in the general’s office. And someone hammered nails into the garden bench. So the general ran into them.

Afterwards I think: “What interest does it have for the partisans to dig such a shallow hole? After all, the general didn’t even crash. I was just scared."

Suddenly one of their soldiers comes running into the office. He tells me in Russian: “Stop working. Leave. We'll call you tomorrow. Nowadays the general is unable to see Russian faces.”

I left the garden. There is a grove behind the garden. I’m walking through this grove and suddenly I notice that the kids are lying in the bushes. Schoolchildren. And among them is my granddaughter Lenochka. Third grade student.

I looked at the kids and immediately realized who dug the wolf hole, who broke the glass and who stuck nails into the bench.

The guys say:

Yes, we have produced this, but this is still not enough. We have been conferring against the general for three days. And they came to a new decision - to remove the dog from his path.

Lenochka says:

And then he will be upset and will fight even worse.

I clasped my hands. I say:

Guys, you won't achieve anything with this. Just embitter the general. And he will start to grab you, because he will understand whose behavior this is.

I tell them, but I’m actually crying, afraid for their fate. And Lenochka tells me:

Don't disturb us, grandfather, with your lamentations. We ourselves know what to do against those who occupied our school.

I think: “My God, I, an old horseradish, am handing over the stove to the general, and here the guys are teaching me a civic lesson.” I tell the guys:

Children, maybe they could change the stove for me somehow so that the general would suffocate and burn to death.

Children say:

No, grandfather, nothing will come of this. The Germans will check the stove and you will be put in prison. Better think of something else and then tell us.

And so I began to think about what I could do to keep up with the guys. But then it soon becomes known that the Red Army has attacked the Germans and is now approaching our places. And then the Germans hastily withdrew and left our village.

And two days before that, the general’s dog disappeared. The guys let some of their dog out into the garden. The German dog ran after her and never came back - the guys detained him.

For all his ardent love for the dog, the general did not look for her. The guns roared too close. And then the general had no time for the dog.

And since then, my respect for Lenochka has increased even more. That's why I beam when I see this granddaughter of mine.

Have you read Zoshchenko's story for children - Lenochka. Collection of texts of stories for children and school by Mikhail M Zoshchenko, full texts.

Margarita Savelyeva

Target: Introduce children to the traditional agricultural crop of the Smolensk region - flax.


To form in children an idea of ​​the cultivation and processing of flax in the Smolensk region; about the production of linen fabric in the past and present;

Enrich and activate vocabulary children: "folk costume" And "flax", "homespun fabric", "canvas", "rushnik"; develop curiosity and imagination, fine motor skills, creativity

Cultivate interest in the folk life of the Smolensk region.

Good morning guys. How smart are you, and do you like your clothes? Why do you like her? How and what are your clothes made of?

Children's answers.

And now I'll take you I invite you take a little trip into the past and look at these clothes. Maybe one of you can tell me what kind of clothes these are?

Children's answers.

This is a sundress costume of our Smolensk region, which consists of a shirt and a sundress. The entire suit is hand-sewn; the sleeves of the shirt are always decorated with embroidery. I brought you two sundresses at once. Let's look and compare them. How are they similar and what are their differences?

Children's answers.

You correctly noticed that the shape and color of these sundresses are similar, but the quality of the fabric is different. One fabric is thinner, softer, lighter - this is factory cotton fabric, the so-called "Chinese", it is more modern. But the second fabric is dense, stiff, heavy - it is homespun, linen canvas. It is called homespun because it was woven right at home on a special loom. This sundress was called canvas or linen. Our Smolensk region has long been famous for flax.

Clothing was made from linen fabric for both men (shirts and trousers) and women (shirts, skirts and sundresses)

People said: “Len - gold: with him, even the old breathe young. Linen cools in summer and warms in winter.” Therefore, linen clothing used to be very valued and now it has become popular again.

Guys, have you seen how flax grows?

Now we will continue our journey and find out how flax was grown and processed in the old days and how they do it now.

View a presentation about flax.

Born flax tall,

Silky, blue-eyed.

Always dresses everyone

Both in the heat and in the cold.

Slide No. 1. “The light - a flower went into the damp earth, found a blue cap”- it's about flax. When it blooms field covered with blue flowers and looks like a blue sea.

Slide number 2. Then the flax ripens and they begin to harvest it. In the old days this was done by hand. “Flax is not mowed, not reaped, but torn”- so says the proverb. Flax was torn by hand and tied into sheaves. Nowadays, when harvesting flax, machines help people.

Slide number 3. Processing flax in the old days was very labor-intensive. The flax had to be thoroughly kneaded to obtain the fiber.

Slide number 4. In the old days, various methods were invented for processing flax. devices: This is both a ribbed shaft fixed to the table and a huge comb attached to the floor. In modern production, all these devices have been replaced by special machines. We have built a new flax processing plant in the village of Andreikovo. This year he will begin his work on flax processing.

Slide number 5. As a result of processing flax, a fiber is obtained from which threads are made. In the old days, housewives spun fiber by hand on self-spinning wheels or using a spindle. Now all this is also done by special machines.

Slide number 6. After the thread was ready, the weavers got to work. For this purpose, in the old days there was a loom in the houses. Such a machine is in our local history museum; it is made entirely of wood. It was difficult to work on such a loom; it took a long time to weave a small amount of fabric. Now the machines are made of metal and run on electricity. A modern weaver only needs to monitor the operation of the loom, but this is also a difficult job, since the weaver monitors several looms at once. In our city there is a flax mill where flax products are made.

Slide number 7. Not only various fabrics are made from flax, but also rope and insulation. Flax seeds are rich in vitamins and are a medicinal product that can be found in pharmacies; flaxseed oil is also made from them. Various souvenirs - amulets - are also made from flax.

And now I'll take you I invite you to a mini flax museum.

Children come up and look at the exhibits of the mini museum (Flax, seeds, oil, twines, flax fiber, flax wool, towels made of flax, amulets made of flax).

Now let's play, repeat along with me:

They tore the flax, tore it,

They beat flax, they beat

They beat the flax, they beat it,

They crumpled flax, crumpled,

Flax was torn, flax was torn,

White tablecloths were woven

The tables were set.

We have looked at products made from flax; souvenirs and amulets are also made from flax. Today I suggest you make a bird of happiness from linen threads.

I suggest you take your seats and get to work.

Children make a bird and pre-prepared parts.

Well done, you have turned out wonderful birds. Let's place them on the tree and look at them. Do you like your birds? You have correctly connected the parts of the bird and tied the threads correctly.

March will end soon, and on April 7th there will be a holiday - the Annunciation. The symbol of this holiday is a bird, since on this day it was customary to release birds into the wild. And your birds will come in handy to form a group.

Our journey has come to an end. Did you like it? What new have you learned? If you want to learn more about the features of our native land, then I advise you to visit our local history museum. All the best to you.

Fairy tales, stories in pictures, riddles, songs, proverbs, chants about flax. Interesting about the world around us!

In this article you will find:

  1. Story for children in pictures about growing and processing flax.
  2. Video for kids“Like a shirt grew in a field.”
  3. Video about Russian flax growing traditions.
  4. fairy tale G.H. Andersen "Flax".
  5. Russian folk song about growing flax “We sowed and sowed flax.”
  6. Calls, riddles, sentences about flax.
  7. Presentation for classes with children “How a shirt grew in a field: growing flax.”

Flax grown for over a thousand years. In order for flax to turn into canvas, it takes the whole year - from harvesting to re-sowing. Not only fabric is made from flax, but also burlap, ropes, ropes, sails, fishing nets, and healthy linseed oil is made from seeds.

Flax is not easy to grow. There is even a proverb: “Flax loves to bow.”

Flax was considered a healing plant in Rus'. It was flax that was laid on the newlyweds so that no disease would be scary for them. It was in linen that newborns were received. Wounds were bandaged with flax. Even now there is a belief that if you sew flax seeds into clothes, this will protect it from the evil eye.

What clothes are made of: how a shirt grew in a field. Materials for activities with children.

How is flax grown?

How a shirt grew in a field - video for kids.

What are the clothes made of? Tattered, crumpled, tattered (according to the story of A. Ivich). For children 6-10 years old.

1.What is the difference between linen and cotton?

Ask for a linen towel or piece of canvas at home. There probably will be. Pull it and look through the material. Almost nothing is visible: the fabric is dense, smooth, no gaps. And through the cotton material, which is made of cotton, you will see all the furniture in the room. There are gaps in the fabric: in some places it is denser, in others it is thinner.

You know what flax is: a plant, just like cotton. It does not grow in the south, but in the north in a temperate climate. Linen is not as capricious as cotton. He doesn't need much sun. He can wait until it rains - he doesn't need to serve water for his morning breakfast.

2.What is bast, or what is the fiber for linen thread made from?

We sowed flax and grew stalks with panicles at the top. A thin flax stalk has the same structure as the trunk of a large tree: on top there is bark, and under the bark - what? Lub!

Do you know what bast is? This is the softest and most flexible part of the trunk. Their birch bast makes baskets for mushrooms; bast shoes were previously woven from linden bast.

In the flax stalk, the bast consists of strong, long and very thin fibers. Threads are spun from these fibers.

3. How are flax seeds collected?

If you sow bread, everything is clear: the harvest must be harvested when the grains and seeds ripen. But with flax, you can’t wait until the seeds ripen - the fiber will become coarse and the threads from it will turn out bad.

What about without seeds? After all, then next year there will be nothing to sow! And flaxseeds are needed not only for sowing - oil is squeezed out of them.

Here's what they came up with: they harvest the flax before the seeds are ripe, and then leave the flax to lie in the field for two weeks. During this time, the seeds will ripen, and the fiber will not deteriorate.

4.How are flax fibers collected? What machines help people at work?

Rye and wheat are cut. And flax is pulled out of the ground by the roots so that the entire stem is preserved. It's called “tugging flax.” Pulling with your hands is a long and difficult job. Now we have machines - flax rippers. Interesting name, isn't it? Why are they called that? Because they help a person - they tug at the flax!

First, they lay pulled flax in the field - on "steel"(from the word “lay”, “lay”). The seeds are ripening. But this is not the only reason why flax is placed on the stem. The fact is that the bast fibers are very tightly glued together, and the entire bast is firmly glued to the wood, to the inside of the stem. Therefore, obtaining stem fibers is not at all easy. While the flax lies in the field, tiny fungi grow in the stem, which destroy the glue. They soften it. But they can't remove all the glue.

When the seeds are ripe, flax is threshed- Knock grains out of panicles. And straw - flax stalks - lowered into the river or again they put it in the field, in the autumn rains.

Wet stems harbor living creatures—bacteria. They are so tiny that they can only be seen under a microscope. These bacteria feed on the glue that holds the fibers together. While the flax gets wet, bacteria “eat up” all the glue.

There was already a lot of work with the flax: they pulled it, laid it, threshed it and soaked it. But that's not all!

Now I need flax dry, A After drying, divide the bast into fibers. This is done in the car. She crumples flax. What do you think it's called? (Try with your child to come up with different options, praise him for his word creativity, and then tell him what people agreed to call this machine. They call it a “mill”. Why? Because it crumples flax.) Flax straw is passed between round shafts. The bast is separated from the bark and wood in a grinding machine.

And then the bast is sent to another machine, which will ruffle the flax. Ask the child what such a machine might be called. Yes, it's called a rattle! A very interesting and accurate name! To fray flax means to knock out the remaining wood and glue from the bast with blows and to separate the bast into individual fibers. The work of a duster is similar to knocking dust out of clothes.

Now, frayed, soaked, dried, crumpled, torn flax can be sent to the factory.

At the factory there will be spinning flax fibers into threads, that’s why such a factory is called... what do you think? Spinning, because they spin on it! At a spinning mill, thin flax fibers are spun into threads.

Then At a weaving factory, threads are woven into fabric. Not only clothing fabrics are made from flax. Flax fiber is very dense, so even sails are made from it!

And then fabric will be sewn from fabric at a garment factory beautiful clothes, bed linen, curtains, tablecloths, napkins.

And from short flax fibers, which were not useful for yarn, they will make tow. What is it for? tow? They caulk it - plug the cracks.

From the remains of flax stems, which is called "bonfire" will make fuel and paper. By the way, the name of the month “October” in some languages ​​(for example, Belarusian or Lithuanian) comes from the name “bonfire”, because October is the time for processing spinning plants. In the Belarusian language this month is called “kastrychnik”.

That's a long way to go flax from the field to the store where we buy beautiful linen items. That's why they say that the shirt grew in the field!

In one of the schools in the Kargopol district of the Arkhangelsk region, children and teachers have completely restored the entire flax growing cycle. You will learn about Russian traditions from this video - the TV show “Craft”. Be sure to check out her post. At the end of the video you will see all the tools that were previously used to process flax, see how they work, how people used them.

Video: Growing and processing flax. Russian traditions.

Project in kindergarten “How a shirt grew in a field”

And in one of the kindergartens, a teacher and children decided to learn from their own experience how flax grows and how a shirt is made from it. You can learn about their research project in this video. Unfortunately, the author of the video did not indicate the number of the kindergarten, the city, or the surname, first name and patronymic of the teacher.

The whole process of growing flax is very well conveyed in the Russian folk round dance song “We have sowed, sowed flax,” which can be learned even with preschool children and which they sing with pleasure.

Songs, poems, riddles, chants and tales about flax.

Russian folk song of the spring ritual cycle “And we sowed, sowed lenok”

In a round dance the movements are depicted - sowing and processing of flax.

Initially, in the tradition, only girls performed it, boys did not participate.

  • The girls stand in two lines and opposite each other and walk in rows.
  • The first two lines of each verse show movements according to the words of the song (sow, water, tear, etc.).
  • To the words “they pinned us down with boots,” they tap their feet and dance to the words “My white kuzhalek.”
  • To the words of the chorus “My flax, flax” one of the lines goes 4 steps forward to the other line,
  • To the words “White flax” this line takes 4 steps back and returns to its place.
  • To the words “On the right on the mountain,” the other line takes 4 steps forward.
  • To the words “On the left to the steep,” this line returns.
  • When they hear the words “Green flax,” everyone stands still and seems to point to the flax with their hands.

You will find an audio recording of this song in our VKontakte group “Child development from birth to school” (see the group section “Community Audio Recordings”).

We're already sowed, sowed flax,
and we, sowing, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white skin,
Chorus. My flax, flax, white flax,
On the right on the mountain, on the left on the steep, my green flax.
And we weed, weed flax,
We weeded, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,

The chorus repeats.
So we tore, tore flax,
and we tore, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,

The chorus repeats.
And we laid, laid flax,
and we laid, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,

The chorus repeats.
And we soaked and soaked the flax,
and we soaked, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,

The chorus repeats.
We dried, dried flax,
and we dried, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,

The chorus repeats.
And we crumpled, crumpled flax,
and we mumbled, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,

The chorus repeats: “My flax, flax,” etc.
And we ruffled and ruffled the flax,
and we chattered, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,

And we carded and carded the flax,
and we scratched and said,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,

And we spun, we spun flax,
and we were spinning, saying,
they nailed them with chebots:
You succeed, you succeed, little lenok,
you succeed, my white kuzhalek,

And we weaved, weaved flax,
and we weaved, sentenced,
they nailed them with chebots:
You're running around, running around, little lenok,
you are rushing around, my white little bundle,

The chorus repeats.

And we sewed, we sewed flax.
And we sewed, sentenced,
They pinned me down with chebots.
It was a success, a success, little lenok!
Well, my white kuzhalek was a success.


K. D. Ushinsky “How a shirt grew in a field” (text from the book “Native Word”)

Tanya saw her father scattering handfuls of small shiny grains across the field, and asked: “What are you doing, daddy?” - “But I’m sowing flax, daughter: a shirt will grow for you and Vasyutka.”

Tanya thought: she had never seen shirts growing in a field.
About two weeks later the strip was covered with green, silky grass, and Tanya thought: “It would be nice if I had a shirt like that!” Once or twice Tanya’s mother and sisters came to weed the strip and each time they said to the girl: “You will have a nice shirt!”

A few more weeks passed: the grass on the strip rose, and blue flowers appeared on it. “Brother Vasya has such eyes,” Tanya thought, “but I’ve never seen such shirts on anyone.”

When the flowers fell, green heads appeared in their place. When the heads turned brown and dried out, Tanya’s mother and sisters pulled out all the flax by the roots, tied sheaves and put them in the field to dry.

When the flax dried out, they began to cut off its heads; and then they drowned the headless bunches in the river and piled more stones on top so that they wouldn’t float up.
Tanya watched sadly as her shirt was drowned; and the sisters said to her again: “You will have a nice shirt, Tanya!”

Two weeks later, they took the flax out of the river, dried it and began to beat it first with a board on the threshing floor, then with a whip in the yard, so that the poor flax flew in all directions.

Having frayed, they began to comb the flax with an iron comb until it became soft and silky. “You will have a nice shirt!” - the sisters said to Tanya again. But Tanya thought: “Where is the shirt? It looks like Vasya’s hairs, not a shirt.”
The long winter evenings have arrived. Tanya's sisters put flax on their combs and began to spin threads from it. “These are threads! - Tanya thinks. “Where is the shirt?”
Winter, spring and summer have passed, autumn has come. The father installed crosses in the hut, pulled the warp over them and began to weave. The shuttle ran quickly between the threads, and then Tanya herself saw how the canvas came out of the threads.

When the canvas was ready, they began to freeze it in the cold and spread it out in the snow; and in the spring they spread it on the grass in the sun and sprinkled it with water. The canvas turned from gray to white, like boiling water.

Winter has come again. The mother cut shirts from canvas; The sisters began to sew shirts and for Christmas they put new shirts on Tanya and Vasya, white as snow.

Flax. Fairy tale by H. H. Andersen

The flax bloomed with wonderful blue flowers, soft and tender, like the wings of moths, even more tender! The sun caressed it, the rain poured down, and it was as useful and pleasant for the flax as for little children, when their mother first washes them and then kisses them, the children become prettier from this, and the flax also becomes prettier.

- Everyone says that I was born for glory! - said flax. - They say that I will still stretch out, and then I will become an excellent piece of canvas! Oh, how happy I am! Really, I’m the happiest of all! This is so nice that I can use it for something too! The sun cheers me up and revives me, the rain nourishes and refreshes me! Oh, I'm so happy, so happy! I'm the happiest!

- Yes, yes, yes! - said the fence stakes, - You don’t know the world yet, but we do, - see how gnarled we are! And they creaked pitifully:

You won't have time to look back,
The end of the song!

- It’s not the end at all! - said flax. - And tomorrow the sun will warm again, it will rain again! I feel like I'm growing and blooming! I am the happiest person in the world!

But then people appeared, grabbed the flax by the top of the head and tore it out by the roots. It hurt! Then they put him in water, as if they were going to drown him, and after that they held him over the fire, as if they wanted to fry him. What a horror!

“We can’t live for our own pleasure forever!” - said flax. - We have to be patient. But you will become wiser!

But flax had a very bad time. They did all sorts of things to him: they crushed him, and squeezed him, and ruffled him, and scratched him - you just can’t remember everything! Finally, he found himself on the spinning wheel. Lzhzh! At this point all my thoughts inevitably went awry!

“I’ve been incredibly happy for so long! - he thought during this torment. - Well, we must be grateful for the good things that befell us! Yes, we must, we must!.. 0x!”

And he repeated the same thing, even when he got to the loom. But finally a large piece of magnificent canvas came out of it. All the flax to the last stalk went into this piece.

- But this is incomparable! I really didn’t think about it, I didn’t even guess! However, how lucky I am! And the stakes kept repeating: “Before you have time to look back, the song will be over!” They understood a lot, there is nothing to say! The song is not over at all! It is only now beginning. What happiness! Yes, even if I had to suffer a little, then now something has come out of me. No, I'm the happiest person in the world! How strong, soft, white and long I am now! This is probably better than just growing or even blooming in a field! No one looked after me there, all I saw was water when it was raining, and now they assigned a servant to me, every morning they turn me over on the other side, every evening they water me from a watering can! The pastor herself gave me a speech and said that in the whole neighborhood there would not be a better piece! Well, is it possible to be happier than me!

The canvas was taken into the house and it fell under the scissors. Well, and... he got it! They cut him, and cut him, and pierced him with needles - yes, yes! I can't say it was pleasant! But twelve pairs came out of the canvas... such toilet accessories that are not usually called in society, but which everyone needs. As many as twelve pairs!

- So that’s when something came out of me! This was my purpose! Why, it’s just grace! Now I, too, bring benefit to the world, and this is the whole point, this is the whole joy of life! We are twelve pairs, but still we are one, we are a dozen! This is such happiness!

Years passed and the linen became worn out.

- Everything in the world comes to an end! - it said. “I would be happy to serve more, but the impossible is impossible!”

And so the linen was torn into rags. They already thought that the end had come for them, so they began to chop them, crush them, cook them, squeeze them... And, lo and behold, they turned into thin white paper!

- No, what a surprise! - said the paper. “Now I’m thinner than before, and you can write on me.” What they won’t write on me! What happiness!

And the most wonderful stories were written on it. Listening to them, people became kinder and smarter - they were written so well and cleverly. What a blessing that people were able to read them!

- Well, I never dreamed of this when I was blooming blue flowers in the field! - said the paper. “And could I have thought at that time that it would be my lot to bring joy and knowledge to people!” I still can't get over my happiness! I don't believe myself! But that's true! Lord God knows that I myself had nothing to do with it, I only tried to the best of my weak strength, not for nothing to take up space! And so he leads me from one joy and honor to another! Every time I think: “Well, that’s the end of the song,” that’s when a new, even higher, better life begins for me! Now I’m thinking of going on a journey, going around the whole world, so that all people can read what is written on me! That's how it should be! Before I had little blue flowers, now every flower has blossomed with the most beautiful thought! There is no one happier in the world than me!

But the paper did not go on a journey, but ended up in a printing house, and everything that was written on it was reprinted into a book, and not just one, but hundreds, thousands of books. They could benefit and bring pleasure to an infinitely larger number of people than the paper on which the stories were written: running around the world, it would have worn out halfway.

“Yes, of course, things will be more correct that way! - thought the scribbled paper. - It never occurred to me! I will stay at home to rest, and they will honor me like an old grandmother! After all, everything was written on me, the words flowed from the pen directly onto me! I will stay, and books will run around the world! What a deal! No, how happy I am, how happy I am!”

Here all the individual sheets of paper were collected, tied together and placed on a shelf.

- Well, now we can rest on our laurels! - said the paper. “It doesn’t hurt to gather your thoughts and concentrate either!” Now only I understand properly what is in me! And to know yourself is a big step forward. But what will happen to me then? One thing I know is that I will definitely move forward! Everything in the world is constantly moving forward towards perfection.

One fine day they took the paper and put it in the stove; They decided to burn it, since it could not be sold to a small shop for wrapping for butter and sugar.

The children surrounded the stove; they wanted to see how the paper would flare up and how then playful, brilliant sparks would begin to run across the ashes and go out one after another! Just like kids running home from school! After everyone else, the teacher comes out - this is the last spark. But sometimes they think that it has already come out - but no! It comes out long after the very last student!

And then the fire engulfed the paper. How she flared up!

- Ugh! - she said and at that very moment she turned into a column of flame that soared high, high into the air; flax could never raise its blue flower heads so high, and the flame shone with such a dazzling brilliance that a white canvas had never shone. The letters written on the paper lit up in an instant, and all words and thoughts turned into flames!

- Now I will fly straight to the sun! - the flame said, as if in thousands of voices at once, and soared up the chimney. And tiny invisible creatures fluttered in the air, lighter than the airy flame from which they were born. There were as many of them as there were once flowers on flax. When the flame went out, they once again danced across the black ash, leaving shiny traces on it in the form of golden sparks. The kids ran out of the school, followed by the teacher; it was nice to look at them! And the children sang over the dead ashes:

You won't have time to look back,
The end of the song!

But the invisible tiny creatures said:

- The song never ends - that’s the most wonderful thing! We know this, and therefore we are the happiest!

But the children did not hear a single word, and even if they had heard, they would not have understood. No need! Children don’t know everything!

Proverbs about flax

Ask the children why they say this about flax?

  • Flax loves bowing.
  • Flax loves hands.
  • If you sow flax, you will reap gold.
  • If flax works, so does silk. If flax fails, it’s a click of the teeth.
  • The longer the flax (i.e., longer) - the greater the income.
  • A lot of flax - money bins.
  • Whoever wears linen will live to be a hundred years old.
  • Flax will exhaust you - flax will make you rich.
  • If you add more flax, there will be more fiber.

Riddles about flax

Why is it said about flax in the riddle: how did it “go into the damp earth”?, what kind of “blue hat did you find”?

  • Little baby, he went into the dirt and found a blue hat.
  • They beat me, they beat me, they promoted me to all ranks, they put me on the throne with the king.

Sayings and nicknames about flax

  • Laying out the flax on the field, they said: “Lie down, the flax is white as snow, soft as silk.”
  • In gloomy rainy weather they said:

Khmarina - gloom,

Don't be flax and yar.

And hit harder -

Reeds and burrs!

  • Walking next to the field where flax was sown, the children said and wished:

Be born, little lenok,

Thin, long and tall!

Up - heady,

Down - rooty,

With a blue flower,

With golden root!

After introducing the children to how “a shirt grew in a field,” show your child the beautiful linen items that you or your grandmother have at home or in the store. Remember with your children how long flax has come from a seed to a sewn linen tablecloth or linen towel.

That is why you need to treat things very carefully, because the work of a large number of people was invested in their creation. And without this work we would not have such beautiful and useful things!

I hope that the materials in this article will help you in teaching children at home, in kindergarten, in a children's center, or at school.

Presentation “How a shirt grew in a field: growing flax”

A presentation with all the pictures of the article, editable and convenient for teaching children, can be downloaded:

  1. here at this link,
  2. in our VKontakte group “Child development from birth to school” (see in the group section “Documents” under the group videos).

In it you will find pictures from this article in high quality for viewing with children and other useful materials.

A fairy tale for younger preschoolers about linen “How Mole got his pants” (voiced filmstrip)

Many other useful and interesting materials for classes with children to familiarize themselves with the world around them You will find in the section

Russian traditions, songs, lullabies, pestles, folk games for children You will find in the section

See you again on the “Native Path” website!

Scenario for the extracurricular event “Unique plants. Flax"

Brief description: I recommend this event for primary school teachers and middle-level class teachers for familiarization and use in their work. It will significantly expand the horizons of 8-14 year old students about such a useful plant as flax, and will make them look at linen products and flax products in a new way.
Target: Expanding students' horizons about the distinctive features of their native land, about the flax plant and products made from it.
- determine the place and significance of this topic in a person’s life;
- introduce the history of flax cultivation;
- develop the ability to work in a team;
- develop a conscious attitude towards your health.
Equipment: exhibition “Flax Products”, icon of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, hoops for the game, reminders.
Relevance: Not many plants have earned such honor - to decorate the official emblem of the state. But flax flowers are woven into the wreath of the state emblem of Belarus. Why is he so honored? What do we know about flax? This is what our extracurricular event will be about.
Progress of the event.
Teacher. Let's start our event with a song. Listen, guys, to the Belarusian folk song “Oh, and Ulyanitsa sowed lanks.”
Can you guess what we'll be talking about today? About flax.
Why are we dedicating an entire event to flax? (children's answers).

Not many plants have earned such honor - to decorate the official emblem of the state. There is a reason why flax flowers are woven into the wreath of the state emblem of Belarus. Linen is a symbol of prosperity and peaceful labor, the embodiment of the spiritual and material culture of the Belarusian people.

A little history.
Student. Linen has a history of more than 9,000 years. Linguists testify: the ancient Slavs did not call just any fabric “canvas”. In all Slavic languages, this word meant only linen material. Historians write that “flax,” domesticated in Sumer, Persia and Ancient Egypt, was one of the oldest cultivated plants in Asia and Europe.

According to ancient Roman evidence, in the 1st century AD, flax was bred by the Gauls (the Celtic population of modern France) and the Germans: among these tribes, linen clothing was considered the privilege of the nobility; Scandinavian myths call flax “precious.” Flax was loved by the peoples of Rus', Slavic and non-Slavic, and, moreover, from time immemorial (seeds of cultivated flax and parts of a wooden spinning wheel were discovered by archaeologists near the Vozhe River (Vologda region) during excavations of a settlement dating back to the 2nd millennium BC) . Linen fabrics were on the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs; Egyptian priests and Roman patricians dressed in linen clothes. In the 7th century BC, the “Book of Linen” of the ancient Etruscans was written on this fabric.

Weaving was glorified by Homer, who dressed the young men and maidens of the Iliad in linen outfits.

There is a version that the Argonauts’ campaign for the “Golden Fleece” itself was a campaign for the secret of creating the finest yarn from flax, which was worth its weight in gold.

Student. In Rus', flax has been widely known since the 9th century. Chronicles tell us about the production of linen fabrics by the Slavs, and eastern authors of that era describe the Slavs dressed in linen clothes. At this time, linen fabrics spread so widely throughout Rus' that Grand Duke Yaroslav introduced a special paragraph into his church charter (1050-51) on punishments for the theft of flax and linen clothing. In the 18th century The development of flax growing in Rus' was facilitated by the Decree of Emperor Peter I “On the propagation of flax and hemp industries in all provinces.” At this time, large linen manufactories appeared. By the end of the 18th century, they were already considered in Rus' the best of all industrial institutions.
Student. But linen is famous not only as a canvas. Famous Indian figure Mahatma Gandhi said: “When flaxseed becomes a common component of people's diet, their health will improve.”

Man has been using flaxseeds for more than nine thousand years. Archaeologists have repeatedly discovered flax seeds lying next to ancient pottery. Mentions of flax can be found in Chinese and Indian manuscripts. Even Hippocrates recommended flaxseed for the treatment of numerous diseases. From time immemorial, back in Kievan Rus, our ancestors prepared special holiday dishes with linseed oil,

Added flax seed in the form of flaxseed flour to flavor baked goods.
Flaxseed flour is a product manufactured under production conditions using special technology.

Waste from flax production is also used - it is used as fuel, and not only as fuel, but it is also used to make slabs for wall partitions,

and also used in the production of parquet flooring and furniture. Serves as cat litter filler.

So flax is used in many areas of production, and not a single part of it is wasted.
Teacher. In front of you is the icon of St. Parascovia.

At the end of the flax harvest - October 28 - the holiday was dedicated to her. The patroness of flax growing was called differently, but most often flax. On the day of Parascovia the Flax, it was customary to crush flax and bring it to church. Paraskeva, named Friday, is considered the patroness of women's winter work, primarily yarn, and is represented as a tall, thin woman with long flowing hair, symbolizing flax. Tall and thin women are sometimes called "Langy Fridays." The Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva is the intercessor of a woman's lot, the patroness of women's crafts.

Now let's play the game "Lenok".
Draw small circles on the floor with chalk (you can put hoops) - “nests”. There should be 1-2 fewer of them than the participants in the game. Children form a round dance, hold hands and, moving in a circle, sing: “We winnowed the grains, we winnowed them. We sowed and sowed grains. Plant the lenok! At the last word, the round dance breaks up and the children stand one by one in the “nests”. Those who don’t have enough “nest” are eliminated. 1-2 “nests” are removed. The game continues until there are 3-4 people left in the round dance.

It's time to listen to K. Ushinsky's fairy tale “How a Shirt Grew in a Field.”
“Tanya saw her father scattering small shiny grains across the field in handfuls, and asked:
- What are you doing, daddy?

-But I’m sowing flax, daughter. A shirt will grow for you and Vasyutka.

Tanya thought: she had never seen shirts growing in a field.
About two weeks later the strip was covered with green silky grass and Tanya thought: “It would be nice if I had a shirt like that.”

Once or twice Tanya’s mother and sisters came to weed the strip and each time they said to the girl:
- You will have a nice shirt!

A few more weeks passed: the grass on the strip rose, and blue flowers appeared on it.
“Brother Vasya has such eyes,” Tanya thought, “but I’ve never seen such shirts on anyone.”

When the flowers have fallen, then in their place
green heads. When the heads turned brown and dried out, Tanya’s mother and sisters pulled out all the flax by the roots, tied sheaves and put them in the field to dry.

When the flax dried out, they began to cut off its heads, and then they sank the headless bunches in the river and piled another stone on top so that they would not float up.
Tanya watched sadly as her shirt was drowned.
And then the sisters told her again:
- You have a nice shirt, Tanya.

About two weeks later, they took the flax out of the river, dried it and began to beat it, first with a board on the threshing floor.

Then he ruffled it in the yard, so that the poor flax sent fire flying in all directions.

Having frayed, they began to comb the flax with an iron comb until it became soft and silky.
“You’ll have a nice shirt,” the sisters said to Tanya again.

But Tanya thought: “Where is the shirt? It looks like Vasya’s hairs, not a shirt.”
The long winter evenings have arrived. Tanya's sisters put flax on their combs and began to spin threads from it.
“These are threads,” Tanya thinks, “but where is the shirt?”

Winter, spring and summer have passed - autumn has come. The mother installed crosses in the hut, pulled the warp over them and began to weave. The shuttle ran quickly between the threads, and then Tanya herself saw that canvas was coming out of the threads.

When the canvas was ready, they began to freeze it in the cold, spread it on the snow, and in the spring they spread it on the grass, in the sun, and sprinkled it with water. The canvas turned from gray to white, like boiling water.

Winter has come again. A mother made shirts from canvas.
The sisters began to sew shirts and for Christmas they put new shirts on Tanya and Vasya, white as snow.

Teacher. You see how much work and time a person had to spend to put on linen clothes. And now agricultural machines are engaged in sowing and harvesting flax.

Entire mills and workshops have been built for flax processing.

Student. Listen to the poem “Flax” by L. Kuzmin.
"There was a baby
Less than an inch.
It's barely light in the fields
Raised his blue beret.
And let's bloom
Rise, grow...

And when I became an adult,
Got into trouble!
They beat him up
They crushed and washed it
And they combed it into fluff with a comb,
Everyone was pulling out a thin thread...

Now he's gone
And the whole world is dressed
In sarafans, soft and tender,
In snow-white shirts!”

Teacher. Clothes made from linen fabrics are simply irreplaceable on hot summer days, as clothes made from linen are cooler. And it doesn’t matter that pure linen fabric wrinkles during wear; this is by no means a disadvantage, but an advantage, because this is a sign of the natural origin of the material. Abroad, a slightly wrinkled jacket characterizes its owner as a stylish, respectable person with a respectable status in society.

Linen, diapers, sheets, and summer clothes are very useful for children. When worn, it does not turn yellow or age, but only becomes whiter and more pleasant. Linen fabrics can be boiled and ironed with a hot iron, which provides a high degree of sterilization.

Linen towels and napkins are more readily used in households. A linen cloth will never leave a single lint on the glass.

Linen fabrics are widely used for interior decoration: making curtains, wallpaper, wall coverings, furniture. The specific properties of flax create a microclimate of increased comfort in the premises.

I suggest playing the game “MERRY WEAVER”
According to the counting, two “shuttles” are selected, the rest are divided into two walls - this is a loom. Holding hands, the walls move towards each other at the same time, i.e. rhythmically converge and diverge with the words:
"I am a cheerful weaver,
I'm good at weaving.
Pinch-ponch, rivet-klepu,
I can weave well.”
The shuttles stand at opposite ends of the walls and run between the walls towards each other, changing places when a gap is formed, i.e. when the walls move apart. The pace gradually quickens and the shuttles have less and less time to run, and finally they find themselves “woven” in the machine, i.e. squeezed between the walls.

The consumer properties of flax are so high that comparison with other natural fibers is always in its favor. It has been scientifically proven that for people suffering from skin diseases, nothing can compare to flax. The use of linen clothing prevents a number of diseases, since linen has rare bactericidal properties - neither bacteria nor fungus can live on it, and linen fabric attenuates gamma radiation by almost half.

Scientists have proven that every thing, every material has its own energy. Psychotherapists are convinced that flax fibers protect a person from depression, neuroses, and mental disorders. Therefore, linen is relevant right now, in times of constant stress.
By the way, linen yarn is an excellent filter material that saves not only from a chemically aggressive environment, noise, dust, radiation, but also from mental irritants. By purchasing something made from this material, a person acquires not only high-quality clothing, but also a kind of shield from external irritants. Doctors all over the world strongly recommend that people in harmful professions wear linen clothes and decorate their home with linen sheets, tablecloths, and curtains.

Student. Linen also occupies a special place in folklore. You can learn about it from proverbs:
Flax is a profitable crop, it means money and kind.
No matter how much is born in the field, everything in the house will be useful.
Long flax has two faces: the seed for the seed, and the thread for the fabric.
The longer the stay, the greater the income.
If you add more flax, there will be more fiber.
If the flax is good, you need to praise your hands.
If you are flax, you will be strong.
Flax will exhaust you - flax will make you rich.
Flax will not be born - and the washbasin will come in handy.

They said about flax that they “seated it on the throne with the king,” and the peasants said, “Whoever sows flax will reap gold.”
“Flax loves to bow” is a proverb about the difficulties of growing flax.

Student. There are also signs:
The rowan tree blooms well - for the flax harvest.
Long drips - long flax.
When the soil is plowed, it roots - the flax will be fibrous.
Linen (in winter) does not dry for a long time, linen will not be good.

In addition, ancient folk signs have been preserved to this day: if you put flaxseed in shoes, they will last longer, and if you sew several flax seeds into clothes, you can protect a person from damage and the evil eye.

They write riddles about him:
The light of the light came into the damp earth,
I found a blue hat.
Grew from the ground -
The whole world dressed.

They beat me, they beat me,
They beat, they beat,
They tore into shreds,
They were lying across the field,
Locked under the key
They sat me on the table.

Blue flower, little baby,
The meat will be thrown away and the skin will be worn out.
The little one went to the ground,
He came in a blue hat.

Now guess the following riddles.
With a furry elbow,
From the elbow bare,
It took me about an elbow. (Spinning Wheel)

The more I spin
The more fat I get. (Spindle)

Small, round,
And you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew)

Pig - golden bristles,
flax tail,
Jumps around the world,
The whole world is beautiful. (Needle and thread)

At Uncle Nikon's
The whole bald spot is worn out. (Thimble)

He is golden and mustache,
A hundred - a hundred guys. (Sheaf)

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